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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Drew, David, Banks, Jessica 01 June 2019 (has links)
Across the United States, an overwhelming majority of the population claim that religion and spirituality beliefs shape their worldview and assist in coping with life stressors. Yet, the literature has shown that mental health practitioners reported discomfort integrating religion and spiritually in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to explore whether license-holding mental health professionals in Southern California develop reluctance toward addressing religion/spirituality with their clients. Through snowball sampling, 52 clinicians composed of social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists were recruited across Southern California (N =52). The participants were measured descriptively based on (a) confidence in their ability to integrate client beliefs into treatment and (b) their comfort discussing topics related to RS with their clients. Results revealed an overall level of reluctance ranging from 15 percent (for comfortability) to 25 percent (for ability) among the study participants. Licensed clinical social workers reported slightly lower reluctance level than other licensed professionals. Implications of the findings were discussed.

Is 'green' religion the solution to the ecological crisis? A case study of mainstream religion in Australia.

Douglas, Steven Murray, u4093670@alumni.anu.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
A significant and growing number of authors and commentators have proposed that ecologically enlightened (‘greened’) religion is the solution or at least a major part of the solution to the global ecological crisis. These include Birch, 1965 p90; Brindle, 2000; Callicott, 1994; Gardner, 2002, 2003, 2006; Gore Jr., 1992; Gottlieb, 2006, 2007; Hallman, 2000; Hamilton, 2006b, a, 2007b; Hessel & Ruether, 2000b; Hitchcock, 1999; King, 2002; Lerner, 2006a; McDonagh, 1987; McFague, 2001; McKenzie, 2005; Nasr, 1996; Oelschlaeger, 1994; Palmer, 1992; Randers, 1972; Tucker & Grim, 2000; and White Jr., 1967. Proponents offer a variety of reasons for this view, including that the majority of the world’s and many nations’ people identify themselves as religious, and that there is a large amount of land and infrastructure controlled by religious organisations worldwide. However, the most important reason is that ‘religion’ is said to have one or more exceptional qualities that can drive and sustain dramatic personal and societal change. The underlying or sometimes overt suggestion is that as the ecological crisis is ultimately a moral crisis, religion is best placed to address the problem at its root. ¶ Proponents of the above views are often religious, though there are many who are not. Many proponents are from the USA and write in the context of the powerful role of religion in that country. Others write in a global context. Very few write from or about the Australian context where the role of religion in society is variously argued to be virtually non-existent, soon to be non-existent, or conversely, profound but covert. ¶ This thesis tests the proposition that religion is the solution to the ecological crisis. It does this using a case study of mainstream religion in Australia, represented by the Catholic, Anglican, and Uniting Churches. The Churches’ ecological policies and practices are analysed to determine the extent to which these denominations are fulfilling, or might be able to fulfil, the proposition. The primary research method is an Internet-based search for policy and praxis material. The methodology is Critical Human Ecology. ¶ The research finds that: the ‘greening’ of these denominations is evident; it is a recent phenomenon in the older Churches; there is a growing wealth of environmentalist sentiment and ecological policy being produced; but little institutional praxis has occurred. Despite the often-strong rhetoric, there is no evidence to suggest that ecological concerns, even linked to broader social concerns (termed ‘ecojustice’) are ‘core business’ for the Churches as institutions. Conventional institutional and anthropocentric welfare concerns remain dominant. ¶ Overall, the three Churches struggle with organisational, demographic, and cultural problems that impede their ability to convert their official ecological concerns into institutional praxis. Despite these problems, there are some outstanding examples of ecological policy and praxis in institutional and non-institutional forms that at least match those seen in mainstream secular society. ¶ I conclude that in Australia, mainstream religion is a limited part of the solution to the ecological crisis. It is not the solution to the crisis, at least not in its present institutional form. Institutional Christianity is in decline in Australia and is being replaced by non-institutional Christianity, other religions and non-religious spiritualities (Tacey, 2000, 2003; Bouma, 2006; Tacey, 2007). The ecological crisis is a moral crisis, but in Australia, morality is increasingly outside the domain of institutional religion. The growth of the non-institutional religious and the ‘spiritual but not religious’ demographic may, if ecologically informed, offer more of a contribution to addressing the ecological crisis in future. This may occur in combination with some of the more progressive movements seen at the periphery of institutional Christianity such as the ‘eco-ministry’ of Rev. Dr. Jason John in Adelaide, and the ‘Creation Spirituality’ taught, advocated and practiced by the Mercy Sisters’ Earth Link project in Queensland.

