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A framework for implementing the VMI model in an MRO partnershipAltabba, Abdulrahman, Karlsson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of implementing the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) model in an MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) partnership, and highlight its potential economic, environmental, and organizational benefits, as well as limitations. Approach - First, a comprehensive literature review was conducted on fields relevant to VMI. Second, empirical data was gathered from a single exploratory case study with Momentum Industrial, and its customer Stora Enso. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the case companies. Findings - Results suggest that VMI results in benefits for the supply chain in general, such as reduced administration and inventory costs, improved service levels, reduced information distortion, and improved relationship among partners. For the particular case of VMI in an MRO partnership, improved service levels can be obtained by a reduced risk of production downtime for the customer. Moreover, the implementation of VMI has potential environmental benefits, such as reduced paper use, and higher transportation fill rate. Limitations of implementing VMI include the difficulty in system integration, and information sharing. Trust could be a potential issue that limits information sharing amongst supply chain partners. Moreover, the difference in organizational cultures and policies of partners should be taken into consideration. Limitations - The study is limited to opinions from one MRO customer in the paper and packaging industry. Even though the questions asked to informants in Momentum and Stora Enso tackled benefits to MRO customers in general, a broader image could have been achieved by interviewing customers from different industries. Moreover, the case companies do not currently adopt VMI in their partnership, so the case study results are based on what they think would be the potential benefits and limitations of implementing VMI in an MRO partnership. Practical Implications - This paper can serve as a guideline for logistics managers who are considering VMI in an MRO partnership specifically, as it provides them with the benefits and limitations associated with VMI. More generally, any company considering VMI can also benefit from the theoretical framework presented.
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Analysis of tied up capital at Rejmes Lastvagnar / Analys av kapitalbindning vid Rejmes LastvagnarLadekrans, Christian, Leinmark, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola och Tage Rejmes Lastvagnar AB i Norrköping under vårterminen 2016. Tage Rejmes Lastvagnar AB säljer och reparerar lastvagnar och bussar samt erbjuder leasing från företagets lokaler i Butängen, Norrköping. Branschen ställer höga krav på servicenivåer och flexibilitet kopplat till verksamhetens reparation och service av lastbilar, varpå behov av lagerhållna artiklar uppstår för företaget. Majoriteten av dessa artiklar köps in från en enskild leverantör som ensamt styr prognostisering av efterfrågan och inköpskvantiteter. Förändringar i företagets omsättning och förändringar i leverantörens beställningssystem har skapat en ökad kapitalbindning på Tage Rejmes Lastvagnar ABs lager under de senaste åren. Denna studie har därför genom datainsamling, observationer och intervjuer jämfört det nuvarande beställningssystemet med teoretiska modeller, och genom artikelklassificering föreslagit alternativa tillvägagångssätt för företagets lagerstyrning. Resultatet av ABC-klassificeringen som utförts har kategoriserat företagets artiklar baserat på dess efterfrågan och volymvärde, varpå en differentiering av servicenivån för dessa kategorier gör att kapitalbindningen kan sänkas. Artiklar med låg efterfrågan och höga priser blir i det nya systemet beställningsvaror till priset av en sänkt servicenivå. Studiens analys visar dock att förändrade partiformningar kan öka det totala antalet transporter från beställaren, vilket i sig kan resultera i både en ökad miljöpåverkan och förhöjda orderkostnader.
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From process selection to supplier selection : a case study about an accessory purchasing department exploring JIT and/or VMI process collaboration with their suppliers.Eisensö, Mette, Dahl, Liselott January 2007 (has links)
For many retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers, inventory is their single largest investments of corporate assets. Problems such as stock-outs and bullwhip effect due to sales fluctuation and poor visibility are normal for manufactures. Unnecessary activities, in the purchasing process internally and externally, such as double order handling, cost both money and time. It is widely known that firms no longer can compete effectively in isolation of their suppliers and other entities. The future success of many businesses depends on co-operation and the co-ordination of efforts; making Supply Chain Management important. JIT and VMI are two of the philosophies that have been used to update supply chain relationships and management. By recognising your own supply weaknesses, the need for a supply strategy and a purchasing portfolio which classify suppliers emerges. There is an interest in examining what possible benefits and drawbacks, JIT and VMI collaboration can bring and how they differ from each other. In order to have a successful collaboration and implementation, it is important to know what basis to choose suppliers on and understand what needs to be in place, internally and externally, before starting either a JIT or VMI relationship with different suppliers. An inductive method was used in order to transform the literature review into a case study research. Explanatory and exploratory strategy was combined as well as qualitative and quantitative data collection such as oral interviews and written questionnaires. The case study was carried out at an accessory purchasing department at a large production company referred to as the “Focal company” in this thesis. Also, participating in the study were selected suppliers of the Focal company. The literature review and the case study data was analysed which led to the results that: • JIT and VMI can shorten lead time, improve quality and relationships if used properly, otherwise it can lead to increased inventory levels. • Key factors for enabeling JIT and VMI are common goals, management commitment, accurate information and suitable software systems. • Suitable suppliers for JIT and VMI are companies that have equal dependency and/or have interdependency and are willing and able to contribute to the competitive advantage of the buying firm. • Supplier selection criteria are price, quality, delivery, flexibility, reliability organizational culture, structure and strategy. • Implementation of JIT is not an option today at the Focal company. • With a few IT-system updates, a little bit of education and training the Focal company and most of the suppliers in this study are ready for VMI. • Because of the good balance of power and dependence in the relationships between the Focal company and their suppliers there is a good chance of a successful outcome. • The Focal company’s rating criteria are well correlating with the literatures findings, which further support that they are ready to select suppliers for integrated relationships.
