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Towards unified density-functional model of van der Waals interactionsHermann, Jan 15 January 2018 (has links)
Van der Waals-Wechselwirkungen (vdW) sind allgegenwärtig und spielen eine zentrale Rolle in einer großen Anzahl biologischer und moderner synthetischer Materialien. Die am weitesten verbreitete theoretische Methode zur Berechnung von Materialeigenschaften, die Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) in semilokaler Näherung, vernachlässigt diese Wechselwirkungen jedoch größtenteils, was zur Entwicklung vieler verschiedener vdW-Modelle führte. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit ebnet den Weg hin zu einem vereinheitlichten vdW-Modell welches die besten Elemente der unterschiedlichen Klassen von vdW-Modellen vereint. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir einen vereinheitlichten theoretischen Rahmen geschaffen, der auf dem Reichweite-separierten Adiabatischer-Zusammenhang-Fluktuations-Dissipations-Theorem aufbaut und die meisten existierenden vdW-Modelle umfasst. Wir analysieren die MBD-korrelierte Wellenfunktion am prototypischen Beispiel von π–π-Wechselwirkungen in supramolekularen Komplexen und stellen fest, dass diese Wechselwirkungen größtenteils durch delokalisierte kollektive Ladungsfluktuationen entstehen. Um zu dem langreichweitigen vdW-Modell ein ausgewogenes kurzreichweitiges Dichtefunktional zu identifizieren, präsentieren wir eine umfassende Untersuchung zum Zusammenspiel der kurz- und langreichweitigen Energiebeiträge in acht semilokalen Funktionalen und drei vdW-Modellen für eine große Spanne von Systemen. Die Bindungsenergieprofile vieler der DFT+vdW-Kombinationen unterscheiden sich sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ stark voneinander. Schließlich untersuchen wir die Performance des Vydrov–Van Voorhis-Polarisierbarkeitsfunktionals über das Periodensystem der Elemente hinweg und identifizieren eine systematische Unterschätzung der Polarisierbarkeiten und vdW-C₆-Koeffizienten für s- und d-Block-Elemente. Als Lösung entwickeln wir eine orbitalabhängige Verallgemeinerung des Funktionals. / The ubiquitous long-range van der Waals interactions play a central role in nearly all biological and modern synthetic materials. Yet the most widely used theoretical method for calculating material properties, the density functional theory (DFT) in semilocal approximation, largely neglects these interactions, which motivated the development of many different vdW models. The work in this thesis paves way towards a unified vdW model that combines best elements from the different classes of the vdW models. To this end, we developed a unified theoretical framework based on the range-separated adiabatic-connection fluctuation--dissipation theorem that encompasses most existing vdW models. We analyze the MBD correlated wave function on the prototypical case of π–π interactions in supramolecular complexes and find that these interactions are largely driven by delocalized collective charge fluctuations. To identify a balanced short-range density functional to accompany the long-range vdW model, we present a comprehensive study of the interplay between the short-range and long-range energy contributions in eight semilocal functionals and three vdW models on a wide range of systems. The binding-energy profiles of many of the DFT+vdW combinations differ both quantitatively and qualitatively, and some of the qualitative differences are independent of the choice of the vdW model. Finally, we investigate the performance of the Vydrov—Van Voorhis polarizability functional across the periodic table, identify systematic underestimation of the polarizabilities and vdW C₆ coefficients for s- and d-block elements, and develop an orbital-dependent generalization of this functional to resolve the issue.
