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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

股市流動性之動能效果 / Momentum Effect in Liquidity

梁紀芬 Unknown Date (has links)
我們在此文中檢視了股市流動性的動能效果,並將此效果連結到相對應股票的報酬表現上。我們發現過去六個月平均流動性較高的股票,在未來三年中也會具有較高的流動性。此外,我們發現買入較高流動性的股票,賣出流動性較低的股票,會有正的報酬。我們希望此研究能夠幫助投資人獲取更多有用的資訊。 / We examine the predictability of liquidity, the momentum effect in liquidity, and we also would like to link this effect to expected stock returns. We find that stocks with high liquidity in the past six month will be traded with high liquidity in the future (within 3 years) and that all of the zero-cost portfolios, which buy high liquidity stocks and sell low liquidity stocks, have positive returns. We hope the results in this study will help uninformed trader to obtain more information in the stock market.

Less is more? : Sambandet mellan kapitalskatt och likviditet på Stockholmsbörsen / Less is More? : The relationship between capital gains tax and liquidity onStockholm Stock Exchange

Edlund, Peter, Magnusson, Niclas January 2016 (has links)
Background and problem: The capital gain tax was introduced in Sweden as late as 1991. Previous studies has shown that capital gain tax can explain differences in investors behaviour that can lead to trading changes and a lock-in effect on the stock market, which directly affects the liquidity of stocks. The problematic is that an illiquid stockmarket, among other things, could lead to that capitals stays in already mature companies and hamper IPOs. Purpose: The study ́s purpose is to study the relationship between capital gains tax and liquidity with control of others factors that might explain differences in liquidity on the stock market. Method: The study is conducted with a quantitative method and it ́s based on data collected from 1992-2000 for companies listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange. The method generated 939 observations for each variable and the study yielded a total of 5643 observations with a final loss of 34,6 % of the study ́s sample. We formed a hypothesis to answer the research question and achieve the purpose of the study. Conclusions: The study ́s results do not reject the study hypothesis of a negative relationship between capital gains tax and liquidity, which means that liquidity falls when capital gain tax rate increase in accordance with the existing theory. A negative correlation between capital gain tax and liquidity, might hamper IPOs of new companies, because the capital stays in the already mature companies and investors are discouraged from more productive investments. / Bakgrund och problem: Kapitalskatten infördes i Sverige så sent som 1991. Tidigarestudier har visat att kapitalskatt kan förklara skillnader i investerares beteende som kange upphov till tradingförändringar och en inlåsningseffekt på aktiemarknaden vilketdirekt påverkar aktiers likviditet. Med bakgrund av denna problematik skulle en illikvidaktiemarknad bland annat kunna leda till att kapital stannar i redan mogna bolag ochförsvårar börsintroduktioner. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att studera sambandet mellan kapitalskatt och likviditet medkontroll för andra faktorer som kan tänkas förklara skillnader i likviditet påaktiemarknaden. Metod: Studien genomförs med en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod och baseras på datainsamlad från åren 1992-2000 för företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen. Denna metodgenererade 939 observationer för studiens respektive variabel vilket gav totalt 5643observationer med ett slutgiltigt bortfall på 34,6% av studiens mätpunkter. Vi utformadeen hypotes för att besvara studiens frågeställning och uppnå syftet med studien. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat förkastar inte studiens hypotes om ett negativt sambandmellan kapitalskatt och likviditet, vilket innebär att likviditeten sjunker närkapitalskattesatsen ökar i enlighet med befintlig teori. Eftersom ett negativt sambandföreligger mellan kapitalskatt och likviditet, finns risken att en hög kapitalskattförsvårar börsintroduktion av nya bolag, att kapital stannar i redan mogna bolag samt attinvesterare avskräcks från mer produktiva investeringar.

Likviditetsstrategi på Stockholmsbörsen : En studie om likviditetspremiens existens och dess eventuella överavkastning

