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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do fenômeno de expansão dos sedimentos da Formação Libertad (Quaternário): metodologia de avaliação e mapeamento na região de Montevidéu - Uruguai / Expansive sediments of Libertad Formation (Quaternary) research: engineering geological mapping and evaluate methodology in suburban area of Montevideo city, Uruguay

Marcos Andrés Musso Laespiga 17 April 2001 (has links)
O estudo do fenômeno de expansão em solos argilosos tem-se restringido, na maioria das vezes, a estudos laboratoriais referentes ao comportamento mecânico do solo e as correlações com as propriedades índices e as classificações geotécnicas. Poucos são os estudos na área de mapeamento geotécnico em média e grande escala, existindo um vazio nas metodologias de mapeamento geotécnico no que se refere a esta classe de solos. Durante o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa sobre as características expansivas da Fm. Libertad, Quaternário (Uruguai), foram combinados os produtos obtidos das técnicas de mapeamento com os propriedades identificadas nos ensaios de caracterização e as medidas de expansão. A técnica de avaliação de terreno usando Landforms para separar unidades homogêneas, resultou em um grande auxílio permitindo direcionar os trabalhos e observações de campo e diminuir o numero de amostras a serem coletadas. O ensaio de caracterização da Capacidade de Troca Catiônica (CTC) da fração argila, usando a técnica de Azul de Metileno, mostrou-se coincidente com a identificação de argilo-minerais usando Difração de Raios X (DRX). Esses dados, associados aos valores de Pressão de Expansão e Expansão livre de amostra indeformadas, com umidade natural e secas ao ar, e de amostras compactadas com diferentes massas específicas seca (pd) e umidade constante (w=15%) permitiram identificar unidades com diferentes potenciais de expansão na Fm. Libertad. A combinação desses dados permitiu a produção da Carta de Potencial de Expansão do Solos, numa região de desenvolvimento urbano no Município de Montevidéu, Uruguai. Este documento fornece aos planejadores do uso e ocupação da área o conhecimento dos diferentes graus de restrição que devem ser levados em conta devido à presença de solos potencialmente expansivos. Elaborou-se uma proposta metodológica para a execução de trabalhos de mapeamento geotécnico de solos expansivos. / The swelling phenomenon of the clay soils has been studied mainly in laboratory with the objective of undestand the behavior of the soil and the correlations with the index properties and with the geotechnical classifications. In Engineering Geotechnical Mapping there is a lack of methodology about swell soil mapping in medium or large scale. In this research the swelling characteristics of the Libertad Formation (Uruguay) were studied by combination of the information obtained in the Engineering Geotechnical Mapping (scale 1:10.000) and the soil properties identified in the characterization and swelling tests. The technique of land evaluation using Landforms to separate homogeneous units, it resulted in a great aid allowing to guide the works and field observations and to reduce the number of samples to be collected. The characterization tests of cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the clay, using the technique of adsorption of methilene blue, it was shown coincident with the identification of clay using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The swelling potentials of the Libertad Formation were determined based in the information of the values of swelling pressure and free swelling from undisturbed samples, both with natural moisture contents and air dried, besides the samples compacted with different apparent specific gravity (pd) and with constant moisture content (w= 15%). This procedure allowed the production of the Swelling Potential Chart of the soil in an suburban area of Montevideo City, Uruguay. This document can supply the information to the management of the area taken in account the different swelling potential of the soils. Finally it is presented a methodology to carry out Engineering Geological Mapping of the swelling soils.

L'allégorie de la justice transitionnelle: résistance à l'oubli et construction du récit mémoriel en Uruguay post-dictatorial

