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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um outro espírito, um outro capitalismo. O papel da economia antiga na tipologia do capitalismo em Max Weber / Another spirit, another capitalism. The role of ancient economy in the typology of capitalism in Max Weber

Grigorowitschs, Tamara 20 June 2012 (has links)
A partir da publicação da terceira edição de Agrarverhältnisse im Altertum (Relações agrárias na Antiguidade, 1909) a noção de capitalismo passa a desempenhar um papel central na análise da economia antiga nos escritos de Max Weber. De modo idealtípico, a definição da economia antiga como capitalista envolve a delimitação de suas espeficidades e, simultaneamente, oferece um contraponto comparativo fundamental para a constituição do tipo do capitalismo moderno. Em seus escritos sobre a economia antiga, Weber elaborou uma análise fundamentada em dois diferentes níveis de abstração, que englobam tipos diversos de capitalismo; o trânsito entre esses diferentes níveis é o que fundamenta sua análise comparativa das economias moderna e antiga e possibilita uma definição mais acurada do capitalismo moderno, em sua dimensão racional. / Since the publication of the third version of Agrarverhältnisse im Altertum (The Agrarian Sociology of Ancient Civilizations, 1909), the concept of capitalism plays an essential role in the analysis of the ancient economy in Max Weber\'s writings. On the one hand, the classification of the ancient economy as capitalist depends on the understanding of its uniqueness. On the other hand, as the bearer of a special kind of capitalist system, the ancient world\'s economy offers a counterpoint to the modern economy. This thesis assumes that Weber has worked in his researches on the ancient economy at two different levels of abstraction, which include distinct types of capitalism; the passage from one abstraction level to another is the basis of the comparison between ancient and modern economy, and allows Weber to better define the concept \"modern capitalism\", in its rational dimension.

Armazéns do café: tipologia industrial na cidade de Santos. / Dado não fornecido pelo autor.

Sampaio, Paula Tedesco 04 May 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa refere-se aos armazéns de estocagem do café na cidade de Santos, construídos no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Esses armazéns tiveram grande importância na economia cafeeira de exportação. Instalados próximos ao porto, eles eram usados para armazenar o café vindo do produtor, enquanto aguardavam o carregamento nos navios. Essa tipologia industrial, presente na região central da cidade santista, está integrada à malha urbana, característica que a torna interessante e, concomitantemente, coloca-a em risco constante. O trabalho teve por objetivo produzir material que registre e analise essa arquitetura industrial santista. A ausência de pesquisa sobre essa tipologia e a dinâmica de desenvolvimento da cidade torna vulnerável a preservação dessa memória edificada. Para tanto, os edifícios remanescentes foram inventariados e estudados através de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental, iconográfica, levantamentos de campo e croquis. O estudo de caso, Armazém Roberto, propiciou a melhor compreensão dessa tipologia e o aprofundamento dos sistemas construtivos e maquinários utilizados à época. / The present research refers to the storage warehouses of coffee in the city of Santos, built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These warehouses were of great importance in the coffee export economy. Installed close to the port, they were used to store the coffee from the producer, while awaiting loading on ships. This industrial typology, present in the central region of the city of Santos, is integrated to the urban network, a characteristic that makes it interesting and, at the same time, puts it at constant risk. The objective of the work was to produce material that registers and analyzes this industrial architecture. The absence of research on this typology and the dynamics of the city\'s development makes the preservation of this built-up memory vulnerable. To that end, the remaining buildings were inventoried and studied through bibliographical, documentary, iconographic, field surveys and sketches. The case study, Roberto Warehouse, provided a better understanding of this typology and the deepening of the construction systems and machinery used at the time.

O sinal é este mesmo bilhete: uma tipologia documental para os escritos da roda dos expostos / This note is the signal: a document typology for the writings of the foundling wheels

