Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grade off"" "subject:"trade off""
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Les bases neuronales de l’apprentissage décisionnel au sein des ganglions de la base : étude électrophysiologique et comportementale chez le primate non humain / The neural bases of decision learning in the basal ganglia : an electrophysiological and behavioral approach in the non-human primateLaquitaine, Steeve 08 November 2010 (has links)
Une question fondamentale en neuroscience, ainsi que dans de nombreuses disciplines s’intéressant à la compréhension du comportement, telles que la psychologie, l’Economie, et la sociologie, concerne les processus décisionnels par lesquels les animaux et les humains sélectionnent des actions renforcées positivement ou négativement. Les processus décisionnels ainsi que leur base neuronale demeurent mal compris. D’autre part de nombreuses études ont révélé que les humains ainsi que les animaux prennent souvent des décisions sous-optimales. Notre principal objectif a été de comprendre la raison de ces comportements sous-optimaux. Par ailleurs, l’altération des processus sous-tendant la prise de décision, entraîne des pathologies. La compréhension des mécanismes décisionnels est essentielle au développement de stratégies de traitements plus efficaces. Dans cette étude nous avons proposé une nouvelle approche de l’étude des comportements décisionnels, basée sur l’hétérogénéité des préférences créées au cours de l’apprentissage du choix. Puis nous avons corrélé l’activité du putamen et du globus pallidus interne aux comportements préalablement décrits. Nos résultats montrent que bien que les primates apprennent à identifier la meilleure option et convergent vers une stratégie optimale dans un nombre important de sessions, ils n’arrivent pas en moyenne à optimiser leur comportement. Nous avons montré que ce comportement suboptimal des primates est caractérisé par la création de préférences irrationnelles par ces derniers pour des paramètres non pertinents de l’environnement. Nous avons finalement montré que bien qu’un faible nombre de neurones du putamen encode la valeur de l’action, leur contribution à l’activité de population est faible. L’activité du putamen reflète les futures performances des primates et prédit donc la formation des comportements irrationnels et rationnels. / A fundamental question in neuroscience, as well as in various fields such as economics, psychology and sociology, concerns the decision making processes by which animals and humans select actions based on reward and punishment. Both decision making processes and their neural basis are still poorly understood. Also, both human and animals often make suboptimal decisions in many tasks studied. Our first aim is to improve the understanding of why such sub-optimal decisions are made. Also, the alteration of decision making processes causes diseases, the understanding of whose mechanisms is essential in developing better treatment strategies. In this report, we propose a new approach which consists in extracting the neural substrates of choice behavior heterogeneity in between sessions. Our results show that although primates learn on average to identify the best option and converge to an optimal policy in a consequent number of sessions, they fail on average to optimize their behavior. We revealed that this suboptimal behavior was characterized by an unexpected high behavioral heterogeneity during the task that was due to the creation of irrelevant preferences by the monkeys. We finally show that although a few neurons of the putamen encode the action value, their contribution to the overall population activity is weak. Putamen activity rather reflects the futures performances and predicts the creation of rational and irrational behaviors.
