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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En mångkulturell skola : Med fokus på undervisande lärare samt elever som läser svenska som andraspråk

Lindqvist, Caroline, Vasquez, Melissa January 2013 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns det många ungdomar med utländsk bakgrund vilket leder till att utländska elever utgör en stor del av skolan, därav begreppet en mångkulturell skola. Detta ämne är aktuellt och för att kunna skapa oss en bild av hur elever och lärare känner för mångkulturell skola, samverkan och gemenskap. Detta arbete ger även en inblick på hur främlingsfientlighet tar sig uttryck i skolan. För att genomföra detta arbete har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av intervjuer. 10 elever och 4 lärare har intervjuats som underlag för resultatet. Dessa intervjuer hölls individuellt samt i grupp. Resultatet visar att lärare har en medvetenhet om vad det innebär att undervisa elever med utländsk bakgrund. Eleverna lyfter fram vikten av att lära sig svenska i skolan, och de lyfter även fram att det finns antaganden som grundar sig på att de är invandrare.

Att lära sig svenska i Spanien : En kvalitativ studie om lärarnas resonemang kring elevers utveckling av det svenska språket vid en svensk utlandsskola

Åberg, Anna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate how teachers in Swedish schools abroad reason about their work developing the Swedish language as the students live in a non-Swedish speaking country although going to a Swedish school. Furthermore the study intends to examine the teachers' attitudes towards the impact the Swedish language has upon the school. Research questions: What thoughts do the teachers signify in reference to the language development of the students? How do the teachers reason about the role of the Swedish language in the school? In order to answer these questions, qualitative measures has been used in terms of observations and interviews. The study is based upon a social constructivist perspective with the idea that reality is socially constructed. I am inspired by Vygotskijs theories regarding children's language development which presents a socio-cultural perspective.  The result shows that the Swedish language has a great influence in school and that the teachers' attitudes towards the Swedish language is of major importance in order to encourage the students' language development. Teachers and the principal highlight the emphasis of working with the Swedish language since the students live in a non-Swedish speaking country and therefore mainly come in contact with it in the school or at home. The teachers' work actively to develop the students language skills through reading Swedish literature, producing own texts and consistently speaking Swedish.

