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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

Buxfeldt Moore, Kimberly, Sjöström Gustafsson, Cissi January 2014 (has links)
The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory. The conclusion of the present work is that an eating disorder is 10 times more common in girls than boys. Furthermore present work has shown that Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and UNS previously existed even though it was not documented as a medical condition. Another conclusion is medias exposure of the stereotypical body image which contributes to an increased development of the medical conditions mentioned above.

Riskfaktorer för kriminalitet bland unga pojkar : En kvalitativ studie grundad på biografier och självbiografier / Risk factors for criminality among young boys : A qualitative study based on biographies and autobiographies

Zawilo, Emma, Soer, Celine January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to identify risk factors among young boys that might lead to criminal behavior and actions. The study is based on four books, written by former criminals, a lawyer that has been working with the cold shooting cases in Sweden and two reporters from the exposed areas. By reading the books we could identify similar risk factors among the participants in the books that have got their story told. Since social worker's job is to help prevent criminal behavior among youth and young children by identifying the risk factors, we thought that this study could be helpful. The books produce important knowledge from reality. The study is divided into seven different themes in which risk factors can be found. Those are risk factors related to firearm-related violence, risk factors within the individuals, the families, school, socioeconomic status, substance use and social capital. First the study presents previous scientific studies, in the same seven themes, and then they are put together with the new findings from the books. From this study we can also find that the risk factors are influenced by each other, and that individuals are more likely to have several risk factors if they already have one. Depending on how the individuals identify and manage the risk factors, it is different how much they are affected by it. A risk factor that one individual has, does not have to be a risk factor for another individual. Due to this, social workers have to pay attention to every individual youth and consider their situation regarding risk factors for criminal behavior.

Innovation genom metoden Design Thinking - Nya sätt att läsa : En utvärderande studie av Läspodden från ZON 164 / Innovation through Design Thinking - New ways to read : An evaluative study of Läspodden from ZON 164

Wennström, Viktor, Rehn, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Del 1 På uppdrag av Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning och Kista bibliotek har vi arbetat fram nya lösningar för att engagera unga killar i Kista i bibliotekets verksamhet. Målgruppen unga killar mellan 13-19 år valdes då denna grupp i stor utsträckning saknas på biblioteket idag. Genom fokusgrupper och samtal med ungdomarna har vi fått insikter om deras önskemål. Dessa insikter har bearbetats och lett fram till fyra olika koncept. Vi valde att arbeta vidare med två koncept som vidareutvecklades till konceptet Zon 164. Där ingår vår innovation Läspodden som förhöjer läsupplevelsen och utställningen arketyper. Båda är framtagna lösningar som möter ungdomarnas behov av förebilder, att ha en plats att vara på, att känna gemenskap samt att ha roligt med sina vänner. Genom konceptet Zon 164 hoppas vi att Kista bibliotek kan utmana föreställningen om vad läsning samt biblioteksverksamhet är och bli en plats där unga killar i större utsträckning känner sig delaktiga. Del 2 För att fortsätta arbetet med Läspodden utfördes en mer djupgående analys i syfte att undersöka huruvida Läspoddens egenskaper faktiskt förhöjde läsupplevelsen eller inte samt huruvida Läspodden främjade återgivning av information. Två separata studier, kvantitativa och kvalitativa, utfördes på två grupper om 33 och 10 personer. Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar på att användande av Läspodden upplevs som positiv och att läsupplevelsen ansågs bli förhöjd. Resultaten från den andra undersökningen visade ett svagt positivt samband mellan användning av Läspodden och informationsåtervinning, men inga slutsatser kring kausalitet kan dras. / Part 1 On behalf of the Stockholm City Cultural Administration and Kista Library, we have worked out new solutions to engage young guys in Kista in the library's daily activities. The target group of young guys between the ages of 13-19 was chosen as this group is mainly missing from the library today. Through focus groups and conversations with young people, we have gained insight into their wishes. These insights have been processed and led to four different concepts. We chose to work on two concepts that were further developed into the concept Zone 164. This includes our innovation, the reading pod, which enhances the reading experience and the exhibition archetypes. Both are developed solutions that meet young people's need for role models, to have a place to be, to feel community, and to have fun with their friends. Through the Zone 164 concept, we hope that Kista Library can challenge the notion of what reading and library activities are and become a place where young guys can feel more involved. Part 2 In order to continue the work with the reading pod, a more in-depth analysis was carried out to investigate whether the properties of the reading pod enhanced the reading experience or not and whether the reading pod promoted the reproduction of information. Two separate studies, quantitative and qualitative, were conducted on two groups of 33 and 10 persons. The results of the first study show that the use of the reading pod is perceived as positive and that the reading experience was considered to be enhanced. The results of the second study showed a weak positive relationship between the use of the reading pod and information retrieval, but no conclusions about causality can be drawn.

