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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transport kurzkettiger Fettsäuren über die basolaterale Membran des ovinen Pansenepithels: Mechanismen und Regulation auf Genebene

Dengler, Franziska 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Kurzkettige Fettsäuren (SCFA) stellen das hauptsächliche Energiesubstrat für Wiederkäuer dar. In Anbetracht des - bedingt durch höhere Milch-, Mast und Reproduktionsleistung - steigenden Energiebedarfs von Hauswiederkäuern wie Milchkuh und Mastbulle ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, die Mechanismen zur Resorption dieser Energielieferanten bzw. Ansatzpunkte für die Beeinflussung dieser Transportprozesse genau zu kennen. Dieses Wissen kann möglicherweise dabei helfen, zukünftig die Energieaufnahme der Tiere zu unterstützen bzw. sogar effizienter zu gestalten. Ziele der Untersuchungen: Deshalb war es Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Mechanismen zur Resorption von SCFA zu charakterisieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Transport aus den Pansenepithelzellen ins Blut gelegt wurde, da hierzu im Gegensatz zu ihrer Aufnahme aus dem Pansenlumen in die Epithelzellen noch sehr wenig bekannt war. In einem zweiten Schritt sollte untersucht werden, inwiefern die nachgewiesenen Mechanismen einer Regulation unterliegen und über welche Signalwege diese vermittelt werden könnte. Materialien und Methoden: Zur Charakterisierung der beteiligten Resorptionsmechanismen wurden Epithelstücke aus dem ventralen Pansensack von Schafen in Ussing-Kammern eingespannt und mit Hilfe radioaktiv markierten Azetats, Butyrats und L-Laktats der Transport dieser Substrate unter verschiedenen Bedingungen sowie verschiedenen Hemmstoffeinflüssen untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung regulativer Einflüsse wurden die Epithelstücke über sechs bzw. 24 Stunden mit Butyrat inkubiert und anschließend RNA bzw. Totalprotein extrahiert. Hiermit konnten Veränderungen in mRNA- und Proteinexpression mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-PCR bzw. Western Blot nachgewiesen werden. Ergebnisse: Die Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten zeigen, dass der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels hauptsächlich proteinvermittelt erfolgt. Eine signifikante Beteiligung lipophiler Diffusion, d.h. ein passiver Transport, kann weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Der aktive Transport wies eine bikarbonatabhängige und eine bikarbonatunabhängige Komponente auf. Der Einsatz von Hemmstoffen verschiedener Transportproteine ergab deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass der Monocarboxylattransporter (MCT) 1 eine Rolle beim bikarbonatgekoppelten Transport von Azetat bzw. allgemein unmetabolisierten SCFA spielt. Diese Hinweise wurden untersetzt durch die Beobachtung, dass MCT 1, aber auch der apikal bzw. intrazellulär lokalisierte MCT 4 durch langfristige Inkubation des Epithels mit Butyrat sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene signifikant erhöht exprimiert wurden, was als Anpassungsreaktion an eine Substratakkumulation interpretiert werden kann. Außerdem wurde auch die mRNA-Expression des Putativen Anionentransporters (PAT) 1 durch Inkubation mit Butyrat erhöht, was für eine Beteiligung auch dieses Transportproteins am SCFA-Transport über das Pansenepithel spricht. Allerdings ist im Gegensatz zu MCT 1 die Lokalisation des PAT 1 in der basolateralen Membran noch fraglich. Die Expressionssteigerung von Zielgenen des Nukleären Faktors ĸB und des Peroxisomenproliferator-aktivierten Rezeptors α sowie des Hypoxie-induzierbaren Faktors selbst deuten weiterhin darauf hin, dass die Steigerung der Transportkapazitäten von MCT 1 und 4 und auch PAT 1 über diese Signalwege vermittelt wird. Schlussfolgerungen: Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit erstmals der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels näher charakterisiert werden, sodass es nun möglich ist, zusammen mit den bereits vorliegenden Befunden für die apikale Membran ein komplettes Modell dafür zu erstellen. Auch wurden Erkenntnisse zu regulativen Einflüssen auf diesen Transport gewonnen, die es zukünftig ermöglichen könnten, die Resorption der SCFA aus dem Pansen nutritiv oder eventuell pharmakologisch zu beeinflussen. / Introduction: The main energy source for ruminants are short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Considering the ever increasing energy requirements of cattle due to increasing milk yield and meat production, it is crucial to identify the mechanisms for the resorption of these energy sources as well as possibilities to influence these transport mechanisms. This knowledge could help support the animals’ energy uptake or even making it more efficient. Aim: Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterise mechanisms for the resorption of SCFA focusing on their transport from the epithelial cells into the blood. In particular, since – compared to the research findings on the uptake of SCFA from ruminal lumen into the cells – so far only very little was known regarding this side of the epithelium. In a second step, the study aimed to elucidate whether the mechanisms observed are subject to regulatory processes and which signalling pathways are involved. Materials and methods: To characterise the transport mechanisms involved, epithelial pieces from the ventral sac of ovine rumen were mounted in Ussing chambers. Using radioactively labelled acetate, butyrate and L-lactate, the transport of these substrates was investigated under different conditions and by applying different inhibitors for potential SCFA transport proteins. To characterise regulatory influences, epithelial pieces were incubated with butyrate for six and 24 hours, respectively. Subsequently, total RNA and protein were extracted to detect changes in mRNA and protein expression using quantitative real time PCR and western blot, respectively. Results: The present study could show that transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of rumen epithelium is mainly realised by protein-mediated mechanisms. A significant participation of lipophilic diffusion, i.e. a passive transport, can almost entirely be excluded. The active transport could be divided into a bicarbonate-dependent and a bicarbonate-independent part. The experiments with inhibitors of different transport proteins showed clear evidence of an involvement of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 1 in the bicarbonate-dependent transport of acetate and non-metabolised SCFA in general. This evidence was supported by the finding that the expression of MCT 1 but also of the apically and intracellularly localised MCT 4 was increased significantly on both mRNA- and protein-level after long-term incubation of the epithelium with butyrate. This can be interpreted as an adaptation to a substrate accumulation. Additionally, butyrate incubation led to an increased mRNA expression of putative anion transporter (PAT) 1, which makes an involvement of this transport protein in SCFA transport across ruminal epithelium likely as well. However, in contrast to MCT 1 the localisation of PAT 1 in the basolateral membrane is still questionable. The increased expression of target genes of nuclear factor ĸB and peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor α as well as of hypoxia inducible factor strongly point to an involvement of these pathways in the increased expression of MCT 1 and 4 as well as PAT 1. Conclusions: In summary, this study could characterise the transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of ruminal epithelium in detail for the first time. This enables us to draw a complete model of ruminal SCFA transport. Also, evidence for regulatory influence on this transport processes was found, perhaps making it possible to influence resorption of SCFA from rumen by nutritive or pharmacological means in the future.

