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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contested Landscapes : social-ecological interactions between forestry and reindeer husbandry

Horstkotte, Tim January 2013 (has links)
Throughout northern Fennoscandia, reindeer husbandry is a central part in the cultural heritage of the Sámi people. In its history, Sámi culture and reindeer husbandry have undergone significant adaptations to environmental, social and political challenges. Landscape changes on the winter grazing grounds were mainly driven by resource exploitation, especially by industrialized forestry. Important grazing resources were lost, i.e. terrestrial and arboreal lichens that constitute essential key elements in the herding year. In my thesis, I explore the consequences of these transformations in Swedish boreal forests for reindeer husbandry. The multi-disciplinary approach integrates interview studies, ecological fieldwork and theoretical modeling of forest development. I emphasize the understanding of landscapes as multi-dimensional concepts with ecological, social and economic components. They interact in determining the amount of landscape fragmentation in physical or administrative ways, or in enabling reindeer herders to move between different landscape elements. These elements, e.g. forest stands of different ages, can react differently to winter weather. Thus, they enable reindeer herders to adjust their grazing grounds according to the availability of forage, mediated by snow conditions. However, forestry practices have reduced the abundance of old-growth forests, and therewith the functionality of the landscape. By comparing snow conditions in different forest types, I show that multi-layered canopies can offer a more diverse pattern of snow hardness. However, the interaction between forest characteristics with snow is strongly dependent on weather conditions, e.g. the timing and intensity of warm spells. The prevalence of single-layered forest stands therefore can lead to a reduction in snow variability and potentially restricts the availability of suitable grazing grounds for reindeer. If snow conditions hinder reindeer in foraging on terrestrial lichens, old forests formerly supplied reindeer with arboreal lichens. I show how industrial forestry has reduced the availability of this emergency forage by the reduction of old forests and increased landscape fragmentation and analyze the consequences of different management strategies on future habitat availability for arboreal lichens. By integrating these results into a model of forest management, I offer insights into consequences arising from different priorities that either favor timber production or the development of lichen-rich grazing grounds. In conclusion, I emphasize the importance of landscape diversity, as well as the ability to make use of this diversity, as a source of adaptability of reindeer husbandry to changes in grazing conditions by e.g. winter weather dynamics. A shared future of reindeer husbandry and forestry could be fostered by encouraging the social-ecological co-evolution of multiple use landscapes and the enhancement of the cultural and biological significance of the Swedish boreal forests.

Exploring an emerging land use conflict: GIS based site selection for expanding forests in Denmark

Feinberg, Marc January 2019 (has links)
The predominant land use in Denmark is agriculture, which has had negative effects on the aquatic environment, bothmarine and freshwater, due to excess nutrient runoff and resulting eutrophication. The current condition does not fullfillthe European Water Framework Directive’s goal of ‘Good ecological condition’ in all aquatic environments. InDenmark, forests only account for a small proportion of the land use, and despite an increase over the past twocenturies, the currently small forested area has had negative consequences for biodiversity since a majority of thespecies in Denmark are dependent on forests for habitat. The current efforts do not meet Denmark’s commitment tofulfill the United Nations Convention on Biological diversity. Similar to other countries, Denmark is obligated to reduceits carbon dioxide emissions according to the Paris agreement, with reduction goals of 40 % in 2030 and 80-95% in2050. The aim of the present thesis, is to assess whether reforestation on agricultural land can ensure that Denmarkreaches the international obligations for water quality and biodiversity at the same time as reducing climate impact byincreasing carbon sequestration, without significant land use conflict between agriculture and forest.This aim is pursued through an analysis of spatial data using a Geographical Information System, where threescenarios are created to assess differences in policy priorities.Based on the result of the spatial analysis, carbon sequestration estimates are calculated to assess the extent towhich forests could contribute to reducing the Danish climate impact, by increasing carbon sequestration. Theparameters used in the spatial analysis were found through a literature review, and the data for the spatial analysis wereaccessed in official and university databases.The main findings of the spatial analysis suggest that the areas with the highest potential agricultural value andthe areas with the highest potential for forest ecosystem services are not overlapping to a significant degree. Thisimplies that the areas that would have the highest levels of trade-offs between these goals when transitioning to forest,can continue the current land use without being needed for reforestation. The areas where agricultural value is low, andwhere reforestation would provide high levels of forest ecosystem services, are best suited for land use change. Theseareas were found to cover a substantial part of the study area, varying depending on three different scenarios, and areestimated to have the potential to contribute greatly to Denmark’s international commitments for water quality andbiodiversity. The carbon sequestration estimates show that if an area of approximately 7 % of Zealand was reforested,the sequestered amounts of carbon dioxide would correspond to a large portion of the emissions reductions necessary tofulfill Denmark’s obligations in the Paris Agreement.

