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Reinventing the Wheel to Guide Ecovillages towards SustainabilityArend, Clarissa de Oliveira, Gallagher, Johanne, Orell, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Ecovillages acting as experimental community models have the potential to help move society towards sustainability by developing alternative solutions for sustainable living. Their contribution is through the power of example, demonstrating successful alternative systems that can be replicated at higher scales through the broader community. However, ecovillages often struggle with long-term planning and lack a systematic approach to integrating structure, processes and actions into strategic planning. Research was conducted to examine how ecovillages could be supported in this deficiency to make them more successful as models of sustainability. An initial document review of tools and concepts currently used in the ecovillage movement uncovered a recently developed concept called the Wheel of Sustainability (WoS). The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) was applied to analyse this concept and to inform the development of a new prototype tool. The research was conducted in collaboration with experts in the ecovillage field and FSSD practitioners, through interviews and a final validation survey. The result of the research led to the co-creation of an enhanced communication and strategic planning tool, the Direction Indicator for Sustainable Communities (DISC), intended for use by ecovillage communities. Further research is recommended to field-test and further refine this tool.
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Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kirkonkylien muuttuva kulttuuriympäristö:pohjoispohjalaiset kirkonkylät muutosten kuvaajina – Rantsila, Kärsämäki, Tyrnävä ja Haapavesi. Osa IIMäkiniemi, K. (Kaisa) 15 May 2012 (has links)
In my research I study the characteristic features as well as changes in the cultural environment of rural parish villages in the Northern Ostrobothnia. The goal of my research is to examine how the cultural environment of parish villages has changed in time and why: the goal is to build an illustrative and analytic picture of the cultural environment of rural parish villages in the Northern Ostrobothnia, of the development of cultural environment and of it’s typical features in different times as well as background factors of the development. I examine the cultural environment of parish villages both through its components and as an entirety. I study how different factors – agglomeration structure, scale and spatial structure, way of building, building features and the relation of built areas to the landscape – have changed, what is the real value of different components and their effect both on each other and on the cultural environment as an entirety. I examine the cultural environment of rural parish villages by means of examples. I have chosen four parish villages in the Northern Ostrobothnia: Rantsila, Kärsämäki, Tyrnävä and Haapavesi, as examples.
Basis of the cultural environment research is the concept and definition of cultural environment. The concept of cultural environment includes time dimension, layered character of environment developed in time, as well as human activity, its traces and background factors. In the examination I pay attention to the visible, perceptible environment that also reflects the factors, values and meanings effecting on the background, as well as relations between them. I examine the cultural environment as a wide and multidimensional, layered and constantly changing entirety, formed on a long time span, in which entirety different factors influence and emerge into each other.
The research is qualitative. I analyze the history and development phases of the cultural environment in rural parish villages, characteristic features of the cultural environment in different times, changes in the cultural environment in the course of time, and factors lying behind them with written material, photographs and aerial photographs of different ages, and photograph pairs and photograph series formed of these, map material of different ages as well as analysis maps I created based on these, and landscape analysis I made on site in the parish villages. Source material of different ages and types complement each other and form a material that is versatile and in time multidimensional as en entirety, and that describes the cultural environment as a changing entirety. Analyzing the building plans and town plans ratified for the parish villages is a significant part of my research, not only as background factors guiding the development of cultural environment, but also as indicators of stipulations and planning instructions controlling the construction and planning, as well as of values prevailing in its time.
The time of formation of fixed settlement (before year 1860), time of origin and growth of parish villages (1860–1940), post-war reconstruction period and time before setting up the first building plans (1940–1960), time of intensive growth of parish villages after setting up the first building plans (1960–1990) and the time of inequalization of parish villages (1990–2008) are distinguished as visible and variant periods of time in the development of cultural environment in rural parish villages in the Northern Ostrobothnia. As background factors, the cultural environment and the formation of its features have on the one hand been influenced by social situation and changes in it as well as conscious control, like housing politics, land consolidation measures, development of trades, legislation and planning, and on the other hand by local conditions and starting points they define, like features of location and effects of the district’s location on the development of trades and population.