Functional Investigations into the Recognition Memory Network, its Association with Genetic Polymorphisms and Implications for Disorders of Emotional Memory / Das Wiedererkennensgedächtnis: Untersuchung eines funktionellen neuronalen Netzwerkes im Zusammenhang mit genetischen Polymorphismen und deren Bedeutung für Störungen des emotionalen Gedächtnisses.

Dörfel, Denise 27 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Recent research, that has been focused on recognition memory, has revealed that two processes contribute to recognition of previously encountered items: recollection and familiarity (Aggleton & Brown, 1999; Eichenbaum, 2006; Eichenbaum, Yonelinas, & Ranganath, 2007; Rugg & Yonelinas, 2003; Skinner & Fernandes, 2007; Squire, Stark, & Clark, 2004; Wixted, 2007a; Yonelinas, 2001a; Yonelinas, 2002). The findings of neural correlates of recollection and familiarity lead to the assumption that there are different brain regions activated in either process, but there are, to the best of my knowledge, no studies assessing how these brain regions are working together in a recollection or a familiarity network, respectively. Additionally, there are almost no studies to date, which directly searched for overlapping regions. Therefore, in study I of the current thesis, brain regions associated to both recognition processes are searched investigated. Additionally, a connectivity analysis will search for functional correlated brain activations that either build a recollection or a familiarity network. It is undoubtable that the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is strongly involved in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus (Bramham & Messaoudi, 2005) and there is evidence that a genetic variant of this neurotrophin (BDNF 66Met) is related to poorer memory performance (Egan, et al., 2003). Therefore, in study II of the current thesis, the effect of BDNF Val66Met on recollection and familiarity performance and related brain activations is investigated. Finally, one could summarize, that serotonin, like BDNF, is strongly involved in brain development and plasticity as well as in learning and memory processes (Vizi, 2008). More precisely, there is evidence for alterations in the structure of brain regions, which are known to be involved in emotional memory formation and retrieval, like amygdala and hippocampus (Frodl, et al., 2008; Munafo, Brown, & Hariri, 2008; Pezawas, et al., 2005). One study found an slight epistatic effect of BDNF and 5-HTTLPR on the grey matter volume of the amygdala (Pezawas, et al., 2008). Therefore, in study III, it is investigated if such an interaction effect could be substantiated for the amygdala and additionally revealed for the hippocampus. The results of the current thesis allow further comprehension of recollection, hence episodic memory, and point to a special role of the BDNF in temporal and prefrontal brain regions. Additionally, the finding of an epistatic effect between BDNF and serotonin transporter function point to the need of analyzing interactions between genes and also between genes and environmental factors which reveals more information than the study of main effects alone. In conclusion, analyzing behavioral and neural correlates of episodic memory reveal allowed insights in brain functions that may serve as guideline for future studies in clinical populations with memory deficits, including susceptibility factors such as good or bad environment, as well as promising gene variants that influence episodic memory.

Studies on the interaction of chemicals with cellular efflux transporter proteins Danio rerio Abcb4 and Homo sapiens ABCB1

