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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internações em um hospital de ensino do interior do Estado de São Paulo / Admissions in a school hospital in a city of São Paulo State

Lemos, Carolina 14 October 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: caracterizar a dinâmica da produção física e financeira de internações hospitalares de um hospital de ensino, do interior do Estado de São Paulo, por meio do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde, segundo especialidade e ano. Metodologia: pesquisa avaliativa, utilizando dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Para a coleta de dados quantitativos foi realizada pesquisa documental em banco de dados oficiais, do total de internações hospitalares nas especialidades de clínica médica, clínica cirúrgica, obstetrícia e pediatria, no período de 1996 a 2011, utilizando a estatística descritiva. Para os dados qualitativos foram realizadas entrevistas com membros da Administração Superior do hospital. Os dados foram agrupados por similaridade de conteúdo e articulados aos dados quantitativos. Resultados: a população de estudo constituiu- se de 504.529 internações; apresentam-se os dados dos anos correspondentes ao menor e ao maior valor das internações hospitalares, no que diz respeito a aspectos físicos e financeiros no período. O percentual de internações seguiu certa linearidade, variando de 5,52 a 7,09%, no ano de menor e o de maior produção de internações, respectivamente. O montante financeiro teve expressivo aumento, sendo que, em 1996, correspondia a 2,83% dos recursos despendidos e, em 2011, esse valor representou 11,58% dos gastos com internações. Analisando as especialidades, a clínica cirúrgica, em 1997, correspondia a 4,92% das internações e, em 2009, houve aumento para 7,49%; quanto aos recursos financeiros, em 1996, o percentual de internações pagas era de 2,73%; em 2010, esse número era de 10,90%. Em clínica médica, as internações, em 2007, representavam 5,25%, em 2011, o percentual era de 8,11%; quanto aos valores pagos, houve aumento entre 1997 e 2011, de 2,75% para 14,03%, respectivamente. Em pediatria, em 1998, as internações representavam 8,69% e, em 2008, esse número caiu para 4,64%; quanto ao montante financeiro, em 1997, as internações pagas representavam 2,76% e, em 2010, aumentaram para 12,88%. Em obstetrícia, as internações, em 1996, correspondiam a 9,33% e, em 2010, eram de 4,58%; em relação à produção financeira, em 1997 houve um percentual de 4,11% e, em 2009, aumentou para 9,73%. Das entrevistas, emergiram aspectos relevantes que podem explicar as variações físicas e financeiras das internações hospitalares, a saber: incorporação tecnológica (a inclusão de recursos tecnológicos implica em maiores investimentos financeiros, justificando os gastos com internações hospitalares); organização da rede de atenção à saúde (a ordenação dos serviços de saúde, com ênfase na atenção básica pode justificar a diminuição das internações em pediatria e obstetrícia, cujos atendimentos podem ser realizados em serviços de menor densidade tecnológica, assim como o crescimento de internações que requerem maior densidade tecnológica) e perfil demográfico (o envelhecimento progressivo da população, seguido das comorbidades relacionadas, também têm influência sobre o perfil de internações em clínica cirúrgica e clínica médica). Conclusões: o acompanhamento das internações possibilita ao gestor estruturar a atenção à saúde e o financiamento do hospital, constituindo-se em importante ferramenta gerencial. A organização das redes de atenção, o perfil etário da população e a incorporação de tecnologias repercutem na atenção hospitalar, particularmente nas internações / Objective: characterize the dynamics of financial and physical production of hospitalizations at a school hospital in a city of São Paulo State through the Hospital Information System of the Unique Health System, according to the speciality and year. Methodology: evaluative research using quantitative and qualitative data. To collect quantitative data, it was used the documental research in official database, the total of clinical, surgical, obstetrics and pediatrics hospitalizations, during 1996 to 2011, using descriptive statistics. To the qualitative data, members of the Upper Management of the hospital were interviewed. The data were grouped by its similarities and articulated to the quantitative data. Results: the population under study were 504.529 hospitalizations, presenting data from the relative years, as of the lowest and to the highest number of hospitalizations, about physics and financial during that period of time. The hospitalizations percentage followed such linearity, ranging between 5,52% to 7,09% during the years of lowest and highest number of hospitalizations, respectively. The financial total had an important raise, and in 1996 it corresponded to 2,83% of the spent means and, in 2011 this number corresponded to 11,58% of the hospitalizations spent. Analysing the specialities, the surgical clinic in 1997 corresponded to 4,92% of hospitalizations and, in 2009 there was a raise to 7,49%, regarding the financial means, in 1996 the hospitalizations percentual spent were 2,73%, in 2010 these number were 10,90%. In internal medicine, in 2007 the hospitalizations represented 5,25%, in 2011 the percentual was 8,11%, regarding the spent values, there was a percentual raise between 1997 and 2011, as of 2,75% to 14,03%, respectively. In 1998, pediatrics hospitalizations represented 8,69% and in 2008, this number dropped to 4,64%, regarding the financial amount, in 1997, paid admissions represented 2,76% and, in 2010, increased to 12,88%. In obstetrics, during 1996 the hospital admissions corresponded to 9,33% and, in 2010, they were 4,58%, regarding the financial production, in 1997 there was a 4,11% percentual and, in 2009, it increased to 9,73%. During the interviews, relevants aspects emerged that may explain the physical and financial hospitalization variations, namely: technological incorporation (adding the technologics means implies in biggest financial investiments, justifying the hospitalizations outlay); organization of the health care network (the health services assortment, with emphasis on basic attention may justify the pediatrics and obstetrics admission dicrease, whose treatment may be performed in smaller technological services, as well as the increase on admissions that request superior technological density) and demographic profile (the progressive population aging followed by the related comorbidities, also influences on the surgical and clinical admissions profiles). Conclusions: following the admissions enables the manager to organize the health attetion and the hospital financial constituting an important management tool. The attetion network organization, the population age profile and the technology incorporation affects the hospitalar attention, specially on admissions

