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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le système d'émulation au sein de l'éducation nationale du Vietnam : impact psychologie sur le comportement des élèves et parents d'élèves / The emulation system within the Vietnamese national education : a contribution to an analysis of its effect and its perception by students, students’ parents, teachers and the educational frameworks

Nguyen, Phuc Tang 26 May 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel du Vietnam, la stabilisation de l’élan de développement, la recherche d’une meilleure qualité des ressources humaines pour un développement durable s’avèrent des éléments – clef. L’urgence est d’élever la qualité des formations en vue d’alimenter le processus de développement socio-économique du pays. C’est l’objectif poursuivi par la politique d’émulation du gouvernement vietnamien dans tous les niveaux d’enseignement. Cependant, ces dernières années, on voit apparaître deux phénomènes. Le premier, c’est l’indifférence de la majorité d’élèves qui ne s’intéressent plus à l’émulation et refusent de faire des efforts pour être membres des équipes d’élèves aux concours à tous les niveaux. Le deuxième, c’est le refus d’une partie des parents d’élèves de permettre à leurs enfants de participer aux équipes. Les objectifs fixés au départ commencent à être menacés. Le présent travail s’intéresse au système d’élite mis en place au Vietnam. Il tentera d’analyser les raisons de cette évolution et d’apporter des propositions à ce phénomène en choisissant comme angle d’attaque les quatre acteurs importants pour le succès du système d’émulation que sont les cadres éducatifs, les enseignants, les élèves et les parents d’élèves. Nous mettrons en place des enquêtes par questionnaire auprès de ces acteurs pour comprendre les répercussions psychologiques du système d’émulation actuellement en vigueur. / In the current context of Vietnam, the stabilization of the growing development, the research of a better quality in human resources for a sustainable development are key elements. The emergency is to rise up the quality of education to fuel the social and economic development process in the country. This is the objective pursued by the Vietnamese government's policy of emulation at each level of education. However, those last years, two phenomenons appeared. First of all, is the indifference coming from the majority of students who are no longer interested by the emulation and refuses to make efforts to be member of students’ competition teams at every level. Secondly, it is the refusal of a part of the student's parent to allow their kids to participate in the teams. Consequently, the objectives initially set up, start to be threatened. The current work is interested to the elite system established in Vietnam. It will try to analyze the reason of this evolution and introduce proposals to this phenomenon in targeting the four important actors for the emulation system success that are educational frameworks, teachers, students and their parents. We will establish surveys by questionnaires towards those factors to understand, to understand the psychological implications of the emulation system currently in force.

Produção de conhecimento acadêmico em artes cênicas no Brasil: um exame de teses disponíveis entre 2007-2009

Santos, Eleonora Campos da Motta 05 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-09-06T13:53:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE ELEONORA Final.pdf: 4062802 bytes, checksum: ad43c27d8ec694321632c66cb5f68047 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ednaide Gondim Magalhães (ednaide@ufba.br) on 2018-09-11T13:16:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE ELEONORA Final.pdf: 4062802 bytes, checksum: ad43c27d8ec694321632c66cb5f68047 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T13:16:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE ELEONORA Final.pdf: 4062802 bytes, checksum: ad43c27d8ec694321632c66cb5f68047 (MD5) / Esta tese teve como objetivo explorar, descrever e analisar as orientações teóricas, metodológicas e temáticas presentes em teses brasileiras em Artes Cênicas, disponíveis on-line no triênio 2007-2009. Partimos de duas perguntas: Como estão organizadas, em termos de quadros teóricos e escolhas metodológicas, as teses no período? Que temas estão sendo abordados, nesses trabalhos, sob os descritores Artes Cênicas e correlatos? Estudo de Caso foi a estratégia metodológica, tomando como marco conceitual a teoria do Campo Social de Pierre Bourdieu, dividida em duas etapas. A etapa exploratória constou do panorama da área Artes/Música e da produção acadêmica em Artes Cênicas no triênio. Em seguida, a etapa descritiva, explanatória e analítica do objeto: um recorte da produção acadêmica em artes Cênicas no país. Considerando que quatro Programas de Pós-Graduação ofereceram curso de Doutorado no triênio, mas apenas três disponibilizam as teses on-line, destacam-se os seguintes resultados: 101 defesas de tese realizadas no triênio, com 45 teses disponíveis on-line em versão completa; predominância de pesquisas com foco em análise de propostas metodológicas relativas ao fazer artístico e estudos sobre aspectos históricos e conceituais das Artes Cênicas; grande variedade e uso não uniforme de descritores nas teses, o que dificulta tanto o acesso à produção quanto a constituição do próprio campo; baixa ocorrência de descrição e reflexão epistemológica sobre método; predominância de Estudos de Caso e Relatos de Experiência; predominância de autores do Teatro utilizados como referência; organização formal que tende a reproduzir o protocolo da pesquisa artística, descrevendo processos de aproximação ao objeto, sem apresentar claramente tema, objeto, objetivos, método e resultados. A investigação apontou que o campo acadêmico das Artes Cênicas faz conviver, em seu espaço e entre seus agentes, habitus de campos historicamente distintos, o artístico e o acadêmico, operando a dupla historicização entre universo artístico e universo acadêmico tradicional. / This thesis aimed to explore, describe and analyze the theoretical orientations, methodological and thematic present in Brazilian theses in Performing Arts, available online in the triennium 2007-2009. We start with two questions: How are the theses in the period organized in terms of theoretical and methodological choices? What topics are being addressed, in these papers, under the descriptors of Performing Arts and its related topics? The method was the case study, using Bourdieu’s Social Field theory as a conceptual basis. We developed an exploratory stage of the research in which we construct a panorama of the Arts/Music area and Performing Arts in academic production in those three years. This step was followed by a descriptive, explanatory and analytical context of production (authors, counselors, stalls, financing and lines of research); descriptors; objects, methodological strategies and theoretical. Whereas four programs offered Postgraduate Doctoral degree in three years, data collection underscored, among others, the following results: observation of 101 thesis defenses held in three years, with 45 theses available online in full version; predominance of studies focusing on analysis of methodological proposals relating to art making and research on historical and conceptual aspects of the Performing Arts; variety and heterogeneous use of descriptors in the theses, which hinders access to both production and the establishment of the field itself, low occurrence of description and reflection on epistemological method; predominance of the characteristics of Case Studies and Experience Reports on methodological organization of research; predominance of authors from the Performing Arts used as reference, and prevalence of formal organization that tends to reproduce the research protocol artistic approach procedures describing the subject of study, without presenting clear theme, objectives, method and results. The research pointed out that the academic field of Performing Arts live in your space and among its agents, habitus of historically distinct fields – both artistic and academic – operating the double historicization between artistic universe and traditional academic field.