Bérard, Daphné 05 1900 (has links)
L’Uruguay des années 60 plonge dans une crise économique qui dégénère rapidement en conflit opposant le Mouvement de libération nationale-Tupamaros (MLN-T) à l’État alors gouverné par Juan María Bordaberry du Parti Colorado. La radicalisation du MLN-T et la montée de la répression étatique accordent un pouvoir grandissant aux Forces armées amenant le coup d’État du 27 juin 1973 et l’instauration d’une dictature civique-militaire. Les douze prochaines années sont marquées par la répression, la censure, la violence et de nombreuses disparitions. L’Uruguay ne tarde pas à joindre l’Opération condor : large réseau intercontinental mené par les États-Unis ayant pour but de traquer et anéantir les opposants politiques. Les élections de 1985 marquent la fin de la dictature et le retour à la démocratie. Cependant, au lendemain de la victoire de Julio María Sanguinetti du parti Colorado, une lutte s’installe au cœur de la société quant à la responsabilité de la chute du pays. D’un côté, on accuse les Forces armées d’abus de pouvoir et crimes contre l’humanité. De l’autre, on défend les militaires qui auraient sauvé le pays d’une menace « subversive ». Cette étude analyse le processus transitionnel de l’Uruguay qui, contrairement aux autres pays latino-américains, ne se lance pas dans une recherche de vérité au retour de la démocratie. L’Uruguay amnistie plutôt les Tupamaros détenus durant la dictature, tout en promulguant la Loi de caducité qui accorde l’impunité aux militaires. En recensant différents regards portés sur le passé récent, nous étudierons l’évolution des discours mémoriaux tels qu’ils s’expriment dans la culture populaire et l’espace public. / In the 1960s, Uruguay endured an economic crisis that quickly turned into a conflict between the National Liberation Movement-Tupamaros (MLN-T) and the state then ruled by Juan María Bordaberry of the Colorado Party. The radicalization of the MLN-T and the rise of State repression granted growing power to the Armed Forces, leading to the coup d'État of June 27, 1973 followed by the establishment of a civic-military dictatorship. The next twelve years were marked by repression, censorship, violence and numerous disappearances. Like other Latin American Cold War dictatorships, Uruguay joined Operation Condor: a South American network led by the United States with the goal of tracking down and annihilating political opponents. The 1985 elections marked the end of the dictatorship and return of democracy. However, in the aftermath of the victory of Julio María Sanguinetti of the Colorado party, a struggle erupted in the heart of society over who was to blame for the country’s fall into authoritarianism, state repression and violence. On the one hand, the Armed Forces were accused of abuse of power and crimes against humanity. On the other, some defended the military as though they had saved the country from the “subversive” threat. This study analyzes Uruguay’s transitional process which, unlike its Latin American counterparts, has not included a formal mechanism for the search for truth upon the return of democracy. Uruguay rather chose to amnesty the Tupamaros detained during the dictatorship, all the while promulgating the Law of Caducity which granted impunity to the military. By collecting different perspectives on the recent past through art and cultural productions produced by civil society after le return du democracy, this thesis studies the evolution of memorial speeches as they are expressed in public spaces. Our goal is to better understand how memorial discourses emerge in a country where democratic remedies have confirmed impunity.

La inhabilitación. Bases para un nuevo modelo regulativo

Yarlequé Montero, Jearsineo Ray 27 January 2020 (has links)
El trabajo pretende ofrecer el contenido, sistematización, y aplicación operativa de la pena de inhabilitación en el Derecho Penal peruano. Se toma como punto de partida el estudio histórico, que permite observar su transición en el sistema de penas hasta la actualidad, por lo que, se cuestiona su denominación en el catálogo de penas limitativas de derechos; toda vez que, no guarda relaciónfunción con las demás penas que son contenidas en dicho catálogo. Frente a los desafíos que presenta la Administración de Justicia, es necesario incidir en la reconducción de la pena de inhabilitación a un nivel anterior a la decisión judicial; es decir, el persecutor del delito debe determinarlo bajo los cánones del principio de legalidad, culpabilidad, razonabilidad y proporcionalidad. Con lo cual viabilizará su eficiencia en el proceso de la determinación judicial de la pena a imponer. Se aborda finalmente, su incursión en las faltas, en las medidas alternativas a la pena privativa de libertad, otorgando a la citada pena un cariz innovativo que se ajusta a los parámetros de un Derecho Penal Constitucional, que lo que pretende es la máxima eficiencia de las garantías y no la cosificación de la persona. / The research aims to provide the content, systematization and operational implementation of the penalthy of disqualification from them peruvian criminal law. It takes as a start point the historical study, that allows to observe their transition in the systmes of penalties until the present, it doesn`t save an unrelated – function with the other penalties that are contained in this catalog. Facing the challenges of the Administration of Justice, it is necessary to influence the renewal of the penalty of disqualification to a previous level to the judicial decision, that is to say, the persecutor of the crime should be determined under the guns of the principle of legality, guilt, reasonableness and proportionality. Thus, make it viable the efficiency in the process of the judicial determination of the death penalty to be imposed. Finally, discusses the foray into the faults, in alternative measures to imprisonment, giving the aforementioned worth a look that fits the parameters of a constitutional criminal law that it is the maximum efficiency of the guarantees and not the objectification of the person.

