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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O consentimento informado na assistência médica : uma análise jurídica orientada pela bioética

Pithan, Livia Haygert January 2009 (has links)
Pour la bioéthique, le consentement éclairé est un processus dialogique qui, au travers d’un échange d’informations, garantit le respect du droit du patient à l’autodétermination. Or, il est souvent confondu avec le formulaire de consentement éclairé, document signé par le patient ou son responsable légal, à la demande du médecin ou de l’établissement hospitalier, reconnaissant que toutes les informations sur le traitement et ses risques lui ont été fournies. Cette thèse se propose de vérifier dans quelle mesure, pour ce qui est des soins médicaux, l’usage du « formulaire de consentement éclairé » sans ce processus communicatif dialogique dit de « consentement éclairé » suffit, en soi, à déclarer irrecevables les actions en responsabilité civile pour non respect ou manquement au respect du devoir d’expliquer les risques inhérents aux procédures diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Notre méthode d’investigation s’appuie sur une révision bibliographique et une recherche documentaire des arrêts contenant l’expression « consentement éclairé » (ou un de ses équivalents). Elle examine 60 arrêts de cours de justice d’états brésiliens pour déterminer le profil des actions et vérifier leur résultat. Le test exact de Fisher a également été utilisé pour déterminer l’association entre les variables « utilisation ou non du formulaire » et « recevabilité ou non des demandes ». Il en ressort que, bien qu’aucune norme brésilienne ne réglemente les formes d’expression du consentement éclairé, un fondement juridique a surgi de l’association systématique de l’intitulé de l’Art. 5 de la Constitution fédérale, du Code civil, en particulier de ses Arts.11 à 21 qui protègent les droits de la personnalité, de l’Art. 6-III du code de la consommation, qui dispose des devoirs d’information et de transparence, et du code de déontologie médicale qui exige l’éclaircissement et le consentement préalables du patient ou de son responsable légal (Art. 22) et interdit toute limitation du droit du patient à disposer de lui-même et de son bien-être (Arts. 24 et 31). Les devoirs d’information des médecins intègrent donc le processus de consentement éclairé, dont la violation peut entraîner la responsabilité civile de ce professionnel, à condition qu’existent les présomptions de dommage au patient, de culpabilité du médecin et de rapport causal entre cette culpabilité et le dommage découlant de la violation du devoir d’information sans que rien ne justifie le manquement au devoir du docteur. / O consentimento informado é entendido, pela Bioética, como um processo dialógico que, por meio da troca de informações, garante o respeito à autodeterminação do paciente, sendo, porém, freqüentemente confundido com o Termo de Consentimento Informado, documento assinado pelo paciente ou seus familiares, a pedido do médico ou da instituição hospitalar, dando ciência de ter recebido informação pertinente ao tratamento e aos seus riscos. Esta tese tem como objetivo verificar em que medida o uso do “termo de consentimento informado”, na assistência médica, de forma desacompanhada do processo comunicativo dialógico chamado “consentimento informado” é de per si suficiente para afastar a procedência de demandas judiciais de responsabilidade civil por ausência ou deficiência do dever de informar riscos inerentes aos procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Utilizou-se como método de pesquisa a revisão bibliográfica e a pesquisa documental em acórdãos que contém a expressão “consentimento informado”(ou equivalentes). A análise foi realizada sobre uma base de 60 acórdãos de Tribunais de Justiça estaduais para verificar o perfil e resultado das demandas. Também aplicou-se o Teste Exato de Fisher, para medir a associação entre variáveis “uso ou não do termo de consentimento” e “procedência ou improcedência das demandas”. Verificou-se que, embora não haja norma nacional que o regulamente as formas de expressão do consentimento informado, há fundamentação jurídica, decorrente da coligação sistemática entre o Art. 5º, caput, da Constituição Federal; o Código Civil, especialmente nos direitos de personalidade, entre os Arts.11 a 21 do Código Civil, que resguardam os Direitos de Personalidade; o Art. 6, III do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, relativo aos deveres de informação e transparência; e o Código de Ética Médica, que exige o esclarecimento e o consentimento prévios do paciente ou de seu responsável legal (Art. 22) e veda qualquer limitação ao exercício do direito do paciente de decidir livremente sobre sua pessoa ou seu bem-estar (Arts. 24 e 31). Os deveres informativos dos médicos integram o processo de consentimento informado e sua violação pode ter como conseqüência a responsabilidade civil do profissional, desde que verificados os pressupostos do dano ao paciente, da culpa do médico e do nexo causal entre a culpa e o dano decorrente da violação de dever informativo e não haja excludente ao dever. / According to Bioethics, informed consent is a dialogic process that, by means of information sharing, accords respect to patients’ self-determination. However, this is often confused with the Informed Consent Form, which is a document signed by patients and family members at the doctor’s or hospital administrator’s request, confirming that they have received information about the treatment and its risks. This thesis is aimed at checking to what extent the use of the “informed consent form” in medical assistance, unaccompanied by the dialogic communicative process called “informed consent”, is per se sufficient to prevent civil liability claims for absence of or deficiency in the duty to inform people about the risks inherent in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The adopted research method was bibliographical review and documental investigation into appellate decisions containing the expression “informed consent” (or equivalents). The analysis was conducted based on 60 appellate decisions reached by state Appellate Courts in order to examine the profile and result of claims Fisher's Exact Test was also administered to measure the association between the variables “use or non-use of the “consent form” and the “validity or invalidity of claims”. It was found that, although there are no national rules governing the forms of expression about informed consent, there are legal foundations arising from the systematic link among the head provision of Art. 5 of the Federal Constitution; the Civil Code, especially in reference to personality rights, Articles 11-21 of the Civil Code, which protect the Personality Rights; Art. 6, III of the Consumer Protection Code concerning information and transparence duties; and the Code of Medical Ethics, which requires the clarification and prior consent of the patient or his/her legal guardian (Art. 22) and forbids any limitation to the patient’s right to freely decide on his/her person or well-being (Articles 24 and 31). Doctors’ informative duties are an integral part of the informed consent process and violation thereof might result in the professional’s civil liability if harm to the patient, the doctor’s fault, and the causal relation between the fault and the harm resulting from violation of the informative duty are confirmed and if no duty exclusion mechanism exists.

