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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de taille dans les polymères nano-renforcés : caractérisation multi-échelles et modélisation / Size effect in polymers nano-reinforced : multiscale characterization and modelization

Blivi, Adoté Sitou 11 July 2018 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce document vise à mettre en évidence et à comprendre l'effet de la taille nanométrique des renforts sur les propriétés des nanocomposites avec une approche expérimentale. Des nanocomposites de PMMA et particules de silice (15nm, 25nm, 60nm, 150nm et 500nm) de fractions volumiques 2 0/0, 40/0 et 6 0/0 ont été fabriqués. Des analyses multi-échelles (MET et DRX-WAXS) ont montré que les paramètres caractéristiques de la microstructure des nanocomposites varient avec la taille des nanoparticules. En effet, la diminution de la taille des nanoparticules à fraction volumique constante a entrainé une diminution de la distance intermoléculaire. Cette diminution a induit une densification de la matrice et une réduction de la mobilité des chaînes de la matrice. Des essais mécaniques (traction, DMA) ont montré que les modules de Young (E) et de conservation (E') des nanocomposites augmentent avec la diminution de la taille des nanoparticules à fraction volumique constante. Et que l'augmentation de E' est conservée avec l'augmentation de la température. Une augmentation des températures de transition vitreuse (Tg) et de dégradation (Td) a également été observée avec les essais DSC, DMA et ATG. Le modèle de la borne inférieure d'Hashin-Shtrikman étendue aux nanocomposites à renforts sphériques proposé par Brisard a été utilisé. La modélisation des modules élastiques des nanocomposites a montré que pour reproduire les données expérimentales, il faut que d'une part que les modules surfaciques caractérisant l'interface soient dépendants de la taille des nanoparticules. Et d'autre part, tenir compte de l'état de dispersion des nanoparticules. / The work presented in this paper aims to highlight and to understand the size effect of nano-reinforcements on nanocomposite properties With an experimental approach. Nanocomposites of PMMA and silica particles With different sizes (15nm, 25nm, 60nm, 150nm and 500nm) and volume fractions (20/0, 4 0/0 and 60/0) were manufactured. Multiscale analysis (MET and DRX-WAXS) have shown that the characteristic parameters of the microstructure of nanocomposites vary With the size of the nanoparticles. Indeed, the decrease in the size of nanoparticles at a given volume fraction implies a decrease of the intermolecular distance. This decrease has induced a densification of the matrix and a decrease of the matrix chain mobility. Mechanical tests (tensile, DMA) have shown that the young (E) and the conservation (E') moduli of the nanocomposites increase With the decrease in the size of the nanoparticles With a constant volume fraction. And the increase of E l is kept when temperature growing. An increase in glass transition (Tg) and degradation temperature (Td) was also observed With the DSC, DMA and ATG tests. Experimental elastic properties of the nanocomposites were used to assess the relevance of size effect micromechanical models, particularly the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds With interface effects proposed by Brisard. The modeling has shown that to reproduce the experimental elastic moduli of nanocomposites, the elastic coefficients of the interface must be dependents on particle sizes. And the state of dispersion of particles must be taken into account.

Elaboration de matériaux composites à matrice métallique (Cu-NTC) ayant des propriétés électriques améliorées pour application filaire. / Fabrication of metal matrix composite materials (Cu-CNT) with enhanced electrical properties for wired applications