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Density functional theory study of oxygen and water adsorption on SrTiO 3 (001)Guhl, Hannes 03 February 2011 (has links)
Strontiumtitanat ist ein häufig untersuchtes Oxidmaterial, mit einem breiten Anwen- dungsgebiet z.B. in der Photokatalyse oder auch als Substratmaterial beim Wachstum ande- rer Oxidschichten. Dabei spielen chemische Prozesse an der Oberfläche eine herausragende Rolle, deren Kenntnis für eine tieferes Verständnis der genannten Anwendungen unentbehrlich ist. Darüberhinaus gibt es deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass diese Oberflächenprozesse sehr stark, u.a. von Wasserstoff und Wasser beeinflußt werden. Sowohl wegen der Relevanz als auch wegen der technischen Machbarkeit, stellt eine Untersuchung des Adsorptionsverhaltens von Sauerstoff und Wasserstoff mit Hilfe der Dichtefunktionaltheorie einen natürlichen Ausgangspunkt dar, um genaue Einblicke in die Prozesse auf der Oberfläche auf atomare Ebene zu gewinnen. Bei der Adsorption des Sauerstoffs und des Wassers ist gleichermaßen auffällig, dass die Bindungsenergien sehr stark durch langreichweitige Verzerrungen im Substratgitter beeinflußt werden, welche damit eine effektive repulsive Wechselwirkung der adsorbierten Spezies bewirken. Adsorbierte Sauerstoffatome bilden mit jeweils einem Sauerstoffatom des Subtrats ein „Quasi-Peroxid-anion“, wodurch das adsorbierte Sauerstoffatom einen Gitterplatz einnimmt, der nicht einem Sauerstoffplatz des Perovskitgitters entspricht. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden bei allen untersuchten atomaren Konfigurationen, die Wasser und Hydroxylgruppen enthielten, beobachtet, dass sich hier die adsorbierten Sauerstoffatome an den Plätzen des forgesetzten Perovskitgitters befinden. Bemerkenswert ist die spontane Dissoziation und Bildung eines Hydroxylpaares auf der Strontiumoxidterminierung während des Adsorption des Wassermoleküls. Auf der Titandioxidterminierung hingegen werden abhängig von der Bedeckung Wassermoleküle und Hydroxylgruppen beobachtet. Die Energetik, die diesem Verhalten zugrunde liegt, zeigt sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit den experimen- tellen Beobachtungen von Iwahori und Kollegen. / Strontium titanate is an extensively studied material with a wide range of application, for instance in photo-catalysis and most importantly, it is used as a substrate in growth of functional oxides. The surface chemistry is crucial and hence understanding the surface structure on atomic scale is essential for gaining insight into the fundamental processes in the aforementioned applications. Moreover, there exist a lot of evidence that this surface chemistry might be controlled to considerably by extrinsic species, such as residual hydrogen and water. Investigating the properties of water and oxygen on the strontium titanate surface is certainly a natural starting point for a theoretical study based on density functional theory, because these species are practically present on the surface on a wide range of experimental conditions and they are computationally feasible. For the oxygen and water adsorption the binding energy is controlled by long-range surface relaxations leading to an effective repulsion of the adsorbed specimen. The isolated oxygen ad-atom forms a covalently bonded “quasi-peroxide anion” in combination with a lattice oxygen atom. Contrariwise, in all investigated configurations containing water molecules and hydroxyl groups, the respective oxygen atoms assumed positions close to the oxygen sites of the continued perovskite lattice of the substrate. Most remarkably, on the strontium oxide termination, the water molecules adsorbs and dissociates effortlessly leading to the formation of a pair of hydroxyl groups. For the titanium dioxide termination, a coverage dependent adsorption mode is observed. Densely packings stabilize water molecules, whereas at lower coverage and finite temperatures the formation of hydroxyl groups is found. The energetics responsible for this behavior is consistent with recent experiments by Iwahori and coworkers.
