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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two English translations of the Chinese epic novel Sanguo yanyi : a descriptive and functionalist study

Feng, Lei 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This comparative study investigates the English translations of China’s first novel, Sanguo yanyi. The focus is firstly on describing the factors that affect the production of each of the translations and secondly on identifying and determining the approaches and strategies used by the two translators. The primary objective of the study is to gain a better understanding of literary translation between two distinctly different languages by objectively describing and analyzing the factors relevant to the production of the two translations. The secondary objective is to evaluate the two translations by using the functionalist approach to translation. To this end, the study determines which of the two translations better serves the purpose of providing South African students of Chinese with insight into and appreciation of some aspects of Chinese culture which would enhance their Chinese studies. The key theories and models that are introduced and applied are Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), which was mainly established by Gideon Toury in the 1980s and the Functionalist Approach, which was established by Vermeer and Reiss also in the 1980s and further developed by Nord. DTS focuses on pragmatic aspects, such as social, cultural and communicative practices instead of only on linguistic units. Within this framework, decisionmaking processes and translational norms of the two translators of Sanguo yanyi are examined. Three representative chapters of the source text and their translations are selected as the focus of the investigation. Furthermore, a description of the entire translation process is provided – from the translators’ original planning and agents acting as patrons of the project to the approaches and strategies that the translators are considered to have adopted in the process of translating. Within Functionalism the function of the target text in the target culture determines which aspects of the source text should be transferred to the target text. From this theoretical approach the findings regarding the translation strategies and processes in the translations of Sanguo yanyi are used to ultimately determine the extent to which the translators succeed in conveying the collective memory of some of the cultural-historical issues in China to the target texts, while at the same time making the texts accessible to Western (South African) students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word daar ’n vergelykende ondersoek na twee Engelse vertalings van China se eerste roman, Sanguo yanyi, onderneem. Daar word eerstens gefokus op ’n beskrywing van die faktore wat die produksie van elk van die vertalings beïnvloed en daarna word die benaderings en strategieë geïdentifiseer wat deur die twee vertalers gebruik is. Die primêre doel van die studie is om ’n beter begrip van literêre vertaling tussen twee beduidend verskillende tale te verkry deur die faktore wat ’n rol in die betrokke vertaalprosesse speel op ’n objektiewe wyse te beskryf en te ondersoek. As sekondêre doelstelling word die twee vertalings binne die raamwerk van die funksionalistiese benadering tot vertaling geëvalueer. Daar word naamlik ondersoek watter een van die vertalings die beste slaag in die doel om aan Suid-Afrikaanse studente ’n dieper insig in en groter waardering vir sekere aspekte van die Chinese kultuur te verskaf ten einde hulle studie van die Chinese taal aan te vul. Die belangrikste teorieë en modelle wat gebruik word, is deskriptiewe vertaalstudie (DTS), wat as navorsingsrigting binne vertaling hoofsaaklik deur Gideon Toury in die tagtigerjare gevestig is, en funksionalisme, wat ook in die tagtigerjare deur Vermeer en Reiss ontwikkel is en later deur Nord uitgebrei is. DTS fokus op pragmatiese aspekte soos sosiale, kulturele en kommunikatiewe praktyke eerder as bloot op linguistiese eenhede, en die besluitnemingsprosesse en vertaalnorme van die twee vertalers van Sanguo yanyi word binne hierdie raamwerk ondersoek. Drie verteenwoordigende hoofstukke van die bronteks en hulle vertalings word as die fokus van die ondersoek gebruik. Verder kom ’n bespreking van die vertaalprosesse in die geheel aan bod – vanaf die vertalers se aanvanklike beplanning en agente wat as patronate van die projek optree tot die resepsie en invloed van die doeltekste in die Engelssprekende wêreld. Binne die funksionalisme bepaal die funksie van die doelteks binne die doelkultuur watter aspekte van die bronteks na die doelteks oorgedra word. Vanuit hierdie teoretiese benadering word die bevindinge rakende die vertaalstrategieë en –prosesse in die vertalings van Sanguo yanyi gebruik om uiteindelik te bepaal in watter mate die vertalers daarin slaag om die herinnering aan kultuurhistoriese kwessies in China in die doeltekste behoue te laat bly en die tekste terselfdertyd vir Westerse (Suid-Afrikaanse) studente toeganklik te maak.

