Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban design."" "subject:"arban design.""
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Limeira: produção social da cidade e do seu tecido urbano / Limeira: production of the city and its urban tissueAlessandra Natali Queiroz 14 June 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa tem a ênfase em levantar, inventariar e analisar as características tipológicas de tecido urbano e a configuração produtiva imobiliária que lhes deu origem, numa cidade de médio porte que participa de uma Região Administrativa como a de Campinas. É o estudo de uma cidade díspar das regiões metropolitanas de São Paulo ou mesmo a de Campinas, entretanto constitui-se na qualidade de um aglomerado urbano numa posição destacada entre suas cidades vizinhas. Ressalta-se na dissertação de mestrado o levantamento de cidades do interior paulista, com enfoque na estruturação urbana mediante a classificação de suas vias principais de expansão e a escolha de uma via para um estudo mais aproximado, baseando-se na metodologia morfotipológica do trabalho de Campos Filho. Uma metodologia de trabalho que ainda é mais bem tratada na cidade de São Paulo em prejuizo de cidades que vêm acolhendo fluxo considerável de migrantes, inclusive provenientes da capital O estudo atua na classificação de níveis diferenciados de centralidades de comércios e serviços e como esse tecido se comporta nessas variações, lembrando que o tecido engloba tanto a tipologia arquitetônica e suas instâncias de disposição no lote e volumetrias, quanto as tipologia das vias de circulação e capacidade de suporte nos espaços de passagem de veículos e pedestres. Assim, a análise do espaço urbano de Limeira ganha relevância ao se constituir como um dos exemplos de um processo de urbanização crescente que vem atingindo e transformando diversas cidades do interior. / This paper is concerned with the issue of surveying and analyzing the typological characteristics of the urban tissue resultant from the productive real estate configuration in a medium syze city- township which is under Campinas dependency. This case study examines Limeira municipality that obviously differs from the metropolitan areas of São Paulo or even from those of Campinas, but, at the same time belongs to the last. Nonetheless, it constitutes itself as an outstanding urban agglonerate among its neighborhood. Besides an overview of hinterland towns of São Paulo State, it´s inteded to highlight the urban structure by means of classifying Limeira´s dynamics of expansion by choosing one of the major streets and classifying its different levels of commercial and service centers and, moreover, how the urban tissue performs in this variation, realizing that the tissue includes not only the architectural typology and its disposition on the lot and volumetry but also the typology of streets with their use of the public space, including the vehicles circulation. The methodology applied is based upon Campos Filho´s morpho and typological analysis. This methodology has been more accepted in larger cities like São Paulo, neglectting smaller ones which also have a considerable migratory flow from all over the country and recently from São Paulo as well. Therefore, the analysis of the urban tissue of Limeira is important to the quality of life of its inhabitants, as an example of the increasing urbanization that has been occurring and transforming a great deal of hinterlands towns in São Paulo State.
