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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landboutydskrifte as kultuurhistoriese bron : 'n studie van 'Die Landbouweekblad' en die 'Farmer's Weekly' (1945-1961) aan die hand van 'n aantal geselekteerde kultuuraspekte

Moolman, Anna Magdelena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1990. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The two well-known South African agricultural journals The Farmers Weekly and the Landbouweekblad are important sources for the cultural historian. In this thesis attention is paid to a few selected aspects of post-war culture in South Africa. The period covered stretches from 1945 to 1961. In Section A an introductory background is given, concerning the cultural historian's use of agricultural journals, as well as the epoch as frame within which the information should be interpreted. Chapter 1 concentrates on journalistic sources as primary written sources, and in particular on the contemporary journal. Chapter 2 places agriculture and the agricultural journal in the correct cultural historic perspective. A criptic background is given as to the origin and development of the two journals concerned, as well as an outline of the approach necessary for the use of the different sections in the journals. lt appeared that mechanisation and urbanisation became the two transforming powers with regard to the general cultural climate in South Africa after the Second World War. Chapter 3 focusses hereupon. The theme of Section B is non-material culture. Here attention is paid to folk tales, rhymes and riddles (Chapter 4), folk science (Chapter 5), the most important times in the life cycle of people (Chapter 6) and folk festivals (Chapter 7). The folk tales dealt with are, apart from topics of discussion, true experiences, sagas, legends and jokes. A background discussion will be found, followed by the categorised examples. Folk science is divided into three main sections: folk meteorology, water-witching and folk medicine. Animal as well as human illnesses have been categorised under the latter. Customs and beliefs which evolved around the birth and christaining if a child, courtship and weddings and death and funerals belong under Chapter 6. Regarding folk festivals, a discussion of a few festivals is given with, secondly, a description of a few games, evidently played at such festivals. Material culture is the theme of Section C. Here the following aspects were selected: folk crafts and home industries (Chapter 8), architecture and house interiors and farm and werf layout (Chapter 9), food (Chapter 1 O) and clothing (Chapter 11 ). Home and farm industries are discussed in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 is concerned with the modern home - in the city as well as on the farm - and with the layout of the modern farm and farm yard (werf). A few aspects of the post-war food culture earned themselves further discussion. The rest of Chapter 1 0 is devoted to traditional South African cookery - in the form of recipes, accompanied by a discussion. In the chapter dealing with clothing, the natural phases in fashion between the years 1945 and !,.. 1961 were identified. The discussion of the doting focus'es mainly on women's fashion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die twee bekende Suid-Afrikaanse landboutydskrifte, die Farmer's Weekly en Die Landbouweekblad is belangrike bronne van kultuurhistoriese inligting. In hierdie tesis word op 'n aantal geselekteerde aspekte van die naoorlogse kultuur in Suid-Afrika gekonsentreer. Die tydperk wat gedek word, is 1945 tot 1961. In Afdeling A word daar inleidend 'n agtergrond gegee van die benutting van landboutydskrifte deur die kultuurhistorikus en van die tydvak waarbinne die stof vertolk moet word. In Hoofstuk 1 word daar op joernalistieke bronne as primere geskrewe bronne gekonsentreer en in die besonder op die tydgenootlike tydskrif. Hoofstuk 2 plaas die landbou en landboutydskrif kultuurhistories in perspektief. 'n Kort agtergrond oor die ontstaan ~n groei van die betrokke twee tydskrifte word gegee, en daar word oorsigtelik gewys op die spesifieke benaderings wat die onderskeie afdeli'ngs in die tydskrifte vereis. Uit die landboutydskrifte het geblyk dat meganisasie en verstedeliking nit die Tweede Wereldoorlog die twee omvormende kragte ten opsigte van die bree kultuurklimaat in SuidAfrika geword het. In Hoofstuk 3 word daar hierop gefokus. Afdeling B het die geestelike kultuar as tema. Aspekte wat daariri aandag kry, is: Volkswoordskeppinge (Hoofstuk 4), Volkswetenskap (Hoofstuk 5), Lotstye (Hoofstuk 6) en Volksfeeste (Hoofstuk 7). Onder Volkswoordskeppinge word gespreksonderwerpe, belewenisvertellings, sages, legendes, grappe, rympies en raaisels behandel. 'n Agtergrondbespreking word gegee, waarna die gekategoriseerde voorbeelde wat opgespoor is, volg. Volkswetenskap word hier in drie hoofdele ingedeel: volksweerkunde, waterwys en volksgeneeskunde. By laasgenoemde word aandag aan siektes by diere sowel as die mens gegee en voorbeelde wat gevind is, gekategoriseerd aangebied. Gebruike en gelowe rondom geboorte en doop, hofmaak en die huwelik en derdens die dood en begrafnis word ender lotstye gedek. Die hoofstuk oor volksfeeste bestaan uit 'n bespreking van 'n aantal volksfeeste met as tweede ! deel die beskrywing van enkele speletjies wat klaarblyklik by feesgeleenthede gespeel is. Afdeling C handel oor die stoflike kultuur, waarvan die volgende aspekte geselekteer is: Volksbedrywe (Hoofstuk 8), Huisbou en -inrigting en plaas- en werfuitleg (Hoofstuk 9), Voedselkultuur (Hooptstuk 1 O) en Kleremodes (Hoofstuk 11 ). Volksbedrywe word in twee hoofdele behandel, naamlik huis- en plaasbedrywe. Ten opsigte van huisboujinrigting word daar op die moderne huis gekonsentreer - die stedelike sowel as die plaashuis. Die uitleg van die moderne plaas en werf word volledig bespreek. Slegs 'n aantal naoorlogse aspekte van die voedselkultuur word belig, waarop verder ruimte afgestaan word aan die tradisionele Suid-Afrikaanse kookkuns - in die vorm van resepte, vergesel van 'n bespreking. Kleremodes word aan die hand van die natuurlike fases wat daar in die betrokke tydvak onderskei kan word, behandel. Die klem val hier op vrouemodes

