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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Föräldrar och skola

Erikson, Lars January 2004 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this thesis is to develop a typology of the relationship between parents and schools by clarifying different meanings of that relationship. The study is anchored in a tradition within the sociology of knowledge which stresses the ongoing interpretative struggle between different social groups (Mannheim 1928/1968). Based on this theoretical approach, and in the light of international research, four models of the parent–school relationship are developed. Each model is related to an overall system of meaning, thereby clarifying competing conceptualizations of central concepts such as “parent” and “involvement”.</p><p>The partnership model (1) stresses that it is in the children’s best educational interests to encourage cooperation between parents and schools. I argue that this model was originally based on the concept of equality, but that this concept was replaced in the 1980s by those of efficiency and learning.</p><p>The user participation model (2) entails formal involvement of parents in the governance of individual schools. Participatory democracy, I argue, is one component in an overall system of meaning for this model. The other is efficiency, a concept that is related to changes in school governing bodies and school management during the 1980s.</p><p>The choice model (3) emphasizes the rights of parents to choose among schools for the sake of their own children. Despite different interpretations of what choice entails, I argue that this model of the parent–school relationship can be related to an overall system of meaning in which the autonomous civil citizen is in focus.</p><p>The separation model (4) takes as its starting point the differences between parents (home) and teachers (school) and problematizes the endeavour to achieve cooperation between the two. I argue that one component in the overall system of meaning associated with this model could be termed constitutive differences, a component that is also embedded in the concept of teacher professionalism. Two other components of the separation model are equality and integrity, the latter from the vantage point of children and young people.</p><p>The thesis also analyses the parent–school relationship in the Swedish historical context, using the four models and the concepts mentioned above as analytical tools. In the first period, beginning with the reports of the 1940 School Committee and the 1946 School Commission, the focus was on the partnership model and the separation model. The user participation model was introduced in connection with a proposal to establish local governing bodies in the mid-1970s, and the choice model emerged, in the Swedish context, in the early 1990s.</p>

Typology of periphrastic 'do'-constructions /

Jäger, Andreas. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Queensland, 2005. / The author's revised version of his doctoral dissertation presented to University of Queensland in 2005. Includes bibliographical references (p. [316]-343). Abstract also available online.

Etude anthropométrique de la main. Le volume et son utilisation pour l'aide à l'identification des personnes/Anthropometrical Study of the Hand. The Volume and its Utilization in Individuals Identification

Lefèvre, Philippe M F E 16 October 2009 (has links)
Dans nos sociétés culturelles, trois régions anatomiques sont habituellement apparentes et visibles donc identifiables : ce sont le visage et les mains. La main est donc un élément d’identification spécifique à chaque individu et reconnaissable. En mesurant le volume de la main démembrée d’une personne, peut-on déterminer la typologie de cette personne associant, entre autres mesures de la main, le volume au poids? La mesure du volume de moulage des mains de 109 adultes (dont 14 gauchers) est réalisée à l’aide d’un volumètre à aiguille et plusieurs équations de régression mettent en évidence les relations entre des composantes anthropométriques du corps et de ses segments avec le volume des mains. Ensuite, le volume et des variables spécifiques des mains d’un nouvel échantillon de 88 sujets vivants sont mesurés et leur typologie est également déterminée. Les équations de régression caractérisant les relations entre les variables des mains et la typologie estiment la stature par les longueur et largeur des mains (Main Droite : r² = .66 ; SEE = 4 cm ; Main Gauche : r² = .62 ; SEE = 4,2cm) et le poids par le volume et le périmètre de PII du 5ème doigt (MD : r² = .69 ; SEE = 6.64kg ; MG : r² = .64 ; SEE = 7,13kg) La validation de la méthode est réalisée sur un échantillon analogue mais indépendant de 21 sujets adultes. Le poids de 90.5 % des sujets est estimé avec un écart maximum de 5.98kg et la stature de 76% de l’échantillon avec un écart maximum de 3cm. De nombreuses techniques ont été élaborées afin de reconstruire le visage à partir du crâne d’une personne disparue ; dans le même ordre d’idée peut-on reconstruire l’aspect virtuel de la peau d’une main en disposant de son squelette ? Des modèles informatisés, par CT Scan, des os et de la peau sont obtenus des mains d’un cadavre et d’un volontaire. Le logiciel Lhp Builder permet la localisation des coordonnées spatiales de points de repères anatomiques osseux des modèles. A partir de 3 repères, les relations spatiales entre les modèles sont établies et employées afin d’interpoler la peau manquante de la main. Le volume de la « peau interpolée » et le volume de la « peau réelle » obtenus par imagerie médicale sont comparés afin de valider la méthode. Une différence de volume de 3.5 % entre les volumes respectifs de la main du cadavre et de la main reconstruite situe le niveau de précision de la méthode. D’autres manipulations de reconstruction sont exécutées dans des situations analogues au cadre médico-légal (enfouissement en terre de pièces animales, mise en digestion dans des produits caustiques) Cette première approche méthodologique de reconstruction de la main semble prometteuse et la main reconstruite deviendrait un élément important pour l’identification de personnes disparues./ In our cultural society, three anatomical body parts are usually apparent so visible and thus identifiable: the face and the hands. The hand may be an element of identification specific to each individual and recognizable. By measuring the dismembered hand volume of a person, the typology of this person associating, inter alia measurements of the hand, volume with weight could be determined ? The volume measurement of casts hands of 109 adults (of which 14 left-handed persons) is realized using a needle volumeter and several regression equations highlight the relations between anthropometrical components of the body and its segments with the hands volume. Then, the hands volume and specific hands variables of a new sample of 88 living subjects are measured and their typology is also determined. The regression equations characterizing the relations between the hands variables and typology estimate the stature by hands length and width (Right hand: r² = 66; SEE = 4 cm; Left hand: r² = 62; SEE = 4,2cm) and the weight by volume and perimeter of PII of the 5 th finger (Right hand: r² = 69; SEE = 6.64kg; Left hand: r² = 64; SEE = 7,13kg). The validation of the method is carried out on a sample similar but independent of 21 adult subjects. The weight of 90.5 % of the subjects is estimated with a maximum difference of 5.98kg and the stature of 76% of the sample with 3cm maximum. Many techniques were elaborated in order to rebuild the face starting from cranium of a missing person; in the same order can one rebuild the virtual aspect of the hand skin while having its skeleton? From computerized models, by CT Scan, bones and skin are obtained of hands of a corpse and a living volunteer. The software Lhp Builder allows the localization of the 3D co-ordinates of anatomical bones landmarks of the models. From 3 landmarks, the 3D relations between the models are established and used in order to interpolate the missing skin of the hand. The volume of the " interpolated skin " and the volume of the " real skin " obtained by medical imaging are compared in order to validate the method. A volume difference of 3.5 % between respective volumes of the hand corpse and the rebuilt hand estimates the level of precision of the method. Other experiments of rebuilding are carried out in situations similar to the medico-legal framework (ground hiding of animal parts, digestion in caustic products) This first methodological approach of hand rebuilding seems promising and the rebuilt hand would become a significant element for the identification of missing people.

