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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les manuels de philosophie en France et au Brésil : une analyse du discours contrastive de la prise en charge énonciative / Os livros didáticos de filosofia na França e no Brasil : uma análise do discurso contrastiva do comprometimento enunciativo / Philosophy textbooks in France and Brazil : a contrastive discourse analysis of enunciative undertaking

Sardá, Daniela Nienkötter 13 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse en analyse du discours a pour objectif l'analyse comparative du genre discursif « manuel scolaire de philosophie » dans deux communautés ethnolinguistiques différentes : la France et le Brésil. Cet examen est réalisé moyennant la notion de « prise en charge énonciative » (PCE), qui est notre principale entrée pour l'analyse d'un corpus constitué de neuf manuels scolaires de philosophie. Nous cherchons ainsi à savoir comment les auteurs prennent en charge leurs discours dans les manuels, afin de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : « Quelles sont les représentations que l'on se fait de la philosophie et de son enseignement, suivant les discours des manuels français et brésiliens ? ». Les analyses linguistiques sont divisées en prise en charge énonciative maximale (PCE+) et prise en charge énonciative minimale (PCE-). L'effacement énonciatif, notion connexe à celle de PCE, ainsi qu'un ensemble de catégories issues de la linguistique de l'énonciation, sont mobilisés dans cette analyse. Dans un dernier temps de notre recherche, nous proposons quelques interprétations qui visent à rendre compte des représentations sociales concernant la philosophie et son enseignement, repérables à travers l'analyse des manuels scolaires. Nous pouvons dire grosso modo que ces représentations sociales tiennent, d'une part, à la stabilité de l'enseignement de la philosophie dans le système scolaire français et, d'autre part, à son instabilité dans le système scolaire brésilien. / This thesis in discourse analysis aims to analyse comparatively the discursive genre "philosophy textbook" in two different ethnolinguistic communities: France and Brazil. The investigation is realized using the notion of "enunciative undertaking" ("prise en change énonciative", PCE), which is our main entry point for analysing a corpus constituted by nine philosophy textbooks. We seek to know how the authors undertake their discourses in the textbooks, in order to answer the following research question: "What are the representations that one has of philosophy and its teaching, according to the philosophy textbooks' discourses?". The linguistic analyses are divided into maximal enunciative undertaking (PCE+) and minimal enunciative undertaking (PCE-). Enunciative erasing, a correlative notion of that of PCE, as well as a set of categories that stem from enunciative linguistics, are used in this analysis. At the end of our research, we propose some interpretations that seek to take into account social representations concerning philosophy and its teaching, recognisable through textbook analysis. Roughly speaking, these social representations are due, on the one hand, to the stability of philosophy teaching in the French school system and, on the other hand, to the instability of the Brazilian school system. / Esta tese em análise do discurso tem por objetivo a análise comparativa do gênero discursivo "livro didático de filosofia" em duas comunidades etnolinguísticas diferentes: a França e o Brasil. Esse exame é realizado mediante a noção de "comprometimento enunciativo" ("prise en charge énonciative", PCE), que é nossa principal entrada para a análise de um corpus constituído por nove livros didáticos de filosofia. Buscamos, assim, saber como os autores se comprometem com seus discursos nos livros didáticos, a fim de responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: "Que representações se faz da filosofia e de seu ensino, segundo os discursos dos livros didáticos franceses e brasileiros?". As análises linguísticas são divididas em comprometimento enunciativo máximo (PCE+) e comprometimento enunciativo mínimo (PCE-). O apagamento enunciativo, noção conexa àquela de PCE, assim como um conjunto de categorias oriundas da linguística da enunciação, são mobilizados nessa análise. Em um último momento de nossa pesquisa, propomos algumas interpretações que visam a dar conta das representações sociais concernentes à filosofia e ao seu ensino, identificáveis através da análise dos livros didáticos. Podemos dizer, grosso modo, que essas represetações sociais se devem, por um lado, à estabilidade do ensino da filosofia no sistema escolar francês e, por outro lado, à sua instabilidade no sistema escolar brasileiro.

