Spelling suggestions: "subject:"umbrella branding"" "subject:"wmbrella branding""
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Branding at the Ice Cream Factory : A Case Study of the Branding Strategy at SIA GlassEjnar, Frida, Sahlberg, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Branding is essential for a business success although it may be difficult to decide what branding strategy to use. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of branding, and more explicitly the strategies of umbrella branding and brand extensions and how it relates to value, in practice. A case study of an ice cream company, SIA Glass, was conducted to answer the research question of how SIA Glass’ branding strategy affect its’ brands. The method used was based on a deductive approach with semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that SIA Glass’ decision to offer a more diverse brand portfolio created problems in its’ internal communication and the focus was lost on brands less prioritized. Instead of focusing on the SIA Glass brand, the company wanted to connect SIA Glass to its’ corporate heritage and the Bertegruppen group, and offer products in new segments with less connection to the SIA Glass brand. Conclusions from the study imply that it is difficult for a company with limited resources to have an extended brand portfolio. In addition, as brand value is co-created with consumers and customers it demand more emphasis in practice, as well as in branding research.
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Umbrella Branding of Private LabelsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Private labels command a growing share of food retailers' shelf space. In this dissertation, I explain this phenomenon as resulting from "umbrella branding," or the ability of a single brand to reach across categories. Conceptually, I define umbrella branding as a behavioral attribute that describes a shopper's tendency to ascribe a performance bond to a brand, or to associate certain performance characteristics to a private label brand, across multiple categories. In the second chapter, I describe the performance bond theory in detail, and then test this theory using scanner data in the chapter that follows. Because secondary data has limitations for testing behavioral theories, however, I test the performance bond theory of umbrella branding using a laboratory experiment in the fourth chapter. In this chapter, I find that households tend to transfer their perception of private label performance across categories, or that a manifestation of umbrella branding behavior can indeed explain private labels' success. In the fifth chapter, I extend this theory to compare umbrella branding in international markets, and find that performance transference takes its roots in consumers' cultural backgrounds. Taken together, my results suggest that umbrella branding is an important behavioral mechanism, and one that can be further exploited by retailers across any consumer good category with strong credence attributes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Agribusiness 2014
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品牌傘的企業背書效果鄭秀倫, Cheng, Hsiu-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
主要研究目的在探討品牌傘策略中運用企業背書的實質效益及其可能影響因素,分成前導研究(Pilot Study)與主研究(Main Study)兩部份。前導研究以次級資料方式進行,發現到國內市場之現實狀況仍以單一品牌策略(企業品牌策略或產品品牌策略)之產品為大宗,運用混合式的品牌傘策略之產品僅佔少數比例,但有大幅成長的趨勢。而少數品類(如:洗髮精、調味醬、果汁…等)中,運用品牌傘策略之產品品牌權益有高於單一品牌策略下之產品的現象,基於此,本研究更進一步探討可能影響品牌傘企業背書效果的因素。
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Three essays on economics of quality in agricultural marketsWang, Chia-Hsing 23 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Four essays on modeling brand choice and brand loyaltySilberhorn, Nadja 11 March 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus vier Aufsätzen, die sich mit der Modellierung von Markenwahlverhalten und Markentreue beschäftigen. Der erste Aufsatz gibt eine Einführung in das Nested Logit Modell und weist auf die Existenz von zwei unterschiedlichen Spezifikationen hin. Das utility maximization nested logit (UMNL) und das non-normalized nested logit (NNNL) Modell besitzen unterschiedliche Eigenschaften, die die Schätzergebnisse beeinflussen. Mit einer Simulationsstudie werden die Konsequenzen der Verwendung verschiedener Softwarepakete demonstriert. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass nur die UMNL Spezifikation bei Auferlegung einer Parameterrestriktion mit der Zufallsnutzentheorie konform ist. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht anhand von realen Haushaltspaneldaten den Erfolg einer Familienmarkenstrategie. Die Signaling Theorie liefert einen Rahmen für die dem Markenwahlverhalten zugrunde liegenden psychologischen Prozesse zur Entstehung und Erklärung von produktkategorieübergreifender Markentreue. In einer empirischen Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit in einer Kategorie markentreue Kunden dieser Marke auch in anderen Produktkategorien treu sind. Es wird ein Markentreue-Hebel-Index entwickelt. Im dritten Aufsatz stehen die psychologischen Determinanten von kategorieübergreifenden Zusammenhängen im Markenwahlverhalten im Mittelpunkt. In einer empirischen Studie wird die Risikoaversion als entscheidender Bestimmungsfaktor von kategorieübergreifender Markentreue untersucht. Die konsumentenspezifische Risikoaversion wird dabei über Innovativeness und Status Quo Bias erfasst. Im vierten Aufsatz wird das Hybride Wahlmodell einem breiten Marketingpublikum vorgestellt. Klassische Wahlmodelle gehen davon aus, dass das beobachtbare Verhalten das Resultat eines nicht spezifizierten Evaluationsprozesses des Individuums ist. Der kausalanalytische Ansatz hingegen erlaubt die Spezifikation nicht direkt messbarer Faktoren als latente Variablen und kann somit Wahlmodelle sinnvoll ergänzen. / This thesis is composed of four essays that pick up topics in brand choice and brand loyalty modeling. The first essay gives an introduction to the nested logit model and points attention to the existence of two different specifications. The utility maximization nested logit (UMNL) model and the non-normalized nested logit (NNNL) model have different properties which impact the estimation results. In a simulation study, the consequences of the usage of different software packages for model estimation on the estimation results is demonstrated. It is also shown that only the UMNL specification with an imposed parameter restriction is consistent with the underlying random utility theory. The second essay investigates the success of an umbrella branding strategy using household panel data. Signaling theory provides a framework for the underlying psychological processes in consumers'' brand choice behavior and can contribute in the formation and explanation of loyalty to the brand in multiple categories. An empirical study determines whether there is a tendency for loyal consumers from one product category to be loyal to the same brand in other product categories as well. Therefore, a cross-category brand loyalty leverage index is developed. In the third essay, consumer-specific psychological determinants of cross-category relations between brand loyal choice decisions are discussed. In an empirical study, the concept of risk aversion is considered as the key determinant of cross-category brand loyalty. Consumers'' risk aversion is derived from their innovativeness and status quo bias. In the fourth essay, the hybrid choice model is introduced to the broad marketing audience. Traditional choice models assume that observable behavior results from an unspecified evaluation process of the observed individual. The causal-analytic approach offers the possibility to specify not directly measurable factors as latent variables, and can thus reasonably supplement choice models.
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契合度與產品知識對品牌策略效果之影響 / The Effects of Fitness and Product Knowledge on Branding Strategy張茂嵩, Chang, Derek Mao-Song Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由前測,選擇Nokia及Nike作為母品牌,根據契合度的高、中、低,Nokia的延伸產品依序為PDA、隨身聽、臉部保養品;Nike的延伸產品依序為牛仔褲、防曬乳液、牙膏。並以模擬的18張彩色平面廣告施測於1035位大學生,進行3 (品牌策略:品牌延伸、品牌傘、新創品牌) x 3 (契合度:高、中、低) x 2 (產品知識:高、低) 的實驗。
整體而言,企業推出新產品時,採用品牌傘策略的效果較佳,是一個兼具品牌延伸及新創品牌兩策略優點的品牌策略,但在契合度與產品知識的調節作用之下,品牌傘策略的適用範圍有所限制,在延伸產品與母品牌為高契合度、低契合度時,以及當消費者為低產品知識者時,品牌傘策略並非最佳策略。行銷人員可視不同情境採用不同的品牌策略。 / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of three kinds of branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, and new brand strategy. Basing on the moderate effect of fitness and consumer’s product knowledge, the influence of these three strategies on the consumer reliability and the consumer acceptability will be evaluated. The feedback of the original brand’s perceived qualities brought by brand extension strategy and umbrella branding strategy are also taken into consideration.
Nokia and Nike were selected as original brands. When dividing fitness into high, medium, and low level, PDAs, walkmans, and skincare products were selected as Nokia’s extended products by this order. Jeans, sun blocks, and toothpastes were also chosen as Nike’s extended products. A 3 (branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, new brand strategy) x 3 (fitness: high, medium, low) x 2 (product knowledge: high, low) experimental design collected data from 1035 college students through 18 color printed advertisements.
