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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What is it like to be funny? The spontaneous humor producer’s subjective experience

Graham, Lisa Goldstein 28 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A Model of Digital Textbook Quality from the Perspective of College Students

Bliss, TJ 15 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The cost of textbooks is a financial burden on many college students. Fortunately the advent of open educational resources (OER) has allowed for the development of textbooks and other materials at significantly reduced costs to students. Many faculty are using OER to develop customized textbooks for their students, usually published digitally online. These faculty desire high fidelity feedback from their students to help them improve their texts. However, there is no general model of what digital textbook quality means to college students. Such a model would allow for the development of a measure of digital textbook quality that could provide highly valid and reliable student feedback for faculty to use in improving their open textbooks. This study describes a mixed-methods approach for developing a model of digital textbook quality from the college student perspective. An instrument for measuring the components of this model is also described. This dissertation can be freely accessed and downloaded from http://etd.byu.edu/ or from http://tjbliss.org/dissertation.

"Jag ser nästan fram emot hallucinationerna" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ultralöpares upplevelse av att springa ultradistanslopp / "I almost look forward to the hallucinations" : A qualitative interview study on ultra distance runners experience of running ultra-distance races.

Nordlund, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of ultra-distance runners' experiences of running ultra-distance races. The study is based on six interviews with participants who have ever run an ultra-distance race, a race with a distance longer than 42,195 meters. Through a qualitative approach, a semi-structured interview guide and thematic analysis as an analysis tool, the collected data has been generated in four themes; nutrition and energy - to physically cope all the way, social support and cooperation during the race - a sense of belonging, goal-oriented behavior and self-control to confirm self-efficacy and test boundaries. The first theme aims to tell about the participants' reflections on energy and nutrition to cope all the way, as the stomach is often a common reason why you need to interrupt a race. The second theme explains the importance of social support and cooperation during the course of, among other things, the distraction of other challenges. The third theme describes goal-oriented behavior and the need for self-control among the participants. The fourth and final theme explains testing limits, which includes their need to test the body's mental and physical abilities to the limit. The study's conclusion shows that the participants' experiences have many common aspects in terms of their experiences. Their experience is characterized by stressors in the form of physical pain, lack of energy, mental strain and doubt. At the same time, social support and cooperation was the clearest theme throughout all interviews. Their experiences of running ultra-races stand out when it comes to testing limits. They seek to get through challenges and to test what the body can accomplish, and are happy to do so in community or in collaboration with others. It is based on confirmation of one's own ability to cope with something that is difficult and to feel group affiliation with other ultra runners. / Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse om ultradistanslöpares upplevelser av att springa ultradistanslopp. Studien utgår ifrån sex stycken intervjuer med deltagare som någon gång har sprungit ett ultradistanslopp, alltså ett lopp med längre distans än 42195 meter. Genom kvalitativ ansats, semistrukturerad intervjuguide och tematisk analys som analysverktyg har den insamlade datan genererat i fyra teman; näring och energi - för att fysiskt klara hela vägen, socialt stöd och samarbete under loppet - en känsla av samhörighet, målinriktat beteende och självkontroll för att bekräfta självförmågan och testa gränserna.   Det första temat avser berätta om deltagarnas reflektioner kring energi och näring för att klara hela vägen, då magen ofta är en vanligt orsak till att man behöver avbryta ett lopp. Det andra temat förklarar vikten av socialt stöd och samarbete under loppet för bland annat distraktion av andra utmaningar. Det tredje temat beskriver målinriktat beteende och behovet av självkontroll hos deltagarna. Det fjärde och sista temat förklarar att testa gränser, vilket omfattar deras behov av att testa kroppens mentala och fysiska förmågor till det yttersta.    Studiens slutsats visar att deltagarnas upplevelser har många gemensamma aspekter vad det gäller deras upplevelser. Deras upplevelse präglas av stressorer i form av fysisk smärta, bristande energi, psykisk påfrestning och tvivel. Samtidigt som socialt stöd och samarbete var det mest tydligt genomgående temat i alla intervjuer. Deras upplevelser av att springa ultralopp utmärker sig vad det gäller att testa gränser. De söker att ta sig igenom utmaningar och att testa vad kroppen klarar av att åstadkomma, och gör det gärna i gemenskap eller i samarbete med andra. Det grundar sig i bekräftelse av den egna förmågan att klara av något som är svårt samt att känna gruppsamhörighet med andra ultralöpare.