Intelectuais, cultura e escola única no pensamento político-pedagógico de Antonio Gramsci / Intellectuals, culture and unique school in the political-pedagogic thought of Antonio Gramsci.

Silva, Deise Rosalio 29 September 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o pensamento de Antonio Gramsci (1891- 1937) acerca da educação, com ênfase em suas elaborações teóricas e conceitos políticos relacionados a sua perspectiva pedagógica. Tendo por propósito a identificação do discurso gramsciano sobre educação e sua atualidade teórica, esta pesquisa analisará, principalmente, os escritos feitos no cárcere (Quaderni del carcere), em que o teórico teria se debruçado sobre o temário educacional e formativo. Procurando mapear a perspectiva pedagógica de Gramsci, esta pesquisa procurou efetuar também uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura já produzida sobre o tema. Gramsci ansiava pela constituição de um plano de ação capaz de alterar a estrutura político-econômica da sociedade. Nesse sentido, a dimensão cultural e educativa ocupa uma posição destacada na sua reflexão sobre a transformação social. Em sua acepção, uma reforma intelectual e moral seria imprescindível para a edificação da hegemonia popular, o que justifica a importância que a educação assume em suas reflexões e em seu trabalho teórico. Todos os conceitos e formulações que Gramsci desenvolve ao longo de sua vida apresentam-se correlacionados com tal perspectiva de elaboração de estratégias de atuação em prol da modificação da ordem vigente. Por essa razão, foi necessário examinar também conceitos e escritos de Gramsci acerca do debate político, especialmente sobre os temas seguintes: Estado, sociedade civil, sociedade política, bloco histórico, partido, estrutura, superestrutura, Ocidente, Oriente, guerra de posição, guerra de movimento, hegemonia, ideologia e filosofia. Acreditamos ser primordial compreender o encadeamento entre a esfera política e essa proposição de reforma intelectual e moral; sendo que para Gramsci - a transformação social passaria necessariamente pela questão cultural. Esta, por sua vez, teria uma inegável dimensão educativa. A educação e a cultura são, na ótica gramsciana, as peças fundamentais para a constituição de um novo homem: autônomo, consciente, crítico, capaz de criar novas relações e as demais condições necessárias para a superação da estratificação social em prol da edificação de uma outra ordem econômica e política, não mais pautada pela desigualdade social. Para isso, o alcance da hegemonia seria o primeiro passo, só atingido quando a concepção de mundo compatível com tal plano de transformação fosse majoritária na sociedade. Eis nos escritos gramscianos - o grande papel ocupado pela figura do intelectual - ator público disseminador de ideologias - e da educação no processo de luta política pela emancipação do homem. Esse processo requereria, contudo, uma ampla formação humanista, integral, crítica, criativa, capaz de agregar trabalho intelectual e trabalho manual, sendo que sua maior expressão estaria no ideal da escola única. / This study aims at investigating the thought of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) about education, with emphasis on his theoretical elaborations and political concepts related to his educational perspective. Having as a goal the identification of the Gramscian discourse on education and its theoretic relevance, this research will examine mainly the writings made in prison (Quaderni del carcere), in which the theorist developed educational and formative themes. Seeking to map the pedagogical perspective of Gramsci, this research has also aimed at carrying out a bibliographic review of the literature produced on the subject. Gramsci longed for the establishment of a plan of action capable of altering the political-economic structure of society. In this sense, the cultural and educational dimension has a prominent position in his discussions on social transformation. In his meaning, an \"intellectual and moral reform\" would be essential for the construction of popular hegemony, which explains the importance given to education in his thoughts and his theoretical work. All concepts and formulations developed by Gramsci throughout his life are correlated with such perspective of developing strategies of action focusing on modifying the existing order. For this reason, it was also necessary to examine Gramscis concepts and writings about the political debate, especially on the following topics: State, civil society, political society, historical bloc, party, structure, superstructure, West, East, war of position, motion war, hegemony, ideology and philosophy. We believe it is essential to understand the linkage between politics and this proposition of \"intellectual and moral reform\", remembering that - for Gramsci - the social transformation would necessarily involve the cultural issue. This, in turn, would have an undeniable educational dimension. Education and culture are, in Gramscis perspective, the key pieces to form a new man: autonomous, conscious, critical, able to create new relationships and other necessary conditions for overcoming the social stratification in favor of building another economic and political order, no longer dominated by social inequality. To do so, the scope of hegemony would be the first step, only achieved when the world conception compatible with such a transformation is predominant in society. It is stated in the writings of Gramsci the great role played by the intellectual figure - public actor in charge of disseminating ideologies - and education in the process of political struggle for the emancipation of man. This process would demand, however, a broad humanistic, integral, critical, creative education, capable of putting together intellectual and manual labor, having as its greatest expression the ideal of unique school.