Cenários de abastecimento futuro de Palmas - TO com base na simulação da disponibilidade hídrica do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande / Scenarios of future supply Palmas-TO based simulation hydric availability of the stream Taquarussu Grande

Silva Neto, Antonio Rodrigues da January 2011 (has links)
A falta de dados hidrológicos é fator limitante da representação mais precisa do comportamento hídrico, comprometendo a gestão de bacias hidrográficas. Quando estas bacias são responsáveis pelo abastecimento publico a situação torna-se crítica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliação da disponibilidade hídrica para o abastecimento, utilizando cenários adaptados ao clima do cerrado, mesmo com carência de dados hidrometeorológicos, sendo aplicada na Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande em Palmas-TO. A proposta de metodologia consiste na Estimava da Oferta Hídrica, onde propôs obter os dados de disponibilidade hídrica através dos Métodos de Proporção de Área, de Regressão e do modelo chuva-vazão Win_IPH II, posteriormente adotando a Q90 e a Q7,10 como as vazões de referência; na Estimativa da Demanda e Projeções, que identificou os usos consultivos e a taxa de crescimento da população urbana e rural, da criação animal e os seus respectivos consumos per capita, necessária para a projeção de demanda futura; nos Cenários Propostos, foram aplicadas simulações para atendimento do abastecimento publico no horizonte de 20 anos, considerando a variabilidade climática na região e/ou inserção de novos usuários, no qual a vazão de referência adotada foi cotejada com a curva de demanda, avaliando a disponibilidade hídrica e identificando a variação do máximo déficit. Os resultados obtidos foram que a metodologia proposta se mostrou adequada, como uma ferramenta de analise e tomadas de decisões no gerenciamento integrado dos usos dos recursos hídricos; observou que a Q90 e a Q7,10 anual adotada restringe o uso da água na maior parte do tempo, enquanto a Q90 e a Q7,10 mensal possui uma maior capacidade de disponibilizar água; o maior usuário da Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande é a população urbana do município de Palmas, sendo esta responsável por 98,5% do total consumido; nos cenários, o Caso 01 do Cenário 02, demonstrou ser a tendência futura no atendimento da demanda de 66% da população urbana (ETA 006) utilizando a Q90 mensal, tendo o déficit de 47,17% no ano de 2010. / The lack of hydrological data is a limitante factor of the most precise representation of the hydric behaviour, compromising the management of hydrological basins, when these basins are responsible for the publish supply the situation becomes critical.This paper proposes a methodology for assessment of watershed conditions in the supply scenarios adapted to the scarcity of hydrometeorological data, being applied in the sub-basin of the Great Stream Taquarussu Palmas-TO.The proposed methodology is the estimate of Water Supply, which aimed to obtain data on water availability through the methods of Area Ratio, Regression and model rainfall-runoff Win_IPH II, later adopting the Q90 and Q7,10 as the flow of reference; Estimation of the Demand and Projections, which identified the uses advisory and the growth rate of urban and rural population of the animal creation and their respective per capita, which is necessary for the projection of future demand, in the proposed scenario, simulations were applied to attend the public supply in the 20-year horizon, given the climate variability in the region and / or adding new users, in which the reference flow used was checked against the demand curve, assessing water availability and identifying the shift of the maximum deficit and Estimated Cost of Work, which has proposed alternatives to increase water availability by estimating the costs of these works. The results were that the proposed methodology was adequate as a tool for analysis and decision making in integrated management of water resources uses; noted that the Q90 and Q7,10 adopted restricts the annual water use in most of the time , While the Q90 and Q7,10 monthly has a greater capacity to provide water, the biggest user of the Sub-basin Taquarussu Ribeirão Grande is the Palmas city urban population which is responsible for 98.5% of total consumption, in the scenarios, the case 01 of Scenario 02, proved to be the future trend in meeting demand of 66% of urban population (ETA 006) monthly using the Q90, with the deficit of 47.17% in 2010.

