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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

User experience in automotive industry: user perspective on functionality and entertainment

Papadaki, Patricia January 2019 (has links)
The impact of technology is increasing in the automotive industry resulting in user experience to have a significant role in the industry. Previous studies have researched the use of user experience in the automotive industry describing the importance of it. Studies have also described the user experience in connection to in-vehicle functions. Contrariwise, a gap has been identified in relation to the actual use and users’ preferences to these functions. The aim of this study is to analyze the users’ perspective in the automotive industry and how a high level of user experience can be achieved by identifying the preference of the users. This paper aims to identify if functions related to entertainment or functions related to functionality are preferred by the users. It is important to note that the study is not excluding any of the two different type of functions but investigates the preference of the users. Mixed method was used to respond to the research question. Two interviews with experts of the domain of automotive were conducted, where important aspects of the experts’ perspective were covered and was used to develop the survey. In order to achieve a full understanding of the user experience, a survey was sent to identify users’ preferences. The study proved user experience to be important for the organizations in the automotive industry. Moreover, it discovered a discrepancy between the experts’ perspective and the users’ perceptions. Experts expressed customer satisfactions and fulfillment of their demands to be of the primary aim of organizations in the automotive industry. Contrariwise, users expressed that organizations may consider the preference of the users but only to achieve economic and concurrent benefits. Additionally, users expressed a preference to in-vehicle functions related to functionality. More specifically, in-vehicle functions in relation to safety, connectivity and assistance in driving. As a result, this study suggests for organizations in the automotive industry to include the above functions to their vehicles in order to satisfy the demands of their customers and achieve high level of user experience but not exclude the functions related to entertainment.

Webdesign stavební společnosti / Web design of a construction company

Ličman, Jan January 2022 (has links)
This diploma Thesis deals with problematics of web design in civil engineering. Specifically, it focuses on the web design of a projective construction office. The basic concepts relevant to the problematics are defined in the theoretical part of this Thesis. The practical part begins with initial analysis which consists of an opening workshop with a client, a survey and competition research. Based on the analysis findings, target group and project direction are set. Following these steps, the web design is created. It consists of several parts – generation of ideas and possible solutions, information architecture, sketching, prototyping, prototype testing and graphic design itselfs, which is output of this diploma Thesis.

How a Small Business Negotiates Digital Inclusion of People with Disabilities: A Case Study

Cipriani, Belo Miguel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Technology has provided more people access products and services, yet some individuals who would benefit the most from digital access to resources are frequently excluded from participation. One group that is largely neglected is the disability community. Despite federal regulations intended to ensure that people with physical/mental disabilities are included in public digital platforms, organizations continuously design websites, applications, and interfaces without people with disabilities in mind. This is particularly the case with small businesses, which are most commonly reported as having inaccessible digital platforms. Digital inclusion attempts to ensure equity in digital properties by providing a model to operationalize inclusion across technologies. This qualitative case study examines how a small business owner in an urban U.S. city prioritizes digital inclusion in his daily operations. Using a responsive interview model, the business owner’s experiences, attitudes, and priorities were recorded. Six themes appeared from this study: perceptions of disability influence digital inclusion, powerful branding suggests digital access, unawareness of accessibility guidelines, UX testing overlooks input from people with disabilities, inclusion is tough to enforce on digital platforms, and workarounds hinder digital improvements.

Vliv subjektivního vizuálního vnímání na automatické hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard / Impact of Subjective Visual Perception on Automatic Evaluation of Dashboard Design

Hynek, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
Analýza vlastností uživatelských rozhraní založená na použití metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu se zdá být slibným přístupem pro automatické hodnocení vizuální kvality uživatelských rozhraní. Přestože tento přístup nemůže plně nahradit uživatelské testování, může poskytnout dodatečné informace o možných problémech návrhu uživatelských rozhraní v počátečních fázích vývoje a ušetřit tím čas a výdaje v budoucnu. Příkladem je analýza použitých barev a rozvržení grafických elementů na obrazovce. Návrháři uživatelských rozhraní mohou měřit vlastnosti uživatelských rozhraní za použití známých metrik založených na analýze pixelů bitmapy (např. barevnost) nebo grafických elementů (např. vyvážení, symetrie). Problémem použití metrik nicméně je, že tento přístup zpravidla nezohledňuje subjektivní vnímání uživatelů (např. subjektivní vnímání barev nebo grafických elementů rozmístěných na obrazovce). Dnešní uživatelská rozhraní (jako například rozhraní dashboard) jsou komplexní. Skládají se z několika barevných vrstev, obsahují překrývající se grafické elementy, což může zvyšovat nejednoznačnost vnímání tohoto rozhraní uživateli. Může být proto komplikované vybrat takové grafické elementy, které odpovídají elementům rozpoznaným uživateli v souvislosti s principy shlukování vnímaných tvarů (jak je popsáno Gestalt psychologií). Vývoj objektivních metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu obvykle vyžaduje dostatečně velkou trénovací množinu vzorků uživatelských rozhraní anotovaných dostatečným počtem uživatelů. Tato práce se zaobírá automatickým ověřováním vzhledu uživatelských rozhraní dashboard. Práce kombinuje obecné znalosti týkající rozhraní dashboard s poznatky z oblasti vizualizace dat, vizuálního vnímání a ověřování kvality uživatelských rozhraní a následně zkoumá myšlenku automatického hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard s využitím metrik. Práce analyzuje vybrané metriky založené na analýze pixelů bitmapy a grafických elementů. Konkrétně zkoumá, jakým způsobem uživatelé rozpoznávají grafické elementy v rozhraních dashboard a výsledky aplikuje pro hodnocení schopnosti metrik (analyzujících grafické elementy rozhraní) objektivně rozpoznávat dobře navržené vzorky rozhraní dashboard. Dále představuje framework pro návrh a vylepšení metrik, který využívá pro vylepšení vybraných metrik. Následně navrhuje metodu pro segmentaci rozhraní dashboard do regionů, které mohou být použity jako vstupy pro tyto metriky. Závěrem práce porovnává vybrané metriky s hodnocením rozhraní uživateli a pokládá otázky vhodné pro budoucí výzkum.