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Aging studies of drift chambers of the HERA-B outer tracker using CF 4 -based gasesSchreiner, Alexander 15 November 2001 (has links)
ÿþD / The intense radiation environment in the HERA-B experiment, being comparable to that of LHC experiments, requires that the detector be very resistant to high radiation loads. The Outer Tracker of HERA-B consists of drift tubes folded from polycarbonate foils (honeycomb) and is operated with a CF4-containing gas mixture. Aging tests made in HERA-B, under hadronic irradiation, using prototype drift chambers showed a rapid rise of self-sustaining dark currents (Malter effect). Extensive aging studies were carried out with the objective to find an appropriate set of construction materials as well as optimal operational parameters. It was shown that the gain loss (anode aging) and the Malter effect could be avoided after replacing the methane in the counting gas, Ar/CF4/CH4, by CO2 and applying cathode coating. However, other, relatively less known aging effects appeared: rising conductivity of the wire-supporting strips and wire corrosion. These two aging effects could also be prevented keeping water at a proper concentration. The aging tests showed that a too high water content (above about 500 ppm) gives rise to strip conductivity, conversely, a too low water content (below about 100 ppm) enhances anode wire corrosion. In an attempt to interpret the test results, plasma phenomena like quenching by different admixtures, production of molecular species, concentration of long-lived HF produced via CF4 dissociation in the avalanche were semi-quantitatively estimated. This work contains also a comprehensive summary of all aging studies for the Outer Tracker and an overview of the literature on wire chamber aging, in particular with CF4-based counting gas mixtures.
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Fluides supercritiques et solvants biosourcés : propriétés physicochimiques des systèmes expansés par du CO2Granero-Fernandez, Emanuel 19 October 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Les objectifs environnementaux (COP21) visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et l'impact de l'industrie sur la nature, font face au défi de la demande croissante d'énergie et de produits. Les procédés chimiques sont les premiers en cause lorsqu’ils mettent en œuvre des solvants. L'ingénierie des solvants est une solution innovante qui vise à trouver des milieux alternatifs bénins possédant les propriétés de solvant adaptés pour chaque étape du procédé.Dans cette perspective, nous avons étudié les Liquides expansés par un gaz (LEGs), qui sont desliquides dont le volume augmente sous l’effet d’un gaz dissous sous pression. En particulier, le CO2 peut être utilisé comme agent d'expansion pour obtenir des liquides expansés par du CO2(LECs), combinant les avantages du CO2 et du solvant. La phase expansée peut contenir des concentrations élevées de CO2, jusqu'à 80%, selon le solvant, ce qui conduit à une réduction du besoin du solvant organique, mais aussi à des changements des propriétés physicochimiques et de transport de la nouvelle phase expansée. On peut de plus moduler ces propriétés par la pression et la température, d'une manière réversible, et améliorer la séparation des produits. Dans cette étude, différents solvants biosourcés ont été utilisés pour obtenir des systèmes expansés par du CO2, tels que les acétates d'alkyle, les carbonates organiques, les méthoxybenzènes, etc.La connaissance des équilibres de phase, des propriétés de solvatation et de transport est essentielle pour concevoir des processus qui exploitent le comportement particulier de ces systèmes biphasiques. Deux approches principales ont été utilisées pour caractériser ces systèmes. Dans un premier temps, des mesures ont été effectuées dans une cellule à haute pression et à volume variable pour évaluer la polarité au travers du paramètre Kamlet-Taft (KT) *(dipolarité / polarisabilité) dans les solvants expansés par du CO2 sous des pressions allant jusqu'à 30 MPa. La technique utilisée a été la spectroscopie UV-Vis suivant le déplacement hypsochromique du Rouge de Nile, une sonde solvatochromique déjà utilisée pour obtenir les paramètres KT dans des solvants purs. De plus, des mesures d'équilibre vapeur-liquide (ELV) ont été effectuées pour obtenir la composition de la phase expansée à différentes pressions et températures afin de comprendre la solvatation du CO2 dans les solvants organiques et de fournir des