Burkhardt-Medicke, Kathleen 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
ABCB1, a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter family, hydrolyses ATP as energy source for the translocation of substrate chemicals across the cell membrane. ABCB1-like transporters are found in all studied species. Typically, these transporters are abundant in tissues that separate compartments of the body such as the blood-brain barrier. Among the ABC transporters the ABCB1-like transporter proteins are of particular interest because they accept a broad variety of substrates and are therefore able to confer multidrug resistance (MDR) and multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) in wildlife, respectively. Inhibitors of the ABCB1-like transporter function can cause chemosensitisation, i.e. accumulation and increased sensitivity of organisms towards potentially harmful (natural/man-made) ABCB1-like substrate chemicals. In zebrafish (Danio rerio) Abcb4 was identified as functionally homologous to ABCB1. The aim of this study was to further characterise Danio rerio Abcb4 and to provide a database to approach the question to what extent ABCB1-like transporter related functions/effects are of ecotoxicological relevance. Main objectives are whether and how known ABCB1 ATPase stimulators and inhibitors interact with Abcb4 ATPase activity; to what extent ABCB1 ATPase assay data are transferable to Abcb4 ATPase assay data; and whether and how environmental chemicals interact with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase activity. In this study we established a test system – the ATPase assay with recombinant Danio rerio Abcb4 – to study the interaction of chemicals with the ATPase activity of the transporter protein. To relate obtained data to data for the well-known Homo sapiens ABCB1 and because available data for Homo sapiens ABCB1 were not in all cases suitable for a comparison, the ATPase assay with recombinant ABCB1 was adapted accordingly. Chemicals were tested up to concentrations in the range of their water solubilities to modulate basal and stimulator co-treated Abcb4 and/or ABCB1 ATPase activities. ATPase stimulators are often transported substrates. However, lipophilic compounds stimulating the transporter ATPase activity are not or little transported by transporter action. Therefore, experiments revealing whether compounds are translocated by transporters chemical interference with the transporter protein will not be indicated. Chemicals inhibiting the stimulator (here verapamil) co-treated ATPase activity compete with the verapamil to stimulate ATPase activity or are non-competitive inhibitors. When tested individually, these chemicals can be stimulators or inhibitors of basal ATPase activity, or do not interact with basal ATPase activity. ATPase inhibitors mitigate ATPase activity and ABCB1-like transporter mediated translocation of substrate chemicals. Obtained ATPase assay data were analysed with regard to concentrations at half-maximal effects (EC50s) and effect strengths (percent modulation). ATPase assays with recombinant Abcb4 (at 27 °C) are comparable to ABCB1 ATPase assay data obtained at 37 °C. Danio rerio Abcb4 seems less temperature-sensitive than ABCB1. Calculated activation energies for Abcb4 ATPase activities (40.75 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity) were up to half as high as those for ABCB1 ATPase activities (81.61 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity). Larger activation energies were previously proposed to be indicative for larger conformational rearrangements and hence possibly smaller rearrangements take place in Abcb4 compared to ABCB1. Known standard modulators of Homo sapiens ABCB1 ATPase activity interacted specifically with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase actitiy. The EC50s of the tested chemicals – 16 of 17 tested chemiacals interacted with the ABCB1 and the Abcb4 ATPase activity – ranged from 0.09 to 296 µM for ABCB1 and from 0.14 to 171 µM for Abcb4. Qualitative ATPase assay data for ABCB1, as interaction or not, seems transferable to Danio rerio Abcb4. Furthermore, when aligning amino acid sequences of mammalian ABCB1 transporter proteins and Danio rerio Abcb4 and comparing ABCB1 residues known to bind to (lipophilic) chemicals no obvious hints were found that chemical binding to Abcb4 is certainly different from ABCB1. Twenty-five of 33 studied environmental chemicals modulated the Abcb4 ATPase activity as stimulators and/or inhibitors. Stimulation of basal Abcb4 ATPase activity was lower for environmental chemicals than for known standard modulators. EC50s of environmental chemicals ranged from below 10 to 357 µM. Effects by environmental chemicals on Abcb4 ATPase activity with EC50s close to their water solubilities may be rather unspecific. The results of this work underline that Abcb4 function is of ecotoxicological importance as on the one hand several environmental chemicals were identified to inhibit Abcb4 ATPase activity – likely acting as chemosensitisers, while on the other hand chemicals stimulating basal ATPase activity suggest that these chemicals are possibly transported. A number of environmental chemicals also inhibited the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity. Especially non-transported inhibitors of the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity would be of ecotoxicological relevance as organisms (here Danio rerio) exposed to these chemicals would not be protected by Abcb4 mediated multixenobiotic resistance and were moreover threatened by chemosensitisation. Future studies should systematically elucidate under which circumstances chemicals are apparently net transported by ABCB1-like transporters and relate these findings to concentrations of environmental chemicals and ABCB1-like transporter protein abundance in wildlife.

Glucose and Lipid Metabolism during Pregnancy and Lactation in Rats : Role of Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin

Pandey, Aparamita January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Energy homeostasis is an important physiological mechanism essential for balancingenergy flow through the living systems by managing overall metabolism in the body. Thus, energy homeostasis is under a tight control by means of extremely well-regulated energy metabolism. One of the most common metabolic disorders that occur following disruption in energy homeostasis mechanisms is obesity. Obese individuals develop insulin resistance in the peripheral tissues (fat and muscle) and may also include non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Insulin resistance is the primary factor responsible for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Towards control and management of T2D condition, insulin, drugs that regulate the insulin sensitivity and drugs that regulate glucose metabolism are widely used. Repeated insulin administration is painful, expensive and requires constant glucose monitoring while other drugs have various limitations and side effects. Therefore, there is wide scope development of new anti-diabetic molecules for effective management of T2D. Studies related to energy metabolism are necessary to understand the cause of such disorders and improve existing methods to manage metabolic abnormalities. Animal models to understand such metabolic disorders have been developed by chemical treatments and genetic modifications, but diet-induced obese (DIO) animal models appear to be the better among all the models reported. DIO animal models are known to most closely mimic the physiological situation. Apart from the experimental model system studies have been conducted under physiological conditions to gain knowledge on possible mechanisms behind energy balance maintained and established during extreme situations such as pregnancy and lactation. To support fetal growth and milk synthesis several metabolic adjustments occur during pregnancy and lactation without the major disruption in the maternal energy homeostasis. In the present study, to gain knowledge on the mother’s body glucose, lipid management and insulin responses throughout the gestation and lactation periods analyses were carried out during at different stages of pregnancy and lactation in rats. It was observed that during pregnancy, the dam developed insulin resistance in peripheral tissues with decreased activation of insulin pathway and reduced glucose utilization while the liver remained unaffected. Although, as soon as the lactation began, peripheral tissue such as muscle developed increased insulin sensitivity associated with increased expression of glucose transporter gene and higher glucose metabolism. The reversal of insulin response in the muscle tissue observed during lactation appears to be a suitable model system for understanding the process by which the body undergoes a transition from insulin resistant state to sensitive state under a physiological condition. Interestingly, early lactation period is known to have much lower levels of insulin available to act upon peripheral tissues. Factors involved in this transition could be potential therapeutic agents for control of T2D, since during early stages of T2D muscle appears to be the first metabolic organ to exhibit resistance to insulin. The undercarboxylated osteocalcin (UNOC) has been reported to function as anti-diabetic molecule. UNOC is released from skeletal system during bone turnover, especially due to resorption process. Experiments were carried out to examine the role of UNOC during the transition from insulin resistant state of pregnancy to sensitive state of lactation period. It was observed that UNOC levels were lower during pregnancy, but increased during early lactation (day 3 to 6 of lactation). The increased UNOC levels seen during early lactation was higher than the levels observed in non-pregnant, non-lactating (NPNL) rats and the UNOC levels decreased following removal of pups immediately after parturition. It was noted that altering UNOC levels during early lactation altered the insulin response of the whole body and muscle transporter-4 expression (glut4) of lactating rats. A significant increase in bone turnover was also observed during lactation compared to NPNL and pregnant rats. The data suggest that increased bone turnover leads to increased UNOC levels in blood during lactation. Estrogen is known as bone protector molecule which acts via its receptors, estrogen receptor α and β (ERα and β). It was reported that ERβ is a dominant regulator of estrogen signaling when both the receptors of estrogen i.e. ERα and ERβ coexist in the target tissue and estrogen levels are relatively higher. Compared to NPNL rats estrogen levels have shown to be higher during late pregnancy and lower during early lactation. It was observed that liver and adipose tissues largely express ERα, but the muscle showed expression of both the receptors in NPNL rats indicating that muscle is the metabolic tissue that may be modulated by both the receptors. It has been reported that ERβ suppresses ERα action on glut4 transcription in the myocytes. It is possible that the altered ERs ratio modulates glut4 expression during late pregnancy and early lactation. The receptor expression ratio data indicated that muscle is an ERβ dominant during late pregnancy, while it is ERα dominant during early lactation. Further, alteration in UNOC levels during early lactation changed ERs ratio but not sufficient enough to alter the ER dominance, indicating lack of effect of UNOC on ER dominance during early lactation. Experiments were conducted to alter insulin sensitivity during early lactation to extrapolate physiological findings to a pathological condition of the DIO model by feeding rats with high-fat diet (HFD). During early lactation, HFD dams had lower insulin response, lower circulatory UNOC level and lower UNOC receptor (GPRC6A) expression in the muscle. Gene expression of muscle glut4 was lower in HFD rats and the tissue remained ERα dominant indicating no role of HFD on ERs ratio in muscle during early lactation. UNOC has been found to have negative effect on lipid accumulation. During pregnancy, lipid accumulation is one of the first events essential for proper fetal development. Since UNOC levels were suppressed during pregnancy, experiments were carried out to examine relevance of UNOC suppression on lipid accumulation during early pregnancy. For this purpose, pharmacological approaches were utilized to alter UNOC levels during early pregnancy. It was observed that the transient elevation of UNOC levels caused decrease in maternal fat depots without changing circulatory triacylglyceride (TAG) levels. In experiments that decreased UNOC levels in NPNL state to mimic lower levels of UNOC present during early pregnancy, it was found fat storage was higher and TG was found to be lowered in the circulation. These results indicate that UNOC can cause a reduction in fat accumulation and TG levels but UNOC effects on TG levels, was not observed during pregnancy. The data taken together suggest that suppression of UNOC is required for better fat deposition in the mother’s body. Although, some studies have indicated an insulin response transition occurring during pregnancy to lactation, but the factors involved in this transition have not been reported. This report discusses about the factors such as UNOC and ERs and their involvement in the transition process. UNOC role has been studied in genetically modified models and in metabolic disorders such as obesity model system and evidence for physiological role of UNOC would further support its candidature as anti-diabetic molecule. The present research work is the first report to detail relevance of UNOC in physiological conditions such as pregnancy and lactation for glucose and lipid management.