Elizangela Nivardo Dias 09 March 2018 (has links)
Esta tese estuda, a partir de uma perspectiva filológica, os escritos que acompanhavam as crianças depositadas anonimamente na roda dos expostos, para que fossem criadas pelas Misericórdias. A partir de pesquisas de campo em quatro arquivos, localizados nas Santas Casas de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro e Lisboa, constituímos um corpus de 60 escritos, com datas entre 1790 e 1923. Examinamos o contexto de circulação desses escritos, a definição de termos frequentes e/ou próprios do estudo das rodas dos expostos e tratamos dos contextos institucional, jurídico e histórico das rodas dos expostos. Apresentamos a reprodução fac-similar, a transcrição semidiplomática do corpus da pesquisa e a descrição codicológica dos escritos. Por meio da análise diplomática do corpus, examinamos os elementos extrínsecos e intrínsecos que o caracterizam. A presença de sinais, que permitiriam o resgate futuro da criança depositada, é própria dos escritos da roda. Há vários sinais nos escritos do corpus, os quais podem ser tanto elementos textuais como não-textuais. Dividimos o estudo do texto dos escritos em duas partes principais: a expositio, na qual o autor fornece as informações sobre o exposto que considera importantes (o nome da criança, a data de nascimento e o fato de a criança estar ou não batizada); e a dispositio, em que o autor manifesta suas vontades e intenções ao destinatário (de maneira geral, relacionadas aos sinais e ao resgate da criança). A partir do estudo tipológico, concluímos que grande parte dos escritos da roda corresponde à espécie documental carta, tanto em sua função quanto em sua forma. Observamos também a ocorrência, em menor número, de outros padrões tipológicos, que correspondem ao poema, à narrativa, e à lista de dados. Embora haja alteração da forma, nos quatro tipos de escrito identificados sempre constam as informações essenciais sobre o exposto. Essa regularidade nos escritos da roda revela que, mesmo não se tratando de documentos oficiais, os escritos da roda apresentam-se como documentos informais de identificação da criança. Apesar de não haver fórmulas oficialmente prescritas, os escritos apresentam, por padrões inferidos, uma prática tipológica que se caracteriza como parte da cultura da roda. / Based on a philological perspective, this dissertation has studied the writing notes that accompanied the babies anonymously left at the Foundling Wheels to be raised by the charitable hospitals Misericordias (Holy Houses of Mercy). Conducting field research studies of four files at Santa Casa de Misericordia in Sao Paulo, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and Lisbon, we have built a corpus of 60 writing notes dated from 1790 to 1923. We have examined the context of circulation of said writings, the definition of frequent and/or proper terms from Foundling Wheels studies and considered the institutional, legal and historical background of the Foundling Wheels. We present the fax-simile reproduction, the semi-diplomatic transcription of the documents and the codicological description of the notes. Based on the diplomatic analysis of the corpus, we have examined the intrinsic and extrinsic elements that characterize them. The presence of signals that would enable future reclaim of the abandoned child is part of the writings found in the Wheels. There are many indications in the corpus writings, which may include textual and non-textual elements. We have divided the study of the writings into two main parts: expositio, in which the author provides information about the foundling (name of the child, date of birth, and whether the child had been baptized), and dispositio, in which the author states her/ his wills and intentions to the recipient (generally related to the signals and the child future reclaim). Based on typology studies, we have concluded that most of the writings from the Wheel corresponded to the document type letter, both in its function and format. We have also observed less frequent examples of other typological formats, such as poems, narratives, and lists. Even though the format is different, all four identified types included some essential information about the foundlings. This regularity of the Wheels\' writings indicates that, even though they were not official documents, these writings served as informal identification documents of the children. Although there are no officially prescribed formulas, we can infer that these writings have a typology that is characterized as part of the Foundling Wheel culture.

A Grammar of Karbi

Konnerth, Linda 17 June 2014 (has links)
Karbi is a Tibeto-Burman (TB) language spoken by half a million people in the Karbi Anglong district in Assam, Northeast India, and surrounding areas in the extended Brahmaputra Valley area. It is an agglutinating, verb-final language. This dissertation offers a description of the dialect spoken in the hills of the Karbi Anglong district. It is primarily based on a corpus that was created during a total of fifteen months of original fieldwork, while building on and expanding on research reported by Grüßner in 1978. While the exact phylogenetic status of Karbi inside TB has remained controversial, this dissertation points out various putative links to other TB languages. The most intriguing aspect of Karbi phonology is the tone system, which carries a low functional load. While three tones can be contrasted on monosyllabic roots, the rich agglutinating morphology of Karbi allows the formation of polysyllabic words, at which level tones lose most of their phonemicity, while still leaving systematic phonetic traces. Nouns and verbs represent the two major word classes of Karbi at the root level; property-concept terms represent a subclass of verbs. At the heart of Karbi morphosyntax, there are two prefixes of Proto-TB provenance that have diachronically shaped the grammar of the language: the possessive prefix a- and the nominalizer ke-. Possessive a- attaches to nouns that are modified by preposed elements and represents the most frequent morpheme in the corpus. Nominalization involving ke- forms the basis for a variety of predicate constructions, including most of Karbi subordination as well as a number of main clause constructions. In addition to nominalization, subordination commonly involves clause chaining. Noun phrases may be marked for their clausal role via -phān `non-subject' or -lòng `locative' but frequently remain unmarked for role. Their pragmatic status can be indicated with information structure markers for topic, focus, and additivity. Commonly used discourse constructions include elaborate expressions and parallelism more generally, general extenders, copy verb constructions, as well as a number of final particles. Audio files are available of the texts given in the appendices, particular examples illustrating phonological issues, and phonetic recordings of tone minimal sets. Supplemental files are located at: https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/handle/1794/13657

