Spelling suggestions: "subject:"updating"" "subject:"updatings""
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A Bayesian statistics approach to updating finite element models with frequency response dataLindholm, Brian Eric 06 June 2008 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the task of updating finite element models with frequency response data acquired in a structural dynamics test. Standard statistical techniques are used to generate statistically qualified data, which is then used in a Bayesian statistics regression formulation to update the finite element model. The Bayesian formulation allows the analyst to incorporate engineering judgment (in the form of prior knowledge) into the analysis and helps ensure that reasonable and realistic answers are obtained. The formulation includes true statistical weights derived from experimental data as well as a new formulation of the Bayesian regression problem that reduces the effects of numerical ill-conditioning.
Model updates are performed with a simulated free-free beam, a simple steel frame, and a cantilever beam. Improved finite element models of the structures are obtained and several statistical tests are used to ensure that the models are improved. / Ph. D.
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Samband mellan exekutiv funktion och utvisningsminuter i ishockeyFinnigan, Samuel, Wallin, Caspian January 2024 (has links)
Inom tävlingsidrott kan kognitiva färdigheter utgöra ett viktigt element för framgång. En faktor som kan påverka prestation inom ishockey är utvisningsminuter, dock finns idag begränsat med kunskap om vilken roll kognition har i detta. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om komponenterna och , som alla utgör en del av konstruktet exekutiv funktion (EF), har ett samband med antalet utvisningsminuter per match (UPM) bland ishockeyspelare. Därtill undersöktes om självrapporterade hjärnskakningar, enskilt men även i interaktion med EF, har ett samband med UPM. Totalt genomförde 36 manliga ishockeyspelare tre datoriserade kognitiva tester för att undersöka varje komponent av EF. Självrapporterade hjärnskakningar samlades in via ett formulär. Statistik kring utvisningar är hämtades online från en ishockeystatistikdatabas. Korrelationsanalyser och hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys genomfördes för att undersöka relationen mellan de insamlade variablerna. Resultaten från regressionsanalysen visade på en negativ effekt av inhibition på utvisningsminuter, vilken innebär att spelare med bättre förmåga till inhibition hade färre utvisningsminuter. Resultaten påvisade även en positiv effekt av shifting på utvisningsminuter, vilket innebär att spelare med bättre förmåga till shifting också hade fler utvisningsminuter. Inga andra statistisk signifikanta effekter observerades. Dessa resultat visade på en komplex relation mellan EF och utvisningsminuter. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån möjliga metodologiska brister och behov för framtida studier, exempelvis tillgång till mer data. Mer forskning behövs för att kunna dra definitiva slutsatser gällande relationen mellan faktorerna inkluderade i denna studie och implikationer detta i så fall kan få inom ishockey. / In competitive sports cognition can be a central contributor to success. One factor that can influence performance in ice hockey is penalty minutes, however, today there is a limited understanding of what role cognition plays in this relationship. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the components: inhibition, shifting and updating, which are all part of the general construct of executive function (EF), in relation to penalty minutes per game (UPM) amongst ice hockey players. In addition to this, we investigated if self-reported incidents of concussion, individually and in interaction with EF, were related to UPM. 36 male ice-hockey players were included in the study. Measures of the players EF were collected through a series of computerized cognitive tests and self-reports of concussion were collected through a survey. Penalty statistics were collected through an online ice-hockey statistics database. Correlation analysis and linear regression modelling were used to investigate the relationship between the variables. The results showed that inhibition had a negative effect on penalty minutes, meaning that players with better inhibition had lower counts of UPM. Furthermore, that shifting had a positive effect, which means that players with better shifting ability also had higher counts of UPM. No other statistically significant effects were observed. These results reveal the complex relationship between EF and penalty minutes. This relationship is discussed in the light of possible methodological limitations and the need for further studies. Further research is needed for definitive conclusions regarding this relationship and the implications for ice hockey.
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Dynamic software updates : a VM-centric approachSubramanian, Suriya 26 January 2011 (has links)
Because software systems are imperfect, developers are forced to fix bugs
and add new features. The common way of applying changes to a running
system is to stop the application or machine and restart with the new
version. Stopping and restarting causes a disruption in service that is at
best inconvenient and at worst causes revenue loss and compromises safety.
