Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lung"" "subject:"tung""
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Stridsvagn 122 och Remote Weapon Station : Nya möjligheter till verkan och stridsteknikSellberg, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar stridsvagn122 och Remote Weapon Station (RWS). Det finns ett verkansglapp mellan dagens kalibrar 120 mm och 7,62 mm. Observationsmöjligheterna i vissa situationer är begränsade. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka nya förmågor och möjligheter till ytterligare ett verkansalternativ en fjärrstyrd vapenplattform kan tillföra stridsvagn 122. De frågeställningarna som behandlas är: Vad kan en fjärrstyrd vapenplattform tillföra inom området stridsteknik? Vem i besättningen skall bemanna systemet? Vad kan en fjärrstyrd vapenplattform tillföra inom området graderad verkan? Metoden som används är kvalitativ textanalys. Materialet som analyseras består av reglementen ochinstruktionsböcker från Försvarsmakten, information från försvarsindustrin samt facklitteratur om vapen och stridsvagnar. Slutsatserna som dras är att en fjärrstyrd vapenplattform kan bidra med förbättringar inom området stridsteknik. Inom området graderad verkan kan en fjärrstyrdvapenplattform tillföra olika förmågor beroende på vilket vapensystem som väljs. Moduläriteten medför att verkan kan situationsanpassas. Jag bedömer att den i besättningen som lämpligen ska bemanna systemet är laddaren, men en större flexibilitet uppnås om även vagnchefen kan operera systemet, eftersom vissa situationer kräver att laddarens hela uppmärksamhet är fokuserad på kanonen. / This essay studies the Swedish main battle tank stridsvagn 122 and Remote Weapon Station. There is a gap between 120mm and 7.62mm. The observation possibilities in certain situations is limited. The purpose of this essay is to investigate which new abilities a remote weapons station can bring. The following issues are investigated: How does a Remote Weapon Station affect tactics on squad level? Who in the crew is most suited to man the system? Which scalable effects can a remote weapon station bring? The method used is qualitative text analysis. The analyzed material consists of regulations and manuals from the Armed Forces, information from the defence industry. Literature about Weapons and tanks written by civilian authors will be used in order to get a source from outside the Armed Forces. The conclusions drawn are that a remote weapons platform can contribute to enhancements of battle tactics on squad level. A Remote Weapons Station can introduce different new scalable effects depending on the weapon chosen for the specific task. I believe that the loader is the person in the crew that is most suited to man the RWS-system, but a higher degree of flexibility would be reached if also the tank commander could operate the system, since the loader in some situations must direct his full attention to the canon.
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"After all, he will be a god one day" : religious interpretations of Mao in modern ChinaJensen, Christopher 17 September 2008
In the years since Mao Zedongs death, the people of China have been impelled to reevaluate the legacy and character of their still iconic leader. One of the more notable trends in this process of posthumous reevaluation is the tendency of some individuals and groups (most often, the rural peasantry) to interpret the deceased Chairman along theological lines, assuming that his still efficacious spirit will provide protection and good fortune to those who honour him.<p>In exploring the genesis (and continued salience) of these beliefs and practices, the present research delves into popular Chinese religiosity, exploring the porosity of the traditional cosmology, the centrality of perceived spiritual efficacy (ling) in determining the popularity of religious cults, and the theological and cosmological resonances extant within traditional understandings of political leadership. The body of metaphors, narratives, and tropes drawn from this historical overview are then applied to popular characterizations of Mao, with the resulting correspondences helping to explicate the salience of these modern religious interpretations. To further investigate the source of Maos persistent symbolic capital, the present research also explores the role of Cultural Revolution-era ritual in valorizing and reifying the power and efficacy then popularly ascribed to the Great Helmsmans person and teachings. This studys conclusion, in brief, is that participants in the posthumous cult of Mao are utilizing these cultural materials in both traditional and creative ways, and that such interpretations speak to the exigencies of life in the turbulent, ideologically ambiguous culture of modern China. <p>In performing this evaluation, the present research makes use of the standard phenomenological/historiographic approach of religious studies scholarship, though it is also informed by narrative methods, cognitive science, and current perspectives on the role and function of ritual. In particular, the analysis of Mao-era rituals (as a source of Maos continued symbolic potency) is performed using the cognivistic typology of ritual proposed by E. Thomas Lawson and Robert N. McCauley, with additional materials drawn from the research of Catherine Bell, Roy Rappaport, Pascal Boyer and Adam Chau.