The creation and manifestation of reality through the re-enactment of subconscious conclusions and decisions

Opperman, Michiel Christiaan 31 March 2005 (has links)
The Creation and Manifestation of Reality-theory was developed for this study. This theory provides an answer to why high functioning people experience problems at work, develop relationship problems, and other dysfunctions that occur in their lives. It provides an explanation as to why this happens: at a certain point in our existence a critical incident (or Initial Sensitising Event) or a series of repeated incidents is perceived by the person as traumatic. During this time of high emotion the child forms a subconscious conclusion, followed by a subconscious decision. The Hypnotic Blueprint is an accumulation of all the different subconscious conclusions and decisions formed over time at a time of intense emotionality, during which the psyche feared for its survival, repressed, gated and banished into the borders of the person's subconscious mind. Numerous other incidents occur through life that reinforce and bolster the original Hypnotic Blueprint. Simultaneously, conflicting ego-states are formed, attempting to balance the state of disequilibrium. Later in life, the original Blueprint is triggered, through the Symptom Activating Event, at a sub-conscious level and starts to operate in the person's life, attracting the circumstances and people who best replay or re-enact the original trauma on a symbolic level. This pattern will be recreated in the person's life, and will most often be the reason why the person enters therapy, or the presenting problem. Life acts as a mirror of the inner world or the psyche of the person. The inner world is mirrored by the other world, or reality. By changing our inner reality, we impact or transform our outer reality. To complete the Creation and Manifestation of Reality-theory, the Imago Developmental Stages identified by Harville Hendrix, were integrated, namely Attachment, Exploration, Identity and Competence. The therapeutic modality suggested is de-hypnotising. The study does not intend to measure the success of the therapy, but rather to establish and test the validity of the Creation and Manifestation of Reality-theory on case studies, using the Life History approach. / Educational Studies / DED(PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION)

La signification de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée et sa contribution à la réadaptation : la perception d’infirmières