A interpretação tipológica da Bíblia e seus reflexos na representação do povo judeu / The typological interpretation of the Bible and its influence in the representation of Jewish people

Marczyk, Marta Bernadete Frolini de Aguiar 07 October 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar a tipologia bíblica como fator de influência sobre a representação do povo judeu na civilização cristã. Para isso, busca-se descrever o procedimento de interpretação tipológica, enquanto forma de leitura e de composição do cânone escritural do cristianismo, salientando que a tipologia bíblica teve um papel decisivo na separação entre o credo cristão e o credo judaico. Observa-se a complexidade dessa ruptura, na qual houve uma legitimação dos escritos nucleares da tradição textual judaica, incorporando-os na Bíblia, paralelamente à desautorização das práticas de leitura dos judeus. Busca-se, recorrendo à formação do cânone cristão e aos escritos de antigos padres, Justino e Tertuliano, demonstrar que a tipologia bíblica envolve, além dos fatores interpretativos, uma apreciação negativa da figura do judeu, visto que, na ótica cristã, esse povo viola o princípio de dependência entre os assim chamados Antigo e Novo Testamentos. Observam-se algumas encíclicas papais, com o intuito de examinar a tradição cristã em seu estatuto de afastamento do judaísmo. Nesses escritos, constata-se que se mantêm a prescrição da tipologia bíblica e a recriminação de outras formas interpretativas. E, nos escritos contemporâneos de propagação do ódio contra os judeus, os \"Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião\" e os discursos de seus apologistas, percebe-se que a lógica da tipologia bíblica é uma forma particular e específica de caracterizar esse povo, que se sustenta ao lado, mas diferentemente, das representações depreciativas supostamente históricas. Propõe-se também um panorama da tipologia bíblica nas práticas literárias, percorrendo-se os estudos de Erich Auerbach e Northrop Frye, os quais demonstram sua influência bimilenar sobre a literatura ocidental. Sob essa perspectiva, apresentam-se duas obras de autores da literatura brasileira, um romance de José de Alencar e um poema de Jorge de Lima, que revelam dois modos pelos quais a tipologia bíblica se reflete na construção da imagem do judeu. A pesquisa, em seu conjunto, demonstra o quão relevante é reconhecer que a religião cristã consolidou-se historicamente a partir da cisão com o judaísmo e que, por essa razão, sustenta práticas de leitura que desautorizam as práticas da religião judaica. Mostra, dessa forma, que, muito frequentemente, esse ato de desautorização se estende dos preceitos religiosos para a comunidade judaica, formando e propagando representações depreciativas do povo judeu. / The aim of the present research is to present biblical typology as a factor affecting the representation of the Jewish people in Christian civilization. In order to do this, I endeavour to describe the procedure of typological interpretation as a means of reading and producing the canon of the Christian scriptures, emphasising that biblical typology had a key participation in the separation of the Christian and the Jewish faith.The complexity of this rupture, during which the main writings of the Jewish textual tradition became legitimised by their incorporation into the Bible, can be observed as a parallel to the discrediting of the Jewish reading practices. By resorting to the shaping of the Christian canon and the writings of the Early Church Fathers, Justine and Tertulian, I endeavour to show that biblical typology involves, besides interpretive factors, a negative appraisal of the Jewish, once that from the standpoint of Christianity this people would violate the interdependence principle between the so-called Old and New Testament. I study a number of papal encyclicals with the aim of examining the Christian tradition in its code of dismissal of Judaism. In these writings, the prescription of biblical typology is maintained, as well as the disapproval of other interpretive practices. Furthermore, in contemporary writings disseminating the hatred against the Jews, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and their apologists\' discourses, one can notice that the rationale of biblical typology is a particular and specific form of characterising this people that is supported by, although independently, deprecating representations supposedly historical. I also propose a survey of literary practices of biblical typology, by going through the studies of Erich Auerbach and Northrop Frye, which demonstrate its influence along the last two millenia on Western literature.Under this perspective, I present two literary works by Brazilian authors, a novel by José de Alencar and a poem by Jorge de Lima, revealing two ways in which biblical typology is reflected in the construction of the image of the Jew. This research, in sum, demonstrates how important it is to recognise that Christian religion consolidated historically with its split from Judaism and that it thereby maintains reading practices that discredit Jewish religion. It shows, in this way, that more than often this act of discrediting spreads from the religious precepts to the Jewish community, thus shaping and disseminating representations that depreciate the Jewish people.

