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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pulp fictions : the CCF government and the promise of a pulp industry in Saskatchewan, 1944-1964

Novosel, Tom Goran 11 June 2007
This thesis brings together for the first time, in an organised account, Saskatchewans search for a pulp industry. This thesis will show that, in a fundamental tension between goals of fiscal prudence and of economic growth, fiscal prudence won out again and again, to the point that the CCF governments could be characterised as risk-averse where pulp production was concerned. The cautious approach is in contradiction both to the activist reputation of the CCF governments and to their aggressive development of other resources, notably mining. Pulp offers an example of the contradictions that plagued the CCF governments and their policies for the north, contradictions that included disagreements between moderates and radicals over the roles of public and multinational enterprise, colonial attitudes towards the north, and risk aversion despite bold rhetoric and announcements.<p>The methodology used in this thesis has generally maintained an economic policy and political discourse, and incorporates mostly a top-down governmental approach. The personal papers of Tommy Douglas and Woodrow Lloyd provided CCF government correspondence and departmental memos that included premiers, ministers, deputy ministers, and departmental directors involved with the Department of Natural Resources, the Timber Board, the Industrial Development Office, and the Economic Advisory and Planning Board, and with pulp company officials. Furthermore, pulp reports, surveys, and studies helped contextualise all of the interrelated correspondences. To supplement government discourse I utilised the Prince Albert Daily Herald to gain an understanding of what issues the public was debating and found to be most important.

Pulp fictions : the CCF government and the promise of a pulp industry in Saskatchewan, 1944-1964

Novosel, Tom Goran 11 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis brings together for the first time, in an organised account, Saskatchewans search for a pulp industry. This thesis will show that, in a fundamental tension between goals of fiscal prudence and of economic growth, fiscal prudence won out again and again, to the point that the CCF governments could be characterised as risk-averse where pulp production was concerned. The cautious approach is in contradiction both to the activist reputation of the CCF governments and to their aggressive development of other resources, notably mining. Pulp offers an example of the contradictions that plagued the CCF governments and their policies for the north, contradictions that included disagreements between moderates and radicals over the roles of public and multinational enterprise, colonial attitudes towards the north, and risk aversion despite bold rhetoric and announcements.<p>The methodology used in this thesis has generally maintained an economic policy and political discourse, and incorporates mostly a top-down governmental approach. The personal papers of Tommy Douglas and Woodrow Lloyd provided CCF government correspondence and departmental memos that included premiers, ministers, deputy ministers, and departmental directors involved with the Department of Natural Resources, the Timber Board, the Industrial Development Office, and the Economic Advisory and Planning Board, and with pulp company officials. Furthermore, pulp reports, surveys, and studies helped contextualise all of the interrelated correspondences. To supplement government discourse I utilised the Prince Albert Daily Herald to gain an understanding of what issues the public was debating and found to be most important.


