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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cityscape, poverty and crime: a quantitative assessment using VHR imagery

Patiño Quinchía, Jorge Eduardo 07 January 2016 (has links)
[EN] The first part of this work reviews the potential applications of satellite remote sensing to regional science research in urban settings. The availability of satellite remote sensing data has increased significantly in the last two decades. The increasing spatial resolution of commercial satellite imagery has influenced the emergence of new research and applications of regional science in urban settlements because it is now possible to identify individual objects of the urban fabric. The most common applications found in the literature are the detection of urban deprivation hot spots, quality of life index assessment, urban growth analysis, house value estimation, urban population estimation, urban social vulnerability assessment, and the variability of intra-urban crime rates. The satellite remote sensing imagery used in these applications has medium, high or very high spatial resolution (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM and ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos and QuickBird). Consistent relationships between socio-economic variables derived from censuses and field surveys and proxy variables of vegetation coverage measured from satellite remote sensing data have been found in several cities in the US. Different approaches and techniques have been applied successfully around the world, but local research is always needed to account for the unique elements of each place. Spectral mixture analysis, object-oriented classifications and image texture measures are some of the techniques of image processing that have been implemented with good results. This work contributes empirical evidence about the usefulness of remote sensing imagery to quantify the degree of poverty at the intra-urban scale. This concept is based on two premises: first, that the physical appearance of an urban settlement is a reflection of the society; and second, that the people who reside in urban areas with similar physical housing conditions have similar social and demo- graphic characteristics. We evaluate the potential of the image-derived urban fabric descriptors to explain a measure of poverty known as the Slum Index. We found that these variables explain up to 59% of the variability in the Slum Index. Similar approaches could be used to lower the cost of socioeconomic surveys by developing an econometric model from a sample and applying that model to the rest of the city and to perform intercensal or intersurvey estimates of intra-urban Slum Index maps. The last part of this work analyzes the relation between the urban layout and crime. The link between place and crime is at the base of social ecology theories of crime that focus in the relationship of the characteristics of geographical areas and crime rates. The broken windows theory states that visible cues of physical and social disorder in a neighborhood can lead to an increase in more serious crime. Based on the premise that a settlement's appearance is a reflection of the society, we ask whether a neighbor- hood's design has a quantifiable imprint when seen from space using urban fabric descriptors computed from VHR imagery. The percentage of impervious surfaces other than clay roofs, the fraction of clay roofs to impervious surfaces, two structure descriptors related to the homogeneity of the urban layout, and the uniformity texture descriptor were all statistically significant. Areas with higher homicide rates tended to have higher local variation and less general homogeneity; that is, the urban layouts were more crowded and cluttered, with small dwellings with different roofing materials located in close proximity to one another, and these regions often lacked other homogeneous surfaces such as open green spaces, wide roads, or large facilities. These results seem to be in agreement with the broken windows theory and CPTED in the sense that more heterogeneous and disordered urban layouts are associated with higher homicide rates. / [ES] La primera parte aporta una revisión de las aplicaciones de la teledetección satelital en la investigación de ciencia regional en entornos urbanos. La disponibilidad de imágenes satelitales se ha incrementado significativamente en las dos últimas décadas, al tiempo que la resolución espacial ha venido aumentando, lo que ha influenciado el surgimiento de investigaciones y aplicaciones de ciencia regional en zonas urbanas. Las aplicaciones más comunes son la detección de hot spots de pobreza urbana, la evaluación de índices de calidad de vida, el análisis del crecimiento urbano, la estimación de valores de vivienda, la estimación de población urbana, la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad social y las variaciones intra-urbanas en tasas de crimen. Las imágenes satelitales usadas tienen resolución espacial media, alta o muy alta (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM y ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos y Quickbird). Se han encontrado relaciones consistentes entre variables socio-económicas obtenidas de censos y encuestas y variables de la cobertura de vegetación en varias ciudades de Estados Unidos. Algunas de las técnicas que se han implementado y obtenido buenos resultados son el análisis de mezcla espectral, las clasificaciones orientadas a objetos y las medidas de textura de la imagen. Se aporta evidencia empírica acerca de la utilidad de las imágenes satelitales para cuantificar el grado de pobreza a escala intra-urbana. Se basa en dos premisas: primero, que la apariencia física de un asentamiento urbano es un reflejo de la sociedad que lo habita; y segundo, que la población de áreas urbanas con condiciones físicas de vivienda parecidas tiene características sociales y demográficas similares. Evaluamos el potencial de los descriptores del tejido urbano extraídos de la imagen para explicar una medida de pobreza conocida como el índice Slum. Encontramos que esas variables