Contribution à l'étude de la céramique médiévale égyptienne. Chrono-typologie des céramiques issues des fouilles de la muraille ayyoubide du Caire (fin Xe – début XVIe siècles) / Contribution to egyptian medieval ceramics study. Chrono-typology of ceramics from the excavations of the Ayyubid wall of Cairo (end of 10th-early 16th century)

Monchamp, Julie 23 November 2011 (has links)
Lors des fouilles archéologiques menées le long de la muraille médiévale du Caire, entreprises par l'organisationAga Khan Cultural Services et l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale entre 2000 et 2009, une importantequantité de céramiques a été mise au jour. L'objectif de cette étude est de caractériser les productions decéramiques communes et glaçurées et d'établir une chrono-typologie de ces céramiques de l'époque fatimide (finXe siècle) au début de l'époque ottomane (début XVIe siècle), à partir des données fournies par le terrain. Dansune première partie, sont décrits les contextes archéologiques dont proviennent les céramiques, puis, sontdéfinis les différents types de pâtes. Il a semblé nécessaire de présenter également une sélection d'assemblagespour chaque période, bien calés chronologiquement grâce à l'analyse stratigraphique du terrain. La partessentielle de ce travail constitue la seconde partie, présentée sous la forme d'un catalogue morphologique de lacéramique commune et des productions de céramiques glaçurées locales et importées. Cette classification estorganisée de manière chronologique et complétée d'éventuelles comparaisons avec d'autres sites. La troisièmepartie est consacrée à l'évolution chronologique et à la proportion de chaque forme et et de chaque productionglaçurée ainsi qu'aux caractéristiques générales de la céramique pour chaque époque (fatimide, ayyoubide etmamelouke). Un développement plus particulier concerne certaines productions, locales ou importées, qui lesrelie, lorsque cela était possible, à un contexte historique, sociologique ou économique. / During the archaeological excavations along the medieval walls of Cairo, undertaken by Aga Khan CulturalServices and the French Institut of Oriental Archeology in Cairo between 2000 and 2009, a large amount ofpottery has been discovered. The purpose of this study is to characterize the production of the coarse and glazedpottery, and to establish a chrono-typolology of these ceramics from the Fatimid period (late tenth century) to thebeginning of the Ottoman period (early sixteenth century), with the data provided by the site. In the first part, thearcheological contexts of the ceramics are described then, the different types of paste are defined. It seemednecessary too to present a selection of layers for each period dated thanks to the stratigraphic analysis of thesite. The essential part of this work is the second part, presented as a morphological catalogue of commonceramics and the production of local and imported glazed ceramics. This classification is organizedchronologically and supplemented with possible comparisons on other sites. The third part is devoted to thechronological development and the proportion of each shape and each production of glazed ware as well as tothe general characteristics of ceramics for each period (Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk). A more specific part dealswith certain productions, local or imported, which connects them, when possible, to as historical, sociological oreconomic context.

