Spelling suggestions: "subject:"universalism"" "subject:"universalismo""
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A Contingency Approach to Public Sector Performance Management: The Case of the Canadian Intelligence CommunityFaragone, Giuseppe 17 May 2023 (has links)
Countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have experienced a decline in citizens' trust in government in the last few decades. In response, public administration shifted from traditional public administration to New Public Management (NPM) with the goal of increasing trust in government by trying to make government more responsive, work better, and cost less. An important element of NPM is the reliance on managerialism's application of private sector solutions such as performance management whose assumed strength is that it can deliver on efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. An underlining basis of private sector imports into the public sector environment is that they are based on universalism – the existence of general laws irrespective of the situation or circumstance. Often, referred to as a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. However, after a few decades of implementing performance management based on universalistic principles the evidence suggests that performance management has not fully met expectations. Contrasting universalism is particularism - meaning that different rules and applications will depend on the situation, in other words, context matters. In short, 'no best way'. To explore the universalism vs particularism debate, this research uses the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) which is a Canadian government's long-standing performance management tool. The MAF serves as a proxy for a one-size-fits-all approach to performance management. With regards to particularism, this research employs a contingency approach as the theoretical basis to explore performance management. The contingency approach is premised on three core concepts: external contingent factors, internal contingent factors, and fit. The Canadian Intelligence Community (IC) is used as the case study to explore the primary question of whether a universalism-based or a particularism-based approach is better suited for performance management in the public sector? In seeking an answer to this question, two additional sub-questions are explored. First, what makes the IC different from the other policy domains? Second, what is the fit between the MAF and the IC's contingent factors? To answer these questions, data collection consisted of content analysis of documents as well as interviews with senior officials. Findings from this exploratory study reveal that universalism-based approaches to performance management should at the very least be complemented by particularism considerations. The IC was found to be different from other policy domains in terms of both external and internal contingent factors. The former consists of the threat environment, the legislative framework, and the external expectations of the IC. The latter consists of the intelligence process, the intelligence product, intelligence and secrecy, and the IC as a high reliability organization. It was found that there was more misfit than fit between the MAF and the IC's contingency factors. In exploring these questions, this research contributes concurrently to the public administration and intelligence studies literature in a number of ways. For instance, evidence that universalism-based approach to performance management does not always deliver what it promises, being able to intersect intelligence studies and public administration which is currently lacking, examining the 'hidden' parts of the public sector (i.e., the IC) that tends to be ignored in public administration, peering into the 'black box' of public sector organizations' management tools, the exploration of how practitioners use management tools, analyzing public sector organizations operating in a complex environment, adding to a limited non-historical contemporary Canadian IC literature, looking at the IC's performance-related issues that goes beyond the overwhelming intelligence failure literature. In addition to contributing to knowledge, the research highlights the importance of performance management and intelligence in relation to society.
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Föräldraledighet, en självklar rättighet för alla i Sverige? : En studie om upplevda möjligheter till föräldraförsäkring i atypisk anställning / Parental leave, a natural right for all in Sweden?Persson, Emmi, Sjöstedt, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvalitativ studie som undersöker de upplevelser mödrar i atypiska anställningar har om den svenska välfärden gällande anställningstrygghet och föräldraledighet samt vård av barn. Studien använder Anthony Giddens teorier kring reflexivitet för att förstå hur respondenterna agerar på arbetsmarknaden. Esping-Anderssons teorier förklarar vilka principer den svenska välfärden bygger på. Studien argumenterar med hjälp av Standingsteorier att individer i atypiska anställningar tillhör den framväxta klassen prekariatet. Med hjälp av struktur och agentskap förstås respondenternas relation till välfärd. Resultatet visar att mödrar i en atypisk anställning känner oro kring att vabba och nyttja sina rättigheter till ledigheter. Vidare går vissa respondenter miste om ekonomiska ersättningar gällande vabb. Slutligen spekulerar studien kring vilka potentiella konsekvenser det kan innebära för individen och samhället i sin helhet om mödrar i atypiska anställningar inte åtnjuter de rättigheter den svenska välfärden ska sörja för, där en möjlig konsekvens är att Sverige på grund av en lägre grad av universalism kan tänkas stå inför en allt mer tudelad arbetsmarknad.
