Spelling suggestions: "subject:"traditions"" "subject:"raditions""
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L'application de la Grande Loi de la Paix (Kaianerekowa) de la Haudenosaunee dans la pratique de la médiation à KahnawakeDwyer, Sean 02 1900 (has links)
La tradition juridique iroquoise, ou de la Confédération iroquoise - autrement connue sous l‟appellation Haudenosaunee ou Gens du Longhouse - est non seulement ancienne, mais aussi organique et viable. Les rappels de son existence et de son contenu nous entourent et nous pénètrent. Son application, toutefois, exige notre volonté et notre participation, ainsi que celles des communautés autochtones dont les ancêtres l‟ont développée il y a plusieurs siècles. Ceci représente un défi constant pour la communauté mohawk de Kahnawake où la marche du temps a mené, malgré la présence notable et indépendante des Mohawks avant et pendant les premiers siècles d‟interaction avec les Européens, à une intégration juridique de la mentalité coloniale. L‟on pourrait même douter de l‟existence de leur ordre juridique, la Kaianerekowa. La réalité néanmoins est toute autre et cet ordre est complet, sophistiqué et applicable; il s‟ouvre ainsi, nécessairement, à la possibilité de critique et d‟amélioration progressive. La médiation illustre bien ces dynamiques, parce qu‟elle en fait partie depuis un temps immémorial. Aujourd‟hui, Kahnawake cherche à développer son identité juridique ainsi que ses relations avec le monde extérieur. La Kaianerekowa représente une alternative concrète viable pour les communautés locales ou globales. La médiation demeure une application pratique et efficace de cet ordre juridique pour cette communauté, comme pour d‟autres, chacune avec des adaptations particulières. Nous argumenterons pour la reconnaissance pleine et entière de la Kaianerekowa comme ordre juridique et de la médiation comme forme juridique potentiellement dominante à Kahnawake. / The Iroquois Legal Tradition, or that of the Iroquois Confederation otherwise known as the Haudenosaunee or the People of the Longhouse, is not only ancient but also organic and currently viable. The reminders of its existence and of its content surround us and traverse us. Its application, however, requires our will and our participation as well as that of Indigenous communities of which the ancestors themselves developed it many centuries ago. This presents a constant challenge for the Mohawk community of Kahnawake where the march of time led, despite the notable independent Mohawk presence before and during the first centuries of interaction with the Europeans, to a legal integration of the colonial mentality. This could even lead one to doubt of the existence of their legal order, the Kaianerekowa. Reality, however, is otherwise and this order is complete, sophisticated and applicable; it is thus open necessarily to the possibility of critique and progressive improvement. The mediation exemplifies these dynamics, because it has been a part of them since before one can say. Today, Kahnawake seeks to develop its legal identity as well as its relations with the outside world. The Kaianerekowa presents itself as a concrete and viable alternative for local and global communities. The mediation remains a practical and efficient application of this legal order for this community, as for others and each with its own particular adaptation. We will argue for the full and entire recognition of the Kaianerekowa as a legal order and of mediation as a legal form potentially dominant in Kahnawake.