informations manquantes dans la littérature. En deuxième lieu, dans une approche plus théorique, les données ELV ont été utilisées pour calculer numériquement d'autres propriétés telles que la densité et la viscosité. Des équations d'état et des simulations par dynamique moléculaire (DM) ont été utilisées ; ces dernières donnant de meilleurs résultats dans un mode prédictif de la masse volumique et permettant de suivre les positions moléculaires au cours du temps, qui peut être liée à de nombreuses propriétés, y compris la viscosité étudiée ici. Ces calculs ont été effectués en utilisant un champ de force de type Amber adapté. Les résultats obtenus dans l’ensemble complètent les données de la littérature existante et apportent de nouvelles informations sur les propriétés des LEGs. Par exemple, le comportement non linéaire de l'expansion volumétrique, vérifié après les déterminations de masse volumique sur les simulations DM à l'équilibre, est une clé dans la compréhension des interactions soluté-solvant ; ainsi que les valeurs KT * obtenues qui confirment la large gamme de polarité couverte par ces systèmes.Enfin, certains systèmes expansés par du CO2 ont été utilisés pour produire des nanoparticules de TiO2 pour panneaux solaires, améliorant leur surface spécifique et donc leur efficacité en tant que semi-conducteurs ; et d’autres ont été appliqués à un processus d'activation enzymatique entraînant une augmentation significative du taux de conversion
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A efetividade das operações de paz da ONU na consecução das atividades de “Post-Conflict Peace Building” (PCPB) pela análise da questão do Timor Leste : cumpre o que promete?Colares, Luciano da Silva January 2018 (has links)
Em dezembro de 2012, após treze anos, três mandatos de operações de paz e dois mandatos de missões políticas, a ONU se retirava do território do Timor-Leste de maneira bastante discreta. Fechava-se, naquele momento, um ciclo de participação da Organização na vida política e econômica daquele país, que se iniciara com os episódios de violência de 1999, quando milicianos pró-indonésia tentaram impedir o processo político de autodeterminação do povo timorense. Herdando um país com suas infraestruturas destruídas e mais de um quarto de sua população refugiada ou deslocada internamente, a ONU não apenas pacificou o território como também empreendeu ali um processo de Post-conflict Peacebuilding (PCPB), onde sua participação variou entre o exercício pleno de todos os poderes soberanos atinentes às funções de governo de qualquer Estado ao apoio de assessores altamente especializados em prol do governo independente do Timor-Leste. O balanço final dessa participação é positivo na medida que revela um país com estruturas governamentais consolidadas, formalmente democrático e com boas taxas de crescimento econômico. Por outro lado, o combate à pobreza, a consolidação da pacificação social, a necessidade de maior participação popular na política e a redução da dependência de sua economia em relação ao petróleo seguem sendo desafios não resolvidos e, em grande medida, externalidades provocadas pela própria ONU. / In December 2012, after thirteen years, three mandates of peace operations and two mandates of political missions, the UN withdrew from the territory of Timor-Leste in a rather discreet manner. At that moment, a cycle of the Organization's participation in the political and economic life of that country, which began with the 1999 episodes of violence, occurred when pro-Indonesian militiamen tried to impede the political process of self-determination of the Timorese people. Inheriting a country with its destroyed infrastructure and more than a quarter of its population refugee or internally displaced, the UN not only pacified the territory but also undertook a Post-conflict Peacebuilding (PCPB) process, where its participation ranged from full exercise of all sovereign powers pertaining to the government functions of any State to the support of highly specialized advisers for the independent government of Timor-Leste. The final balance of this participation is positive insofar as it reveals a country with consolidated government structures, formally democratic and good rates of economic growth. On the other hand, the fight against poverty, the consolidation of social pacification, the need for greater popular participation in politics and the reduction of dependence of its economy on oil remain unresolved challenges and, to a large extent, externalities caused by the UN itself.
