Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tysk"" "subject:"rysk""
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RENOVERING AV MILJONPROGRAMMET TILL PASSIVHUS : Implementering av tysk prefabteknikPihl, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Construction accounts for about 35 percent of the total Swedish energy consumption and most of the energy is used by the large housing stock from the so-called “Million program”. In the national action plan the government has put forward in energy efficiency. It is mentioned that existing buildings account for more than 90 percent of what is expected to be the housing stock within the coming 50 years. In order to meet environmental objectives its required that the existing stock be reviewed for energy efficiency. The goverment is now initiating a national framework with a budget of SEK 300 million Swedish crowns per year for five years, starting in 2010 to achieve the goal on energy efficient buildings. Energy efficiency of buildings in both new construction and above all within the existing stock are addressed. In order to use this money as effectively as possible it is necessary to have a good plan, and adequate knowledge of minimizing energy use in the buildings will be done the possible way. In Germany, the use of Passive House technology have been successive and increases with steady pace. In Sweden we have not come as far. It is mainly in new production that the Passive House concept has been suitable in Germany, but it has also been proven that it is possible to refurbish buildings similar to the so-called Million program houses to Passive Houses. Prefabricated facade elements have been used to this puspose. This is a technology that is still unknown of in Sweden. It has good potential to be developed towards the industrialization of the prefabricated components aimed for the refurbishment of the Million program stock. Meanwhile Swedish contractors are waiting for results from a refurbishment project in the city of Alinsås, where buildings in the neighborhood Brogården were recently renovated with Passive House technology. The first measurement data will be available by the spring 2010. Alingsås has launched a starting point for the Swedish construction industry with a cencept that applies passive house technology? This work has studied how the construction industry looks at the refurbishment of the Million program stock to Passive Houses and wheater a smiliar concept as the one used in Germany with prefabricated facade elements are interesting for the Swedish market today. Literature study was carried out on the Passive House concept and on the German model. A series of interviews with various stakeholders from the construction industry was conducted. The findings are that there is not much interest to refurbish the stock of Million program towards Passive Houses. However, there is an interest for a large refurbishment towards low energy houses. In this concept, aspects of the Passive House concept are taken and adapted to the refurbishment towards low energy houses. The concept doesn´t take into account thermal briding and insulation of the ground floor, wich is considered to be too extesive and costly.
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Das Phantastische als Erzählstrategie in vier zeitgenössischen Romanen /Schnaas, Ulrike, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Univ., 2004. / Från abstract: The major part of this study consists of a close reading of four novels printed between 1995 and 2001: Marie Hermanson's Värddjuret (1995), Majgull Axelsson's Aprilhäxan (1997), Karen Duve's Regenroman (1999) and Elfriede Kern's Schwarze Lämmer (2001). Med engelsk resumé.
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Das Phantastische als Erzählstrategie in vier zeitgenössischen Romanen /Schnaas, Ulrike, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Univ., 2004.