La norme collective à l'épreuve du transfert d'entreprise. : Essai en droit du travail. / The collective standard facing the transfer of undertaking. : Essay in Labour law.

Aluome, Louis 01 December 2018 (has links)
L’entreprise est le lieu de déploiement d'un statut professionnel privé nourri de conventions et accords collectifs de travail mais aussi d’engagements unilatéraux, d’usages et d’accords atypiques. L'application de ces normes, quelque fois leur survie, suscitent de nombreuses interrogations au fil des modifications apportées à la situation juridique de l’employeur, singulièrement de celles résultant du transfert de l’entreprise. Comment articuler les normes en concours ? Comment forger un corpus normatif unifié ? Les règles successivement posées par le législateur sont soumises à la double épreuve de la pratique professionnelle et, dès lors qu'éclate un contentieux, de l'interprétation du juge. Contraintes et incohérences sont dans certains cas de nature à neutraliser les effets attendus du transfert, voire d’y mettre obstacle. Des évolutions du corpus normatif seraient pertinentes afin que cessent les doutes (souvent) et les contradictions (parfois). / A private professional status, fed on collective agreements, unilateral commitments and business uses, spreads out over the firm. The fate of those collective standards arouses numerous issues over the modifications of the employer’s legal situation, especially in the case of a transfer of undertaking. How to articulate transferor’s collective standards with transferee’s ? How to build an harmonized professional status ? The legal rules are confronted with the firm’s practicals and the judge’s interpretations. Constraints and inconsistencies could neutralize the transfer’s expected impact. Legal improvements would be relevant to silence doubts and difficulties.

Le juge et le sauvetage de l'entreprise en difficulté en droit OHADA et en droit français : étude de droit comparé / The judge and the rescue of the firm in difficulty in OHADA law and french law : comparative law

Balemaken, Eugène Louis René 11 September 2013 (has links)
L’Acte uniforme portant organisation des procédures collectives d’apurement du passif, adopté le 10 avril 1998 à Libreville et entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 1998 est venu harmoniser le droit de la faillite dans les pays membres de l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du droit des Affaires (OHADA). En effet, ces pays étaient jusque là, en la matière, dotés de textes inadaptés datant de l’époque coloniale. Au regard de la parenté aujourd’hui avérée des ordres juridiques africain et français en Droit des entreprises en difficulté, il n’était pas inintéressant de mener une étude comparative sur le rôle du juge dans le sauvetage de l’entreprise en difficulté dans les deux systèmes. L’étude révèle qu’en droit africain et en droit français, les degrés d’intervention du juge varient selon que l’entreprise est in bonis ou selon qu’elle est en état de cessation des paiements. Pour permettre au juge de mener à bien la mission de sauvetage de l’entreprise en difficulté, les législateurs africain et français lui ont octroyé des moyens d’action processuels qui se caractérisent de manière tantôt convergente et tantôt divergente selon les cas, par une maîtrise de l’instance et, par l’exécution immédiate des décisions judiciaires rendues. L’étude révèle cependant l’existence dans les deux ordres juridiques de nombreux obstacles qui s’opposent à la mission de sauvetage incombant aux juges africain et français, obstacles tant d’ordre fonctionnel que d’ordre structurel. A côté des solutions apportées ici et là à toutes ces problématiques, et à bien d’autres soulevées tout au long de l’étude, de nouvelles propositions sont faites pour rendre l’action du juge plus efficiente. Il reste que, qu’il s’agisse du droit africain ou du droit français, à travers la question relative au rôle du juge dans le sauvetage de l’entreprise en difficulté, se pose la récurrente problématique de la réelle capacité du droit à juguler les phénomènes économiques. / The Uniform Act organizing collective proceedings for discharge of liabilities, adopted on 10 April 1998 in Libreville and entered into force on 1 January 1998 came harmonize the insolvency law in the Member countries of the Organization for the Harmonization of the law of Affairs (OHADA). Indeed, these countries were up there, in material, with inadequate texts dating from the colonial era. Under today proven relatives of African and French legal systems in law firms in difficulty, it was interesting to carry out a comparative study on the role of the judge in the rescue of the firm in difficulty in both systems. The study reveals that African law and French law, judge's intervention levels vary depending on whether the company is in bonuses or depending on whether it is in a State of cessation of payments. To enable the judge to carry out the mission to rescue of the firm in difficulty, African and French lawmakers have granted action procedural means characterized sometimes convergent and sometimes divergent manner as appropriate, by a master of the instance and immediate execution of judicial decisions. However, the study reveals the existence in both legal orders of many obstacles that oppose the incumbent judges African and French, rescue mission obstacles so many functional order than structural. Next to the solutions here and all these problems, there other proposals are made to make more efficient action by the judge. It remains that, whether it's African law or French law, through the question of the role of the judge in the rescue of the firm in difficulty, arises the recurring problem of the real capacity of the law to curb economic phenomena.

