Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cotransporter"" "subject:"datransporter""
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Effekten av olika logistiklösningar : En studie kring fördelar och nackdelar med tredjepartslogistik och inbärning till ett projekt i DalarnaAndersson, Julia, Liedström, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Inom byggbranschen har man börjat sett fördelar med att titta mer på logistiken iolika byggprojekt. Många olika studier har utförts kring vilka lösningar som finnsoch hur man kan använda dem.Denna studie utförs i samarbete med Skanska Sverige AB. Studien syftar till att påolika sätt undersöka vilka fördelar och nackdelar man kan se med att använda sigav logistiktjänsterna terminalisering och inbärning till ett byggprojekt i Dalarna.Byggprojektet som utgör det specifika fallet i studien är ett ombyggnadsprojekt aven grundskola. Elever vistas i detta skolområde samtidigt som ombyggnationenutförs etappvis inom det stängda arbetsområdet. Studien innefattar även tredje mandär trygghetsupplevelse kring arbetsplatsen undersöks. Inbärningens användbarhetdiskuteras därefter utifrån trygghetsupplevelsen kring och inom arbetsplatsen samtutifrån ekonomiskt och ekologiskt perspektiv.Metoder som används i studien är intervjuer med somliga från projektets ledning,en logistiker på Skanska, rektor för årskurs F-6, yrkesarbetare samt tredje man.Utöver dessa intervjuer utförs även en fältstudie som involverar observationer ochmätningar. Som avslut utförs överslagsberäkningar för att se om användning av ettexternt företag kan leda till ekonomisk lönsamhet.Studiens resultat visar hur man inom företaget ser på logistiklösningarnaterminalisering och inbärning idag. Här visas även vilka fördelar och nackdelarolika parter ser med tjänsterna. Fältstudiens mätningar visar hur många av tredjeman som rör sig kring arbetsområdet i anslutning till att skoldagen börjar.Överslagsberäkningar visar på att man kan se en besparing ifall man använder sigav ett inbärningsföretag som arbetar under kvällstid och detta sker i samband medatt man använder sig av terminalisering.Studiens slutsatser är att det inte finns en allmän lösning till hur logistikfrågan skalösas på olika projekt. Om det finns möjlighet för terminalisering i området ärdetta samt inbärning ett alternativ för projektet. / Within the construction industry the advantages of looking at the logistics todifferent projects has been acknowledged during the past couple of years.This study has been written in collaboration with Skanska Sverige AB. Thepurpose of the study is to, in different ways, examine what advantages anddisadvantages there are in using the logistics solutions terminalization (also knownto be a part of Third Party Logistics) and inside delivery to a specific project inDalarna, Sweden. This project is a remodeling project of a school with studentsfrom six to sixteen years old. Within the school area new parts of the school isbuilt while students are located in the yet existent buildings. This infer thatstudents move around the construction sites daily. The study also involves thirdparty people and how these people feel about the large transports connected to theproject. The inside delivery utility is then discussed based on the securityexperience within and around the construction site along with the economic andecological perspective of the service.The methods used in this study are interviews with three people of the projectmanagement, one person that works with logistics at the company, the headmasterof the younger students, skilled workers and third party people. Furthermore afield study is done that includes measurements and observations. As a close,calculations are done to determine if a economical profitability could be possibleby using inside delivery.Results from the study show how the logistics solutions terminalization and insidedelivery is looked at within Skanska today. Here, the advantages anddisadvantages with the different services are displayed from the perspectives of thepeople who were interviewed. The results from the measurements from the fieldstudy presents how many third party people that move adjacent to the two activeconstruction sites when the school day begins. The calculations show that it iseconomically beneficial to use inside delivery after the end of the workday whileused with terminalization.Conclusions of the study indicate that there are no overall solutions regarding howthe logistics must be used in different projects. If there is a possibility to use terminalization in the area where the project is situated, this, along with insidedelivery, is a good alternative for the project.