Dynamic software updating (DSU) addresses these problems by updating
programs while they execute. Prior DSU systems for managed languages like
Java and C# lack necessary functionality: they are inefficient and do not
support updates that occur commonly in practice.
This dissertation presents the design and implementation of Jvolve, a DSU
system for Java. Jvolve's combination of flexibility, safety, and
efficiency is a significant advance over prior approaches. Our key
contribution is the extension and integration of existing Virtual Machine
services with safe, flexible, and efficient dynamic updating
functionality. Our approach is flexible enough to support a large class of
updates, guarantees type-safety, and imposes no space or time overheads on
steady-state execution.
Jvolve supports many common updates. Users can add, delete, and change
existing classes. Changes may add or remove fields and methods, replace
existing ones, and change type signatures. Changes may occur at any level
of the class hierarchy. To initialize new fields and update existing ones,
Jvolve applies class and object transformer functions, the former for
static fields and the latter for object instance fields. These features
cover many updates seen in practice. Jvolve supports 20 of 22
updates to three open-source programs---Jetty web server, JavaEmailServer,
and CrossFTP server---based on actual releases occurring over a one to two
year period. This support is substantially more flexible than prior
Jvolve is safe. It relies on bytecode verification to statically type-check
updated classes. To avoid dynamic type errors due to the timing of an
update, Jvolve stops the executing threads at a DSU safe point and then
applies the update. DSU safe points are a subset of VM safe points, where
it is safe to perform garbage collection and thread scheduling. DSU safe
points further restrict the methods that may be on each thread's stack,
depending on the update. Restricted methods include updated methods for
code consistency and safety, and user-specified methods for semantic
safety. Jvolve installs return barriers and uses on-stack replacement to
speed up reaching a safe point when necessary. While Jvolve does not
guarantee that it will reach a DSU safe point, in our multithreaded
benchmarks it almost always does.
Jvolve includes a tool that automatically generates default object
transformers which initialize new and changed fields to default values and
retain values of unchanged fields in heap objects. If needed, programmers
may customize the default transformers. Jvolve is the first dynamic
updating system to extend the garbage collector to identify and transform
all object instances of updated types. This dissertation introduces the
concept of object-specific state transformers to repair application heap
state for certain classes of bugs that corrupt part of the heap, and a
novel methodology that employes dynamic analysis to automatically generate
these transformers. Jvolve's eager object transformation design and
implementation supports the widest class of updates to date.
Finally, Jvolve is efficient. It imposes no overhead during steady-state
execution. During an update, it imposes overheads to classloading and
garbage collection. After an update, the adaptive compilation system will
incrementally optimize the updated code in its usual fashion. Jvolve is the
first full-featured dynamic updating system that imposes no steady-state
In summary, Jvolve is the most-featured, most flexible, safest, and
best-performing dynamic updating system for Java and marks a significant
step towards practical support for dynamic updates in managed language
virtual machines. / text
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Belief updating and dopaminergic markers in psychosisFromm, Sophie Pauline 17 April 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit Computationalen Mechanismen von Belief-Updating und Neuromelanin als Dopamin-Proxy bei Psychosen. Die Entstehung psychotischer Erfahrungen beruht möglicherweise auf einer veränderten Aktualisierung von Glaubenssätzen (Belief-Updating) durch die unausgewogene Gewichtung der Aktualisierungs-Signale anhand von Unsicherheit. Ziel von Studie 1 war, die verhaltensbezogenen und neuronalen Mechanismen von Belief-Updating bei Schizophrenie und speziell von Wahnvorstellungen zu untersuchen. Menschen mit Wahnvorstellungen zeigten stärkere neuronale Enkodierung der Aktualisierungs-Signale, während diagnostizierte Schizophrenie mit höherer Einschätzung der Umweltvolatilität und geringerer neuronalen Repräsentation derselben einherging. Studie 2 zeigte, dass Menschen mit subklinischen