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Revelando os rios: novos paradígmas para a intervenção em fundos de vale urbanos na Cidade de São Paulo / Revealing the rivers. New paradigms for intervention in urban Rivers corridors in the City of Sao PauloLuciana Rodrigues Fagnoni Costa Travassos 05 July 2010 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade da década de 2000, novas variáveis, de cunho ambiental, foram introduzidas nas políticas públicas que tratam da relação entre rios, várzeas e áreas urbanas na Cidade de São Paulo, resultando em uma mudança significativa na forma de entender a urbanificação dessas áreas, tanto em âmbito municipal quanto estadual. O objetivo desta tese é analisar o andamento dessas novas políticas públicas, em suas diversas escalas, dos planos aos projetos urbanos, observando as restrições e potencialidades que se apresentam ao seu desenvolvimento. É possível observar, a partir dos estudos realizados, que apesar de a abrangência das intervenções ainda ser pequena, há avanços nas políticas, o que indica que a relação estabelecida com o sistema hídrico no século passado está em processo de transformação. Contudo, permanece o caráter setorial das intervenções, resultando em ações muitas vezes incompletas, que respondem parcialmente às demandas sociais, ambientais e urbanas. Como resposta às questões colocadas pela análise, a tese sugere alguns parâmetros para o planejamento, implantação e gestão de caminhos verdes, parques lineares, ou outros espaços livres públicos em fundos de vale. / After the middle of 2000 decade a number of new environmental variables were brought into the public policies debate around rivers, riverbanks and the management of urban areas in the city of Sao Paulo. This has had a profound impact on how urbanization is perceived both at municipal and state levels. This doctorate thesis\' objective is to review the development of such policies at its multiple levels, as well as its plans and development programmes with special attention to the opportunities and shortcomings its implementation may bring. Results show that even though the scope of interventions is still narrow, there has been improvements in the way these public policies are made, which suggests a trend in the way water has been historically managed for the last century. Nevertheless, the silo approach to water management resources is still prevelent, which leads to insufficient responses to the social and environmental needs of urban development initiatives. In response to the challenge posed by this research, the thesis recommends a set of parameters for the planning, implementation and management of greenways and other public spaces on the urban river corridors.
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Co-Creating Community with a Needs Based Design Approach to Urban Design and PlanningHaltrich, Natalie, Lawton, Ella, Stack, Geoffrey January 2008 (has links)
The development of the human built environment is an essential component to achieving and maintaining a sustainable society. Much has been done to develop tools, techniques and approaches for creating ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ neighbourhoods yet they rarely demonstrate the capacity to address the wider socio-ecological requirements for achieving success. This paper studies the current approaches to green design and planning, proposes a new approach called Needs Based Design (NBD), and identifies the gaps that exist between the two. Results indicate that NBD is based on a firm foundation, is widely applicable, and can support and spur regional sustainable development initiatives and positive behaviour change within communities. It fills three major gaps identified in current green design by utilising systems thinking and a shared language and framework, and focusing on the needs of individuals within communities. Concerns exist, however, about its reliance on broad community participation and ongoing education. In theory, NBD allows project teams to implement their work within the context of a strategic sustainable development perspective. Recommended now is practical application and testing. / Both a Master's thesis and an introductory guide, as a supplement to the thesis, are included. / <p>Natalie Haltrich 144 1st Boulevard Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 5T1 Canada</p>
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An Introduction to Needs Based DesignHaltrich, Natalie, Lawton, Ella, Stack, Geoffrey January 2008 (has links)
This is a supplement to the thesis entitled "Co-creating community with a Needs Based approach to design and planning", by the same authors. It is meant as an introduction to Needs Based Design, for practical application my developers, designers, planners, architects, municipal governments and all others planning the development of a community.
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Experiencing and evaluating digital augmentation of public urban placesLuusua, A. (Anna) 20 September 2016 (has links)
The integration of digital technologies into urban life and environments has accelerated rapidly over the past few decades. It has been well established that this digital augmentation is changing the way we use and experience urban places; however, more studies, especially at the micro-level and from an architectural point of view, must be conducted in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon.
In this thesis, I examine the experience and evaluation of digitally augmented public urban places through four case studies, analysing participants’ experiences of adaptive lighting pilots and urban displays deployed in real world settings. Digital augmentations were found to be able to alter the genius loci significantly; furthermore, findings from these case studies demonstrate and explain how co-design, existing use patterns and user groups in urban places, climate and weather, and sense of place affect digital augmentations.
The thesis makes a methodological contribution in the form of evaluation probes. This method was developed by modifying the cultural probes method for the purposes of evaluative research of design artefacts. The proposed method allows for the emic evaluation of design artefacts without direct researcher presence. In other case studies, I have used ethnographically inspired methods to gather research materials.
