Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tyrimo"" "subject:"ištyrimo""
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Kūrybiška ir standartinė reklama: apibrėžimo kriterijai ir pasirinkimo veiksniai / Creative and standard advertising: criteria of definition and factors of selectionStatinytė, Deimantė 25 June 2014 (has links)
Atlikti naujausi tyrimai bei kūrybiškos reklamos apdovanojimo festivaliai rodo, jog kūrybiškos TV reklamos yra daug efektyvesnės už standartines. Esama situacija kelia klausimą, kas lemia pasirinkimą tarp kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos bei kokie yra šių sampratų apibrėžimo kriterijai. Magistro darbe tyrimo objektu buvo išskirtos televizijos reklamos rūšys (kūrybiška ir standartinė). Šio darbo tikslas – apibrėžti kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos sampratas ir išskirti pasirinkimo veiksnius tarp kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai yra apibrėžti kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos sampratas; pristatyti reklamos efektyvumo tyrimo metodus; apžvelgti atliktus kūrybiškos reklamos efektyvumo tyrimus; pristatyti komunikacijos strategijas ir modelius, padėsiančius išskirti kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos pasirinkimo kriterijus; pateikti Lietuvos marketingo ir reklamos specialistų požiūrius kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos atžvilgiu; įvardyti priežastis, lemiančias standartinės reklamos dominavimą Lietuvoje; ir išskirti pagrindinius pasirinkimo veiksnius tarp kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos. Darbe prieita prie išvados, jog kūrybiška reklama įvardyta kaip originali, išsiskirianti ir aktuali. Standartinė reklama buvo suvokta kaip informacinė (racionali), neišsiskirianti (įprasta, šabloninė) ir stereotipinė (banali). Moksliniuose darbuose atliktos įžvalgos padėjo prieiti prie išvados, jog pasirinkimą tarp kūrybiškos ir standartinės reklamos lemia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently conducted researches and creative advertising awards show that creative TV ads are much more effective than standard ones. However, TV advertising is still dominated by the standard commercials. The current situation raises the question of what are factors of selection between standard and creative ads what are criteria of definition of standard and creative advertising. The object of master thesis is television advertisements – the creative and the standard ones. Its goal is to define the standard and creative advertising concepts and identify the factors of choice between standard and creative advertising. Its main tasks are to define the standard and creative advertising concepts; to present advertising effectiveness of the investigative techniques; to review advertising effectiveness studies; presents the communication strategies and models that would help identify a creative advertising and standard selection criteria; to provide Lithuanian marketing and advertising professionals approaches in respect of the creative and standard advertising; to identify causes of the standard advertising domination in Lithuania; identify the main factors of selection between standard and creative advertising. There was made a conclusion that creative advertising is identified as an original, distinctive and relevant. Standard ad was perceived as the information (rational), inconspicuous (routine, template) and stereotype (banal). The choice between standard and creative... [to full text]
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Gerklų vėžiu sergančių pacientų slaugos poreikių vertinimas / Assessment the nursing needs of larynx cancer patientsMorkūnaitė, Snieguolė 16 June 2006 (has links)
The topic of the study is to asses the larynx cancer patients needs from the viewpoint of the patient, his or her family and nursing personnel, using quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The significance of the reseaarch. The needs and difficulties of larynx patients are very significant in clinical practice. It is important to evaluate if the nursing needs are equally and adequately understood by the patient, family and the nursing personnel. It is a common practice to use the worldly acknowledged instruments. The use of the quantative method in the research improves the quality of the research and allows to deepen the understanding of the needs of the patient.
The hypothesis of the research. The needs of the larynx cancer patient can be disclosed using the adapted version of Needs Evaluation Questionnaire and by disclosing the attitude of the family, nursing personnel towards the needs of the patient by means of quantitative research.
The aim of the study is to determine the larynx patient needs by using Needs Evaluation Questionnaire and to assess the attitude of the family and the nursing by means of quantitative research.
The goals:
1. Determine the suitability and reliability of the Needs Evaluation Questionnaire by evalutaing the needs of the larynx patients.
