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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundperspektiv i uppföljning av insats-vård-och omsorgsboende : Ett steg närmare

Ullén, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bidra med kunskap om hur kundfokus enligt Total Quality Management kan förstärkas i socialtjänstens uppföljning av insatsen vård-och omsorgsboende. Genom kvalitativ metod har dokumentanalys och kartläggning av dokument från socialstyrelsen och tre olika kommuner genomförts för att undersöka vilka verktyg för kvalitetssäkring som används av socialtjänsten idag. Verktygen som inhämtades var identiska i form av kvantitativa uppföljningsfrågor. De bedömdes inte vara tillräckligt kundorienterade ur TQM perspektiv och därför modifierades dessa till en ny intervjumall med öppna frågor. Den modifierade intervjumallen testades på fyra informanter som bor på vård-och omsorgsboende för att undersöka på vilket sätt kundperspektivet i uppföljningsprocessen kan bidra till högre kvalitet på insatsen. Slutsatsen är att uppföljningar med öppna frågor var ett steg närmare kundperspektivet, men dock inte tillräckligt då uppföljningsfrågorna endast undersökte informanternas basbehov. Förbättringsområden på insatsen vård-och omsorgsboende som identifierats från informanternas utsagor stämmer med vad tidigare forskning definierat som största svårighet med implementering av TQM i offentlig sektor: begränsade ekonomiska resurser samt att tillgodose en stor grupps varierade och individuella behov. Begränsade ekonomiska resurser leder till personalbrist, brist på utbud på aktiviteter och hur ofta de kan genomföras samt mindre varierade måltider och sämre kvalitet på råvaror. / The purpose of this report is to contribute with knowledge of how customer focus from a perspective of Total Quality Management can be strengthened in the social services' follow-up of care and care housing. Qualitative document and survey analysis of documents from the Swedish National Board of Social Affairs and three different municipalities were carried out to investigate which tools for quality assurance are used by the social service today. The tools obtained were identical in the form of quantitative follow-up questions. They were not considered to be sufficiently customer-oriented from TQM's perspective and therefore these were modified to a new interview template with open questions. The modified interview template was tested on four informants who live in nursing homes to investigate how the customer perspective in the follow-up process can contribute to higher quality of the intervention. The conclusion is that follow-ups with open questions were one step closer to the customer perspective, but not enough, since the follow-up questions only examined the informants' basic needs. Areas of improvement in nursing home care services identified from the informants' statements are consistent with what previous research has defined as the greatest difficulty in implementing TQM in the public sector: limited financial resources and meeting a large group's varied and individual needs. Limited financial resources lead to staff shortages, lack of range of activities and how often they can be carried out as well as less varied meals and poor quality of raw materials / <p>2020-06-26</p>

Faktorer för ökad kvalitet i byggbranschen / Factors for increased quality in the construction industry

Petersson, Petter, Andersson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Byggindustrin förknippas ibland med bristande kvalitet. Genom att använda kvalitetsstyrningsverktyg i produktionen ska rätt kvalitet på slutprodukten ges. I rapporten studeras kvalitetsarbetet på ett entreprenadföretag för att undersöka om något kan göras annorlunda för att höja kvaliteten på slutprodukten. Genom att genomföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio produktionschefer på ett och samma företag analyseras vad i arbetssättet som fungerar bra och vad som kan förbättras. Resultatet visar att mycket i det nuvarande kvalitetsarbetet fungerar bra, men att det är flera faktorer som spelar en väsentlig roll för hur kvaliteten på slutprodukten blir. Att använda besiktningsmän i ett tidigt skede underlättar arbetet med att verifiera kravställningen och nå en slutprodukt med hög kvalitet. Det framkommer att kontrollerna av det utförda arbetet kan utförs av yrkesarbetarna, vilket kan höja motivationen till att utföra ett arbete med hög kvalitet. / Construction industry has in some cases been associated with lack of fulfilling the quality requirements. By application of quality control tools in production, quality targets should be more achievable. This report is a study of the quality management system of a construction company, in order to investigate the possibilities of improving the quality of the delivered product. By conducting a qualitative interview study consisting of nine production managers from the same company, an analysis was made on the work process to determine what was working and what could be improved. The result shows that a lot in the current work process is working well. Even so, the study shows that many factors affect the final quality result. The use of inspectors at an early stage makes verification of customer specifications easier and increases the final product quality. Moreover, the controls can be done by the construction workers which in turn increases motivation for quality performance in daily activities.