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Courants colonialistes et anticolonialistes dans la pensée républicaine française au tournant du 20e siècleAubry, Maximilien 12 1900 (has links)
Au tournant du 20e siècle, après la chute du Second Empire, la France traverse une période d’incertitude institutionnelle. En voulant ancrer le nouveau régime, les fondateurs de la Troisième République engagent le pays dans une période d’expansion coloniale. Les principaux promoteurs de la politique coloniale, dont Jules Ferry et Léon Gambetta, tentent de la justifier en intégrant les principes universalistes républicains au discours colonialiste de l’époque. Cette tactique de persuasion politique entraînera son lot de contradictions idéologiques. L’historiographie soutient qu’un consensus sur la politique coloniale existe chez les contemporains. Cependant, plusieurs acteurs de la Troisième République s’y opposent, donnant naissance à un courant anticolonialiste, lui aussi inspiré de la pensée républicaine.
Le but de ce mémoire est d’étudier de quelle façon deux courants idéologiques, en apparence contradictoires, peuvent se baser sur les mêmes racines philosophiques pour définir leur discours. La pensée républicaine s’appuie sur les principes issus de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme de 1794, mettant de l’avant les concepts d’égalité et de liberté. Alors que ces principes seront largement soutenus et diffusés par le discours colonialiste, l’application de ces valeurs dans les colonies se fait attendre. Ne voulant pas trahir l’héritage républicain du nouveau régime, les penseurs de la Troisième République s’affairent à le déformer, par l’entremise des concepts de « hiérarchie raciale » et de « mission civilisatrice ».
Pour l’étude des discours colonialistes et anticolonialistes, des périodiques et des ouvrages d’époque seront analysés, en plus de nombreuses prises de parole à la Chambre des députés. Ce mémoire étudie comment la pensée républicaine sous-tend à la fois le discours colonialiste et anticolonialiste. Dans cette optique, l’analyse du discours s’opposant à la colonisation démontre qu’un courant anticolonialiste stable et durable était bien présent durant la Troisième République. / At the turn of the 19th century, after the fall of the Second Empire, France underwent a period of institutional uncertainty. By trying to consildate the new regime, the founders of the Third Republic engaged the country in a period of colonial expansion. The main promoters of the colonial policy, of which Jules Ferry and Léon Gambetta, try to justify it by integrating universalists republicans principles into the colonial discourse. This method of political persuasion will brought to light its share of contradictions. Historiography on the subject tend to consider that there was a consensus among contemporaries. However, several political actors of the Third Republic will oppose colonial expansion, giving rise to an anti-colonialist current, also inspired by republican thought.
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how two different ideological currents, seemingly contradictory, can define their discourse on the basis of the same philosophical roots. Republican ideology is based upon the principles of the Déclaration des droits de l’homme of 1794, which put forward the concepts of equality and liberty. While these principles were upheld in the colonialist discourse, their application in the colonies was constantly put off. In order not to betray their republican heritage, Third Republic thinkers distorted it, through the concepts of « hiérarchie raciale » and « mission civilisatrice ».
Colonialist and anti-colonialist speeches will be analyzed in periodicals and contemporary publications, in addition to numerous speeches from the Chambre des députés (Chamber of Deputies). This dissertation examines studies how republican thought supports both colonialist and anti-colonialist discourse. In that perspective, the analysis of the arguments opposing colonization demonstrates that a stable and lasting anti-colonialist current was clearly present under the Third Republic.
