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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ortorexia nervosa bland män från behandlarens perspektiv

Dellenskog, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Ortorexia nervosa, ON, är ett syndrom där den drabbade tränar i massiva mängder samt har en fixering vid att äta så rent som möjligt, detta i så stor utsträckning att det blir ett lidande för den drabbade. Syftet var att undersöka vad det kan bero på att män drabbas av syndromet ON och hur synen på sig själva och de mansideal som finns kan påverka insjuknandet. Sju intervjuer utfördes med personer som i sin profession kommer i kontakt  och hjälper män med ON. Intervjuerna granskades induktivt och resultatet tyder på att orsaker till insjuknandet av ON är bland annat låg självkänsla, kontrollbehov, träningsförebilder. Män tycks söka behandling på grund av skador och oroliga närstående. Under behandling upplevs obehag över återhämtning, matintag och viss mat. Vidare forskning bör fokusera på könsaspekten kring ON, varför drabbas kvinnor respektive män? Och bör ON bli en egen etablerad diagnos eller kategoriseras som låg energitäthet?

Unga killars upplevelser av faktorer i kamratgruppen som förstärker deras brottsliga beteende

Agoes, Shanty January 2009 (has links)
<p>Ungdomsbrottsligheten ökar och en allmän uppfattning i samhället råder, att ungdomar begår brott i sällskap av kamrater. Undersökningens syfte var att söka förståelse och kunskap för upplevda bidragande faktorer inom kamratgruppen som gör att vissa unga killar begår brott. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sju killar mellan 16 och 25 år, alla med erfarenhet av brottslighet. Råmaterialet analyserades utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visade att gruppen uppfyllde individernas identitetsskapande behov. Likaså var grupptillhörigheten en faktor där individerna sökte sig till en fristad med likasinnade personer att känna gemenskap med. Lojalitet var även ett framträdande begrepp, som bottnade i oviljan att svika kamratgruppen liksom hederskodexet att inte ”gola”. Resultatet vittnar om att upplevelsen av sitt egenvärde, bilden av vad vänskap är samt strävan efter gemenskap kan dras till det yttersta och därmed leda till brottsligt beteende, allt för att passa in – ”<em>jag gjorde ju bara som alla andra</em>”.</p>

Unga killars upplevelser av faktorer i kamratgruppen som förstärker deras brottsliga beteende

Agoes, Shanty January 2009 (has links)
Ungdomsbrottsligheten ökar och en allmän uppfattning i samhället råder, att ungdomar begår brott i sällskap av kamrater. Undersökningens syfte var att söka förståelse och kunskap för upplevda bidragande faktorer inom kamratgruppen som gör att vissa unga killar begår brott. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sju killar mellan 16 och 25 år, alla med erfarenhet av brottslighet. Råmaterialet analyserades utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visade att gruppen uppfyllde individernas identitetsskapande behov. Likaså var grupptillhörigheten en faktor där individerna sökte sig till en fristad med likasinnade personer att känna gemenskap med. Lojalitet var även ett framträdande begrepp, som bottnade i oviljan att svika kamratgruppen liksom hederskodexet att inte ”gola”. Resultatet vittnar om att upplevelsen av sitt egenvärde, bilden av vad vänskap är samt strävan efter gemenskap kan dras till det yttersta och därmed leda till brottsligt beteende, allt för att passa in – ”jag gjorde ju bara som alla andra”.