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Compression progressive et tatouage conjoint de maillages surfaciques avec attributs de couleur / Progressive compression and joint compression and watermarking of surface mesh with color attributesLee, Ho 21 June 2011 (has links)
L’utilisation des modèles 3D, représentés sous forme de maillage, est sans cesse croissante dans de nombreuses applications. Pour une transmission efficace et pour une adaptation à l’hétérogénéité des ressources de ces modèles, des techniques de compression progressive sont généralement utilisées. Afin de protéger le droit d’auteur de ces modèles pendant la transmission, des techniques de tatouage sont également employées. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous proposons premièrement deux méthodes de compression progressive pour des maillages avec ou sans information de couleurs et nous présentons finalement un système conjoint de compression progressive et de tatouage. Dans une première partie, nous proposons une méthode d’optimisation du compromis débit-distorsion pour des maillages sans attribut de couleur. Pendant le processus de l’encodage, nous adoptons la précision de quantification au nombre d’éléments et à la complexité géométrique pour chaque niveau de détail. Cette adaptation peut s’effectuer de manière optimale en mesurant la distance par rapport au maillage original, ou de façon quasi-optimale en utilisant un modèle théorique pour une optimisation rapide. Les résultats montrent que notre méthode donne des résultats compétitifs par rapport aux méthodes de l’état de l’art. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous focalisons sur l’optimisation du compromis débit-distorsion pour des maillages possédant l’information de couleur attachée aux sommets. Après avoir proposé deux méthodes de compression pour ce type de maillage, nous présentons une méthode d’optimisation du débit-distorsion qui repose sur l’adaptation de la précision de quantification de la géométrie et de la couleur pour chaque maillage intermédiaire. Cette adaptation peut être effectuée rapidement selon un modèle théorique qui permet d’évaluer le nombre de bits de quantification nécessaire pour chaque maillage intermédiaire. Une métrique est également proposée pour préserver les éléments caractéristiques durant la phase de simplification. Finalement, nous proposons un schéma conjoint de compression progressive et de tatouage. Afin de protéger tous les niveaux de détails, nous insérons le tatouage dans chaque étape du processus d’encodage. Pour cela, à chaque itération de la simplification, nous séparons les sommets du maillage en deux ensembles et nous calculons un histogramme de distribution de normes pour chacun d’entre eux. Ensuite, nous divisons ces histogrammes en plusieurs classes et nous modifions ces histogrammes en décalant les classes pour insérer un bit. Cette technique de tatouage est réversible et permet de restaurer de manière exacte le maillage original en éliminant la déformation induite par l’insertion du tatouage. Nous proposons également une nouvelle méthode de prédiction de la géométrie afin de réduire le surcoût provoqué par l’insertion du tatouage. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que notre méthode est robuste à diverses attaques géométriques tout en maintenant un bon taux de compression / The use of 3D models, represented as a mesh, is growing in many applications. For efficient transmission and adaptation of these models to the heterogeneity of client devices, progressive compression techniques are generally used. To protect the copyright during the transmission, watermarking techniques are also used. In this thesis, we first propose two progressive compression methods for meshes with or without color information, and we present a joint system of compression and watermarking. In the first part, we propose a method for optimizing the rate-distortion trade-off for meshes without color attribute. During the encoding process, we adopt the quantization precision to the number of elements and geometric complexity. This adaptation can be performed optimally by measuring the distance regarding the original mesh, or can be carried out using a theoretical model for fast optimization. The results show that our method yields competitive results with the state-of-the-art methods. In the second part, we focus on optimizing the rate-distortion performance for meshes with color information attached to mesh vertices. We propose firstly two methods of compression for this type of mesh and then we present a method for optimizing the rate-distortion trade-off based on the adaptation of the quantification precision of both geometry and color for each intermediate mesh. This adaptation can be performed rapidly by a theoretical model that evaluates the required number of quantization bits for each intermediate mesh. A metric is also proposed in order to preserve the feature elements throughout