Gymnasiematematik under sommaren : Elevers uppfattningar om sommarskola / High school mathematics during the summer

Mikaelsson, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Sommarskolan används för att uppnå godkänt betyg för de elever som ej har uppnått godkänt betyg under den ordinarie skolan. Det finns statistik på hur många som går på sommarskola, och hur många som klarar av att uppnå godkänt betyg, men det finns väldigt lite forskning om vad det är för undervisning och lärande som sker på sommarskolan. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få bättre kunskap om matematikundervisningen på sommarskolan, vilket lärande som möjliggörs där och elevers uppfattningar om sitt lärande. En kvalitativ studie av matematikundervisningen på en sommarskola i Sverige har utförts, där data består av intervjuer, observationer och en skriftlig utvärdering. Tematisk analys har använts för att hitta mönster inom studiens data. Analysresultatet pekar på att elevernas arbetsinsats är mycket bättre på sommarskolan jämfört med den ordinarie skolan och uppfattas av eleverna själva som mycket bättre på grund av högre motivation och bättre studiemiljö. Den högre motivationen kan relateras till att eleverna har en kort och tydlig målsättning. / Summer schools in Sweden are used to achieve a pass grade for those students who have not achieved a pass grade during the regular school. There are statistics on how many people go to summer school, and how many people achieve pass grades, but there is very little research on what kind of teaching and learning takes place at summer schools. The purpose of this thesis is to gain better knowledge of mathematics teaching at summer schools, what learning is made possible there and students' perceptions of their learning. A qualitative study of mathematics teaching at a summer school in Sweden has been performed, where the data consists of interviews, observations and a written evaluation. Thematic analysis has been used to find patterns within the study data. The analysis results indicate that the students' work effort is much better at summer school compared to the regular school and is also perceived by the students themselves as much better because of higher motivation and a better study environment. This higher motivation can be related to the students having a short and clear objective.

Kanye West i liberal och konservativ media : Antisemitens gestaltning / Kanye West in liberal och conservativ media : Framing of the anti-semite

Nanker, Gry, Sjögren, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Anti-Semitism is still very much alive in the United States and has increased in the pastyears (ADL, 2023). Anti-Semitic rhetoric was brought to light by the world-famousrapper Kanye West, who in the fall of 2022 committed several anti-Semitic acts on hissocial platforms. When a person with great influence on the public sphere expresseshimself anti-Semitic, people can copy the behavior and believe that it is accepted. Thestudy's purpose is to expand the understanding of how American media frames antiSemitic rhetoric depending on their political ideology. This essay examines how KanyeWest was portrayed in American media in the end of 2022, where all articles found inthe timeperiod that included Kanye and antisemitism were collected. A total of 120articles were collected from four different news sources; New York Post and Fow Newthat are righwinged as well as CNN and NBC that are leftwinged. The applied methodis a mixed method with a focus on qualitative thematic content analysis. The methodhas been applied by finding patterns (themes) in the articles to answer the study'squestions: (1) When Kanye expressed anti-Semitic rhetoric, how was he framed inAmerican media? (2) How does the media's political ideological background affect theportrayal? (3) Has Kanye's anti-Semitism influenced the rise of anti-Semitism in theUS? This study does not examine media outside of the United States and no other mediathan written articles by journalists. The limitation gives a clear result of framing in thecontext of politics in one country. Existing research of Entman (1993, 2007, 2010) isused in the study to show the impact that framing has on the public and how it affectspolitics. The result shows that Kanye was framed primarily as an artist but also as ananti-semite and half of the material had negative frames of Kanye. The comparisonbetween the rightwinged and leftwinged media, showed that the left focused more onhow Kanye affected antisemitism in the U.S. and how antisemitism has increased. Thestudy concluded that Kanye had a big part in spreading antisemitism in the U.S

Re-commerce to ensure circularity through social media

Arman, Saleh January 2021 (has links)
Responsible consumption (SDG 12) practice is crucial to turn waste into zero and extending the usability of products through reusing from the consumer end helps to less dependent on virgin materials. People exchange second hand products which are fully functioned but not used anymore which is called re-commerce. Financial gain is not the issue but to utilize the usability of the product is significant in this aspect. This aspect is vital toestablish the cradle-to-cradle system of ensuring circular economy philosophy. Re-commerce conducts in both physical and online marketplaces. Due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, where physical marketplaces have limited capacity to accommodate clients, the online Customer to Customer (C2C) marketplaces have no such boundary to limit users. Facebook is considered the most popular re-commerce platform in today’s world dueto their large number of users. The study selected Facebook as the unit of analysis to assess the re-commercepractice of Facebook users of Bangladesh to ensure circular economy. For doing the review of existing literatures, the study conducted bibliometric analysis of published research documents in social media and circular economy which were indexed at Scopus database. After conducting literature review, the study considered Social Practice Theory as the required conceptual framework. The study conveniently selected 26 Bangladeshi individuals who were familiar with re-commerce practice on Facebook and formed four focus groups based on product categories (electronics, furniture, jewelry and women’s attire) they dealt with. The study conducted focus group interview through Facebook Messenger and Zoom. The study conducted thematic analysis using NVIVO12 and developed a re-commerce practice on Facebook using the theoretical frameworkof Social Practice Theory. The study concluded that, re-commerce practice is vital to ensure the circular economy from the consumer end to encourage responsible consumption of making the future world sustainable.

