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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Argumentieren beim Experimentieren in der Physik - Die Bedeutung personaler und situationaler Faktoren

Ludwig, Tobias 26 September 2017 (has links)
Argumentieren ist zentraler Bestandteil naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnung. Dennoch gibt es bisher nur wenige Arbeiten, die untersuchen, wie Lernende auf der Grundlage selbstständig durchgeführter Experimente für bzw. gegen eine eigene Hypothese argumentieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese Arbeit, welchen Einfluss personale Faktoren (u. a. das Fachwissen und das situationale Interesse) und die Art der Lernumgebung (Realexperiment vs. Computersimulation) darauf nehmen, welche Typen von Argumenten verwendet werden. Ferner wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern die Verwendung dieser Argumentkategorien den Lernerfolg beeinflusst. Auf der Basis von Interviewdaten konnten zunächst für die vorgebrachten Argumente beim Wechseln bzw. Beibehalten eigener Hypothesen beim Experimentieren zehn Kategorien identifiziert werden (u. a. „Intuition“, „Expertenwissen“, „Messunsicherheiten“ sowie „Daten als Evidenz“). Zur quantitativen Erfassung wurde dann für die vier o. g. Argumentkategorien ein Likert-skaliertes Instrument entwickelt. Die aufgeführten Fragestellungen wurden schließlich in einer randomisierten Studie mit 938 Schülerinnen und Schülern untersucht. Bei der Untersuchung des Einflusses personaler Faktoren zeigt sich u. a., dass Lernende in einer Argumentation umso eher Daten als Evidenz heranziehen, je höher das fachliche Vorwissen ist. Die Verwendung dieser Argumentkategorie erhöht wiederum die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür, dass Lernende nach dem Experimentieren eine fachlich adäquate Hypothese aufstellen. Dies impliziert, dass der Umgang mit experimentellen Daten und Beobachtungen im Physikunterricht stärker als bisher berücksichtigt werden muss, z. B. durch eine explizitere Förderung von Fähigkeiten zum Umgang mit experimentellen Daten. Bis auf einen gut erklärbaren Unterschied können grundlegende Unterschiede beim Experimentieren zwischen Gruppen, die mit einem Real- bzw. Computerexperiment gearbeitet haben, nicht belegt werden. / Argumentation from data and evidence evaluation is widely seen as a scientific core practice. One approach to engage students in a meaningful argumentation practice is to provide lab work situations where they can construct hypotheses on the basis of their own prior knowledge and consequently evaluate these hypotheses in light of self-collected data. However, until recently, only little research has analyzed students' argumentation from data. Against this backdrop this research seeks to identify: a) the influences of personal factors (such as content knowledge and situational interest); b) the type of learning environment as a situational factor (real vs. virtual experiment) on the use of different categories of argument (such as Intuition, Appeal to Authority, Measurement Uncertainties (explicit) and Data as Evidence); c) the influence of argumentation on learning outcomes through experimentation in school labs. First, an interview-study was used to identify the different types of arguments used by students. Analyses focused on the nature of justification in argument and revealed ten different categories students use while arguing for or against hypotheses. As a next step, four out of ten categories were operationalized by means of a Likert-scaled instrument to assess the use of different types of argument in a valid and reliable manner. The findings from a randomized study among 938 secondary school students in a lab work setting indicate, among others, that content knowledge is positively related to the use of data as evidence. Again, the use of data as evidence increases the probability of stating a correct hypothesis after conducting the experiment. This implies that the ability to deal with data and measurement uncertainties should be better fostered in physics classes. Besides one explicable difference, no evidence was found, which supports the hypothesis that students' argumentation would differ while working with hands-on materials vs. computer simulations.