simplification. Finally, we propose a joint scheme of progressive compression and watermarking. To protect all levels of detail, we insert the watermark within each step of the encoding process. More precisely, at each iteration of simplification, we separate vertices into two sets and compute a histogram of distribution of vertex norms for each set. Then, we divide these histograms into several bins and we modify these histograms by shifting bins to insert a bit. This watermarking technique is reversible and can restore exactly the original mesh by eliminating the distortion caused by the insertion of the watermark. We also propose a new prediction method for geometry encoding to reduce the overhead caused by the insertion of the watermark. Experimental results show that our method is robust to various geometric attacks while maintaining a good compression ratio
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Determinantes ecológicos do risco de extinção: abundância local, amplitude de nicho, capacidade de dispersão e a resposta das espécies de pequenos mamíferos à fragmentação florestal no Planalto Atlântico Paulista / Ecological determinants of extinction risk: local abundance, niche breadth, dispersal ability and response of small mammals to forest fragmentation at the Atlantic Plateau of São PauloMartins, Thais Kubik 25 November 2011 (has links)
Alterações antrópicas nos ecossistemas, em especial a perda e a fragmentação de habitat, são consideradas as principais causas do grande aumento nas extinções de espécies nas últimas décadas. Uma vez que o risco de extinção varia grandemente entre as espécies, os determinantes ecológicos associados à chance de extinção têm sido um tema central e muito debatido na literatura ecológica. Atributos ecológicos relacionados à raridade, como amplitude de nicho e abundância local, e a capacidade de dispersão são recorrentemente citados na literatura como determinantes do risco de extinção local. A partir de dados de ocorrência em fragmentos, matas contínuas e áreas de agricultura, e de captura-recaptura em três grades de 2 ha em mata continua, no Planalto Atlântico Paulista, investigamos o efeito desses três atributos ecológicos sobre o risco de extinção local em espécies de pequenos mamíferos. Utilizamos a abordagem de seleções de modelos e o critério de Akaike (AICc) para avaliar qual das hipóteses existentes na literatura sobre a relação destes atributos com o risco de extinção é mais plausível. Foram realizadas duas seleções de modelos: uma considerando os três atributos para sete espécies; e outra considerando apenas a amplitude de nicho e abundância local para 18 espécies. Os resultados de ambas as seleções indicam a amplitude de nicho como determinante principal do risco de extinção local, que aumenta à medida que a amplitude de nicho diminui. Abundância local apresentou uma importância secundária, com um efeito positivo sobre o risco de extinção, mas que é mais forte para espécies com menor amplitude de nicho. Este resultado é consistente com a idéia de que a abundância local é influenciada pelo grau de especialização e pela capacidade competitiva das espécies, a qual está negativamente relacionada à capacidade de colonização através de uma demanda conflitante. Como a capacidade de dispersão variou pouco entre as espécies estudadas e a capacidade de colonização é determinada também pela taxa de crescimento populacional, é possível que o risco de extinção das espécies de pequenos mamíferos especialistas de habitat seja secundariamente definido pela taxa de crescimento populacional / Anthropogenic disturbances, particularly habitat loss and fragmentation, are considered the main causes of the increased extinction rates observed in the last decades. Since the risk of extinction is extremely variable among species, the ecological determinants of the chance of extinction have been in the center of the debates in the ecological literature. Ecological traits associated with rarity, as niche breadth and local abundance, and dispersal ability are recurrently mentioned in the literature as the main determinants of the risk of local extinction. Using data on occurrence in fragments, continuous forest and areas of agriculture, and on capture-recapture in three 2-ha grids in continuous forest, in the Atlantic Plateau of São Paulo, we investigate the effects of these three ecological traits on the risk of local extinction in small mammals. We used a model selection approach and the Akaike criterion (AICc) to evaluate which of the existing hypotheses on the relationship of these traits with the extinction risk is most plausible. Two model selections were run: one considering the three traits and seven species, and another considering only niche breadth and local abundance and 18 species. The results from both selections point to niche breadth as the main determinant of the risk of local extinction. Local abundance was secondarily important, with a positive effect on extinction risk, which is stronger among the species with smaller niche breadth. This result is consistent with the idea that local abundance is influenced by species degree of ecological specialization and competitive ability, which is negatively related to colonization ability through a trade-off. As dispersal ability varied little among studied species, and colonization ability is also determined by population growth rate, it is possible that the risk of extinction among habitat specialist small mammals is secondarily defined by population growth rate