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Metal Containing Nucleosides that Function as Therapeutic and Diagnostic Agents Against Brain CancerWilliams, Jennifer Nicole 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Central Serotonin/Noradrenaline Transporter Availability and Treatment Success in Patients with ObesityGriebsch, Nora-Isabell, Kern, Johanna, Hansen, Jonas, Rullmann, Michael, Luthardt, Julia, Helfmeyer, Stephanie, Dekorsy, Franziska J., Soeder, Marvin, Hankir, Mohammed K., Zientek, Franziska, Becker, Georg-Alexander, Patt, Marianne, Meyer, Philipp M., Dietrich, Arne, Blüher, Matthias, Ding, Yu-Shin, Hilbert, Anja, Sabri, Osama, Hesse, Swen 28 November 2024 (has links)
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) as well as noradrenaline (NA) are key modulators of various fundamental brain functions including the control of appetite. While manipulations that alter brain serotoninergic signaling clearly affect body weight, studies implicating 5-HT transporters and NA transporters (5-HTT and NAT, respectively) as a main drug treatment target for human obesity have not been conclusive. The aim of this positron emission tomography (PET) study was to investigate how these central transporters are associated with changes of body weight after 6 months of dietary intervention or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery in order to assess whether 5-HTT as well as NAT availability can predict weight loss and consequently treatment success. The study population consisted of two study cohorts using either the 5-HTT-selective radiotracer [11C]DASB to measure 5-HTT availability or the NAT-selective radiotracer [11C]MRB to assess NAT availability. Each group included non-obesity healthy participants, patients with severe obesity (body mass index, BMI, >35 kg/m2) following a conservative dietary program (diet) and patients undergoing RYGB surgery within a 6-month follow-up. Overall, changes in BMI were not associated with changes of both 5-HTT and NAT availability, while 5-HTT availability in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) prior to intervention was associated with substantial BMI reduction after RYGB surgery and inversely related with modest BMI reduction after diet. Taken together, the data of our study indicate that 5-HTT and NAT are involved in the pathomechanism of obesity and have the potential to serve as predictors of treatment outcomes.
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Autonome, kardiovaskuläre und metabolische Wirkungen kombinierter pharmakologischer Noradrenalin- und Serotonin-Wiederaufnahme-HemmungBirkenfeld, Andreas L. 20 October 2004 (has links)
Hintergrund. Sibutramin ist ein Medikament, das häufig zur Gewichtsreduktion eingesetzt wird. Es hemmt die Wiederaufnahme von Noradrenalin und Serotonin. Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmung könnte zu arterieller Hypertonie führen. Methoden. In einer doppelt-blinden, randomisierten Cross-Over Studie untersuchten wir 11 junge, gesunde Probanden (7 Männer, 4 Frauen, Alter 27±2 Jahre, BMI 23.1±0.7Kg/m2). Sie nahmen 26 Stunden (h) und 14h vor Studienbeginn 10mg Sibutramin ein, und 2h vor Untersuchungsbeginn 20mg. Die Wirkung verglichen wir mit Placebo und der Kombination von Sibutramin und 200mg des Beta1-Adrenorezeptor-Blockers Metoprolol. Autonome Reflextests, eine graduelle Kipptischuntersuchung, Plasmakatecholamin-Bestimmungen und eine indirekt kalorimetrische Messung wurden durchgeführt. Herzfrequenz- und Blutdruckbestimmungen erfolgten kontinuierlich und nichtinvasiv. Wir zeichneten das Schlagvolumen, das Herzzeitvolumen und den peripheren Widerstand impedanzkardiografisch auf. Ergebnisse. Sibutramin verursachte einen leichten Anstieg der Herzfrequenz in Ruhe (p / Background. Sibutramine, a serotonin and norepinephrine transporter blocker, is widely used as an adjunctive obesitytreatment. Norepinephrine reuptake inhibition with sibutramine conceivably could exacerbate arterial hypertension andpromote cardiovascular disease. Methods. In 11 healthy subjects (7 men, age 27±2 years, body mass index 23.1±0.7 kg/m2), we compared the effect of sibutramine or matching placebo (ingested 26, 14, and 2 hours before testing) on cardiovascular responses to autonomic reflex tests and to a graded head-up tilt test. In addition, we tested sibutramine in combination with metoprolol. Testing was conducted in a double-blind and crossover fashion. Results. Supine systolic blood pressure was 113±3 mm Hg with placebo, 121±3 mm Hg with sibutramine (P