The social experience of living with HIV as a gay man in Sweden

Fagerström, Kristofer January 2018 (has links)
The experience of living as HIV positive constitutes a mixture of social phenomenon which affects individuals in various ways diverging between countries and regions of the world. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate how gay men in Sweden’s larger urban cities experience living with the disease, focusing on social exclusion, disclosure decisions and social relations. Using phenomenology, textual data was analysed from in-depth interviews with 14 HIV positive gay men. This research proves that stigma associated with HIV is a major stressor for the individuals serving as a barrier affecting their quality of life. The prevalence of stigma manifests itself via personalised, disclosure decisions, fear, and environmental attitude. Social exclusion was experienced due to being HIV positive and various factors impact disclose decisions, such as second disclosure. Stigma was especially experienced via online communication on dating apps such as Grindr, making it more difficult for the participants to make new connections. A structural change in how gay men have sex has been noticed in line with advancement in medicines, resulting in an increased engagement in unprotected sex. Findings also suggest divided opinions about the obligation to inform while agreeing that the law needs to be modified.

Fastighetsmäklarens upplysningsplikt :  Avseende omfattningen av upplysningsplikten gentemot köparen, med inriktning på fysiska missförhållanden hänfört till fastigheten / The magnitude of realtor’s liability to inform buyers about physical errors according to the property