Quality interpreting service : the parliament of SA as a case study

Ntuli, Thomas Phaswana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the interpreting services in the Parliament of South Africa (POSA). The impetus to embark on such an investigation arose after Members of Parliament claimed that the interpreting service in the Parliament of South Africa (POSA) is poor. In seeking to determine why Members of Parliament made such claims, I therefore investigated the interpreting service rendered by staff of Parliament’s Interpreting Unit. Consequently, an investigation to whether the simultaneous interpreters currently employed by Parliament of South Africa possess the amalgam of skills attributes and qualifications necessary for them to render an interpreting service of good quality. Questionnaires were distributed to Members of Parliament and to interpreters, interviews were conducted with Control Language Practitioners (CLPs), observation of recruitment panels for interpreters also followed, and interpreters were recorded during the sitting of Parliament House in an attempt to check whether interpreters do deliver an interpreting service that is up to standard. The results of this study show that Members of Parliament have a valid claim as 65% of the sample of interpreters had joined Parliament without interpreting skills and had, to date, never been sent for interpreting training and most interpreters are demoralised by the working conditions of the Language Services Section at the Parliament of South Africa.

Mediavertaling – die herskrywing van nuusvertalings

Pienaar, Cherene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this descriptive study, the rewriting of translated politically coloured texts on News24.com is investigated. Afrikaans articles, which were originally published in Die Burger, Beeld and Volksblad, are selected and then translated for the English target text reader. This reader does not necessarily differ from the source text reader in terms of geography and culture, but in terms of his or her past and the emotional baggage, such as the era of apartheid and the guilt that the white Afrikaans person has to carry. While it is claimed that the articles from the above-mentioned dailies are merely translated paragraph for paragraph for the purpose of being published online on News24, a lot more happens to the text. The texts are edited, rewritten, reshaped and repackaged to be presented in a new context. The target text is studied to establish whether it is rewritten with an ideological purpose in mind and what adaptations are made to achieve an ideological influence. Lexical and other linguistic means are used to reframe a text and present it differently in the target text. The way in which a post apartheid South Africa is being presented in the English texts (as opposed to the Afrikaans print version) is the focus of the study. The hypothesis is that the News24 rewriter’s purpose is to send an adapted ideological message with the text. These conclusions are being drawn based on narrative theory and the concepts of frames. This theory as well as other relevant theories form a framework according to which one can study and compare the texts and the rewriting of the source texts. While the literal changes made for practical reasons such as readability are broadly discussed, the focus is on the ideological implications these lexical and other linguistic adaptations cause. Conclusions are then made according to the skopos of News24 with the rewriting of the texts, namely to represent the image of a post apartheid South Africa more negatively than it is represented in the source text. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie beskrywende studie word die herskrywing van vertaalde polities gekleurde berigte wat op News24.com verskyn, ondersoek. Afrikaanse berigte wat oorspronklik gepubliseer is in Die Burger, Beeld en Volksblad, word gekies en dan vertaal vir die Engelse doelteksleser. Hierdie leser verskil nie noodwendig van die bronteksleser ten opsigte van geografie en kultuur nie, maar wel ten opsigte van sy of haar verlede en emosionele bagasie, soos die apartheidsera en die skuld wat die wit Afrikaanssprekende dra. Hoewel daar beweer word dat berigte uit die bogenoemde dagblaaie bloot paragraaf per paragraaf vir News24 vertaal word, gebeur daar heelwat meer met die teks. Die tekste word redigeer, herskryf, hervorm en herverpak sodat dit in ’n nuwe konteks aangebied kan word. Die doelteks word ondersoek om vas te stel of dit herskryf is en watter veranderinge, spesifiek ideologiese, die teks tydens hierdie herskryfproses ondergaan het. Leksikale en ander linguistiese middele word gebruik om ’n teks te herraam en anders uit te beeld as in die bronteks. Die wyse waarop die beeld van ’n postapartheid Suid-Afrika in die aanlyn Engelse berigte teenoor die gedrukte Afrikaanse berigte voorgestel word, word hier ondersoek. Die hipotese is dat die News24-herskrywer ten doel het om ’n aangepaste ideologiese boodskap met die herskrywing daarvan oor te dra. Hierdie afleidings word in verband gebring met die narratiefteorie en die konsep van rame. Hierdie teorie, asook ander teorieë, vorm ’n raamwerk om die vergelyking van die tekste en die herskrywing daarvan te ondersoek. Die meer letterlike leksikale aanpassings wat gemaak word vir praktiese doeleindes, soos leesbaarheid, word eerstens bespreek. Daarna word die aanpassings wat gemaak word ter wille van ’n ideologiese motivering bespreek. Afleidings word dan gemaak en in verband gebring met News24 se skopos of doel met die herskrywing van die tekste, naamlik om die beeld van die regering in ’n postapartheid Suid-Afrika negatiewer as die bronteks uit te beeld.