Directionality in Collaborative Translation Processes

Pavlovic, Natasa 18 October 2007 (has links)
Nata a PavlovićDireccionalidad en procesos de traducción colaborativa Un estudio de traductores noviciosResumenLa traducción hacia la segunda lengua (traducción L2) es una realidad en muchos ámbitos alrededor del mundo, en especial - aunque no exclusivamente - en aquellas culturas que utilizan una "lengua de difusión limitada". Incluso a los traductores cuyo idioma materno es una de las lenguas "mayores" se les está exigiendo cada vez con mayor frecuencia el trabajar a partir de su primera lengua (L1) hacia el inglés, el idioma que predomina en el mundo globalizante. Esto hace que la traducción L2 constituya una cuestión de creciente importancia para el profesional, convirtiendo asimismo la investigación sobre la traducción hacia la segunda lengua en un tema de mayor relevancia en la Traductología. El propósito del presente estudio era comparar los procesos de traducción L1 y L2 realizados por traductores novicios, con el fin de aislar las características que difieran en forma significativa según la dirección, con el propósito de desarrollar la enseñanza de la traducción. Con este objetivo en mente, el estudio pretende probar la siguiente hipótesis general: "Las traducciones L1 y L2 muestran algunas diferencias que pudieran ser atribuidas a la dirección de la traducción". En forma más específica, se ha planteado la hipótesis de que las traducciones L1 y L2 difieren no sólo en los productos, sino también en algunos aspectos importantes de los procesos de traducción. Por ello se han seleccionado las siguientes características como potencialmente significativas:· La cantidad y el tipo de problemas a los que se van a enfrentar los sujetos;· Las soluciones que van a considerar;· Las maneras en que van a evaluar las soluciones y tomar las decisiones finales;· Los recursos que van a consultar;· Las acciones/interacciones que van a llevar a cabo;· Los argumentos que van a utilizar para tomar decisiones;· La calidad de sus productos finales.El estudio fue concebido como un conjunto de experimentos que involucraban a traductores novicios - estudiantes universitarios que acababan de presentar su examen final de traducción. Todos los sujetos tenían el croata como primera lengua (L1) y habían estudiado inglés como segunda lengua previamente durante 12 años por lo menos. Se utilizaron para los experimentos dos textos de origen comparables de lenguaje general, uno en inglés y el otro en croata.El método para la recolección de los datos utilizados en los experimentos fue el "protocolo de traducción colaborativa", un tipo de informe verbal obtenido de las sesiones de traducción colaborativa (grupal). Las sesiones de traducción fueron grabadas con cámara de vídeo digital y posteriormente transcritas, mientras que para complementar los datos obtenidos de las sesiones de traducción, se utilizaron cuestionarios previos y posteriores a los experimentos. Para procesar los datos se utilizaron tanto el análisis cuantitativo como el cualitativo.Se pueden resumir los resultados de este estudio de la siguiente manera:· En las traducciones L1 y L2 de textos específicos de tipo general de dificultad comparable, se encontró que los traductores novicios se enfrentaban a cantidades y tipos de problemas similares en ambas direcciones de traducción.· La "fluidez" en la traducción L1 era mayor que en la L2, es decir, los traductores novicios se apoyaban más en recursos internos en el caso de la traducción L1 que en la traducción L2.· Los traductores novicios lograban productos de mejor calidad en sus traducciones hacia L1 que hacia L2.· El monitoreo del producto era más estricto en las traducciones hacia L1 que en las traducciones hacia L2.· La construcción del significado del texto de partida desempeña un papel importante en ambas direcciones de traducción.· Los traductores novicios preferían una cierta combinación de acciones/interacciones característica de su estilo de trabajo, sin importar la dirección de traducción.Se espera poder aplicar los resultados en la formación en traducción, en especial en aquellos ámbitos donde la traducción L2 se enseña a nivel universitario. Asimismo se espera que este estudio sea de utilidad para futura investigación sobre la direccionalidad, sobre la traducción colaborativa y - en forma más general - sobre los procesos de traducción.AbstractTranslation into the second language (L2 translation) is a reality in many settingsaround the world, especially - but not exclusively - in those cultures that use a"language of limited diffusion". Even translators whose mother tongue is one of the"major" languages are more and more frequently required to work out of their firstlanguage (L1) into English, the dominant language of the globalizing world. This makesL2 translation an increasingly important issue for the practitioner, and research on L2translation a very relevant topic for Translation Studies.In the past, prescriptive approaches to translation denounced the practice of L2translation as unprofessional or even impossible. As a result, L2 translation was untilrecently largely neglected both in translation theories and in research. Over the past tento fifteen years, however, the number of studies dealing with L2 translation has been onthe increase, with translation into the non-mother tongue even becoming the main topicof forums and conferences, and their subsequent publications (e.g. Kelly et al. 2003;Grosman et al 2000).The aim of this study is to compare L1 and L2 translation processes by novicetranslators, in order to isolate the features that differ significantly according to direction,with a view to improving translation teaching. To this end, the study sets out to test thefollowing general hypothesis: "L1 and L2 translation display some differences that canbe attributed to direction of translation". More specifically, it is hypothesized that L1and L2 translation differ not only in products, but also in some important aspects oftranslation processes. The following features are therefore selected as likely to berelevant:The number and type of problems the subjects encounter;The solutions they consider;The ways in which they assess the solutions and make final decisions;The resources they consult; The actions/interactions they take; The arguments they use in making decisions; The quality of their final products.The study is set up as a set of experiments involving novice translators -university students who have just passed their final translation exam. All the subjectshave Croatian as their first language L1, and have been learning English as their secondlanguage for at least 12 years. Two comparable general- language source texts, one inEnglish and the other in Croatian, are used in the experiments.The method of data collection used in the experiments is the "collaborativetranslation protocol," a type of verbal report obtained from collaborative (group)translation sessions. Four groups of three subjects are asked to translate the two texts,one into their L1 (L1 translation task) and the other into their L2 (L2 translation task).Collaborative translation (cf. Kiraly 2000a), albeit not typical of professional translationpractice, is nevertheless used in educational settings, and has been part of the subjects'translation training. The translation sessions are recorded by a digital video camera, andtranscribed. Pre- and post-experiment questionnaires complement the data from thetranslation sessions. Control experiments aimed at comparing collaborative andindividual translation are carried out with comparable subjects and involve choicenetwork analysis (cf. Campbell 2001) and integrated problem and decision reports (cf.Gile 2004).Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are used to process the data. Thefindings are expected to be applicable in translation training, especially in settingswhere L2 translation is taught at university level.