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Inscriptions administratives et réalités socioculturelles : une étude des représentations et pratiques d’état civil en Côte d’Ivoire / Administrative inscriptions and socio-cultural realities : a study of representations and practices of civil registry in Côte d’IvoireKouakou, Konan Jérôme 30 June 2009 (has links)
Ce travail est un regard socio-anthropologique sur les inscriptions administratives et les questions qu’elles soulèvent. Il analyse le cas spécifique de l’état civil de Côte d’Ivoire au regard du contexte socioculturel. Il dégage quelques particularités de l’état civil de Côte d’Ivoire à travers l’examen de l’articulation entre le système officiel et les réalités locales. Y a-t-il eu de la part de la Côte d’Ivoire, au moment d’adopter en tant qu’Etat indépendant son propre système d’état civil, un effort de prise en compte de son contexte socioculturel local ? Les modèles et représentations que véhicule le système mis en place à l’indépendance ont-ils un minimum de cohérence avec ceux en cours dans les sociétés ivoiriennes ? Pris entre les impératifs de l’appareillage officiel d’écriture qu’est l’état civil d’une part et le contexte socioculturel d’autre part, comment les acteurs et plus spécialement les usagers se comportent-ils ? Quels types de représentations et pratiques déploient-ils ? Telles sont les interrogations auxquelles tentent de répondre cette recherche. Contrairement à ce à quoi on pouvait s’attendre, au lendemain de son accession à l’indépendance, la Côte d’Ivoire fait le choix d’un système d’état civil qui tient très peu compte du contexte local. Les analyses effectuées font apparaître un décalage entre les modèles (de famille, de mariage, d’identité) véhiculés par l’appareil d’inscription et ceux du contexte socioculturel. Alors que l’état civil promeut des modèles axés sur l’individu et la vérité de l’écrit, les pratiques et usages locaux font une large part au groupe et au non écrit. Cette inadéquation entre le système officiel et les réalités socioculturelles du milieu favorise, bien loin des attentes, un ensemble de représentations et pratiques ambiguës. / This essay is a socio-anthropological view on administrative inscriptions and the questions they give rise to. It is an analysis from the specific case of Côte d’Ivoire according to its socio-cultural context. It underlines a few particularities of the civil registry in Côte d’Ivoire through the examination of the articulation between the official system and local realities. Was there from the Côte d’Ivoire, at the time when the country adopted as an independent state its own civil registry system, an effort to consider its local socio-cultural context? Do the models and representations given and defended by the system that came into place at the independence, have a minimum of coherence with those that were already in place in the societies in Côte d’Ivoire? Caught between the imperatives of the official writing that civil registry represents on the one hand, and the sociocultural context on the other hand, how are people, especially users, reacting? What kind of representations do they use? What are their practices? Those are the questions this research is trying to answer to. Contrary to what could have been expected, the day after it gained its independence, the country of Côte d’Ivoire chose a system that did not really take into account the local context. The analyses show a difference between the models (of family, marriage and identity) given by the registration administration and those of the socio-cultural context. When the civil registry is promoting models built on the individual and the supremacy of the script, local customs and practices assign a considerable place to the group and are built on non-written elements. This discrepancy between the official system and the socio-cultural realities are supporting, far from the expectations, ambiguous representations and practices from the civil registry
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Floating Borderlands: Chicanas and Mexicanas Moving Knowledge in the BorderlandsHolm, Andrea Hernandez, Holm, Andrea Hernandez January 2016 (has links)
As intolerance against Mexican Americans and Mexican migrants persists in the United States-- apparent in the passage of Arizona State Bill 1070, Arizona House Bill 2281, and multiple English-only laws-- Chicanas and Mexicanas continue to resist by sustaining relationships and knowledge through storytelling. This dissertation employs a floating borderlands framework to explore how Chicanas and Mexicanas in the United States-Mexico borderlands use storytelling in oral and written traditions to keep cultural and regional knowledge. Floating borderlands is an interdisciplinary framework that reveals survivance, that is, survival as an act of resistance, through cultural maintenance, agency, and creativity in lived experiences. Drawing upon concepts and research from disciplines that include Mexican American Studies, American Indian Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, and Education, floating borderlands reveals how storytelling helps Chicanas and Mexicanas maintain an understanding of home and homelands that facilitates resistance to obstacles such as racial and gender discrimination and challenges to their right to be in these spaces. This dissertation acknowledges multiple forms of knowledge keeping by Chicanas and Mexicanas throughout the last two centuries; recognizes intersectionality; and complicates or creates multiple layers in narratives of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. This project is directly informed by narratives of Chicana and Mexicana life in the borderlands. It centers oral and written traditions, including my original poetry. Key words: Chicanas, Mexicanas, border, borderlands, floating borderlands, survivance, oral traditions, written traditions, home, homelands, migration, identity, cultural maintenance, poetry, story.