explican hasta un 59% de la variabilidad en el índice Slum. Aproximaciones similares a esta podrían usarse para disminuir el costo de encuestas socioeconómicas por medio del desarrollo de un modelo econométrico usando una muestra y luego aplicando el modelo al resto de la ciudad, y para elaborar estimaciones inter-censales o inter-encuestas de mapas intra-urbanos del índice Slum. La última parte analiza la relación entre el trazado urbano y crimen. El enlace entre el lugar y el crimen está en la base de las teorías socio-ecológicas de crimen que se enfocan en la relación de las características de las áreas geográficas y las tasas de crimen. La teoría de las ventanas rotas afirma que las evidencias visibles de desorden físico y social en un barrio pueden llevar al incremento de crímenes más serios. Con base en la premisa de que la apariencia de un asentamiento es un reflejo de la sociedad, nos preguntamos si el diseño del barrio tiene un impacto cuantificable cuando se observa desde el espacio usando descriptores del tejido urbano obtenidos de imágenes de muy alta resolución. El porcentaje de superficies impermeables diferentes a los techos de arcilla, la fracción de techos de arcilla sobre las superficies impermeables, dos variables de estructura relacionadas con la homogeneidad del trazado urbano y la variable de textura uniformidad resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Las áreas con tasas de homicidio más altas tienden a tener mayor variación local y menor homogeneidad general; esto es, los trazados urbanos son más desordenados y hacinados, con pequeñas viviendas que tienen materiales diferentes en sus techos localizadas muy cerca unas de otras, y estas áreas carecen a menudo de otras superficies homogéneas tales como espacios verdes abiertos, vías amplias y grandes construcciones industriales o institucionales. Estos resultados parecen estar en acuerdo con la teoría de las ventanas rotas y CPTED en el sentido de que los trazados urbanos más desordenados y heterogéneos están asociados con tasas de homicid / [CA] La primera part aporta una revisió de les potencials aplicacions de la teledetecció espacial a la investigació en ciència regional en entorns urbans. La disponibilitat de dades de percepció remota des de satèl·lits s'ha incrementat significativament a les dues últimes dècades. La resolució espacial de les imatges de satèl·lit comercials també han anat augmentant i això, ha influït en l'aparició de investigacions i aplicacions a la ciència regional en assentaments urbans. Les aplicacions més comunes trobades a la literatura són la detecció de punts calents de pobresa urbana, l'avaluació dels índex de qualitat de vida, les anàlisis de creixement urbà, l'avaluació de la vulnerabilitat social i les variacions intraurbanes de les taxes de crims. Les imatges de satèl·lit emprades tenen resolució espacial mitjana, alta o molt alta (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM i ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos y Quickbird). S'han torbat relacions consistents entre variables socioeconòmiques obtingudes de censos i enquestes i variables de la cobertura de vegetació en varies ciutats del Estats Units. Algunes de les tècniques que s'han implementat i han donat bons resultats són l'anàlisi de mescla espectral, les classificacions orientades a objecte i les mesures de textura de les imatges. Es aporta evidència empírica sobre la utilitat de les imatges de satèl·lit per quantificar el grau de pobresa a escala intraurbana. Es bassa en dues premisses: primer, que l'aparença física d'un assentament urbà n'és un reflex de la societat que l'habita; i segon, que les persones que resideixen en àrees urbanes amb condicions físiques de vivenda paregudes tenen també característiques socials i demogràfiques similars. Avaluem el potencial dels descriptors del teixit urbà extrets de la imatge per explicar una mesura de pobresa coneguda com index Slum. Trobem que aquestes variables expliquen fins un 59% de la variabilitat de l'índex Slum. Aproximacions semblants a aquesta es podrien emprar per a disminuir el cost de les enquestes socioeconòmiques mitjançant el desenvolupament d'un model economètric utilitzant una mostra i després aplicant el model a la resta de la ciutat, i per elaborar estimacions inter-censals o inter-enquestes de mapes intraurbans de l'índex Slum. La darrera part analitza la relació entre el traçat urbà i el crim. L'enllaç entre el lloc i el crim està a la base de les teories socio-ecològiques del crim que es centren en la relació de les característiques de les àrees geogràfiques i les taxes de crims. La teoria de les finestres trencades afirma que les evidències visibles de desordre físic i social d'un barri pot portar a l'augment de crims més greus. Basant-se en la premissa de que l'aparença d'un assentament n'és el reflex de la societat, ens hi preguntem si el disseny del barri té un impacte quantificable quan s'observa des de el espai, utilitzant descriptors del teixit urbà obtinguts de imatges de molt alta resolució. Han resultat estadísticament significatius el percentatge de superfícies impermeables diferents a les teulades de argila, la fracció de teulades d'argila sobre les superfícies impermeables, dues variables d'estructura relacionades amb la homogeneïtat del traçat urbà i la variable de textura de uniformitat. Les àrees amb taxes d'homicidi més altes tendeixen a presentar una major variació local i una menor homogeneïtat general; és a dir, el traçats urbans són més desordenats i amuntonats, amb petites vivendes que tenen materials diferents a les seues teulades localitzades molt prop unes d'altres, i aquestes àrees manquen sovint d'altres superfícies homogènies, com ara espais verds oberts, vies amplies i grans construccions industrials o institucionals. Aquests resultats pareixen estar-hi d'acord amb la teoria de les finestres trencades i CPTED en el sentit de que els traçats urbans més desordenats i heterogenis estan associats amb taxes d'homicides m / Patiño Quinchía, JE. (2015). Cityscape, poverty and crime: a quantitative assessment using VHR imagery [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59453