Phosphatidylethanolamine regulates the function and the structure of LmrP, a bacterial multidrug transporter protein associated to antibiotic resistance

Hakizimana, Pierre 05 September 2008 (has links)
The multidrug transporter LmrP, member of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), confers L. lactis and recombinant E. coli cells resistance to an array of cytotoxic compounds including antibiotics. LmrP mediates drug extrusion from the plasma membrane by an electrogenic proton/drug exchange reaction, whereby a positively charged substrate may move towards the external medium in exchange for two or more protons moving towards the cytoplasm. Recent studies have suggested that MFS transporters require phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) for function and proper topology. However, the specificity of the PE requirement, as well as the contribution of the electrochemical gradient (the driving force of the substrate transport) to this lipid requirement was not addressed. Here we report a new approach for addressing PE specific requirement for the function and the structure of membranes transporters. We used methyl-PE and dimethyl-PE analogs of PE to show that only replacement of the three hydrogens by methyl moieties leads to changes in the biochemical and biophysical properties of the reconstituted protein. This suggests that LmrP does not depend on the bulk properties of the phospholipids tested but solely on the hydrogen bonding ability of the headgroup. We then show that a single point mutation in LmrP, D68C, is sufficient to recapitulate precisely every biochemical and biophysical effect observed when PE is replaced by phosphatidylcholine (PC) ( including energy transfer between the protein tryptophan residues and the lipid headgroups). We conclude that the negatively charged Asp-68 is likely to participate in the interaction with PE and that such interaction is required for proton gradient sensing, substrate binding, and transport. Because Asp-68 belongs to a highly conserved motif in the Major Facilitator Superfamily (which includes LacY and EmrD), this interaction might be a general feature of these transporters that is involved in proton gradient sensing and lipid dependence.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Molecular Identification and Functional Characteristics of Peptide Transporter 1 (PEPT1) in the Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo)

Hart, Hannah 01 January 2015 (has links)
Many elasmobranchs are considered top predators with worldwide distribution, and in general these fish play an important role in the transfer of energy from the lower to the upper trophic levels within the marine ecosystem. Despite this, little research has been done regarding the rates of prey ingestion, digestion, and the processes of energy and nutrient absorption. Specifically understudied is enzymatic digestion within the intestinal brush border, which functions to break down macromolecules into smaller subunits for luminal absorption across the gastrointestinal epithelium. Given their carnivorous diet, the present study sought to expand knowledge on nutrient intake in elasmobranchs by focusing on the uptake of products of protein metabolism. To accomplish this, sequence encoding Peptide Transporter 1 (PepT1), a protein found within the brush border membrane (BBM) of higher vertebrates that is responsible for the translocation and absorption of small peptides released during digestion by luminal and membrane-bound proteases, was molecularly identified in the bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) using degenerate primers based on conserved portions of known PEPT1 sequences from other vertebrates. Sequence encoding Peptide Transporter 2 (PepT2) was also isolated from the S. tiburo scroll valve intestine using the same methodology. PepT1 was then localized using immunocytochemistry with rabbit polyclonal anti-rat PEPT1 in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, scroll valve intestine, rectum, and pancreas. Vesicle studies were used to identify the apparent affinity of the transporter, and to quantify the rate of uptake by its H+-dependent cotransporter properties, using 3H-glycylsarcosine as a model dipeptide. The results of this study provide insight into the rate and properties of food passage within S. tiburo, and can lead to future work on topics such as physiological regulation of protein metabolism and absorption and how it may vary in elasmobranchs that exhibit different feeding strategies.

Kombinierte Analyse funktioneller PET/MRT Veränderungen des zentralnervösen Noradrenalin-/Serotonin-Netzwerkes und deren Einfluss auf das emotionale Wohlbefinden bei Adipositas

Melasch, Juliana Teresa 22 June 2017 (has links)
Die grundlegenden neurobiologischen Mechanismen für das Zusammenwirken eines pathologisch erhöhten Körpergewichts und der gewichts-assoziierten emotionalen Belastung sind bisher noch wenig erforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht gezielt Abweichungen der regionalen Transporter-Verfügbarkeiten mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) mit hochselektiven Marker für den Noradrenalin- (NET) sowie den Serotonin-(5-Hydroxytryptamin-)transporter (5-HTT) und funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) sowie damit verbundene Alterationen der neuronalen Ruhe-(resting-state-)Aktivität konnektierter Hirnregionen. Die Ergebnisse der kombinierten PET/fMRT Analyse wurden mit zwei neuropsychologischen Scores zur Erfassung allgemeiner und gewichtsabhängiger emotionaler Veränderungen korreliert. Insgesamt 48 Teilnehmer (Body-Mass-Index [BMI]: 19 - 50 kg/m2) erhielten eine fMRT und eine PET mittels NET-selektivem [11C]MRB (n = 20) beziehungsweise 5-HTT-selektivem [11C]DASB (n = 28). Die PET ergab im Hypothalamus eine tendentielle, BMI-abhängig verminderte Verfügbarkeit des NET, nicht jedoch des 5-HTT. Zusätzlich fand sich bei steigendem BMI innerhalb beider Neurotransmitternetzwerke in Abhängigkeit zur jeweiligen Transporter-Verfügbarkeit eine teils geschlechtsspezifisch verstärkte funktionelle Konnektivität zwischen dem Hypothalamus und Hirnregionen der Verarbeitung und Bewertung von Nahrungsreizen. Korrelationen der lokalen resting-state Aktivitäten mit den neuropsychologischen Scores lassen vermuten, dass diese Regionen zudem auch mit langfristigen, negativen Veränderungen des gewichtsabhängigen emotionalen Wohlbefindens assoziiert sind. Insgesamt spielen diese beiden zentralen Neurotransmitter-Systeme eine wichtige Rolle in der Modulation von Netzwerken zur Regulation des gewichtsabhängigen emotionalen Wohlbefindens und könnten somit wichtige Anhaltspunkte für neue pharmakologische Ansätze bereitstellen.