La modificación de oficio de la medida cautelar en el proceso contencioso administrativo

Miranda Castillo, Oscar Carlos 24 October 2019 (has links)
Si bien la Administración Pública se encuentra sometida al Principio de Legalidad, las facultades que ostenta para intervenir en la vida de los administrados le otorga una posición ventajosa frente a estos, por lo que, resulta necesario que el órgano jurisdiccional especializado en lo contencioso administrativo, responsable de hacer que la Administración se someta de forma efectiva al principio referido, cuente con herramientas suficientes que le permitan cumplir con ello. El presente trabajo se orienta a postular como una de dichas herramientas a la facultad del juzgador para modificar de oficio una medida cautelar previamente dictada. Este tema resulta relevante, en tanto que, la falta de regulación expresa sobre este aspecto en la legislación nacional vigente, deja abierta la posibilidad para que la Administración Pública continúe afectando la situación jurídica de un administrado, a pesar del dictado de una medida cautelar que, en el marco de un proceso contencioso administrativo, debería impedirle ello; esto ocurre en mérito a que el Juez se ve imposibilitado de disponer de oficio la modificación de dicha medida, quedando supeditado a la diligencia y/o celeridad de la parte en el trámite de un proceso que tiene como finalidad exclusiva el control de las actuaciones de la Administración. El análisis de lo expuesto permite concluir que resulta pertinente y necesario la modificación del Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo, aprobado por el Decreto Supremo N° 013-2008-JUS, a fin de incorporar de forma expresa y concreta la posibilidad de modificar de oficio una medida cautelar.

Competitiveness of the South African citrus fruit industry relative to its southern hemisphere competitors

Sinngu, Takalani 11 1900 (has links)
The South African citrus fruit industry faces enormous challenges in the global markets, such as an increasing demand for higher quality citrus fruits, as well as increasing fierce competition from the southern hemisphere citrus producing countries. Its long history of global integration makes it highly sensitive to international developments, as well as domestic ones. The purpose of the study is to investigate the competitiveness of the South African citrus fruit industry relative to its southern hemisphere competitors – namely, Argentina, Australia, Uruguay, Chile and Peru. Both local and international literature on the citrus fruit industries was used as part of the analysis. In addition to this, a variety of methods and techniques were applied. These included the three well-recognised indices which were used to calculate the competitive indices of various citrus fruit product categories – namely, the Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) index, the Net Export index (NXi) and the Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) index. Time series data on South African and southern hemisphere major producing countries’ citrus fruit imports and exports were used to calculate the competitiveness indices using Excel spreadsheets. A structured questionnaire was also used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data of expert views from key industry stakeholders. Data collected were analysed using Excel spreadsheets and the Porter methodology. The competitiveness analysis of this study clearly pointed out that the South African citrus fruit industry reveals more competitive advantage in some citrus fruit products than its southern hemisphere counterparts. The results of the RCA#, NXi and RTA indices analyses clearly showed that the domestic industry has a stronger and relatively higher revealed competitive advantage in three citrus fruit product categories – namely, oranges, grapefruit and grapefruit juice than its southern hemisphere competitors. However, its orange competitiveness decreases when moving from primary orange to orange juice. This means that the value-adding opportunities are still lacking in the orange sub-sector. One possible reason for this could be the high rates of return recorded for farm-level applications of technology for most primary orange commodities. This study identified the availability of skilled employees, quality of unskilled labour, cost of doing business in the industry, services from financial institution, electricity supply, land reform and some other government policies, such as trade policy, labour policy, BEE policy iv and tax system as the major factors impeding the competitiveness of the industry. The list also included the current climatic conditions, high incidences of HIV/AIDS and crime, economic instability and the cost of technology and infrastructure in the industry. Despite the challenges mentioned above, quality of skilled labour; general level of development and quality of infrastructure and technology in the industry; quality of soils; the availability of scientific research institutions and the collaboration of the industry with these institutions; availability and quality of local suppliers of primary inputs; and market information flow were found to have a positive influence on the competitiveness of the industry. In order for the industry to enhance its competitiveness, a number of recommendations and strategies are suggested at the end of this study. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M.Sc. (Agriculture)

Competitiveness of the South African citrus fruit industry relative to its southern hemisphere competitors

