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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lewe na die dood in die Joods-Christelike tradisie teen die agtergrond van wêreldgodsdienste

De Vos, Bernabé Jean Gerhard 25 October 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Where do we find the first evidence of a belief in life after death, and a divide or separation in the afterlife? We find answers in the primal and traditional religions in Africa and America, Hinduism, Buddhism, Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, Hellenism, the Bible and the apocrypha. There had been a preparation for the work and words of Jesus. He is unique. After His death and resurrection as historical figure, He never died again. He is our guarantee for life after death. His Gospel includes eternal heaven as well as eternal hell. He is proclaimed as Saviour. The New Testament uses metaphors to convey the reality of heaven and hell. Not only do we find kerugma about the afterlife, but also information. The message has also transformation as a goal. / Hier word ondersoek waar die eerste getuienis gevind kan word dat die mens in die lewe na die dood begin glo het. Daarna word ondersoek waar ons die eerste getuienis vind dat mense begin glo het in 'n skeiding na die dood. Hier word antwoorde gevind by die primate religiee, die tradisionele godsdienste van Afrika en Amerika, die vroee-Hindoelsme van Indie; die Boeddhisme; Egipte; Babilonie (Irak); die Zoroastrisme van Persie (Iran); die Hellenisme van die Grieks-Romeinse wereld; die Ou Testament; die apokaliptiek in die apokriewe - die Intertestamentere literatuur en die Nuwe Testament. Daar was 'n voorbereiding vir die koms van Jesus Christus. As gevolg van sy kruisdood en opstanding staan Jesus uit as historiese figuur in die wereldgeskiedenis. Hy is uniek. Na sy opstanding het Hy nooit weer gesterf nie. Jesus Christus is die waarborg dat mense ook sal lewe na die dood. In sy prediking het Hy by sekere elemente van die bestaande gedagtes oor die lewe na die dood aangesluit. Hy het verkondig dat daar 'n hemel en 'n hel sal wees as ewige seen of ewige straf. Die Evangelie hied die realiteite van die hemel en die hel in beeldspraak aan, om daardeur die dringende boodskap tuis te bring. Christus word verkondig as die Verlosser van sondeskuld en die ewige straf, tot die ewige ]ewe. Die gegewens in die Nuwe Testament oor die hemel en die hel het dus nie net steeds kerugmatiese waarde nie, maar dit bevat ook inligting (informasie) en het ook transformasie ten doel. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Teology)

The African human rights system : challenges and prospects

Ingange-wa-ingange, Jean Desire 04 1900 (has links)
The world has seen gradual evolution of regional human rights arrangements. The adoption by the UN General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, was followed by the creation of numerous regional instruments that address concerns of particular importance in the regional context. Three world regions, Africa, the Americas and Europe, have established their respective regional instruments together with the supervisory mechanism, such as commissions and courts. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, with its emphasis on group rights and individual duties challenges the Western liberal account of rights, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The cultural differences brought to the fore not only the tension between individual and group rights but also the question as to whether of the universalism of human rights is possible. The study advocates for a moderate universalism of human rights, which can only be achieved through a dialogue among different cultural approaches to the notion of human rights. This study examines the content and substance of human rights norms of the African system with a view to recommending the possible strategies for their reform. Its central thesis is, the system is rather weak and therefore needs to be reformed. Toward this end, the study analyses the provisions of the African Charter. Thereafter, it explores its weaknesses and proposes strategies for their reform. The African human rights mechanisms face a number of common and particular challenges. Prospectively, Africa is going through a tremendous and interesting phase. These challenges are not insurmountable. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / LL.D.

Immigrant integration politics in the East-EU : Contested national models or policy convergence?