Studies on the interaction of chemicals with cellular efflux transporter proteins Danio rerio Abcb4 and Homo sapiens ABCB1

Burkhardt-Medicke, Kathleen 27 February 2018 (has links)
ABCB1, a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter family, hydrolyses ATP as energy source for the translocation of substrate chemicals across the cell membrane. ABCB1-like transporters are found in all studied species. Typically, these transporters are abundant in tissues that separate compartments of the body such as the blood-brain barrier. Among the ABC transporters the ABCB1-like transporter proteins are of particular interest because they accept a broad variety of substrates and are therefore able to confer multidrug resistance (MDR) and multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) in wildlife, respectively. Inhibitors of the ABCB1-like transporter function can cause chemosensitisation, i.e. accumulation and increased sensitivity of organisms towards potentially harmful (natural/man-made) ABCB1-like substrate chemicals. In zebrafish (Danio rerio) Abcb4 was identified as functionally homologous to ABCB1. The aim of this study was to further characterise Danio rerio Abcb4 and to provide a database to approach the question to what extent ABCB1-like transporter related functions/effects are of ecotoxicological relevance. Main objectives are whether and how known ABCB1 ATPase stimulators and inhibitors interact with Abcb4 ATPase activity; to what extent ABCB1 ATPase assay data are transferable to Abcb4 ATPase assay data; and whether and how environmental chemicals interact with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase activity. In this study we established a test system – the ATPase assay with recombinant Danio rerio Abcb4 – to study the interaction of chemicals with the ATPase activity of the transporter protein. To relate obtained data to data for the well-known Homo sapiens ABCB1 and because available data for Homo sapiens ABCB1 were not in all cases suitable for a comparison, the ATPase assay with recombinant ABCB1 was adapted accordingly. Chemicals were tested up to concentrations in the range of their water solubilities to modulate basal and stimulator co-treated Abcb4 and/or ABCB1 ATPase activities. ATPase stimulators are often transported substrates. However, lipophilic compounds stimulating the transporter ATPase activity are not or little transported by transporter action. Therefore, experiments revealing whether compounds are translocated by transporters chemical interference with the transporter protein will not be indicated. Chemicals inhibiting the stimulator (here verapamil) co-treated ATPase activity compete with the verapamil to stimulate ATPase activity or are non-competitive inhibitors. When tested individually, these chemicals can be stimulators or inhibitors of basal ATPase activity, or do not interact with basal ATPase activity. ATPase inhibitors mitigate ATPase activity and ABCB1-like transporter mediated translocation of substrate chemicals. Obtained ATPase assay data were analysed with regard to concentrations at half-maximal effects (EC50s) and effect strengths (percent modulation). ATPase assays with recombinant Abcb4 (at 27 °C) are comparable to ABCB1 ATPase assay data obtained at 37 °C. Danio rerio Abcb4 seems less temperature-sensitive than ABCB1. Calculated activation energies for Abcb4 ATPase activities (40.75 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity) were up to half as high as those for ABCB1 ATPase activities (81.61 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity). Larger activation energies were previously proposed to be indicative for larger conformational rearrangements and hence possibly smaller rearrangements take place in Abcb4 compared to ABCB1. Known standard modulators of Homo sapiens ABCB1 ATPase activity interacted specifically with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase actitiy. The EC50s of the tested chemicals – 16 of 17 tested chemiacals interacted with the ABCB1 and the Abcb4 ATPase activity – ranged from 0.09 to 296 µM for ABCB1 and from 0.14 to 171 µM for Abcb4. Qualitative ATPase assay data for ABCB1, as interaction or not, seems transferable to Danio rerio Abcb4. Furthermore, when aligning amino acid sequences of mammalian ABCB1 transporter proteins and Danio rerio Abcb4 and comparing ABCB1 residues known to bind to (lipophilic) chemicals no obvious hints were found that chemical binding to Abcb4 is certainly different from ABCB1. Twenty-five of 33 studied environmental chemicals modulated the Abcb4 ATPase activity as stimulators and/or inhibitors. Stimulation of basal Abcb4 ATPase activity was lower for environmental chemicals than for known standard modulators. EC50s of environmental chemicals ranged from below 10 to 357 µM. Effects by environmental chemicals on Abcb4 ATPase activity with EC50s close to their water solubilities may be rather unspecific. The results of this work underline that Abcb4 function is of ecotoxicological importance as on the one hand several environmental chemicals were identified to inhibit Abcb4 ATPase activity – likely acting as chemosensitisers, while on the other hand chemicals stimulating basal ATPase activity suggest that these chemicals are possibly transported. A number of environmental chemicals also inhibited the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity. Especially non-transported inhibitors of the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity would be of ecotoxicological relevance as organisms (here Danio rerio) exposed to these chemicals would not be protected by Abcb4 mediated multixenobiotic resistance and were moreover threatened by chemosensitisation. Future studies should systematically elucidate under which circumstances chemicals are apparently net transported by ABCB1-like transporters and relate these findings to concentrations of environmental chemicals and ABCB1-like transporter protein abundance in wildlife.