2. Determine the attitude of the family towards the needs of the patient by using partially structured interview.
3. Determine the attitude of the nursing personnel towards the needs of the... [to full text]
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Personalo ugdymas įvairaus tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / The training of the staff at different schools of general trainingSkliaustytė, Beata 03 January 2007 (has links)
Modern dynamic society constantly raises new requiremant towards existing education systems. One of the most important factors determining the implementation of alteration are both the readiness of a teacher to alter and rise of shoolmasters qualification, that is the understanding of a new role, permanent training, the ability to think, interpret and find the most proper decisions solo.
In this work is analyzed the problem: What reasons determine the involvement of schoolmasters in qualification improvement events?
The purpose of the work is to analyze the training of staff in at different schools of general training. To reach this purpose the following tasks are projected: 1) to fulfill the analysis of literature sources studying the training of staff; 2) to unfold the attitude of school administration towards staff training; 3) to unfold teachers attitude towards staff training.
Fulfilling practical research the aim is either to deny or to confirm the hypothesis that teacher take part in qualification improvement event stimulated with their inner motivation of qualification improvement.
The objects of the research are gymnasium, secondary, common and primary schools and their teachers and heads. The research has been fulfilled with the help of questionnaires and interviews.
The work consist of the following parts: content, preface, 3 chapters, conclusions and offers, the list of literature and annotation. In the first chapter the analysis of literature sources... [to full text]
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Duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo įrankis / Database performance audit toolGreibus, Justinas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Duomenų bazių našumo analizė yra viena iš pagrindinių siekių programinės įrangos testavimo srityje šiuo metu. Atliekant tyrimus sukurta nemažai metodikų, kurios leidžia nustatyti duomenų bazių našumo lygį. Tačiau priemonės sukurtos remiantis šiomis metodikomis yra prieinamos dažniausiai tik uždaroms bendruomenėms. Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjama duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo metodika, pagrįsta programinės įrangos apkrovos ir stresinio testavimo principais. Sukurtas įrankis suteikia vartotojui galimybę atlikti duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo scenarijus, bei pakartotinai atlikti istorinius scenarijus ir palyginti gautus rezultatus. Formuojamos ataskaitos pateikia daug svarbios informacijos skirtos analizei. / The analysis of the database performance is the common challenge in the nowadays software testing. There are several methodologies of the analysis of the database performance in the market. However, tools, which are based on these methodologies, are available for the narrow circle of the privileged persons. According to the results of the analysis, this master thesis investigates a new methodology, which is based on several other methodologies. The methodology of the database performance audit, which is discussed in this project, is based on the principles of the software load and stress testing. In order to identify the issues of database performance, values of the performance parameters are registered. These values are counted during the execution of the scenario of the automatic scenarios. The user has the possibility to re-execute historical scenarios and to compare the results of the separate executions. Generated reports with the deep data level facilitate the analysis of the database performance.
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Kojų raumenų stiprinimo ir liemens funkcijos lavinimo pratimų poveikis asmenų, patyrusių galvos smegenų infaktą, eisenos kokybei / Effects of lower extremity strenght and trunk control training on gait quality after strokeMikalajūnas, Vytautas 27 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: asmenų, patyrusių galvos smegenų infarktą, eisenos kokybė.
Tyrimo problema. Pagrindiniai eisenos kokybę įtakojantys veiksniai yra liemens funkcija ir kojų raumenų jėga. Patyrus galvos smegenų infarktą sutrinka gebėjimas eiti, eisena tampa asimetrinė, sumažėja ėjimo greitis ir padidėja energijos sąnaudos. Kompensuojant pažeistą kojų raumenų ir liemens funkciją naudojami neoptimalūs ėjimo modeliai.