Kulturella barriärer mot Total Quality Management? : En fallstudie av ledarskap och organisationskultur i en svensk domstol

Johansson, Mats January 2022 (has links)
Lämpar sig alla typer av organisationskultur för kvalitetsinitiativ enligt metoden Total Quality Management(TQM)? Uppsatsen belyserden frågan med utgångspunkt i en fallstudie av en svensk domstol där en ny myndighetschef tillträdde 2021. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den upplevda och önskade organisationskulturen vid en svensk domstol förändrades under det första året sedan en ny myndighetschef tillträtt. Syftet är ocksåattundersöka hur organisationskulturen skiljer sig mellan domstolens olika yrkeskategorier, och om förändringen mellan mättillfällena skiljer sig åt mellan dem. Syftet är -slutligen -att med utgångspunkt i den uppmätta organisationskulturen ta ställning till om organisationskulturen i domstolen lämpar sig för kvalitetsinitiativ enligt TQM eller inte. Syftet preciseras i följande frågeställningar:•Hur förändrades den upplevda och önskade organisationskulturen i domstolen och dess olika yrkeskategorier mellan 2021, då en ny myndighetschef tillträdde, och 2022?•Har domstolen våren 2022 en organisationskultur som lämpar sig för kvalitetsinitiativ enligt TQM?Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervjuer med domstolens ledningsgrupp,genom enkäterriktade till hela personalenoch genom en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar att organisationskulturen förändrades såtillvida att den interna orienteringen och orienteringen mot stabilitet minskade, liksom genomslaget för den hierarkiska organisationskulturen.Domstolen har 2022 inte en organisationskultur som lämpar sig för kvalitetsinitiativ enligt TQM,eftersom de kulturella dimensionerna i TQM är oförenliga med domstolens organisationskultur. I uppsatsen diskuteras mot den bakgrunden de brister som har uppfattats i teoribildningen inom kvalitetsområdetoch som kan kopplas till organisationskulturen och dess betydelse. / Are all types of organizational culture suitable for quality initiatives according to the Total Quality Management (TQM) method? The essay sheds light on this issue on the basis of a case study ina Swedish court where a new head of authority took office in 2021.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the perceived and desired organizational culture in a Swedish court changedduring the first year since a new head of authority took office.The purpose is also to examine how the organizational culture differs between the court's different professional categories, and whether the change between the measurement occasions differs between them. The purpose is -finally -to take a position on the basis of the measured organizational culture on whether the organizational culture in the court is suitable for quality initiatives according to TQM or not.The purpose is specified in the following questions:• How did the perceived and desired organizational culture in the court and its various professional categories change between 2021, when a new head of authority took office, and 2022?• Does the court in the spring of 2022 have an organizational culture that is suitable for quality initiatives according to TQM?The survey wasconducted through interviews with the court's management team, through questionnaires addressed to the entire staff and through a literature study.The results show that the organizational culture changedto the extent that theinternal orientation and the orientation towards stabilitydecreased, as didthe dominance ofthe hierarchical organizational culture. In 2022 the court does not have an organizational culture that is suitable for quality initiatives according to TQM, since the cultural dimensions of TQM are incompatible with the court's organizational culture. In the essay, against this background, the shortcomings that have been perceived in the theory formation within the quality area and that can be linked to the organizational culture and its significance are discussed. / <p>2022-06-05</p>

Institutionaliserade recept i Trafikverket : En kandidatuppsats om kvalitetsstyrning och tjänstedesign

Melki, Gina, Melke, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to study why and how the Swedish Transport Administration has applied quality management and service design. This study applies the institutional theory and theory behind New Public Management. Total Quality Management and service design are used as study objects. A qualitative method with an abductive approach has been used. The authors use primary and secondary data, which have been collected through semi-structured interviews and (final) reports from the Swedish Transport Administration. According to the employees and (final) reports, The Swedish Transport administration was motivated to apply quality management due to faults in the facilities, and service design due to lack of railway descriptions. The Swedish Transport Administration's quality management work takes place, among other things, through the four-step principle, the project model and ISO standards when working on railways. The Swedish Transport Administration works with service design from an outside and in perspective, to understand its customers and to create successful outcomes in the organization. This is done by, among other things, introducing service maps and creating value for customers. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera varför och hur Trafikverket har tillämpat kvalitetsstyrningsarbete samt tjänstedesignarbete. Denna studie tillämpar den institutionella teorin och teorin bakom New Public Management. Total Quality Management och tjänstedesign används som studieobjekt. En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats har använts. Författarna använder sig av primär-och sekundärdata, vilka har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt (slut)rapporter från Trafikverket. Enligt de anställda och (slut)rapporterna, motiverades Trafikverket till att tillämpa kvalitetsstyrning på grund av fel i anläggningarna och tjänstedesign på grund av bristande järnvägsbeskrivningar. Trafikverkets kvalitetsstyrningarbete sker bland annat genom fyrstegsprincipen, projektmodellen och ISO standarder vid arbete på järnväg. Trafikverket arbetar med tjänstedesign utifrån ett utifrån- och in perspektiv, för att förstå sina kunder och skapa framgångsrika utfall i organisationen. Detta genom att bland annat införa tjänstekartor och skapa värde för kund.