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Metaöverlevnad : Innebörden av att överleva teleportering / Meta-survival : The implications of surviving teleportationNilsson, Ola January 2023 (has links)
What can be assumed to be a general understanding of personal identity, is that it is constituted by a fixed and unchanging core of every self-conscious being that remains the same over time. This view could be traced to the notion that a perfect copy of you would not be you since you constitute the original and not the copy. But maybe it's not that simple, maybe a copy of you can also be you, while existing as your "original"?In this essay I will explore a functionalist argument as well as a self-constructed thought experiment that challenges the traditional view of personal identity as a fixed and unchanging core, inextricably linked to a single body. This exploration will lead to the idea of "metasurvival". Metasurvival is understood as the possibility that a person can survive through another person. The idea of metasurvival thus challenges the dichotomy between life and death. / Vad som kan antas vara en allmän uppfattning om personlig identitet, är att den utgörs av en fast och oföränderlig kärna i varje självmedveten varelse som förblir densamma över tid. Denna uppfattning skulle kunna härledas till föreställningen att en perfekt kopia av dig inte skulle vara dig, eftersom du utgör originalet och inte kopian. Men kanske är det inte så enkelt, kanske kan en kopia av dig också vara dig, samtidigt som du existerar som ditt ”original”?I denna uppsats kommer jag att utforska ett funktionalistiskt argument, samt ett eget konstruerat tankeexperiment som ifrågasätter den traditionella synen på personlig identitet som en fast och oföränderlig kärna, oupplösligt knuten till en enskild kropp. Denna utforskning kommer att leda fram till idéen om ”metaöverlevnad”. Med metaöverlevnad förstås möjligheten att en person kan överleva genom en annan person. Idéen om metaöverlevnad utmanar därmed dikotomin mellan liv och död.
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Öst och väst, Nord och Syd - En studie av diskussionen om mänskliga rättigheter i FN:s allmänna deklaration och under världs konferensen i WienHawraman, Abdulrahman January 2003 (has links)
AbstractI fokus för detta arbete står frågan om förhållandet mellan de medborgerliga och politiska samt de ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheterna i relation till diskussionen om den allmänna förklaringen 1948 och världskonferensen om de mänskliga rättigheterna i Wien 1993. Både de teoretiska och praktiska aspekterna av detta förhållande uppmärksammas, till exempel med avseende på definition av rättigheter, deras funktion och så vidare, samt de diskussioner som fördes under formuleringen av den allmänna förklaringen och Wienkonferensen. Särskild vikt läggs vid att förstå dessa diskussioner i det politiska sammanhanget av Öst-Väst konflikten samt Nord-Syd konflikten. / AbstractIn this work, I deal with the relation between civil and political rights on the one hand and the economic, social, and cultural rights on the other hand in relation to the formulation of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) from 1948 and the Vienna Conference on Human Rights in 1993. Both theoretical and practical aspects of the relation between the two sets of rights are discussed, for example with respect to definition and function of rights, and with respect to the discussions taking place at the adoption of the UDHR and the Vienna Conference. Special attention is directed to the political context of the East-West conflict and the North-South conflict.
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A multicultural approach to school guidance and counsellingMulaudzi, Muofhe Petrus 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore multiculturalism as a "fourth force" position
complementary to the forces of psychodynamic, behavioural, and humanistic
explanations of human behaviour.
In an effort to develop a multicultural approach that could contribute to school counsellor
training, literature on school guidance and counselling and the literature on multicultural
guidance and counselling were consulted.
The major findings of the literature study:
The first part of literature review (Chapter 2) covers a number of aspects that are
essential in school guidance and counselling in contemporary society.
The second part of literature review (Chapter 3) is devoted to multi-faceted aspects of
multicultural education and counselling. Multicultural guidance and counselling forms
the basis of this study.
The empirical investigation was conducted using The Modified Version of the
Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-Skills Survey.
The findings from the survey were that participants of the study perceived themselves
as being more aware of cultural/ethnic/racial issues that are prevalent and have a direct
impact when people of different cultural /ethnic/racial orientation meet in counselling
situations as evidenced by results on the Awareness Subscale.
