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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení vlivu větrných elektráren na krajinný ráz / Evaluation of the Impact of Wind Turbines on a Landscape

Urbášková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the work is to provide monetary valuation of changes in visual aspects of the landscape as a result of construction of an additional wind turbine in the village Maletín. For a suitable method for achieving the goal is being selected the contingent valuation method. A key element of this method is being considered the carefully compiled questionnaire, on which basis is made the quantification and evaluation of collected data. The representative sample consists of 112 households and the selected payment method is the increase of the monthly bill for electricity. The questionnaire reports that 54.3% of households consider the impact of wind turbines on the landscape Maletín to be positive. With the construction of additional wind turbine agree less than 74.3% of households and the most common reason is to obtain grants for the village and to produce cleaner energy from wind turbines. With the construction of new wind turbine while increasing monthly bill agrees 28.6% of all households living in the village Maletín. Estimation of changes in a welfare, thus improving the quality of the environment, is based on estimated central values, that has been calculated from selected characteristics and nonparametric estimation. The average household's willingness to pay for construction of wind turbine is estimated to be between 77 CZK - 200 CZK per month.

願付價值及其前測的研究 / The Study of Willings to Pay and its Pretest

余純君, Yu, Chun-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
假設市場評價法(Contingent valuation)多用於評估有關某一非市場性財產(Non-market goods)或公共財(Public goods)在民眾心目中的願付價值(Willingness to pay, WTP)。探討受訪者願付價值之研究調查案的問卷設計方式,大致可分成五種,其中開放式出價法和逐步競價法已被證實會對估計造成偏誤,而支付卡法、二分選擇法和雙界二分選擇法則是現今較常為研究者所使用的價格詢問方法,本論文的研究是針對二分選擇法的最佳設計(Optimal design),作一深入的探討。 假設欲探究之母體的願付價值為一服從平均數為 、標準差為 的常態分配,若採用二分選擇法作為價格詢問的方式,則何種詢問方法才能讓參數估計最佳化,由模擬實驗的結果,我們知道若將受訪者隨機等分成兩群,分別詢問兩個不同的價格,且這兩個價格的平均等於預先猜測的母體平均數,那麼不但會有相當不錯的估計結果,在實際的執行上亦較方便。此外,我們提出較容易計算的參數估計量來代替傳統的最大概似估計量(MLE),並以數理證明保證了新的參數估計量有良好的估計性質。 願付價值的研究若對母體資訊不充分時,常會先採行前測(Pretest)。本論文除了探討二分選擇法的最佳設計之外,亦針對支付卡法和二分選擇法運用在前測時,作一深入的討論,結果發現當事先猜測的母體分配參數和真實分配相差很多下,支付卡法和二分選擇法會產生無法估計的情況,因此我們提出新的前測方法,試圖彌補這兩種傳統前測法的不足,我們稱之為序列詢問法(Sequence method)。序列詢問法為一種追蹤母體平均數的方式,依照現在這位受訪者的回答,決定下一位受訪者的詢問價格,在我們的研究中發現,如此的序列詢問方法比傳統的前測法利用更少的資訊,但仍然維持不錯的母體平均數估計結果。


劉文棚 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣西南沿海地區由於超抽地下水,地層下陷情形日益嚴重,究其原因乃地下水資源在國內仍處於「自由財」的狀態,用水兔費,使用自然缺乏效率,因而建立使用者付費制度,以確實維護地下水財產權,為當務之急。惟地下水資源具公共財的無排他性,在國內又無交易市場,其價值估算困難。是故,本文之主要目的,係應用非市場估價法中之「條件評價法」,以願付價格的形式估計地下水價值,並探求其影響因素,以做為制定政策之參考。 本文係以「準逐步競價法」為詢價結構設計,可同時獲得「單邊界樣本」、「雙邊界樣本」與「最終出價樣本」三種評價歷程,實證模型則分別以「Probit、Logit模型」、「存活模型」與「OLS模型」進行分析。 本文根據問卷調查的原始資料求出「每公頃土地」之地下水願付價格,最後則以台西地區為例,配合地下水的使用效益,計算出地下水供不同使用時之「使用價值」與「非使用價值」,而本研究對假設性問題的設計,使估計出來的地下水價值,亦可用以表示維護地下水資源對於防止地層下陷之效益。 實證結果顯示,「對水權費的認知與態度」以及「對地層下陷原因的認知」是影響支付意願的重要因素,故政府應加強宣導「使用者付費」理念,並教育用水者「超抽地下水是造成地層下陷的重要因素」,以利水權費制度的實施。