Sinngu, Takalani 11 1900 (has links)
The South African citrus fruit industry faces enormous challenges in the global markets, such as an increasing demand for higher quality citrus fruits, as well as increasing fierce competition from the southern hemisphere citrus producing countries. Its long history of global integration makes it highly sensitive to international developments, as well as domestic ones. The purpose of the study is to investigate the competitiveness of the South African citrus fruit industry relative to its southern hemisphere competitors – namely, Argentina, Australia, Uruguay, Chile and Peru. Both local and international literature on the citrus fruit industries was used as part of the analysis. In addition to this, a variety of methods and techniques were applied. These included the three well-recognised indices which were used to calculate the competitive indices of various citrus fruit product categories – namely, the Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) index, the Net Export index (NXi) and the Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) index. Time series data on South African and southern hemisphere major producing countries’ citrus fruit imports and exports were used to calculate the competitiveness indices using Excel spreadsheets. A structured questionnaire was also used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data of expert views from key industry stakeholders. Data collected were analysed using Excel spreadsheets and the Porter methodology. The competitiveness analysis of this study clearly pointed out that the South African citrus fruit industry reveals more competitive advantage in some citrus fruit products than its southern hemisphere counterparts. The results of the RCA#, NXi and RTA indices analyses clearly showed that the domestic industry has a stronger and relatively higher revealed competitive advantage in three citrus fruit product categories – namely, oranges, grapefruit and grapefruit juice than its southern hemisphere competitors. However, its orange competitiveness decreases when moving from primary orange to orange juice. This means that the value-adding opportunities are still lacking in the orange sub-sector. One possible reason for this could be the high rates of return recorded for farm-level applications of technology for most primary orange commodities. This study identified the availability of skilled employees, quality of unskilled labour, cost of doing business in the industry, services from financial institution, electricity supply, land reform and some other government policies, such as trade policy, labour policy, BEE policy iv and tax system as the major factors impeding the competitiveness of the industry. The list also included the current climatic conditions, high incidences of HIV/AIDS and crime, economic instability and the cost of technology and infrastructure in the industry. Despite the challenges mentioned above, quality of skilled labour; general level of development and quality of infrastructure and technology in the industry; quality of soils; the availability of scientific research institutions and the collaboration of the industry with these institutions; availability and quality of local suppliers of primary inputs; and market information flow were found to have a positive influence on the competitiveness of the industry. In order for the industry to enhance its competitiveness, a number of recommendations and strategies are suggested at the end of this study. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Os Estados Unidos e a governança do comércio de serviços : do GATS-Rodada Uruguai aos grandes acordos preferenciais /

Bojikian, Neusa Maria Pereira. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Sebastião Carlos Velasco e Cruz / Resumo: O objetivo desta tese é contribuir para a compreensão dos padrões das regras de comércio de serviços propostas e/ou adotadas pelos Estados Unidos no âmbito das negociações comerciais internacionais, verificando se houve mudanças, se houve repetições desses padrões e quais seriam as causas de um resultado ou outro. O comércio de serviços, após uma assertiva estratégia dos negociadores americanos, entrou para a agenda da Rodada Uruguai de Negociações Comerciais Multilaterais do então GATT e chegou como principal tema nas negociações dos grandes acordos preferenciais de comércio – nomeadamente TPP e TTIP – liderados pelos negociadores americanos. Verifica-se que os padrões em referência espelham uma trajetória traçada a partir de uma campanha também agressiva de organizações e outros agentes, liderados especialmente pelo setor de serviços financeiros, em defesa de seus interesses. Tais atores, que foram essenciais no lançamento dessa agenda, continuaram dando sustentação aos acordos comerciais ao longo de todos esses anos, constituindo os maiores demandeurs a favor da liberalização. Entretanto, os negociadores americanos, se por um lado manifestaram total interesse em realizar ganhos com tal liberalização, alinhando-se a esses demandeurs, por outro, viram-se desde o início desafiados por constrangimentos internos e externos. A argumentação central defendida aqui é que as regras de comércio propostas e/ou adotadas pelos Estados Unidos no âmbito das negociações comerciais internac... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

Os Estados Unidos e a governança do comércio de serviços: do GATS-Rodada Uruguai aos grandes acordos preferenciais / The United States and the governance of trade in services: from the GATS-Uruguay round to the major preferential trade agreements