En svensk konstruktion av klimatförändringar : Ramanalys av Svenska Dagbladets bevakning av klimatfrågan

Befrits, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
This paper concerns the framing of climate change in Svenska Dagbladet, during the period of January 1st to November 30th, 2018. Climate change has been described as the challenge of our time, perhaps even the biggest to ever face humanity. Though Sweden has, for a long time, expressed a general consensus regarding the existence and gravity of climate change the importance of how the question is handled remains. Media plays a crucial role in defining and explaining the issue, including causal interpretations and what ought to be done. The outset of the current study was to explore how one of Sweden’s leading newspapers constructs and represents this issue of climate change. Through a method of framing analysis, using Nisbet’s framing typology, the study examined 69 articles in Svenska Dagbladet within the chosen time frame. Two research questions guided the study: Q1 - Which are the primary frames used in the articles? Does frequency differ among the frames? Q2 - What constitutes each frame? Which defining features and arguments can be identified for each frame? The results show that climate change is portrayed as an advanced crisis with the need for immediate and massive efforts to limit the consequences. The newspaper highlights the importance of lowering individual footprint, the need for a green approach in markets and above all, the pivotal role of the UN and transnational agreements for a global solution. More work is needed within the research field to further investigate the findings concluded in this paper.

Godliness unveiled : William Guild, biblical types, and Reformed Protestantism in Early Modern Scotland

Newton, Russell William Dennis January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines how biblical typology was used in early modern Scotland. It focuses on the works of the Aberdonian minister and theologian, William Guild (1586–1657), who was one of the most prominent seventeenth-­‐century typological exegetes. His handbook, Moses Unvailed (1620), has been repeatedly noted as one of the key works in the development of Protestant typology. Yet his typological exegesis has not been properly explored. Indeed, detailed analysis of Guild’s life and works has been lacking. This study seeks to address those issues. Chapter One offers an updated biography of Guild, focusing on his intellectual development and religious involvement. Chapter Two provides the first detailed study of the theological influences on, and beliefs undergirding, Moses Unvailed, showing that Guild’s typological exegesis became more Christocentric in the period between 1608 and 1620. Chapters Three and Four explore the varied uses of typology in Guild’s sermons, biblical study aids, polemical works, and political treatises, drawing comparisons with his Scottish contemporaries. Chapter Three examines how typology was used in works addressed to godly audiences, while Chapter Four focuses on how typology was used in works aimed at theological opponents and political authorities. These chapters suggest that typology was consistently used – either directly or indirectly – to edify Reformed Protestants. Chapter Five turns to Guild’s commentaries to consider how typology related to allegorical, moral, and prophetic exegesis. This chapter argues that while typology was rarely Guild’s primary interpretative approach it still served vital functions in allowing him to reinforce, clarify, and expand his expositions. This thesis provides the first study of early modern typology in a Scottish context and also represents the most detailed engagement with Guild’s works to date. It challenges the divisions that have been drawn by scholars between different applications of typology and argues that Guild’s distinction between types and comparisons offers a more helpful way of understanding the varied uses of typology in early modern Scotland. From this analysis a clearer understanding of the functions of typology for early modern exegetes emerges. This thesis argues that while, for Guild and his contemporaries, typology served to demonstrate how the Old Testament reveals Christ, they were frequently drawn to this approach because it also gave them a biblically and providentially grounded means of articulating their vision of Protestant godliness.

A crÃtica psicolÃgica de Nietzsche à moral da renÃncia de si / A psychological criticism of Nietzsche the moral of the resignation of si / A crÃtica psicolÃgica de Nietzsche à moral da renÃncia de si / A psychological criticism of Nietzsche the moral of the resignation of si