Cenários de abastecimento futuro de Palmas - TO com base na simulação da disponibilidade hídrica do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande / Scenarios of future supply Palmas-TO based simulation hydric availability of the stream Taquarussu Grande

Silva Neto, Antonio Rodrigues da January 2011 (has links)
A falta de dados hidrológicos é fator limitante da representação mais precisa do comportamento hídrico, comprometendo a gestão de bacias hidrográficas. Quando estas bacias são responsáveis pelo abastecimento publico a situação torna-se crítica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliação da disponibilidade hídrica para o abastecimento, utilizando cenários adaptados ao clima do cerrado, mesmo com carência de dados hidrometeorológicos, sendo aplicada na Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande em Palmas-TO. A proposta de metodologia consiste na Estimava da Oferta Hídrica, onde propôs obter os dados de disponibilidade hídrica através dos Métodos de Proporção de Área, de Regressão e do modelo chuva-vazão Win_IPH II, posteriormente adotando a Q90 e a Q7,10 como as vazões de referência; na Estimativa da Demanda e Projeções, que identificou os usos consultivos e a taxa de crescimento da população urbana e rural, da criação animal e os seus respectivos consumos per capita, necessária para a projeção de demanda futura; nos Cenários Propostos, foram aplicadas simulações para atendimento do abastecimento publico no horizonte de 20 anos, considerando a variabilidade climática na região e/ou inserção de novos usuários, no qual a vazão de referência adotada foi cotejada com a curva de demanda, avaliando a disponibilidade hídrica e identificando a variação do máximo déficit. Os resultados obtidos foram que a metodologia proposta se mostrou adequada, como uma ferramenta de analise e tomadas de decisões no gerenciamento integrado dos usos dos recursos hídricos; observou que a Q90 e a Q7,10 anual adotada restringe o uso da água na maior parte do tempo, enquanto a Q90 e a Q7,10 mensal possui uma maior capacidade de disponibilizar água; o maior usuário da Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande é a população urbana do município de Palmas, sendo esta responsável por 98,5% do total consumido; nos cenários, o Caso 01 do Cenário 02, demonstrou ser a tendência futura no atendimento da demanda de 66% da população urbana (ETA 006) utilizando a Q90 mensal, tendo o déficit de 47,17% no ano de 2010. / The lack of hydrological data is a limitante factor of the most precise representation of the hydric behaviour, compromising the management of hydrological basins, when these basins are responsible for the publish supply the situation becomes critical.This paper proposes a methodology for assessment of watershed conditions in the supply scenarios adapted to the scarcity of hydrometeorological data, being applied in the sub-basin of the Great Stream Taquarussu Palmas-TO.The proposed methodology is the estimate of Water Supply, which aimed to obtain data on water availability through the methods of Area Ratio, Regression and model rainfall-runoff Win_IPH II, later adopting the Q90 and Q7,10 as the flow of reference; Estimation of the Demand and Projections, which identified the uses advisory and the growth rate of urban and rural population of the animal creation and their respective per capita, which is necessary for the projection of future demand, in the proposed scenario, simulations were applied to attend the public supply in the 20-year horizon, given the climate variability in the region and / or adding new users, in which the reference flow used was checked against the demand curve, assessing water availability and identifying the shift of the maximum deficit and Estimated Cost of Work, which has proposed alternatives to increase water availability by estimating the costs of these works. The results were that the proposed methodology was adequate as a tool for analysis and decision making in integrated management of water resources uses; noted that the Q90 and Q7,10 adopted restricts the annual water use in most of the time , While the Q90 and Q7,10 monthly has a greater capacity to provide water, the biggest user of the Sub-basin Taquarussu Ribeirão Grande is the Palmas city urban population which is responsible for 98.5% of total consumption, in the scenarios, the case 01 of Scenario 02, proved to be the future trend in meeting demand of 66% of urban population (ETA 006) monthly using the Q90, with the deficit of 47.17% in 2010.