Health economic evaluation methods for decision-making in preventive dentistry

Oscarson, Nils January 2006 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to evaluate caries-preventive measures from a societal perspective, to demonstrate the use of resources in preventive dentistry, to develop and discuss techniques suitable for evaluating dental care costs and outcomes, and to test costs and consequences within a health economic decision model adapted to preventive dental care. The thesis is based on three separate studies with three separate cohorts. In the first study, performed at a single dental clinic, analysis was made of data on dental caries progression over four years in 92 adolescents, along with the use of resources for preventive treatment. In the second study, data from the intervention study “Evaluation of caries-preventive measures” (performed between 1995 and 1999 at 26 dental health clinics throughout Sweden) were used for economic evaluation. Three different approaches to calculating unit cost were discussed, each of which reflect the differences in treatment costs as influenced by the practitioner’s level of skill and competence (salary) and by methods of handling overhead cost allocation. These methods seem useful for evaluating costs in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The CEA showed an incremental cost-effectiveness over four years of SEK 2 043* per averted decayed (D) enamel (e) and dentine caries, missing (M) and filled (F) surface (S) (DeMFS). In the third study, 82 19-year-old individuals agreed to participate in a pilot exploratory case-control study. Individuals with high caries experience formed the test group while the control group consisted of individuals with no caries experience. To explore whether any differences existed between these two groups in perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL), two OHRQOL measures were used. Additionally, the willingness of these individuals to pay (WTP) for a preventive strategy was elicited using the contingent valuation method (CVM) within a cost-benefit approach. Using these WTP values, the cost-benefit analyses showed positive net social benefit (NSB) values for both study groups, meaning that the benefits of prevention exceeded the costs. A new outcome measure, Value of Statistical Oral Health (VOSOH), was also presented. Consideration was also made, within the economic framework fundamental to this thesis, of the trend away from a strictly bio-medical paradigm towards a biopsychosocial perspective. The health economic decision model encompasses a number of different techniques for comparing costs with consequences, each with its own advantages and disadvantages and each with its own field of application. These techniques should be seen as complementary rather than competing. Preventive dentistry plays a central role in Swedish dental health care, and it is important that resources are used properly. Accurate evaluation methods are necessary in order to improve the basis for public decision-making; the methods proposed in this thesis seem to be of potential use in this endeavour. *SEK8.54 = US$1 (December 1999).

Verslo vertinimo metodai ir jų taikymo analizė / Business evaluation methods and the analysis of their usage in practice

Rimkutė, Airida 26 June 2014 (has links)
Objektyviai ir teisingai įmonės vertei nustatyti reikia išanalizuoti verslo aplinką, numatyti įmonės ateities perspektyvas ir būsimus pinigų srautus, atlikti sudėtingus žinių ir praktikos reikalaujančius skaičiavimus. Išsamaus vertinimo metu, remiantis verslo vertinimo metodologiniais nurodymais, nustatoma tiksliausia įmonės vertė. Gautas rezultatas, apimantis įmonės vidinius iš išorinius aplinkos veiksnius, suinteresuotiems rinkos dalyviams suteikia daug naudingos informacijos. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje dar tik plėtojama verslo vertinimo praktika, remiantis užsienio šalių patirtimi, atsižvelgiant į Tarptautinius ir Europos verslo vertinimo standartus. Verslo vertinimo sistemos išvystymas, specializuotų duomenų bazių sukūrimas, detalių metodinių leidinių platinimas, viešųjų mokymų ir konsultacijų rengimas Lietuvos verslininkams suteiktų didesnių perspektyvų bei galimybių konkurencingai plėtoti savo veiklą ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir Europos Sąjungos mastu. Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių investuotojams būtų suteikta reikšminga informacija. Tyrimo objektas – verslo vertinimo metodai, jų teorinė analizė ir praktinis pritaikymas vertinant AB „Pieno žvaigždės“. Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti verslo vertinimo metodus. Remiantis teorine analize apskaičiuoti AB „Pieno žvaigždės” verslo vertę, pritaikant pajamų, turto ir rinkos požiūrio metodus. Tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie svarbiausi darbo uždaviniai: Apibrėžti pagrindines su verslo vertinimu susijusias sąvokas; Išskirti dažniausiai naudojamus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to estimate company's value clearly and objectively it is necessary to analyze business environment, forecast company’s prospect and future cash flows; to make complex calculations, which require great efforts of knowledge and practice. In the process of comprehensive valuation, which is based on methodological references of business valuation, value of the particular company is set in the most précised way. The result, which also includes company's internal and external factors of business environment, gives plenty of useful information to the concerned parties. In Lithuania, at the present time, the practice of business valuation is in the development level, which is based on the practice of other countries and consideration of standards of International and European business valuation. The development of business valuation system, the creation of specialized data bases, the spreading of methodological editions, the arrangement of public instructions and consultations for Lithuanian businessmen would provide wider range of opportunities and possibilities to develop their activities in Lithuania as well as in European Union. The important information would reach Lithuanian and other countries investors. The object of graduation paper is the theoretical analysis and adaptation of business valuation methods in the practice during the AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ business activity valuation. The target of task is to analyze the methods of business valuation. In bases of... [to full text]

