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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berufsbildende Schulen in den ostdeutschen Ländern am Neuanfang : eine Untersuchung zum Transformationsprozess am Beispiel der Oberstufenzentren im Land Brandenburg in den 1990er Jahren / Vocational education schools in the East German federal states as a new beginning : an impact analysis of the transformation process on the example of the"Oberstufenzentren" in the federal state of Brandenburg in the 1990s

Hölterhoff, Dieter January 2013 (has links)
Die Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum Transformationsprozess von der schulischen beruflichen Bildung der DDR hin zu den Oberstufenzentren im Land Brandenburg in den 1990er Jahren. Es wird die Triade der Faktoren Institutionentransfer, Personen- und Knowhow-Transfer und Finanztransfer analysiert. Die vollständige Umstrukturierung ist das berufsschulpädagogisch herausragende Ergebnis der Transformation. Es wird herausgearbeitet welche Folgerungen aus dem Transformationsprozess für berufsschulpolitische Reformprozesse zu ziehen sind. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Übernahme des bundesrepublikanischen beruflichen Schulsystems zwangsläufig der Nutzung einer Blaupause gleichkam oder ob es auch abweichende Wege gegeben hat bzw. generell hätte geben können. Der Transformationsprozess wird nicht auf der Ebene der Einzelschulen, der curricularen und konkreten Ausgestaltung der verschiedenen Bildungsgänge und des Lehrkräfteeinsatzes untersucht, sondern auf der Ebene der Entwicklung der Rahmenbedingungen und der Strukturen der Oberstufenzentren, also auf der Metaebene der Policy als inhaltlicher Dimension von Politik. Damit liegt der Fokus auf dem System „Oberstufenzentrum“. Die Untersuchung dieses Systems klammert die Untersuchung der Handelnden aus: Die untere Schulaufsicht, die OSZ-Leitungen, die Lehrkräfte und nicht zuletzt die Schülerinnen und Schüler. Die Analyse dient dem Verständnis und der Interpretation dessen, was sich sowohl durch die bundesstaatlichen Vorgaben – Einigungsvertrag u.a. – als auch durch das berufsbildungs- und berufsschulpolitische Handeln beteiligter Akteure herausbilden konnte. Die inhaltliche Dimension des berufsbildungs- und berufsschulpolitischen Feldes innerhalb des politisch-administrativen Systems im engeren Sinn wird überwiegend bezogen auf die KMK untersucht; ebenso die externen Akteure und ihre Rolle. Es wird herausgearbeitet welche Folgerungen aus dem Transformationsprozess für berufsbildungs- und berufsschulpolitische Reformprozesse gezogen werden können. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind ausgewählte Beiträge zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Entwicklung der Oberstufenzentren im Land Brandenburg. Gegenstand sind deshalb ausgewählte Rechtsgrundlagen, Fachaufsätze etc. sowie durch Arbeitspapiere dokumentierte Aspekte der berufsschul- und berufsbildungspolitischen Diskussion in der Wendezeit und nachfolgenden nach der Gründung des Landes Brandenburg. Anhand von Vergleichen der rechtlichen Ausgangslagen in den fünf ostdeutschen Ländern wird analysiert, ob es verfassungs- respektive schulrechtliche Besonderheiten gab, die zu unterschiedlichem ministeriellen Handeln führten bzw. führen mussten. Die wiedergegebenen Beiträge zur Entwicklung der Oberstufenzentren werden bezüglich der Relevanz von KMK-Beschlüssen bzw. -Rahmenvereinbarungen untersucht und kommentiert. Der Institutionentransfer besteht aus dem Beitritt der ostdeutschen Länder zur Geschäftsordnung der KMK, der daraus resultierenden Übernahme der Schulformen und Bildungsgänge einschließlich der rechtlichen Folgen durch Schaffung des Schulrechts in den Ländern. Der Personen- und Knowhow-Transfer fand auf der Ebene der entsandten Verwaltungsmitarbeiterinnen und -mitarbeiter der Kultusministerien und der Mittelbehörden statt. Für den Transformationsprozess während