Erik, Lejdemyr January 2010 (has links)
Some researchers argue that the immigrant integration approaches in liberal (and “Western-“) states are becoming more and more alike. Some claim that the previous philosophises of integration (i.e. multiculturalism, segregationism, universalism and assimilationism) no longer exists in liberal states. This study assesses the robustness of this “convergence claim” within an East-EU context. The purpose of the study is to analyse the policy trends of immigrant integration in the East-EU and assess the robustness of the convergence claim. The analysis and methodological approach is based on a theoretical framework of ideal-types (multiculturalism, segregationism, universalism and assimilationism). The study objects are Estonia and Poland, and the analysis is primarily based on national legislation and policy documents. The study describes the immigrant integration trends in Poland and Estonia in the “post-Soviet era”, looking at the policy trends between 1991-2008. During this period both countries have shown tendencies of segregationism and cultural monism. It is clear that Estonia and Poland (i.e. parts of East-EU) have not adopted a more “Western-style” approach regarding immigrant integration, i.e. there is no evidence of such convergence. In fact, the ethnic component of their immigrant integration approaches stands in contrast to the “convergence thesis”.

L'Etat Taliban en Afghanistan 1994-2001 / The Taliban State in Afghanistan 1996-2001

Fazli Estabragh, Rose 12 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est destinée à appréhender le phénomène Taliban d'un autre point de vue, c'est-à-dire en tantqu'État, durant la période 1996-2001. À cet égard, nous avons utilisé la théorie d'Alain Touraine relative auxmouvements sociaux, distinguant trois grands principes caractérisant un mouvement social : l'identité, l'oppositionet la totalité, ces trois éléments étant interdépendants. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse est destiné à analysercomment les Talibans, en tant que sujet historique, ont été créés dans un contexte de guerre et d'opposition. Sontainsi successivement abordés la guerre avec l'Union soviétique, les Moudjahidins, les guerres civiles, les oppositionsrégionales et le clivage essentiel entre sunnites et chiites. Ensuite, il a été tenté de clarifier la façon dont le caractèretotalitaire de l'identité de l'Etat Taliban est renforcé par ses deux dimensions organisationnelles : l'islamisme et lepachtounisme, ce qui a conduit à confronter le régime des Talibans à la définition du modèle classique de régimetotalitaire concernant les institutions et la domination. La dernière partie aborde la question de la chute de l'EtatTaliban. La contradiction entre l'universalisme idéologique et l'existence des Talibans en tant qu'Etat a conduit àl'isolement sur la scène internationale. Les Talibans échouent par ailleurs à établir une domination intégrale enAfghanistan et se trouvent confrontés à une crise de légitimité interne ouvrant la voie à leur chute. En conclusion, ilest souligné la façon dont les Talibans ont mis en place une centralisation politique, en dépit de la profondeur desclivages tribaux et idéologiques. Pour atteindre leurs buts, ils se sont concentrés principalement sur trois éléments :l'islam fondamentaliste, la conscience nationale et tribale et l'honneur du guerrier. Finalement par le moyen de lathéorie de George Bataille, l'auteur de la présente thèse tente de préciser que les Talibans ont échoué à établir leuremprise totalitaire dans le climat hétérogène de la société afghane, malgré leurs efforts pour imposer les troiséléments d'homogénéisation susmentionnés. / In the present thesis, it is intended to survey Taliban phenomenon, as a State, during 1996-2001 from another pointof view. In this regard, it is benefitted from Alain Touraine’s theory on the function of social movements. Hedescribes the function of each movement based on three major principles: Identity, Opposition and Totality, andconsiders the three of them as being interrelated. The first chapter of the present thesis is intended to indicate howTaliban, as a historical subject, is created in the context of war and opposition. For instance, the conflict between theSoviet Union and Mujahidin, civil wars, regional oppositions, as the important cleavage of Sunni-Shiite. Afterwards,it is tried to clarify how the totalitarian aspect of Taliban’s identity is reinforced by its two significant organizingdimensions: Islamism and Pashtunism. Subsequently, we proceed to Taliban’s endeavor to establish an Islamictotalitarian state and also it is tried to reveal the assimilation between the Taliban regime and a classical model oftotalitarian regime regarding institution and domination. Dealing with the fall of Taliban state is done within the lastchapter. It is analyzed how the Taliban’s ideology of universalism confronts the national interests such as any othertotalitarian Stat. The confrontation of ideological universalism and the national interests leads to isolation and fall ofTaliban, in the international stage. Taliban even fails to establish an integral domination within Afghanistan.Therefore, Taliban is dragged into the crisis of internal legitimacy which paved the way to its fall. As a conclusion,it is dealt with how Taliban tried to create political centralization, despite the existence of effective tribal andideological cleavage. To fulfill their aim, they concentrated mainly on three elements of fundamentalist Islam, thenational and tribal consciousness and the honor of the warrior. Eventually, by the means of George Bataille’s theory,the writer of the present thesis tries to clarify that Taliban failed to establish its expected totalitarism in theheterogeneous climate of Afghan society, despite its efforts in imposing the three aforementioned homogenizingelements.