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Terrorismresor : Om strafflagstiftning på bräcklig grund och den lydiga medlemsstatenAgrell, Karolina January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Nicht-restrictive Relativsatzkonstruction im Deutschen: Diskursfunction und temporale InterpretationLaux, Britt Dalen January 2002 (has links)
<p>Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war eine Analyse der Diskursfunktion und der temporalen Interpretation des nicht-restriktiven Relativsatzes. In Kapitel 4.3 wurde ein Analyseverfahren herausgearbeitet, das aus dem Quaestioansatz (Klein & von Stutterheim, 1987) und den von mir definierten Diskursrelationen <i>Kontinuation</i> und <i>Diskontination</i> besteht. Diese wurden mit Hilfe des Quaestioansatzes definiert und sind ein wichtiges Ergebnis der Arbeit. Die Diskursrelationen wurden in der Analyse der hauptsächlich narrativen Beispiele benutzt, gelten jedoch auch für andere Texttypen. Durch diese Diskursrelationen konnte ein zweites wichtiges Ergebnis erreicht werden: eine Definition von kontinuativen Relativsätzen, die auf diskursfunktionalen Kriterien aufbaut. Nach dieser Definition ist ein RS nur dann kontinuativ, wenn er eine Kontinuation des MS darstellt und wenn S3 wiederum eine Kontinuation des RS darstellt. Ein RS kann somit nur in seinem Kontext als kontinuativ oder diskontinuativ bezeichnet werden und nicht isoliert. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass ein kontinuativer RS weitgehend einem HS entspricht, bis auf stilistische Unterschiede. Es liegen in meinem Korpus sehr wenige kontinuative RS vor. Dadurch, dass sich kontinuative RS hauptsächlich stilistisch von Hauptsätzen unterscheiden, ist jedoch anzunehmen, dass die Anzahl kontinuativer RS von Text zu Text stark variiert.</p>
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Die Nicht-restrictive Relativsatzkonstruction im Deutschen: Diskursfunction und temporale InterpretationLaux, Britt Dalen January 2002 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war eine Analyse der Diskursfunktion und der temporalen Interpretation des nicht-restriktiven Relativsatzes. In Kapitel 4.3 wurde ein Analyseverfahren herausgearbeitet, das aus dem Quaestioansatz (Klein & von Stutterheim, 1987) und den von mir definierten Diskursrelationen Kontinuation und Diskontination besteht. Diese wurden mit Hilfe des Quaestioansatzes definiert und sind ein wichtiges Ergebnis der Arbeit. Die Diskursrelationen wurden in der Analyse der hauptsächlich narrativen Beispiele benutzt, gelten jedoch auch für andere Texttypen. Durch diese Diskursrelationen konnte ein zweites wichtiges Ergebnis erreicht werden: eine Definition von kontinuativen Relativsätzen, die auf diskursfunktionalen Kriterien aufbaut. Nach dieser Definition ist ein RS nur dann kontinuativ, wenn er eine Kontinuation des MS darstellt und wenn S3 wiederum eine Kontinuation des RS darstellt. Ein RS kann somit nur in seinem Kontext als kontinuativ oder diskontinuativ bezeichnet werden und nicht isoliert. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass ein kontinuativer RS weitgehend einem HS entspricht, bis auf stilistische Unterschiede. Es liegen in meinem Korpus sehr wenige kontinuative RS vor. Dadurch, dass sich kontinuative RS hauptsächlich stilistisch von Hauptsätzen unterscheiden, ist jedoch anzunehmen, dass die Anzahl kontinuativer RS von Text zu Text stark variiert.
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Fichte i Heliopolis : En undersökning av det intersubjektiva jaget i vetenskapsläranBjarkö, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines the role of intersubjectivity in the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. For Fichte, the ultimate ground of philosophy is the infinite self-positing activity of the I. However, this self-positing activity must have as its product a determined I, and therefore it must establish a limit to the I’s original infinity. Further, such a limit is only thinkable as a relation to that which lies beyond it: the negation of the I, or the not-I. By this characterization of the nature of the I, Fichte establishes it as a paradoxical concept that is at once infinite and finite. To solve this paradox, he introduces the concept of a “check” (Anstoβ) that puts a halt to the outward-striving activity of the I. In experiencing this check, the I is not limited by something outside of itself, which would negate its position as the ultimate ground of its own being, but rather is given the task of positing its own limit. In Grundlage des Naturrechts, Fichte develops this idea through another concept: that of a “summons” (Aufforderung) given to the I by another subject. Since the I is characterized by containing the ground of its own being, the intersubjective relation to the other is conditioned by the I limiting itself, so that the self-grounding character of the other can be recognized. In experiencing the summons of the other, though, the I does not only posit a limit for itself, but also becomes conscious of its own nature as a free, self-positing subject. Intersubjectivity, therefore, must be considered a fundamental element of the I as such. In Fichte’s own words: “No I, no Thou; no Thou, no I.”