Klassifikationen von Computerspielen / Classifications of computer games

Richter, Angelika January 2010 (has links)
Klassifikationen von Computerspielen widmet sich den Begriffen, mit denen Computerspiele zu Klassifikationszwecken versehen werden. Eine repräsentative Auswahl an derartigen Klassifikationsmodellen, die die Arbeiten von Designern, Journalisten, Pädagogen, Laien und expliziten Computerspielforschern abdeckt, wird vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit zur eindeutigen Bestimmung konkreter Spiele bewertet. Dabei zeigen sich zwei grundlegend verschiedene Herangehensweisen an die Problematik: „Kategorisierungen“ stellen feste Kategorien auf, in die einzelne Spiel eindeutig einsortiert werden sollen, während „Typologien“ die einzelnen Elemente von Spielen untersuchen und klassifizieren. Beide Ansätze werden analysiert und ihre jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile aufgezeigt. Da offensichtlich wird, dass die Klassifikation von Computerspielen in bedeutendem Maße vom jeweiligen zugrunde liegenden Verständnis davon, was ein „Computerspiel“ sei, abhängt, ist der Untersuchung der Klassifikationsmodelle eine Betrachtung dieser problematischen Begriffsdefinition vorangestellt, die beispielhaft an vier ausgewählten Aspekten durchgeführt wird. / Classifications of computer games is concerned with the terms that are used to label computer games for classificatory purposes. A representative selection of such classification models, that covers the works of designers, journalists, pedagogues, laymen and explicit computer game researchers, are introduced and assessed with regard to their ability to classify specific games unambiguously. Two essentially different approaches to this problem are identified: “categorizations” establish rigid categories to which single games are to be assigned unambiguously, while “typologies” examine and classify single elements of games and not games as a whole. Both methods are analysed and their advantages and disadvantages are shown. As it becomes obvious that classifying computer games is highly dependent on the respective basic understanding of what a computer game is, the study of the classification models is preceded by an overview which discusses four chosen aspects as examples of this problematic definition.