O'Reilly, Louise 04 1900 (has links)
De multiples auteurs de la discipline infirmière réclament la valeur inestimable de la relation de caring et de ses bienfaits pour la clientèle nécessitant des soins et services de réadaptation. En dépit de cette importance, la recherche concernant les bienfaits thérapeutiques de la relation de caring pour la clientèle de réadaptation demeure encore un domaine peu exploité. Actuellement, aucune étude scientifique québécoise, canadienne ou internationale, issue de la discipline infirmière, ne porte sur la compréhension de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée dans un contexte de réadaptation, aspect qui s’avère central à la relation de caring selon Watson. Au cœur même de la philosophie du Human Caring de Watson, la présente étude vise à explorer, par des entrevues qualitatives auprès de 17 infirmières oeuvrant en contexte de réadaptation, la signification de l’expérience d « être avec » la personne soignée, de même que leur perception de la contribution de cette expérience à la réadaptation de la personne soignée. Cinquante et une entrevues, c’est-à-dire trois entrevues réalisées pour chaque participant de recherche, ont été analysées à l’aide de la méthode phénoménologique intitulée « Relational Caring Inquiry » développée par Cara (1997). Le processus de recrutement des participants a impliqué la direction des soins infirmiers des deux centres de réadaptation ciblés par l’étude. Une attention particulière a été mise afin de favoriser une diversité de participants (par exemple : genre, niveau éducationnel, quart de travail, unité de soins). Le processus d’analyse des données a permis la découverte de cinq eidos-thèmes. Parmi ces eidos-thèmes, quatre se rapportent à la signification de l’expérience d’«être avec» la personne soignée (première question de recherche), à savoir : (a) l’importance des valeurs humanistes au centre du soin, (b) l’investissement de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée, (c) les dimensions réciproque et relationnelle du soin et, finalement, (d) l’expérience de soin irremplaçable d’une complexité contextuelle. De façon plus détaillée, le premier eidos-thème dévoile les fondements humanistes à la base de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le deuxième manifeste l’implication substantielle de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée. Le troisième eidos-thème met en lumière la réciprocité et la dimension relationnelle comme étant des éléments centraux à l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le quatrième eidos-thème documente les natures fondamentale et complexe de cette expérience de soin unique, de même que les conditions contextuelles qui la facilitent et la contraignent. Le cinquième et dernier eidos-thème ayant émergé de la présente étude, « rehaussement de l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière », illustre la perception des participantes quant à la contribution thérapeutique de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée à la réadaptation de cette dernière (deuxième question de recherche). Cette contribution se situe en termes de répondre aux besoins du patient, d’optimiser les progrès de réadaptation de la personne soignée, de promouvoir le niveau de bien-être de la personne soignée et de l’infirmière et, finalement, de hausser la croissance intérieure des personnes engagées dans cette expérience de soin extraordinaire. La reconnaissance des cinq eidos-thèmes a favorisé l’émergence de l’essence universelle du phénomène à l’étude qui s’intitule « la rencontre humaine profonde, thérapeutique et transformatrice ». La présente étude contribue de façon novatrice au développement des connaissances, notamment en permettant une meilleure compréhension de ce que signifie l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée, pour des infirmières en réadaptation et en proposant une multitude de résultats probants pouvant servir de guide à la promulgation de soins infirmiers en contexte de réadaptation. En déterminant la signification ontologique de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude permet de préciser la place du phénomène d’« être avec » la personne soignée au centre de la théorie du caring. Ces résultats qui découlent de la deuxième question de recherche participent au développement initial d’un corpus de connaissances. Ces résultats probants serviront de guide au renouvellement de la pratique infirmière en contexte de réadaptation. De plus, en identifiant les bienfaits de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude reconnaît l’élément au cœur de la relation transpersonnelle de caring, qui contribue à rehausser l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière. En plus de la clinique, des recommandations au niveau de la formation et de la recherche en sciences infirmières découlent de la présente étude. / Several nursing authors acknowledge the essential value of the caring relationship and its benefits for the rehabilitation clientele. In spite of this importance, the therapeutic benefits of the caring relationship for this clientele remain an unexamined area. Currently, no Quebec, Canadian or international scientific nursing study is concerned with understanding the experience to « be with » the person being cared for in a rehabilitation context, which is central to the caring relationship according to Watson. Inspired by Watson’s Human Caring philosophy, this study aims to investigate, by qualitative interviews with seventeen rehabilitation nurses, the meaning of the experience to « be with » the person being cared for, as well as their perception of the contribution of this experience to the person’s rehabilitation. Fifty one interviews, therefore three interviews for every research participant, were analyzed using the « phenomenological » method entitled « Relational Caring Inquiry » developed by Cara (1997). The process of participant recruitment involved the nursing management team of both rehabilitation centres targeted by the study. A variety of participants was favoured (e.g.: gender, educational level, shift worked, and patient care unit). The process of data analysis allowed the discovery of five eidos-themes. Among these eidos-themes, four refer to the meaning of the experience to « be with » the person cared for (first research question), namely: (a) the importance of humanistic values at the core of the care, (b) the investment of the nurse and the person cared for, (c) the reciprocal and relational care dimensions and finally, (d) the irreplaceable care experience of contextual complexity. In more detail, the first eidos-theme reveals the humanistic basis of the experience to « be with » the cared person. The second expresses the substantial implication of the nurse and the person cared for. The third eidos-theme clarifies the reciprocity and relational dimension as being central elements of the experience to « be with » the person cared for. The fourth eidos-theme documents fundamental and complex origins of this unique care experience, as well as the contextual conditions which facilitate and impede it. The fifth and last eidos-theme emerging from this study, « strengthening the mind-body-spirit harmony of the person cared for and the nurse », illustrates the participants’ perception regarding the therapeutic contribution of the experience to « be with » the person cared (second research question). This contribution meets the patient’s needs, optimizes the rehabilitation progress of the person cared for, promotes the level of well being of the person cared for and the nurse and finally, raises the inner growth of the people engaged in this extraordinary care experience. The recognition of these five eidos-themes supports the emergence of the universal essence of the phenomenon being studied which is entitled « the profound, therapeutic, and transformative human relationship ». The present study contributes, in an innovative way, to knowledge development, in particular by allowing a better understanding of the meaning of rehabilitation nurses’ experience to « be with » the patient, and advancing evidence-based results to be used as a guide for the development of nursing care in the context of rehabilitation. By determining the ontological meaning of this care experience, the present study makes it possible to specify the place of the phenomenon to « be with » the patient as being central to the caring theory. The results arising from the second research question contribute to the development of a body of knowledge. These evidence-based results will be used to guide the renewal of nursing practice in the context of rehabilitation. Moreover, by identifying the benefits of this care experience, the present study recognizes the element at the heart of transpersonal caring relationship, which contributes to mind-body-spirit harmony for both, the person cared for and the nurse. This study also proposes recommendations for education and research in nursing sciences.