Nya sätt att läsa - Innovation genom metoden Design Thinking : En utvärderande studie av läspodden från Zon 164

Rehn, Andreas, Wennström, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Del 1 På uppdrag av Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning och Kista bibliotek har vi arbetat fram nya lösningar för att engagera unga killar i Kista i bibliotekets verksamhet. Målgruppen unga killar mellan 13-19 år valdes då denna grupp i stor utsträckning saknas på biblioteket idag. Genom fokusgrupper och samtal med ungdomarna har vi fått insikter om deras önskemål. Dessa insikter har bearbetats och lett fram till fyra olika koncept. Vi valde att arbeta vidare med två koncept som vidareutvecklades till konceptet Zon 164. Där ingår vår innovation läspodden som förhöjer läsupplevelsen och utställningen arketyper. Båda är framtagna lösningar som möter ungdomarnas behov av förebilder, att ha en plats att vara på, att känna gemenskap samt att ha roligt med sina vänner. Genom konceptet Zon 164 hoppas vi att Kista bibliotek kan utmana föreställningen om vad läsning samt biblioteksverksamhet är och bli en plats där unga killar i större utsträckning känner sig delaktiga. Del 2 För att fortsätta arbetet med läspodden utfördes en mer djupgående analys i syfte att undersöka huruvida läspoddens egenskaper faktiskt förhöjde läsupplevelsen eller inte samt huruvida läspodden främjade återgivning av information. Två separata studier, kvantitativa och kvalitativa, utfördes på två grupper om 33 och 10 personer. Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar på att användande av läspodden upplevs som positiv och att läsupplevelsen ansågs bli förhöjd. Resultaten från den andra undersökningen visade ett svagt positivt samband mellan användning av läspodden och informationsåtergivning, men inga slutsatser kring kausalitet kan dras. / Part 1 On behalf of the Stockholm City Cultural Administration and Kista Library, we have worked out new solutions to engage young guys in Kista in the library's daily activities. The target group of young guys between the ages of 13-19 was chosen as this group is mainly missing from the library today. Through focus groups and conversations with young people, we have gained insight into their wishes. These insights have been processed and led to four different concepts. We chose to work on two concepts that were further developed into the concept Zone 164. This includes our innovation, the reading pod, which enhances the reading experience and the exhibition archetypes. Both are developed solutions that meet young people's need for role models, to have a place to be, to feel community, and to have fun with their friends. Through the Zone 164 concept, we hope that Kista Library can challenge the notion of what reading and library activities are and become a place where young guys can feel more involved. Part 2 In order to continue the work with the reading pod, a more in-depth analysis was carried out to investigate whether the properties of the reading pod enhanced the reading experience or not and whether the reading pod promoted the reproduction of information. Two separate studies, quantitative and qualitative, were conducted on two groups of 33 and 10 persons. The results of the first study show that the use of the reading pod is perceived as positive and that the reading experience was considered to be enhanced. The results of the second study showed a weak positive relationship between the use of the reading pod and information retrieval, but no conclusions about causality can be drawn.

Unga ishockeyspelares karriärövergångar : - En studie om unga ishockeyspelares upplevelser kring TV-pucken, U16 Regional Syd samt NIU-gymnasium.

Öhman, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera unga ishockeykillars syn på sin väg till NIU (Nationell idrottsutbildning) gymnasium. Det som har gjorts är semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med totalt 12 ishockeyspelare födda 2004 och 2005.  Uppsatsen grundar sig i utvalda teorier kring tidig specialisering och vad som krävs för att ungdomarna ska lyckas. Totalt har 12 killar som tillhör ett NIU i region syd deltagit i intervjuerna för att få en ärlig sida från spelarna vad de tycker om 1) TV- pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd och 3) NIU.  Resultatet visar att spelarna tänker ungefär rätt lika allihop. De vill att U16 Regional Syd ska finnas kvar då de menar att de är ett bra tillfälle att få spela den serien och visa upp sig då det är året innan NIU antagning. Spelarna är också överens om att TV-pucken tar för mycket fokus och är någon unga killar fokuserar för mycket på. / The purpose of the study was to study young ice hockey boys on their way to NIU (National Sports Education) high school. What has been done are semi-structured group interviews with a total of 12 ice hockey players born in 2004 and 2005. The thesis is based on selected theories about early specialization and what is required for young people to succeed. A total of 12 guys who belong to an NIU in region south participated in the interviews to get an honest side from the players what they think of 1) TV-pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd and 3) NIU. The results show that the players think the same thing. They want U16rs to remain as they believe they are a good opportunity to play that series and show up as it is the year before NIU admission. The players also agree that the TV-puck takes too much focus and is something young guys focus too much on.

Take Me From This Road

Elia, Joseph 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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