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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les transferts culturels européens en Géorgie dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle à travers la presse de l’époque / Cultural Transfers from Europe to Georgia in the second half of the Nineteenth Century as reflected in the press of the time

Svanidze, Tamara 03 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour ambition de montrer dans quelle mesure la presse géorgienne de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle qui constitue une source historique précieuse sur cette période, permet de suivre l’évolution des transferts culturels européens et de cerner le profil social et politique des médiateurs géorgiens de ces transferts. Elle s’intéresse aux discours qui accompagnent l’introduction du mode de vie moderne et du progrès technique, aux réactions suscitées par le regard que les Européens portent sur la Géorgie, mais aussi à l’expérience que les Géorgiens rapportent de leurs séjours en Europe. En effet, ces voyages, qui leur permettent d’observer la vie politique et sociale européenne et d’établir des contacts avec les milieux intellectuels, s’inscrivent dans la perspective de contribuer, de retour dans leur patrie, au succès du projet politique auquel, désormais, ils s’identifient. Notre travail accorde une place importante à l’étude des mécanismes qui rendent possibles les flux d’importation dans le domaine de la littérature et des sciences : institution d’un champ intellectuel, élaboration d’une nouvelle terminologie, mise en place de critères de sélection des textes étrangers et stratégies discursives facilitant leur diffusion. En élucidant ces critères, qui conduisent à la sélection des textes et des auteurs européens ou au choix des références à l’Europe, nous nous attachons à analyser dans quelle mesure les transferts se font le reflet d’un contexte historique caractérisé par la formation d’une conscience nationale et d’idéologies concurrentes qui, dès les premières années du XXe siècle, conduiront la Géorgie de la révolution à l'indépendance. / This dissertation aims to show in what measure the Georgian press of the second half of the nineteenth century, which constitutes a precious historical resource for study of this time period, allows us to follow the evolution of cultural transfers from Georgia to Europe and to understand the political and social profile of the Georgian mediators of these transfers. It manifests an interest in the discourses that accompany the introduction of modern living and technological progress in the country, in the reactions inspired by the European perspective on Georgia, and also in the experience that the Georgians bring back home after their travels in Europe. In fact, these travels allow them to observe European political and social life and to establish contacts with intellectual milieus in order to contribute, when they return to their country, to the success of the political projects with which they would identify. My work centers on the mechanisms that have made possible the flow of foreign cultural transmission in the fields of literature and science: the institution of an intellectual field, the elaboration of a new terminology, the establishment of selection criteria for foreign texts, and the establishment of discursive strategies facilitating the diffusion of such texts. In elucidating these criteria, which lead to the selection of European texts and authors or to the choice of references to Europe, I will analyze in what measure the transfers reflect a historical context characterized by the formation of a national consciousness and competing ideologies that, from the beginning years of the twentieth century, would lead Georgia from revolution to independence.

A obra de Eça de Queirós: leituras espanholas / Eça de Queirós\' works: Spanish reading

Vera Maria Monteiro de Souza Rios 29 August 2007 (has links)
A partir da leitura de Ernesto Guerra da Cal em Língua e Estilo de Eça de Queiroz, um estudo completo dos procedimentos estilísticos de Eça, há citação sobre a leitura e a influência queirosiana no \"Modernismo\" espanhol, passagem esta que nos desafiou à procura da real importância da recepção da obra do autor lusitano na Espanha; definindo esta pesquisa como seu objeto de estudo uma série de artigos que haviam sido publicados em castelhano, acerca dessa temática, a partir de 1883 a 1903. Veremos a leitura \"versus\" da obra de Eça de Queirós e a leitura \"com\" a obra de Eça de Queirós na Espanha, alcançando a Geração de 98; e as traduções queirosianas editadas em castelhano, entre 1882 e 1915. / The starting point for the present essay is Guerra da Cal, Língua e Estilo de Eça de Queirós, a complet reading of Eça de Queirós stylistics, in which there are various references to the influence the Portuguese author in the Spanish \"Modernismo\". Following such point of view, this study focusses on a series of articles published between 1883 and 1903.Thus, we analyse here the \"pros\" and \"cons\" of the reception of Eça de Queirós\' oeuvre in Spain, including the reactions of the \"Generación del 98\" and an overview of the translations of the Portuguese novelist into Spanish between the years 1882 to 1915.

