Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tourist"" "subject:"ourist""
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<div>With the rise of individuals’ interests in travelling for a meaningful experience, travelers today not only immerse themselves in consuming food for pleasure but also seek to gain meaningful outcomes. In particular, local food consumption experiences can facilitate travelers to enhance their sense of competence and perceived personal growth, referred to as eudaimonic wellbeing. As travelers experience the culture of the destination and enjoy the sense of exoticness through consumption of local food, they can recognize their capabilities and learn better about themselves through contrast with others. Yet, limited knowledge exists on the higher-level outcomes of such an experience and the process through which travelers encounter local food.</div><div><br></div><div>Therefore, the first study proposed to understand the procedures through which travelers experience local food, utilizing symbolic interactionism as a theoretical perspective. According to symbolic interactionists, role-playing is a paramount process that shapes individuals’ behaviors and experiences (Hewitt, 1976). Accordingly, this study outlined the role-playing process for each role-taking (taking the role of others to understand their role and associated expectations) and role-making (playing their own role and acting based on related expectations). In role-taking, four themes were identified including Utilization of Symbolic Cues, Imitating, Simulation of Other’s Position, and Comparison with Expected Characteristic of a Role. For role-making processes, three themes emerged including Performance of One’s Regular Role, Disassociation of Self from One’s Role, and Creation of a Desired Role. As such, various role-playing activities were identified as critical means through which travelers determine their behavior and appraisal of their local food consumption experience. Such a finding is valuable in extending the existing literature that mostly paid attention to cognition or emotion as the procedures through which people construct their experience (Hume, Mort, Liesch, & Winzar, 2006).</div><div><br></div><div>To understand the higher-level outcome of local food consumption experience that relates to eudaimonic wellbeing, the second study investigated changes in self-concept based on travelers’ encounters with local food. Individuals’ food choice behaviors or food practices have been identified as important bearers of their identity in the general food consumption literature (Valli & Traill, 2005). Yet, travelers’ food consumption activities have been mostly viewed merely as a pleasurable pursuit in the food and tourism studies (Kivela & Crotts, 2006). In line with the characteristic of one’s self-concept being subject to change (Festinger, 1954), the second study explored whether and how travelers modify their self-concept through their local food consumption experiences. The findings showed that self-concept change took place in terms of two themes of General Self-Concept and Eating Self-Concept. Within General Self-Concept, four aspects of self-concept appeared to have changed or emerged including Superiority, Satisfaction, Cultural Competency, and Appreciation. As for Eating Self-Concept, it was found that travelers’ self-concept changes involved Mindful Eating, International Food Expertise, and Eating Characteristics. Some of the factors that caused these self-concept modifications include the characteristic of local food experience being challenging, representative of local culture and identity, and exotic. Therefore, the findings are valuable in demonstrating local food consumption experience as a case in which people can change how they view themselves, what specifically change, and how they change based on their encounters with local food.</div><div><br></div><div>The third study aimed to investigate emotional bonding with the place, place attachment, as another outcome that is associated with eudaimonic wellbeing. Attention was paid to how travelers’ psychological comfort plays a role in their place attachment development. In addition, such an influence of psychological comfort on place attachment was explored by comparing Koreans and Americans to contrast possible cultural differences between the two groups regarding the degree to which comfort is valued in forming their place attachment level. Specifically, comfort was measured for three major elements of the local food consumption experience including atmospherics, interaction with service providers, and food. The findings showed that comfort with all three elements can influence travelers’ place attachment levels and that individuals from different cultures can vary in the degree to which comfort shapes their place attachment levels. Thus, this study expands our knowledge by proposing comfort with local food consumption experience as a critical trigger of emotional bonding development between travelers and the travel destination.</div><div><br></div><div>The synthesis of these key findings from the three studies explicates how travelers’ eudaimonic wellbeing can be enhanced from an overarching viewpoint. In line with the basic premise of self-determination theory which suggests that one’s eudaimonic wellbeing is promoted when three psychological needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) are satisfied (Deci & Ryan, 1985), propositions were outlined regarding how these psychological needs can be met through role-playing activity, self-concept change, and place attachment development based on consuming local food. As one’s general wellbeing comprises both hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), the linkage proposed between local food consumption experience and eudaimonic wellbeing complements the current view that has been focused on hedonic aspects of travelers’ local dining experience.</div>
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Turistika v Českém ráji v období před první světovou válkou (se zaměřením na město Turnov a jeho okolí) / Tourism in Bohemian Paradise before WWI (city Turnov and neighbourhood)Mojsl, Antonín January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the tourism in the Bohemian Paradise, the emphasis is on the town of Turnov that is regarded with its neighbourhood as a tourist centre of the region. The thesis describes the last third of the 19th century and the period before the First World War. The first part of the work focuses on the phenomena associated with the development of modern tourism in the observed region, such as the growing sector of services, the advent of railways or tourist organization. This section also includes chapter on the genesis of the name Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj). The other part of the thesis analyses the town Turnov and its surroundings. After a brief introduction, the thesis studies technical and material base that the town offered to the incoming visitors. The attention is turned to accommodation and catering services, summer apartments or local guide services. The main part describes the activities of the local department of the Czech Tourist Club. The department was founded in 1892 and fully took the initiative associated with the organization of tourism in the region, such as marking of hiking trails, keeping and enhancement of local landmarks, publication of promotional and guide materials, operation of tourist stations or student dormitories, and organization of lectures and...