The response of the Anglican Diocese of Bujumbura to the challenge of urbanization in Burundi

Bahizi, Thierry 06 1900 (has links)
The study explores the response of the Anglican diocese of Bujumbura to the challenge of urbanization, especially in the area of urban poverty. The introductory Chapter provides the framework within which the study will be conducted. It also includes a literature review, which is devoted to urban poverty showing how it could be addressed. In Chapter 2, the study analyses the context of urbanization in Burundi, particularly in the Bujumbura municipality, where urban poverty is reported to be high. It then highlights the Church’s missionary calling when it comes to the challenges of urbanization. Chapter 3 reports the findings of interviews and focus groups conducted with members of the nine Anglican parishes serving the Bujumbura residents. These findings are interpreted in Chapter 4 through the lens of the praxis cycle. Chapter 5 provides an effective model in the context of urban poverty. The study explored through the reasons behind urban poverty and proposes effective solutions to it. It aims at sensitizing the Church to be concerned about urban ministry and suggests an efficient model for eradicating poverty and bringing about a transformed community to be enjoyed by all the residents. This model will inspire both the Anglican Church, the other denominations, the faith-based organisations and whoever strives to serve urban residents. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology-with specialisation in Urban Ministry)

Vulnérabilité et stratégies de subsistance des microentrepreneurs et de leurs ménages dans les quartiers populaires du centre de Yaoundé, au Cameroun