An acoustic analysis and cross-linguistics study of the phonemic inventory of Nez Perce

Nelson, Katherine 16 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is an acoustic description of the phonemic inventory of Nez Perce [nez], a Penutian language of the United States. Acoustic work has been conducted on the consonants of Nez Perce, but no acoustic work has been conducted on the vowels or vowel harmony system. This work begins with an overview of the dissertation, language situation, and previous research. Following the introduction are chapters on ejectives and plain obstruents, plain and glottalized sonorants, vowels, vowel harmony, and the conclusion. Nez Perce has both plain and ejective stop series, a plain and ejective affricate series, and a plain fricative series. I examine these segments for acoustic correlates comparing them to previous research, other languages and current theory. The ejectives are described with f0, intensity, jitter, burst amplitude and VOT. I discuss fricatives in terms of spectra, duration, formant transitions, and moments. The timing and realization of glottalization on glottalized and plain sonorants is investigated. Segments are measured for duration and are visually and aurally inspected for variation of glottalization, realized using pitch, laryngealization, glottal stops, or a combination of these features. It is nearly always realized on the sonorant rather than before or after. Vowels are plotted and compared to previous phonological descriptions. The inventory is /i, æ, a, o, u/ rather than the canonical five-vowel system, leading to the description of the inventory as having a “gap” and not maximally contrastive. I suggest that if Nez Perce vowels are considered using a shifted axis then the vowels are maximally contrastive. The non-canonical vowel inventory leads to two seeming unrelated vowel harmony sets: dominant, /i, a, o/, and recessive, /i, æ, u/. The proposed shifted axis view becomes important for reanalyzing the vowel harmony to reconcile these unusual sets. Previous analyses have described Nez Perce vowel harmony as based on advanced tongue root (ATR). I investigated Nez Perce vowels for ATR acoustic correlates; however, the results provide evidence both supporting and not supporting an ATR analysis. I propose an alternate analysis for the vowel harmony based on the principle of maximal contrast, evidenced by the shifted axis model.

Evaluation of a New Method for Extraction of Drift-Stable Information from Electronic Tongue Measurements / Utvärdering av en ny metod för att erhålla drift-stabil information från mätningar med den elektroniska tungan

Nyström, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is a part of a project where a new method, the base descriptor approach, is studied. The purpose of this method is to reduce drift and extract vital information from electronic tongue measurements. Reference solutions, called descriptors, are measured and the measurements are used to find base descriptors. A base descriptor is, in this thesis, a regression vector for prediction of the property that the descriptor represent. The property is in this case the concentration of a chemical substance in the descriptor solution. Measurements from test samples, in this case fruit juices, are projected onto the base descriptors to extract vital and drift-stable information from the test samples. The base descriptors are used to determine the concentrations of the descriptors'chemical substances in the juices and thereby also to classify the different juices. It is assumed that the measurements of samples of juices and descriptors drift the same way. This assumption has to be true in order for the base descriptor approach to work. The base descriptors are calculated by multivariate regression methods like partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Only two of the descriptors tested in this thesis worked as basis for base descriptors. The base descriptors'predictions of the concentrations of chemical substances in the juices are hard to evaluate since the true concentrations are unknown. Comparing the projections of juice measurements onto the base descriptors with a classification model on the juice measurements performed by principal component analysis (PCA), there is no significant difference in drift of the juice measurements in the results of the two methods. The base descriptors, however, separates the juices for classification somewhat better than the classification of juices performed by PCA.