Os impasses para implementação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social no Município de Guarapuava-Pr

Prates, Angela Maria Moura Costa 28 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:43:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angela Maria Moura Costa Prates.pdf: 2584637 bytes, checksum: ed42d9b3ef534ab5fd4762b1ea54af59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / The present dissertation work of master’s degree has as study object the Advances and the Limits for the implantation of Unique System of Social Assistance (“Sistema Único de Assistência Social – SUAS”) in the Municipality of Guarapuava-PR. This research has a qualitative and quantitative nature and its methodological procedures are: Bibliographical and Documentary Research, Semi-structured Interview, Participant Observation and Content Analysis. The empirical context of research was Municipal Council of Social Assistance (“Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social - CMAS”), in which we made a selection of participant subjects, of which three are non-governmental (Entities and Worker of the Sector) and two are governmental (Social Worker and Psychologist). Thereunto, we used some criteria, like: Parity among Civil Society, Government, Users and Workers of the Sector; Professionals with higher education, Managers and Presidents of “CMAS”. Besides, we seek to comply with multidisciplinarity using several levels of formation; legitimate representation (not under-representation); people who had more highlight in the meetings; people who still live in Guarapuava; people who still are involved directly or indirectly with the policy since 2004 to 2009. Thus, this dissertation has been organized in four chapters. In Chapter 1, we discuss The Dilemmas to the Construction of Democratic State of Rights in Brazil – the “Colonelism”, Clientelism, Assistencialism, Liberalism, Welfare State and Neoliberalism. In Chapter 2, we study the Configuration of Policy of Social Assistance in Brazil from Federal Constitution from 1988, of Organic Law of Social Assistance (“Lei Orgânica de Assistência Social - LOAS”) from 1993, of National Policy of Social Assistance (“Política Nacional de Assistência Social - PNAS”) from 2004. In Chapter 3, we seek the particularities of construction of Social Assistance Policy in State of Paraná (PR), and we characterize the historical context of the Social Assistance Policy in the Municipality of Guarapuava-PR in Chapter 4. We discover that, although the advance in the legislation about Social Assistance in that Municipality, it still contains some typical characteristics of “colonelism”, which is a govern system that advocates for private interest even managing the public space. Another characteristic is the clientelism, which uses the public services to arrest people who search them and this generates a dependence relation between Govern and citizens. In this relation, ties of interdependence are created, like if that person who has been answered passed to owe a favor to whom served him/her, marks of the assistencialism. And we also recognize that the configuration of the public policy has not escaped from disassemble of the State proposed by the neoliberal ideas, which creates barriers to its governability. These are contradictions inherent to the transition between remote past (marked by the logical of the favor) and the present (marked by the recognition of the social rights), permeated by private political interests, which constitute in impasses to the advances of the public policy of Social Assistance in Guarapuava-PR. / O presente trabalho de dissertação de mestrado tem como objeto de estudo os Avanços e os Limites para a implantação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) no Município de Guarapuava-PR. Esta pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, sendo seus procedimentos metodológicos: Pesquisa Bibliográfica e Documental, Entrevista Semi-Estruturada, Observação Participante e Análise de Conteúdo. O contexto empírico da pesquisa foi o Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social, no qual fizemos a seleção dos sujeitos participantes, sendo três não governamentais (Entidades e Trabalhador da Área) e dois governamentais (Assistente Social e Psicólogo). Para isso, utilizamos alguns critérios, como: Paridade entre Sociedade Civil, Governamental, Usuários e Trabalhadores da Área; Profissionais com ensino superior, Gestores e Presidentes do CMAS. Além disso, buscamos atender à multidisciplinaridade por meio dos vários níveis de formação; representação legítima (não sub-representação); pessoas que mais se destacaram nas reuniões; pessoas que ainda residem em Guarapuava; pessoas que continuam envolvidas, direta ou indiretamente com a política desde 2004 até 2009. Assim, esta dissertação foi organizada em quatro capítulos. No Capítulo 1, discutimos Os Impasses para a Construção do Estado Democrático de Direitos no Brasil – o Coronelismo, o Clientelismo, o Assistencialismo, o Liberalismo, o Welfare State e o Neoliberalismo. No Capítulo 2, estudamos a Configuração de Política de Assistência Social no Brasil a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, da Lei Orgânica de Assistência Social (LOAS) de 1993, da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS) de 2004. No Capítulo 3, buscamos as particularidades da construção da Política de Assistência Social no Estado do Paraná, e caracterizamos o contexto histórico da Política de Assistência Social no Município de Guarapuava-PR no Capítulo 4. Descobrimos que, apesar do avanço na legislação sobre a Assistência Social no município em questão, ela ainda comporta algumas características típicas do coronelismo, que é um sistema de governo que preza pelo interesse particular mesmo administrando o espaço público. Outra característica é o clientelismo, que utiliza os serviços para prender as pessoas que os procuram e isso gera uma relação de dependência entre o governo e os cidadãos. Nessa relação, criam-se laços de interdependência, como se aquele que foi atendido passasse a dever um favor a quem lhe atendeu, marcas do assistencialismo. E também reconhecemos que a configuração da política pública não escapou do desmonte do Estado proposto pelo ideário neoliberal, o qual cria entraves à sua governabilidade. São contradições inerentes à transição entre o passado remoto (marcado pela lógica do favor) e o presente (marcado pelo reconhecimento dos direitos sociais), perpassados por interesses políticos particularistas, que se constituem em impasses aos avanços da política pública de Assistência Social em Guarapuava – PR.