psychoseähnlichen Erfahrungen dazu tendierten, Veränderungspunkten der Umwelt weniger zu berücksichtigen. Ihre Beliefs waren weniger präzise, da sie eine geringere Anzahl voriger Beobachtungen berücksichtigten. Dies spricht für verändertes Belief-Updating als relevanten Mechanismus bei psychotischen Erfahrungen, speziell Wahnvorstellungen, über das Psychosespektrum hinweg ist. Belief-Updating Signale werden über dopaminerge Transmission vermittelt. Quantitative Dopamin-Proxys könnten zukünftig Behandlungsentscheidungen informieren. In Studie 3 führten wir eine Meta-Analyse durch, um die Evidenz für Neuromelanin-sensitive MRT als nicht-invasiven Dopamin-Proxy bei Schizophrenie zu untersuchen. Die Resultate weisen auf eine erhöhte Neuromelaninkonzentration in der Substantia nigra der Schizophreniegruppe hin. Studie 4 untersuchte experimentell die effektive transversale Relaxationsrate (R2*-Kontrast) als Neuromelanin-sensitives MRT-Maß. Es zeigte sich ein erhöhter R2*-Kontrast in der Substantia nigra bei Patient:innen mit Psychose-Spektrum Störungen. Beide Studien liefern Belege für Neuromelanin-sensitive MRT als nicht-invasiven Dopamin-Proxy bei Psychosen. / This dissertation is concerned with computational mechanisms of belief updating and neuromelanin as dopamine proxy in psychosis. The formation of psychotic experiences may be rooted in altered belief updating due to misbalanced weighting of belief updating signals according to uncertainty. Study 1 aims to delineate behavioral and neural computational mechanisms of belief updating underlying specifically delusions versus diagnosed schizophrenia. People with delusions showed increased neural updating signals in the caudate and anterior cingulate cortex, while people diagnosed with schizophrenia showed higher estimation of environmental volatility and lower neural representation thereof. Study 2 focuses on behavioral alterations of belief updating in people with subclinical psychotic-like experiences. People with psychotic-like experiences disregarded the probability of environmental change points. Their beliefs were less precise because they took fewer previous observations into account. Both studies support altered belief updating as a relevant mechanism in the formation of psychotic experiences, particularly delusions, across the psychosis spectrum. Belief updating signals are conveyed via dopaminergic transmission, which is a main treatment target of antipsychotic drugs. Quantitative dopamine proxies may inform treatment decisions in clinical settings. In study 3, we conducted a meta-analysis to examine the current evidence for neuromelanin-sensitive MRI as non-invasive dopamine proxy. The results indicate increased neuromelanin concentration in the substantia nigra of patients with schizophrenia. Study 4 experimentally investigated the effective transverse relaxation rate (R2*-contrast) as neuromelanin-sensitive MRI-measure to delineate people with and without psychosis spectrum disorder. The study showed higher R2*-contrast in the substantia nigra in patients. Both studies provide evidence for neuromelanin-sensitive MRI as a non-invasive dopamine proxy in psychosis.
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Solutions analytiques en dynamique non-linéaire avec couplage fluide-structure / Analytical solutions for non linear analysis of sliding structures with fluid-structure interactions under seismic loadingMege, Romain 04 December 2013 (has links)
Avec la hausse des niveaux de dimensionnement sismique il est devenu nécessaire de limiter les chargements internes dans les structures, notamment en utilisant des dispositifs glissants. Ces dispositifs plafonnent les efforts internes en déclenchant un glissement de la structure. Il devient cependant nécessaire d'estimer l'amplitude des déplacements de corps rigide, notamment pour les structures stockées dans des réservoirs. Dans ce cas, il est nécessaire de prévenir les impacts entre la structure glissante et les bords du réservoir pour contrôler les risques de fuite. Parmi les structures glissantes immergées, on citera les ponts, les structures côtières en maçonnerie, les râteliers de stockage de combustible nucléaire, etc...Les équations de dynamique associées au comportement de ces structures sont non-linéaires et nécessitent l'utilisation de simulations numériques coûteuses en temps de calcul et ne permettant pas de faire des études de sensibilité rapides. On propose donc une méthode de résolution quasi-analytique de ces équations en traitant dans un premier temps, l'évaluation analytique des matrices de masses ajoutées du couplage fluide-structure, dans un second temps, une méthode de