The main effect of brand strategy suggested that the umbrella branding strategy is prior to the new brand strategy in consumer reliability, and it is also prior to the brand extension strategy in consumer acceptability. Under the moderate effect of fitness, it is suggested to apply brand extension strategy while extending brands to the products with high fitness, to adopt the umbrella branding strategy as extending brands to those having medium fitness, and to utilize new brand strategy when the fitness is at low level. When moderate effect of product knowledge is discussed, it is suggested to apply umbrella branding strategy instead of brand extension strategy or new brand strategy whenever consumers’ product knowledge is at high level. Furthermore, if consumers’ product knowledge is low, utilizing brand extension strategy, instead of new brand strategy, will lead to high consumer reliability. As for the feedbacks to perceived quality of the original brands, when extending brands to the products with low fitness, adopting the extending brand strategy tends to damage more to the original brands than adopting the umbrella branding strategy. If extending brands to the products with medium fitness, utilizing the extending brand strategy would decrease the perceived quality of original brands, but applying the umbrella branding strategy would not affect it. When extending brand to the products with high fitness, both the brand extension strategy and the umbrella branding strategy do not have a significant difference.
To sum up, adopting the umbrella branding strategy will lead to better results because of its integrating advantages both in the brand extension strategy and the new brand strategy. Under the moderate effect of fitness and product knowledge, the range of implementation for the umbrella branding strategy will be limited. It is not the best branding strategy when extended products are at high or low fitness, and when consumers have poor product knowledge. Consequently, marketers have to apply different brand strategies depending on different scenarios.
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品牌觀念與消費者奢華態度對產品線向下延伸策略效果之影響 / The Effects of Branding Strategy, Brand Concept, and Consumer's Attitude toward Luxury on Consumer's Acceptance of Downward Line-Stretched Products黃聖棋, Huang, Sheng-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由前測,選擇兩種產品類別進入正式實驗,並為兩產品類別進行品牌傘策略的產品線延伸,各創造一個副品牌,以及向下延伸的價格。數位相機類別中,以SONY為象徵型品牌,以Nikon為功能型品牌,並以Quanta為副品牌名稱,依7999元推出新款數位相機;手錶類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,以Casio為功能型品牌,並以Axis為副品牌名稱,依899元推出新款手錶。本研究總共模擬8張彩色平面廣告,施測於320位政大學生,進行2 (產品線向下延伸策略:以母品推出、品牌傘策略) x 2 (品牌觀念:功能型、象徵型) x 2 (消費者奢華態度:高、低奢華態度群) 的實驗。
該品牌的目標客群主要為低奢華態度群時,目標客群對兩品牌策略的購買意願間差距較小,企業可彈性使用兩種策略;當目標客群主要為高奢華態度群,兩品牌策略下的購買意願差距大,以母品牌推出低價新產品,能吸引較多的消費者。 / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of two kinds of product downward line stretch’s branding strategies: original branding strategy and umbrella branding strategy. Based on the moderate effect of brand concept and consumer attitude toward luxury, the influence of these two strategies on the consumer purchase intention will be evaluated.
Cameras and watches were selected as products for this study. When dividing brand concept into symbolic and functional concept, Sony and Nikon were selected as the camera brands by this order; Swatch and Casio were also chosen as the watch brands. A 2 (product downward line stretch’s branding strategies: original branding strategy and umbrella branding strategy) x 2 (brand concept: functional brand and symbolic brand) x 2 (consumer’s attitude toward luxury: positive and negative) experimental design collected data from 320 Cheng-chi university students through 8 color printed advertisements.
The main effect of brand strategy suggested that the original branding strategy is prior to the umbrella branding strategy on consumer purchase intention. Under the moderate effect of brand concept, it is suggested that the gap between the original branding strategy prior to the umbrella branding strategy on the consumer purchase intention is wider for the symbolic brand than for the functional brand.
Under the moderate effect of consumer’s attitude toward luxury, it is suggested that the gap between the original branding strategy prior to the umbrella branding strategy on the consumer purchase intention of consumers with positive attitude toward luxury is wider than consumers with negative attitude toward luxury.
To sum up, firms must differentiate brand strategies between brand concepts of brand and attitudes toward luxury of consumers, when deciding which branding strategy to extend to low priced products.
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新產品品牌策略對於消費者評價反向延伸之影響-以消費者產品知識與原廠商品牌寬度為調節變數 / The Effects of New Product Branding Strategy on Customer Evaluation of Brand Counterextensions王馨 Unknown Date (has links)
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