In analysing research materials I make a theoretical contribution by introducing the concept of emplacement into architectural research. This concept highlights the importance of place in our experience as embodied individuals. Based on my empirical results, I argue for the design of meaningful emplaced experiences through digital augmentation. I also chart the design challenges that have emerged from my studies, utilising them to develop a holistic model that aims to describe experiences of digital augmentation in public urban places.
Overall, the thesis proposes participatory design evaluation as a new approach in the field of architecture. It refers to the examination and utilisation of research participants’ intersubjective accounts in the evaluation of design artefacts from an experiential point of view. I argue for the benefits of this approach for the further inclusion of research knowledge in design and planning processes. / Tiivistelmä
Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana digitaaliset teknologiat ovat asettuneet osaksi kaupunkielämää ja kaupunkipaikkoja. Tämä ilmiö, joka on helposti havaittavissa jokapäiväisessä elämässä, on tunnistettu myös tutkimuskirjallisuudessa, missä ilmiötä on kutsuttu nimellä kaupunkipaikkojen digitaalinen augmentointi. Tähän mennessä ilmiön on todettu muuttavan kokemuksiamme kaupunkipaikoista. Lisäksi on tunnistettu, että aihetta tulisi tarkastella myös erityisesti mikrotasolla sekä arkkitehtuurin alan näkökulmasta.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastelen julkisten kaupunkipaikkojen digitaalista augmentointia tapaustutkimusten avulla. Analysoin tätä varten osallistujien digitaalisen augmentaation kokemuksia, mitkä ovat tapahtuneet tutkimushankkeiden sisällä tuotettujen, aidoissa kaupunkiympäristöissä tehtyjen pilottien ja konstruktien yhteydessä. Lähestymistavaltaan työni on mikrotason evaluatiivista laadullista suunnittelututkimusta.
Väitöstutkimukseni käsittää myös menetelmällistä kehitystyötä. Tämän kehitystyön tuloksena esittelen evaluaatioluotainmenetelmän. Menetelmä on kehitetty alkuperäisen kulttuuriluotainmenetelmän pohjalta. Esitän analyysin alkuperäisestä menetelmästä sekä tuloksia omista empiirisistä tutkimuksistani ehdotettua menetelmää tukevina perusteina. Muut tutkimuksessa käyttämäni menetelmät ovat alkuperältään etnografisia; olen kuitenkin soveltanut menetelmiä arkkitehtuuritutkimuksen käyttöön.
Analysoidakseni näitä empiirisiä tuloksia olen myös tehnyt teoreettista kehitystyötä esittelemällä arkkitehtuurintutkimukseen emplacement-käsitteen (suom. paikantuneisuus). Olen käyttänyt tätä käsitettä analysoidakseni empiirisiä tutkimusmateriaaleja abduktiivisesti. Käsitteellä pyrin ymmärtämään ja teorisoimaan paikan roolia digitaalisten augmentointien ruumiillisessa kokemuksessa ja suunnittelussa.
Kokonaisuudessaan kehitän väitöskirjassa osallistavaa suunnitteluevaluaatiota (engl. participatory design evaluation lähestymistapana. Tällä tarkoitan useiden intersubjektiivisten ja kokemuksellisten näkökulmien tuomista ja käyttämistä suunnittelutuotteiden evaluatiivisessa eli arvioivassa tutkimuksessa. Väitöksessäni puollan tämän lähestymistavan hyödyllisyyttä arkkitehtuurisuunnittelussa ja -tutkimuksessa.