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Tradizioni e innovazioni nei saperi materiali dei caccciatori-raccoglitori tra la fine del paleolitico e il mesolitico antico : trasformazioni tecniche e strategie tecno-economiche nelle produzioni litiche di casi studio nell'Italia meridionale / Tradition et innovations techniques chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs de la fin du Paleolithique et du Mesolithique ancien : transformations techniques et strategies techno-economiques des productions lithiques a partir de cas d’etudes en Italie du sud / Tradition and technical innovations among hunter-gatherers at the end of the Paleolithic and the ancient Mesolithic : technical transformations and techno-economic strategies of lithic productions from case studies of southern ItalyRicci, Giulia 20 September 2018 (has links)
Mon projet de recherche porte sur une étude techno-économique des industries lithiques à la fin de Paléolithique supérieur et à la transition Pléistocène – Holocène de deux sites du sud de l’Italie: Grotta della Serratura (Salerno) et Grotta del Cavallo (Nardo).Les industries de cette période en Italie du sud ont fait l’objet d’études essentiellement typologiques. Avec une nouvelle méthodologie nous essayerons de produire de nouvelles données et interprétations concernant ces questions. Les trois grandes interrogations au cœur de ce projet sont les suivantes:– A travers l’étude des traditions technique, peut-on identifier des moments de rupture ou de continuité, au sein des séquences étudiées ? Si oui, les observe-t-on au même moment dans les séquences ?– Les deux gisements, qui sont différents d’un point de vue géographique et environnemental, montrent-ils aussi, sur le plan technologique, des grandes différences, comme celles mises en évidence par les études typologiques antérieures (phénomène de régionalisation épigravettien) ?– Dans la séquence de Grotta della Serratura, comment s’insèrent les deux niveaux de l’Épipaléolithique indifférencié ? Et dans le cadre du passage Pléistocène/Holocène dans la province méditerranéenne ?Les industries seront donc abordées suivant deux axes. Un premier diachronique, puisqu’il s’agit d’identifier des ruptures et/ou des continuités dans chaque séquence avec l’identification des traditions techniques. Le second axe est d’ordre synchronique, avec l’élargissement de l’échelle à un niveau micro et macro – régional. / This research focuses on a techno-economic study of lithic industries at the end of the Upper Paleolithic and the frist Holocene of two sites in southern Italy: Grotta della Serratura (Salerno) and Grotta del Cavallo (Nardo).The industries of this period in southern Italy were the subject of essentially typological studies. With a new methodology we will try to produce new data and interpretations about these issues. The three main questions at the heart of this project are:- Through the study of technical traditions, we can identify moments of rupture or continuity, within the sequences studied? If yes, do we observe them at the same time in the sequences?- The two deposits, which are different from a geographical and environmental point of view, also show, in terms of technology, major differences, such as those highlighted by earlier typological studies (epigravettian regionalization phenomenon).- In the sequence of Grotta della Serratura, how do connect the two levels of the undifferentiated Epipaleolithic? And in the context of the Pleistocene / Holocene passage in the Mediterranean area?The lithic industries will therefore be approached along two axes. A first diachronic, since it involves identifying breaks and / or continuities in each sequence with the identification of technical traditions. The second axis is of synchronic order, with scaling up to a micro and macro - regional level. / Questa ricerca si concentra su uno studio tecnico-economico delle industrie litiche alla fine del Paleolitico Superiore e il primo Olocene di due siti nel sud Italia: Grotta della Serratura (Salerno) e Grotta del Cavallo (Nardo).Le industrie di questo periodo nell'Italia meridionale sono ancora oggi oggetto di studi essenzialmente tipologici. Con una nuova metodologia dunque, cercheremo di ottenere nuovi dati e nuove interpretazioni su alcune problematiche al centro di attuali dibattiti scentifici. Le tre domande principali al centro di questo progetto sono:- Attraverso lo studio delle tradizioni tecniche, possiamo identificare momenti di rottura o continuità, all'interno delle sequenze studiate? Se sì, li osserviamo contemporaneamente nelle due sequenze?- I due depositi, diversi da un punto di vista geografico e ambientale, mostrano anche a livello tecnologico, importanti differenze, come quelle evidenziate dagli studi tipologici (fenomeno di regionalizzazione epigravettiana).- Nella sequenza della Grotta della Serratura, come si inseriscono i due livelli dell'Epipaleolitico indifferenziato? E nel contesto del passaggio Pleistocene / Olocene nell'area mediterranea?Le industrie litiche saranno quindi analizzate seguendo due assi: una diacronica, per mettere in luce discontinuità e / o continuità nelle sequenze analizzate sulla base delle tradizioni tecniche; l'altra sincronica, confrontando a livello micro e macro - regionale le sequenze analizzate.