Kön i praktiken : En kritisk studie om könskonstruktion i tjej- och killprojekt

Karlsson, Thereze, Valsten, Joel January 2010 (has links)
This composition deals with questions concerning the ongoing construction of gender among personnel in different project for young girls and young boys ( ages 14): its conditions and meanings and how personnel form and mediate gender experience. The aim of this essay is to investigate how gender is made in everyday practise in three projects which address to either young girls or young boys, and to examine how the formation of gender interplays between conceptions among personnel and the practise in the projects. Central questions are: How describes the practical work and the needs of girls and boys in the project? And does the gender-segregated work justified in the projects? Qualitative methods are used to answer these questions. We made qualitative interviews among personnel from three projects, Ellen, Allan and DISA. Ellen and Allan is both part of the "Rädda Barnen" organization in Sweden. Ellen is a group for girls with a feminist/gender equality approach. Allan is a project for boys, also with a gender equality approach. Both Ellen and Allan has the aim to give young girls and boys the opportunity to, by dialogue, discourse and challenge gender-patterns in there everyday life. DISA is a method for girls with the aim to prevent stress and negative thoughts. The method is from the beginning translated and accommodated from a gender-neutral method from USA to a method for young girls in Swedish schools. The method is evaluated on girls but the DISA-project in this study also adopts the method in boy-groups. The empirical material consists of five semi-structured interviews with personnel from the three projects. We have also used fundamental documents such as project plans and manuals in our analysis. Our theoretical framework combines theory of who address tension between gender, normalization and change. Butler’s theory, in which gender is formed through acts, words and gestures, is our main point of departure for understanding the formation of gender. We also adopt a social-constructivism approach in our understanding of gender and in our analysis of the empirical material. In our analysis: we illustrate how gender is made by being incorporated into the practice by personnel performance, and the personnel translation of the projects ideology and documents. The personnel justifications for gender-segregated work is throughout their own definition of girls and boys needs. Sexuality is a prominent theme in both Ellen and Allan and also the most common motive among the personnel to work gender-segregated. The leaders view is that guys and girls can talk about this together in a group. The approach differs between projects. DISA is based on a hard-structured material. A fact which paradoxically means that we do not know much about the project's practice. Ellen and Allan use the dialogue to discuss and contest traditional gender patterns. However, in all projects the dialogue represents a large part of practice. But for girls the unilateral focus on dialogue tend to reproduce the picture of girls' responsiveness and ability to empathetic. Meanwhile the conversation in Allan can become a opportunity for the boys to express themselves verbally in a way they might not be accustomed to. Personnel in Allan and Ellen describe themselves as free to organize and design the group meetings. The needs that the participants express, as well as the practice offers, consolidates the expectations placed on girls and boys. The participants re-create and construct their gender through conversations about violence, sex, relationships, etc. But we have also seen how femininity and masculinity norms are challenged by the way the dialogue is focused on reflexivity and criticism towards gender patterns.

Kön i praktiken : En kritisk studie om könskonstruktion i tjej- och killprojekt

Karlsson, Thereze, Valsten, Joel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong><p>This composition deals with questions concerning the ongoing construction of gender among personnel in different project for young girls and young boys ( ages 14): its conditions and meanings and how personnel form and mediate gender experience. The aim of this essay is to investigate how gender is made in everyday practise in three projects which address to either young girls or young boys, and to examine how the formation of gender interplays between conceptions among personnel and the practise in the projects. Central questions are: How describes the practical work and the needs of girls and boys in the project? And does the gender-segregated work justified in the projects? Qualitative methods are used to answer these questions. We made qualitative interviews among personnel from three projects, Ellen, Allan and DISA. Ellen and Allan is both part of the "Rädda Barnen" organization in Sweden. Ellen is a group for girls with a feminist/gender equality approach. Allan is a project for boys, also with a gender equality approach. Both Ellen and Allan has the aim to give young girls and boys the opportunity to, by dialogue, discourse and challenge gender-patterns in there everyday life. DISA is a method for girls with the aim to prevent stress and negative thoughts. The method is from the beginning translated and accommodated from a gender-neutral method from USA to a method for young girls in Swedish schools. The method is evaluated on girls but the DISA-project in this study also adopts the method in boy-groups. The empirical material consists of five semi-structured interviews with personnel from the three projects. We have also used fundamental documents such as project plans and manuals in our analysis. Our theoretical framework combines theory of who address tension between gender, normalization and change. Butler’s theory, in which gender is formed through acts, words and gestures, is our main point of departure for understanding the formation of gender. We also adopt a social-constructivism approach in our understanding of gender and in our analysis of the empirical material. In our analysis: we illustrate how gender is made by being incorporated into the practice by personnel performance, and the personnel translation of the projects ideology and documents. The personnel justifications for gender-segregated work is throughout their own definition of girls and boys needs. Sexuality is a prominent theme in both Ellen and Allan and also the most common motive among the personnel to work gender-segregated. The leaders view is that guys and girls can talk about this together in a group. The approach differs between projects. DISA is based on a hard-structured material. A fact which paradoxically means that we do not know much about the project's practice. Ellen and Allan use the dialogue to discuss and contest traditional gender patterns. However, in all projects the dialogue represents a large part of practice. But for girls the unilateral focus on dialogue tend to reproduce the picture of girls' responsiveness and ability to empathetic. Meanwhile the conversation in Allan can become a opportunity for the boys to express themselves verbally in a way they might not be accustomed to. Personnel in Allan and Ellen describe themselves as free to organize and design the group meetings. The needs that the participants express, as well as the practice offers, consolidates the expectations placed on girls and boys. The participants re-create and construct their gender through conversations about violence, sex, relationships, etc. But we have also seen how femininity and masculinity norms are challenged by the way the dialogue is focused on reflexivity and criticism towards gender patterns.</p></strong></p>