MDCKII-bABCG2-Zellen: ein Modell zur Abschätzung der Anreicherung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Milch

Kuhnert, Lydia 05 June 2019 (has links)
Einleitung Der intensive Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft kann zum Eintrag von Rückständen in die Nahrungskette führen. Milchliefernde Rinder nehmen Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände mit dem Futter auf, die durch aktive Sekretion in die Milch eine Gefährdung für sensible Bevölkerungsgruppen, wie Kinder, verursachen könnten. Die in nationalen Rückstandskontrollen untersuchten Milchproben unterschreiten zwar in der Regel die gesetzlich festgelegten Höchstgrenzen (Maximum Residue Level, MRL), jedoch kann eine andauernde Belastung mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln die Entstehung chronischer Erkrankungen, wie Morbus Parkinson und Kinderleukämie, fördern. Im Rindereuter stellt der ATP-binding cassette Transporter der Subfamilie G2 (ABCG2) den wichtigsten Transportweg für Fremdstoffe in die Milch dar. Mit seinem breiten Substratspektrum ist der bovine ABCG2-Transporter (bABCG2) in der Lage, unterschiedliche Substrate in die Kuhmilch zu transportieren. Jedoch ist bislang unklar, ob auch Pflanzenschutzmittel bABCG2-vermittelt in die Milch sezerniert werden können und ob die gleichzeitige Aufnahme mehrerer Rückstände die bABCG2-Effluxaktivität beeinflusst. Ziele der Untersuchungen Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Identifikation von Pflanzenschutzmitteln als mögliche Substrate des bovinen Effluxtransporters. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob zwischen zwei Wirkstoffen synergistische oder antagonistische Effekte am bABCG2-Transporter auftreten. Material und Methoden Es wurden 14 häufig in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft eingesetzte Pflanzenschutzmittel in 0,1-, 1- und 10-facher MRL-Konzentration, in Bezug auf essbare Gewebe von Rindern, untersucht. Weiterhin wurden sechs Kombinationen aus jeweils zwei Wirkstoffen ausgewählt. Im WST-1 (Water Soluble Tetrazolium 1) Assay wurden MDCKII-bABCG2-Zellen in aufsteigender Konzentration mit den Pflanzenschutzmitteln inkubiert (72 h) und die Zellvitalität ermittelt. Nach Inkubation der MDCKII-bABCG2- und MDCKII-Mock-Zellen mit den ausgewählten Pflanzenschutzmitteln oder den Kombinationen (4 h) wurde der Hoechst 33342-Akkumulationsassay durchgeführt. Dabei führt eine Interaktion des Pflanzenschutzmittels mit dem bABCG2-Transporter zu einer intrazellulären Anreicherung des Hoechst 33342-Farbstoffes. Für die Identifikation signifikanter Unterschiede wurden jeweils mindestens zwölf Monolayer auf Normalverteilung (Shapiro-Wilk-Test) überprüft und eine Einweg-Varianzanalyse mit Holm-Šidák post hoc Test (p ≤ 0,05) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse Nachdem eine Beeinträchtigung der Zellvitalität durch die ausgewählten Pflanzenschutzmittel in 0,1- bis 10-facher MRL-Konzentration ausgeschlossen wurde, konnte im Hoechst 33342-Assay für Chlorpyrifos-methyl und Tebuconazol ab 0,1-facher MRL-Konzentration eine signifikante Zunahme der intrazellulären Hoechst 33342-Gehalte im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Kontrolle nachgewiesen werden. Für Diflufenican, Glyphosat, Methiocarb, Prochloraz, Rimsulfuron sowie Thiacloprid konnte in 1- und 10-facher MRL-Konzentration und für Iprodion sowie Ioxynil in 10-facher MRL-Konzentration eine signifikant erhöhte Hoechst 33342-Anreicherung detektiert werden. Darüber hinaus führte eine gleichzeitige Applikation von Methiocarb und Chlorpyrifos-methyl in 1-facher MRL-Konzentration, sowie von Glyphosat und Rimsulfuron in 10-facher MRL-Konzentration zu einer synergistischen Steigerung der Farbstoffakkumulation. Schlussfolgerung Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass das MDCKII-Zellmodell in Kombination mit dem Hoechst 33342-Assay eine valide Methode darstellt, um Wechselwirkungen einzelner und kombinierter Pflanzenschutzmittel zu detektieren. Insgesamt konnten unterhalb gesetzlich festgelegter MRL-Werte acht Pflanzenschutzmittel als potentielle bABCG2-Substrate identifiziert, sowie additive Effekte von Wirkstoffkombinationen nachgewiesen werden. Durch die Aufnahme von Pflanzenschutzmitteln mit dem Futter könnten diese aktiv in die Milch sezerniert werden und somit eine Gefahr für den Verbraucher darstellen:1 Einleitung 1 2 Literaturübersicht 4 2.1 Überblick über Membrantransporter 4 2.2 ABCG2-Effluxtransporter 5 2.2.1 Überblick 5 2.2.2 Struktur 6 2.2.3 ABCG2-Transportmechanismus 8 2.2.4 Spezifität der ABCG2-Substrate und Inhibitoren 9 2.2.5 Gewebeexpression 11 2.2.6 Bedeutung 12 2.2.7 Regulation der ABCG2-Transportaktivität 14 2.3 Fremdstoffsekretion der bovinen Milchdrüse 16 2.3.1 Funktionelle Anatomie 16 2.3.2 Transportmechanismen 16 2.3.3 Fremdstofftransporter 17 2.3.4 Bedeutung des ABCG2-Transporters 19 2.4 Pestizide 20 2.4.1 Überblick 20 2.4.2 Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln 21 2.4.3 Rechtliche Regelungen 21 2.4.4 MRL-Wert-Festsetzung von Pestiziden 22 2.4.5 Exposition des Verbrauchers 23 2.4.6 Gesundheitliche Risiken 24 2.4.7 Pestizide als endokrine Disruptoren 25 2.4.8 Mehrfachrückstände 26 2.4.9 Risikobewertung von Mehrfachrückständen 27 2.5 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung 29 3 Material und Methoden 30 3.1 Material 30 3.1.1 Pestizide 30 3.1.2 Chemikalien 32 3.1.3 Kit 32 3.1.4 Puffer und Lösungen 32 3.1.5 Zellkultur 33 3.1.6 Geräte 34 3.2 Methoden 35 3.2.1 Allgemeine zellbiologische Methoden 35 Kultivierung 35 Passagieren 35 Bestimmung der Zellzahl 35 Kryokonservierung 36 3.2.2 Bestimmung der Zellvitalität mittels WST-1 Zytotoxizitätstest 36 3.2.3 Quantitative Proteinbestimmung mittels BCA-Assay 38 3.2.4 Ermittlung von Interaktionen am bABCG2-Transporter 38 Aussaat und Vorbehandlung 39 Durchführung des Hoechst 33342-Assays 40 3.2.5 Detektion von Pestizidwechselwirkungen am bABCG2-Transporter 41 3.3 Statistik 42 4 Ergebnisse 43 4.1 Auswahl der Pestizide und ihrer Konzentrationen 43 4.2 Auswahl der Pestizidkombinationen 46 4.3 Einfluss der Pestizide auf die Zellvitalität 48 4.4 Interaktionen von Pestiziden am bABCG2-Transporter 53 4.5 Pestizidwechselwirkungen am bABCG2-Transporter 56 5 Diskussion 60 5.1 Zellmodell 60 5.2 Zellvitalitätsstudien in MDCKII-bABCG2-Zellen 61 5.3 Pestizide als potentielle bABCG2-Substrate 64 5.4 Wechselwirkungen von Pestiziden am bABCG2-Transporter 75 5.5 Risiken potentieller bABCG2-Substrate 79 6 Zusammenfassung 80 7 Summary 82 8 Literaturverzeichnis 84 9 Anhang 106 10 Danksagung 111