Fray Luis de Leon à l'épreuve de la traduction : un negocio de particular juicio / Fray Luis de León and the experience of translation : un negocio de particular juicio

Vidal, Marion 30 November 2018 (has links)
Fray Luis de León (1527-1591) est connu pour ses poésies originales, il l’est beaucoup moins pour ses traductions. Pourtant, c’est bien autour de la traduction que se nouent les principaux enjeux du XVIe siècle : traduire permet de comprendre les trésors littéraires du passés (la Bible et les auteurs gréco-latins), et de forger la langue vernaculaire. Il y a là aussi un grand danger : fray Luis passe plus de quatre ans en prison, accusé par l’Inquisition de « judaïser » entraduisant le Cantique des Cantiques depuis sa version hébraïque. Une lecture minutieuse de ses traductions, les confrontant aux textes-sources (Virgile et Horace en latin, la Bible en hébreu et en latin), vise à esquisser les contours d’une « théorie luisienne de la traduction ». / Fray Luis de León (1527-1591) is well known for his original poetry, but not as recognized for his translations. However, most of the sixteenth century’s stakes are tied to translation: translate allows one to understand the literary treasures of the past (the Bible and the Greco-Roman authors), and forge vernacular language. But, in translation also lies serious danger: fray Luisspends more than four years in jail, accused by the Inquisition of “Judaizing” by translating the Song of Songs from its Hebrew version. A close reading of his translations aims to outline a “luisian theory of translation”, by comparing them with their original text sources (Vergil and Horace in Latin, the Bible in Hebrew and Latin).

Stylová úspornost a výrazová střídmost ve vybraných dílech současné norské prózy a otázka jejich překladu do češtiny / Stylistic Stringency and the Economy of Expression in Selected Works of Contemporary Norwegian Prose and in Their Czech Translations

Vacková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to document the process of translating literary texts that have no stylistic equivalent in the target culture. The research is based on selected works by three contemporary Norwegian authors whose style is perceived as very specific. The theoretical part discusses current tendencies in Norwegian as well as in Czech prose writing and also approaches to literary translation developed in translation studies are presented in this part of the thesis. The other part of this thesis focuses on the unique styles of Hanne Ørstavik, Erlend Loe and Jon Fosse. The significant features of their styles are documented in analyses of their novels. These analyses at then used for the assessment of the Czech translations.

Teknik och genus i skapandet av gymnasieskolans teknikprogram : Översättningar och gränsarbete på tre nivåer / Technology and gender in the framing of the Technologyprogramme in the Swedish upper secondary school : Translations and boundary work at three levels

Fröberg, Merith January 2010 (has links)
Under 1990-talet uppmärksammade politiker och tekniskt näringsliv att antaletelever på teknisk gymnasieutbildning hade minskat kraftigt. Detta befarades kunna leda till brist på utbildade tekniker och ingenjörer och i förlängningen äventyra landets ekonomi. För att åter öka elevantalet inom teknisk gymnasieutbildning infördes höstterminen 2000 det nya Teknikprogrammet. I denna avhandling analyseras tankarna bakom Teknikprogrammet och hur detkom att utformas på tre olika samhälleliga nivåer. Avhandlingen undersöker hur teknikprogrammets syfte och innehåll förändrades från det politiska initiativet via Skolverkets operationalisering till hur programmet tolkats av lärare på skolnivå. I fokus för analysen står frågor om vad teknisk utbildning skulle innehålla och hur den skulle utformas för att kunna locka fler flickor till tekniken. Detta var nämligen en central tanke bakom reformen. Med hjälp av analys av utredningsmaterial, regeringsbeslut och dokument från Skolverket samt intervjuer av lärare från två gymnasieskolor, diskuteras i avhandlingen hur relationen mellan genus och teknik förstås och uttrycks på de olika nivåerna och vad det innebär för hur man ser på den tekniska utbildningens karaktär. Avhandlingen visar att en traditionellt tudelad bild av pojkar och flickor och deras respektive intressen dominerar berättelserna på den politiska nivån och skolverksnivån, men att en mer differentierad syn på genus framträder på skolnivån. Teoretiska begrepp, som gränsarbete och översättningar används för att visa på de komplexa översättningar av intentioner och perspektiv som sker inom och mellan nivåerna. Genus och teknik samkonstrueras på olika sätt på de olika nivåerna. / During the 1990s a drastic decline occurred in the numberof students at the technology orientation of Swedish upper secondary school. Politicians and representatives of industry reacted strongly and feared a potential lack of technicians and engineers, something which in the long run would threaten economic growth. A new Technology programme was therefore introduced in 2000 to increase the number of students oriented towards a technical education in upper secondary school. This thesis analyses the thoughts behind the Technology programme, and how it was framed as different stories of technology, gender and education at three different levels of society. It examines how the aims and contents of the Technology programme were translated and transformed from the political initiative to the operationalisation of the Swedish National Agency for Education, and finally in the teachers’ interpretations of the programme at the school level. In focus are issues of what kind of technology was relevant within a technical education, and how it should be framed and taught, in order to attract more girls to technology. This was one of the central objectives of the reform. With the help of documentary analysis and interviews with teachers in two upper secondary schools, the thesis discusses how relations between gender and technology were understood and constructed at the three different levels, and what this implied for how the character of the technology programme was interpreted. The dissertation shows that a traditional, dichotomized understanding of boys and girls and their respective interests dominates the stories given at the political level and the level of the Swedish National Agency for Education. At the school level, however, a more differentiated view on gender appears. Using the concepts of boundary work and translation, the analysis shows that complex transformations of intentions and perspectives took place between and within the different levels. Gender and technology were co-constructed in different ways at the different levels.