Die vertaling van dialekte : knelpunte en veelvoud van die volkseie

Claassen, Vasti 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The principal aim of this research is to study the translation of dialects within the framework of the translation theoretical framework and to determine the challenges and the fundamentals of successful translation. This is especially important, since the focus will be on the translation of dialects of three related standard languages: Afrikaans and English: Kaapse Afrikaans and German: Schwäbisch and Berlinisch. The prerequisites for the process of rendering these dialects accessible, is not to be underestimated, as they include a sound and reliable knowledge of the standard languages of the particular dialects, especially in the case German, as well as a at least two of the vast variety of dialects. It is furthermore necessary to undertake a short but thorough study of the origin of the standard language German to determine which influences it had been exposed to. The relation and interaction between the author, translator and the reader are of the utmost importance. The translator is subjected to demanding challenges; these challenges should not be under-estimated. During the translation process the translator takes on the role of an interpreter and mediator of the source text. It is imperative that the translator should be aware of the theoretical aspects of translating as well as dialectology. These aspects are discussed extensively. The two dialects, Mundarten, which had been selected as examples are Schwäbisch and Berlinisch (from the federal states Baden-Württemberg and Brandenburg). Various aspects were discussed such as the linguistic, traditional characteristics of the dialects, their natural speakers as well as their love for and dedication to their own language. The translation of these aspects opens up a cultural world that would otherwise remain unknown and inaccessible. Numerous practical examples have been used, amongst which, a children’s story in rhyme. Translations were done from German as a source language to Afrikaans and Cape Afrikaans as target languages, also from Schwäbisch and Berlinisch as source languages to Afrikaans and Cape Afrikaans as target languages. Some examples were done from Cape Afrikaans as a source language to English, German and Afrikaans as target languages. Some cultural content and emotional value might be lost during the translation process, especially when it is done across cultural barriers. It remains possible, however, that the translator will be able to convey and communicate the message of the author in an accurate, convincing and sensitive way. A well-known juvenile story by a French author was used as an example to compare nine different German dialects. The German translation of the text has been used since the dialects under discussion are German dialects and the original French text would have served no purpose. The text is still translated and published in German dialects, although not all could be consulted. (Full details are in the BRONNELYS.) Sections of the text are given in the particular dialect, then in German and in Afrikaans (personal manuscript). This was done to indicate the differences and similarities of words, expressions and idiomatic similarities with standard Afrikaans. Because of the volume of this chapter, it was decided to include it as an Appendix. Additional information is given in the APPENDICES regarding the large variety of German dialects, the Germanic origin of English, whether Yiddish is a German dialect (as is alleged by a publisher) and a light-hearted look at the skylarking with traditional customs of dialect speakers.

Twee Afrikaanse romans in Engels : ’n ondersoek na die werkswyses van literere vertalers

Swart, Marius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this descriptive study, recent translations into English of two highly-regarded Afrikaans novels are investigated. The purpose of this is to describe these translations in a comparative manner, in order to arrive at conclusions about the differing modi operandi of diverse literary translators. The texts studied are Agaat by Marlene van Niekerk (2004) and Hierdie lewe by Karel Schoeman (1993), titled Agaat (2006) and This Life (2005) in English, and translated by Michiel Heyns and Elsa Silke, respectively. The two translators differ in that one is a creative writer in own right, though not being a formally-trained translation scholar, and translated with input from the source text author. The other is not a creative writer, translated without input from the author and has a formal translation-theoretical qualification. In this study, the target texts produced by these two translators are compared with their respective source texts, in order to determine whether there are differences or similarities in their modi operandi. A theoretical framework is compiled using relevant translation theories in order to systematise the comparison of the source texts and their translations. The novels are then compared to their translations in turn, on various levels, in order to describe the modus operandi of each translator. This results in certain conclusions being drawn about the different ways in which diverse translators work. These conclusions are linked to norms apparent in the decisions the translators make, or the lack thereof, as well as the role of the translation skopos. A number of topics for further research are also mentioned.