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Podnikatelský plán - Chata Martina / Business Plan - Cottage MartinaBodnárová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The first part of the thesis is focused on he theoretical knowledge needed for a high-quality elaboration of business plan. The second part of this work is focused on the creation of a business project in the area of recreational (holiday) accommodation - offering of the cottage, which can be used in both summer and winter season. The main aim of my thesis is to create a high-quality business plan. I believe, that my business project will be successful business start in the area of holiday accomodation.
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Návrh změny marketingového mixu pro posílení konkurenční pozice hotelu / Suggestion for Marketing Mix Change to Increase the Competitivenes of HotelBlažková, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on a change of the hotel´s marketing mix to reachhigher competitiveness of the company. It compares theoretical knowledge with reality in the hotel, specifies suggestions and options, which leads to better effectivity in this branch and target region. The proposals come out of a competition analysis and customer´s demands based on questionnaires and SWOT analysis.
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Туристичка валоризација спортско-рекреативних комплекса у Војводини / Turistička valorizacija sportsko-rekreativnih kompleksa u VojvodiniMatić Stanko 03 October 2008 (has links)
<p>Основно што развој туризма треба да задовољи су принципи одрживог развоја, а то подразумева са једне стране такав развиј туризма којиће обезбедити планирано, умерено или ограничено коришћење свих ресурса, са друге стране формирање таквог производа и таквог планирања који ће бити атрактиван и одговарајући за задовољење потреба туриста, напомињући да је то једини начин кроз развој туризма можемо очекивати одговарајућу добит.</p> / <p>Osnovno što razvoj turizma treba da zadovolji su principi održivog razvoja, a to podrazumeva sa jedne strane takav razvij turizma kojiće obezbediti planirano, umereno ili ograničeno korišćenje svih resursa, sa druge strane formiranje takvog proizvoda i takvog planiranja koji će biti atraktivan i odgovarajući za zadovoljenje potreba turista, napominjući da je to jedini način kroz razvoj turizma možemo očekivati odgovarajuću dobit.</p> / <p>Base for touristic development are priciples of healthy growing which will provide planned, proper and restricted use of all resourses. On the other side there shoul be interesting products and planning which woul be attractive and appropriate for tourists needs. Development of tourism is only way to gain certain benefit.</p>
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Modeli menadžmenta turističke destinacije Vojvodine u funkciji postizanja međunarodne kompetitivnosti / Models of Management of the Tourist Destination Vojvodina on the Way to Becoming InternationallyMulec Ivan 11 May 2011 (has links)
<p>Vojvodina je potencijalna turistička destinacija (TD), koja ima sve predispozicije da jednog dana postane poznata i uspešna turistička destinacija. To što nas na primeru TD Vojvodine najviše zanima je pitanje zašto su druge turističke destinacije kompetitivnije od nas, zašto su poznatije, popularnije i zašto stvaraju više prihoda nego turizam u Vojvodini. Odgovor leži u činjenici da su sposobne da u sve jačoj međunarodnoj konkurenciji koja vlada u svetu povećaju broj turista, njihovu potrošnju, i da nude turistima nezaboravno, odgovarajuće i po mogućstvu bolje iskustvo od očekivanog. Popularnost turističkih destinacija u svetu se konstantno menja. Njihova popularnost varira zbog zbivanja u samoj turističkoj destinaciji i u njenoj okolini. Turistički menadžeri mogu veoma uticati na zbivanja u samoj turističkoj destinaciji, ali su uglavnom nemoćni kad su u pitanju zbivanja u okolini. Proces pojavljivanja, razvoja i opadanja omiljenosti turističkih destinacija u svetu poznat je pod imenom »životni ciklus« turističkih destinacija. U kojoj fazi tog ciklusa se trenutno nalazi Vojvodina? Da li je Vojvodina dovoljno poznata kao turistička destinacija je prvo pitanje koje je autor disertacije postavio i koje je opisano u prvom delu istraživačkog rada. Drugi deo istraţivanja odnosio se na kompetitivnost turističke destinacije Vojvodina. O kompetitivnosti je autor diskutovao sa turističkim radnicima i stručnjacima u samoj destinaciji, uz pretpostavku, da je oni najbolje poznaju i da je