Vallet, Guy-Marie 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le remplacement des systèmes de distribution d’énergie actuels dans les avions (pneumatiques, hydrauliques, mécaniques et électriques) par des systèmes 100% électriques est un enjeu majeur dans le cadre du projet de l’avion « plus électrique ». Le processus d’électrification de l’avion conduit à une augmentation de la puissance embarquée à bord des aéronefs, et par conséquent à une augmentation de la masse du réseau filaire. Afin de pallier à cette augmentation, un nouveau matériau composite possédant des propriétés électriques supérieures à celle du cuivre a été développé dans le but d’augmenter la capacité de courant admissible dans le conducteur à section constante. Ce travail de thèse présente le procédé d’élaboration du matériau composite cuivre-nanotubes de carbone développé ainsi que les techniques de caractérisation utilisées et les résultats associés. Différents paramètres tels que la qualité de la dispersion des renforts dans la matrice, le type de nanotubes de carbone utilisés (multi-parois vs mono-paroi), la nature de l’interface créée entre le cuivre et les renforts (mécanique vs chimique) ainsi que les techniques de mise en forme du matériau (pressage uni-axial à chaud, extrusion à chaud) et de post-traitements (recuit, laminage à chaud) ont été étudiés afin d’obtenir des propriétés physiques optimales. Il en résulte une augmentation des propriétés thermiques (+6,8% pour la conductivité thermique), mécaniques (+32% pour la dureté Vickers) et également électriques - pour la première fois observée- (+3,4 % pour la conductivité électrique) et ce en comparaison avec à une matrice de cuivre pur. / The substitution of the current energy chains in aircrafts (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical) by a 100% electrical chain is a major issue in the field of the “more electric” aircraft. The electrification process leads to an increase of the inboard power of aircrafts, and therefore to an increase of the wired network weight. To counterbalance this increase of mass, a new composite material with higher electrical properties that copper should be considered, in order to increase the current density in the conductor at constant cross section. Several parameters have been studied such as the quality of the carbon nanotubes dispersion, the type of CNTs used (single-walled vs. multi walled), the interface between the matrix and the reinforcements (mechanical vs. chemical), the shaping of material (uni-axial hot pressing, hot extrusion process) and the post treatments processes (heat treatment, hot lamination process). An enhancement of the thermal properties (+ 6.8% of thermal conductivity), the mechanical properties (+32% of Vickers hardness) and for the first time an increase of the electrical properties (+3.4 % for the electrical conductivity) have been observed in comparison with pure copper.

Caractérisation mécanique et thermique de biocomposites à matrice polystyrène recyclé renforcée par des coques de cotonnier (Gossypium Hitsutum L.) ou des particules de bois de Kénaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) / Mechanical and thermal characterization of biocomposite materials at matrix recycled polystyrene reinforced by the hulls of cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) or particles of wood of kénaf (HibIscus Cannabinus L. ).

Soulama, Sagnaba 21 November 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel marqué par une grande émergence des questions environnementales, de l’économie circulaire et du développement durable, la mise au point d’éco-matériaux représente un enjeu majeur qui offre une alternative aux plastiques recyclés en fin de cycles de vie.L’objectif de ce travail est de contribuer au développement de deux éco-matériaux à partir des biomasses végétales cultivables non alimentaires disponibles, associées à des polymères synthétiques recyclés en fin de cycles de vie.Il s’agit d’une part, de développer un matériau biosourcé constitué de polystyrène recyclé, renforcé de coques de cotonnier. Ce matériau devra être susceptible de se substituer au polystyrène dans des domaines d’applications diverses telles que la fabrication de pièces d’isolation thermique, d’habillage intérieur de voitures, des coques de portables cellulaires, d’ordinateurs, de photocopieurs et d’emballages divers.D’autre part, de développer des panneaux de particules en bois de tiges de cotonnier et de tiges de kénaf associés à un liant naturel (la colle d’os) pour une utilisation dans le domaine de l’isolation thermique d’intérieur en remplacement des panneaux de particules élaborés avec la colle urée formaldéhyde.L’influence des paramètres d’élaboration pour chacun des deux matériaux a été analysée. Après optimisation des conditions de mise en œuvre pour chaque matériau, la tenue mécanique, les propriétés thermiques et la microstructure ont été déterminées et optimisées dans chaque cas. / In the current context marked by a large emergence of environmental issues, the circular economy and sustainable development, the development of eco-materials represents a major challenge which offers an alternative to plastics recycled at end of life cycles.The objective of this work is to contribute to the development of two eco-materials from plant biomass non-cultivable food available, associated with synthetic polymers recycled at end of life cycles.It is a part, to develop a biosourced material constitutes of recycled polystyrene, strengthened of hulls of cotton. This material will be likely to be a substitute for polystyrene in areas of various applications such as the manufacture of parts for thermal insulation, interior trim from cars, the hulls of cellular mobile, computers, photocopiers, and various packaging.On the other hand, to develop particle board in wood of cotton stems and stalks of kenaf associated with a binder natural (the glue of bone) for use in the area of the thermal insulation of interior in replacing the panels of particles prepared with glue urea formaldehyde.The influence of the parameters for the development for each of the two materials was analyzed. After optimization of conditions of implementation for each material, the holding mechanical, thermal properties and the microstructure have been determined and optimized in each case.