費騏葳, Fei ,Chi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
庫藏股制度於國外已經行之有年,特別是美國,早在1960年代即有庫藏股交易。我國上市上櫃股票可合法買回自己公司股票制度始於2000年所通過的上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法,除了希望藉以提振東南亞金融危機中不振的股市表現,也賦予企業多一種能向投資人傳遞訊息的管道。本研究基於股票買回的各項假說,希望探究公司股票買回宣告的動機還有事件宣告後對於公司股價的影響效果,最後並檢視公司的宣告決策是否會受到前次購回宣告的表現所影響。 在假說驗證方面,以2000至2004年上市公司832家、上櫃公司236家曾經宣告買回自家股票的公司為研究樣本,輔以選出與買回樣本同時間的相同數量「未買回樣本」,透過1-way ANOVA測試與鑑別分析探討影響公司宣告股票買回的因素符合哪些假說的推論結果。此外,依據各項假說,進ㄧ步利用1-way ANOVA測試和複迴歸分析找出與公司事件宣告後股價異常報酬率之間的關係,接著以1-way ANOVA檢視最後一部份研究主題。經由上述的實證分析,本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.公司買回自家的股票平均而言對於股價有正面的影響效果。 2.以上市公司而言,影響公司宣告股票買回的假說包括了:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與財務槓桿假說。以上櫃公司而言則包括:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與資訊信號假說。 3.以上市公司而言,股票買回宣告後,股價的正向異常報酬與:自由現金流量假說、管理者的誘因假說呈現相關關係。上櫃公司則包括:自由現金流量假說。 4.本次是否再度宣告股票買回會受前次買回的正向累積異常報酬率所影響。 / Stock price reactions on stock repurchase announcements among publicly traded corporations have been widely studied over 40 years in United States. Several hypothesizes were established and provide logical reasons for why corporations buy back their own stocks. References show large proportion of positive effect on post-announcement stock price after stock repurchase announcements from empirical researches. It is since 2000 that corporations are allowed to repurchase their own stocks legally in Taiwan. Although many efforts were put in surveying the post-announcement stock price reactions, few focused on examining how corporations’ repurchase decision would be influenced by different hypothesizes. Moreover, whether or not previous repurchase outcome may affect future repurchase judgments met contradict conclusion from recent studies. This research aims on exploring the two main topics which form 7 hypothesize. Data collecting from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database, Commercial Times and Economic Daily News contains publicly traded corporations had ever made stock repurchase announcement except financial and government institutions. The period of the study was from Aug. 6, 2000 to Jul. 31, 2004 and total number of announced corporations included was 832 listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange with 236 listed on the OTC separately. Hypothesis 1 to 6 were tested both from individual model using 1-way ANOVA Analysis and integrated model using Discriminate Analysis on Hypothesis 1 to 5, Event Study Analysis on Hypothesis 6. Hypothesis 7 was also verified with 1-way ANOVA Analysis. The empirical results show supports in several hypothesize which reflect corporations did concern free cash flow amount, leverage level, stock underpriced and dividend payout level issues when making repurchase announcement. The stock price after announcement has certain degree of moving correlation toward the same direction as free cash flow level and managerial stockholding level. Finally, previous repurchase outcome was found holding opposite relation with future repurchase judgments.

Pensions et pensionnaires de la monarchie : de la grâce royale au système de redistribution de l'Etat au XVIIIe siècle / Pensions & pensioners of the French monarchy : from royal favour to State redistribution system in the eighteenth century

Carré, Benoît 06 April 2018 (has links)
Pensions et pensionnaires de la monarchie : de la grâce royale au système de redistribution de l’État au XVIIIe siècle La question des pensions et des pensionnaires de l’État est abordée à partir d’un corpus de sources centré sur les archives de la Maison du Roi, du Trésor royal et du Comité des pensions de l’Assemblée nationale constituante. Les mécanismes d’attribution et de distribution des pensions royales permettent de redécouvrir les contradictions de la monarchie d’Ancien Régime, prises entre la permanence de traditions anciennes et les exigences de l’État moderne. En revenant sur les tentatives répétées et inabouties de réformer et de rationnaliser un objet de dépenses dont le poids n’a cessé de peser sur les finances royales, la thèse invite à s’interroger sur ces formes de distributions utilisées par le pouvoir comme un instrument de domination politique et social, mais dont les aspects financiers et comptables ont été inégalement maîtrisés. L’histoire de la gestion des pensions royales au XVIIIe siècle offre une étude de cas particulièrement documentée qui permet d’illustrer le développement de la bureaucratie moderne, révélant une administration imaginative dans sa manière de réformer les pensions de l’État mais freinée par les intérêts contradictoires du régime. C’est finalement la crise politique de 1789 qui a permis de clarifier et de réformer un système de grâces royales devenu le symbole des abus de la cour aux yeux de l’opinion publique. En séparant les pensions de cour des pensions de l’État, en créant un droit à la pension pour les serviteurs de l’État là où l’Ancien Régime ne connaissait qu’un système de récompenses fondé sur l’usage et l’esprit de clientèle, le Comité des pensions de l’Assemblée nationale constituante a posé, en 1790, les bases du premier système de retraite de la fonction publique d’État. / Pensions & pensioners of the French monarchy : from royal favour to State redistribution system in the eighteenth century The issue of State pensions and pensioners is tackled on the basis of a corpus of sources found among the archives of the Maison du Roi (Royal Household), the Trésor royal (Royal Treasury) and the Comité des pensions (Pensions Committee) of the Assemblée nationale constituante (National Constituent Assembly). An analysis of the attribution and distribution mechanisms of the Royal pensions reveals the contradictions of the Ancien Régime monarchy: the preservation of ancient traditions versus the requirements of a modern State. The repeated and unsuccessful attempts to reform and rationalize an object of expenditure whose weight has not ceased to weigh on the royal finances is demonstrated here. The thesis invites us to question these forms of distribution used by the power as an instrument of political and social domination, but whose financial and accounting aspects have been unequally controlled. The history of the royal pensions management in the 18th century offers a particularly well-documented case study that illustrates the development of modern bureaucracy. It reveals an inventive administration in its way of reforming State pensions while constrained by conflicting interests of the regime. It was finally the political crisis of 1789 that clarified and reformed a system of royal liberalities that became the symbol of abuses of the Court in the eyes of public opinion. In 1790, by separating Court pensions from State pensions, by creating an entitlement to pension for State servants where the Ancien Régime knew only a system of rewards based on custom and clientelism, the Comité des pensions of the Assemblée nationale constituante laid the foundation for the first pension system of the State Public Service.