The most distinct turning point in the development of cultural environment is the turn of 1950’s and 1960’s. After that, on the latter half of the 20th century, visible changes in the cultural environment are the disappearance of spatial structure characteristic to the agglomeration structure and changes in housing structure, changes in the relations of built areas and cultivation areas as well disappearance of cultivation areas located in the centre areas of parish villages and their conversion into green areas, changes in the features of building stock – particularly commercial buildings –, as well as changes in road environment and street space scale. Social and industrial political changes taken place on the latter half of the 20th century are emphasized as background factors with most significant effect on the development of the cultural environment. The changes are: on the one hand the rapid growth of parish villages into municipality centres in 1960’s and 1970’s and the following increase in population, the increase and concentration of services as well as the increase in the significance of traffic and increase in traffic volume, and on the other hand the strong regional inequalization and recession and its consequences, like decreasing of services, significant decrease in new construction and neglect of environmental management in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Declining development and its effects highlight for their part the significance of changes implemented in the cultural environment of parish villages in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Scattering, incoherence and incompleteness, as well as contradictions between typical features of new and old construction visible in the cultural environment are consequences not only of plans aimed at comprehensive renewal of cultural environment drawn up during the growth, but also of stagnating of development work due to recession. / Tiivistelmä
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maaseutukirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristölle ominaisia piirteitä sekä kulttuuriympäristössä tapahtuneita muutoksia. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristö on aikojen kuluessa muuttunut ja miksi: tavoitteena on rakentaa havainnollinen ja analyyttinen kuva pohjoispohjalaisten maaseutukirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristöstä, sen kehityksestä ja sille eri aikoina tyypillisistä ominaispiirteistä sekä kehityksen taustalla vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tarkastelen kirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristöä sekä osatekijöidensä kautta että kokonaisuutena. Tutkin miten eri tekijät – taajamarakenne, mittakaava ja tilarakenne, rakentamistapa, rakennusten ominaispiirteet ja taajaman suhde maisemaan – ovat muuttuneet, mikä on eri osatekijöiden todellinen painoarvo ja niiden vaikutus sekä toisiinsa että kulttuuriympäristöön kokonaisuutena. Tutkin maaseutukirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristöä esimerkkien avulla. Esimerkkikohteiksi olen valinnut neljä pohjoispohjalaista kirkonkylää: Rantsilan, Kärsämäen, Tyrnävän ja Haapaveden.
Kulttuuriympäristön tutkimuksessa pohjana on kulttuuriympäristön käsite ja sen määritelmä. Kulttuuriympäristön käsitteeseen sisältyvät ajallinen ulottuvuus, ajan myötä syntynyt kerroksellisuus sekä ihmisen toiminta, sen jättämät jäljet ja sen taustalla vaikuttavat tekijät. Tarkastelussa kiinnitän huomiota näkyvään, havaittavaan ympäristöön, joka myös heijastaa taustalla vaikuttavia tekijöitä, arvoja ja merkityksiä ja niiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Tarkastelen kulttuuriympäristöä laajana ja moniulotteisena, pitkän ajan kuluessa muodostuneena kerroksellisena ja alati muuttuvana kokonaisuutena, jossa eri tekijät vaikuttavat ja sulautuvat toisiinsa.
Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen. Analysoin maaseutukirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristön historiaa ja kehitysvaiheita, kulttuuriympäristölle eri aikoina ominaisia piirteitä, kulttuuriympäristössä ajan mittaan tapahtuneita muutoksia ja niiden taustalla vaikuttavia tekijöitä kirjallisten aineistojen, eri-ikäisten valokuvien ja ilmakuvien ja niistä koostuvien kuvaparien ja kuvasarjojen, eri-ikäisten kartta-aineistojen ja niiden pohjalta laatimieni analyysikarttojen avulla sekä kirkonkylissä paikan päällä tekemieni maastoanalyysien avulla. Eri-ikäiset ja erityyppiset lähdeaineistot täydentävät toisiaan ja muodostavat kokonaisuutena monipuolisen ja ajallisesti moniulotteisen, kulttuuriympäristöä muuttuvana kokonaisuutena kuvaavan aineiston. Merkittävä osa tutkimustani on kirkonkyliin vahvistettujen rakennuskaavojen ja asemakaavojen analysointi paitsi kulttuuriympäristön kehitystä ohjaavina taustatekijöinä myös rakentamista ja kaavoitusta ohjaavien määräysten ja suunnitteluohjeiden sekä omana aikanaan vallitsevien arvojen kuvastajina.