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Der ABC-Importer MalF1G1K12-E1 aus Lactobacillus casei BL23 - Biochemische Charakterisierung und Einblicke in die Regulation durch P-Ser46-HPrHomburg, Constanze 19 July 2018 (has links)
In den Firmicutes wird der Induktorausschluss (Katabolitrepression) durch das am Serin46 phosphorylierte HPr (PTS) vermittelt. Der genaue Mechanismus war jedoch unklar. Um diese Frage auf der Grundlage von isolierten Proteinen zu klären, wurde ein zum Escherichia coli Maltose-/Maltodextrin-ABC-Transporter homologes System aus Lactobacillus casei BL23 (MalE1-MalF1G1K12) als Modellsystem genutzt. Im Rahmen der Promotion wurde über isothermale Titrationskalorimetrie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie gezeigt, dass das Bindeprotein MalE1 lineare und zyklische Maltodextrine, aber keine Maltose bindet. Experimentell ermittelte dreidimensionale Strukturen von MalE1 im Komplex mit diesen Zuckern belegten eine vergleichbar geschlossene Konformation und dienten zusätzlich als Grundlage, um die fehlende Maltosebindung zu erklären. Die Stimulierung der ATPaseaktivität des in Liposomen und Nanodiscs eingebauten Komplexes wurde jedoch hauptsächlich durch eine MalE1-Beladung mit linearen Maltodextrinen bewirkt. Eine bis zu 85 %ige Inhibierung der ATPaseaktivität durch P-Ser46-HPr belegte erstmals in vitro eine Interaktion von mehr als einem phosphorylierten Protein mit dem Transporter. Analog zum EIIAGlc-Inhibitor des homologen Systems aus E. coli wurden über Quervernetzungsexperimente und massenspektrometrische Analysen Interaktionen mit dem MalK1-Dimer als interagierende Komplexeinheit in der Nähe des Walker A-Motivs nachgewiesen. Über Fluoreszenzmessungen in Anwesenheit des ATP-Analogons TNP-ATP wurde eine unbeeinflusste ATP-Bindung und damit eine fehlende Blockade der γ-Phosphatbindestelle des Walker-A Motivs durch die Phosphorylgruppe von P-Ser46-HPr bestimmt. Die folgende Substitution verschiedener positiv geladener MalK1-Reste, die als potenzielle Interaktionsstellen für die Phosphorylgruppe fungieren könnten, identifizierte K63 in der Nähe des Walker A-Motivs als ersten möglichen Partner. Der genaue Mechanismus der Inhibierung bleibt jedoch unklar. / Catabolite repression is a global mechanism which controls the utilization of carbohydrates in bacteria. In Firmicutes HPr, a component of the phosphoenolpyruvate carbohydrate phosphotransferase system, prevents the uptake of less preferred sugars but only when it is phosphorylated at serine46. However the exact mechanism was unclear. To address this question the purified ATP-binding cassette transporter from Lactobacillus casei BL23 (MalE1-MalF1G1K12) was used as a model system, which is homologous to the Escherichia coli maltose/maltodextrin ABC importer. Isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that the binding protein MalE1 binds linear and cyclic maltodextrins but not maltose. Experimentally determined three-dimensional structures from MalE1 in complex with these sugars show a comparably closed conformation and served as a basis to explain the lack of maltose binding. The stimulation of the ATPase activity of the transporter incorporated in liposomes and nanodiscs however, was mainly caused by MalE1 loaded with linear maltodextrins. For the first time an inhibition of ATPase activity by P-Ser46-HPr up to 85 % and an interaction of more than one phosphorylated protein with the transporter was demonstrated. Analogous to the EIIAGlc inhibitor of the homologous system from E. coli, cross-linking experiments and mass spectrometric analyzes revealed interactions with the MalK1 dimer near the Walker A motif. Fluorescence measurements in the presence of the ATP analogue TNP-ATP, however, revealed an unaffected ATP binding and thus a lack of blockade of the γ-phosphate binding site (Walker A motif) by the phosphoryl group from P-Ser46-HPr. The following substitution of several positively charged MalK1 residues that could act as potential sites of interaction for the phosphoryl group, identified K63 near the Walker A motif as the first potential partner. The exact mechanism of inhibition, however, remains unclear.