Genandendal-meubels as materiele manifestasie van die Morawiese pietisme

Rabe, Jo-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (History))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Genadendal furniture was made in the small Moravian mission settlement of Genadendal (situated in the Overberg area of the Western Cape) during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Genadendal furniture not only illustrates the impact that the immigration of Europeans had on the development of a unique Old Cape furniture tradition, it also emphasises the influence that a specific world view or philosophy of life had on the design and manufacture of furniture. The origins of the old Unitas Fratrum can be traced back to the late 14th century in ancient Moravia and Bohemia (today part of the Czech Republic). This mission society came to South Africa due to the missionary zeal of the Renewed Moravian Church, which was renewed mostly through the efforts of the German Earl Nicolaus von Zinzindorf. As exponent of Radical Pietism this society accepted the task of worldwide missionary work. By the end of the 18th century there were already more than 18 Moravian mission stations scattered all over the world. One of the most prominent characteristics of the Moravian church was the importance attached to the fellowship of the faithful, and the social organisation resulting from it. Everything in the Moravian community was done to signify the equality of all people before God, expressed by standardised dress, traditions and social organisation. They functioned as independent, self-sufficient communities. Various trades and workshops were established in these communities to further the ideal of self-sufficiency. The missionaries from Europe were all qualified artisans, and they trained members of their communities in the various trades. The pervading spirit of independence equipped these artisan missionaries extremely well to transplant the Moravian furniture styles and traditions to South Africa. Genadendal furniture bears silent witness to the Moravian obsession with simplicity and quality. This furniture style with its simple, straight lines formed part of the Neo-Classical style popular at the Cape at the time.