Propriétés mécaniques des verres métalliques massifs : Influence de la microstructure / Mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses : Influence of microstructure

Qiao, Jichao 31 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a porté sur l’étude des propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des verres métalliques massifs. Dans le premier chapitre nous avons rappelé l’historique des verres métalliques massifs, leurs propriétés intéressantes et quelques applications de ces matériaux et nous les avons situés par rapport aux autres matériaux amorphes, tels que les polymères ou les verres d’oxydes. Nous avons analysé par différentes méthodes expérimentales (calorimétrie, analyse mécanique dynamique, diffraction des rayons X, microscopies électroniques) les caractéristiques de cette évolution et leur incidence sur les propriétés mécaniques. Différents alliages base zirconium, cuivre, titane ou lanthane ont été étudiés. Nous avons notamment montré que : ● Un chauffage à une température inférieure à la température de transition vitreuse (Tg) conduit à une relaxation structurale, dont la cinétique, étudiée par calorimétrie, peut être modélisée par une fonction de type exponentielle étendue. Les paramètres caractéristiques ont été déterminés pour les différents alliages étudiés. Cette relaxation conduit à une augmentation du module élastique de stockage, mais à une diminution de la composante viscoélastique de ce module, autrement dit à une diminution de la mobilité atomique. Une déformation plastique conduit à un effet inverse. Ces évolutions ont été interprétées à l’aide d’un modèle reposant sur l’existence de défauts, dont la concentration diminue lors de la relaxation structurale, mais augmente lors de la déformation plastique. ● Lorsqu’une contrainte mécanique périodique de faible amplitude est appliquée, on observe des relaxations mécaniques. Quelle que soit la composition de l’alliage, une relaxation importante est toujours observée au voisinage de la transition vitreuse, comme dans tous les autres matériaux amorphes. En plus, dans certains verres métalliques massifs, (exemple les verres base Lanthane), une relaxation secondaire est détectée à basse température. Cette relaxation, de faible énergie d’activation, est attribuée à des mouvements locaux qui se produisent dans les zones faibles du matériau, zones résultant de l’existence d’hétérogénéités à une échelle nanoscopique. ● Lorsque qu’une contrainte de forte amplitude est appliquée (cas des essais de compression), on observe un comportement caractéristique de tous les matériaux amorphes : comportement essentiellement fragile à basse température et écoulement viscoplastique à haute température. Une courbe maitresse a pu être tracée pour la viscosité. La transition d’un régime newtonien à un régime non-newtonien apparait lorsque la vitesse de déformation augmente. Tous les résultats expérimentaux ont été discutés dans le cadre d’un modèle physique, basé sur l’existence de défauts activés par une augmentation de température ou par une contrainte. / In the current work, we investigated the thermal and mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses. The history of the bulk metallic glasses was described in the Chapter I. The clear interesting properties and applications of the bulk metallic glasses, compared with other amorphous materials, i.e. polymers and glassy oxides, were discussed. Different experimental methods [DSC, DMA, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy] were used to investigate the features of evolution of the microstructure on mechanical properties for bulk metallic glasses. The different bulk metallic glasses, i.e. Zr-, Cu-, Ti- and La-based, have been studied in the current research. In particular, the main results as follows: ● A heat treatment performed below the glass transition temperature Tg induces the structural relaxation. The kinetics of the enthalpy relaxation was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and can be well fitted by a stretched exponential relaxation function. The characteristic parameters can be determined in different bulk metallic glasses. The structural relaxation leads to an increase of the storage modulus, on the contrary to a decrease of the visco-elastic component of the modulus. Namely, the structural relaxation induces a diminution of the atomic mobility. The plastic deformation leads to an inverse influence. Results are interpreted using a physical model, based on the existence of defects in the material, called quasi-point defects. Atomic mobility is reduced by structural relaxation due to decrease of the concentration of defects. In contrast, plastic deformation increases the concentration of defects and therefore enhances the atomic mobility. ● When a periodic mechanical stress with a low amplitude is applied, one can observe mechanical relaxation. The main (α) relaxation has been clearly observed near to the glass transition temperature in all the investigated bulk metallic glasses as well as other amorphous materials. In addition, in some cases of bulk metallic glasses (for example, Lanthanum-based metallic glass), a distant secondary relaxation has been detected at lower temperature. This relaxation presents lower activation energy, which is associated to dynamic heterogeneities and is related to local movements of “defect” on the nature of nanoscale order in glasses. ● When a large-amplitude stress is employed (case of the compression tests), one can acquire the characteristic behaviour of the amorphous materials: A typical brittle fracture phenomenon is observed at lower temperature and the flow stress can be detected at higher temperature. A master curve of the viscosity can be acquired based on the experimental results. The transition from a Newtonian to non-Newtonian regime appears when the strain rate increases. All the experimental results are discussed in the framework of physical models, based on existence of the defects, which can be activated by increasing temperature or stress.