Svartholm, Per, Uhrberg, Magnus January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har tidigare konstaterats att det existerar ett samband mellan aktiers likviditet och dess avkastning. Bevis för detta har främst gått att finna på utländska aktiemarknader. På den svenska aktiemarknaden har tidigare utförda studier konstaterat att detta samband inte existerar. Vi vill därför göra en studie på den svenska aktiemarknaden, vilken delvis innefattar en ny tidsperiod för att se om någon likviditetspremie existerar. Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna studie var att undersöka om det är möjligt att uppnå en högre avkastning genom att investera i en portfölj med relativt sett illikvida aktier jämfört med en portfölj bestående av likvida aktier på Stockholmsbörsen samt undersöka om faktorerna likviditet, betavärde samt företagsstorlek signifikant påverkar portföljernas eventuella överavkastning jämfört mot ett lämpligt index. Metod: Vi har skapat tre olika portföljer, med tio aktier i varje vilka representerar de minst, mitterst och mest likvida aktierna enligt vårt valda likviditetsmått, aktieomsättningshastighet. Likviditetsmåttet laggar en månad för att kunna användas som investeringsstrategi. Vi har studerat portföljernas värdeutveckling under perioden september 2003 till december 2011 för att se om portföljernas olika likviditet påverkar avkastningen. Genom regressionsanalyser där aktieomsättningshastighet, betavärde samt storleken använts som oberoende variabler har vi försökt förklara portföljernas överavkastning mot AFGX. Resultat: Vi har kommit fram till att det inte existerar någon likviditetspremie på Stockholmsbörsen under vår valda undersökningsperiod. Det samma gäller under uppåt- respektive nedåtgående marknadstrend. Det enda fallet där en mer illikvid portfölj presterar bäst är under januari månad. / Background: Earlier studies have concluded that there is a connection between a stock’s liquidity and its yield. Proof of this connection has mainly been found on foreign stock exchanges. On the Swedish stock market, earlier studies have concluded that this connection may not exist. The authors therefore intend to do a liquidity study on the Swedish stock market on a partly new time period to see whether this liquidity premium exists or not. Aim: The aim with this study is to investigate if there is a possibility to achieve a higher yield by investing in a portfolio consisting of relatively illiquid stocks contrary a portfolio with highly liquid stocks. We also want to investigate if the factors: liquidity, beta value and company size have a significant impact on the portfolios possible excess return in relation to an appropriate index. Completion: In this study, the authors have constructed three different portfolios consisting of ten stocks, each which represent the least, middle, and highest liquid stocks according to our liquidity measure. This measure has a one-month lag to make it possible to use as an active investment strategy. The authors have studied the portfolios growth during the period September 2003 to December 2011 to investigate if the difference in liquidity has any impact on the return. Through regression analysis, where stock turnover ratio, beta value and company size has been used as independent variables, the study tries to explain the portfolios excess return over the AFGX index. Results: The study concludes that there is no significant liquidity premium during our chosen time period. The same conclusion is drawn on the sub-periods with both an up going and down going market trend. The only period during which an illiquid portfolio outperforms a liquid portfolio is during the month of January.

A case study on how an e-tailer can use a multiple criteria ABC analysis to identify risk in the selection of suppliers

Strand, Joel, Strandänger, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to explore how an e-tailer selling bulky items can use a multiple criteria ABC analysis to make its purchasing process more effective, while balancing richness and reach, with the performance measurements of profitability, total asset turnover and inventory turnover. The purpose will be accomplished through a single case study on an e-tailer active on the Swedish furniture and home furnishing market. Methodology – This thesis applies a multiple criteria ABC-analysis to a single case study. The approach is semi-deductive as theory is combined with interviews on how to match and adapt theory about inventory control and purchasing with the specific requirements of an e-tailer selling bulky items. Findings – This thesis has resulted in a set of recommendations that aim to make the purchasing process of an e-tailer more effective. That is, capital and inventory space will be better allocated to the e-tailer’s more profitable items. Among other things, this thesis shows how dead articles can be identified and how a purchaser can prioritize more profitable articles over less profitable ones when making procurement decisions. The other recommendations are for the e-tailer to investigate the possibilities of decoupling the supply chain by keeping stock at the suppliers’ premises, to match the supplier reliability with their importance in the supply chain, and lastly to explore possibilities of drop shipment. Further, the main finding is that a comparison between the A-, B-, and C-classes and the reliability of the suppliers, highlights a gap and a possible risk. Put differently, the importance of a specific item for the business should be reflected in the choice of supplier and the multiple criteria ABC analysis is the tool to illustrate the importance. Keywords – E-commerce, E-tailer, richness, reach, transaction cost, ABC analysis, multiple criteria ABC, MCABC, inventory turnover ratio, supplier selection, purchasing Paper type – Masters thesis / Syfte – Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur en e-handelsdetaljist som säljer skrymmande artiklar kan använda en flerdimensionell ABC-analys för att göra sin inköpsprocess mer effektiv och balansera richness och reach, med mätetal som lönsamhet, kapitalomsättningshastighet och lageromsättningshastighet. Syftet kommer att uppfyllas genom en fallstudie på en e-handelsdetaljist verksam på den svenska möbel- och heminredningsmarknaden. Metod – Denna fallstudie använder sig av en flerdimensionell ABC-analys. Tillvägagångssättet är semi-deduktivt då intervjuer och teori om hur lagerstyrning och inköp kan matchas och anpassas till ett företags specifika behov. Resultat – Den här uppsatsen har resulterat i en rad åtgärder som syftar till att göra en ehandlares inköpsprocess mer effektiv. På så vis att kapital och lageryta bättre allokeras till ehandlarens lönsamma artiklar. Bland annat visar den här uppsatsen hur döda artiklar kan identifieras och hur inköparen kan prioritera mer lönsamma artiklar över olönsamma vid inköp. De andra åtgärdena handlar om att undersöka möjligheter att frikoppla försörjningskedjan genom att lagra produkter hos leverantören, att matcha leverantörernas pålitlighet och deras betydelse i försörjningskedjan, och slutligen att utforska möjligheter att utöka drop shipment. Det främsta bidraget är att eventuella felprioriteringar och risker blir tydliga genom en jämförelse mellan A-, B- och C-klasserna och leverantörernas pålitlighet. Med andra ord bör den affärsmässiga inverkan som respektive artikel har på e-handlarens resultat avspegla sig i valet av leverantör. En flerdimensionell ABC-analys kan användas för att påvisa respektive artikels affärsmässiga inverkan. Publikationstyp – Examensarbete för utbildning till civilingenjör (masteruppsats).