Språket i första eller andra hand? : En uppsats om språkutveckling, modersmål och svenska som andraspråk. / The language in first or second hand? : An essay on language development, native language and Swedish as a second language.

Hjelmblom, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
Högskolan i Gävle    Examensarbete C Akademin för utbildning och ekonomi   15 hp Lärarprogrammet     Vårterminen 2011 Titel: Språket i första eller andra hand? En uppsats om språkutveckling, modersmål och svenska som andraspråk.   Författare: Kajsa Hjelmblom Handledare: Daniel Pettersson Sammanfattning Studiens syfte är att undersöka om lärare i grundskolans tidigare år känner till hela skolans språkutvecklande uppdrag och ta reda på hur klasslärare arbetar med att främja elevernas språkutveckling. Syftet är också att ta reda på om arbetet med elevernas språkutveckling skiljer sig mellan skolor med få eller många elever med invandrarbakgrund samt att undersöka om det finns något samarbete mellan klasslärare och modersmålslärare. Studien är en kvantitativ studie i liten skala. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en enkät som delats ut till klasslärare och modersmålslärare på två skolor, varav en skola har många elever med invandrarbakgrund och en skola har få. Uppsatsen belyser också hur barn utvecklar språk i hemmet och i skolan samt vad modersmål och svenska som andraspråk är. Resultatet visar att det finns varierande engagemang och kunskaper om hela skolans språkutvecklande uppdrag. Några klasslärare visar i enkätundersökningen att de är medvetna om vad det språkutvecklande uppdraget innebär medan andra inte känner till det. Resultat visar också att samarbetet mellan klasslärarna i studien och deras elevers modersmålslärare är nästintill obefintligt.   Nyckelord: Modersmål, svenska som andraspråk, språkutveckling och samarbete. / University of Gävle    Degree C School of Education and the Economy    15 hp Spring 2011 Title: The language in first or second hand? An essay on language development, native language and Swedish as a second language. Authors: Kajsa Hjelmblom Supervisor: Daniel Petterson Summary The purpose of this study was to examine if teachers in primary school are familiar with the school systems language development mission and observe how teachers are working with pupils' language skills. The aim is also examine whether the work with pupils' language skills differs between schools with few or several students with immigrant backgrounds and to look at whether there is collaboration between classroom teachers and home-language teachers. It is a quantitative study with a limited number of participants. The study was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to classroom teachers and home-language teachers in two schools, one school with several pupils from immigrant backgrounds, and a school with few. This paper also illustrates how children develop language skills at home and at school as well as description of what Swedish as a second language is. The results show that the commitment and knowledge of the school systems language development mission vary. The survey shows that some classroom teachers are familiar with what the language development mission is while others are not. Results also show that the cooperation between school teachers and home-language teachers almost is non-existing. Keywords: Native language, mother tongue, Swedish as a second language, language development and cooperation.

Studiehandledning & andraspråkselever

Movahednia, Mahshid January 2010 (has links)
This essay is a combination of an interview, survey and an observation that involves seven different teachers and thirty-eight pupils in a school situated in a suburb of Stockholm. The purpose of my research is an attempt to give a picture of how a team of teachers in a primary school act together when teaching maths, as the majority of the pupils have another mother tounge than Swedish. Yet another purpose of this essay is to examine what possibilities this team of teachers have in trying to develop the Swedish language within other bilingual pupils and at the same time develop their math comprehension. I have chosen to initiate the theoreti-cal starting point through the points of Rodell-Olgac & Rönnberg & Rönnberg; these authors discuss the importance of language comprehension when it comes to developing ones math skills. I have reached the conclusion in my examination that it is important to raise the impor-tance of language comprehension within math-education. It is crucial that teachers need to create different kinds of working patterns and methods that are adapted accordingly to the learning-ability of the pupils. Thus, teachers also need to show great consideration to the cul-tural backgrounds, expectations, attitudes and feelings of their pupils.