Tilso Rodrigo Bataglia 29 July 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / O propÃsito deste trabalho à investigar filosoficamente como a psicologia de Friedrich Nietzsche pode ser entendida como o caminho que permite ao filÃsofo, atravÃs do trabalho de vivissecaÃÃo e desmascaramento das ideias e ideais modernos, diagnosticar se tratar de um perÃodo que denominou como dÃcadence, culminando na degeneraÃÃo dos impulsos vitais e, conseqÃentemente, numa vontade de nada, expressÃo do niilismo. Tendo em vista seu projeto de transvaloraÃÃo de todos os valores, adotou-se como ponto de partida a crÃtica ao projeto de fundamentaÃÃo da moral, uma vez que este se mostrou como a tentativa da filosofia moral moderna (Kant e Schopenhauer) justificar e legitimar os valores da moral vigente: a cristÃ. Assim, apresentou-se inicialmente, em carÃter meramente introdutÃrio, como tal projeto foi pensado por Immanuel Kant e Arthur Schopenhauer, jà que se considerou como fundamental para o entendimento da crÃtica a tal projeto realizada por Nietzsche, bem como para sua proposta de uma tipologia da moral em oposiÃÃo Ãquele, juntamente com indicaÃÃes para um tipo mais antitÃtico ao homem moderno possÃvel, o tipo nobre, mais forte e elevado e, por isso mesmo, senhor dos prÃprios impulsos. Trata-se da explicitaÃÃo da oposiÃÃo existente entre o trabalho de emasculaÃÃo dos impulsos pela moral da renÃncia de si e a proposta da filosofia de Nietzsche de sublimaÃÃo dos impulsos vitais, atravÃs da qual se alcanÃa maior elevaÃÃo humana, pela auto-superaÃÃo dos mesmos, constituindo-se como grande saÃde. / O propÃsito deste trabalho à investigar filosoficamente como a psicologia de Friedrich Nietzsche pode ser entendida como o caminho que permite ao filÃsofo, atravÃs do trabalho de vivissecaÃÃo e desmascaramento das ideias e ideais modernos, diagnosticar se tratar de um perÃodo que denominou como dÃcadence, culminando na degeneraÃÃo dos impulsos vitais e, conseqÃentemente, numa vontade de nada, expressÃo do niilismo. Tendo em vista seu projeto de transvaloraÃÃo de todos os valores, adotou-se como ponto de partida a crÃtica ao projeto de fundamentaÃÃo da moral, uma vez que este se mostrou como a tentativa da filosofia moral moderna (Kant e Schopenhauer) justificar e legitimar os valores da moral vigente: a cristÃ. Assim, apresentou-se inicialmente, em carÃter meramente introdutÃrio, como tal projeto foi pensado por Immanuel Kant e Arthur Schopenhauer, jà que se considerou como fundamental para o entendimento da crÃtica a tal projeto realizada por Nietzsche, bem como para sua proposta de uma tipologia da moral em oposiÃÃo Ãquele, juntamente com indicaÃÃes para um tipo mais antitÃtico ao homem moderno possÃvel, o tipo nobre, mais forte e elevado e, por isso mesmo, senhor dos prÃprios impulsos. Trata-se da explicitaÃÃo da oposiÃÃo existente entre o trabalho de emasculaÃÃo dos impulsos pela moral da renÃncia de si e a proposta da filosofia de Nietzsche de sublimaÃÃo dos impulsos vitais, atravÃs da qual se alcanÃa maior elevaÃÃo humana, pela auto-superaÃÃo dos mesmos, constituindo-se como grande saÃde.

Vocabulário da economia: formas de apresentação dos estrangeirismos / Economics vocabulary: how terms brought in from other languages

Francisco Gilberto Labate 26 June 2008 (has links)
A Dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a maneira como os estrangeirismos, elementos exteriores ao léxico vernacular, são apresentados na língua portuguesa, na área específica da Economia. Em uma primeira parte do trabalho, desenvolvemos considerações de ordem teórica, referente à terminologia e à metalingugem. Tomando por objetivo da análise os termos constantes da Base de Termos da Economia, constituída no âmbito do Projeto Observatório de Neologismos do Português Brasileiro Contemporâneo (projeto TermNeo), verificamos que, estatisticamente, cerca de 8,4% dos termos se constituem em estrangeirismos Os estrangeirismos coletados foram posteriormente classificados de acordo com a tipologia de sua apresentação. Por meio de análise dos contextos em que ocorreram, os respectivos estrangeirismos foram classificados em duzentos e vinte e nove tipos de apresentação diferentes e, a seguir, agrupados em nove categorias. Procedemos à análise de algumas formas de apresentação, procurando distinguir as formas que implicavam a utilização de recursos gráficos ou de língua-objeto, bem como os de metaliguagem. Ao final, foram feitas considerações sobre a questão da metalinguagem. / The objective of the dissertation was to analyse how terms brought in from other languages are presented in Portuguese, specifically, in the area of Economics. In the first part of the dissertation we presented theoretical considerations on terminology and metalanguage. The terms analyzed were those included in the Base de Termos da Economia [Base of Economic Terms] drawn up as part of the project known as Observatório de Neologismos do Português Brasileiro Contemporâneo (Projeto TermNeo). We found that, statistically, approximately 8.4% of the entries consisted of foreign terms. The terms collected were later classified according to the typology of their presentation. Based on an analysis of the contexts where they occurred, the terms were classified into two hundred and twenty-nine different types of presentation and then grouped into nine categories. Several of the forms of presentation were analyzed in an attempt to distinguish those that imply the use of graphic resources or object-language, as well as those of metalanguage. At the end considerations were presented on the question of metalanguage.

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