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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A corresponsabilidade do lesado na responsabilidade civil

Alfonsin, Pedro Zanette January 2016 (has links)
No presente estudo buscar-se-á investigar a corresponsabilidade do lesado na responsabilidade civil, inserido no direito brasileiro no artigo 945 do Código Civil. Assim, inicialmente, tratar-se-á da conexão do tema com o dano fortuito e o dano causado a si mesmo para, em sequência abordar a corresponsabilidade do lesado com enfoque sobre a função preventiva da responsabilidade civil ao incentivar não somente o lesante a não reincidir em atos ilícitos, mas também a vítima. A corresponsabilidade do lesado será apresentada como exceção ao princípio da reparação integral do dano. A seguir, passa-se a tratar da corresponsabilidade da vítima e os estudos a respeito do nexo de causalidade e a análise das teorias da causalidade. Merece também exame a aplicação nos casos de corresponsabilidade do lesado e sua incidência quando da responsabilidade objetiva. Será demonstrada uma análise da recepção da corresponsabilidade do lesado nas legislações estrangeiras com enfoque especial ao sistema da commow law com a contributory negligence e sua migração para o comparative negligence. Em capítulos específicos são abordados estudos a respeito do dever de colaborar com a mitigação do próprio prejuízo (duty to mitigate the loss) e também a interlocução com o artigo 935 do Código Civil. Outro centro do presente estudo é a proporção na redução equitativa do dano quando identificada a concausalidade da vítima pelo magistrado e a contribuição da disciplina de direito e economia para o tema. / The present study will seek to investigate comparative negligence in tort law inserted in Brazilian law in the article 945 of the Civil Code. So initially it will treat the theme of connection with the accidental damage and damage to yourself to sequentially treat the comparative negligence focusing on the preventive function of liability to encourage not only the perpetrator not reoccur in unlawful acts and also presents it as an exception to the principle of full compensation for the damage. Following going to deal with the comparative negligence and the studies of the causation and the analysis of causality theories. Also worth examining the application of the victim responsibility cases and its impact when it focuses strict liability. It will be shown an analysis of the injured responsibility reception in foreign legislation being given special attention to the commow law system with contributory negligence and their migration to the comparative negligence. In specific chapters are covered studies on the duty to mitigate the loss and also interlocution with Article 935 of the Civil Code. Another center of the study is the proportion equitable harm reduction when concausalidade identified the victim by the magistrate and the contribution of the discipline of Law and Economics at the subject.

A corresponsabilidade do lesado na responsabilidade civil

Alfonsin, Pedro Zanette January 2016 (has links)
No presente estudo buscar-se-á investigar a corresponsabilidade do lesado na responsabilidade civil, inserido no direito brasileiro no artigo 945 do Código Civil. Assim, inicialmente, tratar-se-á da conexão do tema com o dano fortuito e o dano causado a si mesmo para, em sequência abordar a corresponsabilidade do lesado com enfoque sobre a função preventiva da responsabilidade civil ao incentivar não somente o lesante a não reincidir em atos ilícitos, mas também a vítima. A corresponsabilidade do lesado será apresentada como exceção ao princípio da reparação integral do dano. A seguir, passa-se a tratar da corresponsabilidade da vítima e os estudos a respeito do nexo de causalidade e a análise das teorias da causalidade. Merece também exame a aplicação nos casos de corresponsabilidade do lesado e sua incidência quando da responsabilidade objetiva. Será demonstrada uma análise da recepção da corresponsabilidade do lesado nas legislações estrangeiras com enfoque especial ao sistema da commow law com a contributory negligence e sua migração para o comparative negligence. Em capítulos específicos são abordados estudos a respeito do dever de colaborar com a mitigação do próprio prejuízo (duty to mitigate the loss) e também a interlocução com o artigo 935 do Código Civil. Outro centro do presente estudo é a proporção na redução equitativa do dano quando identificada a concausalidade da vítima pelo magistrado e a contribuição da disciplina de direito e economia para o tema. / The present study will seek to investigate comparative negligence in tort law inserted in Brazilian law in the article 945 of the Civil Code. So initially it will treat the theme of connection with the accidental damage and damage to yourself to sequentially treat the comparative negligence focusing on the preventive function of liability to encourage not only the perpetrator not reoccur in unlawful acts and also presents it as an exception to the principle of full compensation for the damage. Following going to deal with the comparative negligence and the studies of the causation and the analysis of causality theories. Also worth examining the application of the victim responsibility cases and its impact when it focuses strict liability. It will be shown an analysis of the injured responsibility reception in foreign legislation being given special attention to the commow law system with contributory negligence and their migration to the comparative negligence. In specific chapters are covered studies on the duty to mitigate the loss and also interlocution with Article 935 of the Civil Code. Another center of the study is the proportion equitable harm reduction when concausalidade identified the victim by the magistrate and the contribution of the discipline of Law and Economics at the subject.