résolution quasi-analytique du glissement d'une structure quelconque immergée dans un fluide avec une actualisation de la géométrie de lames d'eau. Les résultats obtenus présentent une bonne adéquation avec des simulations numériques et offrent un temps de calcul quasiment instantané compatible avec une étude paramétrique ou stochastique de ces structures / As the seismic loadings are increasing in accordance to the recent regulations regarding Earthquake design, the use of sliding devices in structures is becoming more common. These devices limitate the internal forces by creating a rigid body sliding. It is then necessary to estimate the global displacement of the structure, especially concerning structures that are immersed in a reservoir. In this case, the displacement must be well estimated in order to prevent impacts between the sliding structure and the boundaries of the reservoir. We can find such structures in : bridges, costal structures in brick and masonry, or in the nuclear industry with the underwater fuel storage racks, ...The governing equations for the behaviour of these structures are non linear and must be solved using time-consuming computer simulations which are not fit for a stochastic study. Our method consists in, firstly, evaluating analytically the added masses of the fluid-structure interaction, secondly, a semi-analytical solving of the governing equations including the updating of the dimensions of the fluid layers surrounding the sliding structure. The results of this new method are in accordance with the numerical simulations and can be obtained in a short time (1 or 2 seconds) which offers the possibility to make a stochastic analysis of the non linear behaviour
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Finite Element Structural Model Updating By Using Experimental Frequency Response FunctionsOzturk, Murat 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Initial forms of analytical models created to simulate real engineering structures
may generally yield dynamic response predictions different than those obtained
from experimental tests. Since testing a real structure under every possible
excitation is not practical, it is essential to transform the initial mathematical
model to a model which reflects the characteristics of the actual structure in a
better way. By using structural model updating techniques, the initial
mathematical model is adjusted so that it simulates the experimental
measurements more closely.
In this study, a sensitivity-based finite element (FE) model updating method
using experimental frequency response (FRF) data is presented. This study bases
on a technique developed in an earlier study on the computation of the so-called
Mis-correlation Index (MCI) used for identifying the system matrices which
require updating. MCI values are calculated for each required coordinate, and
non-zero numerical values indicate coordinates carrying error. In this work a
new model updating procedure based on the minimization of this index is
developed. The method uses sensitivity approach. FE models are iteratively
updated by minimizing MCI values using sensitivities. The validation of the
method is realized through some case studies. In order to demonstrate the
application of the method for real systems, a real test data obtained from the
modal test of a scaled aircraft model (GARTEUR SM-AG19) is used. In the
application, the FE model of the scaled aircraft is updated. In the case studies
the generic software developed in this study is used along with some
commercial programs.
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Systematic planning and execution of finite element model updatingWallin, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
In design of bridges and for estimation of dynamic properties and load carrying capacity Finite Element Method (FEM) is often used as a tool. The physical quantities used in the Finite Element (FE) model are often connected to varying degrees of uncertainty. To deal with these uncertainties conservative parameter estimates and safety factors are used. By calibrating the bridge FE model to better fit with the response of the real structure, less conservative parameter values can be chosen. This method of comparing measured and response with estimates from a FE model and calibrating the model parameters is called Finite Element Model Updating (FEMU). In the present thesis different aspects of FEMU are investigated. The first part comprises a literature review covering all aspects of FEMU with special focus on the choice of updating parameters, objective functions for iterative updating procedures and the