Responsiveness and its institutionalisation in higher education

Van Schalkwyk, François January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis proposes a typology of responsiveness in order to reduce interpretive ambiguity and to provide a framework which makes possible an assessment of the extent to which responsiveness is likely to be institutionalised in higher education. The typology is tested at two universities. The findings indicate that the typology developed can be deployed to reveal insight into how responsiveness is manifesting at universities. The findings around institutionalisation of responsiveness are less conclusive but indicate that while there is evidence of the institutionalisation of a particular type of university responsiveness, the process is at best partial as the academic heartland of higher education systems remain slow to accept the demands made by the state, university leadership and other stakeholders for more responsive universities.</p>

Hästskor, hästskosöm och sporrar från Västergarn : en empirisk studie av hästrelaterat material från seminarieutgrävningarna 2005-2012

Kjellén, Lina January 2013 (has links)
Västergarn is one of the smallest parishes on the island of Gotland. It’s a place of rich history and has been subject to numerous excavations throughout the years. The University of Gotland has conducted seminar excavations at Västergarn between the years of 2005-2012. During these excavations a lot of horse related finds have been found. By studying these finds archaeologist can learn a lot about the horses and the people who once lived in Västergarn. The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on the urban and rural horse in Västergarn. How big were the horses? Were the horses used for riding or farming? What can the finds tell us about the people who lived in Västergarn and their view on horse handling?

Redeveloping the Avenues

Micacchi, Robert 15 December 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to investigate and propose housing that increases density while offering a better quality of life for citizens inhabiting Toronto’s Avenues. This thesis compares three different building prototypes, all of varying scales and typological characteristics. The viability of each prototype is discussed with regards to the current economic and regulatory conditions within the city, as well as the varying quality of life that each prototype creates.

Vikingatida eller medeltida kammar i Västergarn? : en fallstudie av enkelkammarna funna vid Högskolan på Gotlands seminariegrävningar i Västergarn mellan åren 2006-2011 / Viking or Medieval combs in Västergarn parish? : a case study of the single sided combs found at the seminar excavations in Västergarn Parish by the University of Gotland between the years 2006-2011

Horvath, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The University of Gotland has between the years 2006-2011 conducted seminar excavations in Västergarn parish, Gotland. During this time 167 comb fragments have been registered. Out of these are 51 of importance for this study, since they are defined as either a single-sided composite comb or a comb case. The purpose of this thesis is to enlighten the earliest period in the history of Västergarn by focusing on the earliest forms of combs and their cases. And as the title expresses do the combs date to the Viking Age or the Middle Ages? The combs from the excavations will be compared to different type schemes, both Viking Age and Middle Age and different places in Scandinavia such as Lund, Oslo, Lödöse and Gotland. The conclusion of the analysis is that the combs from Västergarn are from the late 11th century to the early 13th century, during the Early Middle Age.

Toward a Typology of the Aggressive Personality

Minton, Matthew K. 22 May 2006 (has links)
Efforts to develop an empirically derived typology of a major component of the implicit aggressive personality are described. A variety of samples (from both student and work populations) completed the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A; James, McIntyre, Glisson, Bowler, and Mitchell, 2004; James et al., 2005). Individual scores on the CRT-A were analyzed utilizing cluster analytic methodology in order to develop a typology of the key defense mechanisms used by the implicit aggressive personality. The resulting clusters were analyzed using affirmation analysis (Feild and Schoenfeldt, 1975) to test the reliability of each. A useful system for classifying the implicit aggressive personality resulted from this endeavor. It is expected that both scientists and practitioners can use this typology as a means for classifying aggressive individuals. Implications include the development of an organizing framework facilitating scientific communication in research on the aggressive personality as well as a classification system for organizations to identify those applicants and incumbents that might be potentially detrimental to the well-being of their coworkers.

A Research On Design Principles In Historic Built Landscapes Case Study: Odunpazari, Eskisehir

Kivilcim, Figen 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the problem of the principles of new designs in historic built landscapes is discussed. In approaching the problem, a theoretical framework is developed and the general principles regarding new buildings in historic settings are derived from the theoretical context. Subsequently, the proposed principles is tried to be adapted to the case of Odunpazari historic urban fabric. Finally, a Youth Center for a specific Project Area in Odunpazari is proposed, and the integration of the proposal to the context is evaluated. The foremost aim of the thesis is proposing general principles concerning good architecture that continues and contributes to the spirit of place, and adapting them for a specific design problem in a specific place in order to evaluate the efficiency of the principles proposed. In developing the theoretical framework, it was discussed that, in determination of the principles for new designs, the historic built landscape should be handled in a way that resolves the network of relationships and allow the definition of the spirit of place. The methodology of understanding the spirit of place was established with reference to the approaches developed by Christopher Alexander and Christian Norberg-Schulz. According to the studies by these scholars, a triad layer system in resolving the spirit of place is developed. As named by Christian Norberg-Schulz, the layers of Gestalts, typologies and figures constituted the analytical framework leading to the resolution of the network of relationships between the components of a place. This model of analyzing and defining the spirit of place was found valuable, since it does not only focuses on the formal aspects of the historic built landscape, but also questions the main rules forming the unity and coherence of place. Odunpazari traditional urban fabric is selected as a case study, and its physical, historical, social and economical context is evaluated by the help of the literature and site surveys. Finally, a &amp / #8216 / Youth Center&amp / #8217 / in a Project Area in Odunpazari is proposed according to the general principles derived from the theoretical framework, and the results are discussed.

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