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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photoinduced Intermolecular Proton Transfer in Solution Monitored by Femtosecond Infrared Spectroscopy

Codescu, Marius-Andrei 22 February 2023 (has links)
Die intermolekularen Protonen(H+)-Transportwege der bifunktionellen Photosäure 7-Hydroxychinolin (7HQ) in deuterierten Methanollösungen werden mit Femtosekunden-UV-Pump/IR-Sonden-Spektroskopie untersucht. Nach elektronischer Anregung verwandelt sich 7HQ gleichzeitig in eine starke Säure und eine starke Base. Dieser bifunktionelle Charakter ist auf seine Molekülstruktur zurückzuführen, die sowohl aus einer H+-Donor-OH-Gruppe als auch aus einem H+-Akzeptor-Stickstoff-Einzelgängerpaar besteht. Frühere Erkenntnisse über die photoinduzierte Reaktion von 7HQ in Wasser/Methanol-Gemischen haben gezeigt, dass der H+-Transport vom einsamen Stickstoffpaar des Chinolins zur -OH-Gruppe über einen Hydroxid/Methoxid (HO-/CH3O-)-Transportmechanismus oder Pathway II mit Zeitkonstanten von Hunderten bis zu einigen zehn Pikosekunden erfolgt. Dies bedeutet, dass sich 7HQ von einem anfänglich photoangeregten neutralen (N^*) in ein zwitterionisches (Z^*) Tautomer umwandelt, wobei das kationische (C^*) das geladene Zwischenprodukt ist. Hier haben wir die Formiatbase (HCOO-) als H+-Akzeptor verwendet, um die H+-Transportdynamik quantitativ vom Protonenvakanztransport (Pathway II) auf den Mechanismus des Protonenüberschusses (Pathway I) umzustellen. Bei hohen molaren Konzentrationen überwiegt Weg I und etwa 85 % der N^* werden in die anionische (A^*) Spezies umgewandelt, was eindeutig bedeutet, dass sich HCOO- in konjugierte Ameisensäure (HCOOD) umwandelt. HCOOD ist jedoch nicht geeignet, den H+-Transport von der -OH-Gruppe zum N-Lone-Paar schnell zu vermitteln. Bei höheren Konzentrationen von amphoterem Imidazol überwiegt der Weg I, und außerdem steigt die Gesamtausbeute von N^*→ A^*→ Z^* im Vergleich zu HCOO- (viermal schneller) und zu Lösungen in der Masse (2,4-mal schneller) erheblich. / Intermolecular proton (H+) transport pathways of the bifunctional photoacid 7-hydroxyquinoline (7HQ) in deuterated methanol solutions are examined with femtosecond UV-pump/IR-probe spectroscopy. Following electronic excitation, 7HQ converts simultaneously into a strong acid and a strong base. This bifunctional character is due to its molecular structure, which consists of both an H+-donor –OH group and a H+-acceptor nitrogen lone pair. Previous findings reported on the photoinduced reaction of 7HQ in water/methanol mixtures have shown that H+ transport proceeds from the quinoline nitrogen lone pair to –OH group via a hydroxide/methoxide (HO-/CH3O-) transport mechanism or Pathway II with time constants ranging from hundreds to tens of picoseconds. This implies 7HQ converts from an initially photoexcited neutral (N^*) to a zwitterionic (Z^*) tautomer, where the cationic (C^*) is the intermediate charged species. Here, we used the formate base (HCOO-) as the H+ acceptor to quantitatively switch the H+ transport dynamics from proton vacancy transport (Pathway II) to excess proton transport mechanism (Pathway I). At high molar concentrations, Pathway I prevails and about 85% of N^* are converted into the anionic (A^*) species, implying unequivocally that HCOO- converts into conjugate formic acid (HCOOD). Still, HCOOD is not suitable to rapidly mediate H+ transport from the –OH group to the N lone pair. Using higher concentrations of amphoteric imidazole, Pathway I becomes predominant and, in addition, the overall yield of N^*→ A^*→ Z^* increases substantially, when compared to both HCOO- (four times faster) and bulk solvent solutions (2.4 times faster).