des hier interessierenden Untersuchungszeitraums werden Berufsschul- und berufsbildungspolitische Aspekte, bzw. im umfassenderen Sinne die der Berufsbildungswissenschaft erstmalig mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung reflektiert. Insofern kann diese als Beitrag zur historisch-berufsbildungswissenschaftlichen Forschung betrachtet werden. / This study is a contribution to the transformation process of the vocational education system in the GDR toward the Oberstufenzentren in the state of Brandenburg in the 1990s. A triad of factors will be analysed: transfer of institutions, of personnel and knowhow and of finance. The complete restructuring is the characteristic result of this transformation process in the sector of vocational education. It will be worked out, which consequences should be drawn from the transformation process for reformation processes of the vocational education system. Thereby the question as to whether the adoption of the West German system of vocational training schools was comparable to the use of a blueprint or whether divergent paths would have been possible, is to be discussed. The transformation process will not be analysed on the level of the single vocational education schools, the curriculum, the different school levels and the use of teaching personnel but on the level of the development of general conditions and structures of "Oberstufenzentren”, on the meta level of policy as a dimension of politics as regards content. Therefore the focus is on the system of (the so-callled) ”Oberstufenzentren". The exploration of these systems excludes the exploration of the acting persons: supervision of schools, school management, teachers and students. This analysis serves for a deeper understanding and interpretation of national standards – for instance the Unification Treaty – and also for an understanding of the action frame of reference of vocational education politics and vocational training school politics by the involved participants. The dimension of contents in the vocational education and vocational training school field inside the political-administrative systems will be analysed by the KMK – The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany; likewise the external actors and their role. The consequences of the transformation process for vocational education politics and vocational training school politics will be worked out. Selected works of different aspects of the development of ”Oberstufenzentren” in the land Brandenburg are the subject matter of the survey. This includes the analyses of selected legal basis, scientific papers etc., in combination with documents of vocational education discussion and vocational training school discussion in the political turning point following the formation of the federal state of Brandenburg. On the basis of the different legal initial positions in the five East German Länder it will be analyzed, whether there were constitutional or rather school law characteristics which led to /had to lead to different ministerial actions The reproduced articles on the development of ”Oberstufenzentren" will be analysed and commented with respect to the relevanz of KMK-decisions /. KMK-master agreements. The transfer of institutions is the accession of the East German federal states to the internal regulations of the KMK, the resulti is the takeover of school forms including the legal consequences by creating the school law in these states. The transfer of personnel and knowhow took place on the level of delegated members of school ministries of the Western federal states. For the transformation process in the surveyed time aspects of vocational education and vocational training or rather – on a more comprehensive level, the science of vocational training are going to be reflected for the first time, Therefore, this can be seen as a contribution to the historical-vocational training research.