Den kluvna tungans strategi: konsten att hantera paradoxer

Haendler, Jacob, Romanovets, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
Syfte Denna studie syftar till att bringa mer kunskap kring hur managementkonceptanvänds inom privat äldreomsorg för att hantera de aspekter av sektornsregelmiljö som berör kvalitetsarbete. Teori: Analys och tolkningar vilar på grunderna inom nyinstitutionell teori samt vidaredess skandinaviska inriktning, särskilt vad avser översättning avmanagementkoncept. Vidare tar studien hänsyn till tidigare forskning kringimplementering av Total Quality Management, såväl som konceptetshuvudsakliga egenskaper. Empiri: Kvalitetsbokslut publicerade av Vardaga respektive Attendo tre år i följd, samtSocialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd SOSFS 2011: 9 Ledningssystemför systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, utgör undersökningens empiriska material. Slutsats: Regelmiljöns utformning gör tillämpning av Total Quality Managementpraktikerofrånkomligt inom äldreomsorgen. Det är vidare uppseendeväckandehur observerade företag utöver att enbart implementera TQM, även använderretorisk kommunikation som syftar till att legitimera praktikerna, sannolikt förbåde interna och externa ändamål. Vid sidan av TQM-retoriken, uttryckerföretagen även en annan inställning gentemot kvalitet, som snarare betonarvikten av professionell kunskap samt till viss del även problematiserarkvalitetsmätning. Detta indikerar möjlig översättning av kvalitetsbegreppet ochdess innebörd, ej helt osannolikt med syfte att hantera den problematik somframförts av TQM-kritiker. / Purpose: The study aims at bringing about more knowledge regarding the role played by management concepts within private elderly care, in handling the aspect of its regulatory environment concerning quality work. Theory: The analysis and interpretations rest upon the basis of neo institutional theory and furthermore its Scandinavian branch, mainly concerning the issue of translation of management concepts. Further, the study takes into account, previous research on implementation of Total Quality Management as well as main features of the concept. Data: Annual quality reports published by Vardaga and Attendo for three consecutive years were reviewed, as well as the regulations and guidelines SOSFS: 2011: 9 Management system for systematic quality work imposed by The National Board of Health and Welfare. Conclusion: The design of the regulatory environment makes application of Total Quality Management practices inevitable in the elderly care sector. Striking, is however how both companies more than just implementing the TQM, additionally are using rhetoric seeking to legitimize the practices, possibly in order to gain internal and/or external recognition. Alongside TQM rhetoric, the two companies also express a different approach towards quality, emphasising the importance of professional knowledge as well as suggesting quality can be hard to measure accurately. This indicates possible translation of the quality term and its meaning, possibly for solving issues presented by TQM critics.

The impact of organisational culture on service delivery in Group4 Securicor (G4S)

Kokt, Deseré January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2007 / In the face of international crime and terrorism, private security together with public policing and the military is playing a crucial role. The domain of private security is a fairly neglected field of study, especially in South Africa, making this investigation a substantial contribution. With the focus on the impact of organisational culture on the levels of service delivery in South Africa’s largest security company, Group4 Securicor (G4S), a model is proposed for aligning organisational culture with levels of service excellence within the company. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire with a preceding pilot study. The Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Baldrige criteria served respectively as guideline for the development of the culture and quality sections of the questionnaire. Although organisational culture and service excellence are well-researched topics, no other investigation applies these aspects to the private security industry. The results show that organisational cultural impacts on service excellence in G4S.