Uma Proposta de Controle da Adaptac¸ ao Din amica ao Contexto na Computac¸ ao Ub´ıqua

Warken, Nelsi 05 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NelsiWarken_DMII.pdf: 4928442 bytes, checksum: 20a14621110fa483e0e1690e7c7c7b19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-05 / O objetivo central deste trabalho ´e avaliar o emprego dos conceitos e tecnologias referentes ao Processamento Sem antico e Sistemas Aut onomos na concepc¸ ao de mecanismos de controle da adaptac¸ ao ao contexto na Computac¸ ao Ub´ıqua. Na computac¸ ao ub´ıqua, os diversos sistemas computacionais interagem com o ser humano a todo o momento, n ao importando onde ele esteja, constituindo um ambiente altamente distribu´ıdo, heterog eneo, din amico, m´ovel e de composic¸ ao mut´avel. As aplicac¸ oes deste ambiente devem ser adaptativas, considerando o contexto em que est ao inseridas. Ontologias s ao especificac¸ oes formais dos conceitos de um determinado dom´ınio, possibilitando que as aplicac¸ oes sem anticas possam interpretar o significado dos dados, e estabelecer relacionamentos e infer encias entre os mesmos. A Computac¸ ao Aut onoma, por sua vez, indica que os sistemas computacionais deveriam desempenhar func¸ oes autom´aticas de configurac¸ ao, tratamento, otimizac¸ ao e protec¸ ao, substituindo tarefas complexas do usu´ario por pol´ıticas descritas em alto n´ıvel por administradores ou programadores. Considerando todos estes aspectos, a pesquisa desenvolvida nesta dissertac¸ ao de mestrado tem como eixo conceber uma proposta para controlar as adaptac¸ oes quando da tomada de decis oes, considerando o contexto, produzido por informac¸ oes monitoradas, informac¸ oes sem anticas e infer encias a partir destas mesmas informac¸ oes. A premissa ´e culminar em um mecanismo de adaptac¸ ao gen´erico, que poder´a ser utilizado tanto pelo middleware, quanto por diferentes aplicac¸ oes, em tempo de execuc¸ ao. O mecanismo proposto chama-se EXEHDADA, EXEHDA-Dynamic Adaptation, servic¸o de controle da adaptac¸ ao din amica ao contexto para o middleware EXEHDA. O EXEHDA-DA foi avaliado por dois estudos de caso, apresentando resultados satisfat´orios quanto ao atendimento das demandas de ubiquidade dos mesmos

Uma abordagem baseada em aspectos e composi??o din?mica para a constru??o de aplica??es adaptativas cientes ao contexto

Santos, Isanio Lopes Ara?jo 10 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsanioLAS.pdf: 1324306 bytes, checksum: 06b1bb191919f02b1e6524146d71c0d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-10 / Ubiquitous computing systems operate in environments where the available resources significantly change during the system operation, thus requiring adaptive and context aware mechanisms to sense changes in the environment and adapt to new execution contexts. Motivated by this requirement, a framework for developing and executing adaptive context aware applications is proposed. The PACCA framework employs aspect-oriented techniques to modularize the adaptive behavior and to keep apart the application logic from this behavior. PACCA uses abstract aspect concept to provide flexibility by addition of new adaptive concerns that extend the abstract aspect. Furthermore, PACCA has a default aspect model that considers habitual adaptive concerns in ubiquitous applications. It exploits the synergy between aspect-orientation and dynamic composition to achieve context-aware adaptation, guided by predefined policies and aim to allow software modules on demand load making possible better use of mobile devices and yours limited resources. A Development Process for the ubiquitous applications conception is also proposed and presents a set of activities that guide adaptive context-aware developer. Finally, a quantitative study evaluates the approach based on aspects and dynamic composition for the construction of ubiquitous applications based in metrics / Aplica??es para a computa??o ub?qua operam em ambientes onde a disponibilidade de recursos muda significativamente durante a sua opera??o. Tal caracter?stica demanda que aplica??es sejam adaptativas e cientes do seu contexto de execu??o. Visando atender esses requisitos, ? proposto o PACCA (Projeto de Aplica??es Ciente ao Contexto e Adaptativas), um arcabou?o para desenvolvimento e execu??o de aplica??es adaptativas cientes de contexto. O paradigma de orienta??o a aspectos ? usado no PACCA para modularizar o comportamento adaptativo e dissoci?-lo da l?gica da aplica??o. Para prover maior flexibilidade o PACCA utiliza o conceito de aspecto abstrato para permitir a extens?o e adi??o de novos interesses adaptativos, al?m de um modelo de aspectos default que contempla interesses adaptativos comuns a grande parte das aplica??es ub?quas. A orienta??o a aspectos aliada ? composi??o din?mica de software oferece suporte para adapta??o ciente ao contexto, guiada por pol?ticas previamente definidas e tem por objetivo permitir a carga de m?dulos de software sob demanda possibilitando melhor utiliza??o dos recursos limitados de um dispositivo m?vel. Um Processo de Desenvolvimento para a constru??o de aplica??es ub?quas tamb?m ? proposto e visa demonstrar um conjunto de atividades a serem executadas para a concep??o de aplica??es ub?quas. Por fim, ? realizado um estudo quantitativo com o intuito de avaliar com base em m?tricas a abordagem baseada em aspectos e composi??o din?mica para a constru??o de aplica??es ub?quas