Die meetbare effek van ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium : ’n loodsprojek aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch

Loftie-Eaton, Eloise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geografiese ligging van enige bepaalde skryflaboratorium maak dit dikwels moeilik vir verafgeleë afstandonderrigstudente om ’n konsultasie te ontvang. ’n Veeleisende klasrooster kan dit vir residensiële studente enersyds problematiseer om ’n nabygeleë skryflaboratorium fisies te besoek vir hulp rakende ’n spesifieke skryfopdrag. Hierdie twee studentegroepe benodig gewoonlik addisionele skryfhulp om die tekskwaliteit van hulle geskrewe tekste te verbeter. In hierdie werkstuk het die navorser gevolglik ondersoek ingestel of ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium, gegrond op die bestaande World Wide Writing (WWW)-model, ’n statisties beduidende effek gelewer het om studente se skryfvaardighede te verbeter. Die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie loodsprojek is verskaf deur Bereiter en Scardamalia (1987) se tweeledige skryfprosesmodel. Laasgenoemde model het ’n belangrike komponent van die ondersoek gevorm om die ontwikkeling van die hersieningsfase (waarmee ook herskrywing bedoel word) in die skryfproses te illustreer, nadat die proefpersone blootgestel is aan ’n skryfadvies oor paragrafering. Altesaam 67 tweedejaarproefpersone van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het die opdrag ontvang om verbeterings aan die paragraafstruktuur van hulle oorspronklike teks aan te bring, ná verwysing van die elektroniese skryflaboratorium wat skryfhulp aangebied het in die vorm van web-advies. Hierna het die proefpersone ook ’n vraelys voltooi om hulle houding ten opsigte van die web-advies bloot te lê. ’n Geselekteerde ekspertpaneel het gevolglik die paragraafstruktuur van die tekste geëvalueer en sodoende aangedui of die tekskwaliteit verbeter het of nie. Hierdie resultate is uiteindelik gebruik om die effek te meet wat ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium uitgeoefen het om die hersieningsfase van die skryfproses te beheer.

Tjommie en Vriende - an interactive language journey through the wonders of Afrikaans : a computer-based programme for international students.

Coetzee, Marisca 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Computers play an influential role in our daily lives. Language teachers need to understand the importance of computers and the role computers can play in language learning and instruction. This study investigated the effect of an interactive computer application, Tjommie en Vriende, on foreign language students’ accuracy in their Afrikaans language proficiency. The application aimed to improve students’ overall communicative competence, but accentuated linguistic competence, in three of the four language skills namely speaking, listening and reading.

A critical evaluation of bilingual Chinese/English dictionaries for elementary and intermediate Mandarin learners at Stellenbosch University