Onnistuneen yhteisöllisen verkko-oppimisen edellytykset:näkökulmina yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja verkkovuorovaikutus

Vuopala, E. (Essi) 22 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on requirements of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The aim is to investigate the factors university students experience to promote or hinder collaborative learning. In addition the aim is to examine interactional features in successful collaborative learning situations and the effect of pedagogical scripts into the interaction. The theoretical approach is sosiocognitive, and the interactional processes are seen as a key mechanism fostering learning and knowledge construction. This thesis consisted of two empirical case studies, which were implemented in the context of international web courses. The first data consist of questionnaires, interviews, learning diaries and on-line discussions. The second data includes questionnaires and on-line discussions. The analysis combines qualitative and quantitative methods in order to create a comprehensive understanding of students’ experiences and interactional features in collaborative learning situations. There is plenty of research concerning CSCL, but the focus is seldom on students’ experiences. Also interactional processes in collaborative learning situations have been studied, but studies are often short-term studies conducted in laboratory settings. Recent research of CSCL has been concentrating on the effects of pedagogical scripts, but the results have been contradictory. This study supplements earlier studies by analysing the requirements for successful collaborative learning from the perspective of students’ experiences and interactional features during authentic and long-term web courses. The results indicated that students experienced fluent interaction, group-oriented learning task, studying skills and motivation as main factors promoting collaborative learning. Communication in foreign language and passive group members were experienced most significant hindering factors. Interaction in successful collaborative learning was most often group-related instead of task-related. Groups used a lot of effort in organizing their collaboration. Task-related discussion was commentative and questioning. However, theorybased knowledge was seldom presented. This study also indicated that learning tasks had more effect to different forms of ineraction than pedagogical scripts. The findings supports planning and implementation of collaborative learning. / Tiivistelmä Väitöstutkimus tarkastelee tietokoneavusteisen yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät yliopisto-opiskelijat kokevat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi ja vaikeuttaviksi. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää vuorovaikutuksen muotoja onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa sekä pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen. Teoreettisesti tutkimus pohjautuu sosiokognitiiviseen näkemykseen oppimisesta, jolloin korostetaan vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä tiedon rakentamiseen. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta tapaustutkimuksesta, jotka on toteutettu kansainvälisten verkkokurssien konteksteissa. Ensimmäisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kyselylomakkeista, haastatteluista, päiväkirjoista ja verkko-oppimisympäristön keskusteluviesteistä. Toisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto sisältää kyselylomake- ja verkkokeskusteluaineiston. Aineiston analyysissa on yhdistetty sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Vaikka tietokoneavusteista yhteisöllistä oppimista on tutkittu paljon, analyysin kohteena ovat harvemmin olleet oppijoiden kokemukset. Myös yhteisöllisiä vuorovaikutusprosesseja on tutkittu aiemmin, mutta tutkimukset on toteutettu usein lyhytkestoisina laboratoriotutkimuksina. Viimeaikaisissa tutkimuksissa on analysoitu pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen, mutta tulokset skriptien hyödyistä ovat osin ristiriitaisia. Tämä tutkimus täydentää aikaisempia tutkimuksia analysoimalla yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä autenttisten ja pidempikestoisten verkkokurssien aikana. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi tekijöiksi sujuvan vuorovaikutuksen, yhteistä ponnistelua vaativan oppimistehtävän, opiskelutaidot ja motivaation. Vaikeuttavia tekijöitä puolestaan ovat viestinnän haasteet vieraalla kielellä opiskeltaessa sekä passiiviset ryhmän jäsenet. Vuorovaikutus onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa oli useammin ryhmään kuin sisältöön keskittyvää. Ryhmät käyttivät paljon aikaa yhteisen työskentelyn organisointiin. Sisältöön liittyvä keskustelu oli kommentoivaa ja kysymyksiä esittävää. Teoriaperustaisen tiedon esiin tuomien oli kuitenkin harvinaista. Tulokset osoittavat myös oppimistehtävän voivan vaikuttaa pedagogisia skriptejä enemmän vuorovaikutukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat käytännössä yhteisöllisten oppimistilanteiden suunnittelua ja toteutusta.