Pohjoispohjalaisten maaseutukirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristön kehityksessä näkyvinä ja toisistaan poikkeavina ajanjaksoina erottuvat kiinteän asutuksen muodostumisen aika (ennen vuotta 1860), kirkonkylien synnyn ja kasvun aika (1860–1940), jälleenrakennuskausi ja aika ennen ensimmäisten rakennuskaavojen laatimista (1940–1960), kirkonkylien voimakkaan kasvun aika rakennuskaavojen laatimisen jälkeen (1960–1990) sekä kirkonkylien eriarvoistumisen aika (1990–2008). Kulttuuriympäristön ja sen ominaispiirteiden muodostumiseen ovat taustatekijöinä vaikuttaneet toisaalta yhteiskunnallinen tilanne ja siinä tapahtuneet muutokset sekä tietoinen ohjaus, kuten asutuspolitiikka, maanjakotoimenpiteet, elinkeinojen kehittäminen, lainsäädäntö ja kaavoitus, toisaalta paikalliset olosuhteet ja niiden määrittelemät lähtökohdat, kuten sijaintipaikan ominaispiirteet sekä paikkakunnan sijainnin vaikutukset elinkeinojen kehitykseen ja väestökehitykseen.
Kulttuuriympäristön kehityksessä selkeimpänä taitekohtana erottuu 1950- ja 1960-lukujen vaihde. Sen jälkeen, 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla, tapahtuneina muutoksina kulttuuriympäristössä näkyvät taajamarakenteelle ominaisen tilarakenteen katoaminen ja asutusrakenteessa tapahtuneet muutokset, rakennettujen alueiden ja viljelysalueiden välisissä suhteissa tapahtuneet muutokset sekä kirkonkylien keskusta-alueilla sijaitsevien viljelysalueiden katoaminen ja muuttuminen viheralueiksi, rakennuskannan – erityisesti liikerakennusten – ominaispiirteiden muutokset sekä tieympäristön ja katutilan mittakaavan muutokset. Kulttuuriympäristön kehitykseen merkittävimmin vaikuttaneina taustatekijöinä korostuvat 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla tapahtuneet yhteiskunnalliset ja elinkeinopoliittiset muutokset: toisaalta kirkonkylien nopea kasvu kuntakeskuksiksi 1960- ja 1970-luvuilla ja sen myötä tapahtunut asukasluvun kasvu, palvelujen lisääntyminen ja keskittyminen sekä liikenteen merkityksen lisääntyminen ja liikennemäärien kasvu, ja toisaalta 1990- ja 2000-luvuilla voimakas alueellinen eriarvoistuminen sekä taantuma ja sen seuraukset, kuten palvelujen vähentyminen, uudisrakentamisen määrän huomattava vähentyminen ja ympäristön hoidon laiminlyönti. Taantuva kehitys ja sen vaikutukset korostavat osaltaan kirkonkylien kulttuuriympäristössä 1960- ja 1970-lukujen kuluessa toteutettujen muutosten merkitystä. Kulttuuriympäristössä näkyvä hajanaisuus, epäyhtenäisyys ja keskeneräisyys sekä uudelle ja vanhalle rakentamiselle tyypillisten ominaispiirteiden väliset ristiriitaisuudet ovat seurausta paitsi kasvun aikana laadituista kulttuuriympäristön kokonaisvaltaiseen uudistamiseen tähtäävistä suunnitelmista myös kehittämistyön pysähtymisestä taantuman myötä.