Wang, Mei 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The number of Chinese-learners in South Africa has increased rapidly in recent years, but the quality of the dictionaries that are available for their use has not improved much. The more students study Chinese, the more it becomes necessary to create suitable dictionaries to facilitate their studies. In the hope of meeting this need, this study selects two written dictionaries commonly used by students at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, namely the Oxford Beginner's Chinese Dictionary and the Concise English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, to analyze, comment on and compare in terms of structure and equivalence. Using the results of this analysis, this study offers suggestions for improving the quality of future Mandarin learner’s dictionaries. This study takes into consideration the situation faced by students when learning Chinese abroad, especially in South Africa, the development of pedagogical lexicography in Chinese-learner’s dictionaries in China and abroad, the relationship between online dictionaries and written dictionaries, and some special characteristics of the Chinese language, all of which factors greatly influence the making of a dictionary. Theoretically and methodically, this study is based on Function Theory as presented by Sven Tarp. According to Function Theory, before writing a dictionary, lexicographers must analyze specific types of users in specific types of situations. This study attempts to follow Tarp’s suggestion by analyzing a small group of dictionary users with the help of a survey conducted by the author in an attempt to get a general idea of how Mandarin learners at Stellenbosch University use dictionaries. The main focus of this study is the frame structure, microstructure, macrostructure and dictionary equivalence in two dictionaries--Concise and Beginner’s. After carefully analyzing these aspects of the dictionaries, the author identifies the sections of these dictionaries which successfully present information in a way that will be most beneficial for their intended audiences. The study goes on to pinpoint less-successful sections of the two dictionaries and provides suggestions for improvement. In sum, this study focuses on using the principle of Function Theory to determine what features should be included in Mandarin learner’s dictionaries to make them more suitable for elementary and intermediate learners of Mandarin at Stellenbosch University, in South Africa, and, by extension, in other parts of the world. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope paar jaar het die aantal studente van Sjinees in Suid-Afrika aansienlik toegeneem, maar die standaard van beskikbare woordeboeke het nie veel verbeter nie. Hoe meer studente Sjinees bestudeer hoe noodsaakliker is dit om gepaste woordeboeke te ontwikkel om hulle in hulle studie te help. Om aan hierdie behoefte te voldoen, kies hierdie studie twee woordeboeke wat gereeld deur studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch benut word, naamlik die Oxford Beginner’s Chinese Dictionary en die Concise English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, om hulle te ontleed, kommentaar te lewer en hulle met mekaar in terme van struktuur en ekwivalensie te vergelyk. Met behulp van gevolgtrekkings uit hierdie ontleding word voorstelle gemaak oor hoe om die standaard van toekomstige woordeboeke te verbeter. Die studie neem die situasie in ag waarmee studente wat in die buiteland Sjinees studeer, veral in Suid Afrika, te doen kry, die ontwikkeling van pedagogiese leksikografie in woordeboeke in Sjina sowel as die buiteland, die verhouding tussen aanlynwoordeboeke en gedrukte woordeboeke en sekere spesiale eienskappe van die Sjinese taal - alles faktore wat die opstel van woordeboeke beïnvloed. Teoreties en metodologies is hierdie studie op die funksieteorie, soos aangebied deur Sven Tarp, gebaseer. Volgens die funksieteorie moet leksikograwe voor die opstel van 'n woordeboek spesifieke tipes gebruikers in spesifieke situasies analiseer. Hierdie studie poog om Tarp se voorstelle te volg deur 'n klein groep woordeboekgebruikers, met behulp van 'n ondersoek, uitgevoer deur die outeur, te analiseer om sodoende 'n algemene idee te formuleer van hoe Mandarynse studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch woordeboeke benut. Die hooffokus van hierdie studie is die raamwerk, mikrostruktuur, makrostruktuur en ekwivalensie in die twee gekose woordeboeke – Concise en Beginner’s. Nadat hierdie aspekte van die woordeboeke noukeurig ontleed is, identifiseer die outeur die dele wat inligting op die voordeligste manier vir die bestemde gebruiker aanbied. Ook identifiseer hierdie studie die minder suksesvolle dele en stel moontlike verbeteringe voor. Samevattend fokus hierdie studie daarop om die beginsel van die funksieteorie te benut deur vas te stel watter eienskappe in woordeboeke ingesluit moet word om hulle meer geskik te maak vir elementêre en intermediêre Mandarynse studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in Suid-Afrika, sowel as in ander dele van die wêreld.

'n Vergelykende studie van twee jeugromans : Winterijs (2001) deur Peter van Gestel en Roepman (2004) deur Jan van Tonder

Roets, Kristel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This thesis is a comparative literature study of a Dutch and an Afrikaans novel that can be read by the youth and adults alike and display similarities with regard to genre, content, structure and theme. The novels are Winterijs (2001) by Peter van Gestel and Roepman (2004) by Jan van Tonder. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction. In chapter 2 concepts such as “crossover literature”, “cross publication”, “dual audience authors” and “dual audience literature” are discussed. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the theory that provides a conceptual framework for this study. The method of investigation that is followed by Helma Van Lierop-Debrauwer and Neel Bastiaansen-Harks (2005) in their study of the similarities and differences between an adolescent novel for the youth and an adolescent novel for adults is used, as well as the theory of Victor Turner (1969) on the concept of liminality. As it provides a useful method for approaching and analyzing the two texts, the above mentioned theories are applied to Winterijs and Roepman in Chapters 4 and 5, with specific reference to the representation of a male child narrator with liminal characteristics. In chapter 6 the similarities and differences between the two novels are pointed out and summarized. Conclusions are drawn and possibilities for further research are presented in chapter 7.

