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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Puzzle-Master’s Approach : En studie om tillit och kontroll vid distansarbete. / The Puzzle-Master’s Approach : A study on trust and control in remote work.

Mörk Ahlvik, Rasmus, Lindell, Carl January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Distansarbete har vuxit fram som ett alternativt arbetssätt som erbjuder flera fördelar. Men distansarbete som ett permanent inslag i hur anställda väljer att arbeta ställer flera krav på chefer och deras styrning. Under pandemin såg vi hur anställda som övergick till distansarbete efterfrågade större autonomi, medan chefer tidigt satte in fler kontroller. Det har således uppstått en problematik i relationen mellan tillit och kontroll när anställda väljer att arbeta på distans. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva relationen mellan tillit och kontroll under distansarbete, med avsikt att närma sig en förståelse över hur dessa förhåller sig till varandra för att slutligen föreslå hur tillit och kontroll kan balanseras för att uppnå organisatoriska mål. Metod: För att besvara frågeställningarna förhåller vi oss till en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en fallstudie på företaget Alpha. Fallstudien består av 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med 12 respondenter inom ett verksamhetsområde inom fallföretaget. Resultat: Relationen mellan tillit och kontroll vid distansarbete skildras individuellt per anställd beroende på tre faktorer: (1) personen som undersöks och dennas leveranser, (2) tidsintervallet som undersöks, och (3) processen som undersöks. Vi finner genom vår analysmodell stöd för att personer kan delas in i en av fyra grupper för att bättre förstå vilken nivå av tillit respektive kontroll en anställd bör förhålla sig till. Utifrån detta föreslår vi hur personer genom olika inkrement kan förflyttas för att antingen styrka nivån av tillit eller minska nivån av kontroll. / Background: Remote work has emerged as an alternative way of working that offers several advantages. But remote work as a permanent element in how employees choose to work places several demands on managers and their management. During the pandemic, we saw how employees transitioning to remote work demanded greater autonomy, while managers put in more controls early on. A problem has thus arisen in the relationship between trust and control when employees choose to work remotely. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the relationship between trust and control during remote work, with the intention of approaching an understanding of how these relate to each other in order to finally propose how trust and control can be balanced to achieve organizational goals. Methodology: To answer the questions, we use a qualitative research strategy with a case study at the company Alpha. The case study consists of 12 semi-structured interviews with 12 respondents within a business area within the case company. Conclusion: The relationship between trust and control in remote work is portrayed individually for each employee depending on three factors: (1) the person being investigated and their deliverables, (2) the time interval being investigated, and (3) the process being investigated. Through our analysis model, we find support that people can be divided into one of four groups to better understand what level of trust and control an employee should relate to. Based on this, we suggest how people can be transferred through different increments to either strengthen the level of trust or reduce the level of control.

Implikasies van die bedanking van trustees / F.C. Fouché

Fouché, Francois Casper January 2008 (has links)
In a recent judgment by the Free State Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa it was decided that a trustee who resigns is only relieved from his duties when his name is removed from the letter of authority by the Master of the High Court. This judgment has caused many questions to be raised regarding the implications of the resignation by a trustee. This judgment and the current legal position of the resigning trustee are investigated in this dissertation. The legal position of the resigning trustee seems to be uncertain, and the mentioned judgment should not be unreservedly accepted as correct. The role and responsibility of the Master of the High Court in this process is considered, as well as the legal position of the resigning trustee, the remaining trustees and third parties contracting with the trust. Certain conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made regarding this aspect of South African trust law. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Implikasies van die bedanking van trustees / F.C. Fouché

Fouché, Francois Casper January 2008 (has links)
In a recent judgment by the Free State Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa it was decided that a trustee who resigns is only relieved from his duties when his name is removed from the letter of authority by the Master of the High Court. This judgment has caused many questions to be raised regarding the implications of the resignation by a trustee. This judgment and the current legal position of the resigning trustee are investigated in this dissertation. The legal position of the resigning trustee seems to be uncertain, and the mentioned judgment should not be unreservedly accepted as correct. The role and responsibility of the Master of the High Court in this process is considered, as well as the legal position of the resigning trustee, the remaining trustees and third parties contracting with the trust. Certain conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made regarding this aspect of South African trust law. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

The South African law of trusts with a view to legislative reform

Manie, Latiefa January 2016 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / More than twenty years have passed since the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 came into operation. Although the Act provided context, clarity and regulation in certain areas of trust law, it is apparent that there exists a pressing need to develop statutorily the law of trusts more extensively. To this end, the research has a dual objective: Firstly, to identify those areas of South African trust law that are not currently regulated statutorily but for which, by reason of extensive and, at times, controversial jurisprudential development, such regulation is now essential. Secondly, to analyse critically the Trust Property Control Act in its current form in order to determine the utility of its provisions, particularly in light of jurisprudential development since the Act’s commencement. The purpose of the study is to formulate comprehensive recommendations for legislative reform in the area of South African trust law.