Customers' perceptions of the work performed by the internal audit functions in the public sector : a case study of National Treasury

Motubatse, Kgobalale Nebbel 06 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to generate an in-depth understanding of key internal audit function (IAF) customers’ perceptions of the work performed by the Department of National Treasury’s IAF. This study was further intended to address the absence of any qualitative study of IAF customers’ experiences and expectations, and their perceptions of the challenges the IAF faces. The study had five research objectives, namely: to identify the role of the IAF in the public sector in relation to its customers; to discuss strategies to meet the expectations of IAF customers; to determine the experiences of the identified key IAF customers of the work performed by the IAF in the National Treasury; to determine the expectations of the identified key IAF customers of the IAF in the National Treasury, and to ascertain what the identified key IAF customers perceive to be challenges facing the IAF in the National Treasury. In order to achieve the research objectives, the study implemented a qualitative research design using the National Treasury as a case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with participants selected from the key IAF customers’ categories (comprising the audit committee (AC), executive and senior managers, programme and operating managers, and external auditors). Three main themes emerged from the identified key customers’ views. These were (1) Experiences, which revealed that the participants were reasonably satisfied with the work of the IAF in the National Treasury. Participants from the AC, the executive and senior managers, and the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) felt that the IAF does add value, while the programme and operating managers participants indicated that the IAF does not demonstrate a holistic view when it conducts evaluations. (2) Expectations, the AC participants expected the AGSA to be able to rely on the work of the IAF, that the IAF should maintain a findings register, and that it should demonstrate IT skills. Executive and senior managers participants expected the IAF to add value to the strategic direction of the National Treasury. Programme and operating managers participants expected the IAF to be open and consultative, to set realistic audit plans, to provide regular feedback, and to demonstrate knowledge of the business. The AGSA participants called for the IAF to demonstrate technical competencies as well as independence and objectivity. (3) Challenges, participants perceived the IAF’s lack of knowledge of the business, the limited reliance placed on its work by the AGSA, the lack of audit action monitoring processes and the lack of management support for the IAF as its biggest challenges. This study could benefit the National Treasury’s IAF by helping it to understand the changing needs and expectations of its customers, and to identify areas for improvement. It may also benefit professional audit bodies and the newly-established National School of Government by providing them with insights into the training needs of internal auditors, and the necessity of providing continuing professional educational programmes. / Auditing / MCom (Auditing)

Les relations entre le trésor public francais et les banques centrales de la zone franc / The monetary agreements of France and the CFA franc zone