Snihs, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Vid en fastighetsöverlåtelse är det mycket information som ska utbytas på kort tid, mellan köpare, säljare och mäklare vad beträffar fastighetens fysiska skick och standard. I egenskap av en lojal, opartisk och sakkunnig person avseende fastighetsförsäljningar, har mäklaren ålagts en upplysningsplikt avseende sådant kring fastighetens skick som denne iakttagit, känner till eller annars har anledning att misstänka, som kan antas ha betydelse för köparen. Räckvidden av mäklarens upplysningsplikt gentemot köparen, avseende fysiska missförhållanden enligt FML 16§ 3st. kommer att utgöra uppsatsens brännpunkt. I detta inryms att söka klar-göra vilka typer av fysiska missförhållanden som en mäklare förväntas informera en köpare om, för att inte riskera att drabbas av någon typ av påföljd. Därutöver utreds förutsägbarheten och ändamålsenligheten kring FML 16§ 3st. Bedömningen av mäklarens upplysningsplikt ska även ses utifrån köparens och säljarens inbördes ansvarsområden för faktiska fel i fastigheten, samt i vilken omfattning det anses motiverat att mäklaren ikläder sig parternas ansvarsroller. Hänsyn i bedömningen får även tas till det faktum att mäklaren åläggs en grundläggande lojalitetsplikt som denne uppbär gentemot såväl köparen som säljaren. Problematiken kan i första hand härledas till tvetydiga och tämligen oklara förarbetsuttalanden, samt frånvaron av prejudicerade rättspraxis på området. Rättsreglerna kring bestämmelsen synes därav även vara svåra att tillämpa i de lägre domstolsinstanserna och hos tillsynsmyndigheten, FMN. Därav kvarstår osäkerhet kring rättsläget avseende omfattningen av mäklarens upplysningsplikt vad beträffar fysiska missförhållanden härlett till fastigheten. / When selling a property there is much information, in regards to the property’s physical standard, which should be discussed between the parties; the realtor, the buyer and the property owner. In relation to the buyer and the property owner, the realtor will be known as a loyal, independent person that carries expert know-ledge in regards to selling property. Therefore the realtor should carry the liability to inform the buyer about physical errors according to the property, that has been found, or for some other reason will be known, or if there is a reason to suspect an error, that can be of  importance to the buyer. The focus point of this thesis is the magnitude of the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors, according to FML 16§ 3st., and to examine what kind of physical errors that the buyer have the right to be informed of. Because if the realtor do not respect the obligations according to FML 16§ 3st., legal sanctions will be given. The author will also examine if the legal rule, FML 16§ 3st., is predictable and appropriate. To examine the magnitude of the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors, the legal relation between the buyer and the property owner has to be taken into account according to JB 4:19§. The fact that the realtor also carries a responsibility to submit to good faith and fair dealing will also be interesting. The principal legal issue will be based on the unclear preparatory work, regarding to FML (2011:666) 16§ 3st., and the magnitude of realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors. Furthermore, there is no case law given by the Swedish Supreme Courts, and that is one more reason why the area is so hard to apply. The legal position will therefore stay unclear, according the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer about physical errors of the property.

La responsabilité civile des conseillers en génétique au Québec et les conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance : vers un encadrement juridique?

Zawati, Ma'n Hilmi Mohammad 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis maintenant quelques décennies, les conseillers en génétique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la génétique médicale. Leur apport ainsi que l’importance de leur rôle sont aujourd’hui incontestables. Leur statut juridique, cependant, demeure incertain et requiert une analyse approfondie. En effet, n’étant pas reconnue par le Code des professions du Québec, la pratique du conseil génétique se trouve conséquemment privée de la protection octroyée par ce Code aux autres professionnels, notamment celle ayant trait au titre et à l’exclusivité des actes. Devant ce statu quo et dans l’optique de la protection du public, l’étude de la responsabilité civile du conseiller en génétique s’avère nécessaire. Trois obligations principales ressortent de cette analyse, soit les obligations de compétence, de renseignement et de confidentialité. En ce qui a trait aux conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance, elles ne sont pas négligeables. En vérité, l’inertie du législateur québécois floue la relation qu’a le conseiller en génétique avec les autres membres de son équipe multidisciplinaire, et ce, surtout en ce qui a trait à la délimitation des actes qu’il peut prodiguer. En effet, ce dernier risque d’empiéter sur certains aspects de la pratique médicale et infirmière, engendrant ainsi sa responsabilité pénale. Finalement, il s’est avéré important de chercher des pistes de solutions étrangères pouvant se transposer au Québec. Le cas de la France se trouve à être un exemple pertinent, puisque le législateur français a reconnu législativement le conseiller en génétique en tant que professionnel et a protégé tant le titre que l’exclusivité des actes de ce dernier. / In recent decades, genetic counselors have played an increasingly important role in the field of medical genetics. Today, their contribution and the importance of their role are indisputable. Their legal status, however, remains uncertain and requires further analysis. Indeed, not being recognized by the Professional Code of Quebec, the practice of genetic counselors is consequently deprived of the protection granted by this Code to other professionals, notably the exclusivity of their titles and acts. Given this status quo and with the aim of protecting the public, a study of the civil liability of genetic counselors becomes necessary. Three main duties of genetic counselors emerge from this analysis: the duty to proficiency, the duty to inform, and the duty of confidentiality. Moreover, there are several legal consequences for non-recognition of this emerging profession. Indeed, the inaction of the Quebec legislator has resulted in a confusing relationship between the genetic counselor and the other members of the multidisciplinary team, especially with regard to the delimitation of services which the counselor can provide. Indeed, the latter may infringe on certain aspects of the medical practice and nursing, thereby engendering his penal liability. This situation leads us to foreign jurisdictions in an effort to find possible solutions which can be transposed in Quebec. The situation in France comes as a relevant example, since the French legislature has legally recognized the genetic counselor as a professional and has protected his title as well as the exclusivity of his practice.