Ett akut förbättringsarbete : En utvärderingsstudie av förändringsprocessen Akuten till Primärvården i Region Jönköpings län / An emergency improvement : An evaluation study of the improvement process ER to primary care in Region Jönköping County

Gollwitzer, Cajsa, Madeleine, Hentzel, Olsson, Klara January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Ett akut förbättringsarbete - En utvärderingsstudie av förändringsprocessen Akuten till Primärvården i Region Jönköpings län Kurs: Kandidatuppsats Civilekonomprogrammet, Controller 15 hp (2FE24E) Lärosäte: Linnéuniversitetet Växjö Författare: Cajsa Gollwitzer, Madeleine Hentzel & Klara Olsson Handledare: Pia Nylinder Examinator: Elin Funck Bakgrund: Dagens hälso- och sjukvård står inför en rad olika utmaningar, där den största utmaningen är den långsiktiga finansieringen. Ett stort problem som återfinns i dagens hälso- och sjukvård är att befolkningen i alltför hög utsträckning söker fel vårdnivå och akutmottagningarna överbelastas med patienter utan akuta besvär. Det är ett problem som inte är långsiktigt hållbart i Sverige då sjukhusens akutsjukvård är betydligt dyrare än primärvård. I Region Jönköpings län startade 2016 en förändringsprocess för att lösa problemet genom att omfördela patientströmmar från akutmottagningen till primärvården. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genomföra en processinriktad utvärdering av förändringsprocessen för delprojektet Akuten till primärvården. Genom att kartlägga arbetssättet ska vi identifiera styrkor och svagheter som sedan ska ligga till grund för att utforma förbättringsförslag på hur förändringsprocessen kan utvecklas för att uppnå målsättningen. Metod: Forskningen grundar sig i en kvalitativ enfallsstudie med inriktning på utvärderingsstudie. Semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med insamlade dokument har legat till grund för det empiriska materialet. Slutsats: Förändringsprocessen för delprojektet Akuten till primärvården är uppdelad i tre delar; planering, genomförande och uppföljning. En utsedd projektgrupp arbetar med förändringsarbetet med hjälp av olika verktyg. För att utveckla förändringsarbetet måste projektgruppen utforma ett standardiserat arbetssätt som är accepterat av samtliga enheter som medverkar i processen. Rekommendationer för ett bättre förändringsarbete är att införa fler kommunikationskanaler, erbjuda utökat stöd samt öka kunskapen hos de som arbetar inom processen. Marknadsföring av primärvårdens kompetenser kan medföra en effektivare fördelning av patienströmmarna. / Title: An emergency improvement - An evaluation study of the improvement process ER to primary care in Region Jönköping County Course: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, Controller 15 hp (2FE24E) Institution: Linnaeus University Växjö Authors: Cajsa Gollwitzer, Madeleine Hentzel & Klara Olsson Tutor: Pia Nylinder Examiner: Elin Funck Context: Today's healthcare is facing a lot of challenges where the biggest challenge is the issue of the long term funding. A big problem with the system today is that many non-acute patients are looking for help in the emergency rooms instead of getting proper help at the primary care. This does not benefit the financial state for Swedish hospitals where emergency care is significantly more expensive than primary care. In 2016, Region Jönköping took an initiative to improve the process by redistributing the non-acute patients from the emergency room back to primary care. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to implement a process-based evaluation of the improvement process ER to primary care. By charting their work, we will try to identify the strengths and weaknesses to provide suggestions of improvements in order to achieve the objectives of the project. Method: The research is based on a qualitative single case study focusing on evaluation studies. Empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. Conclusion: The improvement process ER to primary care is divided into three steps; planning, implementation and monitoring. A chosen team for the project use various tools in the work for improvement. In order to develop and improve this process, the project team has to design a standardized approach that is accepted by all the entities involved in it. Recommendations for such an improved process is to introduce multiple communication channels, provide increased support and expand the knowledge of those working in the process. By marketing the competence within the primary care, the distribution of the patients can get more efficient.

REAKCE TRHU PRÁCE MĚSTA KLADNA NA INDUSTRIÁLNÍ ÚPADEK V 90. LETECH MINULÉHO STOLETÍ / Reaction of the labour market of the city of Kladno to the industrial decline in the 90's of 20th century

Kalousová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to determine the impact of the decline of the major employers in the region Kladno on the local labour market. The work examines the development and causes of changes in unemployment in the region between years 1996 and 2014 and seeks to assess the extent to which historical burden of the region affects the current state of the labour market. For this purpose the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part, theoretical, is focused on the definition of unemployment and development of the Czech economy in economic transformation process with an emphasis on changes in employment structure. It also describes the history of the city of Kladno, Kladno's metallurgy and mining. The second part, practical, includes demographic analysis and the analysis of unemployment and labour market using data from the Czech Statistical Office, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, strategic documents of the city of Kladno and SWOT analysis. This thesis also includes interviews with experts from local institutions dealing with economic and social aspects of Kladno region, aiming to get the basic building blocks of the analysis and at the same time confirm the conclusions of this thesis.

Komparace vybraných balkánských zemí (Slovinsko, Chorvatsko, Srbsko) / Comparison of Selected Balkan States (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia)

Malkovský, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Content of this thesis is comparison of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia from following points of view - development after disintegration of common state, their transformation processes and accession negotiations with the European Union. It explains the reasons for current different positions of compared states and brings forecasts for their future development.

