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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strange(r) Maps: The cosmopolitan geopolitics of Sri Lankan tourism

Ward, Shelby Elise 15 April 2019 (has links)
Concerned with the ongoing coloniality within the form and interactions of international relations, this project examines the legacy of colonial mapping practices on contemporary geopolitics. Specifically, I investigate Sri Lankan tourist maps as subversive examples of the politics of vision implicated within the historical formation of island-space under colonial mapping practices (i.e. Portuguese, Dutch, and British), and the contemporary political implications of the island geography as the state, including exclusionary identity politics during the the civil war (1983-2009). Using a mix-analysis approach, including interviews, participatory mapping, and autoethnography, as well as feminist, postcolonial, and critical theoretical lenses, I argue that Sri Lankan tourist maps serve as examples of the historically developed and continued right to space, mobility, representation, and resources between the Global North and South in what I term "cosmopolitan geopolitics." As geopolitics can be identified as the relationship between territories and resources, cosmopolitan geopolitics is concerned with the power relations when such elements as culture, authenticity, history, and religion are marked in places, people, and experiences as valued resources within the international tourist economy, particularly in this project which connects the colonial histories of mapping, travel, and international relations. In order to address the imperial, masculine politics of vision this project is separated into two parts: the first is concerned with the ontology and colonial legacy the map (Chapters 1-3), the second with the politics of the map, including exclusionary politics of the nation state (Chapters 4-6). Chapter 1 investigates the politics of island space as represented on the tourist map, where the state serves as both a "treasure box" and "caged problem." Chapter 2 argues that the cartoon images and icons serve as a resource map for contemporary geopolitics, and Chapter 3 indicates that this map simultaneously acts an invitation to the cosmopolitan, with assumed access and hospitality. Examining the various ways that the exclusionary politics of the Sinhala-Buddhist state are implicated in the representations on the tourist map, Chapters 4-6 look at cultural tourist sites, natural or wildlife sites, and former war zones, respectively. Overall, this is an interdisciplinary examination between postcolonial studies, critical tourism studies, critical geography, and Sri Lankan studies that examines the continued politics of vision and access to space with both international and domestic political-economic implications. / Doctor of Philosophy / This project takes a critical examination of tourist maps, as a cultural artifact in what has been called “coloniality,” or the ongoing colonial relations in contemporary relationships between nation states. I suggest that my taking into account the colonial history and development of mapping practices, tourism, and international relations that tourist maps serve as material intersection to examine such relations. The island state of Sri Lanka is an ideal case study for this project, as not only does it intersect colonial relations between the Portuguese, Dutch, and British, but because after ending nearly 30-year ethnic-religious civil war the country is looking to expand its tourism industry. Therefore, I argue that an understanding of what I term “cosmopolitan geopolitics” helps us to account for the ways in which culture and religious experiences become resources in contemporary geopolitics within the international tourist economy. Using a mix-analysis approach of interviews, participatory mapping, autoethnography, and theoretical perspectives, I organize the project into two main parts. The first questions “what a map is,” and the second questions “who gets to map.” Overall, this interdisciplinary investigation pulls from postcolonial studies, critical tourism studies, critical geography, and Sri Lankan studies in order to question the continued narratives and representations within cultural commodification and travel.

Enhancing understanding of tourist spending using unconditional quantile regression

Rudkin, Simon, Sharma, Abhijit 2017 June 1922 (has links)
Yes / This note highlights the value of using UQR for addressing the limitations inherent within previous methods involving conditional parameter distributions for spending analysis (QR and OLS). Using unique data and robust analysis using improved methods, our paper clearly demonstrates the over-importance attached to length of stay and the inadequate attention given to business travelers in previous research. There are clear benefits from UQR’s methodological robustness for assessing the multitude of variables related to tourist expenditures, particularly given UQR’s ability to inform across the spending distribution. Given tourism’s importance for the UK it is critical for expensive promotional activities to be targeted efficiently for ensuring effective policy making.

An Analysis of the Impact of Low Cost Airlines on Tourist Stay Duration and Expenditures

Qiu, W., Rudkin, Simon, Sharma, Abhijit 2017 September 1914 (has links)
Yes / Low cost carriers (budget airlines) have a significant share of the air travel market, but little research has been done to understand the distributional effect of their operation on key tourism indicators such as length of stay and expenditure. Using data on European visitors to the United Kingdom we demonstrate how counterfactual decompositions can inform us of the true impact of mode of travel. Passengers on low cost carriers tend to spend less, particularly at the upper end of the distribution. Budget airline users typically stay longer, though differences in characteristics of observed groups are important to this result. Counterfactual techniques provide additional valuable insights not obtained from conventional econometric models used in the literature. Illustrating an application of the methodology to policy we demonstrate that enabling respondents to extend their stay generates the greatest additional expenditure at the lower end of the distribution. We also show nationality is a significant characteristic, with important impacts across the expenditure distribution.