Unga killars upplevelse av trygghet på Ålidhem : En studie om den ökade polisnärvaron på Ålidhem

Mohamed, Jibril January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the increased police presence and surveillance in Ålidhem, Umeå, from the perspective of young men. Ålidhem is an area that the police have identified as having increased social unrest. Previous research has shown that increased police presence and surveillance can have negative effects on young men's experience of safety, and that it is important to develop other methods to create safety in the area. The study is based on interviews with ninth graders and recreational staff in Ålidhem, and examines their experiences of the municipality's and police's work for increased safety. The study shows that young men in Ålidhem experience a high degree of surveillance and police presence, which can create negative effects on their experience of safety. At the same time, the study shows that there are other factors that are important to create safety in Ålidhem, such as the development of meeting places and improvements in the public environment. The results of the study indicate that it is important to develop other methods to create safety in Ålidhem, such as the development of meeting places and improvements in the public environment. It is also important to take into account the perspectives of young men in the planning of measures for increased safety in Ålidhem and other similar areas. Keywords: Social unrest, Ålidhem, security, justice planning, young boys, stigmatization.

Hur upplever unga icke vita killar bemötandet från polisen? : En studie om upplevelser med Stockholmspolisen i ett segregerat bostadsområde

Nyori, Denise Lydia, Alemayehu Habte, Bezza January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain an insight of which views young non-white males have of the Stockholm police and what sort of treatment they receive from the police in their residential areas. The study is based on a qualitative research method that was based on ten individual interviews with young non-white males between the ages of 16–19. All the participants in the study were of sub-saharan African and Middle Eastern descent and resided in the same socially segregated area in Stockholm. Four themes were identified during the study, namely: young non-white male’s views of the police, young non-white male’s experiences with the police, young non-white male’s trust in the police and lastly the impact of attire on police treatments. Furthermore, the results have been analyzed with the help of previous research, theoretical frameworks such as stamping theory and stigma, and concepts such as structural discrimination and racism. The results in these studies showed that young non-white males have a skewed view of the police and a low confidence in the police and the work they perform. The negative view of the police is based on the fact that the young non-white males have had previous experiences of negative police treatments and believe that their skin color, appearance, and residential areas are in fact the reason for the police stops. This result in connection with the descriptions of racial profiling has its similarities as the concept is about people getting treated differently due to their race/ethnicity.

Innovation genom metoden Design Thinking - Nya sätt att läsa : En utvärderande studie av Läspodden från ZON 164 / Innovation through Design Thinking - New ways to read : An evaluative study of Läspodden from ZON 164

Wennström, Viktor, Rehn, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Del 1 På uppdrag av Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning och Kista bibliotek har vi arbetat fram nya lösningar för att engagera unga killar i Kista i bibliotekets verksamhet. Målgruppen unga killar mellan 13-19 år valdes då denna grupp i stor utsträckning saknas på biblioteket idag. Genom fokusgrupper och samtal med ungdomarna har vi fått insikter om deras önskemål. Dessa insikter har bearbetats och lett fram till fyra olika koncept. Vi valde att arbeta vidare med två koncept som vidareutvecklades till konceptet Zon 164. Där ingår vår innovation Läspodden som förhöjer läsupplevelsen och utställningen arketyper. Båda är framtagna lösningar som möter ungdomarnas behov av förebilder, att ha en plats att vara på, att känna gemenskap samt att ha roligt med sina vänner. Genom konceptet Zon 164 hoppas vi att Kista bibliotek kan utmana föreställningen om vad läsning samt biblioteksverksamhet är och bli en plats där unga killar i större utsträckning känner sig delaktiga. Del 2 För att fortsätta arbetet med Läspodden utfördes en mer djupgående analys i syfte att undersöka huruvida Läspoddens egenskaper faktiskt förhöjde läsupplevelsen eller inte samt huruvida Läspodden främjade återgivning av information. Två separata studier, kvantitativa och kvalitativa, utfördes på två grupper om 33 och 10 personer. Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar på att användande av Läspodden upplevs som positiv och att läsupplevelsen ansågs bli förhöjd. Resultaten från den andra undersökningen visade ett svagt positivt samband mellan användning av Läspodden och informationsåtervinning, men inga slutsatser kring kausalitet kan dras. / Part 1 On behalf of the Stockholm City Cultural Administration and Kista Library, we have worked out new solutions to engage young guys in Kista in the library's daily activities. The target group of young guys between the ages of 13-19 was chosen as this group is mainly missing from the library today. Through focus groups and conversations with young people, we have gained insight into their wishes. These insights have been processed and led to four different concepts. We chose to work on two concepts that were further developed into the concept Zone 164. This includes our innovation, the reading pod, which enhances the reading experience and the exhibition archetypes. Both are developed solutions that meet young people's need for role models, to have a place to be, to feel community, and to have fun with their friends. Through the Zone 164 concept, we hope that Kista Library can challenge the notion of what reading and library activities are and become a place where young guys can feel more involved. Part 2 In order to continue the work with the reading pod, a more in-depth analysis was carried out to investigate whether the properties of the reading pod enhanced the reading experience or not and whether the reading pod promoted the reproduction of information. Two separate studies, quantitative and qualitative, were conducted on two groups of 33 and 10 persons. The results of the first study show that the use of the reading pod is perceived as positive and that the reading experience was considered to be enhanced. The results of the second study showed a weak positive relationship between the use of the reading pod and information retrieval, but no conclusions about causality can be drawn.