Die plaaslike missionêre gemeente in transformasie - met besondere verwysing na die kleingroep as voertuig vir die bevordering van koinonia (Afrikaans)

Olivier, Hermanus Bernardus 18 May 2005 (has links)
We live in a world that is broken by sin, where the only permanent thing is change. The cause of man’s sin was that the koinonia relationship between man and God had been severed. After Adam and Eve feel into sin, a spiritual darkness in the history of man began. Man was unable to rebuild the communication and relationship that he had with God. God came through the calling of Abram (Abraham) to restore some of the koinonia relationship we need. In the New Testament, Jesus came and restored the way to God, but something is still missing. This koinonia relationship will only be totally fulfilled when Jesus comes again to take us home. God’s instrument to experience true koinonia is the church. The koinonia that was lost and restored in Jesus. The church of today has lost some of the koinonia that the first church experienced, by becoming program orientated. The church is at this moment in a transformation process, where it is rediscovering the importance of being a mission-minded balanced loving community that is experiencing koinonia in relationships. The small group is thé vehicle that could help the church rediscover the koinonia, which people and the world need. This will only become true when we have a broader insight of the small group ministry in a local missionary-minded community (congregation). The small groups ministry is not a tool to use. You start a small group ministry in your local congregation because this is the way you were created. To truly understand the local church and the way we were created, we need to look back. We need to look back to creation, and how God created us, and to remind us of the Triune God’s, Father, Son and Spirit’s functioning in community. Only when the church realizes again that we are created in God’s image, will we look at our mission responsibilities and not-yet-believers in a new way. Namely, God’s way. / Thesis (DD (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted


Berg, Linnéa, Lidman, Moa January 2022 (has links)
While agile methods are old news amongst teams and within the field of software development, the interest of entire organisations to become agile is growing. In the process of adopting agile methods, there are several commonly known success factors and challenges for organisations to take into consideration which would ease the transformation.   Previous studies on success factors and challenges during the agile transformation have been focused on the experience of the organisation or the human resource aspect of agile. The majority of existing theory on the topic has outlined the agile transformation based on single organisational case studies, or in quantifying manors. It is however known that agile coaches carry some significance for successful transformations but the research area is lagging in the understanding of their particular role for organisational agile.  This study focuses on the experience of the agile coach of success factors and challenges and their role in assisting the organisations during the agile transformation. Through a qualitative interpretivist approach, this thesis sat out to understand the agile coaches perception of success factors and challenges and consequently their role in agile transformations. By semi-structured interviews, data was collected and later analysed thematically to find meanings and patterns among the agile coaches of their perception and contribution to successful transformations.   By studying the agile transformation from the perspective of agile coaches, this thesis (1) contributes to broadening the research area with more knowledge about the agile coach as a profession, (2) nuancing the picture of success factors and challenges linked to agile transformations through the new perspective of agile coaches, and to (3) provide new insight to this yet, underexplored area of agile coaches within the research field of organisational agile.

Implementing CSR in Fashion Companies: Increasing Green Trust During the Transformation Process Towards Sustainable Development : An Exploratory Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Green Trust in the Fashion Sector

Förnges, Janika, Sieling, Britta January 2023 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to gain insights into consumer behavior to provide managerial implications on what fashion companies need to do to increase green trust during the transformation process towards sustainable development in order to increase green purchase intention. Two sub-research questions are raised to answer the main research question all- encompassing in the end. The sub-research questions aim at gaining theoretical knowledge about how consumers perceive corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of fashion companies, including if they can detect companies in the transformation process and what creates trust concerning CSR activities, as well as identifying influencing factors of green trust.  Design/methodology/approach – Since this research aims to investigate complex constructs of consumer behavior, it takes an exploratory approach through qualitative research. Focus group discussions are chosen as the central research method. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz (2014) in order to systematically analyze the data material.  Findings – Five sources of green trust have been identified, which are traceability, brand image, material, transparency, and certificates. The factors green confusion, greenwashing, lack of information and lack of knowledge have been observed to cause green distrust among consumers. The results of the study show that consumers’ level of knowledge on the subject of sustainability in the fashion industry varies tremendously. In order to increase green trust and thus increase green purchase intention, educational measures must be taken by both companies and independent institutions. Moreover, companies need to conduct sufficient CSR communications that are easy to access, understand, and trustworthy.  Research limitations – This paper is limited to a time frame of nine weeks, which was given for the completion of the work. In addition, it is limited to the fact that qualitative research does not deliver statistically proven and representative results. For this reason, it is limited to the interpretation barrier, which states that results are at risk to be subjective.  Keywords – transformation process towards sustainable development, sustainable development in the fashion industry, green trust on the consumer side, strategic CSR, organizational change  Paper type – Master thesis