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti, kokio tipo pratimai – liemens funkcijos lavinimo ar kojų raumenų stiprinimo - turi didesnį poveikį asmenų, patyrusių galvos smegenų infarktą, kokybiniams ėjimo fazių rodikliams. Uždaviniai: 1) įvertinti liemens funkciją lavinančių pratimų poveikį ligonių ėjimo fazių rodikliams; 2) įvertinti kojų raumenų stiprinimo pratimų poveikį ligonių ėjimo fazių rodikliams; 3) palyginti skirtingų kineziterapijos programų poveikį ligonių ėjimo fazių rodikliams.
Tyrimo metodika: Penkiasdešimt tiriamųjų – asmenų, prieš 2 savaites patyrusių galvos smegenų infarktą - buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes po 25 ligonius. Pirmosios grupės ligoniams didžiausią dėmesį kineziterapijos metu skyrėme liemens funkcijos lavinimui, antrosios grupės ligoniams - ėjime dalyvaujančių kojų raumenų stiprinimui. Eisenos rodiklių pokyčius vertinome Brunel pusiausvyros testu (angl. BBA) ir Wiskonsino eisenos skale (angl. WGS).
Rezultatai ir išvados. 1. Liemens funkciją lavinantys pratimai statistiškai reikšmingai pagerino asmenų, patyrusių galvos smegenų infarktą, eisenos kokybę. 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: gait quality of people who sustain the stroke.
Research problem. The main factors of gait quality are a trunk control and a force of lower limbs muscular tissues. The stroke affects the ability to walk, the walking becomes asymmetric, and walking speed is slower consequently it increases the expenditure of energy. Non-optimal walking models are used to compensate touched lower limbs muscles and trunk control.
The aim of this paper is to determine what kind of training and strenghening exercises after a stroke for a trunk control and lower limbs muscles have more intense influence for qualitative indexes of gait phases.
Objectives: 1. to estimate trunk control training exercises effect on a patient’s gait phases; 2. to estimate strengthening exercises of lower limbs muscular tissues effect on a patient’s gait phases; 3. to compare various physical therapy programs effect on a patient’s gait phases.
Research methods: fifty patients who had sustained a stroke two weeks ago were divided into two equal groups. During the physical therapy one patients group granted attention to a trunk control training and another group to lower limbs muscular tissues strengthening by some walking exercises. The factors of changed gait were measured by Brunel balance assessment and Wisconsin gait scale.
Conclusions. 1. Trunk control training exercises significantly improve patient’s gait quality. 2. Lower limbs muscles strengthening exercises significantly improve patient’s who... [to full text]
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Skaitmeninio vaizdo fiksavimo metodas: teisiniai ir kriminalistiniai aspektai / A digital image capture method: legal and criminalistic aspectsŠiurna, Žilvinas 18 January 2007 (has links)
The graduating paper focuses on the digital image capture method in criminalistic and also on its legal regulation and practical resort in the law enforcement institutions‘ investigations of criminal acts. The digital image capture is one of the methods of digital image capture in criminalistic. Its structure contains digital photography and digital video recording. The digital photography is used for strategical and investigative photography. The usage of the digital image capture method investigating the criminal acts is not against the provision of the Criminal Procedure Code. This method is not regulated by any other legal instrument. It often happens that the media captured by the digital camera under investigation is not attached to the criminal case. It is the violation of the Criminal Procedure Code. The digital photography is used in the pretrial investigation institutions‘ work but the traditional photography is used as well. There are no anticipated procedures how to protect the digital photography and files from the substitution, forgery and erasure. The digital information can be protected by establishing the procedures of the standard operations. One of the ways to protect it is electronic signature.