Indenização punitiva / Punitive damages

Pedro Ricardo e Serpa 04 July 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação parte da premissa de que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro deve dispor de institutos jurídicos aptos a tutelar, de maneira eficiente, os bens e interesses da maior relevância, bem como a assegurar a manutenção do equilíbrio social. Trata-se da única maneira de garantir, em níveis adequados, a segurança social (art. 5o, caput, da CF/88), bem como de perseguir aquele que é tido como um dos objetivos fundamentais da República Federativa do Brasil, o de construir uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária (art. 3o, I, da CF/88). Deve-se, portanto, impedir o cometimento de atos anti-sociais, direcionados, de maneira intencional ou extremamente negligente, à lesão dos supra referidos interesses, atos estes tão reprováveis que seus efeitos extrapolam o âmbito individual (= da vítima diretamente atingida), causando impactos negativos também no âmbito coletivo (= um rebaixamento do nível social). Acredita-se que, para atingir tais fins, deve-se utilizar um remédio jurídico que seja, ao mesmo tempo, suficientemente flexível (para que possa sancionar todas as condutas potencialmente lesivas) e adequadamente severo (para que possa punir o ofensor e prevenir o cometimento de semelhantes atos no futuro). Nesse sentido, os conhecidos instrumentos do Direito Penal e do Direito Administrativo se mostram insuficientes. Para tanto, deve-se recorrer ao Direito Civil e, mais especificamente, à responsabilidade civil, agregando-se-lhe o mecanismo necessário para que possa desempenhar eficientemente as funções de prevenção e punição, o qual denominamos de indenização punitiva. Trata-se de instituto estrutural e funcionalmente assemelhado aos punitive damages, típicos dos países da common law e que nos servirão de modelo para a indenização punitiva, mas cuja aplicação, dadas as peculiaridades de nosso ordenamento constitucional, demanda prévia cominação legal. Tal regramento deverá estipular não apenas os pressupostos objetivos e subjetivos para a incidência da indenização punitiva (que só deve ocorrer nos casos da mais alta reprovabilidade, quando o ofensor houver se conduzido com dolo ou culpa grave, causando prejuízos a interesses existenciais ou metaindividuais, ou ainda extraindo benefícios econômicos do ilícito perpetrado), mas, também, os critérios a serem utilizados para a quantificação da sanção (os quais não se relacionam com, nem tampouco se limitam à, extensão dos prejuízos sofridos). / The current paper starts from the premise that the brazilian Law ought to make use of legal institutes that are able to protect, efficiently, the goods and interests of utmost relevance, as well as to assure the maintenance of the social balance. It is the only way to warrant, in adequate levels, the social security (art. 5th, caput, of FC/88), as well as to pursue that which is held as one of the fundamental objectives of the Federal Republic of Brazil, to build a free, just and sympathetic society (art. 3rd, I, of FC/88). It is needed, therefore, to preclude the commission of anti-social acts, aimed, in intentional or extremely negligent way, to the injury of the above mentioned interests, acts that are so reprehensible that its effects surpasses the individual context (= of the victim who is directly injured), causing negative impacts also to the social context (= a depreciation of the social level). It is believed that, to achieve these goals, one must use a judicial sanction that is, at the same time, sufficiently flexible (to be able to sanction all of the potentially detrimental conducts) and adequately severe (to be able to punish the offender and prevent the commitment of similar acts in the future). In that sense, the known instruments of Criminal Law and Administrative Law seem insufficient. For that purpose, one must resort to the Civil Law and, most specifically, to the tort law, adding to it the mecanism it needs to fulfill efficiently the functions of deterrence and punishment, which we call indenização punitiva. It is an institute structural and functionally similar to the punitive damages, typical of the countries of common law and which will serve as a model to the indenização punitiva, but whose enforcement demands previous legal provision. That provision must stipulate not only the objective and subjective requirements to the imposition of the indenização punitiva (which will only occur in the cases of utmost reprehensibility, when the offender acts with intent or gross negligence, injuring existential or metaindividual interests, or yet deriving economic benefits from the tort perpetrated), but also, the criteria to be used to quantify the sanction (which do not relate, neither limit, to the extension of the harm suffered).