Identiteitsvorming in die Afrikaanse blogosfeer

Swarts, Johannes Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to investigate Afrikaner identity in the Afrikaans blogosphere on the basis of the Afrikaner nasionalist identity that was forged during the twentieth century. The environment within which blogs function and its characteristics are discussed, after which the circumstances that led to the development of Afrikaner identity as well as the current sociopolitical position of Afrikaners are traced. Through quantitative analysis, the Afrikaans blogosphere is compared to this identity to discover too what extent the identity is still remnant in Afrikaans bloggers. It is concluded that Afrikaner nationalism is virtually extinct in the Afrikaans blogosphere and that the plurality of identities hosted by it are fragmented and paradoxical. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om identiteitsvorming in die Afrikaanse blogosfeer te ondersoek aan die hand van die Afrikaner-nasionalistiese identiteitskonstruk van die twintigste eeu. Aandag word geskenk aan die milieu waarbinne blogs funksioneer en hul aard, waarna die omstandighede waaronder Afrikaneridentiteit ontstaan sowel as die huidige sosio-politiese posisie van Afrikaners nagespeur word. Aan die hand van kwantitatiewe ondersoekmetodes word Afrikaanse blogs dan met die voorafgenoemde identiteit vergelyk in 'n poging om agter te kom in watter mate dit nog by Afrikaanse bloggers teenwoordig is. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaner-nasionalisme bykans afwesig is in die Afrikaanse blogosfeer en dat die pluraliteit van identiteite daarop gefragmenteerd en paradoksaal daar uitsien.

Interferensie in die Afrikaanse Harry Potter

Bedeker, Laetitia Marí 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Harry Potter series is currently one of the most popular book series for children in the world. The original British books have been translated into more than three hundred languages - one of them being Afrikaans, for which the Afrikaans translator received two translation prizes. Yet closer investigation reveals that these translations are not written in idiomatic Afrikaans, mostly due to the phenomenon of 'interference'. This phenomenon entails an excessive influence of the linguistic structures of the source text on that of the target text. The influence of the English source text on the Afrikaans translator by means of interference was of such an extent that the texts have been written in unnatural language, called 'translationese'. In this study the influence of interference on the quality of the Afrikaans translations of Harry Potter is examined. The focus is on books 4 and 5 in the series, namely Harry Potter en die Beker vol Vuur and Harry Potter en die Orde van die Feniks. The basic premises of the functionalistic approach to translation are used to emphasise the importance of the translation skopos, the function that the translation has to fulfil in the target culture, a detailed translation brief as well as the translator's loyalty towards the various role players in the translation process. Descriptive translation studies is used to prove the apparent absence of knowledge of translation norms as well as translation decisions and strategies that had to be considered carefully during the production of the Afrikaans translations. The researcher hereby attempts to emphasise the importance of careful consideration and planning of translation strategies. Cognisance of the functionalistic and descriptive premises would have lead to a more natural translation that communicates optimally with the target readers in the target culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Harry Potter-reeks is tans een van die mees gesogte kinderreeksboeke ter wêreld. Die oorspronklike Britse boeke is in meer as driehonderd tale vertaal - onder andere ook in Afrikaans, waarvoor die Afrikaanse vertaler reeds twee vertaalpryse ontvang het. Tog toon nadere ondersoek dat hierdie vertalings inderwaarheid nie in idiomatiese Afrikaans vertaal is nie, hoofsaaklik weens die verskynsel 'interferensie'. Hierdie verskynsel behels 'n oormatige invloed van die linguistiese strukture van die brontaal op die doeltaal. Die Engelse bronteks het sodanige invloed op die Afrikaanse vertaler gehad, dat die teks weens interferensie in onnatuurlike taal geskryf is, oftewel in 'translationese'. In hierdie studie word die invloed van interferensie op die kwaliteit van die Afrikaanse Harry Potter-vertalings, spesifiek boeke 4 en 5 in die reeks, naamlik Harry Potter en die Beker vol Vuur en Harry Potter en die Orde van die Feniks, ondersoek. Die basiese uitgangspunte van die funksionalistiese benadering tot vertaling word gebruik om die noodsaaklikheid van 'n vooropstelling van die vertaalskopos, die funksie wat die vertaling in die doelkultuur moet speel, die belangrikheid van 'n gedetailleerde vertaalopdrag asook lojaliteit van die vertaler aan die onderskeie rolspelers in die vertaalproses uit te lig. Deskriptiewe vertaalstudie word gebruik om die klaarblyklike afwesigheid van 'n kennis van vertaalnorme, asook van weldeurdagte besluite en vertaalstrategieë tydens die produksie van die Afrikaanse vertalings te bewys. Die navorser poog om hierdeur op die noodsaaklikheid van weldeurdagte en beplande vertaalstrategieë klem te lê. Kennis van die funksionalistiese en deskriptiewe uitgangspunte sou kon lei tot 'n natuurliker vertaling wat optimaal met die doellesers in die doelkultuur kommunikeer.