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From process selection to supplier selection : a case study about an accessory purchasing department exploring JIT and/or VMI process collaboration with their suppliers.Eisensö, Mette, Dahl, Liselott January 2007 (has links)
<p>For many retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers, inventory is their single largest investments of corporate assets. Problems such as stock-outs and bullwhip effect due to sales fluctuation and poor visibility are normal for manufactures. Unnecessary activities, in the purchasing process internally and externally, such as double order handling, cost both money and time.</p><p>It is widely known that firms no longer can compete effectively in isolation of their suppliers and other entities. The future success of many businesses depends on co-operation and the co-ordination of efforts; making Supply Chain Management important. JIT and VMI are two of the philosophies that have been used to update supply chain relationships and management. By recognising your own supply weaknesses, the need for a supply strategy and a purchasing portfolio which classify suppliers emerges.</p><p>There is an interest in examining what possible benefits and drawbacks, JIT and VMI collaboration can bring and how they differ from each other. In order to have a successful collaboration and implementation, it is important to know what basis to choose suppliers on and understand what needs to be in place, internally and externally, before starting either a JIT or VMI relationship with different suppliers.</p><p>An inductive method was used in order to transform the literature review into a case study research. Explanatory and exploratory strategy was combined as well as qualitative and quantitative data collection such as oral interviews and written questionnaires. The case study was carried out at an accessory purchasing department at a large production company referred to as the “Focal company” in this thesis. Also, participating in the study were selected suppliers of the Focal company.</p><p>The literature review and the case study data was analysed which led to the results that:</p><p>• JIT and VMI can shorten lead time, improve quality and relationships if used properly, otherwise it can lead to increased inventory levels.</p><p>• Key factors for enabeling JIT and VMI are common goals, management commitment, accurate information and suitable software systems.</p><p>• Suitable suppliers for JIT and VMI are companies that have equal dependency and/or have interdependency and are willing and able to contribute to the competitive advantage of the buying firm.</p><p>• Supplier selection criteria are price, quality, delivery, flexibility, reliability organizational culture, structure and strategy.</p><p>• Implementation of JIT is not an option today at the Focal company.</p><p>• With a few IT-system updates, a little bit of education and training the Focal company and most of the suppliers in this study are ready for VMI.</p><p>• Because of the good balance of power and dependence in the relationships between the Focal company and their suppliers there is a good chance of a successful outcome.</p><p>• The Focal company’s rating criteria are well correlating with the literatures findings, which further support that they are ready to select suppliers for integrated relationships.</p>
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Collaboration in transportationOzener, Okan Orsan 17 September 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate synergies between participants in transportation and distribution systems and we explore collaborative approaches to exploit these synergies to reduce transportation and distribution costs. We study collaboration in two environments: truckload transportation and vendor management inventory replenishment.
The first part of the thesis addresses the cost allocation problem of a collaborative truckload transportation procurement network. We study a logistics network where shippers identify collaborative routes with few empty truck movements to negotiate better rates with a common carrier. We investigate how to allocate the cost
savings of these routes among the members of the collaboration.
In the second part of the thesis, we investigate collaboration opportunities among carriers. When several carriers have to satisfy truckload transportation requests from various shippers,
they may reduce their transportation costs by exchanging requests. First, we focus on computing the minimum cost to satisfy all requests. Next, we develop and analyze various exchange mechanisms
that allow carriers to exchange requests in order to realize some of the potential costs savings.
In the last part of the thesis, we study VMI replenishment. Simple cost allocation methods ignore synergies between the customers, due to their locations, usage rates, and storage capacities. As a result, the price charged to a customer for distribution does not represent the actual cost of serving that customer. We design a
mechanism capable of computing a cost-to-serve for each customer that properly accounts for the synergies among customers.