Modelo arquitetural de comunica??o para monitoramento de pacientes baseado em middleware, computa??o m?vel e ub?qua

Ara?jo, Bruno Gomes de 10 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunoGA_DISSERT.pdf: 1765683 bytes, checksum: 36a019ab0774ddb05d83c6ceb1679e89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-10 / Hospital Automation is an area that is constantly growing. The emergency of new technologies and hardware is transforming the processes more efficient. Nevertheless, some of the hospital processes are still being performed manually, such as monitoring of patients that is considered critical because it involves human lives. One of the factors that should be taken into account during a monitoring is the agility to detect any abnormality in vital signs of patients, as well as warning of this anomaly to the medical team involved. So, this master's thesis aims to develop an architecture to automate this process of monitoring and reporting of possible alert to a professional, so that emergency care can be done effectively. The computing mobile was used to improve the communication by distributing messages between a central located into the hospital and the mobile carried by the duty / A Automa??o Hospitalar consiste numa ?rea que est? em constante crescimento. Os processos envolvidos est?o sendo informatizados e automatizados cada vez mais com o surgimento de novas tecnologias e novos hardwares. Apesar disso, muitos dos processos envolvidos ainda est?o sendo realizados de forma manual, como ? o caso do monitoramento de pacientes, considerado um processo cr?tico por estar envolvido com vidas humanas. Um dos fatores que deve ser levado em conta durante um monitoramento ? a agilidade na detec??o de alguma anomalia nos sinais vitais de pacientes, assim como o aviso desta anomalia ? equipe m?dica envolvida. Visando isto, o presente trabalho de mestrado visa apresentar uma arquitetura para automatizar este processo de monitoramento e comunica??o de poss?veis alertas a um profissional da ?rea, para que o atendimento de urg?ncias possa ser feito de forma eficaz. Foi utilizada a computa??o m?vel e distribu?da para a comunica??o e envio de mensagens entre uma central localizada no hospital, e o dispositivo m?vel portado pelo plantonista

Mitteilungen des URZ 1/2005

Müller,, Riedel,, Ziegler, 17 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums mit Jahresrückblick 2004 zu allen Diensten des URZ

Evaluation von phänomenbasiertem Physikunterricht / seine Merkmale und Wirkungen auf Stereotypen, Selbstkonzept und Interesse