Impact of the Serotonin-Transporter-Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Stressful Life Events on the Stress Response in Humans: Impact of the Serotonin-Transporter-Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Stressful Life Events on the Stress Response in Humans

Müller, Anett 24 September 2009 (has links)
The 5-HTT gene (SLC6A4) is regulated by a common polymorphism in the promoter region (5-HTTLPR), which has functional consequences. Two major alleles have been observed and shown to have differential transcriptional activity with the long (L) allele having greater gene expression than the short (S) allele. 5-HTTLPR appears to modulate depression, anxiety and personality traits such as neuroticism. Additionally, a significant influence of 5-HTTLPR genotype on amygdala reactivity in response to fearful stimuli has been reported. Moreover, 5-HTTLPR seems to impact on the role of stressful life events (SLEs) in the development of depression. An elevated risk of depression and suicidal behaviors has been found in carriers of at least one low expressing S allele who had experienced SLEs, suggesting a gene x environment interaction. However, a recent meta-analysis showed that several findings failed to replicate this finding. Since genetic polymorphisms of the dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission interact at the molecular, analyses with another polymorphism of the dopaminergic system, the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) was included to consider these likely gene-gene interactions (epistasis). The aim of this series of studies was to investigate the role 5-HTTLPR and SLEs on the endocrine stress response in different age samples. While newborns have been examined by a heel prick, stress responses were provoked in children (8-12 yrs) and younger adults (19-31 yrs) and older adults (54-68 yrs.) with the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The Life History Calendar (LHC) and Life Events Questionnaire (LEQ) were used to acquire data on SLEs. While in newborns the S/S genotype showed a significantly higher acute endocrine stress response than L/L or S/L genotypes, no significant difference between genotype groups was found in children. In the younger adult sample, the genotype impacted on cortisol stress responsiveness was reversed. Adults carrying the more active L allele of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism showed a significantly larger cortisol response to the TSST than individuals carrying at least one of the lower expressing S allele. In older adults, no significant difference between genotype groups was found. However, results point in the same direction with showing highest cortisol response in individuals with L/L genotype. These data suggest that the association between 5-HTTLPR and endocrine stress reactivity seems to alter across lifespan, more specific the effects of genotype turns around. In addition, a significant interaction effect of 5-HTTLPR and SLEs has been found in the sample of younger adults, i.e. that early SLE as well as a severe number SLEs across the entire lifespan seem to modulate the interaction between HPA axis activity and 5-HTTLPR genotype. Additionally, a DRD4 by 5-HTTLPR interaction emerged which point to independent and joint effects of these polymorphisms on stress responsivity with regard to the concept of genegene interaction.

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