Vier- und Multiwellenmischen an II-VI-Halbleiternanostrukturen

Tranitz, Hans-Peter 03 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem polarisations-, intensitäts- und temperaturabhängigen Dephasierungsverhalten kohärent angeregter Exzitonen, Biexzitonen und Trionen in Quantentrögen, Quantendrähten und Quanteninseln. Die Experimente, die an II-VI-Halbleiternano- strukturen durchgeführt wurden, basieren auf einer nichtlinear optischen Methode der Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie, der Vierwellenmischung. Phasenrelaxation und Wechselwirkungsprozesse der resonant angeregten Quasiteilchen werden durch erweiterte optische Blochgleichungen theoretisch beschrieben. Um die Bedeutung von Korrelationen höherer Ordnung von Exzitonen in ZnSe Quantentrögen zu ermitteln, wird die Methode der Multiwellenmischung entwickelt. Durch Anwendung von modernen Halbleiterblochgleichungen bis zur 5. Ordnung in den anregenden Feldern gelingt die Beschreibung der beobachteten Spektren. / In this theses the polarization, intensity and temperature dependent dephasing behavior of coherently excited excitons, biexcitons, and trions are investigated in quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum islands. The experiments, applied to II-VI semiconductor nanostructures, base on a nonlinear optical method of ultrashorttime spectroscopy, the four-wave mixing. Phase relaxation and interaction processes of the resonantly excited quasi-particles are described by extended optical bloch equations. The importance of higher order correlations of excitons in ZnSe quantum wells is investigated. Therefore a new method has been developed, the so called multi-wave mixing. The application of modern semiconductor bloch equations up to fifth order in the exciting fields results in a successful description of the observed spectra.

Untersuchung von Energie- und Ladungstransfer in komplexen Porphyrin-Aggregaten

Willert, Andreas 10 July 2000 (has links)
Ziel der Abeit war es, mittels statischer und zeitaufgelöster Spektroskopie Energie- und Ladungstransfer in komplexen Porphyrin-Aggregaten zu untersuchen. Die Porphyrin-Proben konnten aus wenigen Grundelementen durch Assemblierung vielfältig in ihrer geometrischen und substanziellen Struktur variiert werden. Zur Untersuchung standen sowohl statische Fluoreszenz- und Absorptionsmessverfahren als auch zeitaufgelöste zur Verfügung. Neben einem Streak-Scope und zeitaufgelöstem Einzelphotonzählen wurde ein Pump-und-Probe-Aufbau eingeführt. Dieser ermöglicht die Aufnahme transienter Absorptionsspektren im Sub-Pikosekunden-Bereich. Mit Hilfe der transienten Untersuchungen war es möglich, ein Modellsystem aus Porphyrinen zu präsentieren, in dem schneller Ladungstransfer (0,7 ps) nachgewiesen werden kann. Mit statischer Spektroskopie ist dieser Transfer bis in den Tieftemperaturbereich (164 K) existent. Damit ist dieses Porphyrin-System das erste in der Literatur bekannte, das dieses Verhalten zeigt. Bei Komplexeren Porphyrin-Aggregaten ermöglicht die Auswertung mittels Amplitudenspektren die genaue Zuordnung der zeitlichen Komponenten zu den jeweiligen Porphyrinen. Damit ist es möglich, gleiche Fluoreszenzzerfallszeiten eindeutig unterschiedlichen Porphyrinen zuzuordnen.

Vier- und Multiwellenmischen an II-VI-Halbleiternanostrukturen

Tranitz, Hans-Peter 19 December 2001 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem polarisations-, intensitäts- und temperaturabhängigen Dephasierungsverhalten kohärent angeregter Exzitonen, Biexzitonen und Trionen in Quantentrögen, Quantendrähten und Quanteninseln. Die Experimente, die an II-VI-Halbleiternano- strukturen durchgeführt wurden, basieren auf einer nichtlinear optischen Methode der Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie, der Vierwellenmischung. Phasenrelaxation und Wechselwirkungsprozesse der resonant angeregten Quasiteilchen werden durch erweiterte optische Blochgleichungen theoretisch beschrieben. Um die Bedeutung von Korrelationen höherer Ordnung von Exzitonen in ZnSe Quantentrögen zu ermitteln, wird die Methode der Multiwellenmischung entwickelt. Durch Anwendung von modernen Halbleiterblochgleichungen bis zur 5. Ordnung in den anregenden Feldern gelingt die Beschreibung der beobachteten Spektren. / In this theses the polarization, intensity and temperature dependent dephasing behavior of coherently excited excitons, biexcitons, and trions are investigated in quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum islands. The experiments, applied to II-VI semiconductor nanostructures, base on a nonlinear optical method of ultrashorttime spectroscopy, the four-wave mixing. Phase relaxation and interaction processes of the resonantly excited quasi-particles are described by extended optical bloch equations. The importance of higher order correlations of excitons in ZnSe quantum wells is investigated. Therefore a new method has been developed, the so called multi-wave mixing. The application of modern semiconductor bloch equations up to fifth order in the exciting fields results in a successful description of the observed spectra.