崔琇玫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1997至2001年國內高研發密度之上市上櫃公司為研究對象,探討高研發密度公司揭露非盈餘以及智慧資本相關資訊之行為。首先探討企業揭露資訊之偏好及趨勢,再分析影響企業揭露非盈餘及智慧資本資訊頻率之因素,並探討企業股價與帳面價值間之差異及股票週轉率與企業揭露智慧資本相關資訊之關聯性。 實證結果發現,公司主動揭露與盈餘有關資訊之頻率有逐年下滑的現象,而揭露非盈餘及智慧資本相關資訊的頻率則有逐漸升高的趨勢。以分組檢定結果而言,未預期盈餘為正且幅度較大的公司在揭露智慧資本資訊方面顯著較未預期盈餘為負且幅度較大的公司積極。就影響企業揭露非盈餘以及智慧資本相關資訊之因素而言,未預期盈餘、員工每人營業利益、研發密集度,以及每人配備率與揭露非盈餘及智慧資本相關資訊之次數均呈顯著正向關係,而董監事持股比率以及用人費用率則與兩項資訊之揭露次數呈顯著負相關。 此外,屬於資訊電子業以及規模較大的公司,揭露非盈餘及智慧資本相關資訊之意願較強。就企業股價與帳面價值之差異以及股票流動性而言,資訊電子業之股價淨值比及股票週轉率均較非資訊電子業為高,策略聯盟(流程資本)資訊揭露次數與股價淨值比呈顯著正(負)向關係,新產品及策略聯盟(人力資本)資訊揭露次數則與股票週轉率呈顯著正(負)相關。 關鍵字:自願性揭露、智慧資本、市價淨值比 / Based on a sample of firm listed on TSE, this thesis investigates the voluntary disclosure behavior ofR&D intensive companies in Taiwan over the period of 1997 to 2001. With an emphasis on non-earnings and intellectual capital-related disclosure policies, we first explore the disclosure behavior in terms of frequency and type of information revealed by management. We then examine whether price-to-book (P/B) ratio and stock turnover ratio reflect the disclosure of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information. The empirical results suggest a declining trend in disclosing earnings information, with an opposite tendency in non-earnings information over the period examined. In addition, unexpected earnings and variables proxy for intellectual capital determine the disclosure behavior of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information. Firms with operating performance far beyond market's expectation tend to disclose more intellectual capital-related information than firms with operating performances far worse than market has expected. Variables such as operating income per employee and cost of human resource (proxies for human capital), R&D intensity (proxy for innovation capital), equipment per employee (proxy for process capital) as well as the ratio of directors' shareholding are found to be significantly related to the disclosure frequency of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information. The findings also indicate that electronics and software industries are more likely to disclose more non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information and have higher price-to-book and stock turnover ratios as compared to other industries in the sample. Firms disclose more (less) strategic alliance (process capital) information is found to have higher price-to-book ratios. Firms disclose more (less) strategic alliance and new product (human capital) information is found to have higher stock turnover ratio. It appears that more disclosure on intellectual capital-related information does not necessarily and monotonously explain the variation in both price-to-book and stock turnover ratios. Key words: voluntary disclosure, intellectual capital, price-to-book ratio, stock turnover ratio