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Gėluvos regioninio aukšto (silūras) stratigrafija ir koreliacija / Stratigraphy and correlation of gėluva regional stage (silurian)Kojelė, Andrius 04 July 2014 (has links)
Gėluvos regioninis aukštas buvo išskirtas 2-oje Baltijos stratigrafų konferencijoje 1993 metais, kuri vyko Vilniuje, Lietuvoje, spausdintoje medžiagoje (Paškevičius ir kt., 1994). Anksčiau, kaip savarankiškas stratigrafinis padalinys, buvo vadinamas sluoksniais su Euripterus (Schmidt, 1891) ir šie sluoksniai buvo koreliuojami su apatine ludlovio dalimi. Vėliau šie sluoksniai buvo pavadinti Rootsikülos vardu (Bekker, 1925). Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto stratotipas buvo nebeegzistuojamame Viitos karjere (Sidaravičienė, 1999). Neostratotipas buvo išskirtas Vesiku upelio atodangoje prie Rootsikülos kaimo, o hipostratotipas – Kipio gręžinio 25,6 – 53,6 m intervale (Эйнасто, 1970). Rootsikülos regioninis aukštas yra išskirtas sėklavandenėse facijose kur vyrauja sluoksniuoti lagūniniai dolomitai, dolomitai su biodurbacijomis, sluoksniuoti stromatolitai ir stambenuolaužinės klintys. Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto ribos buvo išskirtos remiantis sedimentacijos cikliškumais. Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto pjūvis Estijoje neturi koreliacinių požymių, būtinų chronostratigrafiniam padaliniui, stratotipas yra laguninėse facijose, pjūvyje yra randamos stratigrafinės pertraukos ir spragos. Dėl pertraukų, spragų ir nepilnų geologinių pjūvių, regioninio aukšto ribos visame baseine ir jų koreliacijos yra neaiškios, ribos ir apimtis globalioje graptolitėje stratigrafineje skalėje nesikoreliuoja su biozonu ribomis ir apimtimis. Trūkstant tikslios regioninio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The regional horizon of Geluva has been characterized in the written materials (Paškevičius and others, 1994) of the second conference of Baltic stratigraphists which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania in the year 1993. Earlier it was recognized as a separate stratigraphic element only in conjunction with Euripterus (Schmidt, 1891) layers and those layers were correlated with the lower part of Ludlov. Later on those layers were given the name of Rootsikülos (Bekker, 1925). The stratotype of the regional horizon of Rootsikülos was in the extinct quarry of Viitos (Sidaravičienė, 1999). The neostratotype has been characterized in the exposures of Vesiku stream near the village of Rootsikülos, the hipostratotype – in the boring of Kipio (interval between 25.6 and 53.6 meters) (Эйнасто, 1970). The regional horizon of Rootsikülos is characterized in shallow-water facies which are being dominated by layered lagoonal dolomites, dolomites containing with bioturbations, by layered stromatopors and coarse-fragmented limestone. The boundaries of this horizon were determined by referencing the cycle of sedimentation. The sectional view of the regional horizon of Rootsikülos in Estonia does not have correlational features that are required for a chronostratigraphic element. The stratotype is in lagoonal facies. The sectional view contains stratigraphic breaks and gaps which, in conjunction with the incomplete geological sectional view, is the cause... [to full text]
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Abstrakčių automatų stebimumo nustatymo bei padidinimo tyrimas / Observability determinition and observability increasing of abstracts researchAfonin, Andrej 27 May 2005 (has links)
A circuit testing nowadays is expensive and complex process. That’s why circuits testing, errors finding and fixing require more and more investments. One of possible ways of reducing cost and speed up testing process is increasing controllability and observability of circuits. It takes a lot of time to find out circuit’s controllability and observability that’s why that process have to be computerized.
For that purpose was decided to create software which will be helpful for circuit designers in that process. As a result it will help designers in making design for testability schemes.
Research and training action for system on chip using internet software is dedicated for users that have C/C++ system on chip code from every place in the world, using only web browser, would be able put that code in to the server, test it and retrieve it‘s observability results in text and visual modes and also increase system’s on chip observability level. And as well review and get acquainted with systems on chip that are already on the server and are stored on it.
Software architecture uses client-server mode. All computations are performed on a server side. System is realized on Apache server with Linux OS. System modules are realized using HTML, JAVA, PHP, JavaScript, C++ and CGI programming languages.