Cenários de abastecimento futuro de Palmas - TO com base na simulação da disponibilidade hídrica do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande / Scenarios of future supply Palmas-TO based simulation hydric availability of the stream Taquarussu Grande

Silva Neto, Antonio Rodrigues da January 2011 (has links)
A falta de dados hidrológicos é fator limitante da representação mais precisa do comportamento hídrico, comprometendo a gestão de bacias hidrográficas. Quando estas bacias são responsáveis pelo abastecimento publico a situação torna-se crítica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliação da disponibilidade hídrica para o abastecimento, utilizando cenários adaptados ao clima do cerrado, mesmo com carência de dados hidrometeorológicos, sendo aplicada na Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande em Palmas-TO. A proposta de metodologia consiste na Estimava da Oferta Hídrica, onde propôs obter os dados de disponibilidade hídrica através dos Métodos de Proporção de Área, de Regressão e do modelo chuva-vazão Win_IPH II, posteriormente adotando a Q90 e a Q7,10 como as vazões de referência; na Estimativa da Demanda e Projeções, que identificou os usos consultivos e a taxa de crescimento da população urbana e rural, da criação animal e os seus respectivos consumos per capita, necessária para a projeção de demanda futura; nos Cenários Propostos, foram aplicadas simulações para atendimento do abastecimento publico no horizonte de 20 anos, considerando a variabilidade climática na região e/ou inserção de novos usuários, no qual a vazão de referência adotada foi cotejada com a curva de demanda, avaliando a disponibilidade hídrica e identificando a variação do máximo déficit. Os resultados obtidos foram que a metodologia proposta se mostrou adequada, como uma ferramenta de analise e tomadas de decisões no gerenciamento integrado dos usos dos recursos hídricos; observou que a Q90 e a Q7,10 anual adotada restringe o uso da água na maior parte do tempo, enquanto a Q90 e a Q7,10 mensal possui uma maior capacidade de disponibilizar água; o maior usuário da Sub-bacia do Ribeirão Taquarussu Grande é a população urbana do município de Palmas, sendo esta responsável por 98,5% do total consumido; nos cenários, o Caso 01 do Cenário 02, demonstrou ser a tendência futura no atendimento da demanda de 66% da população urbana (ETA 006) utilizando a Q90 mensal, tendo o déficit de 47,17% no ano de 2010. / The lack of hydrological data is a limitante factor of the most precise representation of the hydric behaviour, compromising the management of hydrological basins, when these basins are responsible for the publish supply the situation becomes critical.This paper proposes a methodology for assessment of watershed conditions in the supply scenarios adapted to the scarcity of hydrometeorological data, being applied in the sub-basin of the Great Stream Taquarussu Palmas-TO.The proposed methodology is the estimate of Water Supply, which aimed to obtain data on water availability through the methods of Area Ratio, Regression and model rainfall-runoff Win_IPH II, later adopting the Q90 and Q7,10 as the flow of reference; Estimation of the Demand and Projections, which identified the uses advisory and the growth rate of urban and rural population of the animal creation and their respective per capita, which is necessary for the projection of future demand, in the proposed scenario, simulations were applied to attend the public supply in the 20-year horizon, given the climate variability in the region and / or adding new users, in which the reference flow used was checked against the demand curve, assessing water availability and identifying the shift of the maximum deficit and Estimated Cost of Work, which has proposed alternatives to increase water availability by estimating the costs of these works. The results were that the proposed methodology was adequate as a tool for analysis and decision making in integrated management of water resources uses; noted that the Q90 and Q7,10 adopted restricts the annual water use in most of the time , While the Q90 and Q7,10 monthly has a greater capacity to provide water, the biggest user of the Sub-basin Taquarussu Ribeirão Grande is the Palmas city urban population which is responsible for 98.5% of total consumption, in the scenarios, the case 01 of Scenario 02, proved to be the future trend in meeting demand of 66% of urban population (ETA 006) monthly using the Q90, with the deficit of 47.17% in 2010.

Connecting With Nature Through Land Use Decision Making

Setterlin, Cathy 01 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Motstående miljöintressen vid markanvändningen i Sápmi : En kvalitativ studie med visst fokus på Malå sameby om potentiella markkonflikter mellan vindkraftsprojekt och samerna