Girard, Christian 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Do Cortiço à Cidade de Deus : a representação dos de baixo na literatura e no cinema

Sarmento, Rosemari January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese situa-se na intersecção da literatura com o cinema. O objetivo é lançar um olhar sobre os seus respectivos processos de criação e significação, considerando suas especificidades. Pois mesmo quando parte de um texto literário, o cinema diverge, ultrapassa e atravessa a linha de partida, apresentando diferentes dimensões e processos. O estudo problematiza a conexão entre arte e realidade social. Propõe uma comparação entre os romances O cortiço e Cidade de Deus e suas respectivas adaptações homônimas, buscando analisar as obras como capazes de traduzir o fenômeno social da pobreza na urbe. Ambas as obras literárias estão conformadas dentro de um projeto realista/naturalista e revelam momentos agudos de uma realidade social historicamente contextualizada em épocas distintas, a primeira pertence ao final do Brasil império e a segunda no Brasil contemporâneo. As obras fílmicas buscam o diálogo com os textos originais em seus procedimentos narrativos, dentro de suas proposições estéticas específicas à área cinematográfica, e também problematizam as questões sociais, em maior ou menor grau. A confrontação do corpora evidencia um processo de refinamento histórico de divisão da sociedade em classes econômicas e, portanto, uma engrenagem social e cultural excludente de segregação dos de baixo, em guetos, visto que estes carregam um estigma criado que os define como um outro, indesejado e potencialmente perigoso. A pesquisa verifica, ainda, dentro das fronteiras cerradas dos espaços narrativos das obras uma interessante articulação entre ordem/desordem que só irá evidenciar a lógica perversa dos contrassensos da sociedade brasileira e as desigualdades presentes nela. Portanto, este estudo demonstra nas obras, um sistema de relações concretas da configuração social do próprio Brasil. / This dissertation lies between literature and cinema. It examines two Brazilian novels O cortiço and Cidade de Deus through a comparative study between literary narratives and their corresponding filmic adaptations, raising the problem of connecting art and social reality. This study argues that both literary narratives from a naturalist/realist project are representations of urban poverty translated into a historically contextualized social phenomenon; which reveals acute moments, firstly from an imperial Brazil and then from the contemporary country it became. The films establish a dialogue with social approaches brought up by the original texts, as well as their narrative procedures, although they have kept their own specific film aesthetic propositions. Further, the confrontation of the corpora demonstrates the division process, which has historically refined this society in classes, or guettos, economically and culturally segregated; and in doing so, it has also stigmatized this group of people as undesired and potentially dangerous, the so-called os de baixo (the ones below). The analysis articulates literary and filmic narrative settings, in terms of order/disorder concepts, showing the evidence of a perverted Brazilian social logic based on its own nonsense and inequality. Thus, this study affirms the existence of a historically concrete social relation system in Brazilian romances and films corresponding to the configuration of Brazil itself.

Do Cortiço à Cidade de Deus : a representação dos de baixo na literatura e no cinema