Web page is working independent from users OS, user needs only web browser (Internet Explorer not older than 3.0 ver., Opera not older than 6.0 ver., Netscape Navigator not older... [to full text]
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Gaisrų ekspertizių analizė ir jų plėtojimo perspektyvos / Fire investigations analysis and developmentMorkūnas, Algirdas 30 January 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of the Master paper is to make fire investigations analysis, to find its problems ant find a way to solve them. Also suggest new alternative fire investigation methods. In the first part of my work I studied fire investigation analysis disputed all the methods of fire investigation used in Lithuania. I found and disputed limitations of fire investigation methods and found few solutions for them. I describe new alternative fire investigation methods used abroad. In the second part of my work I have analyzed new fire investigation method- fire dynamic simulator. I Studied principles and use opportunities of FDS- MOKEWIEV and SMARTFIRE programs. In the third part I wrote few concrete examples when these two fire dynamic simulation programs were used. I have also described test computation with SMARTFIRE fire dynamic simulator. I have wrote conclusions and suggested about fire investigation.
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Kultūrinio turizmo vystymo įtaka Jurbarko rajono gyventojų gyvenimo kokybei / The Impact of Cultural Tourism Development on Life Quality of Jurbarkas District ResidentsŠlėderis, Arūnas 13 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 63 puslapiai, 20 paveikslų, 10 lentelių, 57 literatūros šaltiniai, 6 priedai, lietuvių kalba.
Tyrimo objektas – kultūrinis turizmas kaip žmonių gyvenimo kokybės veiksnys.
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti kultūrinio turizmo vystymo įtaką Jurbarko rajono gyventojų gyvenimo kokybei bei parengti kultūrinio turizmo vystymo stiprinimo priemonių planą, orientuotą į gyventojų gyvenimo kokybės gerinimą.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti gyvenimo kokybės ir kultūrinio turizmo teorinius dėsningumus.
2. Atlikti kultūrinio turizmo vystymo įtakos gyventojų gyvenimo kokybei empirinį tyrimą.
3. Pateikti Jurbarko rajono kultūrinio turizmo vystymo stiprinimo priemonių planą.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų analizė ir sintezė, kokybinis vertinimas, anketinės apklausos ir pusiau struktūrizuoto interviu metodai, indukcija, dedukcija, grafinis vaizdavimas.
Tyrimo rezultatai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atlikta gyvenimo kokybės ir kultūrinio turizmo teorinių dėsningumų analizė: nustatyta, kad kultūrinis turizmas gyventojų gyvenimo kokybę teigiama arba neigiama linkme labiausiai įtakoja per socialinę, ekonominę, kultūrinę ir aplinkosauginę sritis. Antroje darbo dalyje, remiantis empiriniu kiekybiniu ir kokybiniu tyrimu, įvertinta kultūrinio turizmo vystymo įtaka Jurbarko rajono gyventojų gyvenimo kokybei. Trečioje darbo dalyje, remiantis teorinės analizės ir empirinio tyrimo rezultatais, parengtas kultūrinio turizmo stiprinimo priemonių planas, orientuotas į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Final work of University Postgraduate studies: 63 pages, 20 figures, 10 tables, 57 references, 6 appendixes, in Lithuanian.
Research object - cultural tourism as a factor of human life quality.
Research aim – to estimate the impact of cultural tourism development on life quality of Jurbarkas district residents, to prepare plan for strengthening cultural tourism development, focused on improving residents’ life quality.
1. To analyze the theoretical concepts of cultural tourism and quality of life.
2. To conduct empirical analysis of the impact of cultural tourism development on life quality of Jurbarkas district residents.
3. To provide plan of cultural tourism development strengthening, focusing on improving residents life quality.
Research methods: analysis and synthesis of literature and documents, qualitative evaluation, questionnaire survey, semi-structured interview, induction, deduction, graphical representation.
Research results. The first part analyzes theoretical concepts of cultural tourism and quality of life: cultural tourism impacts quality of human life in social, economic, cultural and environmental areas. The second part, on the basis of empirical quantitative and qualitative research, estimates the impact of cultural tourism on life quality of Jurbarkas district residents. The third part, on the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical research, prepares plan of cultural tourism development strengthening, focused on improving life... [to full text]
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