Univerzální příjem jako politický koncept a nenaplněná sociální realita / Universal basic income as a political concept and unfulfilled social reality

Navrátil, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis Universal basic income as a political concept and unfulfilled social reality puts focus on the concept of universalism in social policy and the possibilities of introducing its elements in the Czech Republic. The global discussion of the philosophy of social support and the popularised idea of unconditional financial transfers from the state to all citizens are thus translated into the Czech environment. The goal is to evaluate the instances hitherto applied at home and abroad, consider the perks and shortcomings of universal income, set the discussion within the contemporary Czech social framework, and assess whether it is realistic to implement reforms of this kind. The first chapter describes universal income as a concept, the second evaluates the history of universalism in the Czech Republic, the third provides an overview of the current Czech social system, and the fourth ponders possible avenues of implementing universalist reforms. The thesis aims to verify two hypotheses: the first one is to determine to which extent previous forms of universalism in the Czech environment proved to be successful; the second deals with the possibility and merits of introducing further blanket instruments in 2020. In both cases, the research puts emphasis on cash transfers to the...

Förändra för individen idag för att förbättra för gruppen i morgon : En idéanalys av Europadomstolens resonemang om diskriminering enligt artikel 14 av romers mänskliga rättigheter under EKMR

Strandberg, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Human rights are presumed to be universal given the universal declaration on human rights by the United Nations in 1948. Half a century has passed, and private human rights such as group rights are discriminated against worldwide. This thesis studies the presumed tension between universal human rights and private human rights, and how the specific rights are discriminated against. External monitoring is part of duties assigned to civil society organisations, and organisations monitor this issue and uses various methods to create circumstances in which private rights are respected. This thesis studies the European context through the European Court of Justice and the European Convention on Human Rights, and how civil society organisations in Europe use strategic litigation for Roma human rights. The purpose of this thesis is to establish how the European Court of Justice balances the tension between universal human rights and private human rights when civil society invokes discrimination against human rights. A sub-purpose is to identify whether there is a long-term consequence of strategic litigation for Roma human rights in Europe. The thesis has dealt with two ideas of human rights: universalism and discrimination. The chosen method for the study has been descriptive analysis of ideas to show the existence of ideas in texts, and thus be able to ascertain a shift in expression. The material is obtained by the civil society organisation European Roma Rights Centre, which are rulings from the European Court of Justice. The result of the study is that the European Court of Justice has previously considered that human rights should be universal and held that discrimination is difficult to prove. In recent cases however, the European Court of Justice has ruled that discrimination is constitutional for the Roma. Lastly, it is stated that strategic litigation can be viewed as effective in reducing the tension between universal human rights and private human rights in Europe.