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蘇童作品的人文內涵及敍事分析 = Human intension and ways of narration of Sutong's work / Human intension and ways of narration of Sutong's work宋菲 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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Atypical cultivation analysis on perceived city image : the case of Zhuhai audience survey / Case of Zhuhai audience surveyYang, Guang January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Communication
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跨文化背景下的衝突與融合 : 福克納對當代中國作家影響的倫理敍事研究 / 福克納對當代中國作家影響的倫理敍事研究;"Clash and amalgamation in the cross-cultural background : an ethical-narrative study of William Faulkner's influence on contemporary Chinese writers"胡雅坤 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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自主控制與素質論述 :珠海本地女性家務勞工的構建 / 珠海本地女性家務勞工的構建王荻茜 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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"After all, he will be a god one day" : religious interpretations of Mao in modern ChinaJensen, Christopher 17 September 2008 (has links)
In the years since Mao Zedongs death, the people of China have been impelled to reevaluate the legacy and character of their still iconic leader. One of the more notable trends in this process of posthumous reevaluation is the tendency of some individuals and groups (most often, the rural peasantry) to interpret the deceased Chairman along theological lines, assuming that his still efficacious spirit will provide protection and good fortune to those who honour him.<p>In exploring the genesis (and continued salience) of these beliefs and practices, the present research delves into popular Chinese religiosity, exploring the porosity of the traditional cosmology, the centrality of perceived spiritual efficacy (ling) in determining the popularity of religious cults, and the theological and cosmological resonances extant within traditional understandings of political leadership. The body of metaphors, narratives, and tropes drawn from this historical overview are then applied to popular characterizations of Mao, with the resulting correspondences helping to explicate the salience of these modern religious interpretations. To further investigate the source of Maos persistent symbolic capital, the present research also explores the role of Cultural Revolution-era ritual in valorizing and reifying the power and efficacy then popularly ascribed to the Great Helmsmans person and teachings. This studys conclusion, in brief, is that participants in the posthumous cult of Mao are utilizing these cultural materials in both traditional and creative ways, and that such interpretations speak to the exigencies of life in the turbulent, ideologically ambiguous culture of modern China. <p>In performing this evaluation, the present research makes use of the standard phenomenological/historiographic approach of religious studies scholarship, though it is also informed by narrative methods, cognitive science, and current perspectives on the role and function of ritual. In particular, the analysis of Mao-era rituals (as a source of Maos continued symbolic potency) is performed using the cognivistic typology of ritual proposed by E. Thomas Lawson and Robert N. McCauley, with additional materials drawn from the research of Catherine Bell, Roy Rappaport, Pascal Boyer and Adam Chau.
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Teknoekonomisk studie för potentialen för lokal vätgasproduktion i Västerås regionen : För försörjning av regionens interna behov från tunga transporterAspitman, Amez, Magid, Barek January 2022 (has links)
In conjunction with Sweden's goal of reducing emissions and dependence on fossil fuels in the transport sector, hydrogen technology has received considerable attention. Today, several studies are being carried out into hydrogen technology that focus on developing the production, application, storage and distribution of hydrogen. Energimyndigheten is investigating various strategies for hydrogen development to increase hydrogen production, develop green transports and opportunities for energy storage in Sweden. This study is about estimating the potential for hydrogen in heavy-duty vehicles in Västerås and investigating various possibilities for local hydrogen production. Gasification plants with capacities of 1, 5 and 10 MW are studied to analyze the gasification plant's design, operating conditions, costs and investment profitability. In addition, it is investigating the possibility of building a hydrogen filling station with hydrogen produced by an electrolysis plant in Rocklunda. For the electrolysis plant in Rocklunda, alkaline electrolysis from Nel Hydrogen (A150 and A300) with a power of 660 and 1320 kW and a daily production of 320 and 640 kg of hydrogen respectively are investigated. The electrolysis is connected to the electricity grid and the PV system in Rocklunda, while waste heat from the electrolysis is used to balance the district heating network. The results of this study show that the potential for hydrogen can vary depending on the number of heavy hydrogen-powered vehicles, the mileage and the depreciation period. Different scenarios are discussed to get an estimation of what the development of hydrogen demand may look like. For a long-term scenario with high hydrogen demand, hydrogen production with a gasification plant is considered suitable. The total investment costs are estimated at 2.3, 4.7 and 7.7 million euros for 1, 5 and 10 MW plants. The production cost for each plant is estimated at 3.45, 2.28 and 2.12 euros per kg of hydrogen. The results also show that efficiency and costs for operation and maintenance are factors that have the greatest impact on production costs. For the net present value, efficiency and sales price are two factors that constitute the greatest impact. For the A150 and a hydrogen filling station with a storage capacity of 400 kg per day, the total investment cost is estimated at 2.5 million euros. For the A300 and a hydrogen filling station with a capacity of 800 kg per day, the total investment cost amounts to 4.7 million euros. MATLAB is used to optimize hydrogen production that meets the estimated hydrogen demand and minimize costs in Rocklunda. The production cost per kg of hydrogen is estimated at 8 and 7 euros for the A150 and A300. For the electrolysis plant, the results show that the price of electricity has the greatest impact on the production cost, while the net present value is most affected by the electricity price and sales price for hydrogen. Furthermore, the results show that approximately 70% of the annual hydrogen production takes place with the electricity grid between 21 and 05 when the electricity price is low, which means that the hydrogen is not classified as green hydrogen. The conclusion that has been drawn in this study is that hydrogen enables the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles with long driving distances. In 2024, it is expected that there will be the possibility of selling produced green hydrogen to build hydrogen filling stations in Sweden. Hydrogen production with an electrolysis plant in Rocklunda is a suitable method that can meet the hydrogen demand in the short term. However, this means higher costs for one kg of produced hydrogen. To produce green hydrogen, green electricity from local electricity grid must be used in the electrolysis. Increased capacity on the PV system in Rocklunda is an alternative for increasing the proportion of green hydrogen. Hydrogen production with a gasification plant entails high investment costs but is suitable for large-scale production, which means that a high demand in the market is required to ensure investment profitability.