Westphal, Nico 25 July 2014 (has links)
Phänomenbasierter Physikunterricht (PbPU) als alternative Vorgehensweise bei der Vermittlung von Physik wird seit 20 Jahren in der fachdidaktischen Forschung verstärkt beachtet und hat sich zunehmend an den Schulen etabliert. Er lässt sich anhand seiner Merkmalaspekte Subjektivität, Mediation, Affektivität, Modellfreiheit/Modellkompetenz und Exploration charakterisieren und abgrenzen. Die Merkmale PbPUs sind mit einer konstruktivistischen Lerntheorie vereinbar und liefern die Voraussetzungen für erfolgreiches Lernen gemäß dem INVO-Modell. Bisher existieren jedoch keine empirischen Belege für den Einfluss PbPUs auf die Interessen- und Leistungsentwicklung oder anderer motivationaler Konstrukte wie Stereotypen und das fachbezogene Selbstkonzept. Für den wertenden Vergleich mit anderen Konzeptionen von Physikunterricht ist es jedoch wichtig, PbPU hinsichtlich seiner Wirkung auf das Lernen von Physik einschätzen zu können. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit soll diesem Desiderat begegnet werden. In einer quasiexperimentellen Feldstudie im Versuchs-/Kontrollgruppendesign (N=300) wurden die Vor- und Nachtestergebnisse der Versuchsbedingungen verglichen. Das Treatment in der Versuchsgruppe war eine achtwöchige Unterrichtssequenz der phänomenbasierten Anfangsoptik. Als abhängige Konstrukte wurden das Image von Physik, das fachbezogene Selbstkonzept, Interesse und Fachwissen untersucht. Image und Selbstkonzept wurden im Kontext der Balanced Identity Theory operationalisiert und mithilfe impliziter Assoziationstests (IATs) erhoben. Die varianzanalytischen Verfahren zeigten keine Effekte, die auf einen von der Testzeit abhängigen Unterschied zwischen der Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe hindeuten. Die Ausprägungen der impliziten Assoziationen und des Interesses entwickelten sich in beiden Gruppen identisch, mit einer für das Lernen von Physik ungünstigen Tendenz. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie liefern somit keine Belege für die Wirksamkeit PbPUs auf die untersuchten Konstrukte. / Since 20 years are "phenomenon-based science classes" (PbPU) as alternative method for imparting physics increasingly observed by subject-didactic research and they have established for use in schools. PbPU can be characterized and defined by the specific aspects subjectivity, mediation, affectivity, model-competency and exploration. Defining characters of PbPU are compatible with constructivist theory of learning and provide conditions for effective learning in accordance to INVO-model. Until today there are no empirical demonstrations to state the effect of development of PbPU in interests and performance nor other motivational constructs as stereotypes and physics self-concept. It is important for evaluative comparison with different concepts of science classes to be able to value PbPU concerning effect on learning of physics. The work in hand shall respond to this desideratum. Pre- and posttest data of two experimental conditions were compared in nonrandomized field study with control group design ($N=300$). Treatment of test group was an eight weeks'' teaching sequence of phenomenon-based optics (7th grade). The dependent constructs were image of physics, physics self-concept, interests and knowledge in optics. Image and self-concept were operationalized within theoretical framework of Balanced Identity and measured with implicit association tests (IATs). ANOVAs and ANCOVAs revealed no effects of interaction between time and experimental group. Implicit associations and interests developed in each group identically with negative tendency for learning of physics. Therefore, results of this study provide no evidence for the impact of PBPU on investigated constructs.

Aligning cognitive processes with the design process in a University-based digital fabrication laboratory (Ub-Fablab) / Harmoniser les processus cognitifs avec le processus de conception dans un laboratoire de fabrication numérique universitaire (Ub-Fablab).