Les manuels de philosophie en France et au Brésil : une analyse du discours contrastive de la prise en charge énonciative / Os livros didáticos de filosofia na França e no Brasil : uma análise do discurso contrastiva do comprometimento enunciativo / Philosophy textbooks in France and Brazil : a contrastive discourse analysis of enunciative undertaking

Sardá, Daniela Nienkötter 13 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse en analyse du discours a pour objectif l'analyse comparative du genre discursif « manuel scolaire de philosophie » dans deux communautés ethnolinguistiques différentes : la France et le Brésil. Cet examen est réalisé moyennant la notion de « prise en charge énonciative » (PCE), qui est notre principale entrée pour l'analyse d'un corpus constitué de neuf manuels scolaires de philosophie. Nous cherchons ainsi à savoir comment les auteurs prennent en charge leurs discours dans les manuels, afin de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : « Quelles sont les représentations que l'on se fait de la philosophie et de son enseignement, suivant les discours des manuels français et brésiliens ? ». Les analyses linguistiques sont divisées en prise en charge énonciative maximale (PCE+) et prise en charge énonciative minimale (PCE-). L'effacement énonciatif, notion connexe à celle de PCE, ainsi qu'un ensemble de catégories issues de la linguistique de l'énonciation, sont mobilisés dans cette analyse. Dans un dernier temps de notre recherche, nous proposons quelques interprétations qui visent à rendre compte des représentations sociales concernant la philosophie et son enseignement, repérables à travers l'analyse des manuels scolaires. Nous pouvons dire grosso modo que ces représentations sociales tiennent, d'une part, à la stabilité de l'enseignement de la philosophie dans le système scolaire français et, d'autre part, à son instabilité dans le système scolaire brésilien. / This thesis in discourse analysis aims to analyse comparatively the discursive genre "philosophy textbook" in two different ethnolinguistic communities: France and Brazil. The investigation is realized using the notion of "enunciative undertaking" ("prise en change énonciative", PCE), which is our main entry point for analysing a corpus constituted by nine philosophy textbooks. We seek to know how the authors undertake their discourses in the textbooks, in order to answer the following research question: "What are the representations that one has of philosophy and its teaching, according to the philosophy textbooks' discourses?". The linguistic analyses are divided into maximal enunciative undertaking (PCE+) and minimal enunciative undertaking (PCE-). Enunciative erasing, a correlative notion of that of PCE, as well as a set of categories that stem from enunciative linguistics, are used in this analysis. At the end of our research, we propose some interpretations that seek to take into account social representations concerning philosophy and its teaching, recognisable through textbook analysis. Roughly speaking, these social representations are due, on the one hand, to the stability of philosophy teaching in the French school system and, on the other hand, to the instability of the Brazilian school system. / Esta tese em análise do discurso tem por objetivo a análise comparativa do gênero discursivo "livro didático de filosofia" em duas comunidades etnolinguísticas diferentes: a França e o Brasil. Esse exame é realizado mediante a noção de "comprometimento enunciativo" ("prise en charge énonciative", PCE), que é nossa principal entrada para a análise de um corpus constituído por nove livros didáticos de filosofia. Buscamos, assim, saber como os autores se comprometem com seus discursos nos livros didáticos, a fim de responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: "Que representações se faz da filosofia e de seu ensino, segundo os discursos dos livros didáticos franceses e brasileiros?". As análises linguísticas são divididas em comprometimento enunciativo máximo (PCE+) e comprometimento enunciativo mínimo (PCE-). O apagamento enunciativo, noção conexa àquela de PCE, assim como um conjunto de categorias oriundas da linguística da enunciação, são mobilizados nessa análise. Em um último momento de nossa pesquisa, propomos algumas interpretações que visam a dar conta das representações sociais concernentes à filosofia e ao seu ensino, identificáveis através da análise dos livros didáticos. Podemos dizer, grosso modo, que essas represetações sociais se devem, por um lado, à estabilidade do ensino da filosofia no sistema escolar francês e, por outro lado, à sua instabilidade no sistema escolar brasileiro.