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When Killing your Darlings Becomes Vital : Centrala avvägningar vid hantering av disruptiv innovation / When Killing your Darlings Becomes VitalDahlén, Marcus, Lago, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Branschen för tunga kommersiella fordon har historiskt verkat i en relativt mogen kontext, där värdeerbjudandet kretsat kring inkrementella förbättringar av förbränningsmotorn. Ett ökat behov av hållbara transporter och nya framväxande teknologier gör nu inträde i branschen vilket skapar en disruptiv affärskontext som sätter sedan länge rådande affärsmodeller och strategier ur spel. För att som etablerad aktör i branschen förbli relevant krävs anpassning. Med begränsade resurser måste nya investeringar balanseras med behovet av att vårda den dagliga verksamheten. Genom att beakta centrala avvägningar kan övergången hanteras. Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att med ett explorativt förhållningssätt bidra till ökad förståelse för hur etablerade företag inom branschen för tunga kommersiella fordon hanterar en disruptiv affärskontext, genom att se till de centrala avvägningar som behöver göras för att klara av omställningen till ett disruptivt affärslandskap. Metod: Studien har antagit en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en fallstudiedesign. Den vetenskapliga inriktningen är realism och studien har en abduktiv forskningsansats. Datainsamling har skett genom 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentstudier. Studiens analysmetod är tematisk analys. Slutsats: Branschen för tunga kommersiella fordon är i starten av disruptiv innovation vilket leder till en disruptiv affärskontext. Etablerade aktörer därinom behöver anpassa sig för att vidhålla dess relevans i branschen och långsiktigt överleva som företag. Vid denna anpassning finner studien att etablerade aktörer kan lära av gårdagen, planera för morgondagen och agera idag genom att se till de centrala avvägningarna: Driva eller drivas av efterfrågan, Resursallokering och portföljutformning, Modulariseringsstrategi, Företagets inblandning med externa parter, Rollen som OEM i det framtida transportekosystemet. Samtliga avvägningar påverkar etablerade aktörers förmåga att hantera en disruptiv affärskontext både positivt och negativt och måste beaktas av etablerade aktörer som anpassar sig till disruptiv innovation. / Background: The industry for heavy commercial vehicles has historically operated in a relatively mature context, where the value proposition has revolved around incremental improvements of the internal combustion engine. An increased need for sustainable transport and new emerging technology is now entering the industry, which creates a disruptive business context that puts longstanding business models and strategies out of play. In order for incumbents in the industry to remain adequate, adapting is required. With limited resources, new investments must be balanced with the need of nurturing the day-to-day operations. By taking key trade-offs into account the transition can be managed. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with an exploratory approach to a greater understanding of how established companies in the heavy commercial vehicle industry handle a disruptive business context, by looking at the key trade-offs that need to be considered to cope with the transition to a disruptive business landscape. Methodology: The study has been conducted with a qualitative research strategy and case study design. The research approach is realism, and the study has an abductive research approach. The gathering of empirical data has been conducted through 11 semi-structured interviews and document studies. The study has utilised a thematic analysis. Conclusion: The industry for heavy commercial vehicles is at the start of disruptive innovation, which leads to a disruptive business context. Incumbents need to adapt to maintain their relevance in the industry and survive as a company in the long term. With this adaptation, the study finds that incumbents can learn from yesterday, plan for tomorrow and act today by looking to the following key trade-offs: Drive or driven by demand, Resource allocation and portfolio design, Modularisation strategy, The company's involvement with external parties, The role as OEM in the future transport ecosystem. All trade-offs affect the ability of established players to handle a disruptive business context both positively and negatively and must be considered by incumbents who adapt to disruptive innovation.
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珠海初中生家長參與在不同父母教養方式背景下對子女學業成績之影響 / Effect of parental involvement on middle school students' academic performance in the context of various parenting styles : a case in Zhuhai白玉杰 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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