Estudo de utilização de medicamentos em idosos atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) / Drug utilization study in elderly people attends by Unique Health System (SUS)

Baldoni, André de Oliveira 06 August 2010 (has links)
O Brasil está passando por uma transformação demográfica, com o grupo etário dos idosos crescendo rapidamente no país, e a demanda deste grupo por recursos de saúde é intensa, tanto no que se refere à utilização de serviços de saúde quanto no que diz respeito ao uso de medicamentos. Os medicamentos em idosos se comportam de maneira diferente devido às alterações na farmacocinética e na farmacodinâmica, portanto as reações adversas dos medicamentos (RAM) nesses pacientes podem ocorrer de maneira mais proeminente. A discussão sobre a qualidade da farmacoterapia nesses indivíduos é um tema importante relacionado com a atenção, tendo em vista que o medicamento é considerado um instrumento de recuperação e manutenção da saúde dos indivíduos. Diante disso este projeto de pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a utilização de medicamentos por usuários idosos do SUS. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um formulário, previamente padronizado e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Saúde Escola da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (CEP-CSE-FMRP-USP). Com este instrumento entrevistou-se 1000 idosos no período de novembro de 2008 a maio de 2009, os dados relativos a esses pacientes foram lançados no programa estatístico, Epi Info® versão 3.4.3. A média de idade foi de 69,8 anos, sendo 66,1% do sexo feminino, com renda per capita média de R$ 581,00, com predomínio de brancos (56,2%), casados (51%), com ensino fundamental incompleto (65%). A morbidade de maior prevalência entre os entrevistados foi a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (72,8%); em se tratando dos cuidados com a saúde 58,8% são sedentários, 93,2% ingerem bebida cafeinada, 18% utilizam bebida alcoólica, 8,5% são tabagistas. Considerando o acesso aos medicamentos e serviços de saúde 46,8% dos idosos retiram todos os medicamentos na farmácia dos SUS; 15,8% possuem planos de saúde privado; a média de consultas agendadas pelo SUS foi de quatro consultas/paciente/ano; 16,3% não recebem orientação sobre o uso correto dos medicamentos de nenhum profissional de saúde; 12,6% recebem orientações do farmacêutico no momento da dispensação dos medicamentos. Com relação ao perfil farmacoepidemiológico encontrou-se um intervalo de um a vinte e um fármacos utilizados por paciente, sendo a média de sete fármacos/paciente; a maior prevalência foram dos medicamentos do aparelho cardiovascular (83,4%); 30,9% realizam automedicação. A polifarmácia (uso de seis ou mais princípios ativos) esteve presente em 60,1% dos idosos, sendo que 74% são mulheres; 80,2% utilizam MIPs (medicamentos isentos de prescrição); 46,2% relataram pelo menos uma RAM; 36% utiliza medicamentos controlados pela portaria 344/98; 44,2% utilizam medicamentos considerados inapropriados ao idoso; e encontrou-se 282 interações medicamentosas. As variáveis com maior correlação com o uso de mais seis princípios ativos são: sexo feminino, uso de medicamentos considerados inapropriados aos indivíduos idosos, automedicação, quantidade maior de problemas de saúde, número de consultas médicas agendadas, presença de RAM, uso de MIPs, falta de exercício físico, uso de adoçante e uso de medicamentos controlados pela portaria 344/98. Diante de tais evidências verifica-se a necessidade de se adotar estratégias para melhoria da farmacoterapia e a assistência prestada à saúde do paciente idoso. / Brazil is undergoing a demographic transformation which means elderly group is growing rapidly in the country and the demand of health resources for them is intense, referring to the use of health services and to the use of drugs. The drugs in elderly behave differently due to changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, thus adverse drugs reactions (ADR) in these patients may occur more prominent. The discussion about the quality of pharmacotherapy in these individuals is an important issue related to attention, as the drug is considered an instrument of rehabilitation and maintenance of peoples health. Therefore, this research has the purpose to study the use of drugs by elderly users of SUS. To collect the data, a form standardized and approved by