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Posicionamento, participação e direitos humanos: o grupo regional da América Latina e do Caribe no Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU / Positioning, participation and human rights: the Latin American and Caribbean regional group in the UN Human Rights CouncilNakamura, Carolina Ayumi 03 December 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise do comportamento dos países no Conselho de Direitos Humanos (CDH) da ONU com principal foco no grupo regional dos Estados da América Latina e do Caribe (GRULAC). O Conselho de Direitos Humanos é o principal órgão de promoção e proteção dos direitos humanos do sistema ONU. O trabalho verifica hipóteses relacionadas à influência do pertencimento ao grupo regional, da divisão Norte-Sul e do nível de democracia no comportamento dos países no CDH. Para tal, os métodos empregados são análise estatística descritiva dos dados, estimação de pontos ideais (NOMINATE) e análise de regressão logística. Os dados coletados incluem as votações realizadas durante as 33 primeiras sessões regulares do CDH (2006-2016), bem como as submissões e os copatrocínios de propostas apreciadas durante este período. Os resultados obtidos oferecem um panorama sobre a participação dos países latino-americanos e caribenhos neste órgão e mostram que eles votam mais próximos aos países do Sul Global e distribuídos no que seriam dois conjuntos de países dentro do grupo regional, ao invés de se posicionar como um único grupo coeso. Adicionalmente, os resultados indicam que o nível de democracia e de violações de direitos humanos estão associados ao comportamento em votações de resoluções sobre situação de direitos humanos em países. Contudo, o posicionamento dos países nas votações destas resoluções se distingue conforme o país foco da resolução. / The purpose of this research is to analyse countries\' behaviour in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) focusing on the regional group of the Latin American and Caribbean states (GRULAC). The Human Rights Council is the main body for promoting and protecting human rights within the UN system. This research verifies hypotheses related to the influence of belonging to the regional group, the North-South divide and the level of democracy on how countries behave in the UNHRC. Methods employed in this study are descriptive statistics analysis, ideal points estimation (NOMINATE) and logistic regression analysis. Data collected include roll-call votes that took place during the 33 first regular sessions of the UNHRC (2006-2016) as well as submissions and cosponsorships of proposals analysed by the Council during this period. Results offer an overview of the Latin-American and Caribbean countries participation in this body and show that they vote closer to the countries of the Global South and are distributed in two sets of countries within the regional group, instead of one single cohesive group. Additionally, results suggest that the level of democracy and human rights violations are associated with the voting behaviour on resolutions about human rights situations in specific countries. However, countries\' position on these resolutions differs according to the concerned country.
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Segurança humana: histórico, conceito e utilização / Human security: history, concept and useRocha, Raquel Maria de Almeida 28 June 2017 (has links)
A presente tese apresenta três artigos que demonstram através do histórico da segurança humana sua compreensão em de três pontos de vista: histórico, conceito e ferramenta de política externa. O primeiro artigo busca evidenciar que existe baixo nível de debate, diálogo e contribuição entre a agenda de desenvolvimento e segurança na construção da abordagem da segurança humana através do Relatório de Desenvolvimento Humano (RDH) do Programa de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas (PNUD) de 1994 e do Relatório da Comissão Internacional sobre Intervenção e Soberania Estatal (CIISE) de 2001. Enquanto o segundo artigo realiza uma análise comparativa da segurança humana e da securitização à fim de demonstrar as diferenças e especificidades de ambos e procura demonstrar que apesar de existirem semelhanças entre os termos, e uma certa complementariedade, eles não são substituíveis. Já o terceiro aborda como e para quais interesses potências médias usam a segurança humana, através dos estudos de caso do Japão e Canadá a fim de demonstrar que estes beneficiam interesses próprios. / The present thesis presents three papers that displays through the history of human security its comprehension from three points of view: history, concept and foreign policy tool. The first paper seeks to demonstrate that there is a low level of debate, dialogue and contribution between the development and security agenda in the construction of the human security approach through the Human Development Report (HDR) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) from 1994 and the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) from 2001. While the second seeks to comparatively analyze human security and securitization to indicate differences and similarities and seeking to demonstrate that despite the similarities between the terms, and a certain complementarity, they are not replaceable. And lastly, the third one approaches how and to serve which interests middle powers use human security, through the case studies of Japan and Canada seeking to show rather they beneficiate self-interest.