Durabilité des assemblages céramique-métal employés en électronique de puissance / Durability of metal-ceramic employed in power electronics

Ben Kaabar, Aymen 17 July 2015 (has links)
Les composants d’électronique de puissance ont (et vont encore avoir !) eu une grande influence sur les secteurs de l'énergie et des transports. Ces pièces sont notamment constitués d’assemblages céramique –cuivre pour lesquels la tenue mécanique doit être maîtrisée afin de garantir dans le future une durabilité d’environ 30 ans sous l’action de cycles thermiques plus en plus grande. Une analyse des mécanismes de défaillance des assemblages DBC (Direct Bonding Copper) utilisés en électronique de puissance est étudiée (le délaminage le long de l’interface cuivre -céramique et/ou la rupture fragile de la céramique). Pour identifier le comportement élastoplastique du cuivre, nous avons montré qu’il est nécessaire d’utiliser une plaque de cuivre ayant subi l’ensemble des traitements thermiques liés au processus d’assemblage. Le comportement élastique fragile de la céramique est décrite dans le cadre d’une statistique de Weibull. Dès lors, une caractérisation du délaminage cuivre-céramique sous flexion quatre points a permis d’identifier un modèle cohésif pour l’interface. La calibration des paramètres cohésifs est menée en utilisant les données à deux échelles : i) macroscopique de force-déplacement ii) locale de suivi optique de la fissuration avec le déplacement imposé. L’intégrité mécanique des assemblages DBC pour différentes épaisseurs des couches de cuivre et de céramique a été étudié. Nous avons montré que les configurations avec un rapport proche de l’unité sont les plus dangereuses en engendrant un délaminage, qui se poursuit sous cyclage thermique. Ce dernier peut être notablement réduit en structurant le pourtour de la surface de cuivre avec des trous cylindriques répartis périodiquement. Ainsi, un modèle éléments finis permettant d’évaluer les assemblages les plus prometteurs en terme de durabilité a été établie. En l’absence de défauts géométrique, la couche de cuivre reste intègre, même dans le cas d’un délaminage dont le front induit une concentration de contrainte. / The power electronics components (and still will have!) have a great influence on the energy and transport sectors. These parts are made of ceramic-copper assemblies for which the mechanical strength must be controlled to ensure durability about 30 years under the thermal cycles increasingly larger. A failure mechanisms analysis in DBC (Direct Copper Bonding) assemblies used in power electronics is studied (the delamination along the interface copper - ceramic and/or the brittle ceramic fracture). To identify the elastoplastic behavior of copper, we showed that it’s necessary to use a copper plate having undergone the heat hole treatments related to the assembly process. The ceramic gragile elastic behavior is descrobed within the Weibull statictics framework. Consequently, a copper-ceramic delamination characterization under four points bending made it possible to identify a cohesive model for the interface. The cohesive calibration parameters is carried out by using the data in two scales: i) strentgh-displacement macroscopic ii) local cracking optical follow-up with imposed displacement. The mechanical integrity of DBC assemblies of different thickness of copper and ceramic has been studied. We showed that the configurations with a ratio close to the unit are most dangerous by generating a delamination, which continues under thermal cycling. This risk of delamination can be notably reduced by structuring the copper circumference surface with cylindrical holes distributed periodically. Thus, a finite elements model allowing us to evaluate the most promising assemblies in term of durability, was estabilshed. In the absence of geometrical defects, the copper layer must remains, even in the delamination case whose face induces a concentration stress.