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Kolliderande standardavtal : En analys av svensk och tysk avtalsrätt beträffandev kolliderande standardavtal / Battle of Forms : A analysis of Swedish and German Contract Law regarding Battle of FormsProchazka, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The use of standard agreements can hardly be overestimated in the society of today. The amount of standard agreements should barely decrease. One of the standard agreement’s main purposes, to make the concluding of the contract more effective, strongly agrees with the companies will to accomplish fast concluding of agreements using as small resources as possible A dispute that can arise in these contexts is that dissimilar standard agreements collide. Between nations this is called Battle of Forms. It is a situation of practice which is difficult to solve through the basic rules of contract law. The aim of the essay is to bring clarity into how the legal problems concerning Battle of Forms is solved in Sweden respectively Germany. Also CISG, Unidroit and PECL’s solutions of the same problem is going to be mentioned. A critical examining of the different solutions that the system of rules has in disposal will also be done. In the context of the situation an examination will show if there is any resistance towards these. If that is the case some parts of the critic will be presented. To be able to answer my questions at issue a traditional method of legal-dogmatism has been used together with comparative strains.</p><p>Sweden lacks a direct law-prescribed solution of Battle of Forms, nor is there a direct legal usage. Sweden has tried to apply the directions of 6 § AvtL on the problem, but this one suits the context badly. Besides the directions in AvtL some solution models are found which can build the foundation for a settlement. Consequently the problem remains unsolved in the Swedish legal system.</p><p>Neither does Germany have a legal rule which is directly applicable. Some guidance is however given from the German law. According to the German law the settlement should be settled with The knock-out doctrine as its foundation. When harmonising is not possible one should fall back on The Last shot or optional law, it depends on the occurrence of abwehrklauseln (protection clauses).</p><p>Neither has CISG directly pointed on how to solve the problem. CISG’s legal usage also advocates that The knock-out doctrine should build the foundation. What tool that should be used to fill the holes that the harmonising leaves behind is somewhat indistinct. It should be The last shot, optional law or an interpretation of article 7 about “good faith”.</p><p>Unidroit and PECL state that agreed terms shall be applied. Consequently the person applying the law should practise the Knock-out doctrine. However the rules give no guidance about how the arising holes should be filled after the harmonising.</p><p>Above all Swedish literature directs strong criticism towards the different solutions. The criticism is especially pointed at the lack of predictability and also at the risk of making arbitrary settlements. This of course depends on what kind of solution model that is discussed.</p><p>In Germany there has been, and still is, a solution which the person applying the law can use. In Germany protection clauses has an important role of the settlement. Even in these cases criticism is directed towards the solution. However the criticism is not as hardly directed towards the lack of predictability. Instead the criticism is pointed at the unsuitability of applying the optional law in some commercial relationships. And also that the applicability of the last shot results in a “ping pong” similar situation of passing terms back and force. Also in the international world of law some criticism has been delivered that agrees with both the Swedish and the German criticism.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Användningen av standardavtal kan knappast överskattas i dagens samhälle. Mängden standardavtal torde knappast avta. Ett av standardavtalets huvudsyftesyften, att effektivisera avtalsslutet, stämmer väl överens med företagens vilja att genomföra snabba avtalsslut med så liten resursåtgång som möjligt. En tvist som kan uppkomma i detta sammanhang är att olikartade standardavtal kolliderar. Detta kallas, internationellt sett, Battle of Forms. Det är en praktisk situation som med de grundläggande avtalsrättsliga reglerna är svårlöst. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bringa klarhet i hur den rättsliga problematiken kring Battle of Forms löses i Sverige respektive Tyskland. Även CISG, Unidroit och PECL’s lösningar på samma problem kommer att beröras. Det ska även göras en kritisk granskning av de olika lösningar som regelsystemen tillhandahåller. I sammanhanget ska det undersökas om det finns motstånd till dessa och om så är fallet ska delar av kritiken presenteras. För att kunna besvara mina frågeställningar, har det huvudsakligen, använts en traditionell rättsdogmatisk metod med komparativa inslag.