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Aufreinigung und funktionelle Charakterisierung der peroxisomalen ABC-Transporter Pxa1p-Pxa2p aus Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSchreiber, Gabriele 19 December 2007 (has links)
Die peroxisomalen ABC-Transporter Pxa1p und Pxa2p sind Halbtransporter. Genetische Studien ergaben Hinweise, dass sie zur Bildung aktiver Transporter heterodimerisieren und am Import von langkettigen Fettsäuren in die Peroxisomen von S. cerevisiae beteiligt sind. Es wurden epitopmarkierte Varianten der Proteine als Komplex isoliert. Damit wurde gezeigt, dass Pxa1p und Pxa2p ein stabiles Heterodimer bilden. Zur Charakterisierung der ATP Bindeeigenschaften wurden die Transporter mit 8-azido-[alpha-32P]-ATP inkubiert und kovalent verknüpft. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass Pxa1p und Pxa2p eine unsymmetrische Bindung des ATP Analogons aufweisen. Pxa2p bindet deutlich mehr azido-ATP als Pxa1p, bei sehr ähnlichen Dissoziationskonstanten. Die reduzierte ATP Bindung von Pxa1p spiegelt sich durch degenerierte Sequenzmotive der an der ATP Bindung beteiligten Sequenzen wieder. Die isolierten ABC-Transporter wurden für ATPase Messungen eingesetzt. Sie zeigten eine basale ATPase Aktivität, die durch Zugabe langkettiger Coenzym A aktivierter Fettsäuren, wie Oleoyl-CoA und Palmitoyl-CoA stimulierbar war. Eine Lysin Mutation im Walker A Motiv von Pxa1p hatte keine Funktionalitätseinbuße zur Folge. Dieselbe Mutation bei Pxa2p führte im Wachstumstest auf Festmedium mit Ölsäure als Kohlenstoffquelle zu einem deutlich verlangsamten Wachstum. Diese Ergebnisse korrespondieren mit der beobachteten unsymmetrischen ATP Bindung von Pxa1p und Pxa2p, da bei dem schwächer bindenden Pxa1p die Mutation wirkungslos blieb. Keine Übereinstimmung war bei den ATPase Aktivitätsmessungen der aufgereinigten Mutanten zu verzeichnen. Beide Mutanten zeigten eine unbeeinträchtigte ATPase Aktivität. Die ABC-Transporter wurden in Proteoliposomen eingebaut und für Transportmessungen mit einem Spin-Label markierten Oleoyl-CoA verwendet. Die Transportmessungen zeigten einen ATP abhängigen Transport, woraus geschlossen wurde, dass Pxa1p-Pxa2p tatsächlich Coenzym A Ester langkettiger Fettsäuren transportiert. / The peroxisomal ABC-transporters Pxa1p and Pxa2p are half transporters. Previous genetic investigations have demonstrated that Pxa1p and Pxa2p have to dimerise in order to build a functional transporter, which is very likely involved in the import of long chain fatty acids into peroxisomes of S. cerevisiae. In this work, tagged versions of the proteins were purified as a complex. This proved for the building of a stable hetero dimer. For characterisation of the ATP binding properties, the transporters were incubated and cross linked with 8-azido-[alpha-32P]-ATP. This revealed an asymmetric binding of the ATP analogue. Pxa2p binds much more azido-ATP, than Pxa1p, while the dissociation constants are rather similar. The poorer ATP binding of Pxa1p is reflected by degenerated sequence motifs in the nucleotide binding fold. The purified ABC-transporters have been used for ATPase assays. They showed a basal ATPase activity, which could be stimulated by addition of long chain fatty acid CoAs, like oleoyl-CoA and palmitoyl-CoA. Mutants with a lysine mutation in the walker A motive of Pxa1p led to no functional impairment, while the corresponding lysine mutation in Pxa2p led to reduced growth on agar plates with oleic acid as sole carbon source. The result corresponds with the ATP binding properties of Pxa1p. Because of the poorer ATP binding, even in the wild type protein, the mutation was not supposed to have a big influence. No accordance was found in respect to the ATPase measurements of the isolated mutant proteins. Both mutants revealed unaffected ATPase activity. The purified ABC-transporters were reconstituted in proteoliposomes and used for translocation assays of a spin-labelled oleoyl-CoA derivative. The measurements revealed an ATP dependent transport of the oleoyl-CoA analogue. This led to the conclusion, that Pxa1p-Pxa2p is indeed the transporter of long chain acetyl CoA esters, which were transported in an ATP dependent manner.