"Det enda som är konstant är förändring" : Medarbetares förändringsprocesser under Covid-19 pandemin

Wallmyr, Pauline, Bunse, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om de förändringsprocesser som kontorsarbetande medarbetare fått erfarenhet av och upplevt vid distansarbete och vid återgång till den fysiska arbetsplatsen i samband med Covid-19 pandemin. Mezirows teori om transformativt lärande användes som teoretiskt perspektiv för studien och användes som tolkningsredskap för att besvara vilka faktorer som påverkat distansarbete och återgång till den fysiska arbetsplatsen och vilka erfarenheter medarbetare upplevt vid dessa förändringsprocesser i samband med Covid-19 pandemin. Studien baseras på åtta intervjuer med kontorsarbetande medarbetare där samtliga har erfarenhet av att till största del arbetat på distans under Covid-19 pandemin. Studien visade att det upplevda distansarbetet och återgången till den fysiska arbetsplatsen bidragit med erfarenheter. Resultatet visade att flexibiliteten vid distansarbete upplevs som den mest fördelaktiga faktorn samtidigt som tekniken är den faktor som ställer till mest problem. Dessutom framkommer saknaden av kollegorna och upplevd isolering som en av de främst utmanande faktorerna vid distansarbete och att få träffa sina kollegor igen upplevs vara den mest positiva faktorn vid återgången till den fysiska arbetsplatsen. De främsta utmaningarna med att komma tillbaka till den fysiska arbetsplatsen är både de störningsmoment som kontorsmiljön innebar och att behöva mötas i verkligheten och inte längre sitta trygg bakom en skärm. Slutligen visar studiens resultat att erfarenheterna från de upplevda förändringsprocesserna gällande arbetssituationen under Covid-19 pandemin resulterat i ett önskemål om att i framtiden arbeta utifrån en hybrid arbetsmodell som inkluderar både distansarbete och att arbeta på den fysiska arbetsplatsen. / This study aims to contribute with knowledge about the transformation process experienced by office working employees both during teleworking and returning to the physical workplace due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on Mezirow's theory of transformative learning, this study aims to answer what influencing factors and experiences employees experienced in transformation processes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on eight interviews with office working employees who were mostly teleworking during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study shows that both teleworking and the return to the physical workplace contributed with experiences and the results show that the perceived flexibility in teleworking was the main positive factor, while technology was the most problematic. In addition, the lack of colleagues and perceived isolation emerges as the main challenges in teleworking and meeting their colleagues again was considered the best thing about returning to the physical workplace. The main challenges in returning to the physical workplace were both the disturbances that the office environment entailed and the challenge of now facing people in real life. Finally, the results of the study show that the experience from the perceived transformation processes regarding the work situation during the Covid-19 pandemic, has resulted in a desire for a hybrid working model in the future that includes both teleworking and working in the physical workplace.

Det skandinaviska perspektivet på förändringsledning : - En systematisk litteraturöversikt kring organisatoriskhandlingsförmåga och medarbetares attityder vidtransformationsprocesser