”…jag är också bara en människa som upplever känslor i mötet.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorers upplevelse av sina känslors utrymme i patientmöte / ”…I’m also just a human being, who experience feelings in the meeting.” : – A qualitative interviewstudy on counsellor’s experience of the space their feelings take in encounters with patients

Glaad, Madelene, Gustafsson, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine which feelings arise within the counsellor in the meeting with patient, how they handle these and what challenges and/or opportunities exist with the space of their feelings. This study has been carried out with the help of a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with eight counsellors with degrees in social work, who work in health centres. The interviews have been analysed based on a thematic analysis method. The results reveal five different themes based on what is emphasized in the interviews. In summary, the themes describe how emotions are an inevitable part of social work and that it is not unusual for the counselor to have strong feelings in the meeting with the patient. Feelings can represent both a challenge where the counselor needs to adapt their feelings in order to maintain their professional role and not to shift focus from the patient, while emotions also constitute a tool where the counselor can use their emotions to support the patient moving forward. The counselors also say that it is not unusual that the patient’s feelings transfer on to themselves, where the example is given that the patient's sorrow can arouse the counselor's own perceived sorrow. Furthermore, the study describes how the counselors give different emotions different space and that they sometimes postpone their feelings that are not helpful in the meeting to reflect on them after the meeting with the support of supervisors and colleagues.

"Där det finns sexualiserade kvinnor kommer det alltid att finnas kåta män" : - En tematisk analys av medias framställning av OnlyFans / "Where there are sexualized women, there will always be horny med" : - a thematic analysis of media´s portrayal of OnlyFans

Eriksson, Josefine, Christians, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
OnlyFans is a relatively new digital platform where fans subscribe to content that a creator publishes. Everything from food recipes to workouts is published, but the platform is best known for its content of sexual material. There are currently a limited number of evidence-based studies regarding OnlyFans. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish media portrays OnlyFans, focusing on how the media's portrayal of OnlyFans can have relevance for social work. The study is qualitative, and the choice of method is thematic analysis. The study analyzed 53 articles from six different Swedish news sites. The result shows that the Swedish media presents a divided and complex image of OnlyFans. Media contributes to the marketing and normalization of the platform by highlighting how success and wealth can be achieved through the platform and that celebrities publish content. Media contribute to an acceptance of the platform through the way OnlyFans and its creators are portrayeded. Some creators who express themselves in media seem to want to distance themselves from the fact that their sexual content is pornography. The platform is presented as a way for women to take power, but media also testify that this is not the case and that the platform can be a gateway to prostitution. Media also depicts that the platform is not risk-free. Children appear on OnlyFans and are therefore at risk of being exposed to crime. The technological development creates new forums where people are at risk of being exposed, which contributes to new challenges for social services work with vulnerable groups. / OnlyFans är en relativt ny digital plattform där fans prenumererar på innehåll som en kreatör publicerar. Allt från matrecept till träning publiceras, men plattformen är mest känd för sitt innehåll av sexuellt material. Det finns idag begränsat antal evidensbaserade studier gällande OnlyFans. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svensk media framställer OnlyFans, med fokus på hur medias framställan av OnlyFans kan ha relevans för socialt arbete. Studien är av kvalitativt slag och metodvalet är tematisk analys. Studien har analyserat 53 artiklar från sex olika svenska nyhetssidor. Av resultatet framkommer att media framställer en delad och komplex bild av OnlyFans. Media bidrar till en marknadsföring och normalisering av plattformen genom att belysa hur framgång och rikedom kan nås genom plattformen samt att flertalet kändisar publicerar innehåll. Genom hur media framställer OnlyFans och dess kreatörer bidrar de till en acceptans av plattformen. Vissa kreatörer som uttrycker sig i media tycks vilja ta avstånd från att deras sexuella innehåll är pornografi. Plattformen framställs som ett sätt för kvinnor att ta makten, men media vittnar även om att det inte är så och att plattformen kan vara en inkörsport till prostitution. Media framför även att plattformen inte är riskfri, barn förekommer på OnlyFans och riskerar därmed att utsättas för brott. Den teknologiska utvecklingen skapar nya forum där människor riskerar att utsättas, vilket i sin tur bidrar till nya utmaningar för socialtjänstens arbete med utsatta grupper.