Nkodia Kibo, Mathat 13 March 2014 (has links)
Les rapports entre le Trésor français et les banques centrales africaines de la zone franc sont fondés sur la garantie de convertibilité externe que la France accorde aux francs CFA. De la sorte, le Trésor français convertit de manière illimitée les francs CFA en euro et en d’autres monnaies. Par ailleurs, la BCEAO et la BEAC sont protégées contre le risque d’épuisement des réserves de change car, elles peuvent puiser théoriquement de façon illimitée en cas de rupture de changes sur les réserves françaises. La mise en oeuvre de cette solidarité repose sur un mécanisme particulier appelé : comptes d’opérations. Hérité de la période coloniale, ce principe oblige les instituts d’émission africains en vertu des accords de coopération monétaire signés avec la France au lendemain des indépendances et rénovés en 1972 et 1973, à déposer 65 % de leurs réserves de change sur ces comptes. Cette quotité a été ramenée depuis la réforme de 2005 à 50%. Le Trésor français verse des intérêts à ces comptes lorsqu’ils sont créditeurs alors qu’il prélève des intérêts en cas de débit. Cette coopération vise deux objectifs principaux : la solidarité monétaire et le développement économique par le biais d’une solidarité monétaire sécurisée. Cette coopération a donné naissance à des institutions qui oeuvrent en vue d’atteindre ces objectifs. Lors de l’adoption de l’euro à l’échelle européenne en 1999, la France a pu obtenir de ses partenaires européens la reconnaissance de la nature budgétaire des accords qui la lient à ses anciennes possessions d’Afrique pour continuer à garantir les francs CFA. Cette coopération comporte cependant beaucoup d’inconvénients qui incitent au dépassement du cadre actuel. / The monetary agreements of France and the CFA franc zone are based on the permanent free convertibility of the CFA. In this case, the French Treasury supports the free convertibility of the CFA franc into Euros and other currencies with a fixed change rate. The BCEAO and the BEAC accordingly cannot suffer from the lack of changes risk for, they are both guaranteed by France. Such a parity and interdependence principles inherited from the colonial period was renewed in the 1960's up to 2005 reforms. The main goals of this cooperation are the economical development and monetary solidarity safety. Some institutions have been created in order to achieve those goals. In anticipation of the coming of the Euro in 1999, the competent French authorities convinced the European Union to maintain the monetary agreements France has with the African countries using the CFA currency. Nevertheless, such agreements compound some shortcomings which require new ideas.

Transformace účetnictví státní správy a samosprávy v České republice / Transformation of accounting of state and local government in the Czech Republic

Marešová, Edita January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a description of the Integrated information Treasury System and detailed description of the accounting reform of public finances in the Czech Republic, effective from 1 January 2010. The work is focused on the accounting state and local governments. The main part is devoted to changes in accounting rules, described in detail the issue of depreciation, reserves, transfers and accruals. The last chapter concerns the reform of public finances in the Slovak Republic.

Die Rezeption der ottonischen Kunst im Leoneser Königreich des 11. Jahrhunderts

Kempf, Janet 25 July 2019 (has links)
Die Kirche von San Isidoro in León besitzt einen der umfangreichsten und ambitioniertesten Kirchenschätze, der sich – aus einem Stiftungszusammenhang stammend – über die Wirren der Jahrhunderte in Europa erhalten hat. Als kulturelles Erbe des christlichen Königreiches Spanien wird der Schatz in unzähligen Beiträgen erwähnt. Wiederholt hervorgehoben wird seine Bedeutung für die Einführung und Ausbreitung des romanischen Stils auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und die damit verbundene Europäisierung der spanischen Königreiche. Aus welchen Quellen die neu eingeführten Stilmittel schöpften, wird in der Wissenschaft konträr diskutiert. Sowohl Frankreich als auch England, Byzanz und die arabische Welt werden als Vorbilder in Betracht gezogen. In den 1920er und 1930er Jahren nahmen Arthur Kingsley Porter und Manuel Gómez-Moreno erstmals an, dass die visuelle Ursprünge auch in der ottonische Kunst zu finden seien. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es, dieser vor rund 100 Jahren formulierten und immer wieder aufgegriffenen Vermutung erstmalig in vertiefenden Studien kritisch nachzugehen. Die nordspanischen Könige, so die These, rezitierten die ottonisch-frühsalische Herrschaftspräsentation, um den eigenen imperialen Machtanspruch auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zu manifestieren. Mit den neuen ikonographischen Formen zog analog dazu ein neuer künstlerischer Stil ein. / The Church of San Isidoro in León has one of the most extensive and ambitious ecclesiastical treasures, which - based on a foundation context - has survived the turmoil of the centuries in Europe. Being a cultural heritage of the Christian Kingdom of Spain, the treasure is mentioned in countless articles. Its importance for the introduction and spread of the Romanesque style on the Iberian Peninsula and the associated Europeanization of the Spanish kingdoms is repeatedly emphasized. It is contrarily discussed in science from which sources the newly introduced stylistic devices drew. Both France and England, Byzantium and the Arab world are considered role models. In the 1920s and 1930s, Arthur Kingsley Porter and Manuel Gómez-Moreno first assumed that the visual origins were also to be found in Ottonian art. The aim of the present dissertation is to critically investigate the assumption, which was formulated around 100 years ago and has been repeatedly taken up, in-depth studies for the first time. According to the thesis, the Northern Spanish kings recited the Ottonian-early Salian rule presentation to manifest their own imperial claim to power on the Iberian Peninsula. Analogous to this, a new artistic style was introduced with the new iconographic forms.