Ethics Committee in Research of Health School Center of the College of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (CEP-CSE-FMRP-USP) was used. With this instrument, 1000 elderly was interviewed in the period of November 2008 to May 2009, the data of these patients were inserted in statistic program, Epi Info ® version 3.4.3.The average age was 69.8 years, 66.1% were female, the average income per capita was R$ 581.00, with predominance of whites (56.2%), married (51%), with elementary school incomplete (65%). The morbidity most prevalent among the elderly was the Hypertension (72.8%), in the case of health care, 58.8% are sedentary, 93.2% ingest caffeinated drink, 18% use alcohol, 8,5% are smokers. Considering the access to medicines and health services, 46.8% of elderly took out all drugs at the pharmacy of SUS; 15.8% have private health insurance; and the average medical visits scheduled by SUS was four visits/patient/year; 16.3% did not receive guidance about correct form of use of drugs from any health professional, 12.6% receive guidance from pharmacist when the drug was dispensed. Regarding the Pharmacoepidemiological profile, a range of one to twenty-one drugs used was found per patient, with an average of seven drugs/patient, the greater prevalence was cardiovascular drugs (83.4%) 30.9% perform self-medication. Polypharmacy (use of six or more drugs) was present in 60.1% of the elderly, and 74% are women, 80.2% use OTC\'s (over-the- counter), 46.2% reported at least one ADR, 36% use controlled drugs by decree 344/98, 44.2% used drugs considered inappropriate for the elderly, and we found 282 drug interactions. The variables most strongly correlated with the use of six drugs are: female gender, use of inappropriate drugs by elderly, self-medication, increased amount of health problems, number of medical visits scheduled, the presence of ADR, use of OTC\'s , lack of physical exercise, use of artificial sweetener, and use of controlled drugs by decree 344/98. Facing these evidences, it is perceptible the need to adopt strategies to improve pharmacotherapy and health assistance offered to the elderly.

Life Forms

Woxinger Sköld, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Life Forms is an examination of organic shapes in textile material and garments. The clothes deals with questions of tactile and emotional attraction in fashion, while the project as a whole is an attempt to constantly let creativity and curiosity be a part of the process.By using a method of letting go of the control and see what chance and the properties of the material might lead to, this work has become a growing organism of its own.The end result is a group of unique pieces, all in different materials and colour shades. They’re held together by concept as well as relations in tone and cuts. The collection could be viewed as a visual statement or worn with lots of care and love. / Program: Modedesignutbildningen

Competitions and Delegations on Network Games: Applications in Supply Chain and Project Management

Tao Jiang (5929844) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<div>We consider the models of sequential games over supply chain networks and production chain networks. In the supply chain model, we show that in particular, for series-parallel networks, there is a unique equilibrium. </div><div>We provide a polynomial time algorithm to compute the equilibrium and study the impact of the network structure to the total trade flow at equilibrium. Our results shed light on the trade-off between competition, production cost, and double marginalization. </div><div><br></div><div>In the production chain model, we investigated sequential decisions and delegation options over three agents, chain, and tree networks. Our main contribution is showing the value of delegation and how to maximumly leverage the middleman's aligned interests with the principal. In particular, we provide a polynomial time algorithm to find the optimal delegation structure and the corresponding necessary contract payments for the principal. Furthermore, we analyzed the trade-off of the delegation and gave a deeper insight into the value of delegation in different conditions. Several questions are left for future research such as what's the optimal delegation structures in general tree and how to build the model that agents can try multiple times until the task is successful. </div>