Decisions, translation strategies and process in the translation of Molope's Dancing in the Dust : a critical analysis

Magwebu, Doris NomaXesibe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study has been a long journey to pursue the art and craft involved in a translation process. The indisputably differing natures of the languages at stake have been prominent in the translator's psychological frame throughout the process. The acknowledgement of the differing natures of languages often means knowing exactly what has to be transferred and in which manner it has to be transferred without compromising the demands of any of the languages at stake. The latter also speaks to the preservation of the message of the ST in the TL in the process of transition. The translation of Molope's Dancing in the Dust has given good ground for the exploration of the processes involved in a literary translation. Although the status of Molope's novel in the publishing market appears to be relatively new, there are some good grounds to declare it as fairly translatable. It has been noted in the study that there has been a desire to consult her existing literatures with an intention to evaluate her dominant style of writing, or any of her translated works so that it becomes easier to determine the translatability of this novel. However, this only proved to be an unsuccessful business in the sense that this novel is the first of her works, ever. Nevertheless, it has been stated simultaneously in this study that the expressiveness of Mol ope's novel, especially in rooting out the main events of the 197 6 Soweto Uprisings, ultimately convinced the translator that this art is worthy to be translated. The acknowledgement (by some legends) ofMolope's potential to probe into the main events of the struggle during that era has been another area the translator could rely on. This attempt has been done albeit Molope's sometimes poignant style of writing (much of this has been said in the study), which sought to pose some problematic areas. As has been declared in the hypothesis section, translatability is possible if the process of translation commences on a ST analysis, whereby problematic areas (or areas of interest thereof) are identified with an intention to select a suitable translation strategy. Suffice then to say that an attempt to answer the translatability question of this novel has been made in the chapter of annotation. Assembling a chapter of annotation is itself an attempt to demonstrate the translator's creativity in manoeuvring the ST material in order to produce what she assumes will suit the target readers. The discussion of well-established translation literatures in Chapter 2 serves to give background to the random choice of particular translation strategies at particular points in time. Therefore, the literature which forms Chapter 2 of this study serves to substantiate both what appears in the chapter of annotation and the entire product thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was 'n lang ontdekkingstog na die kuns en vernuf betrokke by die vertaalproses. Die uiteenlopende aard van die tale ter sprake was deurentyd 'n belangrike oorweging vir die vertaler. Die erkenning dat die betrokke tale onteenseglik van mekaar verskil, gaan gewoonlik gepaard met die besef van presies wat op watter wyse oorgedra moet word ten einde aan albei tale reg te laat geskied. Dit behels dus dat die boodskap van die bronteks (BT) in die oordragproses na die teikentaal (TT) behoue bly. Die vertaling van Kagiso Lesego Molope se boek Dancing in the Dust (2004) het as 'n goeie vertrekpunt vir die ontdekking van die letterkundige vertaalproses gedien. Hoewel Molope se roman in die uitgewersmark as betreklik nuut beskou word, kan dit om 'n paar goeie redes as redelik vertaalbaar bestempel word. In die studie het dit duidelik geword dat 'n letterkundige vertaling hetsy vereis dat auteurs se bestaande letterkundige werke geraadpleeg word ten einde hulle oorheersende skryfstyl te bepaal 6f dat enige van hulle reeds vertaalde werke bestudeer word om deur middel van vergelyking die vertaalbaarheid van die tersaaklike werk vas te stel. Aangesien hierdie roman egter Molope se heel eerste werk is, was sodanige vergelykende navorsing nie moontlik nie. Die studie toon nietemin ook aan dat die beeldende aard van Molope se roman, veral met betrekking tot die hoofgebeure van die Soweto-opstand van 1973, die vertaler uiteindelik oortuig het dat die werk 'n vertaling waardig is. Die bevestiging (deur 'n paar legendariese figure) van die potensiaal wat Molope in hierdie ondersoek na die hoofgebeure van die vryheidstryd in daardie era openbaar, was n6g 'n faktor waarop die vertaler kon steun. Die vertaling is dus aangepak ofskoon Molope se uiters aangrypende skryfstyl (waaroor daar heelwat in die studie uitgewei word) 'n paar probleme opgelewer het. Soos in die hipotese genoem, is vertaling slegs moontlik indien die vertaalproses met 'n BT-ontleding afskop waarin (moontlike) probleemareas uitgewys word ten einde 'n toepaslike vertaalstrategie te kies. Dit is dus voldoende om te se dat die annotasiehoofstuk poog om die vraag oor die vertaalbaarheid van hierdie roman te beantwoord. Die saamstel van die annotasiehoofstuk is op sigself 'n paging om te toon hoe die vertaler skeppend met die BT -materiaal omgaan ten einde 'n gepaste teks vir die teikenlesers te skep. Die bespreking van gesaghebbende, betroubare vertaalliteratuur in hoofstuk 2 dien as agtergrond vir die ewekansige keuse van bepaalde vertaalstrategiee op bepaalde tydstippe. Daarom dien die literatuur in hoofstuk 2 as stawing van die inhoud van die annotasiehoofstuk sowel as die eindproduk van die studie.