As reflected by results of the Knowledge Subscale, the participants, especially college
and university students, showed that they still need training that would promote their
knowledge base in the area of multicultural issues and basic concepts that are prevalent
in their day to day interactions with people of diverse backgrounds (see subsection
The most important finding that emerged in this Skills Subscale is the perception that
the participants need training that would enhance their skills and competence in
handling multicultural issues when they engage in guidance and counselling with
students from different cultural/ethnic/racial backgrounds. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Bahai-geloof in Suid-Afrika : n' Godsdienswetenskaplike studie / The Bahai faith in South Africa : a religious studySchulz, Johannes Joagim Christoffel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Baha'i-geloof is 'n nuwe onafhanklike wereldreligie en is
redelik onbekend onder die bree Suid-Afrikaanse publiek. Hierdie
kwalitatiewe studie (gebaseer op die fenomenologiese metode) het
ten doel om die Baha'i-fenomeen op 'n nie-veroordelende wyse sander
vooroordele te beskryf en om die Baha'is se eie Suid-Afrikaanse
ervaring te registreer.
Dit geskied eerstens deur 'n bespreking van die Baha'ise historiese
gebeure (deel 1). Op hierdie wyse word die geloof in sy religieuse
familiegroepering geplaas. Terselfdertyd verklaar hierdie
deel die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die Baha'i-geloof wereldwyd
en in Suid-Afrika. Dit herdefinieer die verbondsgedagte
en toon hoe Baha'is die eenheidsgedagte en die uitlewing van Baha
'u' llah se boodskap via die skepping van 'n Administratiewe
orde vormgee.
Sentrale Baha'i-konsepte (deel 2) aangaande die geestelike dimensie
van die geloof word hierna aangestip. Dit word uitgebou met
ongestruktureerde onderhoude met versigtig gekose deelnemers,
waarin Baha'is dus self hul geloof in terme van die Baha'i-administrasie,
wette, byeenkomste en bepalings, Godsbegrip en eskatologie
sowel as hul antropologie en geskiedenis uitspel. Dit word
ooreenkomstig die sentrale temas bespreek sodat 'n Baha'i-geheelbeeld
gekonseptualiseer kan word. Dit word afgesluit met 'n bespreking
van die Baha'i-wereldstaat as die vervulling van die
profesie van die nuwe hemel en aarde.
Verskeie gevolgtrekkings word uit hierdie data gemaak. Dit toon
hoe die Baha'is Baha'u'llah se boodskap as sleutel gebruik sodat
die moderne mens na die vestiging van 'n nuwe wereldkultuur gelei
word. Hierdie strewe bekragtig die Baha'i-strategie en motto van
eenheid in die verskeidenheid, en word as die oplossing vir
die hedendaagse probleme van die moderne mens aangebied. Daar
word dan met die Suid-Afrikaanse Baha'i-toekomsbeskouing afgesluit. / The Baha'i Faith is a new independent world religion and is vastly
unknown to the South African public. The purpose of this qualitative
research (based on the phenomenological method) is to
describe the Baha'i phenomenon in an unbiased, non-judgemental
way so that the own South African Baha'i experience is registered.
The Baha'i history (part 1) is discussed first in order to place
this faith in its own religious framework and to explain its origin
and development worldwide as well as in South Africa. It
establishes the message of the Covenant and shows how Baha'is are
proclaming the unity idea and the message of Baha'u'llah via the
establishment of the Administrative order.
Central Baha'i concepts (part 2) concerning the spiritual dimension
of the Baha'i faith are explored. It is expanded via unstructured
interviews with carefully selected participants in
order to let Baha'is explain their own administration, laws and
regulations, concepts about God and their escatology as well as
their anthropology and history. This is done in accordance to the
central themes so that a total picture of Baha'i could be conceptualised.
It ends with a discussion of the Baha'i worldstate as
the fulfillment of the new heaven and earth prophecy.