Peripheral human colour vision : from cone contrast to colour perception

Panorgias, Athanasios January 2011 (has links)
It is well known that the colour preferences of ganglion and LGN cells do not match the four perceptually simple colours red, green blue and yellow. It is also known that although colour perception is distorted in the peripheral visual field, there are four hues that appear stable with eccentricity. These are defined as peripherally invariant hues. Both of these observations must in some way reflect the physiological substrate of neurons at different stages of the primary visual pathway. The experiments described here are aimed at understanding the link between the physiology and the perception of colour by studying the characteristics of peripheral colour visionThe following questions have been addressed; i) to what extent does colour matching rely on the retinal physiological substrate? ii) what is the reason for the discrepancy between invariant and unique green and how is cone contrast linked to this paradox? iii) how are the `special' hues (invariant and unique) related to human evolution? iv) how does peripheral colour vision vary between males and females?An asymmetric colour matching paradigm and a colour naming task have been employed. In the colour matching task, 24 chromatic axes of variable purity are used. Observers match the chromaticity of a 3 degree peripheral spot with that of a 1 degree parafoveal spot. The results are expressed in terms of hue rotation, saturation match and cone contrast. In the colour naming experiment the observers name 40 chromatic axes as either red, blue, green or yellow and colour naming functions are derived. The central maxima of these functions are defined as the unique hues. The results suggest that colour matching and cone opponency reflect the characteristics of the retinal neural network as they exhibit nasal-temporal asymmetries, similar to known physiological asymmetries. Although three of the peripherally invariant hues match the unique counterparts, invariant and unique green are markedly different for all observers. In an important control experiment unique hues are shown to be stable with eccentricity and purity. This confirms that these attributes are not confounding factors for the observed discrepancy between invariant and unique green. Unlike for the other 'special' hues the RMS cone contrast of invariant green differs markedly between parafoveal and peripheral targets. It is likely that the cone contrast remains unchanged only if the stimuli excite the same number of cones. Two invariant and two unique hues (blue and yellow) fall on the daylight locus suggesting that discrimination in these regions of the colour space is strongly influenced by terrestrial illumination. Moreover, the inter-individual variability is found to be minimised around the daylight locus showing that the blue-yellow system is more stable across colour normal populations than the red-green system. A statistically significant difference is demonstrated between the peripheral colour vision of males and females. This may be attributed to the M-cone polymorphism which in addition to X-chromosome inactivation, results in more than three cone types in the female retina.

La Cité des Métiers dans un collège de la Suisse italienne : une démarche ethnographique issue d'une action sociale : les contours d'une brèche vers un collège équitable / The City of Jobs in a middle school of Italian Switzerland : an ethnographic approach resulting from a social action : the contours of a breach to an equitable middle school