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Optimalizace řízení zásob ve strojírenské sériové výroběWeiterová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis applies to inventory management optimization in engineering serial-line production. The goal of diploma thesis is proposal key indicators for selection of suppliers in engineering industry. The methods of inventory control: ABC analysis, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Kanban are used in this diploma thesis. These methods are applied and evaluated to current suppliers and suggested for new suppliers
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Adjusting VMI settings for overlapping successive models, with stock-dependent demand and cannibalization: A case study in consumer electronics retailing in GermanyRoussel, Yann January 2012 (has links)
This thesis develops a method to optimize the inventory-related performance of a VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) in retailing environments, for two successive products with overlapping lifecycles, under stock-dependent demand. The study refers to existing research in different fields, such as inventory policies and VMIs, retailing of substitutable products, stock-dependent demands and product lifecycle management. However, no study encompassing all these research streams could be found, and thus an abductive approach is developed, aiming at building new theory. The thesis draws upon a case study at Sony Germany, which has started an ambitious VMI initiative with the largest retailer of consumer electronics products in Germany. First, stock and sales data available, along with insights collected among employees, is used to understand the key profit-drivers when lifecycles of the two products overlap, and a set of indicators is propounded to measure them. The pattern of sales in relation to inventories of the two products is studied, and results in the validation of the stock-dependent demand assumption, with demand following a Poisson distribution of parameter λ [on-hand stock]. Demand for the new product is also found to be negatively affected by stock levels of the old product, in an exponential way. Second, a model is built and a scenario- based simulation embedding the patterns previously established is performed to evaluate different strategies to steer the stock levels in the VMI. Scenarios are evaluated against the proposed set of indicators, but no scenario is found to over perform consistently the others. Nevertheless interesting patterns emerge and it is possible to relate the performance observed to specificities of scenarios and product contexts. Using the patterns identified, a set of guidelines is suggested, along with proposals for practical implementation.
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The Assessment of Perceptual Therapy Study (APTS)Patterson, Henry D. 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Microscopie de fonction d'onde électroniqueHarb, Mahdi 15 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse consiste à visualiser sur un détecteur sensible en position les oscillations spatiales des électrons lents (~ meV) émis par photoionisation au seuil en présence d'un champ électrique extérieur. La figure d'interférence obtenue représente quantiquement le module carré de la fonction d'onde électronique. Ce travail fondamental nous permet d'avoir accès à la dynamique électronique quelques µm autour de l'atome et donc de mettre en évidence plusieurs mécanismes quantiques (champ coulombien, interaction électron/électron..) se déroulant à l'échelle atomique. Malgré la présence d'un cœur électronique quoique limité dans Li, nous avons réussi, expérimentalement et pour la première fois, à visualiser la fonction d'onde associée aux états Stark quasi-discrets couplés au continuum d'ionisation. En outre, à l'aide des simulations quantiques de propagation du paquet d'ondes, basées sur la méthode de " Split-operator ", nous avons réalisé une étude complète sur les atomes H, Li et Cs tout en dévoilant les effets significatifs des résonances Stark. Un très bon accord, sur et hors résonances, a été obtenu entre les résultats simulés et les résultats expérimentaux. Par ailleurs, nous avons développé un modèle analytique généralisable permettant de comprendre profondément le fonctionnement d'un spectromètre de VMI. Ce modèle repose sur l'approximation paraxiale, il est basé sur un calcul d'optique matricielle en faisant une analogie entre la trajectoire électronique et le rayon lumineux. Un excellent accord a été obtenu entre les prédictions du modèle et les résultats expérimentaux.
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A Comparison of Evaluation Models for Handicap Intervention in a Head Start ProgramNiebuhr, Carin 01 May 1985 (has links)
The Model A and Model C Title I evaluation options were compared by using both options to measure the effectiveness of handicap intervention in a Head Start program. Two hundred three children in Jackson County (Oregon) were pretested with the Developmental Indicators of Learning Test (DIAL), the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), the Visual-Motor Integration Scale (VMI), and the Carrow Elicited Language Inventory (CELI). The 43 children who scored below the predetermined cut-off level were placed in a six-month intervention program. One hundred forty-nine children remaining in the Head Start program in May were posttested with the same tests. Model A analysis of mean scores of the intervention group indicated significant score change on all three testing instruments. Model C analysis indicated no positive score change. It was posited that the Model A effect in this project was large because it combined a positive intervention effect with a positive general program effect. The Model C option showed no effect because the estimated nonintervention scores were very large due to the large positive score change in the nonintervention group.
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