Ultrafast exciton relaxation in quasi-one-dimensional perylene derivatives / Ultraschnelle Relaxation von Exzitonen in quasi-eindimensionalen Perylenderivaten

Engel, Egbert 07 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with exciton relaxation processes in thin polycrystalline films and matrix-isolated molecules of the perylene derivatives PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) and MePTCDI (N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide). Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, transient absorption spectra, excitonic relaxation in the lowest excited state subsequent to excitation, and exciton-exciton interaction and annihilation at high excitation densities have been addressed. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the range 1.2eV-2.6eV has been applied to thin polycrystalline films of PTCDA and MePTCDI and to solid solutions of PTCDA and MePTCDI molecules (monomers) in a SiO2 matrix. We are able to ascribe the respective signal contributions to ground state bleaching, stimulated emission, and excited state absorption. Both systems exhibit broad excited-state absorption features below 2.0eV, with dominant peaks between 1.8eV and 2.0eV. The monomer spectra can be consistently explained by the results of quantum-chemical calculations on single molecules, and the respective experimental polarization anisotropies for the two major transitions agree with the calculated polarizations. Dimer calculations allow to qualitatively understand the trends visible in the experimental results from monomers to thin films. The broad excited state absorption band between 1.8eV and 2.0eV allows to probe the population dynamics in the first excited state of thin films. We show that excitons created at the Gamma point relax towards the border of the Brillouin zone on a 100fs time scale in both systems. Excitonic relaxation is accelerated by increase of temperature and/or excitation density, which is attributed to stimulated phonon emission during relaxation in k-space. Lower and upper limits of the intraband relaxation time constants are 25fs (resolution limit) and 250fs (100fs) for PTCDA (MePTCDI). These values agree with the upper limit for the intraband relaxation time of 10ps, evaluated from time-resolved luminescence measurements. While the luminescence anisotropy is in full accordance with the predictions made by a luminescence anisotropy model being consistent with the exciton model of Davydov-split states, the pump-probe anisotropy calls for an explanation beyond the models presently available. At excitation densities 10^(19)cm^(-3), the major de-excitation mechanism for the relaxed excitons is exciton-exciton annihilation, resulting in a strongly reduced exciton life time. Three different models for the microscopic behavior have been tested: a diffusion-limited annihilation model in both three and one dimensions (with diffusion constant D as fit parameter) as well as a long-range single-step Förster-type annihilation model (with Förster radius RF as fit parameter). For PTCDA, the latter two, being structurally equivalent, allow to fit a set of multiexponential decay curves for multiple initial exciton densities with high precision. In contrast, the three-dimensional diffusion-limited model is clearly inferior. For all three models, we extract annihilation rates, diffusion constants and diffusion lengths (or Förster radii), for both room and liquid helium temperature. Temperature dependence and orders of magnitude of the obtained parameters D or RF correspond to the expectations. For MePTCDI, the 1D and the Förster model are in good agreement for a smaller interval of excitation densities. For a initial exciton densities higher than 5 x 10^(19)cm^(-3), the 3D model performs significantly better than the other two.

Elementary processes at surfaces and interfaces of electrochemically relevant systems

Demling, Angelika Verena 07 September 2023 (has links)
In elektrochemischen Zellen vollziehen sich die Haupteaktionen in der Regel an Oberflächen von Elektroden und Katalysatoren und deren Elektrolytgrenzflächen, wodurch Änderungen dort die Effizienz der Zelle stark beeinflussen können. Diese Arbeit behandelt elementare Prozesse an solchen Ober- und Grenzflächen, die die Bandstruktur und damit möglicherweise auch die Reaktivität des Systems verändern. Mit Zwei-Photonen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (2PPE) untersuche ich solche Prozesse in drei Modellsystemen für Elektrodenoberflächen beziehungsweise Elektrolyt/Elektroden-Grenzflächen: ZnO wird als Material für die photoelektrochemische Wasserspaltung diskutiert. In zeitaufgelösten 2PPE-Spektren beobachte ich Oszillationen des Dipols der (10-10)-Oberfläche, die bislang unbekannten kohärenten Oberflächenphononen zuzuordnen sind. Ich diskutiere ihre Erzeugung und entwickle eine Methode, um ultraschnelle Änderungen des Oberflächendipols anhand der Intensität des Sekundärelektronenschwanzes eines 2PPE Spektrums zu quantifizieren. An der D2O/ZnO(10-10)-Grenzfläche untersuche ich mehrere Effekte der Wasseradsorption, wie Veränderungen der Austrittsarbeit und der kohärenten Oberflächenphononen. Anders als in früheren Studien stelle ich keine Oberflächenmetallisierung durch Wasseradsorption fest. Auch gibt es keinen klaren Hinweis auf Elektronensolvatisierung, wie sie an Wasser/Metall-Grenzflächen zu beobachten ist. An der DMSO/Cu(111)-Grenzfläche, einem Modellsystem der Elektrolyt/Kathoden-Grenzfläche in Metall-Luft-Batterien, bestimme ich die elementaren Schritte der Sauerstoffreduktion. Im DMSO werden kleine Polaronen ultraschnell gebildet und zum Teil in Oberflächendefekten eingefangen. Die Lebensdauer dieser gefangenen Elektronen kann mehrere Sekunden betragen. Sie reagieren mit co-adsorbiertem O2, nachdem es in das DMSO diffundiert ist, zu O2-. Die Modellierung der Diffusion liefert eine Abschätzung des Elektroden-Reaktanten-Abstandes für Elektronentransfer in DMSO. / In electrochemical cells, the main reactions usually proceed at the surfaces of electrodes and catalysts and their interfaces with the electrolyte. Hence, changes there can have a huge impact on the efficiency of the cell. This thesis concerns elementary processes at such surfaces and interfaces, which affect the electronic band structure and, thus, potentially the reactivity of the surface. Using two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy (2PPE), I investigate such processes in three model systems for electrode surfaces and electrolyte/electrode interfaces: ZnO is discussed as material for photoelectrochemical water splitting. In time-resolved 2PPE spectra, I observe oscillations of the (10-10) surface dipole, which are assigned to previously unknown coherent surface phonons. I discuss their generation and develop a method to quantify ultrafast surface dipole changes from the intensity of the secondary electron tail of a 2PPE spectrum. At the D2O/ZnO(10-10) interface, I examine several effects of water adsorption, such as changes of the work function and the coherent surface phonons. Unlike in a previous study, I do not observe surface metallization upon water adsorption. Moreover, there is no clear indication of electron solvation as found at water/metal interfaces. At the DMSO/Cu(111) interface, a model system for the electrolyte/cathode interface in metal-air batteries, I determine the elementary steps of superoxide formation. In the DMSO, small polarons are formed and partly trapped in surface defects on an ultrafast time scale. These trapped electrons can persist for several seconds and react with co-adsorbed O2 to from O2-. Modelling the diffusion yields estimates for the electrode-reactant distance for electron transfer in DMSO.