Tussen tale : oortekening as vertaalstrategie in Breyten Breytenbach se bundel Oorblyfsel/ Voice Over

Kirsten, Elzet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the translation strategy oortekening (Afrikaans for “resigning” or “redrawing”) as it is found in the bilingual context of Breytenbach’s volume of poems Oorblyfsel/ Voice Over (2009). The term oortekening (retracing), coined by Odendaal (2011), refers to corresponding parts of the Afrikaans and English versions in the volume which differs semantically but which are alike phonologically and orthographically. The argument is made that, in the context of the bilingual layout of the volume, the translation strategy oortekening invites bilingual readers to take part in an interpretative game as they read the two versions side-by-side. It is further argued that currently there are not adequate theories in translation studies to describe and understand this interpretative play. This study therefore uses theories from outside translation studies to describe the translation phenomenon in this volume and in this way provide a theoretical framework in which the unusual nature of the translation of the volume can be understood. Chapter one, an introduction, is followed by Chapter two which gives an overview of the main approaches in translation theory, describing how the problem statement would be described and understood by each. The linguistic approaches which are covered includes structural linguistics, text and sociolinguistics and functionalism. The literary approaches include descriptive translation studies and more ideologically orientated approaches. Enquiry is made into which aspects of each approach are useful to explain the volume and which are not. Chapter three applies three concepts from outside translation studies to oortekening in the context of the bilingual layout of the volume: Pratt’s contact zone (1987, 1991, 1992, 1996), Bhabha’s in-between (1993) and Lecercle’s remainder (1990). These concepts are used to analyse examples of oortekening from the volume. In the last chapter the findings of the study are discussed. The relationship between the two languages in the volume is compared to the historical and current relationship between Afrikaans and English. The chapter ends with a discussion of the variety of possible further studies based on this volume and this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die vertaalstrategie oortekening soos wat dit in die tweetalige konteks van Breytenbach se bundel Oorblyfsel/ Voice Over (2009) voorkom. Die term oortekening is aan Pieter Odendaal (2011) ontleen en verwys na ooreenkomstige dele van die Afrikaanse en Engelse weergawes in die bundel wat semanties verskil maar fonologies en ortografies ooreenkom. Daar word geargumenteer dat die vertaalstrategie oortekening in die konteks van die tweetalige uitleg van die bundel tweetalige lesers nooi om aan ’n interpretatiewe spel deel te neem soos wat hulle die twee weergawes saam lees. Daar word verder geargumenteer dat daar tans in die vertaalkunde nie gepaste teorieë is om die interpretatiewe spel te beskryf en te begryp nie. Die studie gebruik dus teorieë van buite die vertaalkunde om die vertaalverskynsel in hierdie bundel te beskryf en om so ’n teoretiese raamwerk voor te stel waarbinne die ongewone aard van die bundel se vertaalaspek begryp kan word. Die inleidende hoofstuk word gevolg deur hoofstuk twee wat ’n oorsig gee van die vernaamste vertaalteoretiese benaderings en hoe die probleemstelling volgens elk van die benaderings beskryf en verstaan word: die linguistiese benaderings, vanaf die strukturele linguistiek, teks- en sosiolinguistiek na die funksionalisme; en die literêre benaderings, wat deskriptiewe vertaalstudies en meer ideologies gefundeerde benaderings insluit. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na watter aspekte van elk van die benaderings nuttig is om die bundel te beskryf en watter tekortkominge elke benadering bied. Hoofstuk drie maak drie konsepte van buite die vertaalkunde van toepassing op oortekening in die konteks van die tweetalige uitleg van die bundel: Pratt (1987, 1991, 1992, 1996) se contact zone as die kontaksone, Bhabha (1993) se in-between as die (in)tussen(in) en Lecercle (1990) se remainder as die oorblyfsel. Hierdie konsepte word gebruik om voorbeelde van oortekening uit die bundel te analiseer. In die laaste hoofstuk word die bevindinge van die studie bespreek. Die verhouding tussen die twee tale in die bundel word vergelyk met die historiese en huidige verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels. Daar word laastens gewys op ’n verskeidenheid verdere navorsingsmoontlikhede wat hierdie bundel en hierdie studie bied.

Die ontwerp van 'n kursus vir Afrikaans vir spesifieke doeleindes vir eerstejaar-onderwysstudente binne die taakgebaseerde benadering