Bojikian, Neusa Maria Pereira [UNESP] 11 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by NEUSA MARIA PEREIRA BOJIKIAN null (neusa.bojikian@terra.com.br) on 2017-07-05T16:47:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Doutorado VERSAO FINAL.pdf: 8781854 bytes, checksum: 59da8bec27bfb91d0edd7ba661e5fd25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-07-12T19:23:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bojikian_nmp_dr_mar.pdf: 8781854 bytes, checksum: 59da8bec27bfb91d0edd7ba661e5fd25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T19:23:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bojikian_nmp_dr_mar.pdf: 8781854 bytes, checksum: 59da8bec27bfb91d0edd7ba661e5fd25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo desta tese é contribuir para a compreensão dos padrões das regras de comércio de serviços propostas e/ou adotadas pelos Estados Unidos no âmbito das negociações comerciais internacionais, verificando se houve mudanças, se houve repetições desses padrões e quais seriam as causas de um resultado ou outro. O comércio de serviços, após uma assertiva estratégia dos negociadores americanos, entrou para a agenda da Rodada Uruguai de Negociações Comerciais Multilaterais do então GATT e chegou como principal tema nas negociações dos grandes acordos preferenciais de comércio – nomeadamente TPP e TTIP – liderados pelos negociadores americanos. Verifica-se que os padrões em referência espelham uma trajetória traçada a partir de uma campanha também agressiva de organizações e outros agentes, liderados especialmente pelo setor de serviços financeiros, em defesa de seus interesses. Tais atores, que foram essenciais no lançamento dessa agenda, continuaram dando sustentação aos acordos comerciais ao longo de todos esses anos, constituindo os maiores demandeurs a favor da liberalização. Entretanto, os negociadores americanos, se por um lado manifestaram total interesse em realizar ganhos com tal liberalização, alinhando-se a esses demandeurs, por outro, viram-se desde o início desafiados por constrangimentos internos e externos. A argumentação central defendida aqui é que as regras de comércio propostas e/ou adotadas pelos Estados Unidos no âmbito das negociações comerciais internacionais sobre serviços – especificamente serviços financeiros; serviços de telecomunicações; serviços audiovisuais; serviços de transporte marítimo – no GATS-Rodada Uruguai, mas efetivamente institucionalizadas no NAFTA, em função das circunstâncias adversas enfrentadas pelo México, resultaram das demandas de vários atores privados e públicos e foram moldadas dentro dos limites institucionais existentes. Tal institucionalização, ao mesmo tempo em que caracterizou uma resposta dos negociadores americanos ao padrão institucional que estava sendo adotado no GATSRodada Uruguai, tornou-se um padrão que teve influência recorrente e amplamente determinante nas regras resultantes das negociações envolvendo Estados Unidos que surgiram a partir de então. Tais argumentos estão ancorados nos pressupostos da abordagem analítica institucionalista histórica e nos conceitos path dependence, conjuntura crítica, nos mecanismos feedback positivo, sequenciamento e nos conceitos de transformações graduais, que ajudam a identificar o desenvolvimento institucional. / The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the standards of service trade rules proposed and/or adopted by the United States in the context of international trade negotiations, verifying if there were changes, if there were repetitions of these standards and what would be the causes of a result or another. Trade in services, following an assertive strategy of American negotiators, entered the agenda of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations of the then GATT and came up with as the main topic in the negotiations of the major preferential trade agreements – notably TPP and TTIP – led by the American negotiators. The standards in question reflect a path traced from an aggressive campaign of organizations and other agents, led especially by the financial services sector, in defense of their interests. These actors, who were essential in launching this agenda, continued to support trade agreements throughout all these years, making them the largest demandeurs in favor of liberalization. However, the American negotiators, if on the one hand expressed full interest in making gains from such liberalization, by aligning themselves with these demandeurs, on the other, found themselves challenged from the outset by internal and external constraints. The central argument advocated here is that the trade rules proposed and/or adopted by the United States in the context of international trade negotiations on services – specifically financial services; telecommunication services; audiovisual services; maritime transport services – in the Uruguay Round GATS, but effectively institutionalized in NAFTA, due to the adverse circumstances faced by Mexico, resulted from the demands of several private and public actors and were shaped within the existing institutional limits. Such institutionalization, while that featured a response from the American negotiators to institutional standard that was being adopted in the GATS-Uruguay Round, became a pattern that had recurrent and largely determining influence on the rules resulting from the negotiations involving the United States that emerged thereafter. Such arguments are anchored in the assumptions of the historical institutionalist analytical approach and in the concepts of path dependence, critical juncture, in the positive feedback and sequencing mechanisms, and in the concepts of gradual transformations that help identify institutional development.

Bankrecht im europäischen Binnenmarkt

Gramlich, Ludwig 07 April 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel eines Binnenmarktes für Banken ist Ende 1992 noch lange nicht errreicht. Die bis dahin ergangenen Harmonisierungsrichtlinien der EG betreffen lediglich einige Grundprobleme des Bankenaufsichtsrechts, vor allem die (enge) Definition des "Kreditinstituts" auf europäischer Ebene. Freilich ist bereits 1990 zusätzlich und ergänzend eine weitere Liberalisierung des Kapitalverkehrs herbeigeführt worden.

La Tradicion de Los Negros Lubolos: ¿Es Una Apreciacion o Una Apropiacion del Candombe?"

Childs, Alundra Nicole 30 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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