Universitetsutbildning med tolk : Döva studenters perspektiv på utbildning i samarbete med teckenspråkstolk / University Interpreting : Deaf Students’ Perspectives on an Education in Collaboration with Sign Language Interpreters

Georgieva, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
I takt med att döva personer i Sverige får ökad tillgång till alla områden i samhället börjar också antalet döva högskolestudenter på olika lärosäten runtom i landet att öka. Denna studie undersöker döva universitetsstudenters upplevelser av en utbildning i samarbete med teckenspråks- eller skrivtolk och har som mål att utöka kunskapen kring detta relativt outforskade område. I detta syfte utfördes sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med döva studenter vid lärosäten i Sverige där de fick svara på frågor om bland annat sin tillgång till tolkning, sin upplevelse av tolkningen och sin känsla av inkludering i klassen. Av resultaten framgår att studenterna utnyttjar möjligheten till tolkning på ett sätt som inte alltid reflekterar deras upplevda behov av det. Studenterna ställer sig övervägande positivt till tolkarnas arbete på högskolenivå. Det framgår även att studenterna i olika grad känner sig inkluderade i sin klass, både vad gäller relationer till lärare och till andra hörande studenter. Faktorer som kan ha påverkat studenternas intervjusvar är deras upplevda hörsel, nivån på deras nuvarande utbildning och dövmedvetenheten hos de lärare de mötts av. Då studien fokuserat på många aspekter av studenternas utbildning kan det inte dras djupgående slutsatser kring varje tema som framkommit. / As Deaf people in Sweden receive increased access to all areas of society, the number of Deaf students enrolled in higher education around the country increases. This study examines the experiences of Deaf university students regarding their education in collaboration with a sign language or speech-to-text interpreter and aims to expand the knowledge around this relatively unexplored field. For this purpose, seven semi-structured interviews were held with Deaf students at universities around Sweden, in which they were asked to answer questions regarding, among other things, their access to interpreters, impression of the interpreting received and feeling of inclusion in their class. The results show that the students do not always make use of interpreters in a way that reflects their perceived need for them. The students are generally positive regarding the interpreters’ work in a higher educational setting. It is also shown that the students feel included in their classes to varying degrees, both in regard to their relationships with teachers, and with other hearing students. Factors that may have affected the students’ responses are their perceived hearing, the level of their current education and the Deaf awareness of their lecturers. As the study has focused on many different aspects of the students’ education, no in-depth conclusions can be drawn regarding each of the subject matters raised.

Estudios de nivel superior en lenguas y estudiantes con síndrome de Asperger : Ventajas y desventajas / Language Studies and Asperger’s syndrome in Higher Education : Advantages and Disadvantages

Undin, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
El siguiente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la situación de los estudiantes con síndrome de Asperger en dos universidades suecas, concentrándonos en los estudios de lenguas extranjeras, específicamente de español. Por consiguiente, nos enfocamos solamente en las universidades que ofrecen programas de estudios vinculados a la enseñanza de lenguas. Los participantes fueron una coordinadora de apoyo pedagógico estudiantil, tres profesores universitarios de español como lengua extranjera y dos estudiantes con síndrome de Asperger. Las preguntas de la entrevista semiestructurada estuvieron dirigidas a conocer cómo afecta el SA a los estudiantes en el uso práctico de la lengua extranjera, estudios y vida social académica y en ver cómo funcionaba en la práctica el apoyo pedagógico estudiantil que se ofrece a estos estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron que el apoyo podría adaptarse más a este grupo de estudiantes, facilitándoles la interacción con los otros estudiantes con y sin SA con la ayuda de, por ejemplo, horarios más estructurados y metas explícitas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

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