Tillit, styrning och service : En kvalitativ studie av Skatteverkets implementering av tillitsbaserad styrning

Andersson, Simon, Öström, Christian January 2019 (has links)
Sedan 1980-talet har New Public Management (NPM) varit den dominerande styrfilosofin inom offentlig sektor i Sverige. NPM har framförallt varit förknippat med resultat- och målstyrning och har förväntats öka effektiviteten inom den offentliga sektorn. Idag genomförs en reform av styrningen inom den offentliga sektorn där det nya styrsättet går under benämningen tillitsbaserad styrning. Det syftar främst till att öka tilliten till professionerna och medborgarna. Denna studie utgör en kvalitativ fallstudie av Skatteverkets implementering av den tillitsbaserade styrningen och de utmaningar som uppkommer i samband med detta. Studien har genomförts på Skatteverkets kontor i Luleå, där chefer och medarbetare har djupintervjuats i två faser. En tematisk analys har använts för att analysera insamlade data och fyra huvudsakliga teman har identifierats; teambaserat arbetssätt, medarbetaransvar, kundperspektiv och prestationsutvärdering. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att Skatteverkets tolkning av tillitsbaserad styrning är ett teambaserat arbetssätt, som implementerats på ett i huvudsak decentraliserat sätt och med viss hjälp av Susan A Wheelans fyrstegsmodell. Vidare kan konkluderas att den största utmaningen är att anpassa prestationsutvärderingen efter det nya arbetssättet. / Since the 1980’s, the New Public Management (NPM) has been the dominating management control philosophy in the Swedish public sector organizations. NPM has predominantly been associated with management by objective and has been expected to increase efficiency within public sector organizations. Today the control system in Swedish public sector organizations is undergoing reform with a new system called trust-based control. The foremost purpose of this new control system is to increase trust within the professions and to the citizens. This study is a qualitative case study of the Swedish Tax Agency’s implementation of the trust-based control system and the challenges that this implementation entails. The study was conducted at the Swedish Tax Agency’s office in Luleå, where managers and employees were interviewed in two stages. A thematic analysis was applied to process the data, in which four main themes appeared; team-based mode of operation, employee responsibility, customer perspective and performance evaluation. The main conclusions of the study are that the Swedish Tax Agency’s interpretation of trust-based control is a team-based mode of operation. The implementation process has been primarily decentralized, with some aid from Susan A. Wheelan’s four-stage model. Furthermore, it is concluded that the foremost challenge with implementing trust-based control is to adjust the performance evaluation to fit the new mode of operation.

Styrning och ledning med tillit och tillsyn : En enkätundersökning av tillitsreformens betydelse för tillitsbaserat ochengagerat ledarskap i samarbetet mellan kommunala chefer ochförtroendevalda