Different conclusions are made from these data. It shows how the
Baha'is are using Baha'u'llah's message as the key in order to
lead man to the establishment of a new modern world culture. This
culture will be the fulfillment of the Baha'i strategy and motto
of unity in diversity and serves as the Baha'i answer to the
modern day problems. The thesis ends with the South African expectations
of the future / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th. (Religious Studies)
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Is hearing the gospel necessary for salvation? : an historical and biblical study with special reference to infantsHakes, Stephen Harold 11 1900 (has links)
I have outlined some objections to soteriologies that presume that only
some are given a chance of eternal life. Such soteriologies can include
or exclude those mentally competent but lacking human evangelisation.
Fundamental to evaluating soteriologies I have looked at both what sin is
(being and doing) and what salvation consists in, as regards divine and
human interaction. On the one side I have considered God's goodness -
would such a being act unethically regarding man's eternity? On the
other hand I have looked at whether, and if so in what way, man is
required to respond - in what way or ways is chance (if at all) given.
Finally I have considered views about those who die in infancy.
Here I
have tentatively suggested my own theory which seeks to presume that
before death every human being may choose to accept of reject God, a
choice integral (I suggest) to salvation. / Department of Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Omsorgens pris i åtstramningstid : Anhörigomsorg för äldre ur ett könsperspektiv / The cost of caring in the Swedish welfare state : Feminist perspectives on family care for older peopleUlmanen, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent of family care for older people, primarily filial care, and the costs of caring in the Swedish welfare state. Costs of caring are understood as the negative effects of caregiving, primarily on the caregivers’ working life. The analysis is inspired by feminist theories on the importance of welfare state provisions for care for women’s citizenship, including personal autonomy and economic independence. The main aims of this thesis are twofold. The first is to explore the extent and development of family care for older persons in Sweden, primarily filial care, and the consequences of caregiving for well-being and working life. The second is to explore how older persons’ family members have been represented and the possible consequences of these representations for the development of publicly financed eldercare services and other forms of support for family carers, as well as for family members’ living conditions. The thesis consists of four studies. The first reviews the literature concerning the extent and consequences of family caregiving for older persons and the welfare state’s policy responses to older people’s care needs. The second study analyses how older persons’ family members and their role in eldercare have been represented in Swedish eldercare policy since the 1950s. The third study analyses surveys to explore changes during the 2000s in the role of the family, the public sector and the market in providing care for older persons in Sweden. The fourth study is a survey analysis of the extent, content and consequences of filial care among middle-aged women and men in Sweden in 2013. The policy analysis found that the expansion of eldercare was motivated solely in relation to older persons’ needs; thus working daughters’ needs of eldercare have been a blind spot in Swedish eldercare policy. Since 2000, every fourth residential care bed has disappeared and the increase in homecare services did not fully compensate for the decline, resulting in a significant increase in filial care in all social groups, and among both sons and daughters. Daughters of older persons with shorter education, however, remained the primary providers of filial care. Both daughters and sons are affected by caregiving. They suffer to the same extent from difficulties in managing to accomplish their work tasks and taking part in meetings, courses and travels. They are also equally likely to reduce their working hours and to quit their job. It is however clearly more common that daughters experience mental and physical strain, difficulties in finding time for leisure and reduced ability to focus on their job. Although more daughters than sons retire earlier than planned due to filial care, this is very rare. Managerial care (handling contacts with health and eldercare services) has a more salient role in a welfare state such as Sweden, with generously provided care services, less intense filial care and high employment rates among both sexes. The high labour force participation however makes middle aged children more vulnerable when their parents’ care arrangement does not work. The decline in eldercare services since 1980 has reinforced co-ordination problems in health and eldercare services. The managerial care required to handle this development, while living up to the demands of work and family life, stands out as especially demanding for the well-being and working lives of daughters. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Accepted.</p>
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Sacrifice and ethical responsibility : Kierkegaard, Levinas and Derrida : three perspectives on singularity and its conflicted relationship to universalismLee, Robyn Katherine. 10 April 2008 (has links)
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