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Paisagem e cotidiano em habitação social nas regiões metropolitanas de São Paulo e Santiago do Chile / Landscape and everyday life in social housing in the metropolitan regions of São Paulo and Santiago of ChileDonoso, Veronica Garcia 03 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese discute a paisagem gerada por políticas de habitação social latino-americanas, observando especificamente casos da Região Metropolitana de Santiago do Chile (RMS) e da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo-SP (RMSP). Foca-se a análise nas práticas sociais em espaços livres de empreendimentos de habitação social, observando resultados de 2009 a 2016 da faixa 1 do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na RMSP e de 2006 a 2016 dos Programas de Bairro na RMS. Observam-se as práticas sociais nos espaços livres, tanto públicos quanto privados, pelo olhar da paisagem, que possibilita à análise ser ampliada para as relações sociais cotidianas que ocorrem nesses espaços. Para tanto, observa-se a formação de ambas as Regiões Metropolitanas, o histórico das políticas habitacionais, o modus operandi de produção habitacional social que concentrou empreendimentos em trechos sem cidade, analisando o impacto de modelos urbanos e arquitetônicos aplicados em situações de vulnerabilidade social e econômica para o cotidiano das práticas sociais. O cotidiano intramuros, resultado do modelo de condomínio habitacional social, amplamente aplicado em ambos os países, é confrontado com os programas chilenos de bairro, que se focam nas práticas sociais em espaços livres públicos. As análises demonstraram que, apesar de diversas alterações nos programas políticos, mantêm-se as práticas de construir conjuntos habitacionais pautados nos aspectos quantitativos, em um modelo de inspiração neoliberal, ou de mitigar os impactos do modelo com programas de recuperação de bairros, que esbarram em dificuldades pelo contexto vulnerável do local, resultando em espaços pouco representativos para a completude das práticas sociais. Salienta-se a necessidade de se criarem ações voltadas para as práticas sociais, em que haja a possibilidade de se superar o dia a dia alienado, e apontam-se as qualidades e fragilidades das políticas de ambos os países para os cotidianos praticados ou (des)praticados. / This thesis discusses the landscape created by Latin American social housing policies, specifically cases related to the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile (MRS) and the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo-SP (MRSP). The analysis focuses on social practices in open spaces of social housing projects, considering results from 2009 to 2016 of the first data compilation of the federal government\'s housing program Minha Casa Minha Vida in the MRSP and from 2006 to 2016 of the Neighborhood Programs in the MRS. Social practices in the public and private open spaces are observed, in light of the view of the landscape, which allows expanding the analysis to the everyday social relations that occur in these spaces. Therefore, the formation of both Metropolitan Areas is observed, as well as the history of housing policies, the modus operandi of social housing production which concentrated developments in fringe areas without a city, analyzing the impact of urban and architectural models applied in situations of social and economic vulnerability for the daily life of social practices. The intramural daily life, a result of the gated community social housing model and widely applied in both countries, is compared with Chilean neighborhood programs which focus on social practices in public spaces. The analysis evidenced that, despite a number of changes in the political programs, the practices of constructing housing projects based on quantitative aspects, a neoliberal inspired model, or based on mitigating the impacts of the model with neighborhood rehabilitation programs continue, notwithstanding the difficulties they face due to the location\'s vulnerable context and which result in spaces that are not really representative of social practices. It is necessary to create actions aimed at social practices, with the possibility of overcoming the alienated day-to-day reality, and identify the qualities and weaknesses in the policies of both countries for the daily practices which are practiced or un-practiced.