Myth, mind, Messiah : exploring the development of the Christian responsibility towards interfaith dialogue from within Ken Wilber's integral hermeneutics

Snyman, Kevin 30 November 2002 (has links)
Interfaith dialogue is no luxury for Christians living in a pluralistic~ effervescent world of intenningling, multi-religious realities. Many Christians take seriously their responsibility towards interfaith dialogue. However, different Christians understand this responsibility in different ways, which often leads to acrimonious accusations of unchristian dialogical approaches. The question is whether there is any means of ordering and assessing the Christian responsibility towards other religions in a mutually uplifting and increasingly holistic way? Ken Wilber provides an integral, or All-Quadrant, All-Level hermeneutics that may assist us with an answer. All holonswhich means everything in the "Kosmos" - emerge or arise in holarchical fashion. On one level, it is a whole, on the next transcendent level it is a part of the whole. This process is infinite and is only ever released in One Taste/salvation/Nirvana/the Kingdom of God, or simply unqualifiable Suchness. Wilber provides an integrated methodology for understanding the process by which holons find their release in One Taste. The holon of Christian responsibility towards interfaith dialogue also emerges through discreet, recognizable stages. Each stage is integrated into the next higher level. The lower levels are more fundamental since they exist as a part of the higher levels. However, the higher levels are more significant, since they have an increased capacity to explore aspects of dialogue previously hidden. The levels we explore are the mythic rational, the rational and the centauric. 'lbese levels emerge through four interrelated dimensions or Quadrants: the Upper Left or spiritual/faith dimension of the person entering into dialogue, the Upper Right Quadrant or theology of dialogue that emerges, the Lower Left or communal and interpretive realm, and Lower Right which covers the social organizational patterns with which the person in dialogue chooses to associate him or herself. We define responsibility in tenns of these four Quadrants: The response or theology (UR) of the person is dependent upon her response-ability, or interior faith development (UL), which is informed by the worldview (LL) of her faith community to whom she feels responsible, with the sociological patterns of her community (LR), to some extent, offers clues as to her stage of development. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th.(Religious Studies)

From Calling to Crisis: The Growth Process of Teachers Through Crisis-Like Incidents

Groman, Jennifer Lynn 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Forma y Consciencia: Fundamentos para una Teoría Yántrica del Dibujo