Botleng, Vomaranda Joy 08 October 2018 (has links)
Le concept de Laboratoire de Fabrication Digitale (Fablabs) est au départ, une plateforme de prototypage industriel pour les entrepreneurs locaux. Elle est introduit rapidement dans le domaine de l'éducation et sert de plus en plus souvent de plate-forme pour l'apprentissage et l'innovation.Avec l'impact actuel des technologies numériques au sein des sociétés, des organisations telles que le Conseil national de recherches (CNR) appellent le secteur de l'éducation à se tourner vers les compétences du 21ème siècle, tandis que le secteur industriel repense la conception et la production afin d’assurer la durabilité (y compris l'éco-conception et l'économie circulaire) et adopter les dernières technologies intégrées dans l’entreprise 4.0.Les plateformes « Fablab » implantées dans les universités (Ub-Fablabs) pourraient donc jouer un rôle essentiel en tant que «plateforme de support» pour répondre à ces demandes.Etant donné qu’il y a eu très peu ou pas de recherche sur les capacités de Ub-Fablabs pour répondre à ces demandes, cette recherche a adopté une double approche :1) étudier et aligner les compétences cognitives, affectives et psychomotrices y compris les compétences opérationnelles (en matière de logiciels, de notion de mécanique, d’électricité et de systèmes embarqués, …) intégrées dans le processus de conception d'Ub-Fablabs.2) Évaluer la capacité d'Ub-Fablabs à préparer les citoyens aux futures évolutions dans la conception et la production.Dans la partie 1 de la recherche, le chercheur a observé de près la conception et la production d'une machine servant à écraser des roches (RMM) pour laquelle l'utilisation d'une gamme de technologies (bois, pierre et matériaux synthétiques) ont été requises.Les activités de conception et de production ont été enregistrées à l'aide de notes de terrain, d'enregistrements vidéo et de photographies. Pour garder la trace des activités de conception et de production, un modèle de processus de conception itératif, le «modèle de conception de Nawita» (NDPM) a été développé et utilisé.Les données ont été analysées à l'aide d'une analyse de protocole adaptée et les résultats ont été représentés graphiquement.Les résultats ont montré que matérialiser les idées créatives incubées dans la phase 1 du NDPM a déclenché un pic étonnant de compétences cognitives, affectives et psychomotrices dans les étapes 2, 3 et 4 du NDPM. Ces processus et compétences ont sans aucun doute constitués des compétences requises au 21ème siècle.Dans la partie 2 de la recherche, une analyse adaptée des contenus en ligne a été utilisée pour collecter des données provenant de 90% des Ub-Fablabs dans le monde.Une échelle d'indicateurs de capacité Ub-Fablab (Ub-Fablab CIS) a été développée et utilisée pour évaluer quatre aspects potentiels d'Ub-Fablab. Cette échelle est une aide à la compréhension du processus de création. La plate-forme support incite les esprits proactifs à une meilleure intégration des processus de conception et de production.Ces composants sont: i) Infrastructure technologique; ii) Approche pédagogique constructiviste; iii) Collaboration à travers le réseautage numérique et iv) durabilité (y compris l'éco-conception et l'économie circulaire).Les résultats ont révélé que tous les Ub-Fablabs ont une position forte dans la fourniture d'infrastructures technologiques et une forte approche pédagogique constructiviste, mais peuvent avoir besoin d'améliorer leur capacité de collaboration à travers le réseautage et la restauration de la durabilité.Les résultats de cette recherche fournissent une solide réputation pour les Ub-Fablabs à être utilisés pour augmenter les efforts afin d’équiper les citoyens avec des compétences du 21ème siècle et inciter les esprits proactifs à une meilleure intégration et employabilité. / The concept of Digital Fabrication Laboratories (Fablabs), initially an industrial prototyping platform for local entrepreneurships is rapidly finding its way into the education arena and used as a platform for learning and innovation. With the current impact of digital technology on the societies, there are calls from organizations like the National Research Council (NRC) for the education sector to cater for the so-called 21st Century Skills, while the industrial sector to rethink design and production in order to cater for sustainability (inclusive of eco-design and circular economy) and to embrace the latest technologies in preparation for the Industries 4.0. Fablab platforms established in universities (Ub-Fablabs) could therefore play a vital role as a ‘support platform’ to meet these demands.Since there has been very little or no research into the capacities of Ub-Fablabs to meet these demands, this research took a two-fold approach toi) investigate and align cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills (inclusive of mechanical, electrical and embedded software operational skills) embedded in the design process in Ub-Fablabs.ii) assess the capacity of Ub-Fablabs to prepare citizens for the future design and production industries.In part 1 of the research, the researcher closely observed the design and production of a rock milling machine (RMM) where utilisation of a range of wood, stone and synthetic materials technologies were displayed. The design and production activities were recorded using field notes, video-recording and still photography. To keep trace of the design and production activities, an iterative design process model, the ‘Nawita Design Process Model (NDPM) was developed and utilised. Data was analysed using an adapted protocol analysis and results were graphed using pie and bubble-chart graphing. Results showed that materialising the creative ideas incubated in stage 1 of the NDPM unleashed a stunning peak of cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills in stages 2, 3 and 4 of NDPM. These processes and skills are undoubtedly constituted of the 21st Century Skills.In part 2 of the research, an adapted online content analysis was used to collect data from 90% of the Ub-Fablabs worldwide. An Ub-Fablab Capacity Indicator Scale (Ub-Fablab CIS) was developed and used to score on four potential aspects of Ub-Fablab if it has to be used as a support platform to incubate proactive minds for the future integration of design and production industries. These components are i) Technological infrastructure; ii) Constructionist pedagogical approach; iii) Collaboration through digital networking and iv) sustainability (inclusive of eco-design and circular economy). Results revealed that all Ub-Fablabs have a strong stand in providing technological infrastructures and a strong constructionist pedagogical approach, but may need to improve on its capacity for collaboration through networking and catering for sustainability.The findings of this research provides a strong standing for Ub-Fablabs to be utilised to augment efforts to equip citizens with 21st Century skills and incubate proactive minds for the future integration of design and production industries