Perspective vol. 6 no. 3 (May 1972) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship

Westerhof, Harry, Carvill, Robert Lee, Seerveld, Calvin 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Omställning – Tillväxt – Effektivisering : Energifrågor vid renovering av flerbostadshus

Thoresson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Flerbostadshus anses viktiga för att minska energianvändningen i byggnader, och potentialen att energieffektivisera i samband med renovering är stor. Denna studie behandlar hur arbete med energifrågor genomförs i renovering av flerbostadshus byggda under miljonprogrammet i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Avhandlingens analytiska verktyg baseras på perspektiv utvecklade inom teknik och vetenskapsstudier (STS) och aktörsnätverksteori (ANT) samt urbana studier. I studien utvecklas och tillämpas verktyget energisammansättningar. Genom en symmetrisk ansats studeras energifrågors definition och innehåll i renoveringen genom att spåra kedjor av översättningar. Det empiriska underlaget är kvalitativa intervjuer, mål- och strategidokument, beslutsprotokoll och observationer. Avhandlingen visar att energiarbetets innehåll flätades samman med exempelvis kommunal planering och energipolitik, med bostadsbolagets befintliga arbetssätt för renoveringar och dess relationer till sina kunder, samt med lagen för allmännyttiga bostadsbolag. Studien identifierar också att spänningar uppstod i energiarbetet inom flera områden. Dessa rör hur de ekonomiska vinsterna och kostnaderna för energiarbete ska beräknas och fördelas, översättningar av energimål, var och hur energiarbete ska prioriteras i den bebyggda miljön, i vilken takt energiarbetet ska ske och hur de boende ska delta i energiarbete. Studien visar att energieffektiviserande åtgärder prioriterades i renoveringen så länge som de beräknades vara ekonomiskt affärsmässiga och en del av det allmännyttiga arbetet, men även hur förändringar var svåra att genomföra om de utmanade eller förändrade befintliga relationer och arbetssätt. Det gällde särskilt i relationen till de boende i området och till ekonomiska kostnader för renoveringen. / Transforming the energy used in apartment buildings have become increasingly important issues. This study examines how energy issues were designed in a refurbishment project for apartment buildings built during the “Million Programme” era in Sweden in the district of Östra Sätra in Gävle. The analytical approach and tools used are based on science and technology studies (STS), actor–network theory (ANT), and urban studies. Specifically, the study applies the concept of assemblages, which in this study are called energy assemblages. Energy issues are examined as they translated and negotiated in practice by actors and how they are incorporated into the refurbishment design. The empirical data are based on qualitative interviews, analyses of documents, and observations. The analyses demonstrate that work on energy issues was intertwined with the city’s work on planning and energy issues, the housing company’s working practices, as well as the laws governing public housing companies. The study also demonstrates that sometimes tensions arose in situations in which different energy assemblage processes collided. The study identifies several areas of tension. First, tensions arose in situations of diverse translations of energy goals. Second, in negotiations about calculations of the financial costs of energy transition. Third, tensions also arose when determining where energy transition should be located. Fourth, about resident participation in energy issues. Fifth, the energy transition timeframe. The study demonstrates that energy efficiency measures were prioritized in the refurbishment as long as they were treated as financially beneficial and did not challenge or change existing relationships, work practices, and customer relations.

Molecular Sizing using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy / Molecular Sizing using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Loman, Anastasia 29 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Octovien de Saint-Gelais : le livre des Epistres de Ovide / Livre des Epistres de Ovide

Deschamps, Maryse January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Le belle infedeli : l'Iliade in versi e in prosa dell'abate Melchiorre Cesarotti

Barreca, Francesca January 1992 (has links)
The following work consists of a careful analysis of the translation of the Iliad by Homer prepared by Melchiorre Cesarotti. Caught amidst the dilemma of loyalty to the original and the beauty of translation, Cesarotti decided to compose two versions: one in blank verses and the other in prose. This work is therefore none other than a comparison between Cesarotti's version in poetry and the version in prose. / The first part deals briefly with a few details on the criticism that Cesarotti's work raised. / The second part consists of the comparison work, which is subdivided in "Canti" (as Cesarotti's version in poetry) because the work proposes to compare the version in poetry to the version in prose and not vice-versa. / The last part examines the artistic value of Cesarotti's translations and the place they occupy in Europe in the eighteenth century.

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