The Impact of Football Attendance on Tourist Expenditures for the United Kingdom

Rudkin, Simon, Sharma, Abhijit 2017 September 1914 (has links)
Yes / We employ unconditional quantile regression with region of origin fixed effects, whereby we find that attending live football matches significantly increases expenditures by inbound tourist in the UK, and surprisingly we find that such effects are strongest for those who overall spend the least. Higher spending individuals spend significantly more than those who do not attend football matches, even when such individuals are otherwise similar. We analyse the impact of football attendance across the tourism expenditure distribution which is a relatively neglected aspect within previous research.

Live football and tourism expenditure: match attendance effects in the UK

Sharma, Abhijit, Rudkin, Simon 2019 May 1914 (has links)
Yes / The inbound tourist expenditure generating role of football (soccer), particularly the English Premier League 15 (EPL) is evaluated. An enhanced economic and management understanding of the role of regular sporting fixtures emerges, as well as quantification of their impact. Expenditure on football tickets is isolated to identify local economic spillovers outside the stadium walls. Using the UK International Passenger Survey, unconditional quantile regressions (UQR) is used to evaluate the distributional impact of football attendance on tourist expenditures. Both total expenditure and a new measure which adjusts expenditures for football ticket prices are considered. UQR is a novel technique which is as yet underexploited within sport economics and confers important methodological advantages over both OLS and quantile regressions. Significant cross quantile variation is found. High spending football fans spend more, even after ticket prices are excluded. Surprisingly, spending effects owing to attendance are strongest for those who overall spend the least, confirming the role of sport as a generator of tourist expenditure unlike most others. Though the attendance effect is smaller for higher aggregate spenders, there is nevertheless a significant impact across the distribution. Distributional expenditure impacts highlight clear differentials between attendance by high and low spenders. Similar analysis is applicable to other global brands such as the National Football League (NFL) in the United States (American football) and the Indian Premier (cricket) League. The EPL’s global popularity can be leveraged for achieving enhanced tourist expenditure.

Unconditional quantile regression analysis of UK inbound tourist expenditures

Sharma, Abhijit, Woodward, R., Grillini, Stefano 09 December 2019 (has links)
Yes / Using International Passenger Survey (2017) data, this paper employs unconditional quantile regression (UQR) to analyse the determinants of tourist expenditure amongst inbound tourists to the United Kingdom. UQR allows us to estimate heterogeneous effects at any quantile of the distribution of the dependent variable. It overcomes the econometric limitations of ordinary least squares and quantile regression based estimates typically used to investigate tourism expenditures. However, our results reveal that the effects of our explanatory variables change across the distribution of tourist expenditure. This has important implications for those tasked with devising policies to enhance the UK’s tourist flows and expenditures.