Interwar Open-Market Operations

Römer, Matthias 06 June 2023 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus einer Einleitung und drei empirischen Kapiteln, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Offenmarktgeschäfte der Bank of England in der Zwischenkriegszeit befassen. Offenmarktgeschäfte sind der Kauf und Verkauf von kurzfristigen Staatsanleihen. Die Einleitung definiert Instrumente und Ziele der Geldpolitik und beschreibt welche Folgen die veränderte Rolle Großbritanniens in der Welt nach dem 1. Weltkrieg für die Geldpolitik hatte. Das zweite Kapitel zeigt, wie Offenmarktgeschäfte die verfügbare Liquidität auf dem Londoner Geldmarkt erhöhen oder senken können. Dies erlaubt die kurzfristigen Marktzinsen relativ zum Leitzins zu steuern, was wiederum häufige Änderungen der Leitzinsen unnötig machte. Die empirische Analyse zeigt, dass Offenmarktgeschäfte die Wahrscheinlichkeit verändern können, dass Marktteilnehmer sich Geld bei der Diskontfazilität leihen müssen. Das dritte Kapitel zeigt, dass Offenmarktgeschäfte noch weitere Zwecke erfüllen. In der Finanzkrise von 1931 trugen Offenmarktgeschäfte dazu bei die größten Geschäftsbanken in London vor größerem Schaden zu bewahren. Der Verlust von Goldreserven wurde durch Offenmarktgeschäfte in großem Maße kompensiert und stabilisierte so die Liquidität der Geschäftsbanken. Das vierte Kapitel zeigt, dass Offenmarktgeschäfte zudem eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Stabilisierung der kurzfristigen Marktzinsen nach Kriegsausbruch 1939 spielten. Die empirische Analyse zeigt wie sorgfältig gewählte Laufzeiten von Offenmarktgeschäften dazu beigetragen haben, übermäßige Schwankungen der kurzfristigen Marktzinsen zu verhindern. Insgesamt deutet diese Dissertation darauf hin, dass die Bank of England in der Zwischenkriegszeit ähnlich einer modernen Zentralbank agierte. Kurzfristige Marktzinsen waren das operatives Ziel der Geldpolitik und nicht die Zentralbankgeldmenge. Im Jahr 1931 zog die Bank of England es vor die Geschäftsbanken zu stützen, auch wenn dies die Aufgabe des festen Wechselkurses bedeutete. / This dissertation consists of an introductory chapter and three empirical chapters which deal with various aspects of open-market operations by the Bank of England during the interwar period. Open-market operations are the purchase and sale of Treasury bills. The introduction defines monetary policy implementation and describes the economic circumstances after World War I and outlines what consequences the changing role of Britain in the world had for monetary policy. The second chapter shows how open-market operations could add or drain liquidity in the London money market and help steer short-term market rates relative to the Bank rate, which made frequent changes in the Bank Rate unnecessary. The empirical analysis shows that open-market operations could change the probability of market participants having to borrow at the discount facility. The third chapter argues that in time of crisis the purpose of open-market operations goes further. During the financial crisis of 1931 open-market operations most likely helped to protect the largest clearing banks in London from severe harm. The empirical analysis shows how open-market operations offset the effect of reserves losses at an unprecedented scale and stabilized the liquidity of the London clearing banks. Chapter four examines the role of open-market operation after the outbreak of war in 1939. Open-market operations played a crucial role in stabilizing short-term market rates and preserving the London money market in its original form, most notably the London discount houses and clearing banks. The descriptive evidence shown suggests how carefully chosen maturities of open-market operations helped offset any undue disturbances to short-term market rates after the outbreak of war. Overall, this dissertation suggests that the Bank of England, not unlike modern central banks, targeted short-term market rates, not some monetary quantity, and chose banking stability over a fixed exchange rate in 1931.

Makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på svenska IPO:er. : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker den svenska IPO-marknadens aktivitet / Macroeconomic factors impact on Swedish IPOs

Thuresson, Andreas, Vedin, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Områdesbeskrivning: IPO-marknaden kan undersökas på olika sätt. Varför underprissättning är så förhärskande, om den går i cykler eller vad det är som påverkar den. Vi vill undersöka den svenska IPO-marknaden under perioden 2006-2020 och om den påverkas av makroekonomiska faktorer såsom inflation eller styrränta. Denna studie är inspirerad av tidigare forskning utförd av Tran och Jeon (2011) som undersöker om det finns samband mellan makroekonomiska faktorer och IPO-marknadens aktivitet på den amerikanska marknaden. Är det så att olika IPO-marknader påverkas av olika faktorer på unika sätt eller är IPO-marknader världen över homogena? Vi försöker dessutom framställa en modell som beskriver det mest gynnsamma förhållandet att genomföra en IPO under om målet är att anskaffa mer kapital. Syfte: Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka den svenska IPO-marknadens aktivitet under perioden 2006-2020. Samt undersöka i vilken utsträckning den svenska IPO-marknadens aktiviteten påverkas av makroekonomiska faktorer. Med vår undersökning av de makroekonomiska faktorerna som grund kan vi således undersöka vilka makroekonomiska förhållanden som är mest gynnsamma för företag i Sverige att genomföra en IPO under om målet är att anskaffa mer kapital. Metod: En kvantitativ metod appliceras i denna uppsats för att besvara våra forskningsfrågor och datan vi samlar in analyseras med hjälp utav en regressionsanalys. Vi samlar in vårt datamaterial genom att läsa igenom årsredovisningar från de företag som genomfört en IPO under den tidsperioden vi undersöker. Hypoteserna formuleras utifrån tidigare forskning och ämnar att undersöka om de makroekonomiska faktorerna har ett positivt eller negativt samband med IPO-marknadsaktivitet. Resultat: Resultaten som vi finner är att det finns signifikanta samband mellan den svenska IPO-marknadens aktivitet och makroekonomiska faktorer. Vi identifierar ett förhållande som kan beskrivas som det mest gynnsamma makroekonomiska förhållandet utifrån vår modell. Begränsningar: Vår uppsats är begränsad till tidsperiod 2006-2020 samt den svenska IPO-marknaden. På grund av att viss information kring hur mycket kapital ett företag anskaffar vid sin IPO saknas så begränsas vårt urval. / Area description: IPO markets can be studied in different ways. Why underpricing is so prevalent, if the market moves in cycles or what influences the market. We want to study the Swedish IPO market during the period of 2006-2020 and if it is influenced by macroeconomic factors like inflation or the policy rate. This study is influenced by the work done by Tran and Jeon (2011) who examines if there are any relationships between macroeconomic factors and IPO market activity on the American PO market. Is it that different IPO markets are influenced by different factors in unique ways or are the IPO markets around the globe homogeneous. We try to produce a model that describes the most favourable environment to implement an IPO in if the goal is to acquire more capital. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine the activity of the Swedish IPO market during the period 2006-2020 and examine the extent to which the activity of the Swedish IPO market is affected by macroeconomic factors. Based on our study of the macroeconomic factors, we can therefore examine which macroeconomic conditions are most favourable for companies in Sweden to carry out an IPO under the goal of raising more capital.  Method: A quantitative method is applied in this thesis to answer our research questions and the data we collect is analysed with the help of a regression analysis. We collect our data by reading through annual reports from the companies that conducted an IPO during the period we are investigating. The hypotheses are formulated based on previous research and intend to investigate whether the macroeconomic factors have a positive or negative relationship with IPO market activity.  Results: The results we find is that there are significant relationships between the activity of the Swedish IPO market and macroeconomic factors. We identify a ratio that can be described as the most favourable macroeconomic ratio based on our model.  Limitations: Our thesis is limited to the period 2006-2020 and the Swedish IPO market. Due to the lack of certain information about how much capital a company raises at its IPO, our selection is limited.

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