Sevilla Seguí, Clara María 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] This PhD in Fine Arts is the introduction to a Yantric Theory of Drawing as a result of researching plastic forms from the universal principles present in perceptive reality. Based on the yantra as an active element in the drawing of a integral mandalic vision, Drawing re-presents a vision of the world based on aesthetic distance, in which the sum and multiplication of all the parts is contemplated from one point of view, a naked eye. This perspective is transdimensional, whereby co-creative man is capable of making his own vision real, enjoying the aesthetic experience through the practice of Art. Art is the fifth element in which contact with Beauty takes place in a disinterested way. This thesis in its Form and Consciousness explores the fundaments of these aesthetic formulations through its most yogic roots in India. We will add a metaphor to such aesthetic formulations and explain them through the voice of the artist, in which the process of transmutation of the matter, the transformation of the Nature into Art takes place. The shilpi yogi is the inspiration and aspiration of the being which indwells the imagery artist who develops images of himself, the imprints of personal consciousness transcended through transpersonal art forms. Its being, its Presence, can be modulated through plasticity, from the purest abstraction to the finest figurative art. This thesis represents a plastic voyage to the very heart of India, in which an artist and a sadhu go hand in hand as a symbolic encounter between indosophy and the sublime plastic representative of the tragedy of duality, sunk in life under the weight of chiaroscuro. Light is the Great Symbolic Metaphor and the primordial object of the mystery of Science. The space of the heart is the fifth plastic element on which we base our Yantric Theory of Drawing. We use this to reintegrate the coherence of Art from all times and places, reinterpreting it from an optimistic historical standpoint. Drawing gives us the power to make this real (maya-magic), through the yantric vision. This thesis is the foundational preface to a way to make real the dream of the imagined, a function which Art, the original inoculant, has had throughout history. Such a possibility of form-function-power is endorsed by the most ancient foundations of civilization: the great symbolic potential which was crystalised in Man, the complex system of ancient times which doesn't respond to limits, but rather to constellations, the tantra, inspiration and aspiration of quantic meta-physics. / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral en Bellas Artes es la introducción de una Teoría Yántrica del Dibujo como resultado de una investigación de la forma plástica desde principios universales presentes en la realidad perceptiva. Basada en el yantra como elemento activo dibujístico de una visión mandálica integral, el Dibujo viene a re-presentar una visión del mundo basada en la distancia estética, en la que la suma y multiplicación de todas las partes es contemplada desde un punto de vista y un ojo genuino, transdimensional, en el que el hombre co-creativo es capaz de realizar su propia visión y disfrutar de la experiencia estética a través de la práctica del Arte. El Arte es el quinto elemento en el que el contacto con la Belleza de modo desinteresado tiene lugar. Esta tesis, como Forma y Consciencia explora los fundamentos de estas formulaciones estéticas, a través de sus raíces más yóguicas, en India. A tales formulaciones estéticas les añadimos una metáfora y las explicamos a través de la voz del artista, en el que se da el proceso de transmutación de la materia, la transformación de la Naturaleza en Arte. El silpi yogui es la inspiración y aspiración del ser que habita en el artista imaginero, quien desarrolla sus propias imágenes o la huella de la consciencia personal que se supera a sí misma a través de la plástica de lo trans-personal. Su ser, solo Presencia, se deja modular en el vehículo plástico desde la más pura abstracción a la más