Peuple de l'ombre, peuple universel : les résistants et les anciens résistants français face à l'Empire et la décolonisation (1940-1962)

Houle, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle / Cette thèse étudie la Résistance française en procédant à l'élargissement des cadres d'analyse dans lesquels elle est généralement confinée, à la fois en termes d’espace et de temps. Elle s'intéresse aussi à l'Empire, champ peu exploré dans l'historiographie de la Résistance. La présente analyse cherche à élucider cette question : quel est le rapport des résistants et des anciens résistants à l'Empire et à l'impérialisme ? Afin d'y répondre, elle interroge d'abord les journaux de résistance ainsi que plusieurs projets constitutionnels en préparation de l'après-guerre produits entre 1940-1944. Ces sources révèlent la continuité de la Résistance avec la « mission civilisatrice » de la IIIe République alors même que la société française tendait à rejeter tous les autres éléments du régime précédent. La thèse se consacre ensuite principalement à l'étude de nombreuses trajectoires individuelles jusqu'à la décolonisation de l'Algérie en 1962. Les publications contemporaines de la période et les témoignages personnels rédigés a posteriori permettent d'accéder de manière profonde et nuancée au rapport à l'Empire des anciens résistants ainsi qu'à la confrontation des principes qu'ils ont défendus au péril de leur vie aux enjeux coloniaux d'après-guerre où la relation de domination est renversée. Par l'analyse des liens entre l'expérience individuelle et collective de la résistance au nazisme et au régime de Vichy puis l'évolution des différentes positions face aux enjeux impériaux, la thèse offre une nouvelle perspective de l'histoire de la Résistance et de l'histoire impériale française de 1940-1962 qui joint les impératifs étatiques, politiques et économiques d'une part, à la place occupée par les principes résistants et républicains à vocation universelle d'autre part. Chacune des personnalités sur lesquelles l'analyse met l'accent s'est démarquée par son engagement considérable, voire colossal, pour différentes causes dont l'expérience résistante était l'une des plus significatives. Cette thèse permet donc de décloisonner l'histoire de la Résistance à l'échelle individuelle également, en mettant en relation certains des principaux engagements individuels de résistants et de résistantes sur une période étendue. / This thesis examines French resistants and ex-resistants’ ties with the Empire, during and after the Second World War. It therefore explores a broader timeframe and geographic area than what previous historiography about French Resistance has offered up until now. In analyzing French Resistance newspapers and constitutional projects from 1940 through 1944, the thesis reveals that while the principles of the Third Republic were repudiated by French society at the time, one particular element remained: the idea of the civilizing mission. Then, through the study of numerous personal testimonies covering the years between the Liberation and the end of the Algerian War, the research offers a profound and nuanced insight on ex-resistants views of the Empire and their point of view on their country's colonial system. After 1944, the power dynamic shifted to the resistants: they were no longer dominated by a violent German state, they were now the ones enforcing domination to the colonies. The testimonies reveal the internal conflict French ex-resistants were dealing with when faced with the problems of decolonization. It also shows how the principles, for which they risked their lives during the war, were modified or reshaped to fit with their views on how to deal with the colonies’ wishes for emancipation. In examining how the war against fascism and the Vichy regime impacted personal attitudes towards the Empire and the exercise of domination, the study offers a new perspective on the French Resistance and French Imperial history from 1940 to 1962, one that accounts for political and economic imperatives as well as for the importance of the different interpretations of the Republic's core principles for these individuals. The individuals were selected because of the importance of their political, social or military commitments through the period. By focusing on the relationships between these successive commitments, the analysis enlarges the scope through which the French Resistance must be understood.