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Characterization of Amino Acid Transporters : Transporters expressed in the central nervous system belonging to the Solute Carrier family SLC38Hellsten, Sofie Victoria January 2016 (has links)
In cells and organelles transporters are responsible for translocation of amino acids, sugars and nucleotides among others. In the central nervous system (CNS), amino acid transporters can function as neurotransmitter transporters and nutrient sensors. The Solute carrier (SLC) superfamily is the largest family of transporters with 395 members divided in 52 families. The system A and system N amino acid transporter family, SLC38, consists of 11 members, SNAT1-11 (SLC38A1-11). The members are expressed in the brain, exclusively in neurons or astrocytes and some in both. Amino acid signaling is mainly regulated via two pathways, the amino acid responsive (AAR) pathway and the mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway. These pathways regulate the protein synthesis in opposite directions depending on the amino acid availability. SLC38 members along with other SLCs have been identified to participate in these pathways. In paper I, the regulation of SLC genes after complete amino acid starvation in mouse hypothalamic cells have been studied with microarray and we found that 47 SLC genes were significantly altered at five hours of starvation. Interestingly, we found that Slc38a1 and Slc38a7 were upregulated along with the known starvation responding gene, Slc38a2. A complementary starvation study for the SLC38 genes was performed using primary mouse embryonic cortex cells. We found that Slc38a1, Slc38a2, Slc38a5, Slc38a6 and Slc38a8 were upregulated while Slc38a3, Slc38a7 and Slc38a11 were downregulated. Three members from the SLC38 family, SNAT8 (paper IV), SNAT9 (paper III) and SNAT10 (paper II) have been histologically characterized in mouse brain and all these transporters are exclusively neuronal. SNAT8 and SNAT10 were also functionally characterized and shown to be transporters for alanine and glutamine among others. SNAT8 was shown to mediate sodium dependent transport and was classified to system A. SNAT10 was shown to be a sodium independent bidirectional transporter and displayed characteristics for system A and N. SNAT9 is a lysosomal component of the Ragulator-Rag complex which senses amino acid availability and activates mTORC1. In paper III we also found that Slc38a9 gene expression was upregulated following starvation and downregulated following high-fat diet in mouse brain.
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Bio-crude transcriptomics: Gene discovery and metabolic network reconstruction for the biosynthesis of the terpenome of the hydrocarbon oil-producing green alga, Botryococcus braunii race B (Showa)*Molnar, Istvan, Lopez, David, Wisecaver, Jennifer, Devarenne, Timothy, Weiss, Taylor, Pellegrini, Matteo, Hackett, Jeremiah January 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Microalgae hold promise for yielding a biofuel feedstock that is sustainable, carbon-neutral, distributed, and only minimally disruptive for the production of food and feed by traditional agriculture. Amongst oleaginous eukaryotic algae, the B race of Botryococcus braunii is unique in that it produces large amounts of liquid hydrocarbons of terpenoid origin. These are comparable to fossil crude oil, and are sequestered outside the cells in a communal extracellular polymeric matrix material. Biosynthetic engineering of terpenoid bio-crude production requires identification of genes and reconstruction of metabolic pathways responsible for production of both hydrocarbons and other metabolites of the alga that compete for photosynthetic carbon and energy.RESULTS:A de novo assembly of 1,334,609 next-generation pyrosequencing reads form the Showa strain of the B race of B. braunii yielded a transcriptomic database of 46,422 contigs with an average length of 756 bp. Contigs were annotated with pathway, ontology, and protein domain identifiers. Manual curation allowed the reconstruction of pathways that produce terpenoid liquid hydrocarbons from primary metabolites, and pathways that divert photosynthetic carbon into tetraterpenoid carotenoids, diterpenoids, and the prenyl chains of meroterpenoid quinones and chlorophyll. Inventories of machine-assembled contigs are also presented for reconstructed pathways for the biosynthesis of competing storage compounds including triacylglycerol and starch. Regeneration of S-adenosylmethionine, and the extracellular localization of the hydrocarbon oils by active transport and possibly autophagy are also investigated.CONCLUSIONS:The construction of an annotated transcriptomic database, publicly available in a web-based data depository and annotation tool, provides a foundation for metabolic pathway and network reconstruction, and facilitates further omics studies in the absence of a genome sequence for the Showa strain of B. braunii, race B. Further, the transcriptome database empowers future biosynthetic engineering approaches for strain improvement and the transfer of desirable traits to heterologous hosts.