Greyling, Arne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Language Policy for Higher Education (2002) endorses multilingualism and language diversity in tertiary education. The issues relating to multilingualism in tertiary contexts and the design of a vocational language teaching program has not yet been adequately covered in research. Language teaching includes courses for specific purposes for adult learners. This type of teaching for specific purposes has not yet received much attention in Afrikaans second language research. There is currently little or no scientific research on the teaching and learning of Afrikaans as a second language for specific purposes in university context within the framework of the task-based theory. Therefore, this study – to design a vocational language teaching program for education students – was undertaken. Teachers (and education students) should be prepared for effective teaching to be challenged as South Africa is diverse in terms of culture and language, and learners are expected to use language at a high academic level. Linguistic diversity, as found in Western Cape schools, have a direct impact on learners‟ chances of success and education courses should prepare student teachers for teaching in multilingual contexts. Research shows that it is important for the teacher to be able to function in a multilingual context mainly in the foundation and intermediate phases. These are two of the teaching phases that student teachers are trained for in graduate programs. It is important that the education students' language training takes place in such a way that they would be able to function effectively in a multilingual context. The need for further development of Afrikaans as a second language in first-year English-speaking student teachers is especially great since no distinction is made between the two groups – Afrikaans first language speakers and Afrikaans second language speakers – from the second year on. In the second year of undergraduate education courses Afrikaans second language speakers are expected to be able to use Afrikaans at the same level as first language speakers, specifically with the aim of possible teaching in Afrikaans. This study looked at how and to what extent needs analyses contribute to determining the content of a specific purposes course for Afrikaans second language student teachers as they require a unique syllabus due to the fact that the nature of their communication places demands other than that of generic language acquisition. The characteristics of the specific skills that the students need were therefore studied through a needs analysis. Language for specific purposes (LSP) has its own approach to curriculum development and materials design as one of the goals include learning the specific language in limited time. This study will look at how and to what extent the LSP course take students' academic language needs into account. In other words, the principles underlying the design of LSP courses will be studied. The grading and organisation of the content of syllabi often occurred randomly in the past. With the use of needs analyses, the content of the specific purposes syllabi can be specifically determined. By making use of existing research, this study examines the sequencing of content or tasks within a syllabus. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Taalbeleid vir Hoër Onderwys (2002) onderskryf veeltaligheid en taaldiversiteit in tersiêre onderrig. Die vraagstukke rakende veeltaligheid in tersiêre kontekste en die ontwerp van 'n beroepsgerigte taalonderrigprogram ("vocational language teaching programme") is nog nie genoegsaam in navorsing hanteer nie. Die onderrig van tale sluit kursusse vir spesifieke doeleindes aan volwasse leerders in. Hierdie tipe onderrig vir spesifieke doeleindes het nog nie veel aandag binne Afrikaanse tweedetaalnavorsing ontvang nie. Daar word tans min of geen wetenskaplike navorsing oor die onderrig en leer van Afrikaans as tweede taal vir spesifieke doeleindes binne die universiteitskonteks binne die raamwerk van die taakgebaseerde teorie onderneem. Daarom is hierdie studie na die ontwerp van 'n beroepsgerigte taalonderrigprogram vir onderwysstudente onderneem. Aangesien Suid-Afrika divers is ten opsigte van kultuur en taal, moet onderwysers (en onderwysstudente) daarop voorbereid wees dat effektiewe onderrig uitgedaag word, omdat van leerders verwag word om met taal op 'n hoë akademiese vlak om te gaan. Linguistiese diversiteit, soos gevind kan word in Wes-Kaapse skole, het 'n direkte invloed op leerders se kanse op sukses en onderwyskursusse sal leerderonderwysers daarop moet voorberei om in veeltalige kontekste onderrig te kan gee. Navorsing toon dat dit veral in die grondslag- en intermediêre onderrigfases is waar dit vir die onderwyser belangrik is om in 'n veeltalige konteks te kan funksioneer. Dit is twee van die onderrigfases waarvoor onderwysstudente in graad-programme opgelei word. Dit is belangrik dat hierdie onderwysstudente se taalopleiding van so 'n aard is dat hulle suksesvol in 'n veeltalige konteks kan funksioneer. Die behoefte vir die verdere ontwikkeling van Afrikaans as tweedetaal by eerstejaar- Engelssprekende onderwysstudente is veral groot aangesien daar vanaf die tweede jaar in sommige onderwyskursusse geen onderskeid tussen die twee groepe – Afrikaans eerstetaalsprekers en Afrikaans tweedetaalsprekers – getref word nie. In die tweede jaar van voorgraadse opvoedkunde-kursusse word van Afrikaans tweedetaalsprekers verwag om op dieselfde vlak met Afrikaans te kan omgaan as eerstetaalsprekers, spesifiek met die oog op moontlike onderrig in Afrikaans. In hierdie studie word gekyk na hoe en tot watter mate behoefte-analises bydra tot die bepaling van die inhoud van 'n spesifiekedoeleindeskursus vir Afrikaans-tweedetaalonderwysstudente aangesien hulle 'n eiesoortige sillabus benodig as gevolg van die feit dat die aard van hulle kommunikasie ander eise stel as die generiese taalverwerwingskursusse. Daarom word die eienskappe van die spesifieke vaardighede wat die studente benodig, deur middel van 'n behoefte-analise bestudeer. Taal vir spesifieke doeleindes (TSD) het sy eie benadering tot kurrikulumontwikkeling en materiaalontwerp aangesien een van die doelstellings onder meer die aanleer van die spesifieke taal binne beperkte tyd is. In hierdie studie word gekyk na hoe en tot watter mate die TSD-kursus die studente se akademiese taalbehoeftes in ag neem. Daar word met ander woorde na die beginsels wat onderliggend is tot die ontwerp van TSD-kursusse gekyk. Die gradering en ordening van die inhoude vir sillabusse het in die verlede dikwels lukraak plaasgevind. Met behoefte-analises kan spesifiekedoeleindesillabusse se inhoude meer spesifiek bepaal word. Deur gebruik te maak van bestaande navorsing, ondersoek hierdie studie die gradering en ordening van die inhoud of take binne 'n sillabus.

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