Uma plataforma de integra??o de middleware para computa??o ub?qua

Lopes, Frederico Ara?jo da Silva 18 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FredericoASL_TESE.pdf: 2802303 bytes, checksum: be814c8392c7d14ab8b3a30bbd50da04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-18 / One of the current challenges of Ubiquitous Computing is the development of complex applications, those are more than simple alarms triggered by sensors or simple systems to configure the environment according to user preferences. Those applications are hard to develop since they are composed by services provided by different middleware and it is needed to know the peculiarities of each of them, mainly the communication and context models. This thesis presents OpenCOPI, a platform which integrates various services providers, including context provision middleware. It provides an unified ontology-based context model, as well as an environment that enable easy development of ubiquitous applications via the definition of semantic workflows that contains the abstract description of the application. Those semantic workflows are converted into concrete workflows, called execution plans. An execution plan consists of a workflow instance containing activities that are automated by a set of Web services. OpenCOPI supports the automatic Web service selection and composition, enabling the use of services provided by distinct middleware in an independent and transparent way. Moreover, this platform also supports execution adaptation in case of service failures, user mobility and degradation of services quality. The validation of OpenCOPI is performed through the development of case studies, specifically applications of the oil industry. In addition, this work evaluates the overhead introduced by OpenCOPI and compares it with the provided benefits, and the efficiency of OpenCOPI s selection and adaptation mechanism / Um dos principais desafios atuais da computa??o ub?qua ? o desenvolvimento de aplica??es complexas, que consistem em mais do que simples alarmes disparados por sensores ou ferramentas para configurar o ambiente de acordo com prefer?ncias dos usu?rios. Tais aplica??es s?o dif?ceis de desenvolver uma vez que envolve uso de servi?os que s?o providos por diferentes middleware, sendo necess?rio conhecer as peculiaridades de cada um deles, principalmente no que diz respeito ao modelo de comunica??o e ao modelo de representa??o de informa??es de contexto. Essa tese de doutorado apresenta o OpenCOPI, uma plataforma para integra??o de diferentes middleware de provis?o de contexto que fornece um servi?o de contexto unificado e baseado em ontologias, bem como um ambiente que facilita o desenvolvimento das aplica??es ub?quas atrav?s da defini??o de workflows sem?nticos com a descri??o abstrata da aplica??o. Esses workflows sem?nticos s?o transformados em workflows concretos, chamados de planos de execu??o. Um plano de execu??o ? em uma inst?ncia de um workflow contendo atividades que s?o automatizadas por um conjunto de servi?os Web. O OpenCOPI suporta composi??o e sele??o autom?tica de servi?os Web, possibilitando o uso transparente de servi?os de contexto providos por diferentes middleware. Essa plataforma tamb?m fornece suporte para adapta??o da execu??o das aplica??es em caso de falha de servi?os, mobilidade do usu?rio ou degrada??o da qualidade do servi?o. A valida??o do OpenCOPI ? realizada atrav?s de estudos de caso, especificamente aplica??es da ind?stria do petr?leo e g?s (monitoramento de po?os e de dutos de transporte de petr?leo). Al?m disso, esse trabalho avalia o overhead introduzido pelo OpenCOPI, contrastando com os seus benef?cios, e tamb?m avalia a efici?ncia dos mecanismos de sele??o e adapta??o

Mitteilungen des URZ 1/2004

Richter,, Riedel,, Grunewald,, Schier, 04 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums

Mitteilungen des URZ 1/2006

Dippmann, D., Richter, F., Riedel, W. 25 April 2006 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums mit Jahresrückblick 2005 zu allen Diensten des URZ

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