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Turismen och dess effekter på lokalbefolkning : Case Åre / Tourism and its effects on the locals at a destination : Case ÅreOlsson, Linnea, Karlsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Att turismen påverkar lokalsamhället är något som forskats kring tidigare. Dessutom tar flera forskare upp vikten kring att utveckla destinationer för att överleva framtida klimatförändringar och på så vis skapa en framtid för destinationen. Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller bland annat delar där turismens effekter samt hantering av dem framställs. Studien syfte är att undersöka hur lokalbefolkning uppfattar turismen på en plats samt platsens utveckling mot att bli en året runtdestination. Studien kommer använda Åre som ett case för undersökningen. Syftet mynnar ut i två frågeställningar där den första är vilka effekter som lokalbefolkningen i Åre upplever av turismen på destinationen samt destinationens satsning på att bli en året runt-destination och hur lokalbefolkningen påverkas av de effekterna. Den andra frågeställningen avser att undersöka hur lokalbefolkningen anser att de effekterna bör nyttjas alternativt hanteras. Undersökningen skedde genom en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer med lokalbefolkning från den studerade platsen. Respondenterna utgör endast en liten del av den tänkta populationen, och representerar därmed inte hela samhället även om vi som forskare få utgå från det i studiens framställning. Genom intervjuerna framställdes ett empiriskt material där respondenterna tog upp bland annat att turismen ledde till en viss trängsel, fler arbetsmöjligheter samt ett mer levande samhälle. Respondenterna diskuterade både fördelar och nackdelar med turismen på destinationen. Dessutom sågs det möjligheter i boendeutveckling, hur lokalbefolkningen skulle ses som ambassadörer samt hur infrastrukturen skulle kunna utvecklas på destinationen. Utvecklingens ansvar låg bland annat på Åre kommun och dess samarbete med bland annat SJ (Statens järnvägar) samt staten i form av ändringar kring statlig väg. Vidare analyserades materialet för att se respondenternas åsikter tillsammans med tidigare forskning samt för att se deras åsikter från flera perspektiv. Här framgick det att majoriteten av respondenterna hade en relativt liknande syn på turismen och dess effekter på destinationen. Det leder in studien gentemot dess slutsatser där den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att lokalbefolkning anser att de negativa effekterna av turismen vägs upp av de positiva. Dock behöver lokalbefolkningen få vara en del av utvecklingen och de beslut som tas på destinationen. Det är viktigt för att kunna bibehålla den positiva synen samt bidra till en hållbar utveckling för platsen. / Turning to the local community and how it is affected by tourism is something that has been researched earlier. In addition, several researchers raise the importance of developing destinations to survive future climate change, thus creating a future for the destination. The theoretical framework also contains elements that explain different effects of tourism and how to manage them. The study aims to explore how locals perceive tourism at their community as well as the community’s development towards becoming a destination with tourism activities the whole year around. For this study Åre will be used as a case. The purpose of the study divides into two research questions. The first one is which effect locals in Åre are experiencing from the tourism on the destination and the destinations investment in becoming a destination with tourism activities the whole year around. The second research question aims to examine how the effects could be used or managed according to the locals. The study also aims to find answers to how locals think that effects can be managed or used even more. This was done through a qualitative study of interviews with locals from the studied destination. These respondents constitute only a small part of the selected population. Therefore do not the respondents represent the whole community, even though we assume this in the study's presentation. The interviews gave us an empirical material in which respondents stated that tourism led to some congestion, more work opportunities and a more alive society. The respondents discussed both the advantages and disadvantages of tourism at the destination. In addition, respondents saw opportunities for housing development, how the locals were to be seen as ambassadors and how the infrastructure could develop at the destination. The responsibility for the development was suggested to be put on the Åre county and its cooperation with SJ (Statens Järnvägar) and the State of Sweden to change the public road in Åre. Furthermore, the material was analyzed to see the respondents' views in conjunction with previous research and to view their opinions from several perspectives. Here, it was found that the majority of respondents had a relatively similar view of tourism and its effects on the destination. That led the study towards the conclusion, where the main conclusion is that locals consider the negative effects of tourism to be less than the positive ones. However, locals need to be part of the development and decisions taken at the destination. This is important in order to maintain the positive view as well as contribute to sustainable development for the destination.