fina figuración. Esta tesis representa un viaje plástico al corazón de la India, en el que van de la mano una artista y un sadhu como encuentro simbólico de la indosofía y el sublime representante plástico de la tragedia de la dualidad, sumido en la vida y el peso del claroscuro. La Luz es la Gran Metáfora simbólica y el objeto de misterio primordial de la Ciencia. El espacio del corazón es el quinto elemento plástico en el que se basa nuestra Teoría Yántrica del Dibujo para reintegrar la coherencia del Arte de todos los tiempos y lugares, desde un punto de vista histórico optimista que está en nuestras manos hacer real (magia-maya), a través de la visión yántrica para el Arte, a que da pie el Dibujo. Esta tesis es el prolegómeno fundacional de una vía de hacer real el sueño de lo imaginado, como ha venido haciendo el Arte como inóculo original a lo largo de la Historia. Tal posibilidad de forma-función-poder está avalada por los más antiguos fundamentos de la civilización, el gran potencial simbólico que fue posible cristalizar en el Hombre, el sistema complejo de la antigüedad que no responde a límites, sino a constelaciones, el tantra, inspiración y aspiración de la meta-física cuántica. CLARA M. SEVILLA SEGUÍ / [CAT] Aquesta tesi doctoral en Belles Arts és la introducció d'una Teoria Iàntrica del Dibuix com a resultat d'una investigació de la forma plàstica des de principis universals presents en la realitat perceptiva. Basada en el iantra com a element actiu del dibuix d'una visió integral del mandala, el Dibuix vindria a re-presentar una visió del món basada en la distància estètica, en què la suma i multiplicació de totes les parts és contemplada des d'un punt de vista i un ull genuí, "transdimensional", en què l'home co-creatiu és capaç de realitzar la pròpia visió i gaudir de l'experiència estètica a través de la pràctica de l'Art. L'Art és el cinquè element en què el contacte amb la Bellesa hi té lloc de forma desinteressada. Aquesta tesi, en tant que Forma i Consciència, explora els fonaments d'aquestes formulacions estètiques mitjançant unes arrels basades en sistema del ioga, pel que fa a l'Índia. A aitals formulacions estètiques els afegim una metàfora, i les expliquem per mitjà de la veu de l'artista, l'individu en qui es produeix el procés de transmutació de la matèria, la transformació de la Natura en Art. El silpi iogui és la inspiració i aspiració de l'ésser que habita en l'artista imaginer, qui desenvolupa les seves pròpies imatges o l'empremta de la consciència personal que se supera a si mateixa a través de la pràctica d'allò trans-personal. El seu ésser, tan sols Presència, es deixa modular en el vehicle plàstic des de la més pura abstracció fins a la figuració més fina. Aquesta tesi representa un viatge plàstic al cor de l'Índia, en què una artista i un sadhu, plegats, conflueixen de manera simbòlica en la indosofia i el sublim representant plàstic de la tragèdia de la dualitat, immers en la vida i el pes del clarobscur. La Llum és la Gran Metàfora simbòlica i l'objecte primordial de la ciència. L'espai del cor és el cinquè element plàstic en què es basa la nostra Teoria Iàntrica del Dibuix, el propòsit del qual consisteix a reintegrar la coherència de l'Art de tots els temps i llocs, des d'un punt de vista històric i optimista, que tenim a les nostres mans convertir en real (màgia-maia) a través de la visió iàntrica per a l'Art, a què dóna peu el Dibuix. Aquesta tesi és el prolegomen fundacional d'una via per tal de materialitzar el somni respecte d'allò imaginat, com ha vingut fent l'Art com a inòcul originari al llarg de la Història. Aquesta possibilitat de forma-funció-poder és avalada pels més antics fonaments de la civilització, el gran potencial simbòlic que fou possible cristal·litzar en la figura de l'Home, el sistema complex de l'antiguitat que no respon a límits, sinó a constel·lacions, el tantra: inspiració i aspiració de la meta-física quàntica. / Sevilla Seguí, CM. (2016). Forma y Consciencia: Fundamentos para una Teoría Yántrica del Dibujo [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63259 / TESIS