L'obligation d'information dans les contrats du commerce electronique / Obligations of information in e-commerce contrats

Mahi-Disdet, Djamila 13 December 2011 (has links)
L’information des opérateurs, professionnels ou non, est l’outil le plus important de la confiance dans l’économie numérique et les textes européens et nationaux se sont multipliés pour l’assurer de manière de plus en plus complète. L’étude s’attachera à inventorier selon les sources (droit commun, code de la consommation, législations spéciales) et classer les différentes obligations d’information en proposant diverses typologies selon leur nature, leur objet (la chose et le prix, la durée, les modalités) et leur rôle dans le processus contractuel (information précontractuelle, information sur la formalisation du contrat, la rétractation). Elle évoquera les difficultés liées à la combinaison des règles spéciales et des règles de droit commun (contradictions, variations, chevauchements). Dans le silence des textes spéciaux, elle traitera enfin des sanctions du non-respect de l’obligation d’information selon qu’il met en cause, ou non, la validité du consentement (nullité du contrat, inopposabilité). / Information for operators, professionals or not, is the main tool of confidence in the digital economy and the European and national texts have proliferated to reinforce this in a more and more comprehensive way. Based on its origins (common law, the Consumer Code, special laws), the study will seek to make an inventory and classify the different sources of information obligations by providing different typologies adapted to their nature or purpose (the object and its price, duration, terms) and their role in the contract process (pre-contractual information, information on the formalization of the contract, the withdrawal). It will discuss the difficulties associated with the combination of special rules and common law (contradictions, variations, overlapping). In the silence of specific texts, it will also cover the penalties for non compliance with the obligation of information depending on whether it questions or not the validity of the consent (void contract, unenforceable).

La responsabilité civile des conseillers en génétique au Québec et les conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance : vers un encadrement juridique?

Zawati, Ma'n Hilmi Mohammad 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis maintenant quelques décennies, les conseillers en génétique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la génétique médicale. Leur apport ainsi que l’importance de leur rôle sont aujourd’hui incontestables. Leur statut juridique, cependant, demeure incertain et requiert une analyse approfondie. En effet, n’étant pas reconnue par le Code des professions du Québec, la pratique du conseil génétique se trouve conséquemment privée de la protection octroyée par ce Code aux autres professionnels, notamment celle ayant trait au titre et à l’exclusivité des actes. Devant ce statu quo et dans l’optique de la protection du public, l’étude de la responsabilité civile du conseiller en génétique s’avère nécessaire. Trois obligations principales ressortent de cette analyse, soit les obligations de compétence, de renseignement et de confidentialité. En ce qui a trait aux conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance, elles ne sont pas négligeables. En vérité, l’inertie du législateur québécois floue la relation qu’a le conseiller en génétique avec les autres membres de son équipe multidisciplinaire, et ce, surtout en ce qui a trait à la délimitation des actes qu’il peut prodiguer. En effet, ce dernier risque d’empiéter sur certains aspects de la pratique médicale et infirmière, engendrant ainsi sa responsabilité pénale. Finalement, il s’est avéré important de chercher des pistes de solutions étrangères pouvant se transposer au Québec. Le cas de la France se trouve à être un exemple pertinent, puisque le législateur français a reconnu législativement le conseiller en génétique en tant que professionnel et a protégé tant le titre que l’exclusivité des actes de ce dernier. / In recent decades, genetic counselors have played an increasingly important role in the field of medical genetics. Today, their contribution and the importance of their role are indisputable. Their legal status, however, remains uncertain and requires further analysis. Indeed, not being recognized by the Professional Code of Quebec, the practice of genetic counselors is consequently deprived of the protection granted by this Code to other professionals, notably the exclusivity of their titles and acts. Given this status quo and with the aim of protecting the public, a study of the civil liability of genetic counselors becomes necessary. Three main duties of genetic counselors emerge from this analysis: the duty to proficiency, the duty to inform, and the duty of confidentiality. Moreover, there are several legal consequences for non-recognition of this emerging profession. Indeed, the inaction of the Quebec legislator has resulted in a confusing relationship between the genetic counselor and the other members of the multidisciplinary team, especially with regard to the delimitation of services which the counselor can provide. Indeed, the latter may infringe on certain aspects of the medical practice and nursing, thereby engendering his penal liability. This situation leads us to foreign jurisdictions in an effort to find possible solutions which can be transposed in Quebec. The situation in France comes as a relevant example, since the French legislature has legally recognized the genetic counselor as a professional and has protected his title as well as the exclusivity of his practice.