Actions to enhance and support the informationsecurity risk assessment process in corporations / Åtgärder för att förbättra och stödja informationssäkerhetsriskbedömningsprocessen på företag

Karlsson, Karolin January 2019 (has links)
Information security is growing in importance as the world becomes more digital, at the same time the importance of usability implementation in software development is also growing. In this study, an evaluation was done on what affects usability and how important usability is in a reporting tool handling information security risk assessment (ISRA). The research question from which the study is based on: What actions can enhance and support the information security risk assessment process in corporations? In order to investigate the research question a study was organized consisting of a survey (N=30) and a think-aloud usability test (N=7). As a part of the analysis process a usability heuristic analysis was performed. According to this study, the ISRA process is complicated and creating a well-functioning supporting tool for it is complex. In order for the tool to facilitate for the users work, usability is an important aspect and should be taken in consideration early in the development process of a tool. Based on the findings in this study actions that can contribute to enhanced usability were discussed. The recommended actions are: 1) Include all types of roles in the ISRA process to determine the purpose of the tool and what it should support. 2) Implement clear guiding information in all parts of the tool, all people involved in the ISRA process should be able to understand the tool. 3) Keep an intuitive flow throughout the tool, the user should intuitively always know what the next step is and what to expect. 4) Have a search function that supports all aspects in the tool. / Informationssäkerheten växer i betydelse i takt med att världen blir mer digital, samtidigt så ökar även betydelsen av implementering av användbarhet i mjukvaruutveckling. I denna studie gjordes en utvärdering av vad som påverkar användbarheten och hur viktigt användbarheten är i ett rapporteringsverktyg som hanterar informationssäkerhetsriskbedömning (ISRB). Den forskningsfråga som studien bygger på: Vilka åtgärder kan förbättra och stödja informationssäkerhetsriskbedömningsprocessen i företag? För att undersöka forskningsfrågan organiserades en studie bestående av en enkätundersökning (N = 30) och ett användbarhetstest med ”Think-Aloud” (N = 7). Som en del av analysprocessen utfördes en användbarhets heuristisks analys. Enligt denna studie är ISRB-processen komplicerad och att skapa ett välfungerande stödjande verktyg för att det är komplext. För att verktyget ska underlätta för användarnas arbete är användbarheten en viktig aspekt och bör tas i beaktning tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen för ett verktyg. Baserat på resultaten i dessa studie så diskuterades åtgärder som kan bidra till ökad användbarhet. De rekommenderade åtgärderna är: 1) Inkludera alla typer av roller i ISRB-processen för att bestämma syftet med verktyget och vad det ska stödja. 2) Implementera tydlig guidande information i alla delar av verktyget, alla personer som är involverade i ISRB-processen ska kunna förstå och använda verktyget. 3) Ha ett intuitivt flöde genom alla delar i verktyget, användaren bör intuitivt alltid veta vad nästa steg är och vad de kan förvänta sig. 4) Har en sökfunktion som stöder alla aspekter i verktyget

Low-impact user interfaces: How can we create a climate-smart approach toward front-end mobile application design? : Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines – Focused on Online Food Delivery sector.