Fotbollsturism : En studie om fotbollsturisters upplevelse och tillfredställelse

Akrawi, Narin, Ciechowicz, Michelle January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie utförs av två studenter för deras examensarbete i Turismvetenskap vid Södertörns högskola, Sverige. I studien undersöks huruvida de påvisade karaktäristiska dragen för en sportturist stämmer överens med verkligheten. I studien undersöks även vilka faktorer fotbollsturisten anser viktiga för uppnå en tillfredsställande upplevelse under en fotbollsresa. Ämnet är viktigt att belysa för främjandet av turismnäringen när det kommer till resor för sportsliga syften. Genom identifieringen av specifika element inom fenomenet ökar kunskapen och utvecklingen av sportturism. Metoden som användes för att undersöka problematiken kring fenomenet i denna studie utfördes av intervjuer med tjugo potentiella respondenter. Dessa respondenten utgörs av individer som reste till Lissabon, Portugal för att delta i kvartsfinalen i Champions League mellan SL Benfica och FC Bayern München den 13 april 2016. Intervjuerna tog plats i München, Tyskland och Lissabon, Portugal. Respondenterna gav värdefullt bidrag genom åsikter, känslor och erfarenheter från tidigare sportresor. Det material som samlades in av intervjuerna sammanfogades sedan med tidigare forskning och teorier inom forskningsområde för att på så sätt undersöka och identifiera fenomenet. Resultatet i studien visar att trots de karaktäristiska dragen för en sportturist som påvisats av bland annat teoretikerna Harrison-Hill & Chalip (2005) stämmer inte överens eller stämmer delvis med respondenterna i studien. Trots detta går det att uppnå en tillfredsställande upplevelse genom att de faktorer som sportturisten anser vara viktiga för att uppnå en tillfredställande upplevelse. Faktorer som identifierats som tillfredsställande gentemot respondenternas behov och begär i denna studie, utgörs av bland annat: bra väder, bra sittplatser, en bra match, att laget vinner, säkerhet, transport, bra sällskap, att allting går smidigt, en bra resa, bra priser, bra atmosfär, att det ska finnas öl, att vara på plats i tid, att stå på rätt sida av planen tillsammans med andra supportar, att det inte förekommer brister i kommunikationen samt bra boende/ hotell och restauranger. På så sätt uppnås positiva, tillfredsställande och minnesrika resor. De karaktäristiska dragen som påståtts identifiera en sportturist, stämde delvis överens med verkligheten. Verkligheten i studien baseras på respondenternas svar vid intervjutillfällena. De karaktäristiska dragen (baserade på teorierna i studien och de som uppkommit genom respondenternas svar under intervjuerna) av en sportturist och faktorerna för att uppnå en tillfredsställande upplevelse går hand i hand. En tillfredsställande upplevelse för sportturisten utgörs till stor del av de specifika faktorer som identifierats i studien som påverkar fotbollsmatchen som turisten reser dit för. / This is a study made by two students for their bachelor theses in Tourism at Södertörn University, Sweden. The study investigates weather the theoretical characteristic features of a sport tourist is inconsistent with reality. The study also investigates factors that sport tourist consider important during a football trip to achieve a satisfying experience. By identifying specific element of the phenomenon increase knowledge and development of sport tourism. The method chosen for the study was qualitative interviews which where performed with twenty respondents, each respondent travel to Lisbon, Portugal to attend the quarter- finals of Champions League between SL Benfica and FC Bayer München, 13 April 2016. The interview material was interpreted and later merges with previous research and theories in order to investigate and identify the phenomenon. The result of the study showed that the theoretical and previous research that have been presented on characteristic features of a sport tourist do not or partly match the respondents in this study. This study also showed that factors that sport tourist consider important as e.g. good seats, security, transport, good company, good atmosphere, other supporters and supporting their favourite football team, are the factors that contribute and makes a satisfying, memorable and positive experience trip.

Bezpečnostní opatření pro pěší turistiku a cykloturistiku / Safety measures for hiking and cycling

Klatovská, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Title: Safety measures for hiking and cycling Objectives: The objective of this work is consistent and understandable description of the safety measures for hiking and cycling. Methods: The diploma thesis in the theoretical style is focused on searching for available sources and the research upon them, comparing of the sources and description of hiking and cycling, and listing the safety measures as well. Results: It was found that in selected works of Czech and foreign authors is sufficiently elaborated safety theme for tourism. The work describes hiking in adverse conditions behavior in nature and the recommended procedure for emergency situations. In works devoted to cycling is also carefully prepared technique bike riding, bike repair and care of him and recommendations for cycling gear. Furthermore, it was found that the cyclist applies rules to be respected, because the work contains a description of the rules and instructions on how to behave on the road and traffic. In work is also included historical development of both types of tourism, as well as the division between tourism and the inclusion of sport and physical activity universally. Keywords: tourism, tourist, cycling, routes, tourist signs, first aid

Marketing estratégico e estratégia competitiva de empresas turísticas :um estudo de caso da cadeia hoteleira Sol Meliá. / STRATEGIC MARKETING AND COMPETITIVE STRATEGY OF TOURIST COMPANIES A STUDY OF CASE OF THE HOTEL CHAIN SOL MELIÁ