Polymer Nanocomposites in Thin Film Applications

Fogelström, Linda January 2010 (has links)
The introduction of a nanoscopic reinforcing phase to a polymer matrix offers great possibilities of obtaining improved properties, enabling applications outside the boundaries of traditional composites. The majority of the work in this thesis has been devoted to polymer/clay nanocomposites in coating applications, using the hydroxyl-functional hyperbranched polyester Boltorn® as matrix and montmorillonite clay as nanofiller. Nanocomposites with a high degree of exfoliation were readily prepared using the straightforward solution-intercalation method with water as solvent. Hard and scratch-resistant coatings with preserved flexibility and transparency were obtained, and acrylate functionalization of Boltorn® rendered a UV-curable system with similar property improvements. In order to elucidate the effect of the dendritic architecture on the exfoliation process, a comparative study on the hyperbranched polyester Boltorn® and a linear analogue of this polymer was performed. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the superior efficiency of the hyperbranched polymer in the preparation of this type of nanocomposites. Additionally, an objective of this thesis was to investigate how cellulose nanofibers can be utilized in high performance polymer nanocomposites. A reactive cellulose “nanopaper” template was combined with a hydrophilic hyperbranched thermoset matrix, resulting in a unique nanocomposite with significantly enhanced properties. Moreover, in order to fully utilize the great potential of cellulose nanofibers as reinforcement in hydrophobic polymer matrices, the hydrophilic surface of cellulose needs to be modified in order to improve the compatibility. For this, a grafting-from approach was explored, using ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone (CL) from microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), resulting in PCL-modified MFC. It was found that the hydrophobicity of the cellulose surfaces increased with longer graft lengths, and that polymer grafting rendered a smoother surface morphology. Subsequently, PCL-grafted MFC film/PCL film bilayer laminates were prepared in order to investigate the interfacial adhesion. Peel tests demonstrated a gradual increase in the interfacial adhesion with increasing graft lengths. / QC20100621

Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Gelfill

Abdul-Hussain, Najlaa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage. Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material. In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds.

Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Gelfill

Abdul-Hussain, Najlaa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage. Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material. In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds.

Thermomechanical fatigue crack formation in a single crystal Ni-base superalloy

Amaro, Robert L. 11 February 2011 (has links)
This research establishes a physics-based life determination model for the second generation single crystal superalloy PWA 1484 experiencing out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue (TMF). The life model was developed as a result of a combination of critical mechanical tests, dominant damage characterization and utilization of well-established literature. The resulting life model improves life prediction over currently employed methods and provides for extrapolation into yet unutilized operating regimes. Particularly, the proposed deformation model accounts for the materials' coupled fatigue-environment-microstructure response to TMF loading. Because the proposed model is be based upon the underlying deformation physics, the model is robust enough to be easily modified for other single crystal superalloys having similar microstructure. Future use of this model for turbine life estimation calculations would be based upon the actual deformation experienced by the turbine blade, thereby enabling turbine maintenance scheduling based upon on a "retirement for a cause" life management scheme rather than the currently employed "safe-life" calculations. This advancement has the ability to greatly reduce maintenance costs to the turbine end-user since turbine blades would be removed from service for practical and justifiable reasons. Additionally this work will enable a rethinking of the warranty period, thereby decreasing warranty related replacements. Finally, this research provides a more thorough understanding of the deformation mechanisms present in loading situations that combine fatigue-environment-microstructure effects.

Development Of Instrumentation For Electrical Switching Studies And Investigations On Switching And Thermal Behavior Of Certain Glassy Chalcogenides