180: Developing Countries' About-Face in the Uruguay Round

Dunphy, Sarah Margaret 04 November 2013 (has links)
International trade ties the world together and is hypothetically fair and equal. In reality, it is highly asymmetrical and poses a significant challenge for developing countries. A massive sea change occurred in the international trade regime during the Uruguay Round of negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) from 1986 to 1994. Developing countries as a whole began to embrace liberal trade policies which seemed to be the only alternative to failing import substitution industrialization (ISI). An historical comparative account describing and explaining this transformation of developing countries’ attitudes toward the GATT is used in this dissertation to provide an alternative explanation for the transition of developing countries from having little interest in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations to sharply changing course and adopting neo-liberal policies which supported the conclusion of the Round. Three theoretical approaches seek to explain why this change occurred, including: liberal trade theory (economic reforms), dependency theory (external forces) and constructivism (the role epistemic communities). The Uruguay Round negotiations were dynamic and heavily influenced by two power-house developing economies, India and Brazil, who were initially opposed to the Round itself. Kenya found itself in a starkly different situation with minimal ability to participate or influence negotiations. These three countries constitute the study’s illustrative case studies. As negotiations progressed, India and Brazil changed course and agreed to the Round’s ‘single-undertaking’ and the ‘inequitable Grand Bargain’ between the developed and developing economies. This subsequently led to other developing countries following suit through a powerful demonstration effect in a trade-off between the inclusion of trade in services and intellectual property for reforms in agriculture and textiles & clothing. While economic reforms began to occur and attitudes began to change during the Uruguay Round itself, assessing developing countries during the Round found that no single theoretical approach can explain developing countries’ transformation; rather each had their own trajectory for their economic reforms. A multi-dimensional conclusion provides the most comprehensive account of this transformation of the global trade regime.

Protection conférée à l’accréditation par le droit du travail québécois en cas de sous-traitance : analyse jurisprudentielle

Racine, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Zásada flexijistoty v právní úpravě přechodu práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rightsand obligations from the employment-law relations

Jouzová, Lada January 2018 (has links)
1 Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations from the employment-law relations Abstract In her PhD thesis, the author deals with the legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment-law relations in the Czech Republic, in the context of the European union law, from the point of view of the concept of flexicurity in the employment-law relations. This concept includes, on the one hand, elements of flexibility in the realization of employment-law relations, and, on the other hand, security (protection) of employees in these relations which is manifested in particular by the transfer of rights and obligations from their employment-law relations to the new employer itself. At present, when changes in the employers' organizational structure, transfers of activities or tasks, mergers, the purchase of a business or a business lease, but also so called outsourcing, insourcing, and change of suppliers are becoming more and more common in companies, the issue of change of the employer, and consequently, safeguarding and protection of the rights of employees, in particular safeguarding of their employment-law relations, is becoming more up to date. Protection of employees' rights during the transfers of undertakings and businesses is one of the...