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Controle de movimentos rápidos e precisos direcionados a alvos espaciais / Control of rapid and accurate movements aimed to spatial targetsOkazaki, Victor Hugo Alves 09 March 2009 (has links)
Neste estudo foi analisado o efeito de distância, velocidade, tamanhos do disco e do alvo, e massas do disco e da manopla, sobre o desempenho motor em movimentos requisitando rapidez e precisão. Para tanto, foram analisadas as características cinemáticas da tarefa de projetar um disco a um alvo com movimento de contato balístico, empunhando uma manopla. Os movimentos foram desempenhados sobre uma base plana e filmados com câmera optoeletrônica de alta freqüência. O estudo foi conduzido em seis experimentos com um grupo único de participantes. Os resultados indicaram que os modelos de controle motor que têm sido empregados para analisar a relação velocidade-precisão em tarefas mais simples não foram apropriados para explicar o comportamento da tarefa utilizada. O controle motor na tarefa demonstrou ser dinâmico e flexível, frente às diferentes restrições de movimento. As seguintes estratégias de controle foram sugeridas na explicação dos resultados: sincronização da maior velocidade e do instante de contato manopla-disco, manutenção na proporção entre as fases aceleração-desaceleração, maior inércia e menor impacto para aumentar a estabilidade de movimento, e o controle da velocidade e da precisão em dimensões independentes. A análise das ações articulares demonstrou as particularidades das estratégias utilizadas pelo sistema no movimento em função das variáveis manipuladas. Em conjunto, esta seqüência de experimentos permitiu uma compreensão mais ampla das estratégias de controle motor empregadas em movimentos com alta demanda de velocidade e de precisão / In this study it was analyzed the effect of distance, velocity, disc and target width, disc and manipulandum mass, over motor control of a rapid and accurate movement. For such, it was analyzed the kinematic characteristics of the task of launching a disc to a target using a ballistic movement, performed with a manipulandum. Movements were performed on a flat surface and filmed with a high frequency optoelectronic camera. The study was conducted through six experiments with a single group of participants. Analysis of results indicated that models of motor control that has been used to analyze speed-accuracy tradeoff in simpler tasks were not appropriate to explain the observed behavior in the task used. Motor control in the task showed to be dynamic and flexible, regarding the several constraints manipulated. The follow strategies of control were suggested to explain the results: synchronization of the peak velocity and the instant of disc-manipulandum contact, maintenance of the proportion between the acceleration-deceleration phases, greater inertia and minor impact to increase movement stability, and control of velocity and accuracy of independent dimensions. The prediction of Analysis of joint actions showed the particularities of the strategies used by the system on movement as a function of the manipulated variables. Together, this study sequence of experiments allowed for a deeper comprehension of the control strategies used in the control of rapid and accurate movements
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Influencia de los rasgos de historia de vida y del uso de información en la adquisición de recursos y dispersión en el parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides Hochenwarth (Hymenoptera Ibaliidae) / Influence des traits d'histoire de vie et de l'utilisation des informations pour l'acquisition des ressources et la dispersion chez le parasitoïde Ibalia leucospoides Hochenwarth (Hymenoptera Ibaliidae) / Influence of life history traits and information use on resource acquisition and dispersal in the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides Hochenwarth (Hymenoptera Ibaliidae)Fischbein, Deborah 15 June 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'étudier comment la sélection naturelle façonne les traits d'histoire de vie et le comportement des animaux en fonction de l'environnement écologique dans lequel ils évoluent. Ce cadre théorique soulève des hypothèses spécifiques concernant les processus de reproduction, de dispersion et d'approvisionnement chez le parasitoïde Ibalia leucospoides. Les expériences