Developing authenticity: a framework to enhance women's well-being in a male-dominated work environment

Jacobs, Rochelle Dorothy 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Abstracts in English, isiXhosa and Afrikaaans / This study’s primary objective was to create a framework for developing authenticity, by exploring women’s experiences of authenticity and how these relate to their wellbeing in a male-dominated work environment. Twelve purposively chosen women participated in the study, comprising six police officers and six traffic officers from the Western Cape province in South Africa. Data were gathered through narrative interviews by using open-ended questions, and analysed by applying thematic analysis. The research findings revealed that challenges or stressors in their law enforcement environment serve as potential agents for moving the self away from best-self in the authenticity dynamic, resulting in the need for coping and therefore for developing authenticity. The framework for developing authenticity was constructed as an ongoing and unfolding process comprising the following: experiencing challenges or stressors; turning within; recognising possible ways of being; managing perceptions, thoughts, emotions and behaviour; making conscious choices and taking responsible actions; as well as evaluating responses and consequences against best-self standards. During this process various best-self characteristics and associated skills are developed and employed, but also serve as best-self standards against which to evaluate growth and transformation. Secondary objectives aimed to advance the concept of authenticity in the study of well-being as a discipline of psychology. It also aimed to make a methodological contribution by applying hermeneutic phenomenological and transpersonal approaches in a novel way. / Eyona njongo yesisifundo ibikukuphuhlisa umgaqo nkqubo wokwenene, oqwalasela izinto abantu basetyhini abadlule kuzo kwaye nokuba zingqamane njani nentlalontle yabo kwindawo zokusebenza eziphethwe ngamadoda. Ishumi elinesibini labasetyhini elikhethwe ngenjongo, liye lathatha inxaxheba kwesi sifundo, eliquka amapolisa amathandathu kunye namagos’ezendlel'amathandathu, avela kwiphondo Lentshona Koloni eMzantsi Afrika. Kusetyenziswe udliwano ndlebe apho abantu bebe balisa amabali abo, bebuzwa imibuzo efuna impendulo ezingqalileyo ukuqokelela ezinkcukacha kwaye zahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa uhlalutyo oluthile. Uphando lufumanise ukuba imiceli mingeni okanye uxinizelelo lwengqondo kwiimeko zokugunyaziswa komthetho zisebenza njenge arhente zokubasusa ekubeni babalasele kwinguqu yokwenene, nto leyo ebangela kubekho imfuneko yokuba banyamezele kwaye kubekho uhlumo lokwenene. Umgaqo nkqubo wophuhliso lokwenene wakhiwe njenge nkqubo eqhubekayo equka ezizinto zilandelayo: ukudibana nemiceli mingeni okanye uxinezelelo nezinokwenzeka ngayo izinto; ukulawula iingcamango, iingcinga, imvakalelo kunye nendlela yokuziphatha, ukuthatha izigqibo ezi zizo kunye nokuthatha uxanduva lwezenzo zakho; kwaye uphonononge indlela abaphendula ngayo kwakunyegokwase ngqondweni; ukonganyelwa ngaphakathi; ukubona indlela ezinokwenzeka ngayo izinto; ukulawula iingcamango, iingcinga, imvakalelo kunye nendlela yokuziphatha, ukuthatha izigqibo ezi zizo kunye nokuthatha uxanduva lwezenzo zakho; kwaye uphonononge indlela abaphendula ngayo kwakunye neziphumo ezinxamnye nomgangatho wokuba ubalasele. Ngexesha lalenkqubo iimpawu zakho ezihamba phambili nezohlukeneyo, kunye nezakhono ezinxulumene nazo ziyaphuhliswa kwaye uqashwe, kodwa zikwa ncedisa njenge milinganiselo yokuvavanya ukukhula kunye notshintsho. Iinjongo zesibini zijolise ekuqhubekekiseni lemfundiso yokwenene kwisifundo sentlalo-ntle njenge ngqeqesho yasengqondweni. Kwakhona, kwenzelwe ukwenza igalelo leendlela zokwenza izinto ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ngokusebenza kwengqondo yomntu (hermeneutic), kunye nophando lwamava kunye neenkolelo zomntu, ngeedlela ezintsha. / Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om 'n raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid te skep, deur vroue se ervarings van egtheid te ondersoek en hoe dit verband hou met hul welstand in 'n manlik-gedomineerde werksomgewing. Twaalf doelgerig gekose vrouens het deelgeneem aan die studie, wie bestaan het uit ses polisiebeamptes en ses verkeersbeamptes uit die Wes-Kaapse provinsie in Suid- Afrika. Data was versamel deur middel van narratiewe onderhoude deur oop vrae te gebruik, en ontleed deur tematiese analise toe te pas. Die navorsingsbevindings het aan die lig gebring dat uitdagings of stressors in hul wetstoepassingsomgewing as potensiële agente dien om die self weg te beweeg van die beste-self in die egtheid dinamika, wat die behoefte aan coping tot gevolg het en dus vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid. Die raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid is saamgestel as 'n deurlopende en ontvouende proses wat die volgende insluit: ervaring van uitdagings of stressors; keer na binne; erkenning van moontlike maniere om te wees; hantering van persepsies, gedagtes, emosies en gedrag; maak bewustelike keuses en neem verantwoordelike aksies; sowel as die evaluering van reaksies en gevolge teen die beste-self standaarde. Gedurende hierdie proses word verskeie beste-self eienskappe en verwante vaardighede ontwikkel en aangewend, maar dien ook as die beste-self standaarde om groei en transformasie te evalueer. Sekondêre doelwitte het ten doel om die konsep van egtheid in die studie van welstand as dissipline van sielkunde te bevorder. Dit is ook daarop gemik om 'n metodologiese bydrae te lewer deur hermeneutiese fenomenologiese en transpersoonlike benaderings op 'n nuwe manier toe te pas. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

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