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An examination of the missional ecclesiology of the 'Emerging Church Movement'Skead, Trevor Henry 15 October 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the missional ecclesiology of the Emerging Church Movement and its relationship to Evangelicalism. The rise of post-Christendom, post-modernism and the increasing marginalisation of the church in Western Culture has created a situation where it needs to ask the basic missiological questions of its own identity and structures. In contrast to many within traditional Evangelicalism, the Emerging Church Movement views these changes as a positive development and, in a social context much more akin to that of the early church, an opportunity to rediscover the essential nature of its calling as Church. It is in a narrative reading of Scripture and understanding of Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God that the ECM believes the answers are to be found. As a result, the ECM finds itself working through a gradual process of dismantling and reconstructing the faith of their Evangelical heritage as they reflect on the meaning of the gospel as they see it expressed in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and His interpretation of the Old Testament narrative. For the ECM, the gospel is much bigger than merely personal salvation and is best understood as God's great and gracious mission in the world of making new all that has been corrupted by sin and evil. Missional churches realise that they have been invited to participate with God in his redemptive mission and formulate their identity, structures and values accordingly. The ECM engages in intentional , subversive ministry from its new place at the margins of society flowing from the realisation that mission is not an activity to be carried out by members of the church in certain contexts, but rather the essential character and calling of the church community wherever it may exist. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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The River, the Railroad Tracks, and the Towers: How Residents’ Worldview and Use Value Transformed Wilton Manors into a Diverse, Gay-friendly, Urban VillageErgon-Rowe, Emma E. 10 November 2011 (has links)
This case study examines the factors that shaped the identity and landscape of a small island-urban-village between the north and south forks of the Middle River and north of an urban area in Broward County, Florida. The purpose of the study is to understand how Wilton Manors was transformed from a “whites only” enclave to the contemporary upscale, diverse, and third gayest city in the U.S. by positing that a dichotomy for urban places exists between their exchange value as seen by Logan and Molotch and the use value produced through everyday activity according to Lefebvre. Qualitative methods were used to gather evidence for reaching conclusions about the relationship among the worldview of residents, the tension between exchange value and use value in the restructuration of the city, and the transformation of Wilton Manors at the end of the 1990s. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 contemporary participants. In addition, thirteen taped CDs of selected members of founding families, previously taped in the 1970s, were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. My findings indicate that Wilton Manors’ residents share a common worldview which incorporates social inclusion as a use value, and individual agency in the community. This shared worldview can be traced to selected city pioneers whose civic mindedness helped shape city identity and laid the foundation for future restructuration. Currently, residents’ quality of life reflected in the city’s use value is more significant than exchange value as a primary force in the decisions that are made about the city’s development. With innovative ideas, buildings emulating the new urban mixed-use design, and a reputation as the third gayest city in the United States, Wilton Manors reflects a worldview where residents protect use value as primary over market value in the decisions they make that shape their city but not without contestation.
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Pathways of Women’s Empowerment: Global Struggle, Local Experience, A Case Study of CARE-International’s Women’s Empowerment Project in ZanzibarKucharski, Zuzanna January 2014 (has links)
In the field of International Development, increased attention has been given to the concept of women’s empowerment as it has been recognized as a potential driver for change. Classified as a global struggle, commitments to this concept have been at the core of many development interventions, whether they be a small NGOs working in a single community or large-scale international aid agencies with presence all around the world. Despite its international recognition, women’s empowerment has been largely left unquestioned within development practices and especially with regards to the impact it may have on local beneficiary communities. This thesis will address how universal ideas such as this one become meaningful in the local setting through a case study of CARE-International’s Women’s Empowerment in Zanzibar project that was implemented from the years 2008-2011. In applying Sally Merry’s (2006) concept of vernacularization, as a theoretical framework, it will be shown that international aid organizations do not simply adapt women’s empowerment to the local arena. Instead, various local actors are involved in a dynamic process of translating, negotiating, and making the concept more meaningful to the beneficiaries and, thus, cause a new hybrid understanding of women’s empowerment to emerge. This new concept draws more extensively on local institutions, knowledge and practices that have been inter-weaved with Islamic practices which play an important role in the lives of Zanzibaris. This thesis will illustrate how NGO culture converges with and diverges from the local communities and expose the realities that exist within the greater development discourse.
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Evropské fondy a jejich využitelnost pro logistické projekty v ČR / European funds and their usage for logistics projects in Czech Republic.Číhalová, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
The thesis discusses the issue of freight villages and the possible usage of European funds for their construction. The topic is very actual because by the current program period 2014-2020 has appeared change concerning the financial support of multimodal freight transportation. The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether from the production companies operating in the automotive industry exists demand for such a freight villages. Needed information has been obtained on the basis of in-depths inteviews of manufacturing companies located in the region Vysočina.