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Social learning and behaviour transmission in brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella)Dindo, Marietta January 2009 (has links)
The research aims of this thesis are to experimentally investigate how behaviours spread socially, and what factors contribute to the development of group-wide social traditions in capuchins (Cebus apella). Given the apparent convergent evolution between such monkeys and great apes, capuchin traditions are of great interest anthropologically and for a biological and psychological understanding of culture. Several studies have investigated social learning in capuchins, but few have made headway into understanding how it supports the development of traditions either in the wild or in captivity. By experimentally introducing novel foraging behaviours into several captive groups, the studies included in this thesis simulate the development of foraging behaviours so that their spread can be studied from various viewpoints. Five experiments are presented investigating: (1) the chained transmission of foraging behaviours, (2) the role of social facilitation on the rate of individual learning, (3) the fidelity of learning from localised stimulus enhancement & object-movement re-enactment, (4) the quality of individual relationships in the social transmission of novel foraging techniques, and (5) the open diffusion of group-specific foraging behaviours in capuchin monkeys. Together, these experiments explore how traditions may develop, ranging from individual learning to how behaviour patterns may spread socially based on social ties within the group.
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Sound faith : nostalgia, global spirituality, and the making of the Fes Festival of World Sacred MusicCurtis, Maria F. 27 May 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music and the
historical and cultural milieu of which it is a part. Held annually since 1994 in the city of
Fes, Morocco, this festival was first launched in the wake of the first Gulf War as an
interfaith initiative and was conceived with a European and American audience in mind.
It was later housed under the aegis of FES-SAISS, an NGO based in the medina of Fes,
Morocco. Over time, the festival became both more local and more global, with local
residents using the global rhetoric of western democratic ideals and human rights
discourses as a way to shape the festival’s local programming. After 9/11 and the May
16, 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca, the festival took on a new significance as
Moroccans began to think of the festival as an event that would counter its own domestic
extremism. This dissertation looks at the role of sound and music and its place in This dissertation examines the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music and the
historical and cultural milieu of which it is a part. Held annually since 1994 in the city of
Fes, Morocco, this festival was first launched in the wake of the first Gulf War as an
interfaith initiative and was conceived with a European and American audience in mind.
It was later housed under the aegis of FES-SAISS, an NGO based in the medina of Fes,
Morocco. Over time, the festival became both more local and more global, with local
residents using the global rhetoric of western democratic ideals and human rights
discourses as a way to shape the festival’s local programming. After 9/11 and the May
16, 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca, the festival took on a new significance as
Moroccans began to think of the festival as an event that would counter its own domestic
extremism. This dissertation looks at the role of sound and music and its place in This dissertation examines the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music and the
historical and cultural milieu of which it is a part. Held annually since 1994 in the city of
Fes, Morocco, this festival was first launched in the wake of the first Gulf War as an
interfaith initiative and was conceived with a European and American audience in mind.