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Posicionamento, participação e direitos humanos: o grupo regional da América Latina e do Caribe no Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU / Positioning, participation and human rights: the Latin American and Caribbean regional group in the UN Human Rights CouncilCarolina Ayumi Nakamura 03 December 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise do comportamento dos países no Conselho de Direitos Humanos (CDH) da ONU com principal foco no grupo regional dos Estados da América Latina e do Caribe (GRULAC). O Conselho de Direitos Humanos é o principal órgão de promoção e proteção dos direitos humanos do sistema ONU. O trabalho verifica hipóteses relacionadas à influência do pertencimento ao grupo regional, da divisão Norte-Sul e do nível de democracia no comportamento dos países no CDH. Para tal, os métodos empregados são análise estatística descritiva dos dados, estimação de pontos ideais (NOMINATE) e análise de regressão logística. Os dados coletados incluem as votações realizadas durante as 33 primeiras sessões regulares do CDH (2006-2016), bem como as submissões e os copatrocínios de propostas apreciadas durante este período. Os resultados obtidos oferecem um panorama sobre a participação dos países latino-americanos e caribenhos neste órgão e mostram que eles votam mais próximos aos países do Sul Global e distribuídos no que seriam dois conjuntos de países dentro do grupo regional, ao invés de se posicionar como um único grupo coeso. Adicionalmente, os resultados indicam que o nível de democracia e de violações de direitos humanos estão associados ao comportamento em votações de resoluções sobre situação de direitos humanos em países. Contudo, o posicionamento dos países nas votações destas resoluções se distingue conforme o país foco da resolução. / The purpose of this research is to analyse countries\' behaviour in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) focusing on the regional group of the Latin American and Caribbean states (GRULAC). The Human Rights Council is the main body for promoting and protecting human rights within the UN system. This research verifies hypotheses related to the influence of belonging to the regional group, the North-South divide and the level of democracy on how countries behave in the UNHRC. Methods employed in this study are descriptive statistics analysis, ideal points estimation (NOMINATE) and logistic regression analysis. Data collected include roll-call votes that took place during the 33 first regular sessions of the UNHRC (2006-2016) as well as submissions and cosponsorships of proposals analysed by the Council during this period. Results offer an overview of the Latin-American and Caribbean countries participation in this body and show that they vote closer to the countries of the Global South and are distributed in two sets of countries within the regional group, instead of one single cohesive group. Additionally, results suggest that the level of democracy and human rights violations are associated with the voting behaviour on resolutions about human rights situations in specific countries. However, countries\' position on these resolutions differs according to the concerned country.
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Unfinished business : legalisation and implementation in business and human rightsPalmer, Claire Helen January 2016 (has links)
The thesis explores the nature of transnational legalisation by identifying one emerging norm - corporate accountability for human rights violations - and tracing its promotion through three separate pathways of legalisation. At the domestic level, the thesis discusses the jurisprudence of domestic courts that have contemplated assuming extraterritorial jurisdiction over alleged human rights violations of transnational corporations (TNCs) in other states. At the international level, the thesis considers developments in the United Nations (UN), which in 2011 launched a new normative framework to bolster the accountability of TNCs in respect of human rights. At the transnational level, the thesis discusses the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs), which have been selected as representative of the range of hybrid schemes increasingly developed by government and industry representatives to ameliorate the impact of TNCs on human rights. The thesis also develops a framework with which to analyse these trends by adopting (and further developing) the liberal institutionalist tool of legalisation, which is described in Kenneth Abbott et al's 'The Concept of Legalisation'. This thesis argues that this classic framework can be adapted and reimagined in the context of the transnational legal system, which is characterised by thick configurations of agents working across a multiplicity of issue areas. I suggest that in applying the classic framework in the transnational context, there appears to be an omitted variable - that of implementation, which exists alongside obligation, precision, and delegation. Implementation refers to the specific actions taken by agents to translate legal or law-like principles into practical, workable instructions for courts, governments, companies and other non-state actors to follow. The thesis argues that an increased focus on implementation generally leads to more effective or greater legalisation. The empirical chapters demonstrate that efforts in implementation are often undertaken for the purpose of strengthening one or more other legalisation characteristics in the long run. This suggests that agents will be willing to accept lower levels of obligation, precision and/or delegation if they believe a focus on implementation will help strengthen these characteristics over time.
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