Kocak, Melike, Vukalic, Medina January 2022 (has links)
In 2017, Sweden adopted a climate policy framework to meet zero emissions of greenhouse gases until the year 2045. In order for this to happen, Sweden must undergo a so-called green transition in which wind power could play a significant role. On the other hand, this development is not as indisputable as it seems, as it encounters resistance from other parties who share legitimate interests, for the land use, namely the Sami. This essay will therefore highlight the possible land use conflicts that may arise during the establishment of the wind turbines. The essay will be based on the collected empirical evidence that was done via interviews with the various parties, the wind power industry, and representatives from the reindeer herding Sami. This conflict over the land use can be restated as a wicked problem. That is, these two in a sense equally valid claims to the land use cannot easily be resolved as there exists no hierarchy of which claim is more important, or which claim is “right” which is also one of the main frameworks that will be analyzed in this essay together with potential environmental justice where this concept is discussed from three different perspectives. The results of this study show that the indigenous people feel that the menace from the wind farms not only threatens reindeer husbandry but also their culture and that these conflicts are due to too little consideration being given to it. Even though the Sami villages are compensated for the encroachments, the lost reindeer pastures are something they feel cannot be fully compensated. The conclusion refers that the main and alternatively the best solution to this insidious problem is to have an early dialogue with both parties and that a greater understanding needs to happen for the Sami to realize their importance. / Sverige antog 2017 ett klimatpolitiskt ramverk för att klara nollutsläpp av växthusgaser fram till år 2045. För att det ska ske måste Sverige genomgå en så kallad grön omställning där vindkraft kan spela en betydande roll. Dessutom är denna utveckling inte så obestridlig som den verkar, eftersom den möter motstånd från andra parter som delar legitima intressen, för markanvändningen, nämligen de renskötande samerna. Denna uppsats kommer belysa de möjliga markanvändningskonflikter som kan uppstå vid etableringen av vindkraftverken. Uppsatsen kommer att baseras på den insamlade empiri som gjorts via intervjuer med de olika parterna, vindkraftsindustrin och representanter från renskötande samer. Denna konflikt om markanvändningen kan återges som ett lömskt problem (wicked problem). Det vill säga att dessa två i en mening lika giltiga anspråk på markanvändningen kan inte lätt lösas eftersom det inte finns någon hierarki över vilket påstående som är viktigast, eller vilket påstående som är "rätt", vilket också är en av huvudramarna som kommer att analyseras i denna uppsats tillsammans med potentiell miljörättvisa där detta koncept diskuteras ur tre olika perspektiv. Resultaten av denna studie visar att urbefolkningen upplever att hotet från vindkraftsparkerna inte bara hotar rennäringen utan även deras kultur och att dessa konflikter beror på att det tas för lite hänsyn till det. Även om samebyarna kompenseras för intrången är de förlorade renbetesmarkerna något som de upplever inte kan kompenseras fullt ut. Slutsatsen visar att den främsta och alternativt bästa lösningen på detta lömska problem är att ha en tidig dialog med, och att en större förståelse behöver ske utifrån båda parter.

A study of land use conflicts in Mapungubwe area

Ratshivhadelo, Tshimangadzo 21 September 2018 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / This study uses lens to understand conflict over the use of land and its resources in the Mapungubwe area. The main underlying assumption of the study is that various land use activities that are not compatible with each other lead to land use conflict. The aim of the study is to assess land use conflict in the Mapungubwe area. In particular, the study intends to find out the historical and contemporary land-use conflict, compare and contrast the historical conservation objectives with the current conservation objectives in the Mapungubwe area, find out the reasons that made farmers to oppose conservation objectives now and in the 1940s and to investigate the effects of historical and contemporary land use conflict in the Mapungubwe area. In order to achieve these objectives, primary and secondary data were collected. Secondary data that was used included historical documents about Mapungubwe, Hansards or House of Assembly debates of South Africa from 1940 to 1948, newspapers articles, books and journal articles. Secondary data were used to find out the historical land use conflict that took place in the Mapungubwe area. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews with private game farmers, commercial irrigation farmers, farm workers (former and current), Mapungubwe National Park officials and land claimants. Field observations were used to corroborate information collected through interviews. Primary data were collected in order to find out the contemporary land use conflict taking place in the Mapungubwe area. The main findings of this study are that land use conflict in Mapungubwe area is not new; rather it started in the 1940s when the United Party government intended to establish the Dongola Wildlife Sanctuary. However, the idea of a wildlife sanctuary led to land use conflict, particularly between farmers and the ruling United Party government. In other words, land use conflict was mainly among conservationists (who were members of United Party) and farmers. Unfortunately, the idea of a wildlife sanctuary in the Mapungubwe area was caught up in political battles between the governing United Party and the opposition National Party that eventually led to its abandonment following the electoral victory of the National Party in the general elections of 1948. The study also found that the contemporary Mapungubwe is also affected by land use conflict. The conflict is mainly because of various land use activities including irrigation farming, game farming, mining, settlement, and land claims that are not compatible with conservation. Land use activities including irrigation and ii game farming, settlement and mining are happening within and around Mapungubwe National Park. This has made it difficult to consolidate the core area of Mapungubwe National Park. As a result, although Mapungubwe National Park has been established in 1995, the park remains fragmented. This study has used Mapungubwe as a case study to demonstrate that the interest over land and its resources in an area by various stakeholders create land use conflict. / NRF