It was later housed under the aegis of FES-SAISS, an NGO based in the medina of Fes,
Morocco. Over time, the festival became both more local and more global, with local
residents using the global rhetoric of western democratic ideals and human rights
discourses as a way to shape the festival’s local programming. After 9/11 and the May
16, 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca, the festival took on a new significance as
Moroccans began to think of the festival as an event that would counter its own domestic
extremism. This dissertation looks at the role of sound and music and its place in viii
Moroccan spiritual traditions and questions how a local religious musical aesthetic
produced by the festival impacts interfaith efforts beyond Morocco’s borders as well as
local Moroccan conceptions of spirituality. Important components in the shaping of
conceptions of spirituality are interactions in the sphere of tourism, and local and
international efforts at historic preservation, and in the history of how local musics
became world music. Perhaps more than ever before, the preservation of local histories
and traditions are co-constructed at a global rather than a local level, where global
spheres are new grounds for creating local meaning. In conclusion, this dissertation
considers the nature and scope of the impact this festival has as it travels around the
globe. / text
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A Storied Land: Tiyo and the Epic Journey down the Colorado RiverHopkins, Maren P. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis evaluates one Hopi oral tradition-Tiyo, the boy from Tokonavi-as a meaningful geographic discourse that reveals a landscape extending from the American Southwest to Mesoamerica and beyond. Hopi's understanding of their past and the significance of the land have evolved within larger struggles between Western and Native American views of time, space, and history. Instead of a static cartographic rendering, the story of Tiyo presents the land as a dynamic entity differentiated through religious and social relations. Theories of place making and materiality help validate a space coterminous with Hopi history and religion, and support a multi-vocal approach to the land. This work has implications for anthropological scholarship, and for the process of decolonizing dominant understandings of Hopi culture. It is equally relevant for historic preservation, indigenous sovereignty, and land claims. Most importantly, this research can assist the Hopi people in communicating cultural knowledge to future generations.
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Seven Early Songs of Arnold Schoenberg from the Nachod CollectionRussom, Philip Wade 12 1900 (has links)
Arnold Schoenberg viewed himself as an extension of the German Romantic tradition. Schoenberg's early unpublished songs prove his indebtedness to nineteenth century music, but they also show a great deal that is strictly Schoenbergian. This paper investigates the musical elements that Schoenberg assimilated from tradition, especially from the great Lied tradition of the nineteenth century. lements that may be associated with his later works are also investigated, namely the 2rundgestalt principle, and his use of the "primal cell," a trichord set that appears in works of all his periods. This paper shows how these elements are manifested in seven early songs. These songs are from the Nachod collection, an assemblage of correspondence and early unpublished music manuscripts by Schoenberg. This collection is owned by North Texas State University.
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Tradice Českého Meránu / Traditions of Czech MeranoHrušková, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
The reason why I choose this topic was the fact that I haven't managed to find any comprehensive overview of local traditions and habits and also that I have been living in this area all my life and so I have many findings of my own to use. There are new traditions raising in recent years and also some of the old ones are beeing revived. The aim of this thesis is to discover and note the traditions, which were held in the past and also the traditions that are new. At first we look at the Czech Merano area, describe it's nature characteristics, history and some of the famous people, who came from there. Then there is a list of concrete traditions split into groups by its type - from the historical traditions based on folk and christian holidays to the modern ones. It also reminds some of the extincted traditions. There also is a remark of the local chronicle, which has been an important source of information. In the conclusion there is a short notice about the contribution of this work and some of the possibilities of it's utilization in practice.
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Využití japonských tradic v misijní práci: Počátky šíření křesťanství v Japonsku / Utilization of Japanese Traditions in Missionary Work: The Beginning of Evangelization in JapanHanžl, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Graduation thesis "Utilization of Japanese Traditions in Missionary Work: The Beginning of Evangelization in Japan" above all disserts on the first Christian missionaries in Japan and on their ways of adaptation to Japanese cultural conditions. It aims mainly at missionary work of the Jesuit missionaries in the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century. The thesis mentions (for familiarization) an overview of spiritual traditions and religious streams. It also refers about the propagation of Christianity since the 19th century until the last few decades and outlines the relation of Christianity and traditional Japanese spiritual streams.
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