Dutter, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka förekomsten av tillitsbaseratledarskap och i vilken grad tillitsreformen påverkat det tillitsbaserade ledarskapetsförekomst i de högsta kommunala ledningsgrupperna. Det teoretiska antagandet harvarit att ett engagerat ledarskap har stor betydelse för att förbättringsarbeten skalyckas och att den högsta ledningens egna beteende utgör en viktig förebild som kanskapa tillit men även misstro hos de som förväntas utföra det praktiska arbetet.Undersökningen genomfördes genom en webbaserad enkät som riktades tillkommunchefer och kommunfullmäktiges ordföranden i samtliga sverigeskommuner. Frågan som ställdes var hur de kommunala ledarna bedömer sitt egetoch statens tillämpande av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning och hur tillitsreformenupplevs ha påverkat detta tillämpande. Undersökningens svarsfrekvens har intevarit tillräcklig för att säkerställa statistisk generaliserbarhet för landet som helhet,de resultat som uppnåtts antyder dock att de kommunala ledarna skattar varandrastillämpning av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning högre än vad de gör statens. Denförändring i ledarskapet som skett till följd av tillitsreformen har framförallt sketthos de kommunala chefstjänstemännen. Likaväl tycks det vara de kommunalachefstjänstemännen som överlag är mest kritiska till statens tillämpning av etttillitsbaserat ledarskap. Statens tillitsbaserade ledarskap är också det som anses haförändrats minst av tillitsreformen. Inom kommunerna tillämpar de förtroendevaldaledarna framförallt principen medborgarfokus medan tjänstemännen framförallttillämpar ledningsprinciperna stöd och öppenhet. Ledningsprinciperna kunskap,medborgarfokus och öppenhet är de som staten till störst del tillämpar. Principentillit framstår som den minst tillämpade principen såväl mellan förtroendevalda ochtjänstemän inom kommunernas ledningsgrupper som i statens styrning och ledninggentemot kommunerna men är samtidigt den princip vars tillämpning utvecklatsmest positivt inom de kommunala ledningsgrupperna. Analysen har inte kunnatstyrka att något uppenbart samband föreligger mellan statens och de kommunalaledarnas engagemang i tillitsreformen vad gäller tillämpningen avledningsprinciperna. Den analytiska slutsats som dras är istället att kommunernasrepresentanter uppfattar det statliga engagerade ledarskapet i tillitsreformen somrelativt svagt. Detta kan därför tänkas haft en hämmande effekt för tillitsreformensgenomslag även i kommunernas styrning och ledning. / The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the presence of trust-based controland management (tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning) and whether, and in that caseto what degree, the swedish trust reform (tillitsreformen) has affected the level oftrust-based control and management being practiced in the highest municipalmanagement groups. The theoretical assumption has been that a committedleadership (engagerat ledarskap) is essential to achieve success in qualityimprovement projects and that the actions of the most senior managementrepresentatives serve as an important role-model that can create trust, but just aswell disbelief, among those who are to carry out the work in practice. An onlinesurvey study has been directed to the most senior professional and politicallyappointed officials in all swedish municipalities. The question asked was to whichdegree those leaders rate each other’s practice of trust-based control andmanagement and how they view the practice of trust-based control and managementin the government’s and state authorities’ relations with the municipalities. Thequestion was also what change in that practice the trust reform has brought. Theresponse frequency has not been sufficient to make the findings generalizable on anational level. The results that have been achieved show that the municipalityleaders rate each other’s practice of trust-based control and management to a higherdegree than the government and state authorities’ dito. The results indicate that it isthe trust-based leadership of the professional municipal officials who overall havebenefited the most from the trust-reform, the professional municipality leaders arealso the most criticising of the state’s practice of trust-based control andmanagement. The state is also where the change in leadership practice based on thetrust reform is considered to have been the least prominent. The principle ofcitizen-focus (medborgarfokus) is the most prominent principle among thepolitically appointed leaders in the municipalities whereas the principle openness(öppenhet) is the primary principe among the professional leaders. The principles ofknowledge (kunskap), citizen-focus, and openness are the primary principles in thegovernment’s and state authorities’ practice of trust-based control and management.The principle of trust (tillit) is the principe with the lowest degree of practise both inthe relationship between professional and politically appointed officials withinmunicipalities and between the municipalities and the state but at the same timetrust is the principle that has seen the most positive change in it’s practice as a resultof the trust reform. The analysis has not been able to determine any correlationbetween the practice of trust-based control and management from the governmentand state authorities and the practice of the same among the municipal leaders.Instead the analytical conclusion is made that the committed leadership from thegovernment and the state in regards to the the trust reform so far has been regardedas relatively shallow by the municipal leaders and that could have had a negativeimpact on the implementation of trust-based control and management in themunicipal management groups as well. / <p>2020-06-26</p>

Die diskresie van 'n trustee van 'n inter vivos trust : wysiging en beperking / Simoné Tack

Tack, Simoné January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the discretionary inter vivos trust. It specifically investigates what the discretion of a trustee comprises and in which circumstances (if any) the court may amend the trustee‟s discretion as stipulated in the deed of trust. In order to make any meaningful conclusions, the different types of trusts, and more specific the way in which trusts are classified, needs to be researched. An inter vivos trust is classified as a contract for the sake of a third. Consequently contract law rules are applied in the interpretation and amendment of an inter vivos trust. The source, goal and tenor of a trustee‟s discretion, as well as the circumstances wherein this discretion may be amended, are investigated. The general rule is that courts have no discretion to amend a trust, but there is an exception to the rule. In accordance with article 13 of the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 courts do have the power to amend or cancel the deed of trust in certain circumstances. In Potgieter and Another v Potgieter NO and Others 2012 (1) SA 637 (HHA) the court ruled that the power granted by article 13 does not enable judges to create law by amendment of the deed of trust according to their subjective interpretation of what is fair and just. The facts of the Potgieter case serve as problem statement for this study by focusing on the problems and unjust consequences of the strict application of contract law rules on a trust when the court does not take the changing circumstances of the trust founder into account. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die diskresie van 'n trustee van 'n inter vivos trust : wysiging en beperking / Simoné Tack

Tack, Simoné January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the discretionary inter vivos trust. It specifically investigates what the discretion of a trustee comprises and in which circumstances (if any) the court may amend the trustee‟s discretion as stipulated in the deed of trust. In order to make any meaningful conclusions, the different types of trusts, and more specific the way in which trusts are classified, needs to be researched. An inter vivos trust is classified as a contract for the sake of a third. Consequently contract law rules are applied in the interpretation and amendment of an inter vivos trust. The source, goal and tenor of a trustee‟s discretion, as well as the circumstances wherein this discretion may be amended, are investigated. The general rule is that courts have no discretion to amend a trust, but there is an exception to the rule. In accordance with article 13 of the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 courts do have the power to amend or cancel the deed of trust in certain circumstances. In Potgieter and Another v Potgieter NO and Others 2012 (1) SA 637 (HHA) the court ruled that the power granted by article 13 does not enable judges to create law by amendment of the deed of trust according to their subjective interpretation of what is fair and just. The facts of the Potgieter case serve as problem statement for this study by focusing on the problems and unjust consequences of the strict application of contract law rules on a trust when the court does not take the changing circumstances of the trust founder into account. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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