Sarmento, Rosemari January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese situa-se na intersecção da literatura com o cinema. O objetivo é lançar um olhar sobre os seus respectivos processos de criação e significação, considerando suas especificidades. Pois mesmo quando parte de um texto literário, o cinema diverge, ultrapassa e atravessa a linha de partida, apresentando diferentes dimensões e processos. O estudo problematiza a conexão entre arte e realidade social. Propõe uma comparação entre os romances O cortiço e Cidade de Deus e suas respectivas adaptações homônimas, buscando analisar as obras como capazes de traduzir o fenômeno social da pobreza na urbe. Ambas as obras literárias estão conformadas dentro de um projeto realista/naturalista e revelam momentos agudos de uma realidade social historicamente contextualizada em épocas distintas, a primeira pertence ao final do Brasil império e a segunda no Brasil contemporâneo. As obras fílmicas buscam o diálogo com os textos originais em seus procedimentos narrativos, dentro de suas proposições estéticas específicas à área cinematográfica, e também problematizam as questões sociais, em maior ou menor grau. A confrontação do corpora evidencia um processo de refinamento histórico de divisão da sociedade em classes econômicas e, portanto, uma engrenagem social e cultural excludente de segregação dos de baixo, em guetos, visto que estes carregam um estigma criado que os define como um outro, indesejado e potencialmente perigoso. A pesquisa verifica, ainda, dentro das fronteiras cerradas dos espaços narrativos das obras uma interessante articulação entre ordem/desordem que só irá evidenciar a lógica perversa dos contrassensos da sociedade brasileira e as desigualdades presentes nela. Portanto, este estudo demonstra nas obras, um sistema de relações concretas da configuração social do próprio Brasil. / This dissertation lies between literature and cinema. It examines two Brazilian novels O cortiço and Cidade de Deus through a comparative study between literary narratives and their corresponding filmic adaptations, raising the problem of connecting art and social reality. This study argues that both literary narratives from a naturalist/realist project are representations of urban poverty translated into a historically contextualized social phenomenon; which reveals acute moments, firstly from an imperial Brazil and then from the contemporary country it became. The films establish a dialogue with social approaches brought up by the original texts, as well as their narrative procedures, although they have kept their own specific film aesthetic propositions. Further, the confrontation of the corpora demonstrates the division process, which has historically refined this society in classes, or guettos, economically and culturally segregated; and in doing so, it has also stigmatized this group of people as undesired and potentially dangerous, the so-called os de baixo (the ones below). The analysis articulates literary and filmic narrative settings, in terms of order/disorder concepts, showing the evidence of a perverted Brazilian social logic based on its own nonsense and inequality. Thus, this study affirms the existence of a historically concrete social relation system in Brazilian romances and films corresponding to the configuration of Brazil itself.

Do Cortiço à Cidade de Deus : a representação dos de baixo na literatura e no cinema

Sarmento, Rosemari January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese situa-se na intersecção da literatura com o cinema. O objetivo é lançar um olhar sobre os seus respectivos processos de criação e significação, considerando suas especificidades. Pois mesmo quando parte de um texto literário, o cinema diverge, ultrapassa e atravessa a linha de partida, apresentando diferentes dimensões e processos. O estudo problematiza a conexão entre arte e realidade social. Propõe uma comparação entre os romances O cortiço e Cidade de Deus e suas respectivas adaptações homônimas, buscando analisar as obras como capazes de traduzir o fenômeno social da pobreza na urbe. Ambas as obras literárias estão conformadas dentro de um projeto realista/naturalista e revelam momentos agudos de uma realidade social historicamente contextualizada em épocas distintas, a primeira pertence ao final do Brasil império e a segunda no Brasil contemporâneo. As obras fílmicas buscam o diálogo com os textos originais em seus procedimentos narrativos, dentro de suas proposições estéticas específicas à área cinematográfica, e também problematizam as questões sociais, em maior ou menor grau. A confrontação do corpora evidencia um processo de refinamento histórico de divisão da sociedade em classes econômicas e, portanto, uma engrenagem social e cultural excludente de segregação dos de baixo, em guetos, visto que estes carregam um estigma criado que os define como um outro, indesejado e potencialmente perigoso. A pesquisa verifica, ainda, dentro das fronteiras cerradas dos espaços narrativos das obras uma interessante articulação entre ordem/desordem que só irá evidenciar a lógica perversa dos contrassensos da sociedade brasileira e as desigualdades presentes nela. Portanto, este estudo demonstra nas obras, um sistema de relações concretas da configuração social do próprio Brasil. / This dissertation lies between literature and cinema. It examines two Brazilian novels O cortiço and Cidade de Deus through a comparative study between literary narratives and their corresponding filmic adaptations, raising the problem of connecting art and social reality. This study argues that both literary narratives from a naturalist/realist project are representations of urban poverty translated into a historically contextualized social phenomenon; which reveals acute moments, firstly from an imperial Brazil and then from the contemporary country it became. The films establish a dialogue with social approaches brought up by the original texts, as well as their narrative procedures, although they have kept their own specific film aesthetic propositions. Further, the confrontation of the corpora demonstrates the division process, which has historically refined this society in classes, or guettos, economically and culturally segregated; and in doing so, it has also stigmatized this group of people as undesired and potentially dangerous, the so-called os de baixo (the ones below). The analysis articulates literary and filmic narrative settings, in terms of order/disorder concepts, showing the evidence of a perverted Brazilian social logic based on its own nonsense and inequality. Thus, this study affirms the existence of a historically concrete social relation system in Brazilian romances and films corresponding to the configuration of Brazil itself.