Verwonding, verwoording en verwerking : ʼn beskouing van Henning J. Pieterse se kortverhaalbundel Omdat ons alles is vanuit ʼn terapeutiese perspektief

Bezuidenhout, Suzanne-Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / When reading Henning J. Pieterse’s work the reader is confronted by a sombre central theme, that of loss. Loss manifests itself in different ways in his oeuvre, but the most notable forms of loss are as result of the ending of a love affair or death. A second noticeable theme in Pieterse’s work is art and artistry, specifically the creative writing process. In my opinion these themes are most evident in his 1998 collection of short stories Omdat ons alles is (Because we are everything). The main premise in this collection of short stories is the suicide of the beloved wife and the accompanying feelings of loss and grief. The male characters in these stories struggle with processing and accepting loss - loss due the suicide of a beloved wife or due to the ending of a relationship. Various attempts are made to forget the loss and to numb the pain. The characters turn to alcohol, drugs and sex as ways of trying to work through or process the loss, but these methods only bring temporary relief. These self-destructive methods op escapism are contrasted with the constructive act of writing. At the same time the journey to psychic recovery and the processing of trauma becomes a creative journey. By expressing trauma through writing about wounding experiences there is striven to process it. The processing of trauma by means of literary narratives is often extremely exhausting and distressing. In the act of writing about trauma, painful memories that are repressed in the psyche are brought to the surface. In this thesis Omdat ons alles is is viewed from a therapeutic perspective to establish whether the act of writing plays a part in the processing of trauma. Narrative therapy is concerned with the finding of words and language to communicate trauma by creating a story in which the meaning and coherence that trauma destroys, can be recaptured. Trauma destroys the meaning and coherence of a life story and leaves the individual powerless and confused, but by finding words to communicate trauma, there is a positive movement in the direction of dealing with and accepting loss. In Omdat ons alles is Pieterse maps the journey of working through loss and trauma, but in these stories it is also emphasised that this journey is by no means a joyride. In the end it seems that the act of writing does play a part in the processing of trauma, but to which extent, remains an open question.

Koloniale en postkoloniale ontmoetings : representasie en identiteit in die romans Eilande (Dan Sleigh) en Pelican Bay (Nelleke Noordervliet)

Roux, Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study investigates the way in which the representation of history and of the "other" coheres with the construction of the identity of the characters in Eilande (2002) by Dan Sleigh and Pelican Bay (2002) by Nelleke Noordervliet. Initially the research contextualises the authors and their novels by means of a short biographical introduction on the two authors and their different oeuvre’s, as well as an outline of the reception history of the two chosen postcolonial novels. The theoretical background which follows, gives a review on postcolonial literature in general and, more specific, in the Netherlands and South Africa respectively. Different perspectives on representation of the history and the representation of the "other" are provided, with specific attention to the relationship between hybridity, syncretism and identity. These theoretical insights form the basis for the analysis of the two novels, where the relationships and differences between these two postcolonial texts are highlighted. The conclusion is that Eilande and Pelican Bay could be seen as, firstly postcolonial, as both novels provide criticism on the colonial order in different ways and, secondly, were published during a period which followed the colonial era. Hybridity is an important term in this study, with reference to the forming of identity of some of the prominent characters. The conclusion is that the term dynamic cultural hybridity could be used in discussions about postcolonial mixed identities. Although both novels use techniques to give a voice to voiceless marginal subjects, shortcomings in their portrayal as fully-fledged characters do, however, exist. Both novels also have as an ultimate objective to prove that it is impossible to know history and the "other" and that no one truth exists. The motif of islands which appears frequently in both novels is related to aspects like identity, exile and alienation. In conclusion it is not only apparent how strongly the different characters in the novels are formed by their socio-historical contexts, but also from the approach of the authors in their contemporary criticism on oppressing systems like the VOC and/or slavery.

Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en a Whistling Woman : Kielhaal (roman) / Kielhaal

Kapp, T. P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing: Afrikaans, a novel titled Kielhaal (Keelhaul) is presented in which the main character figures as an abject hero. It is accompanied by a formal essay titled “Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en A Whistling Woman” (“The abject hero in Steppenwolf, Fight Club and A Whistling Woman”). The essay researches the application of the abject hero in literary texts.