Ultrafast exciton relaxation in quasi-one-dimensional perylene derivatives

Engel, Egbert 30 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with exciton relaxation processes in thin polycrystalline films and matrix-isolated molecules of the perylene derivatives PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) and MePTCDI (N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide). Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, transient absorption spectra, excitonic relaxation in the lowest excited state subsequent to excitation, and exciton-exciton interaction and annihilation at high excitation densities have been addressed. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the range 1.2eV-2.6eV has been applied to thin polycrystalline films of PTCDA and MePTCDI and to solid solutions of PTCDA and MePTCDI molecules (monomers) in a SiO2 matrix. We are able to ascribe the respective signal contributions to ground state bleaching, stimulated emission, and excited state absorption. Both systems exhibit broad excited-state absorption features below 2.0eV, with dominant peaks between 1.8eV and 2.0eV. The monomer spectra can be consistently explained by the results of quantum-chemical calculations on single molecules, and the respective experimental polarization anisotropies for the two major transitions agree with the calculated polarizations. Dimer calculations allow to qualitatively understand the trends visible in the experimental results from monomers to thin films. The broad excited state absorption band between 1.8eV and 2.0eV allows to probe the population dynamics in the first excited state of thin films. We show that excitons created at the Gamma point relax towards the border of the Brillouin zone on a 100fs time scale in both systems. Excitonic relaxation is accelerated by increase of temperature and/or excitation density, which is attributed to stimulated phonon emission during relaxation in k-space. Lower and upper limits of the intraband relaxation time constants are 25fs (resolution limit) and 250fs (100fs) for PTCDA (MePTCDI). These values agree with the upper limit for the intraband relaxation time of 10ps, evaluated from time-resolved luminescence measurements. While the luminescence anisotropy is in full accordance with the predictions made by a luminescence anisotropy model being consistent with the exciton model of Davydov-split states, the pump-probe anisotropy calls for an explanation beyond the models presently available. At excitation densities 10^(19)cm^(-3), the major de-excitation mechanism for the relaxed excitons is exciton-exciton annihilation, resulting in a strongly reduced exciton life time. Three different models for the microscopic behavior have been tested: a diffusion-limited annihilation model in both three and one dimensions (with diffusion constant D as fit parameter) as well as a long-range single-step Förster-type annihilation model (with Förster radius RF as fit parameter). For PTCDA, the latter two, being structurally equivalent, allow to fit a set of multiexponential decay curves for multiple initial exciton densities with high precision. In contrast, the three-dimensional diffusion-limited model is clearly inferior. For all three models, we extract annihilation rates, diffusion constants and diffusion lengths (or Förster radii), for both room and liquid helium temperature. Temperature dependence and orders of magnitude of the obtained parameters D or RF correspond to the expectations. For MePTCDI, the 1D and the Förster model are in good agreement for a smaller interval of excitation densities. For a initial exciton densities higher than 5 x 10^(19)cm^(-3), the 3D model performs significantly better than the other two.

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