Prashanth, S B Bhanu 04 1900 (has links)
The absence of long-range order in glassy chalcogenides provides the convenience of changing the elemental ratios and hence the properties over a wide range. The interesting properties exhibited by chalcogenide glasses make them suitable materials for Phase Change Memories (PCM) and other applications such as infrared optical devices, photo-receptors, sensors, waveguides, etc. One of the most remarkable properties of chalcogenides is their electrical switching behavior. Reversible (threshold type) or irreversible (memory type) switching from a high resistance OFF state to a low resistance ON state in glassy chalcogenides occurs at a critical voltage called the threshold/switching voltage (VT). Investigations on the switching behavior and its composition dependence throw light on the local structural effects of amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors and also help us in identifying suitable samples for PCM applications. Thermal analysis by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been extensively used in glass science, particularly for measurements of thermal parameters such as enthalpy of relaxation, specific heat change, etc., near glass transition. Quite recently, the conventional DSC has been sophisticated by employing a composite temperature profile for heating, resulting in the Temperature Modulated DSC (TMDSC) or Alternating DSC (ADSC). Measurements made using ADSC reveal thermal details with enhanced accuracy and resolution, and this has lead to a better understanding of the nature of glass transition. The thermal parameters obtained using DSC/ADSC are also vital for understanding the electrical switching behavior of glassy chalcogenides. The motivation of this thesis was twofold: The first was to develop a novel, high voltage programmable power supply for electrical switching analysis of samples exhibiting high VT, and second to investigate the thermal and electrical switching behavior of certain Se-Te based glasses with Ge and Sb additives. The thesis contains seven chapters: Chapter 1: This chapter provides an overview of amorphous semiconductors (a-SC) with an emphasis on preparation and properties of glassy chalcogenides. The various structural models and topological thresholds of a-SC are discussed with relations to the glass forming ability of materials. The electronic band models and defect states are also dealt with. The essentials of electrical switching behavior of chalcogenides are discussed suggesting the electronic nature of switching and the role of thermal properties on switching. Chapter 2: The second chapter essentially deals with theory and practice of the experimental techniques adopted in the thesis work. The details of the melt-quenching method of synthesizing glassy samples are provided. Considering the importance, the theory of thermal analysis by DSC & ADSC, are discussed in detail, highlighting the advantages of the latter method adopted in the thesis work. The instrumentation and electronics, developed and used for electrical switching analysis are also introduced at a block diagram level. Finally, the methods used for structural analysis are briefed. Chapter 3: This chapter is dedicated to the design and development details of the programmable High Voltage dc Power Supply (HVPS: 1750 V, 45 mA) undertaken in the thesis work. The guidelines used for power supply topology selection, the specifications and block diagram of the HVPS are provided in that sequence. The operation of the HVPS is discussed using the circuit diagram approach. The details of software control are also given. The performance validations of the HVPS, undertaken through voltage & current regulation tests, step & frequency response tests are discussed. Finally, the sample-test results on the electrical switching behavior of representative Al20As16Te64 and Ge25Te65Se10 samples, obtained using both the current & voltage sweep options of the HVPS developed are illustrated. Chapter 4: Results of the thermally induced transitions governed by structural changes which are driven by network connectivity in the GexSe35-xTe65 (17 ≤ x ≤ 25) glasses, as revealed by ADSC experiments, are discussed in this chapter. It is found that the GexSe35-xTe65 glasses with x ≤ 20 exhibit two crystallization exotherms (Tc1 & Tc2), whereas those with x ≥ 20.5, show a single crystallization reaction upon heating (Tc). The glass transition temperature of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses is found to show a linear, but not-steep increase, indicating a progressive and not an appreciable build-up in network connectivity with Ge addition. The exothermic reaction at Tc1 has been found to correspond to the partial crystallization of the glass into hexagonal Te and the reaction at Tc2 is associated with the additional crystallization of rhombohedral Ge-Te phase. It is also found that the first crystallization temperature Tc1 of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses of lower Ge concentrations (with x ≤ 20), increases progressively with Ge content and eventually merges with Tc2 at x = 20.5 (<r> = 2.41); this behavior has been understood on the basis of the reduction in Te-Te bonds of lower energy and an increase in Ge-Te bonds of higher energy, with increasing Ge content. Chapter 5: This chapter deals with the electrical switching studies on GexSe35-xTe65 (17 ≤ x ≤ 25) glasses, with an emphasis on the role of network connectivity/rigidity on the switching behavior. It is found that the switching voltage (VT) increases with Ge content, exhibiting a sudden jump at x=20, the Rigidity Percolation Threshold (RPT) of the system. In addition, the switching behavior changes from memory to threshold type at the RPT and the threshold switching is found to be repetitive for more than 1500 cycles. Chapter 6: In this chapter, the results of thermal analysis (by ADSC) and electrical switching investigations on SbxSe55-xTe45 (2 ≤ x ≤ 9) are discussed. It is found that the addition of trivalent Sb contributes very meagerly to network growth but directly affects the structural relaxation effects at Tg. Further, SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses exhibit memory type electrical switching, which is understood on the basis of poor thermal stability of the samples. The metallicity factor is observed to outweigh the network factor in the composition dependence of VT of SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses. Chapter 7: The chapter 7 summarizes the results obtained in the thesis work and provides the scope for future work. The references are cited in the text along with the first author’s name and year of publication, and are listed at the end of each chapter in alphabetical order.

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