Lexell, Anette, Herrgård, Theresé January 2023 (has links)
Organisationer inom de skandinaviska länderna står ständigtinför essentiella utmaningar. En accelererande globalisering,teknologisk utveckling och digitalisering har medfört nyakrav för fortsatt funktionalitet och överlevnad. Under desenaste åren har även extraordinära händelser såsomcovid-19-pandemin och kriget i Ukraina orsakat starkakontraster gällande organisatorisk anpassningsförmåga.Inarbetade metoder och arbetssätt har påverkats på mångaolika sätt, likaså behovet för att snabbt och effektivt kunnaställa om samtidigt som att hantera medarbetares reaktioneroch behov. Därför är det mycket aktuellt att undersöka omdet skett någon vital förändring kring de förändringsverktygoch metoder som använts vid implementering avtransformationsprocesser. Likaså är det av stor relevans attstudera medarbetares reaktioner för att skapa sig en bild avderas förmåga att hantera och acceptera enförändringsprocess. Syftet var att med underlag frånskandinavisk forskning stärka organisationersförutsättningar till flexibilitet, proaktivitet och stabilitet vidtransformationsprocesser. Detta genom att skapa en tematisksyntes som härleder hur medarbetare inom de skandinaviskaländerna idag, till skillnad från innan 2020, uppfattar enorganisatorisk transformationsprocess. Likväl vilkastabiliserande segment som organisationer använder för atthantera och bemöta medarbetaren vid förändringar. Studienutfördes genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt där densenaste forskningen studerades för att se om det uppkommittendenser till trendskiftningar inom genrenförändringsledning. Resultatet visar att det finns åttaframgångsrika segment för att skapa stabilitet vidförändringsprocesser. Dessa är; delaktighet och involvera,engagerat ledarskap och det mänskliga perspektivet,kommunikation, budskap och förståelse, organisatorisktansvarstagande, strategiska verktyg, stötta och coacha,tydliga roller och utbildning och träning. Inom segmenten;kommunikation, budskap och förståelse, organisatorisktansvarstagande samt strategiska verktyg förekommer dettendenser till trendskiftningar. Resultatet har ävenidentifierat tre olika känslomässiga teman kringmedarbetarens reaktioner och uppfattningar underorganisatoriska förändringsprocesser. Dessa teman ärpositivt, neutralt och negativt laddade reaktioner ochuppfattningar. Inom dessa har det inte gått att härleda någratendenser av trendskiftningar / Organizations within the Scandinavian countries areconstantly faced with essential challenges. Acceleratingglobalization, technological development and digitizationhave brought new requirements for continued functionalityand survival. In recent years, also extraordinary events suchas the covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine havecaused strong contrasts regarding organizationaladaptability. Incorporated methods and working methodshave been affected in many different ways, as has the need tobe able to change quickly and efficiently at the same time ashandling the employee's reactions and needs. Therefore, it isvery relevant to study whether there has been any vitalchange regarding the change tools and methods used in theimplementation of transformation processes. Similarly, it isrelevant to study employees' reactions in order to create apicture of their ability to handle and accept a change process.The aim was to use data from Scandinavian research tostrengthen organizations' conditions for flexibility,proactivity and stability in transformation processes. This bycreating a thematic synthesis that derives how employees inthe Scandinavian countries today, unlike before 2020,perceive an organizational transformation process. However,which stabilizing segments do organizations use to manageand respond to the employee in the event of changes. Thestudy was carried out through a systematic literature reviewwhere the latest research was studied to see if there weretendencies towards trend shifts within the genre of changemanagement. The result shows that there are eight successfulsegments for creating stability in change processes. Theseare; participation and involvement, committed leadershipand the human perspective, communication, message andunderstanding, organizational responsibility, strategic tools,support and coaching, clear roles and education andtraining. Within the segments; communication, message andunderstanding, organizational responsibility and strategictools, there are tendencies towards trend changes. The resultshave also identified three different emotional themes aroundthe employee's reactions and perceptions duringorganizational change processes. These themes are positive,neutral and negative charged reactions and perceptions.Within these, it has not been possible to derive anytendencies of trend changes.

Koncepce privatizační a sanační činnosti instituce Treuhandanstalt, diskurs okolo Dr. Rohweddera a paní Breuel / Concept of Privatization and Restructuring by the Treuhandanstalt, discourse about Mr. Rohwedder and Mrs. Breuel

Myslivcová, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The thesis "Concept of Privatization and Restructuring by the Treuhandanstalt, discourse about Mr. Rohwedder and Mrs. Breuel" deals with the creation of the Eastern German privatization agency (THA). Further, the two major tasks of the institute, privatization and reorganization of the national wealth of the GDR, are being analyzed. After the "Treuhandgesetz" (privatization law) had been enforced, the THA soon started to sell companies out of their portfolio. Other companies needed to be shut down and people started to lose their employment. This course of action was heavily criticized by the political opposition as well as the Eastern German people, who were longing for increased wealth. In consequence, the THA started to shift its focus from privatization to reorganization. The controversy surrounding the THA in the middle of the reunification process of Germany is shown by the assassination of Mr. Rohwedder by the terrorist organization RAF. The net financial outcome after four years of management by the THA is a deficit of 200 billion DM.

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