Navigating disparate demands: An empirical study of land use conflicts in urban-rural fringe regions in northeast Germany

Fienitz, Meike 27 February 2025 (has links)
Weltweit ist die Nutzung von Land häufig umstritten. Ob Bergbau, Nationalparks, Forstwirtschaft oder neue Wohngebiete: Landnutzungskonflikte sind allgegenwärtig, können äußerst schädlich sein und werden in Zukunft noch bedeutender werden. Die Dissertation hebt daher Landnutzungskonflikte als eines der Schlüsselthemen sowohl der aktuellen als auch der zukünftigen Landnutzungspraxis hervor. Die Entwicklung geeigneter Strategien zum Umgang mit diesen Konflikten, basierend auf einem fundierten Verständnis ihrer Eigenschaften, zählt zu den dringlichsten Aufgaben für Politik, Planung und Landmanagement. In der aktuellen Forschungsliteratur gibt es jedoch drei wesentliche Herausforderungen, die die Entwicklung adäquater Ansätze zum Umgang mit Landnutzungskonflikten behindern: Erstens der Stand des Forschungsfeldes, das zwar umfangreich, aber fragmentiert und daher schwer zu überblicken ist; zweitens der fehlende Überblick über die in der Praxis auftretenden Landnutzungskonflikte; und drittens die bislang unzureichende Forschung zu Konfliktverläufen. Um diese Lücken zu schließen, wurde eine Literaturanalyse mit einer empirischen Studie in zwei Regionen Nordostdeutschlands kombiniert: den Stadt-Umland-Räumen von Schwerin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Cottbus in Brandenburg. Mithilfe eines induktiven Ansatzes, der eine Literaturrecherche, eine Situationsanalyse und eine Analyse der Konfliktverläufe umfasst, liefert die Dissertation neue Einblicke in die Eigenschaften und Verläufe von Landnutzungskonflikten, die Akteuren aus Politik, Planung und Landnutzungspraxis helfen können, die Konflikte zu identifizieren, die angegangen werden müssen, und kollaborative Konfliktverläufe zu fördern. Sie präsentiert somit neue Strategien zur Schaffung agonistischer Arenen für die Aushandlung unterschiedlicher Landnutzungsinteressen. Die Dissertation schließt mit einer Diskussion der Grenzen der vorliegenden Ergebnisse sowie vielversprechender Ansätze für die weitere Forschung. / Across the globe, land use is frequently contested. From mining to national parks, from forestry to new housing estates: Land use conflicts are ubiquitous, they can be highly detrimental, and they are likely to become even more significant in the future. The dissertation therefore highlights land use conflicts as one of the key issues in both current and future land use practice, and the development of appropriate strategies to address land use conflicts, based on a thorough understanding of their nature, as one of the most pressing challenges in land use policy, planning, and management. However, there are three key challenges in the current literature that hinder the development of adequate approaches to dealing with land use conflicts: First, the state of the research field, which is vast but fragmented and thus difficult to gain an overview of, second, the lack of overview of the land use conflicts that occur in land use practice, and third, insufficient research on land use conflicts’ dynamics, which makes it difficult to adequately handle ongoing conflicts. To address these gaps, the dissertation combines literature analysis and an empirical study of land use conflicts in two urban-rural fringe regions in north-east Germany: the urban-rural fringes of Schwerin in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Cottbus in Brandenburg. Employing an inductive approach that includes a literature review, a situation analysis, and an analysis of conflict dynamics, the dissertation provides new insights into the nature and dynamics of land use conflicts that can help policy-makers, planners, and land users to identify those (types of) land use conflicts that need to be addressed, and to foster collaborative conflict dynamics. It thus presents novel strategies to create agonistic arenas for the negotiation of divergent land use interests. The dissertation closes by discussing the limits of the present results as well as promising trajectories for future research.

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