njihova ocena realna, naravno upoređena sa komparatibilnim turističkim destinacijama u okruženju. Danas je celokupni koncept kompetitivnosti turističke destinacije redefinisan, jer je sama priroda kompetitivnosti i održivosti u konstantnoj evoluciji i zato moraju menadžeri turističkih destinacija konstantno pratiti razvoj destinacija i anticipirati budućnost radije nego ispravljati i reagovati na prošlost. Svaka turistička destinacija ima i svoje komparativne i kompetitivne prednosti. Komparativne prednosti su uglavnom vezane za prirodne, a i izgrađene resurse. Kompetitivne prednosti turističkih destinacija se odnose na njihovu sposobnost kako upravljati prirodnim resursima, na održivi naĉin i to na duži rok. Koncepti komparativnih i kompetitivnih prednosti poslužile su kao osnova za razvoj autorovog modela destinacijskog menadžmenta Vojvodine, i on je predstavljen na kraju disertacije. Ukoliko bi ovaj ili sličan model bio striktno primenjen u TD Vojvodini, moţe se smatrati da bi ona zaista postala dobro rukovođena i popularna turistička destinacija Evrope i sveta.</p> / <p>Vojvodina is a potential tourist destination which has all the possibilities to become one day better known and a successful destination. The question that arises first is why other tourist destinations are more competitive than Vojvodina, why are they better known, more popular and why do they generate more tourist income than tourism in Vojvodina. The answer lies in their ability to augment the number of tourist in the international competition that is becoming tougher every day, to augment tourism expenditure and to offer to the visitors an unforgettable experience, if possible, even better than they can expect. The popularity of tourist destinations in the world is changing constantly. It varies because of the changes in the tourist destination itself and also in its surroundings. Tourism managers can influence on the changes in their own tourist destination but are unable to influence on other destinations. The process of emerging, growing and diminishing of popularity of one tourist destination is known as a »tourist destination's life cycle«. In which phase of the destination's life cycle is Vojvodina now? Is Vojvodina well known as a tourist destination? The first part of author's research in this work dealed with these questions. The second part was dedicated to the competitiveness of the tourist destination Vojvodina. The author had numerous discussions with the experts in the tourism field, presuming that they knew the destination the best and that their marks are real, of course, compared to the comparable tourist destinations in the surroundings. The whole concept of tourist destination's competitiveness has been redefined, as the nature of competitiveness itself is changing constantly and this is the reason why the tourist destination's managers have to monitor the developments and changes in tourist destinations, and if possible, to anticipate the future changes rather than to correct or to react upon the past. Every single tourist destination has its own comparative and competitive advantages. Comparative advantages concern natural and created resources, while the competitive advantages of tourist destinations represent the destination's ability to manage the natural resources in a sustainable way on the long term. The concepts of comparative and competitive advantages were used as the base for creating the author's own model of destination management which is presented at the end of this dissertation. Applying this model in the practice may yield to the well managed and well known tourist destination in Europe and around the globe.</p>
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Identifying the push and pull factors of a medical tourism destinationNgobeni, Clara Claire Lobisa January 2020 (has links)
Some tourists travel for medical reasons, and this is known as medical tourism. The growth of medical tourism is mainly spurred by globalisation and the availability of quality healthcare services in receiving countries. Once a medical need arises, a prospective medical tourist would usually search and gather information about prospective medical tourism destinations. Various push and pull factors would determine whether a destination will be selected by tourists to satisfy their medical needs. The aim of this study was thus to identify the push and pull factors of a medical tourism destination, and based on these, to measure South Africa’s performance as a medical tourism destination.