d'écologie comportementale et d'écophysiologie menées sur des parasitoïdes femelles d' Ibalia leucospoides démontrent principalement que (1) la proportion d'oeufs matures que possède la femelle à l'émergence est élevée par rapport à sa fécondité potentielle : I. Leucospoides adopte une stratégie proovigénique ; (2) l'alimentation a un effet négligeable sur les femelles adultes : elle n'influence ni la maturation des oeufs, ni la survie, ni les capacités de vol ; (3) dans nos conditions expérimentales, la capacité de vol dépend des caractéristiques morphologiques du parasitoïde (taille et charge alaire) ; et (4) concernant la recherche d'hôtes, les femelles sont capables de discerner des différences dans la qualité des patchs d'hôtes à distance, sans les échantillonner. D'autre part, le temps d'exploitation d'un patch dépend des informations obtenues des patchs voisins. Le succès reproductif du parasitoïde proovigénique Ibalia leucospoides, n'est pas limité par le manque de nourriture chez l'adulte. La stratégie d'allocation des ressources entre les différentes fonctions biologiques, ainsi que le comportement d'approvisionnement adopté par cette espèce de parasitoïde pourraient vraisemblablement être une réponse aux caractéristiques de l'habitat, telle que la distribution fortement agrégée des Sirex noctilio, l'hôte, ainsi que la disponibilité des ressources (i.e. hôtes et nourriture) / The central aim of this thesis is to explore how natural selection shapes life history traits and behaviuors according to the ecological environment in which an animal exists. This overall framework leads to specific hypotheses concerning the reproductive, dispersal and foraging processes in the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides. The experiments in behavioural ecology and eco-physiology in female parasitoids of Ibalia leucospoides show as main results, that (1) the proportion of the potential lifetime eggs complement that is mature at female emergence is high; (2) low dependency on adult female feeding, not only for egg maturation but also for survival and flight; (3) under our experimental conditions flight capacity depends on the morphological characteristics of the parasitoid (size and wing loading); and (4) regarding host foraging, females accurately assess differences in host patch quality from a distance without the need of displaying a sampling process; in addition that patch exploitation times depend on the information obtained from the surrounding patches. The reproductive success of I. leucospoides, a proovigenic parasitoid, is not constrained by adult food deprivation. Both the resource allocation strategy toward the different biological functions and the foraging behaviour adopted by this parasitoid species may well be in respond to habitat characteristics, such as a strongly aggregated distribution of Sirex noctilio, the host, as well as to the resources availability (i.e. host and food)
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The Difference Principle in Rawls: Pragmatic or Infertile?Esmaeili, Farzaneh 01 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis attempts to provide a coherent view of the idea of ‘justice as fairness’ and, in particular, the ‘difference principle’ expressed by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice. The main focus of the thesis is the difference principle and its limits. Rawls’s conception of ‘justice as fairness’ is based on the thought experiment of the ‘original position’ in which people, considered as free and equal, deliberate under an imagined ‘veil of ignorance,’ i.e. not knowing which social roles or status they would occupy in their society. Rawls then argues that in the original position people come up with two major principles of justice, understood as principles that would be acceptable to people treated as free and equal. The second principle entails the so-called ‘difference principle,’ according to which the inequalities of, say, wealth and authority are just and fair only if they lead to compensating benefits for everybody and particularly the least advantaged. The thesis proceeds, then, by probing whether compared with other theories, , including a discussion of Dahl’s theory of democracy, Rawls’s difference principle could be a proper answer to one of the main questions of social justice. The questions is: how the economic fortune in a society should be distributed among citizens. However, despite Rawls’s aim to develop the difference principle as a practical normative theory, it fails to give us a pragmatic answer. The reason is: the statement of the difference principle fails to take into account one crucial point: to wit, the matter of time. The thesis develops two empirical economic scenarios to illustrate that there is a trade-off between the interests of the poor in short and long period of time. However, this important issue is not considered and discussed by Rawls which makes the theory inapplicable.