</p><p>Sverige saknar en direkt lagstadgad lösning på Battle of Forms, inte heller finns någon direkt rättpraxis. Sverige har försökt applicera bestämmelserna i 6 § AvtL på problemet, men denna passar illa i sammanhanget. Utöver bestämmelsen i AvtL återfinns det ett antal lösningsmodeller som kan läggas till grund för ett avgörande. Problemet är således fortfarande olöst i svensk rätt.</p><p>Inte heller Tyskland har en rättsregel som är direkt tillämplig. Den tyska lagen ger dock viss vägledning. Avgörandet enligt tysk rätt ska ske med The knock-out doctrine som grund. När harmonisering inte är möjlig ska rättstillämparen falla tillbaka på The Last shot eller dispositiv rätt, det beror på förekomsten av abwehrklauseln (skyddsklausuler).</p><p>Inte heller CISG har direkt reglerat hur problemet ska lösas. Även rättspraxis i CISG förespråkar att The knock-out doctrine ska ligga till grund. Vilket redskap som ska hjälpa till att fylla de luckor som harmoniseringen efterlämnar är något oklart. Det torde vara The last shot, dipositiv rätt eller en tolkning av artikel 7 om ”good faith”.</p><p>Unidroit och PECL anger att överrensstämmande villkor ska tillämpas. Således ska rättstillämparen praktisera The knock-out doctrine. Reglerna ger dock ingen vägledning om hur luckorna som uppstår efter harmoniseringen ska fyllas.</p><p>Det finns speciellt i den svenska litteraturen en stark kritik mot de olika lösningarna. Framförallt riktas kritiken mot bristande förutsebarhet och även mot risken för godtyckliga avgöranden. Det beror givetvis på vilken lösningsmodell som diskuteras.</p><p>I Tyskland har det funnits och finns en lösning som rättstillämparen har att tillämpa. Skyddsklausuler har i Tyskland stor betydelse för avgörandet. Det finns även i dessa fall en kritik mot lösningen. Den riktar dock inte lika hård kritik mot bristande förutsebarhet. Kritiken riktas istället mot att tillämpningen av dispositiv rätt i vissa kommersiella förhållanden kan passa väldigt illa, samt att tillämpningen av The last shot leder till ett ”ping-pong” liknande översändande av villkor. Även i den internationella rättsvetenskapliga världen har viss kritik framkommit som stämmer överens med den svenska och tyska kritiken</p>
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Handlandets gränsöverskridande : En undersökning av den filosofiska grundläggningen hos J.G. Fichte och Benjamin HöijerBjarkö, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the relation between the conception of an act as the original ground of all knowledge and the conception of the I as self-limiting in the philosophies of Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Benjamin Höijer. By relating the philosophical project of these two thinkers to Kant’s definition of enlightenment it argues that, while both Fichte and Höijer seek to find a satisfactory refutation of scepticism, their motive for doing this is chiefly a practical rather than a theoretical one: their ambition is to show how knowledge is only possible through human freedom and independence. Thus, the scep-tical doubt about whether true knowledge of the external world is possible is transformed into a ques-tion about how the fundamentally free and infinite I can stand in a relation to a “not-I” posited beyond itself. Both Fichte and Höijer try to answer this question by arguing that such a limit of the I’s subjec-tivity must be a product of an original free act, and that it is therefore only thinkable in relation to the infinite nature of the concept of action. The main difference between their respective philosophies lies in their characterisations of this original, limit-imposing act: for Fichte, it is synonymous with the I, while for Höijer, it must necessarily precede any agent.
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Moderna uttryck : Pär Lagerkvists tidiga prosa och den tyska expressionismenMörk, Catherine January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är en studie av eventuella likheter mellan Pär Lagerkvist tidiga prosa och stildrag hos den tyska expressionismen, som hade sin blomstringstid samtidigt som Lagerkvist publicerade sina första samlingar med prosa och poesi. Jämförelser har tidigare gjorts, främst gällande lyriken och har då visat på flera gemensamma drag. Denna uppsats jämför prosatexter ur Lagerkvists tre tidiga samlingar Motiv (1914), Ångest (1916) och Kaos (1919) med centrala drag för den tyska expressionismen. Dessa omfattar nutidskänslan, fokuseringen på det subjektiva, verkligheten som mardröm och kritik mot det borgerliga. Andra motiv som behandlas är de groteska inslagen, vitalismen, sinnessjukdomen, Fader-Son-konflikten och kriget.</p>
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