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Participação comunitária e sustentabilidade socioambiental do turismo na vila ferroviária de Paranapiacaba, S.P. / Community participation and socio-environmental sustainability of tourism in the railway village of Paranapiacaba, S.PBeatriz Veroneze Stigliano 16 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e caráter teórico-prático, alicerça-se nas técnicas de observação, entrevista (com base em história oral), análise de documentos e no referencial bibliográfico. O interacionismo simbólico reflete a postura teórica adotada, de valorização do ponto de vista do sujeito. Trabalha-se com as categorias: sustentabilidade, paisagem, patrimônio e comunidade. Seu desenvolvimento define-se na qualificação da paisagem cultural e do turismo sustentável. Tem-se como objeto de pesquisa as representações da comunidade local da vila ferroviária de Paranapiacaba com relação às transformações ocorridas relativas à patrimonialização e à menor influência da atividade ferroviária - e o envolvimento com o turismo na localidade. Em uma abordagem multidisciplinar, utilizam-se conceitos de diversas ciências - Geografia, Sociologia, Antropologia, Psicologia Social -, além de subsídios de estudos sobre Turismo. Como resultados, verificou-se que a comunidade participa da atividade turística desenvolvida em Paranapiacaba, entretanto, essa participação, atualmente, é marginal: dá-se, sobretudo, no nível operacional, não no patamar das decisões quanto aos rumos do setor. Em termos teóricos, propõe-se a aproximação do conceito de paisagem cultural aos estudos do turismo, no contexto da sustentabilidade socioambiental. / This theoretical-practical qualitative research was developed based on several techniques, such as observation, interviews (oral history), and documental analysis. The symbolic interactionism reflects the theoretical approach adopted in valuing the research subjects´ point of view. Categories analyzed were: sustainability, landscape, heritage and community. Its development was defined in the context of cultural landscape and sustainable tourism. The main focus of this thesis was on the representations of the local community of Paranapiacaba, a railway village, in relation to the transformations that have occurred, mainly related to the heritage and the declining influence of railroad activity, and their role in the tourism activity. In a multidisciplinary approach, concepts of several sciences - Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology were used, as well as studies in the tourism and leisure field. As a result, it was found that the local community participates in the activity, however, their participation is, mainly, at the operational level, not at the strategic decision-making level. In theoretical terms, this study suggests approaching the concept of cultural landscape in tourism studies, related to the context of social-environmental sustainability.
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As transformações arquitetônicas e urbanas nos séculos XVIII e XIX na cidade de Paranaguá, Paraná / Architectural and urban transformations during the 18th and 19th centuries in the city of Paranaguá, State of ParanáJabur, Rodrigo Sartori 17 December 2010 (has links)
Estuda as transformações urbanas e arquitetônicas na cidade de Paranaguá, no litoral do Paraná, durante os séculos XVIII e XIX, analisando desde a ocupação do continente, ainda no século XVII, passando pelas provisões do ouvidor Rafael Pires Pardinho nos anos de 1720, continuando com o desenvolvimento de seu porto, o impacto da economia da erva-mate, as mudanças nas edificações e em seus métodos construtivos, assim como nos códigos de posturas, na chegada da ferrovia, nas preocupações de higiene e salubridade e por fim na mudança do porto para a baía de Paranaguá. A partir da consulta a documentos primários como jornais, leis provinciais, relatórios, manuscritos, relatos de viajantes, fotografias, mapas e aquarelas, compreende como se deu o desenvolvimento da vila e depois cidade de Paranaguá. Também analisa as características de seu Centro Histórico e as leis vigentes neste local atualmente, finalizando com a proposta de um roteiro de visitas para a cidade. / This dissertation studies the urban and architectural transformations occurred in the city of Paranaguá, located on the coast of the Paranaguá state, during the 18th and 19th centuries. It analyses the occupation of the continent, starting from the 17th century, going through Ouvidor Rafael Pires Pardinho\'s provisions during the decade of 1720 and continuing with the development of its harbour, the impact of the erva-mate\'s economy, the changes in the buildings and in the methods of construction, as well as in the codes of practice, the advent of the railway, the preoccupations with hygiene and salubriousness and finally the harbour\'s move to the bay of Paranaguá. These analyses are based mainly on primary documents such as newspapers, provincial laws, reports, manuscripts, travellers\' account, photographs, maps and watercolours, understand how the development of the town and later of the city of Paranaguá occurred and subsequently, to analyse the characteristics of its historical centre and the laws that are still into effect today, offering new proposals and suggesting a visitors\' route.
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Mediální obraz číhošťského zázraku v proměnách času / The media portrayal of the miracle of Cihost over the change of timeČížková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The event known as the miracle of Cihost happened in a small village Číhošť in the region of Havlickuv Brod at the end of 1949, beginning of 1950. A crucifix moved on the altar during a sermon. The event led to an investigation and the detention of local priest, Josef Toufar, by the State Secret Police. Father Toufar became one of the first victims of the newly established totalitarian regime. This work called "The Media Portrayal of the Miracle of Cihost Over the Change of Time" presents the case known as the miracle of Cihost over three historical periods. The first period is connected with the origin of the case, therefore the end of 1949, beginning of 1950, the second period, which deals with events in Cihost to a certain extent, is the reform year 1968 and the last period is represented by the velvet revolution in 1989 which changed the established manner of functioning of state apparatus in our country and during which time the existing media system also transformed. The aim of this work is to point out the differences in the interpretations of this case in separate historical periods as each period deals with the case in question very differently. Part of this project was an effort to point out the political and media situation in all of the presented periods. Political and media events had...
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