Modersmål genom barnböcker : en kvalitativ studie om modersmålsstödet på en förskola

Jönsson, Stina January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of my study has been to find out how mother tongue teachers working in preschools where a majority of the children have a mother tongue other than Swedish make use of fictional children’s books during the mother tongue support lessons. In order to determine this, I am asking the following questions: - What is the range of children's books in the children's mother tongue available at the preschool? - In what ways are the native language teachers encouraging literacy development through the usage of children's books? - How do native language teachers view the childrens’ linguistic development as well as the enhancement of cultural identity through the usage of the books? These questions have formed the basis of the methodical approach, which is based on a qualitative research method. The data collection consists of three parts; the observation of mother tongue support, interviews with language teachers as well as with the nursery manager and lastly a survey of children's books in languages other than Swedish at the preschool. The essay has as its theoretical basis the socio-cultural view of learning and development. Previous research is composed of studies showing that children with a mother tongue different from that of the majority population should be supported in the development of their native language for several reasons, including for the development of the Swedish language and for the enhancement of cultural identity. Also referred to is research which suggests that reading aloud and conversations about books is important for children's language development and future success in reading and writing activities. The results show that the range of children's books written in the mother tongue of the children which are available at the preschool is small. However, the language teachers' work with children’s books in the native languages has a prominent place in the native language support. By reading aloud, through conversation and interaction with the books, the children are given the opportunity to obtain many of the skills required for the future development of reading and writing skills. Moreover, the results show that native language teachers consciously involve the children's cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the native language education through the usage of books concerning the minority group's traditions and other specific phenomena related to the children and the cultural background of their family However, reading aloud in the mother tongue sometimes has to give way to other activities and the mother tongue education suffers when staff are absent. The conclusion I can draw from these results is that knowledge of the language support exists but that this knowledge must be connected and realized in the preschool environment.

The Study on The Agreement Between Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners

Lu, Chun-Hung 25 July 2011 (has links)
Tongue diagnosis is a unique method of diagnosis practiced in traditional Chinese medicine and an important tool in diagnosing diseases before determining proper methods of cures and treatment. In the traditional clinical practice, tongue diagnosis depends solely on the personal knowledge and experience of the practitioner, thereby lacking in objectivity and quantification. Consequently, an automatic tongue diagnosis system (ATDS) has been developed to provide practitioners with objective data and assist them in reaching diagnoses. To prove the system¡¦s stability in clinical application, this study employs 20 sets of tongue images, taken 10 minutes apart from 20 patients with possible variations in lighting, and the length, shape and angle of extruding tongue. The features extracted by the ATDS for each set of tongue images are compared to investigate the intra-agreement of ATDS, and two sessions of tongue diagnosis questionnaires to investigate the intra-agreement of doctors with consensus (DC) and doctors without consensus(DWC),and the inter-agreement between ATDS, DC and DWC, and the inter- agreement among DC and DWC. And this study also investigate the improvement of agreement by DWC after a training process.

Mechanical and metabolic stresses contribute to high force contraction signaling

Rahnert, Jill Anne 27 March 2012 (has links)
Force production by a muscle is critical to maintaining proper function and overall health of a human or animal. Muscle adapts to increased loading with hypertrophy by activating a number of intracellular signaling cascades that regulate protein synthesis. The overall hypothesis is that force-dependent processes acutely activate growth-related signaling during active force generation. This project took two approaches. The first employed a general survey of muscles in which age-dependent changes in muscle activity differed. No conclusive activity-dependent signaling emerged however coordinated signaling among kinases broke down with age. The second approach utilized an in situ muscle preparation in which force production or metabolic costs were specifically controlled. Similar sub-maximal force levels generated by different methods found that force, per se, is not a primary modulator of growth-related signaling but that ERK phosphorylation is dependent on fiber-activation. Prolonging the duration of electrical stimulation applied to the nerve or increasing the frequency at which stimulations are applied was expected to increase the metabolic stress associated with contraction. Several growth-related kinases correlated with markers of metabolic stress, i.e. increased AMPK activity and decreased glycogen content, which were decoupled from force decline. This suggests energy depletion, specific to stimulation pattern, strongly influences the immediate response to high force contraction signaling. The overall conclusion is that signaling molecules previously implicated in force-dependent signaling lie much too downstream to relay strict force-dependent signaling.

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