Valdés, Jesus Alvarez 27 May 2003 (has links)
O objeto da tese está voltado para o processo do marketing estratégico e do desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas em organizações empresariais do setor de turismo, visando à obtenção de uma posição competitiva superior, mediante a satisfação de seus clientes, dos seus diversos públicos (stakeholders) e da sociedade em que estão inseridas. O estudo incorpora, como parte de seu projeto conceitual, a análise de um modelo teórico recente sobre estratégia empresarial –Modelo Delta - e as relações que se desenvolvem entre as empresas na era da globalização. Nesse contexto de globalização, é discutido o fenômeno de internacionalização das empresas e o impacto da crescente concentração, decorrente de fusões e aquisições, que se observa atualmente no setor de turismo. O problema em estudo está mais vinculado com os países receptivos que, por suas condições naturais, especializam-se em desenvolver ofertas para receber turistas de todas partes do mundo. A metodologia da pesquisa empírica que integra esta tese é de natureza qualitativa e modalidade exploratório - descritiva, tendo por método o estudo de caso. O estudo responde aos objetivos da pesquisa acadêmica e expõe o processo de expansão da Sol Meliá na América Latina, com ênfase no Brasil e em Cuba, particularmente nas cidades de São Paulo e Havana, respectivamente. Dentre as evidências encontradas destaca-se que, no setor de turismo, aparece de forma evidente a grande evolução econômica e sócio-cultural que se está operando no mundo contemporâneo. Observou-se, ainda, que, nos próximos anos, os destinos turísticos deverão se adaptar a uma situação de competitividade extrema, em que a obtenção de lucros e a sustentabilidade dos negócios turísticos serão muito mais complexos. As empresas terão que projetar suas ofertas de forma cada vez mais diferenciada e integrada ao planejamento dos destinos turísticos, em correspondência com o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. Deverão, ainda, ser capazes de atrair a atenção de novos turistas e reter os atuais clientes, pela inovação de suas propostas. / This thesis is focused on the strategic marketing process and on the search of competitive advantages in the tourist sector business organizations for the purpose of achieving an advantageous competitive position through the satisfaction of their customers as well as that of their stakeholders and of the society to which they belong. As part of its conceptual project the study includes analysis of a recent theoretical model about business strategy – Delta Model – and the relationships among companies in the era of globalization. In this context of globalization, the phenomenon of the companies’ internationalization is discussed, as well as the impact of increasing concentration that has resulted from mergers and acquisitions, currently perceived in the tourist sector. The issue under study is related to host countries that, because of their natural attributes have specialized in promoting offers for clients from all over the world. The methodology of empiric research applied in this thesis is of a qualitative and exploratory-descriptive nature and and makes use of the case study method. The study meets the objectives of academic research and presents the process of expansion of the Sol Meliá in Latin America, with emphasis on Brazil and on Cuba, particularly in the cities of São Paulo and Havana. Among the evidences detected, it maybe noted that in the tourist sector the great economic and socio-cultural evolution taking place in today’s world is quite apparent. It was further observed that, in the coming years, tourist destinations will have to adjust to situations of fierce competition, where achievement of profits and sustainability of tourist businesses will be much more complex. The companies will have to design their offers in an increasingly differentiated and comprehensive manner of planning tourist destinations in accordance with the sustainable development of the sector. Further, by means of the innovativeness of their proposals, they will have to be capable of keeping the current customers and of attracting the attention of new tourists.

Energy use in the New Zealand tourism sector

Becken, Susanne January 2002 (has links)
Energy use associated with tourism has rarely been studied, despite a potentially considerable contribution to global or national energy demand and concomitant greenhouse gas emissions. In New Zealand, tourism constitutes an increasingly important economic sector that is supported by the Government to induce further economic growth. At the same time New Zealand is facing the challenge of reducing currently increasing fossil fuel combustion and carbon dioxide emissions. As a response, this study investigated the contribution tourism makes to energy use in New Zealand. In particular it has examined the role of the three main tourism subsectors (transport, accommodation, and attractions/activities), and different domestic and international 'tourist types'. Seven separate data analyses provided inputs for building a model based on 'tourist types' from which energy use in the New Zealand tourism sector could be estimated. Tourism was found to contribute at least 5.6% to national energy demand, which is larger than its 4.9% contribution to GDP in 2000. Transport, in particular domestic air and car travel, was identified as the dominant energy consumer. Within the accommodation sub-sector, hotels are the largest energy consumers, both in total and on a per visitor-night basis. Of the three sub-sectors, attractions and activities contribute least to energy use, however, activities such as scenic flights or boat cruises were recognised as being energy intensive. As a result of larger visitor volumes, domestic tourists contribute more to energy consumption than international tourists. Domestic and international tourists types differ in their energy consumption patterns, for example measured as energy use per travel day. Tourist types that rely on air travel are the most energy intensive ones, for example the domestic 'long air business' travellers or the international 'coach tourists'. The importance of international tourists' energy use will increase, given current growth rates. There are many options to decrease energy use of the tourism sector, with the most effective ones being within the energy intensive transport sub-sector. Increasing vehicle efficiencies and decreasing travel distances appear to be the most promising measures. This study argues that energy use depends largely on tourists' travel behaviour. Changing behaviour is possible but is postulated to be very difficult, and further research is needed to better understand tourists' motivations, expectations and decision-making. Only then, can strategies be developed and implemented to alter travel behaviours to better balance energy use, other environmental impacts and economic yield. Such a balance is a crucial consideration in the search for more sustainable forms of tourism.

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