Kompetens och fungerande samverkan skapar hållbarhet i mötet med perinatal psykisk ohälsa - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Hellström-Kruséus, Jessica, Kaeiding, Lena January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige förekommer perinatal psykisk ohälsa hos omkring 15 procent av alla gravida och rapporteras öka i samhället. Riskfaktorer för psykisk ohälsa anges vara sociala faktorer såsom våldsutsatthet, tidigare psykisk ohälsa, bristande socialt stöd eller familjehistorik av psykisk ohälsa. Graviditetsrelaterad oro, sömnbesvär och stress ses också öka risken. Barnmorskan har därför en viktig uppgift att tidigt fånga upp psykiska ohälsa under graviditet. Motiv: Gravida har en ökad risk att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa. Att lägga resurser riktade mot perinatal psykisk ohälsa är angeläget, då det kan få konsekvenser för gravida, deras barn, deras närstående samt samhället. Det är därför viktigt att barnmorskor uppmärksammar gravidas mående för att främja en god psykisk hälsa och förhindra negativa utfall under graviditet, förlossning och postpartum.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa barnmorskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats användes. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultat: Barnmorskorna uttryckte att det var svårt, men viktigt, att fånga upp perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Barnmorskorna försökte att vid behov normalisera kvinnornas känslor. Att planera för en välmående familj var betydelsefullt och ibland var det svårt att släppa tankarna om vissa kvinnor och gå vidare. Samverkan var av stor betydelse då barnmorskornas kompetens inte täckte alla de behov som kvinnorna hade.   Konklusion: När barnmorskor erfar kompetens och fungerande samverkan skapas trygga sammanhang vilket underlättar att fånga upp perinatal psykisk ohälsa.  Förhoppningen är att studien synliggör barnmorskors viktiga arbete med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Samt bidra till att förbättra vården av kvinnor med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. / Background: In Sweden perinatal mental illness occurs in around 15 percent of all pregnant women and is reported to be increasing in society. Risk factors for mental illness are stated to be social factors, such as domestic violence, previous mental illness, lack of social support or family history of mental illness. Pregnancy-related anxiety, sleep problems and stress are also seen to increase the risk. The midwife has therefore an important task to detect mental illness early during pregnancy.   Motive: Pregnant women has an increased risk of suffering from mental illness. Putting resources towards perinatal mental illness is urgent, as it can have consequences for pregnant women, their children, their relatives and society. It is important that midwives pay attention to pregnant women’s well-being in order to promote good mental health and prevent negative outcomes during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate midwives' experiences of meeting women with perinatal mental illness.  Methods: A qualitative interview study with inductive approach was used. The material was analyzed with thematic analysis.  Result: The midwives thought it was difficult, but important, to detect perinatal mental illness. The midwives tried to normalize the women's feelings. Planning for a prosperous family was significant and sometimes it was difficult to let go of thoughts about certain women and move on. The collaboration was of great importance as the midwives' skills did not cover all the needs that the women had. Conclusion: When midwives experience competence and effective cooperation, safe contexts are created, which facilitates the detection of perinatal mental illness.The hope is that the study makes visible the important work of midwives with perinatal mental illness. As well as contributing to improving the care of women with perinatal mental illness.

Changes of future imagery in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Pettersson, Sofia, Eriksson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Future imagery can be described as how we imagine ourselves in the future, or which specific future scenarios we see ourselves in. It has been shown that suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can impair these future images, both in content (eg. less positive images), and in image specificity (the images are described in more general terms and refer to less specific events). The aim of this study was to explore how future imagery is impacted both in content and characteristics (eg. positivity, regularity of rehearsal, vividness etc.) by experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, here used as a naturally occurring analogue of a stressful event. 74 non-clinical participants described their future images and rated their characteristics once during 2020/2021 regarding before the pandemic (retrospectively), and once regarding during the pandemic. Both descriptions were given on the same day (both descriptions were given during 2020/2021). Participants were also asked to describe in their own words how these images had changed due to the pandemic. Quantitative analyzes were made for the characteristics of the images, whilst the content of the descriptions was analyzed using thematic analysis (qualitative analysis). Results show that the most common content of future-self identities were “parenthood”, “marriage”, “job-specific”, “job-general” and “self-improvement”. Indications of hope for a better future were found in the content of their images related to those identities, as a majority of the participants stated a more positive and COVID-19 adapted future image during the COVID-19 pandemic than before (as rated by the researcher). However, ca. 30% of participants' images were rated as reduced in quality and/or salience. Regarding image characteristics, “positivity” was significantly higher before than during the pandemic, whilst “vividness” was higher during than before the pandemic.The results of the study align with or relate to previous findings and indications within the research field of intrusive memories, trauma and future imagery. The fact that a considerable number of participants indicated that their future images had been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, could add to previous studies’ reports on the need for support and clinical help for those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggestions for future research would be to use coding frameworks that are well-established and adapted to country context, as well as exploring the future images of an older adult sample.

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