Making use of a qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 medical tourism tour operators. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Some of the push factors identified were the cost and lack of treatment/medical services in medical tourists’ home countries, the availability of expertise and medical facilities at the receiving destination, and the wish to avoid long waiting lists. The quality of hospitals, cost of surgery, expertise of the physicians, as well as the accessibility of destinations were indicated as the pull factors. The findings also show that medical tourists seem to be more interested in the reputation of the healthcare providers and hospitals than in typical tourist activities in medical tourism destinations. The findings of this study highlight the fact that South Africa is not known as a medical tourism destination. Hence there is a need for South Africa to be promoted by government and other stakeholders as a credible, affordable and accessible medical tourism destination. The study contributes to the available literature on medical tourism but from the perspective of medical tourism tour operators as major stakeholders in the medical tourism industry. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Tourism Management / MPhil / Unrestricted
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A critical discussion of MacCannell's and Urry's theories on 'tourists' : Through an autoethnographic exploration of a white woman's experiences in CambodiaHeiss Fröman, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The word tourist is loaded with negativity, especially, as MacCannell and Urry argue, for those of us that travel ourselves. In this exploration, the author takes a deep dive into the primary theories of MacCannell's search for authenticity and Urry's tourist gaze while recounting a series of journeys throughout Cambodia through her own Western epistomologic lens while also considering feminist, postcolonialist and decolonialist extensions and counterarguments. The purpose of this paper is to critique the portrayal of tourists as the monolithic characters created by MacCannell and Urry through an exploration of the author's experience and offer varying viewpoints and considerations that are applicable to the theorists and not. The conclusion is a call to action for further research where the tourist and destination intertwine.
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Etnografie několikadenního autobusového zájezdu: role tour leadera ve formování zkušenosti turistů / Anglický název: Ethnography of bus tour: the tour leader's role in the formation of tourist experiencesMeliashkevich, Illia January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with long bus tours and role of tour leader. The theoretical core is interdisciplinary definition of tourism as a specific assemblage of practices with a relationship to people, objects, practices of others and self. The concept of the third space makes it possible to overcome the established definition of tourist within the traditional dichotomy (self - Other, home - away etc.). Therefore, the tourist is regarded as a metaphor of both these opposites simultaneously. The tourist experiences are concerned here as psychological phenomenon consists of expectations, perception of tourist events and tourist memory. The main objective of this paper is to explore formation of tourist experiences during specific conditions of long bus tours from Belarus to EU countries, and to reveal the importance of tour leader within this process. Keywords: bus tour, tour leader, tourism, tourist experiences, anthropology of tourism
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Factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018Calderón Paredes, Katherine Melissa, Ulco Villoslado, Maricé del Rocío 16 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal fue identificar los factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. En este sentido, se requiere determinar si los factores de gestión empresarial, político – legales y el entorno competitivo influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos.
Por este motivo, se realizó una investigación cualitativa – exploratoria con un diseño de teoría fundamentada a fin de obtener información sobre las percepciones de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana, entrevistándose a 13 agencias de viaje. A fin de triangular la información obtenida, se entrevistó también al gremio rector Canatur, expertos en el tema y al Mincetur.
El presente trabajo concluyó que los factores de gestión empresarial (bajo aprovechamiento de las herramientas digitales en la oferta exportable), factores político – legales (ausencia de fiscalización a las agencias informales y desconocimiento del alcance de la Ley N° 30641) y el entorno competitivo (alta competitividad por parte de las OTAs y cambio en el rol de las aerolíneas) influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. Asimismo, existen indicios de nuevos hallazgos como la inseguridad del país, Perú “Macchupizado” y la alianza como estrategia de desarrollo.
Por otro lado, es importante recalcar que no se encontró a la fecha registros de tesis nacionales que aborden la problemática del sector en Lima Metropolitana enfocada desde el punto de vista de los negocios internacionales. / The main objective was to identify the factors that influenced the stagnation of tourism package exports of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima during 2018. In this context, it is necessary to determine whether the factors of business management, political - Legal and competitive environment influenced the stagnation of exports of tourist packages
For this reason, a qualitative-exploratory research was conducted with a grounded theory design in order to obtain information on the perceptions of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima, so 13 travel agencies were interviewed. In order to triangulate the information obtained, the Canatur group, experts on the subject and the Mincetur were also interviewed.
The research work concluded that business management factors (low use of digital tools in the exportable offer), political-legal factors (lack of informal agencies control and lack of knowledge of the Law No. 30641 scope) and the competitive environment (OTAs high competitiveness and change in the role of the airlines) influenced the stagnation of the exports of tourist packages of the travel agencies of Metropolitan Lima during 2018. There is also evidence of new findings such as country insecurity, “Perú Macchupizado” and alliance as a development strategy.
On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that there were not records of national thesis that address the problem of the sector in Lima Metropolitan from the point of view of international business. / Tesis
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