Sundqvist, Isabella, Zurawska, Kinga Joanna January 2023 (has links)
The use of the Internet and digital services has increased significantly during recent years, and as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field keeps on expanding, it is influencing aspects of our daily lives, though not always for the better. Researchers and practitioners, including a small number of designers, are addressing the growing concerns about the Internet’s environmental impact, such as electronic waste, increased energy use, resource depletion, and carbon footprint, which have emerged in recent years, and are calling for a more environment-friendly approach to web and app design. However, it is still a relatively new area of concern. This study evaluates existing guidelines for designing low-impact user interfaces in the mobile food delivery sector. First, the study investigates users’ food delivery habits and their impressions of low-impact interfaces. The findings from this section are then used to design a low-impact food delivery application (FDA) prototype and are tested with users to see how to make low-impact interfaces attractive for a possible change in user behaviors. This thesis builds on previous research about sustainable web design, but the focus area of this study is to investigate whether applied guidelines and low-impact design features are desired by users on mobile screens as well. The research reveals that low-impact features are indeed useful on smaller screens as well and users are generally open-minded and acceptive of front-end changes that have a more positive impact on the environment. However, it is crucial to communicate clearly about any low-impact modifications made to an application, due to the current low level of user awareness and knowledge in this field.

Development of Enhanced User Interaction and User Experience for Supporting Serious Role-Playing Games in a Healthcare Setting

Alow, Mark Lee January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

DRAWN TO LIFE: Exploring real-time manipulation of the digitally represented surface in comics on smartphones and tablets

Ericsson Duffy, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
This research thesis is an exploration into what possibilities lie beyond the representation of analog material when it transcends into the digital realm. Specifically, how printed comics can be altered in realtime by creator- allowed user interaction, when adapted for presentation within the digital sphere of mobile smartphones and computer tablets. Using legacy computer-game techniques like parallax scrolling with modern digital layer filters, device sensors and applying them in realtime to the comic creators digitally layered content, alternative forms of presentation arise.This is an investigation into the comic creator’s will of allowing possibilities of added depth perception, interactivity and alternative visual narratives in their comic, manga or graphic novels when employing new techniques based on sensor data input from a reader, like accelerometer-, gyroscope- or eye-tracking sensors. Several different techniques are evaluated. The focus is mainly on the context of creators of comics or manga who use digital tools and layer compositions when producing their work. Several aspects of the user-centered experience are also explored.Although mainly an interaction design project, most of the design methods are used from a service design approach, emphasizing co-design techniques like interviews, observations and user tests. The results are digital prototypes and proof-of-concepts featuring technology tests that support final design conclusions.The results will show both enthusiasm and reluctance from test subjects towards the new technologies presented. The professional craft of comic, manga and graphic novel creation has a deeply rooted aesthetic and production cycle in its history of the printed form. It could be difficult to alter its standard, reverence and nostalgia in the eyes of its readers and creators, when pursuing the digital format and narrative possibilities of the future. A video explaining the project’s “Drawn To Life” technology is available online.

Comparative Analysis of User Satisfaction Between Keyword-based and GPT-based E-commerce Chatbots : A qualitative study utilizing user testing to compare user satisfaction based on the IKEA chatbot.

Bitinas, Romas, Hassellöf, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Chatbots are computer programs that interact with users utilizing natural language. Businesses benefit from using chatbots as they can provide a better and more satisfactory customer experience. This thesis investigates differences in user satisfaction with two types of e-commerce chatbots: a keyword-based chatbot and a GPT-based chatbot. The study focuses on user interactions with IKEA's chatbot "Billie" compared to a prototype GPT-based chatbot designed for similar functionalities. Using a within-subjects experimental design, participants were tasked with typical e-commerce queries, followed by interviews to gather qualitative data about each participants experience. The research aims to determine whether a chatbot based on GPT technology can offer a more intuitive, engaging and empathetic user experience, compared to traditional keyword-based chatbots in the realm of e-commerce. Findings reveal that the GPT-based chatbot generally provided more accurate and relevant responses, enhancing user satisfaction. Participants appreciated the GPT chatbot's better comprehension and ability to handle natural language, though both systems still exhibited some unnatural interactions. The keyword-based chatbot often failed to understand user intent accurately, leading to user frustration and lower satisfaction. These results suggest that integrating advanced AI technologies like GPT-based chatbots could improve user satisfaction in e-commerce settings, highlighting the potential for more human-like and effective customer service.

Natural Language Based AI Tools in Interaction Design Research : Using ChatGPT for Qualitative User Research Insight Analysis

Saare, Karmen January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence, specifically the Large Language Model (LLM) application ChatGPT in the context of qualitative user research, with the goal of enhancing the user research interview analysis process. Through an empirical study where ChatGPT was used in the process of a typical user research insight analysis, the limitations and opportunities of the AI tool are examined. The study's results highlight the most significant insights from the empirical investigation, serving as examples to raise awareness of the implications of using ChatGPT in the context of user interview analysis. The study concludes that ChatGPT has the potential to enhance the interpretation of primarily individual interviews by generating well-articulated summaries, provided their accuracy can be verified. Additionally, ChatGPT may be particularly useful in low-risk design projects where the consequences of potential misinterpretations are minimal. Finally, the significance of clearly articulated written instructions for ChatGPT for best results is pointed out.

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