An investigation of educators' perceptions of the Integrated Quality Management System in South African schools

Biputh, Barathwanth January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (D.Tech.: Education)-School of Education, Durban University of Technology, 2008. x, 257 leaves / Educational institutions are pursuing quality improvement for various reasons. A great deal of literature on staff evaluation covering a wide spectrum of fields such as industry and commerce, including schools, has been produced and it generally identifies three main purposes of quality evaluation. Firstly, evaluation is conducted to review performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, it provides information about the service in order to improve the quality of the service and to demonstrate accountability. Thirdly, evaluation is aimed at encouraging personal and professional development. This study analyses the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS), an evaluation system which was implemented in South African public schools in 2005. The IQMS is a clear reaction to the autocratic mode of evaluation that operated during the apartheid era and is a major shift from the old paradigm of external evaluators. The new paradigm calls for a joint collaboration between schools, districts and supervisory units with the overall aim of enhancing the quality of education in South Africa, in addition to addressing the inequities and injustices of the past. Since its introduction, very little empirical research has been carried out to establish whether the IQMS model addresses that which it was intended to. This thesis evaluates the extent to which the IQMS is perceived to have enhanced individual development and ensured improvements in teaching and learning.

Influence of quality initiatives on the operations of a selected metal recycling company in KwaZulu-Natal : a case study

Isheloke, Byelongo Elisee 05 June 2013 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / The aim of this study has been to establish the influence of quality initiatives on the operations of a selected metal recycling company in KwaZulu-Natal. The rationale for this study was based on the information that the financial turmoil has led to a significantly reduced demand for scrap metals and that there is a shortage of information on quality initiatives in the secondary metal industry in this province. Little research, if any, has been done on this particular topic. Hence, there was a need to conduct research of this magnitude. A review of literature provided the basis for the investigation. A multi-method approach was followed as the project required both quantitative and qualitative methods. The research required interdepartmental inputs. The theme of study focused on what could be seen as a topic of research in the department of quality, while the actual research was conducted within the ambit of business administration as a field of study. The data collected through the questionnaires and the operations‟ know-how observed in the yard were subject to scrutiny to enhance relevance in the field of study. As the target population of 70 people was small, it became appropriate to do a census study. A total of 68 people returned filled-in questionnaires administered to operations workers and their management. The response rate was 97%. The study evaluated the importance of training on quality and safety as an integrated domain and the impact thereof in the secondary metal products industry. It further identified a number of drawbacks that hamper the effectiveness of metal operations. The results revealed that excellent quality initiatives have a positive impact on the value-adding operations.

The role of total quality management (TQM) in improving quality and organisational performance in footwear manufacturing organisations in KwaZulu-Natal

Inderlal, Ashwin 05 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree Master of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) elements of Leadership, Customer Focus, and Employee Involvement on Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance, as well as the relationship between Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance. A questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of 32 footwear manufacturing organisations in the eThekwini region of Kwazulu-Natal. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to verify the reliability and validity of the measuring instrument. Regression and correlation analysis was developed to test the relationship between the TQM elements, Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance. The TQM elements used in this study were Leadership, Customer Focus, and Employee involvement. The findings of this showed that Leadership and Customer Focus had a positive influence on Quality Improvement. Also, Leadership was found to have a positive influence on Organisational Performance. In addition, a positive relationship existed between Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance. The results of this study could provide valuable information to managers of footwear manufacturing organisations in identifying those elements that have a positive effect on improving quality. Hence, allocating resources to these elements would enable footwear manufacturing organisations to enhance the performance of their organisations.

The human factor in Total Quality Management

Kramer, Miriam 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / The nature of work and its organisation has interest managers, economists and social scientists for as long as people have been employed by others to engage in productive activity. Managers have largely been interested in maximising output from available resources. During the last decade one approach has risen to outstanding popularity in this context: Total Quality Management. Total Quality Management is regarded as an approach which combines the technical and managerial side of management. Whereas the technical side of quality management is very much dependant on statistical control processes, the managerial side is more concerned with the people involved. A main focus point of this research report is the human side of quality management. By conducting an in depth literature review the author found that the human aspect of quality management had a great impact on the successful of quality assurance programmes. In this context the variable of motivation and satisfaction are reviewed in detail. It was discovered that the success of a business is largely dependent upon the ability of leaders to motivate workers to achieve the highest results. All leaders should understand motivation theory so that they can help ensure the success of their workplace. Only by taking into account the human aspects of an organisation and especially in the context of quality management programmes, the success of an organisation in the rapidly changing and extremely demanding times can be assured.

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