Interview with Massimo Bianca and Massimo Franzoni. Discussions on the Civil Law / Entrevista a Massimo Bianca y Massimo Franzoni. Conversatorio en torno al Derecho Civil Patrimonial

Feijoó Cambiaso, Raúl Humberto 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this interview, the outstanding Italian professors tell us their perspective on the main points of patrimonial civil law. In this way, the speakers explain matters related to the transfer of property system, breach of contract, tort, among others subjects; making brief comments, the authors also refer to the legislative options received in the Peruvian law. / En la presente entrevista, los destacados profesores italianos nos comentan su perspectiva en torno a puntos clave del derecho civil patrimonial. De esta forma, los ponentes tratan temas referidos a los sistema de transferencia de propiedad, incumplimiento del contrato, responsabilidad extracontractual, entre otros temas. Realizando breves comentarios, los autores también se refieren a las opciones legislativas acogidas en el ordenamiento peruano.

Fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil / Theoretical foundations of tort law

Catarina Helena Cortada Barbieri 19 June 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata dos fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil a partir da perspectiva exposta na obra de Emest Weinrib. A questão central do trabalho refere-se, de um lado, à discussão da abordagem formalista, que permite a compreensão do direito e de sua autonomia em relação a outras esferas - em especial à política - e, de outro lado, à relação entre o formalismo e a fundamentação da responsabilidade civil na justiça corretiva. Por fim, o trabalho analisa as críticas oferecidas ao arcabouço teórico weinribiano, procurando discutir os limites da obra de Weinrib e as possíveis falhas de interpretação dos próprios críticos. / This thesis examines the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort as presented in the work of Ernst Weinrib. It discusses both the formalist approach to torts, which allows for the understanding of Law as autonomous from other areas - notably, from politics - and, on the other, the connections between formalism and the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort from the standpoint of corrective justice. This thesis also analyses the criticism Weinrib\'s work has received, discussing the limits of Weinrib\'s contribution and the possible flaws of some critical approaches.

L'officialisation de la peine privée en Colombie / The introduction of private punishment in Colombia

Garcia Vasquez, Diego Fernando 01 February 2018 (has links)
La fonction dissuasive de la responsabilité civile est aujourd’hui remise en cause. La prolifération de régimes de responsabilité sans faute et le développement de l'assurance de responsabilité en sont les causes principales. Le droit privé a cependant une autre institution : la peine privée, qui a été établie précisément pour obtenir la dissuasion des faits illicites. Toutefois, elle a été méprisée en droit privé colombien, en raison d’un raisonnement imprécis consistant à rattacher la peine privée à la responsabilité. Ce travail cherche à éclairer la question, afin d'officialiser l'institution. / The deterrent function of tort law has been called into question. The causes are the increase of strict liability systems and the development of liability insurance. However, the private law has another institution, the private punishment, a civil remedy that has been established for deterring illicit behaviours. This institution has been ignored in Colombian private law, because of a mistaken idea regarding the nature of the remedy. This essay searches for clarify the issue, in order to make the remedy legally recognized.