Irrationellt beteende på Stockholmsbörsen : En studie om alfabetiskt bias / Irrational behavior on the Stockholm Stock Exchange : A study about alphabetical bias

Celepli, Rodi, Chaniev, Zelimhan January 2018 (has links)
I allmänhet anges merparten av aktielistor i alfabetisk ordning. Tidigare studier har visat att investerare tenderar att handla aktier som hamnar tidigt i aktielistan mer frekvent än aktie som förekommer sent i aktielistan. Forskning inom psykologi föreslår att individer som möter ett stort antal alternativ försöker hitta genvägar för att underlätta beslutsfattandet. Det leder till irrationellt beteende hos investeraren där den letar efter första acceptabla alternativet istället för att bearbeta all tillgänglig information som berör aktier i aktielistan. Därför när investeraren söker igenom aktielistan i alfabetisk ordning uppifrån och ner har tidigt placerade aktier större chans att bli valda. Vi kommer i denna uppsats undersöka om det finns ”alfabetiskt bias” på Stockholmsbörsen. Studien undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan aktiens placering i aktielistan och aktieomsättningshastighet eller Tobins Q. Vi undersöker också om det finns skillnad i marknadsvärde och namnflyt mellan aktier som förekommer tidigt på aktielistan och aktier som står sent på listan. Resultatet från studien har visat att aktier som kommer tidigt i aktielistan handlas mer frekvent (aktieomsättningshastighet) och erhåller högre Tobins Q än aktier som förekommer senare i aktielistan. Vidare visade vår undersökning att det inte finns skillnad i marknadsvärde eller namnflyt mellan tidigt och sent placerade aktier. Det innebär att det finns belägg för att aktielistor i alfabetisk ordning bidrar till irrationellt beteende hos investerare på Stockholmsbörsen. / In general, stock information is presented in alphabetical order by company name or ticker symbol. Previous studies have shown that investors tend to trade stocks that fall early in the stock list more frequently than stocks that are late in the stock list. Research in psychology suggests that individuals encountering a large number of options try to find shortcuts to facilitate decision making. This leads to irrational behavior, where investor is looking for the first acceptable alternative instead of processing all available information relative to shares in the stock list. Therefore, when the investor searches through stock list from top to bottom, early stocks have a greater chance of being selected. This study will investigate whether there is "alphabetical bias" on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study investigates whether there is a correlation between the stock's placement in the stock list and the stock turnover rate or Tobins Q. We also investigate whether there is a difference in market value and name fluency between shares that are listed early on the stock list and stocks that are presented late on the list. The result of the study has shown that stocks placed early in the stock list are traded more frequently (share turnover rate) and receive higher Tobins Q than shares that appear later in the stock list. Furthermore, our survey shows that there is no difference in market value or name fluency between early and late stocks. This means there is evidence that stock lists in alphabetical order contribute to irrational behavior among investors on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

A study of the effects of free cash flow and capital structure on profitability of Nasdaq Stockholm companies

Karmestål, Victor, Rzayev, Mahir January 1996 (has links)
Free cash flow and capital structure is a widely covered topic, with several studies conducted in previous years and markets. We set out to examine the possible effects of free cash flow and capital structure on the Stockholm Nasdaq OMX between the years 2018 and 2022. Regarding this period, no previous studies had been conducted that consisted of a population encompassing an entire market. We decided to employ a deductive approach to perform our quantitative research. Using the ORBIS database, we gathered data regarding variables free cash flow, debt ratio, debt-equity ratio, asset turnover ratio, return on equity and return on assets. Return on equity and return on assets worked as our dependent variables, with free cash flow, debt ratio, debt-equity ratio and asset turnover ratio as independent variables. After testing the data for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation, a fixed effects regression model was both constructed and examined along with a Pearson’s correlation test.  Our results indicated a significant negative relationship between free cash flow and return on equity, as well as a significant positive relationship between asset turnover ratio and return on equity. From these results, we gathered we had detected evidence to support the financial slack theory, which is a theory that highlights the importance of keeping an excess of resources to use when needed. The theory advocates using additional resources and not allowing an overflow of assets to gather dust in inventory.