automatic pairing of modes. This part is concluded with a flowchart suggesting a systematic approach to a FEMU project. In the second part of the text two bridge case studies are presented. In the first case study a railway bridge in the north of Sweden is studied. A detailed FE bridge model from a previous project is used as a simulation model for extraction of modal data by eigenvalue analysis. Then simplified models are created and attempts to update these models are performed. The updating parameters are chosen based on a simple sensitivity analysis. Tests are performed to investigate the influence of chosen updating parameters and objective function on the computational cost and the quality of the updated model. Case study number two is more comprehensive and focuses on the sensitivity analysis for the choice of updating parameters and on the choice of objective function. A road bridge in the Stockholm area is used and as for case study one a detailed model from a previous project is used as simulation model. Also a new criteria for the automatic pairing of modes is presented and tested. In the end an attempt to verify two of the updated models is performed. / <p>QC 20150825</p>
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Kulturella uppdateringar i 2010-talets remakes : Användandet av digitala- och sociala medier i Carrie (De Palma, 1976) och Carrie (Peirce, 2013) / Cultural updates in 2010s remakes : The use of digital- and social media in Carrie (De Palma, 1976) and Carrie (Peirce, 2013)Hedqvist, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka under vilka premisser adaptioner och remakes under 2010-talet använder sig av digitala- och sociala medier inom den diegetiska världen i en historia ursprungligen skapad i en tidsperiod där dessa teknologier inte existerade. Uppsatsen kommer utgå ifrån två huvudsakliga teoretiker inom fälten adaptionsteori och remakestudier; Linda Hutcheon och Constantine Verevis. De teknologiska hjälpmedel som används frekvent i dagens moderna samhälle, i underhållningssyfte såväl som praktiska redskap, är i ständig utveckling. I en diskussion med Hutcheons och Verevis publicerade teorier kommer uppsatsen utöka och uppdatera vad som sägs om kulturella uppdateringar i remakes i dagens filmindustri. Att en filmadaption betraktas som ett verk som bygger på en redan etablerad historia är sedan länge känt. En remake är en film vars historia har en föregångare inom samma konstform; rörlig media. Hutcheon definierar remakes som nära besläktat med adaptioner och därför kombinerar uppsatsen de två etablerade teoretiska perspektiven som är adaption- och remakestudier. Arbetet kommer utgå från redan utformade adaptionsformer och hur de ser på en remake med uppdaterat innehåll och ifall det, enligt dessa teorier, ses som något som är nödvändigt för att locka dagens filmpublik till biograferna. För att styrka dessa teorier på ett så klart och tydligt sätt som möjligt så innehåller uppsatsen en fallstudie; Stephen Kings publicerade roman om Carrie från 1974 som har fått ett flertal filmadaptioner sedan dess. Uppsatsen studerar två av dessa filmer närmare nämligen historiens första filmadaption Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976) samt den senaste remaken Carrie (Kimberly Peirce, 2013). Båda filmskaparna har lämnat grundhistorien näst intill orörd från Kings roman men vad som skiljer den första filmadaptionen från remaken är hur den senare har uppdaterat de kulturella byggstenar vårt digitala samhälle idag förlitar sig på.
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Aktualizace XML dat / Updating XML dataMikuš, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Updating XML data is very wide area, which must solve a number of difficult problems. From designing language with sufficient expressive power to the XML data repository able to apply the changes. Ways to deal with them are few. From this perspective, is this work very closely dedicated only to the language XQuery. Thus, its extension for updates, for which the candidate recommendation by the W3C were published only recently. Another specialization of this work is to focus only on the XML data stored in the objectrelational database with that repository will enforce the validity of documents to the scheme described in XML Schema. This requirement, combined with the possibility of updating of data in the repository is on the contradictory requirements. In this thesis is designed language based on XQuery language, designed and implemented evaluating of the update queries of the language on the store and a description and implementation of the store in objectrelational database.