Die Agterhuis – Lina Spies se vertaling van Anne Frank se dagboek, Het Achterhuis, in Afrikaans : besluite, benaderings en strategieë

Spies, Carla-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the translation approaches and strategies used by Lina Spies in her translation of Anne Frank's diary, Het Achterhuis, from Dutch into Afrikaans (Die Agterhuis). The researcher mainly works descriptively to discuss the decisions made regarding translation approaches and strategies adopted and applied in this translation. However, when necessary, a critique of the translation is also offered. The first chapter deals with the background of, and rationale for, the study; it provides a hypothesis, problem statement, methodology and the research questions. The next chapter provides background information on the source text, as well as considering reasons why this source text was translated into Afrikaans. The translator (Spies) as an agent of power is discussed as well. In the third chapter, the literature review, the most prominent translation theories which are relevant to this study are discussed. There are amongst others focused on functionalism (Nord 1997), intercultural communication (Katan 200), descriptive translation studies (DTS) (Toury 1995), and foreignization and domestication (Venuti 1995). Chapters 4 and 5 present the practical application/empirical study. In the macro-analysis aspects such as genre, overall translation approach and the paratext are looked at. The micro-analysis investigates the translation strategies which were used on the micro-level in order to achieve the overall effect this translation has on macro-level. Pragmatic, intercultural, interlinguistic and text-specific translation problems/challenges and the way that Spies (possibly) resolved these in the target text are discussed. The conclusion is drawn that Spies adopts a functionalist approach towards the translation as she takes into consideration both Nord's (1995) yardsticks for a "good"/"adequate" translation, namely (1) the source text and source text author, as well as (2) the target text reader. The foreignization approach is the primary approach used in this translation and the translator is very faithful to the source text and loyal to the source text author. Domestication is used as a secondary approach as the target text is made accessible to the target text reader on a grammatical level. The thesis finds that the authenticity of the source text and the literary value of this text are preserved, and that the voice and style of the source text author are conveyed to the target text reader. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na die vertaalbenaderings en -strategieë wat Lina Spies gebruik in die vertaling van Anne Frank se dagboek, Het Achterhuis uit Nederlands in Afrikaans (Die Agterhuis). Die navorser gaan hoofsaaklik deskriptief te werk om die besluitneming ten opsigte van watter vertaalbenaderings en vertaalstrategieë wat gevolg en toegepas word, te beskryf. Kritiek word wel uitgespreek waar nodig. Die eerste hoofstuk behels die agtergrond en rasionaal vir die studie, 'n hipotese, probleemstelling en navorsingsvrae en beskryf die metodologie wat in die tesis gevolg word. Die volgende hoofstuk verskaf 'n agtergrond van die bronteks en redes vir die vertaling daarvan in Afrikaans. Daar word hier ook na die vertaler (Spies) as magsagent gekyk. In die daaropvolgende hoofstuk, die literatuurstudie, word die vernaamste vertaalteoretiese benaderings bespreek wat van toepassing is op hierdie studie. Belangrike teorieë waarop daar gefokus word, is funksionalisme (Nord 1997), interkulturele kommunikasie (Katan 2004), deskriptiewe vertaalstudies (Toury 1995) en vervreemding en domestikering (Venuti 1995). Hoofstuk 4 en 5 beslaan die praktiese toepassing/empiriese studie. In die makro-analise word aspekte soos die genre, oorkoepelende vertaalbenadering en parateks bespreek. In die mikroanalise word daar gekyk na die vertaalstrategieë wat op mikrovlak gevolg is om die effek wat die doelteks op makrovlak het, te bewerkstellig. Daar word gekyk na pragmatiese, interkulturele, intertalige en teksspesifieke vertaalprobleme/-uitdagings en Spies se oplossings (of pogings tot oplossings) daarvoor. Daar word na afloop van die studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Spies funksionalisties te werk gaan, aangesien sy albei Nord (1995) se maatstawwe vir 'n "goeie"/"voldoende" vertaling, naamlik, eerstens, die bronteks en bronteksouteur, sowel as, tweedens, die doelteksleser, in ag neem. Die vervreemdingsbenadering word hoofsaaklik in die vertaling gevolg en daar word baie lojaal aan die bronteksouteur en getrou aan die bronteks gebly. Domestikering word as sekondêre benadering gevolg, deurdat die doelteks meestal grammatikaal toeganklik vir die doelteksleser gemaak word. Daar word bevind dat die outentiekheid van die bronteks en die literêre waarde daarvan, sowel as om die stem en styl van die bronteksouteur in die doelteks behou word.

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