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Étude des capacités de dispersion de Monochamus galloprovincialis vecteur du nématode du pin Bursaphelenchus xylophilus / Dispersal capacities of Monochamus galloprovincialis vector of the pinewood nematod Bursaphelenchus xylophilusDavid, Guillaume 27 October 2014 (has links)
Le nématode du pin Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, originaire des Etats-Unis, est responsable de dépérissements massifs dans les forêts de pin des pays où il a été introduit. Il utilise comme vecteur un insecte du genre Monochamus, notamment M. galloprovincialis en Europe. L’objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des informations concernant les capacités de dispersion de ce coléoptère afin de mieux prédire le risque d'invasion. A l'aide d'expériences en manège de vol, nous avons montré que les adultes émergents, encore immatures, sont déjà en mesure de maintenir des vols soutenus. Ils peuvent parcourir une distance d'environ 500m par jour et les capacités de vol augmentent avec la prise de poids pendant la phase de maturation sexuelle. Il n'existe pas de compromis d'allocation de l'énergie entre fonctions de dispersion et de reproduction pendant cette période et nous proposons de qualifier ces insectes de "income breeder" et "capital disperser". A l'état mature M. galloprovincialis est capable de voler un total de 16 km, avec des vols individuels d'environ1 km; ces performances augmentent avec l'âge et le poids des insectes. Le maintien des capacités de vol tout au long de la vie adulte de M. galloprovincialis conduit à proposer que les distances potentiellement parcourues dépendent surtout de la longévité de l'insecte. Dans une expérience d'élevage en conditions contrôlées nous avons montré que la vie adulte dure au moins 4 mois, augmentant quand les fluctuations thermiques sont atténuées. Ces résultats ont des implications pour la gestion de B. xylophilus en Europe puisqu'ils démontrent que la méthode d'éradication par coupe rase sur un rayon de 500m est probablement inopérante. / The pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, native to the USA, is responsible of the pine wilt disease, causing large economic losses in the pine forests of all countries where it has been introduced. It uses as vector an insect of the genus Monochamus, e.g. M.galloprovincialis in Europe The objective of this thesis is to provide information about the dispersalabilities of, this beetle in order to better predict the spread rate of the PWN. Using flight mill experiments, we showed that immature adult beetles were able to fly since their emergence. The meanflight performance was ca. 500m per day, increasing with weight gain during the maturation period.There was no trade-offs in energy allocation between reproduction and dispersion. We therefore suggest that M. galloprovincialis is both "income breeder" and "capital disperser". Mature beetles were able to fly a total of 16km on average during their lifetime, with individual flights of ca. 1km. Flight performances increased with age and body weight, being equal for males and females. Because flight capacity remained constant across time, we suggested that the total distance potentially covered by beetles was mainly driven by their longevity. In a rearing experiment under controlled conditions we estimated the adult lifespan at 4 months. It was reduced under temperature regime with higheryearly thermal fluctuations. These results have important implications for the management of the PWN since they demonstrate that precautionary clear-cuts of 500m radius are likely to be ineffective in eradicating the disease.
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Rôle des compromis évolutifs dans la spécialisation et la coexistence d'espèces compétitrices. Développements théoriques et expérimentaux chez les insectes parasitoïdes.Pelosse, Perrine 11 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les compromis évolutifs ou trade-offs occupent une place centrale dans l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie car ils contraignent l'univers des possibles. Les trade-offs dans l'allocation d'énergie vers la reproduction et la maintenance sont essentiellement liés, chez les insectes parasitoïdes, à la disponibilité en hôtes et en nourriture de l'environnement et au nombre d'œufs dont disposent les femelles. Nos expériences relevant de l'écologie comportementale et de l'éco-physiologie démontrent, chez le parasitoïde Venturia canescens, (i) que les caractéristiques de l'environnement sélectionnent une allocation différentielle des ressources vers la fabrication des œufs et la mise en place des réserves énergétiques pendant la phase larvaire ; et (ii) qu'un ajustement des stratégies d'allocation d'énergie en réponse à la disponibilité en hôtes existe pendant la phase adulte. Nos travaux théoriques révèlent le rôle central de la qualité de la nourriture dans l'évolution du trade-off entre recherche d'hôtes et de nourriture, et suggère son importance dans la structuration des communautés de parasitoïdes.