Differential Effects of Tort Reform Across Medical Specialties

Dodds, William C 01 January 2012 (has links)
This paper utilizes data on physician malpractice insurance premiums and state tort law to analyze how physicians in various medical specialties are differentially affected by caps on noneconomic damages. As higher premiums put pressure on legislators to enact damage caps, I instrument caps on noneconomic damages with enactment of tort reform measures that do not affect malpractice premiums to uncover the effect of caps on noneconomic damages on such premiums. I find evidence to support that, in terms of dollars saved, physicians in high risk specialties benefit more from noneconomic damage caps than physicians in low risk specialties. However, in percentage terms, I find that physicians in all specialties essentially benefit equally from caps on noneconomic damages.

In search of international tort law : civil liability of arms manufacturers for indirect sales to embargoed conflict zones

Simonsz, David January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to demonstrate the practical possibilities of holding arms companies liable under the common law of torts as a possible instrument in support of the enforcement of public international law and international human rights law. The United Kingdom is used as primary example because its tort law has been widely spread across the world by colonialism, so any case that is successful in the UK may be successful in other common law countries with (relatively) little modification. This increases the relevance of this dissertation. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2007. / A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Prof Alejandro Lorite of the Department of Law, American University - Cairo. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Kauzalita v evropských souvislostech / Causation in the European Context

Hrycejová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Causation in the European Context Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide an insight into the issue of causal link legislation in the European context. The author does not limit herself to an applicable Czech legislation, but also to the regulation pursuant to Principles of European Tort Law (PETL). An important part of this thesis is devoted to the relevant case law concerning causal link. The first part of this thesis contains an interpretation of the concept of causality in the context of non-legal sciences. Furthermore, the author generally deals with liability for damage and each of its presumptions. The second chapter analyses the legislation pursuant to the Civil Code, respectively the Code of Civil Procedure. It also includes a detailed analysis of the Czech courts' case law and recourse into the loss of chance doctrine. The third chapter deals with legislation under PETL, the fourth chapter provides an insight into the concept of causality in selected European countries (England, France and Germany). Finally, the author compares the legislative differences between the "European" and Czech regulation and she also deals with the issue of legislation de lege ferenda. The focus of this thesis is mainly the analysis of case law related to the causal link matter, since the relevant decision-making...

Pojem a vývoj objektivní odpovědnosti v českém deliktním právu a její inspirační zdroje / The Concept and Development of Strict Liability in Czech Tort Law and its Inspirational Sources

Lovětínský, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The Concept and Development of Strict Liability in Czech Tort Law and its Inspirational Sources Abstract The thesis deals with an analysis of strict liability in Czech tort law taking into account the inspirational sources of its regulation, including in particular German and Austrian law, the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL) and the Draft of Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Further, a historical and possible future development of strict liability is analysed as well as the risks for which strict liability is imposed. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The subject-matter of the first General Part is especially the concept of the strict liability and the reasons for its application. Further, some related problems are analysed in this part which are relevant for the legal theory as well for the legal practice (e.g. defences, contributory negligence, possibility of the concurrence of claims). The subsequent Special Part contains an analysis of the types of strict liability and consists of four main chapters. The first chapter deals with a short overview of the historical development of the strict liability in Czech tort law. In the second chapter particular types of liability in the effective Czech Civil Code are presented and critically evaluated. In the third chapter the author deals with some...

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