夫妻財產制之實務運作── 以民法第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條為中心 / A Study on the Practice of Matrimonial Property Regimes - Focusing on Article 1010, 1018-1, 1022 of Civil Code

蔣瑜玲, Chiang, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
法定財產制,向來為夫妻財產制之重點制度,我國婚姻當事人多適用之。觀其內涵,可分作「非常法定財產制」和「通常法定財產制」,前者規定於民法第1010條,後者規定於民法親屬編第二章第四節第二款。然而,法定財產制的相關討論,多集中於特定條文,而不利制度全貌之還原,本論文遂揀選民法第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條等非熱門規定,以期達到拋磚引玉之效果。惟須注意的是,儘管第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條同為廣義法定財產制之規定,考量到我國民法親屬編將第1010條置於通則之結構,本論文仍以「夫妻財產制」為題,以免造成誤會。 本論文共分作六章,第一章將說明研究動機與目的、範圍與限制、方法與架構等基本設定。 第二章的部分,基於後續第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條「條文解析」和「實務運作」之研究需要,此處將先介紹我國夫妻財產制和法定財產制,以建構基本背景。 第三章至第五章,分別為第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條之專章。有鑑於1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條基礎討論甚少,本論文雖以實務狀況為主要觀察目標,在架構上,仍從根本的「條文解析」出發,復延伸至「實務運作」,從大量裁判中,探究人民與法院之狀況為何。 第六章結論,本論文將綜合研究結果,作一反思,期許能為法條未來發展,貢獻棉薄之力。

Organisation, practice and experiences of mouth hygiene in stroke unit care: a mixed methods study

Horne, Maria, McCracken, G., Walls, A., Tyrrell, P.J., Smith, C.J. 03 1900 (has links)
No / Aims and objectives To (1) investigate the organisation, provision and practice of oral care in typical UK stroke units; (2) explore stroke survivors', carers' and healthcare professionals' experiences and perceptions about the barriers and facilitators to receiving and undertaking oral care in stroke units. Cerebrovascular disease and oral health are major global health concerns. Little is known about the provision, challenges and practice of oral care in the stroke unit setting, and there are currently no evidence-based practice guidelines. Design Cross-sectional survey of 11 stroke units across Greater Manchester and descriptive qualitative study using focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Methods A self-report questionnaire was used to survey 11 stroke units in Greater Manchester. Data were then collected through two focus groups (n = 10) with healthcare professionals and five semi-structured interviews with stroke survivors and carers. Focus group and interview data were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using framework approach. Results Eleven stroke units in Greater Manchester responded to the survey. Stroke survivors and carers identified a lack of oral care practice and enablement by healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals identified a lack of formal training to conduct oral care for stroke patients, inconsistency in the delivery of oral care and no set protocols or use of formal oral assessment tools. Conclusion Oral care post-stroke could be improved by increasing healthcare professionals' awareness, understanding and knowledge of the potential health benefits of oral care post-stroke. Further research is required to develop and evaluate the provision of oral care in stroke care to inform evidence-based education and practice.

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