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Kan Kapitalstrukturen Förklaras ?Svensson, Andreas, Kristian, Persson January 2009 (has links)
<p>Ett företags kapitalstruktur har varit ett hett diskussionsämne de senaste 50 åren. Det forskars kontinuerligt än idag gällande företagets skuldsättningsgrad och det existerar ett stort omfång av erkända förklarande teorier. En intressant fråga är varför forskarna inte har hittat en teori som förklarar alla delar av företagets val av kapitalstruktur. Uppsatsen har två viktiga syften för att möjligtvis illustrera ett nytt perspektiv av kapitalstruktursvalet. Syftet utgår ifrån att undersöka om kapitalstrukturen är rätt definierad för att kunna förklaras eftersom det är skuldsättningsgraden som utgör den originella definitionen. Den andra delen av vårt syfte utgör frågeställningen om företagets styrning kan påverka valet av kapitalstruktur.</p><p>För att uppsatsen skall uppnå sitt syfte har vi valt att genomföra en kvantitativ undersökning som baseras på företagens årsredovisningar. En tvärsnittsstudie har upprättats med utgångs året 2005 varav intervallet 2005 – 2001 har använts när ett antal faktorer beräknats. Undersökningens urvalsram är baserad på bolag som var noterade på Stockholmsbörsen och OMX listorna Mid, Small och Lage Cap. Totalt har 267 bolag undersökts.</p><p>Utifrån vår analys har vi dragit ett antal intressanta slutsatser som möjligtvis kan komplettera dagens forskning. Vår egen Persson-Svensson definition av kapitalstrukturen har signifikant bekräftat de flesta av de samband den traditionella definitionen teoretiskt stöder. Samtidigt visade Persson-Svensson definitionen ett antal för oss nya signifikanta samband. Undersökningen har även bekräftat ett möjligt samband mellan företagsstyrningen och företagets val av kapitalstruktur.</p>
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Cardiovascular disease and hypertension : Population-based studies on self-rated health and health-related quality of life in SwedenBardage, Carola January 2000 (has links)
<p>The aim with this thesis was to study cardiovascular disease and hypertension, use of drugs and health from an epidemiological perspective. Various methods - self-rated health (SRH), health related quality of life (HRQL) - the 36-item short form questionnaire (SF-36) - and health utility measurements - the rating scale (RS) and the time-trade off (TTO) methods - were employed.</p><p>Data from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA) in 1984, 1987, 1990, and 1993 as well as a general population survey conducted in Uppsala County in 1995 were used.</p><p>Persons who have cardiovascular disease, both with and without drug treatment, were found to have a lower SRH as compared to others in the population. Longitudinal analyses showed that SRH was relatively stable over time among persons with cardiovascular disease. Both having a low SRH and having cardiovascular disease were associated with a higher mortality rate.</p><p>Hypertensives were found to have a lower HRQL than do others in the general population as measured by the SF-36. The lowest scoring was found in the general health perception scale (GH), whereas role emotional (RE) and mental health (MH) were the scales least affected by hypertension.</p><p>Nearly 20 percent of the antihypertensive drug users reported side effects.The pattern of side effects was similar to that reported in clinical trials. Both hypertension itself and the drug treatment were found to have an impact on the patient's health-state utility as measured by the RS. Comparative analyses showed that health utilities and psychometric quality-of-life instruments were only moderately correlated among hypertensives. </p><p>The results also showed that inequalities in HRQL were present with respect to several sociodemographic factors. </p><p>In summary, this thesis revealed that persons with cardiovascular disease and/or with hypertension experience poorer health than others in the population. The poor health may be caused both by the disease and/or the drug treatment. The results in this thesis also suggested that special attention and care should be directed to persons with cardiovascular disease and/or hypertension reporting ill health. This especially is important given that low HRQL can be a riskfactor for subsequent cardiovascular events or complications which in turn might result in higher mortality rate.</p>
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