Nya sätt att läsa - Innovation genom metoden Design Thinking : En utvärderande studie av läspodden från Zon 164

Rehn, Andreas, Wennström, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Del 1 På uppdrag av Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning och Kista bibliotek har vi arbetat fram nya lösningar för att engagera unga killar i Kista i bibliotekets verksamhet. Målgruppen unga killar mellan 13-19 år valdes då denna grupp i stor utsträckning saknas på biblioteket idag. Genom fokusgrupper och samtal med ungdomarna har vi fått insikter om deras önskemål. Dessa insikter har bearbetats och lett fram till fyra olika koncept. Vi valde att arbeta vidare med två koncept som vidareutvecklades till konceptet Zon 164. Där ingår vår innovation läspodden som förhöjer läsupplevelsen och utställningen arketyper. Båda är framtagna lösningar som möter ungdomarnas behov av förebilder, att ha en plats att vara på, att känna gemenskap samt att ha roligt med sina vänner. Genom konceptet Zon 164 hoppas vi att Kista bibliotek kan utmana föreställningen om vad läsning samt biblioteksverksamhet är och bli en plats där unga killar i större utsträckning känner sig delaktiga. Del 2 För att fortsätta arbetet med läspodden utfördes en mer djupgående analys i syfte att undersöka huruvida läspoddens egenskaper faktiskt förhöjde läsupplevelsen eller inte samt huruvida läspodden främjade återgivning av information. Två separata studier, kvantitativa och kvalitativa, utfördes på två grupper om 33 och 10 personer. Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar på att användande av läspodden upplevs som positiv och att läsupplevelsen ansågs bli förhöjd. Resultaten från den andra undersökningen visade ett svagt positivt samband mellan användning av läspodden och informationsåtergivning, men inga slutsatser kring kausalitet kan dras. / Part 1 On behalf of the Stockholm City Cultural Administration and Kista Library, we have worked out new solutions to engage young guys in Kista in the library's daily activities. The target group of young guys between the ages of 13-19 was chosen as this group is mainly missing from the library today. Through focus groups and conversations with young people, we have gained insight into their wishes. These insights have been processed and led to four different concepts. We chose to work on two concepts that were further developed into the concept Zone 164. This includes our innovation, the reading pod, which enhances the reading experience and the exhibition archetypes. Both are developed solutions that meet young people's need for role models, to have a place to be, to feel community, and to have fun with their friends. Through the Zone 164 concept, we hope that Kista Library can challenge the notion of what reading and library activities are and become a place where young guys can feel more involved. Part 2 In order to continue the work with the reading pod, a more in-depth analysis was carried out to investigate whether the properties of the reading pod enhanced the reading experience or not and whether the reading pod promoted the reproduction of information. Two separate studies, quantitative and qualitative, were conducted on two groups of 33 and 10 persons. The results of the first study show that the use of the reading pod is perceived as positive and that the reading experience was considered to be enhanced. The results of the second study showed a weak positive relationship between the use of the reading pod and information retrieval, but no conclusions about causality can be drawn.

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