Les relations des collectivités territoriales avec leurs organismes satellites / The relationships between regional authorities and their satellite organizations

Vignes, Alexandre 27 November 2017 (has links)
Dans la perspective de mettre en œuvre les services qui relèvent de leurs compétences, les collectivités territoriales sont, en principe, libres d’emprunter le mode de gestion de leur choix et, en conséquence, d’opter soit pour une gestion directe soit pour une gestion déléguée. Cependant, désireuses de confier la réalisation de certaines missions à un tiers tout en conservant la maîtrise de leur exercice, les collectivités territoriales envisagent, parfois, de recourir à une entité personnalisée dont elles constituent les membres et que nous proposons d’identifier sous les termes d’« organismes satellites ». Dans ce cas de figure, les collectivités territoriales sont inévitablement amenées à nouer des relations avec ces structures satellites afin que ces dernières disposent des moyens de fonctionner et aient des tâches à accomplir. Ces relations, à la fois organiques, matérielles et fonctionnelles traduisent, d’une part, la participation des collectivités territoriales aux organismes satellites et, d’autre part, l’attribution de missions des premières aux seconds. Or, le cadre juridique dans lequel évoluent les collectivités territoriales tend à s’opposer à l’établissement de ces relations et à compromettre l’apparente faculté pour les collectivités territoriales de recourir à un mode de gestion mixte de leurs services. / In order to apply the services that come under their competences, regional authorities are, in principle, free to take the method of administration of their choice and, consequently, to opt either for a direct administration or a delegated one. However, having the desire to entrust the realization of some projects to a third party while keeping the control, regional authorities sometimes plan to use a legal entity in which they are members and that we suggest to be identified under the words “satellite organization”. In this case, regional authorities have to build relationships with the satellite organizations so as they have tools to work and to get projects. These organic, material and functional relationships show, on the one hand, the participation of regional authorities in the satellite organization and, on the other hand, the awarding of projects to the satellite organization. But the legal framework around regional authorities seems to be opposed to the setting up of these relationships and compromising the apparent faculty for the regional authorities to use a method of mixed administration of their services.

Převod podniku/závodu v českém a evropském pracovním právu / The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law

Reichmann, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law The aim of my thesis is to thoroughly analyse the regulation of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses in the perspective of Czech and European Labour Law. The reasons for choosing this topic are my genuine interest in Labour Law and the fact that this area of Labour Law is relatively overlooked by most authors in the Czech Republic. Aside from the general introduction and conclusion, this master thesis will consist of three main parts, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic concerned. The introductory part defines basic terminology used in the thesis and describes my motivation for choosing this topic. The first part gives a brief historical overview of the development in this area of Labour Law both in European Law and Czech Law. The second part deals with transfers of undertakings/businesses within European Law, so the Council Directive No. 2001/23/EC and the respective case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are mostly discussed there. Therefore, this part focuses on various aspects of this topic such as legal transfer, merger or identity of economic entity. Then, several methods of the transfer of undertaking/business within the sense of the directive...

Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from labour relations

Blaha, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute Transfer of rights and obligations arising from the labour relations under the Czech legal system in comparison with European legislation and namely in the light of the Czech and EU's judicial decisions. The text is divided into three main parts. In the first part there are generally determined the labour relations, their elements and possible change of them. The second part describes the institute, the impact on the concerned employees and all rights and obligations with the transfer related. The third part is about the situations, when the Transfer of undertaking occurs in accordance with special regulations. There are raised the questions in the text, which could occur in this context with the change of the employer, and the author attempts them more or less to answer with the assistance of the decisions of courts.

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