Pordenone, Gian Franco 18 December 2018 (has links)
La Cité des Métiers propose aux élèves de l’établissement de Cadenazzo-Vira Gambarogno, un collège populaire dans la partie italienne de la Suisse, une série de situations d’apprentissage liées à l’orientation scolaire et professionnelle. Tout au long des quatre années du collège, unique, comme en France, les élèves sont amenés à se confronter avec des personnalités issues du monde du travail, à visiter des entreprises et des écoles professionnelles, à réaliser une brève recherche en salle d’informatique, à regarder un long-métrage et à participer à un colloque sur le travail, ou encore, à suivre un cours facultatif d’initiation au lexique et au langage économiques.Cette recherche étudie ce projet pédagogique comme un point focal, au sens de centre vers lequel convergent un ensemble de complexes processus sociaux, reliés à la dynamique de construction du collège unique. Porteuse d’une effective mixité sociale, celle-ci ne peut se penser qu’en relation étroite avec un monde du travail en mutation, à la recherche de nouveaux équilibres. Ce travail est issu d’une action sociale décennale, entre 2003/2004 et 2013/2014, devenue ensuite une recherche ethnographique effectuée par l’un des animateurs, autour de trente entretiens semi-directifs, entièrement retranscrits et traduits en français, avec des professionnels du collège, des parents d’élèves, des personnalités invitées et des élèves ayant animé le projet. Ces données sont complétées par d’autres, issues en particulier de documents d’archives disponibles, de rapports de bilan réaliséspar les élèves après des visites et d’articles publiés dans un hebdomadaire culturel, permettant d’analyser une expérience par la construction d’une étude de cas.La première partie de cette étude se focalise sur le rapport entre la collaboration et la conflictualité dans le processus d’élaboration de la Cité des Métiers. Une analyse stratégique de la minorité active, met en évidence une structure des relations de pouvoir centrée autour d’un jeu triangulaire entre acteurs sociaux, conduisant à une oscillation continue entre une dynamique d’innovation autonome, d’innovation hétéronome et de ralentissement réflexif. La deuxième partie analyse le rôle del’ingénierie pédagogique dans l’efficacité de son déroulement quotidien. Une analyse de désirabilité des situations d’apprentissage mises en place, fait ressortir une participation responsable différenciée des élèves aux apprentissages, favorisant la succession de la séquence vocationnelle et la construction d’une compétence transitionnelle, en mesure de guider les transitions de vie de ces individus en devenir. La troisième partie, enfin, étudie les répercussions sur la forme identitaire des élèves. Une analyse structurale des récits de vie des élèves les plus engagés, esquisse une transformation identitaire vers l’apparition d’un esprit de performance, aux déclinaisons individualisées, qui renforce la maîtrise des transitions de vie.Cette démarche plurielle met en évidence les contours d’une brèche vers la réalisation d’un collège effectivement unique, puisque équitable, résultat d’un fragile équilibre sans cesse renouvelé entre la liberté et l’égalité, tout d’abord au niveau du curriculum caché. Ce qui fait surgir une individualité éveillée, fruit potentiel de l’idéal-type émergent de l’enseignant démocratique. Simultanément, ces contours font apparaître les limites de ce processus de rajeunissement interne de l’école républicaine, à savoir la faiblesse de l’élaboration d’une vision du monde social du corps enseignant, vecteur de cette dynamique, et de l’incontournable prolongement de l’équité de l’univers scolaire vers le monde du travail, dans le cadre de l’émergence d’une société ouverte. / The City of Jobs organizes a series of learning situations related to educational and vocational guidance for students of the establishment of Cadenazzo-Vira Gambarogno, a popular middle school in the Italian part of Switzerland. Throughout the four years of middle school, unique, as in France, pupils are invited to confront with personalities from the world of work, to visit companies and professional schools, to carry out a brief research in the computer room, to watch a feature film andto participate in a symposium on the evolution of work, or, to take an optional course in initiation into lexicon and economic language.Research studies this pedagogical project as a focal point, that is a center towards which converge a set of complex social processes, related to the building dynamics of the unique middle school. Carrying an effective social diversity, this one can merely be thought of in close relation with a changing world of work, in search of new balances. This work comes from a decennial social action, between 2003/2004 and 2013/2014, which became an ethnographic research carried out by one of theanimators, around thirty semi-structured interviews, fully transcribed and translated into French, with middle school professionals, pupils’ parents, invited personalities and students who animated the project. These data are supplemented by others, especially from available archival documents, assessment reports made by students after visits and articles published in a cultural weekly magazine, allowing the analysis of an experience through the construction of a case study.The first part of this study focuses on the relationship between collaboration and conflictuality in the elaboration process of the City of Jobs. A strategic analysis of the active minority highlights a structure of power relations centered around a triangular game between social actors, leading to a continuous oscillation between a dynamic of autonomous innovation, of heterogeneous innovation and reflexive slowdown. The second part analyzes the role of educational engineering in the efficiency of its daily progress. A desirability analysis of the implemented learning situations shows a differentiated responsible participation of students in learning, favouring the succession of the vocational sequence and the construction of a transitional competence, able to guide the transitions of life of these individualities under construction. The third part, finally, examines the repercussionson the identity form of the students. A structural analysis of the life stories of the most engaged students sketches an identity transformation which shows the appearance of a spirit of performance, with individualized variations, which reinforces the control of life transitions.This plural approach brings out the contours of a breach towards the realization of a truly unique middle school, because equitable, result of a fragile balance constantly renewed between freedom and equality, first of all at the level of the hidden curriculum. What makes awakened individuality arise, potential fruit of the emerging ideal-type of the democratic teacher. Simultaneously, these contours reveal the limits of this process of internal rejuvenation of the republican school, namely theweakness of the elaboration of a vision of the social world of the teaching staff, vector of this dynamic, and the unavoidable extension of the equity of the school universe to the world of work, within the framework of the emergence of an open society.