Post Occupancy Evaluation of Estero de San Miguel Pilot Project

Al-maliki, Zainab, Baross, Wanessa January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: This thesis focuses on the housing situation and sustainability in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. According to a report by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, approximately 25% of Manila's population resides in substandard living conditions and informal settlements. The thesis is based on a case study conducted on the Estero De San Miguel pilot project, where a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) study was carried out on the housing project. The findings revealed that relocating people from slums to the housing project and providing them with a home led to an improvement in the quality of life and sustainability in the project area. The aim of the study was to conduct a POE and assess the quality of life and identify areas for improvement in future low-budget projects. Method: The research methods are based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews were conducted with architects and other key individuals involved in the project. Surveys were administered to residents, and personal observations were made regarding the quality of life. Plan analysis and area analysis were also conducted. Results: The case study resulted in answers obtained through surveys administered to the residents in the area and interviews with key personnel involved in the project, providing responses to the research questions. Analysis: The Estero De San Miguel Pilot Project (EDSM) has made a significant impact on improving the quality of life and sustainability within the project area. Previously, informal settlements were typically reconstructed outside the city center, resulting in limited access to employment, education, and social services. The residents lived in poverty within these informal settlements, with their needs neglected by both society and the government. Since relocating to the EDSM housing project, 72% of the residents have experienced notable improvements in their lives. This project has provided them with an opportunity to enhance their quality of life and foster a stronger, more supportive community. Discussion: The method, with its specific limitations, in this case study yields results that align with the study's purpose and thereby addresses the research question of the thesis. There is a strong correlation between the findings and the theoretical framework.

Struggling and Coping with Life: Maternal Emotional Distress in a South African Township

Rubin, Sarah Ethel 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

When hard work doesn't pay: gender and the urban crisis in Baltimore, 1945-1985

Berger, Jane Alexandra 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The impact of 100kWh free electricity on meeting the energy needs of poor urban households

Lourens, Karin 02 1900 (has links)
Energy poverty is a major obstacle to human development. Energy services supply the benefits that “trigger” wider social and economic changes and create the conditions for improving social equality and economic growth. The South African government has scaled up electricity access to its poor population to such an extent that 85% of the country’s population had access to electricity in 2017. Nevertheless, access to electricity is not the same as the ability to use it, as the poor find the price of electricity unaffordable. The government therefore embarked on a programme to provide households’ that they consider ‘indigent’ or ‘poor’ 50kWh of free energy. This is criticized by many as not being enough to sufficiently satisfy household energy needs. Even the generous supply of 100kWh electricity provided by the City of Tshwane and the City of Johannesburg municipalities is considered to be insufficient. This study investigates the impact of the 100kWh free basic electricity subsidy on the energy use of the urban poor in the township of Soshanguve in the City of Tshwane municipality. It focuses on whether the 100kWh is enough to meet these household’s’ energy needs. The finding of the study is that the 100kWh FBE is enough to meet these households’ needs for lighting, some cooking and appliance use, but not for space and water heating. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

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