Doing theology in the post liberation era of Southern Africa

Morekwa, Othusitse 02 1900 (has links)
The Study of Theology plays a crucial role in the construction of a sound theology in this post liberation era of Southern Africa. This exercise is conformed to the academic learning and creates an environment where theology can dialogue with other disciplines. It helps in the critical reflection on the issue of God and human beings as the object of theology in African context. The study of theology and the doing of theology are methods which bring praxis and theory together. The doing of theology is the daily work of a pastor in a congregation. It is an exercise that put theological theories into practice. This is a methodology that guides the process of developing a contextual theology in Southern Africa. It is a process of taking theology from classroom to the congregations the community. The study of theology and the doing theology are soul mates. They work hand in hand to address contemporary situations. Human beings should know their physical organic environment. They are the object of theology. People experience God from natural science. Liberation theologies e.g. Africanist, Black and Women/Feminist theologies should use new approaches in order to meet the post liberation error challenges. The wholesome approach is another alternative to be used by these theologies. The approach is based on the interconnectedness of God, human beings and physical organic universe (Theanthropocosmic principle). The principle of Theanthropocosmic helps to direct theology in Southern Africa to be contextual and universal. Some new contextual theologies are born because of the theanthropocosmic approaches to modern challenges. The modern society is build under principles of democracy, good governance, peace and tranquility. The major role of theology is to ensure that the society enjoys those principles. Theology is directed to a group and individuals. The social, political and economical challenges should be approached as a group. The wholesome approach is an appropriate method to address challenges imposed by globalization ideologies. The increase rate of poverty in Southern Africa brings up other social illness in communities e.g. corruptions, crime, diseases. There is a need to engage theology in economic globalization. The concept of Botho calls everyone in the community to participate in the fight against these social illnesses in the society. Theology is obliged to restore economic justice. The Church is encouraged to participate in the cultural liberation and renewal. She is compelled to do mission work in this paradigms of cultural changes. African renaissance is an urgent thing to be implemented order to overcome challenges imposed by globalization in Southern Africa. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

The globalisation of universal human rights and the Middle East

Hosseinioun, Mishana January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this study is to generate a more holistic picture of the diffusion and assimilation of universal human rights norms in diverse cultural and political settings such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The overarching question to be investigated in this thesis is the relationship between the evolving international human rights regime and the emerging human rights normative and legal culture in the Middle East. This question will be investigated in detail with reference to regional human rights schemes such as the Arab Charter of Human Rights, as well as local human rights developments in three Middle Eastern states, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Having gauged the take-up of human rights norms on the ground at the local and regional levels, the thesis examines in full the extent of socialisation and internalisation of human rights norms across the Middle East region at large.

Les interactions entre régionalisme et universalisme dans le droit de la mer contemporain / The interactions between universalism and regionalism in the contemporary law of the Sea

Smolinska, Anna Maria 07 December 2012 (has links)
L’évolution du droit international contemporain conduit souvent à poser la question de sa fragmentation. L’existence, dans le droit de la mer, d’une double approche, universelle et régionale, contribue à alimenter ce débat.La présente recherche s’intéresse aux relations, en termes d’interactions, que l’universalisme et le régionalisme entretiennent dans le droit de la mer. Elle tente plus précisément d’en comprendre les mécanismes et les enjeux.Dans un premier temps, l’étude est consacrée à l’analyse des interactions normatives et institutionnelles. Il est observé que le dédoublement de l’ordre des mers est plus apparent que réel, universalisme et régionalisme étant engagés dans des relations montrant leur entrelacement.Dans une seconde phase, l’analyse se tourne vers l’impact de ces interactions, non seulement sur les approches universelle et régionale, mais également sur l’ordre des mers. Il apparaît, en effet, que les relations entre ces deux dynamiques influencent décisivement la gouvernance des espaces marins dans leur ensemble. C’est ce dont rendent compte tant la création que l’application effective des règles chargées d'assurer cette gouvernance internationale. / The evolution of contemporary international law often leads to the question of its fragmentation. The presence, in the Law of the Sea, of both a universal and a regional approach contributes towards nourishing this debate.The present research focuses on the relationships, in terms of interaction, between universalism and regionalism within the Law of the Sea. It attempts especially to understand the mechanisms of these interactions and their stakes.At first, the study is devoted to the analysis of normative and institutional interactions. One can observes that the cleavage of the legal order of the seas is more apparent than real, since universalism and regionalism are engaged in relationships showing their intertwining nature.Secondly, the study is turned towards the impact of these interactions, not only on the universal and regional approaches, but also on the legal order of the Sea. Indeed, it appears that the relations between these two components of the Law of the Sea, influence in a decisive way the governance of the oceans as a whole. This influence can be seen in the creation as well as in the effective application of the rules of this international governance.

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