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Obesity and drug abuse share common neural circuitries including the mesocoticolimbic and striatal dopamine reward system. In the current study, a rat model of diet-induced obesity (DIO) was used to determine striatal dopamine function, impulsivity and motivation as neurobehavioral outcomes and predictors of obesity. For the outcome study, rats were randomly assigned a high-fat (HF) or a low-fat (LF) diet for 8 wk. Following the 8-wk HF-diet exposure, rats were segregated into obesity-prone and obesity-resistant groups based on maximum and minimum body weight gain, respectively, and neurobehavioral outcomes were evaluated. For the predictor study, neurobehavioral antecedents were evaluated prior to an 8-wk high-fat diet exposure and were correlated with subsequent body weight gain. Striatal D2 receptor density was determined by in vitro kinetic analysis of [3H]raclopride binding. DAT function was determined using in vitro kinetic analysis of [3H]dopamine uptake, methamphetamine-evoked [3H]dopamine overflow and no net flux in vivo microdialysis. DAT cell-surface expression was determined using biotinylation and Western blotting. Impulsivity and food-motivated behavior were determined using a delay discounting task and progressive ratio schedule for food-reinforcers, respectively. Relative to obesity-resistant, obesity-prone rats exhibited 18% greater body weight, 42% lower striatal D2 receptor density, 30% lower total DAT expression, 40% lower in vitro and in vivo DAT function, 45% greater extracellular dopamine concentration, and 2-fold greater methamphetamine-evoked [3H]dopamine overflow. Obesity-prone rats exhibited higher motivation for food, but were less impulsive relative to obesity-resistant rats. Neurobehavioral antecedents of DIO included greater motivation for high-fat reinforcers in rats subsequently shown to be obesity-prone relative to obesity-resistant. Impulsivity, DAT function and extracellular dopamine concentration did not predict the DIO-phenotype. Thus, motivation for food is linked to both initiation and maintenance of obesity. Importantly, obesity results in decreased striatal DAT function, which may underlie the maintenance of compulsive food intake in obesity.
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Structure and function of nitrate and nitrite transporters, NrtA and NitA, from Aspergillus nidulansSymington, Vicki F. January 2009 (has links)
Membrane proteins play an integral role in the control of ion transport across the cell membrane in biological systems. However, due to experimental constraints, structural and functional data available for these proteins is limited, especially considering their importance. In this study, two membrane proteins which transport nitrate and nitrate into the model filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans were investigated. Work on the twelve trans-membrane domain nitrate transport protein NrtA is well established. As a member of the major facilitator super family (MFS) the role of signature sequences characteristic of this family have previously been studied. Here, a series of point mutations were made to facilitate an understanding of key residues in the nitrate binding domain, the first nitrate signature motif and residues of the unique fungal central-loop domain. Using an expanded alignment package, the proposed secondary structure of NrtA was enhanced and used as a starting point for mutagenesis. Alanine scanning mutagenesis showed that glycine residues in the conserved nitrate nitrite porter (NNP) motif were critical for NrtA function. Two asparagines in the NNP were investigated; N160 and N168. N168 was found to be critical for NrtA function as all mutants were devoid of growth on nitrate solid agar medium though they expressed in the membrane to varying degrees. The nitrate binding site has been studied previously, revealing the interaction of conserved arginine residues with the anion as it traverses the bilayer. Though it was thought that mutations of residue T83 to a small, charge neutral, amino acid would substitute for no alteration to enzyme kinetics in mutant T83S was found when using ¹³NO₃⁻. Another major part of this thesis examined NitA which is part of a distinct nitrite transport family to NrtA (the Formate Nitrite Transporters, FNT). A mutagenesis approach targeted NitA residues conserved amongst homologous proteins. Residues in position D88 in an alignment of homologues were conserved in terms of charge. Mutagenesis of D88 revealed that maintaining charge at this position was essential for NitA function, likely due to a role in salt-bridge formation during conformational changes. Mutations to asparagine, glutamine, serine and valine showed reduced growth on agar though the protein was expressed to approximately wild-type levels. Nitrite uptake assays using a ¹³NO₂⁻ tracer were performed on D88N, D88E and D88Q and all showed wild-type Km and Vmax. Finally, the role of conserved asparagine residues found throughout NitA was investigated by mutagenesis. Expression studies revealed that mutants created in N122 and N246, changed to aspartic acid, lysine, glutamine and serine were generally not present in the membrane and thus did not grow on nitrite agar. However, mutations in N173 (in Tm 4) and N214 (in Tm 5), which are conserved in > 95 % of NitA homologues, showed varying degrees of growth and expression. Both of these residues are located in FNT signature motifs, so it is likely that they are involved with conformational changes or protein dynamics.
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