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Bilinguisme et fonctions exécutives : une approche développementale / Bilingualism and executive functions : a developmental approachDana-Gordon, Clémence 13 December 2013 (has links)
En Sciences Cognitives, de plus en plus de travaux se sont consacrés à l’étude du fonctionnement cognitif chez les sujets bilingues. Ces études ont notamment montré que ces sujets étaient plus performants sur le plan du fonctionnement exécutif comparés aux monolingues. Cependant, ces travaux sont marqués par une très grande hétérogénéité dans la sélection des sujets ainsi que dans la méthodologie utilisée. La nature des composantes exécutives impliquées, la modalité (verbale vs non-verbale), ainsi que l’effet de l’âge sur cet avantage exécutif restent à préciser.Objectif : Etudier le fonctionnement exécutif et les stratégies cognitives de sujets bilingues français-anglais, dans des tâches exécutives (flexibilité, inhibition et mise à jour) verbales et non-verbales, et dans une épreuve de résolution de problèmes complexes, à divers âges de la vie. Matériel et Méthode : 85 sujets bilingues (17 préadolescents (13-15 ans), 20 adolescents (16-18 ans), 19 adultes (18-60 ans), 19 adultes (18 à 40 ans) et 10 adultes (41-65 ans)) et 85 sujets monolingues français appariés en âge et en quotient intellectuel ont été inclus et ont été évalués sur les des tests verbaux et non-verbaux explorant les trois composantes exécutives du modèle de Miyake, Friedman & al. (2000). Résultats : Chez les préadolescents, aucun avantage n’est retrouvé en faveur des bilingues quelles que soient la composante ou la modalité. Concernant les adolescents, les bilingues ont un avantage principalement en flexibilité en non-verbal, et à l’inverse, les monolingues ont un avantage en verbal pour cette même composante. Pour l’ensemble de ces adolescents, concernant la résolution d’un problème complexe, les monolingues mettent principalement en jeu des capacités inhibitoires et des capacités de mise à jour (verbal), alors qu’aucune stratégie préférentielle n’est retrouvée chez les bilingues. Chez les adultes de 18-60 ans, des performances plus élevées pour les capacités d’inhibition et en mise à jour sont retrouvées chez les bilingues, particulièrement en modalité verbale. Concernant la résolution d’un problème complexe, les monolingues mettent en jeu des capacités d’inhibition et de flexibilité, alors qu’aucune stratégie préférentielle n’est retrouvée chez les bilingues, à l’image de ce qui est observé chez les adolescents. Comparativement aux adultes plus jeunes ainsi qu’à des monolingues âgés, les bilingues âgés présentent des performances plus élevées pour les capacités de flexibilité, de mise à jour (verbal et non-verbal) et d’inhibition (verbal). L’inhibition est également moins ralentie dans les deux modalités comparativement aux sujets âgés monolingues. Globalement, les sujets âgés bilingues semblent moins affectés par le déclin cognitif lié au vieillissement.Conclusion : Par une méthodologie rigoureuse et homogène ainsi que par des analyses de comparaisons par classes d’âge et du niveau de langue, l’étude de l’effet du bilinguisme sur le fonctionnement cognitif confirme un avantage exécutif significatif chez les bilingues, dont les modalités dépendent néanmoins en grande partie de l’âge des sujets. / In Cognitive Sciences, more attention has been devoted to the study of cognitive functioning in bilingual subjects. These studies have shown that they were more efficient in terms of executive functioning compared to monolinguals. However, these studies are marked by a great heterogeneity in the selection of the bilingual subjects and the methodology used. The nature of executive components involved, the modality (verbal vs. non-verbal), and the effect of age on this executive benefit remains unclear. Aims : Studying executive functioning and cognitive strategies of French-English bilingual subjects on verbal and non-verbal executive tasks (flexibility, inhibition and updating) and on a complex solving task, at various stages of life. Materials and Methods : 85 bilingual subjects (17 preadolescents (13-15 years), 20 teenagers (16-18 years), 19 adults (18-60 years), 19 adults (18-40 years) and 10 adults (41-65 years)) and 85 French monolingual subjects matched on age and Intellectual Quotient were included and assessed on verbal and nonverbal executive tests exploring the three components of Miyake, Friedman & al.’s (2000 ) model. Results : For preadolescents, no benefit was found for bilingual subjects, irrespective of the component or modality. For adolescents, bilingual subjects have an advantage on non-verbal material, in flexibility mainly, while monolinguals have an advantage on verbal material for the same component. As far as solving a complex problem is concerned, all the monolingual subjects seem to put into play inhibitory and updating abilities (verbal), while no specific strategy is found in bilinguals. For the adults (18-60 years old), higher performances for inhibition and updating are found in bilinguals, particularly in the verbal modality. As for solving a complex problem, monolinguals call for inhibition and flexibility abilities, while, again no specific strategy is found in bilinguals. Compared to younger adults, as well as older monolingual subjects, older bilinguals have higher performances on flexibility, updating (verbal and nonverbal) and eventually inhibition which is less slowed down in both modalities compared to elderly monolinguals. Overall, elderly bilinguals seem less affected by cognitive decline associated with aging.Conclusion : Following a rigorous and consistent methodology and analysis by comparison of age groups and level of language, the study of the effect of bilingualism on cognitive functioning confirms a significant executive advantage in bilinguals, but the modalities largely depend on the subjects’ age.
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