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Urban regeneration: Urban renewal through eco-systemic designCottle, Louis E 03 December 2003 (has links)
The systemic relationship between the human entity and its environment, under the constraint of its function, were used as the perfect example to design and create the systemic relationship of an urban regenerative building with its economical, environmental and social context in the Inner City of Pretoria. / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Revitalizace areálu Filmových ateliérů Zlín / Revitalization of Film studios in ZlínKolbábková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the revitalization of the Zlín film studios, with maximum respect for the principles of the investor, using the area in the long term. Idea thesis consists in consolidating the roots of film history, familiarity with film themes and issues for every generation. It also ensures that the area live 24 hours a day. For this reason, in the area of proposed areas not only public facilities, manufacturing, sport but also areas for housing. Campus should become a place where everyone would like to return, whether for entertainment, recreation, leisure and entertainment
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Urbanistické řešení areálu Výstaviště Brno / Urban design Výstaviště BrnoMainclová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Urban study thesis deals with the more efficient utilization of the Brno Exhibition Centre in the longer term. The natural boundaries of the area in the alluvial plain formed on the northeast Hlinky street and Žlutý kopec, from the south-west street Bauer then head along the river Svratka. Thanks to its location near the city center and direct connection to the Prague highway is an important area ideal for design features of national importance. The aim is to open area all year round to the public and offer a diverse year-round and daily functional use. The effort is in place to attract as many people who will want to return. The original idea is to complete the entire structure of the new buildings in the western part of the terms of the original urban concept axes going from Pavilion A. The territory is divided into four functional zones - exhibitions, sport and recreation , work, education and culture. Additional functions of housing and facilities for the needs of the exhibition as well as other companies. In terms of transport, emphasis is put on pedestrians, cyclists and calmed character of motorized traffic. The area intersects several hiking trails connecting the Hlinky street and Bauerova street.
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Otvoreni konceptualni model za parametarsku analizu i valorizaciju urbanih blokova / The open conceptual model for parametric analysis and evaluation of urban blocksPerišić Ana 05 February 2016 (has links)
<p>U sklopu disertacije je formulisan otvoreni konceptualni model za<br />parametarsku analizu i valorizaciju urbanih blokova. Formulisana<br />je osnovna arhitektura za podršku orkestraciji različitih alata<br />namenjenih arhitektonskom dizajnu i urbanističkom planiranju.<br />Eksperimentalna provera formulisanog modela obavljena je uz<br />oslonac na originalni pristup interoperabilnosti i orkestraciji<br />odabranog skupa komercijalno dostupnih programskih proizvoda<br />namenjenih modelovanju i simulaciji parametara koji imaju direktan<br />uticaj na kvalitet stanovanja u sklopu urbanih blokova različite<br />morfologije.</p> / <p>The open conceptual model for parametric analysis and evaluation of urban<br />block is presented in the thesis. The basic architecture that supports the<br />orchestration of different architectural design and urban planning software<br />tools is formulated. The experimental evaluation of formulated model is<br />performed via original approach to interoperability and orchestration of the<br />selected set of commercially available software tools for modeling and<br />simulation of the parameters that have direct impac<br />different urban block morphology models.</p>
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Vestiges of urban spirit : Isfahan's urban fabric through socio-spatial transformationsSarraf, Mohammad January 2010 (has links)
The city of Isfahan, one of the most historic urban settlements in Iran, has undergone dramatic socio-spatial transformations during the recent decades, beginning with the modernization programs of the 1920s. While the urban structure of Isfahan was the outcome of a process over centuries of incremental evolution, a new mode of place making and street patterns was imposed on the historic fabric of the city within the space of only a few decades. From a design methodological perspective, this dissertation analyzes how the socio-spatial interactions have influenced the formation of Isfahan over the course of its history. In this respect, some of the crucial periods of Isfahan’s urban development history are discussed. It is argued how the contemporary urban renewal doctrines have affected the existing socio-spatial communications of the city along its transformation path. Therefore, the essence of this study is to illustrate the mutual relations between physical transformations and social communications through the city of Isfahan. However, this research has no intention to criticize the modernization of cities, since they are often unavoidable and necessary. But it targets the rigidity of urban design strategies as were implemented in the historic cities of Iran. In this thesis, the information-rich case of Isfahan is discussed through a descriptive analysis combined with the deployment of mixed method strategies. The ultimate goal is to develop alternative ideas which can support revitalization of cities with respect to their socio-spatial communications as well as their architectural heritage. / QC 20110128
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