Microscopie de molécules uniques avec des nanoparticules à conversion ascendante / Single-molecule imaging with upconverting nanoparticles

Dukhno, Oleksii 13 November 2018 (has links)
La microscopie de molécule unique (single-molecule microscopy, SMM) regroupe un ensemble de techniques pour la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire permettant de visualiser le mouvement de molécules biologiques individuelles. Néanmoins, les techniques SMM imposent de fortes contraintes en ce qui concerne les luminophores utilisés. Récemment, un nouveau luminophore appelé «particule à conversion ascendante» (upconverting nanoparticles, UCNP) a attiré l'attention de la communauté scientifique en raison de son émission efficace de lumière visible après une excitation par de la lumière infrarouge. Cette propriété fait des UCNPs un luminophore très intéressant pour les applications biologiques : l'excitation infrarouge permet d'éliminer l’autofluorescence, généralement associé à une excitation dans la gamme du visible. De plus, la photostabilité extrême des UCNP et l’absence de photoclignotement sont également de précieux atouts pour les expériences SMM. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’adapter les UCNPs aux applications SMM, avec le but ultime d’exploiter leurs propriétés uniques pour améliorer les performances des expériences SMM. Au cours du projet, les protocoles de dispersion des UCNPs dans des tampons aqueux ont été optimisées pour conserver une bonne monodispersité des particules; l'efficacité des UCNPs dans les expériences de transfert résonant d'énergie en particule unique a été estimée; des protocoles pour l'imagerie d'UCNPs uniques ont été développés; et la preuve de concept de l'utilisation des UCNPs dans des expériences de suivi de molécules uniques à la surface de cellules vivantes a été réalisée. Finalement, ces résultats forment une base solide pour de futures expériences SMM utilisant les UCNPs. / Single-molecule microscopy (SMM) is a powerful set of techniques for molecular and cell biology that allows visualizing the movement of individual biological molecules, but has strict requirements towards the utilized luminophores. Recently, a new luminophore called upconverting particles (UCNPs) gained attention of the research community due to their efficient emission of visible light upon excitation with infrared light. This property makes UCNPs a valuable luminophore for biological applications due to the elimination of autofluorescence background, commonly associated with regular visible light excitation. Extreme photostability of UCNPs and absence of sporadic photoswitching are also valuable for SMM experiments. The objective of this thesis was to adapt UCNPs to SMM applications, with the ultimate goal of exploiting their unique properties towards superior performance of SMM experiments. During the project, protocols for dispersing UCNPs in aqueous buffers were streamlined to provide superior particle monodispersity; the efficiency of UCNPs in single-molecule resonance energy transfer experiments was estimated; protocols for single-molecule imaging with UCNPs were developed; and a proof-of-concept system for targeted single-molecule tracking with UCNPs in live cells was demonstrated. Overall, these findings will serve as a foundation towards robust SMM assays based on UCNPs.

Acquisition of auxiliary and copula BE in young English-speaking children

Guo, Ling-Yu 01 December 2009 (has links)
This study tested the unique checking constraint hypothesis and the usage-based account concerning why young children produced tense and agreement morphemes variably via three experiments. Experiment 1 investigated whether subject types influenced the production accuracy of auxiliary 'is' in three-year-olds through an elicited production task. The rate of use of auxiliary 'is' increased as children's tense productivity increased, but the pattern was different for each subject type. The rate of use increased more rapidly with tense productivity for lexical NP subjects than it did for pronominal subjects. Experiment 2 further examined the role of subject types, predicate types, and predicate word frequency on the use of copula 'is' in three-year-olds via an elicited production task. Overall, the production accuracy of copula 'is' was higher with nominal predicates than with permanent- or temporary-adjectival predicates, followed by locative predicates. Children also produced copula 'is' more accurately with low-frequency predicate words than with high-frequency predicate words. Moreover, the effect of subject types on the use of copula 'is' varied with children's tense productivity. For sentences with nominal, permanent-adjectival, or temporary-adjectival predicates, children with lower tense productivity used copula 'is' more accurately with lexical subjects than with pronominal subjects in. In contrast, children with higher tense productivity produced copula 'is' more accurately with pronominal subjects than with lexical subjects. Experiment 3 extended Experiment 1 by exploring the degree of abstractness of representations of auxiliary BE via a structural priming task. The production accuracy of auxiliary 'is' in three-year-olds increased above the baseline when the prime-target pair shared the same structure and subject + auxiliary 'is' combinations, but not when the prime-target pair only shared the same structure. However, the production accuracy of auxiliary 'are' did not change with prime types. These experiments suggest that young children have only lexically-specific representations of auxiliary BE. Frequency, rather than structural properties, of sentence elements influenced the production accuracy of auxiliary and copula 'is' in young children. These findings support the usage-based approach that young children use tense and agreement morphemes variably because they have not yet learned adult-like abstract representations and use highly frequent/ lexically-specific constructions for the production of these morphemes.

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