Banking sector, stock market development and economic growth in Zimbabwe : a multivariate causality framework

Dzikiti, Weston 02 1900 (has links)
The thesis examined the comprehensive causal relationship between the banking sector, stock market development and economic growth in a multi-variate framework using Zimbabwean time series data from 1988 to 2015. Three banking sector development proxies (total financial sector credit, banking credit to private sector and broad money M3) and three stock market development proxies (stock market capitalization, value traded and turnover ratio) were employed to estimate both long and short run relationships between banking sector, stock market and economic growth in Zimbabwe. The study employs the vector error correction model (VECM) as the main estimation technique and the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach as a robustness testing technique. Results showed that in Zimbabwe a significant causal relationship from banking sector and stock market development to economic growth exists in the long run without any feedback effects. In the short run, however, a negative yet statistically significant causal relationship runs from economic growth to banking sector and stock market development in Zimbabwe. The study further concludes that there is a unidirectional causal relationship running from stock market development to banking sector development in Zimbabwe in both short and long run periods. Nonetheless this relationship between banking sector and stock markets has been found to be more significant in the short run than in the long run. The thesis adopts the complementary view and recommends for the spontaneity implementation of monetary policies as the economy grows. Monetary authorities should thus formulate policies to promote both banks and stock markets with corresponding growth in Zimbabwe’s economy. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Competitive Strategies of Digital Platforms in New Markets : An analysis of the strategies and firm financial performanceof digital platforms entering competitive markets in theNordics

Fouhy, David, Pais, Alfredo January 2022 (has links)
Over the recent decade the world has seen an increase in businesses launching new, or changing theirbusiness model to, digital platforms. New and established businesses are flocking to digital platformsin order to evolve their business model and keep up with advancements in technology, such as cloudcomputing, which enables commerce and communication on a much faster and more streamlinedlevel. Digital platforms with two-sided markets often face fierce competition from market incumbentswhich benefit from traditional supply-side economies of scale, as well as from other digital platforms.Therefore, the competitive strategy adopted at market launch and under operations will have a greatimpact on the platform performance in terms of firm financial performance.This study is divided into two parts and is performed with the objective to gain insight into thecompetitive strategies adopted by digital platform businesses with two-sided markets, and how suchstrategic decisions may be informed in favor of profitability. The first part investigates the influence ofinternal factors, such as debt ratio, quick ratio, sales growth, and capital turnover ratio, on the firmfinancial performance (measured by return on assets) of digital platforms with two-sided markets inthe Nordics. The second part investigates the relationship between the firm financial performance(measured by return on assets) of digital platform businesses with two-sided markets after launch andthe type of strategy adopted. Subsequently, two hypotheses are presented. Subsequently, twohypotheses are presented. A panel data regression model is developed to evaluate these relationships,allowing the authors to test the null hypotheses. The data set used in the panel data regression modelcomprise an unbalanced sample of 27 companies who have launched their platforms in Norway,Sweden, and Denmark. Financial data was gathered in the form of return on assets (dependentvariable), capital turnover ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio, and sales growth (explanatory variables).These companies were grouped depending on which strategy was adopted on market launch and underearly operations. These strategies are subsidy, seeding and marquee users, micro market launch andpiggybacking (categorical ‘dummy’ variables).Studying the firm financial performance of businesses which adopt digital platforms will help us tobetter understand the efficacy of strategies adopted and how these strategies impact financialperformance. Both null hypotheses tested may be partially rejected. The authors conclude that theinternal factors debt ratio, quick ratio, and sales growth have a significant influence on theprofitability (measured by return on assets) of digital platforms with two-sided markets in the Nordics.The influence of the internal factor capital turnover ratio on profitability is statistically insignificant.Quick ratio has a positive significant influence on profitability, whereas debt ratio and sales growthhave a negative influence. The authors also conclude that companies which have business modelsallowing them to adopt a subsidy strategy yields stronger profitability than those which adopt otherstrategies. Companies which entice seed & marquee users to their platform as a strategy yields thesecond strongest profitability. Companies which choose a micro market launch strategy yield theweakest profitability. The authors of this study will not draw conclusions on the efficacy of theadoption of a piggybacking strategy on profitability due to the limited number of observationsattributed to the piggybacking dataset.Future studies may expand upon this research with the inclusion of a wider catchment of businesses,as well as the inclusion of a wider data set to include other geographical locations and improvestatistical significance of the data set. An improvement to the study may also be to analyze thecorrelation between the strength of competitors upon market entry and the efficacy of the strategiesadopted.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Dvořáková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work assess the financial health of the company in the years 2002–2006 on the basis of selected methods of the financial analysis. It includes proposals of possible solutions of identified problems which should result in the improvement of financial situation of the firm in the following years.

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