存貨揭露與銷售及盈餘預測:IFRS與非IFRS之比較 / Do inventory disclosures predict sales and earnings: IFRS vs. Non-IFRS

陳采薇, Chen, Tsai Wei Unknown Date (has links)
文獻顯示存貨對於銷售和盈餘具有預測能力(Bernard and Noel 1991)。本文進一步探討比較後進先出法和國際會計準則允許之存貨計價方法所揭露之存貨,對於銷售和盈餘之預測能力。2003年發布之國際會計準則第二號公報「存貨」,禁止公司採用後進先出法衡量存貨,本研究擬觀察後進先出法和非後進先出法存貨對公司銷售與盈餘的預測能力是否有所差異。 本研究選取採用後進先出法並且揭露後進先出存貨準備之公司做為樣本,計算出樣本公司在國際會計準則規定下應有之存貨水準,測試與比較後進先出法之存貨與依國際會計準則揭露之存貨,孰者對銷售與盈餘之預測更具攸關性。實證結果顯示,後進先出存貨與國際會計準則存貨代理變數之實證結果並不顯著,顯示存貨在銷售與盈餘之預測迴歸模型中為一雜訊,存貨對銷售和盈餘之預測並不具有增額資訊,也說明存貨生產平穩理論與避免缺貨理論無法解釋存貨對銷售和盈餘預測之關聯性,因此無法判斷採用何種存貨計價方法所揭露之存貨,對銷售與盈餘較具預測能力。 / In economic literature, production smoothing model and stockout model address the predictability of inventory disclosure on sales and earnings. Based on these models, Bernard and Noel (1991) show that inventory disclosure predicts sales and earnings. This study further investigates and compares the predictability of the sales and earnings by inventory reported under last in, last out (LIFO) and that under International Accounting Standard 2 (IAS 2). Thus this study compares the predicting ability of inventory on sales and earnings under IFRS and non-IFRS. This study selects the companies adopting LIFO and disclosing LIFO reserve, calculates the inventory reported under IFRS, and determines the inventory’s ability to predict future sales and earnings under different inventory valuation methods. The empirical results show that the coefficients for the unexpected inventories under LIFO and IFRS are both statistically insignificant, suggesting that the unexpected inventories are merely noises in the models, and that the effects of production smoothing model and stockout model are not prevailed. Thus, it is difficult to determine which inventory valuation method can generate the inventory that leads to better sales and earnings prediction.

VALORAÇÃO DE ATIVOS E MULTAS AMBIENTAIS: ANÁLISE SIMULADA DE EMPREENDIMENTOS HOTELEIROS EM ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS / valuation of enviromental assets: simulation analysis of hotel projets in protected areas

Paim, Wilson Moisés 21 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilson Moises Paim.pdf: 787318 bytes, checksum: 77fe4c3321b0d98193288af05a941cf7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-21 / The disorderly urban development and a lack of an efficient public policy have prompted to a diversification of management to natural resources, mainly when are referring to water system and sanitations. The regulatory framework excised in 80 s decade established the public policy for the natural environment, which also brought new advance topics about that, triggering a numbers of actions that turned not only for bureaucratic structure and prevention, but also for solutions to the degradation and natural resources depletion. With the advent of the specific watershed source protection laws and the São Paulo State law number 13.579/09, that cares about Billings reserve area, it is notable an advance related to management issues of development and protection of the characteristics of its location. The government used practices of the law against environmental crimes as some public policy tools tactics to contain actions refers to the environment damaged. The objective of this research, is to analyze some possible discrepancies between the financial penalties applied when occurs environmental infractions and the Models of environmental evaluation assets, to affect a simulation of deploying a hotel within protected areas and recovery watershed source at São Bernardo County located in São Paulo State. The development of this research it was based on Modified Replacement Cost (MRC) to dimension the possible impacts brought from the Enterprise Lodge Inn and its respective economic values. After, the environment impacts were related to county laws to determined values with possible fines applied to the damage caused by those companies. Among the results raised, it was verify a significant discrepancy between economic valuation and the fines applicable, which means the impacts of fines applied against impermeability of soil and groundwater contamination becomes respectively with the different total amounts of R$ 804.922,78 and R$ 453.333,33. In the beginning of the methodology used in this research, it could notice that the fines applied in cases of damage to the environment sometimes doesnt achieve the objective of the protection, which is to inhibit the action of the offender, because the real economic cost doesnt measure the value of the penalty by the time is applied / O crescimento desordenado e a ausência de políticas públicas mais eficientes levaram a uma diversificação quanto ao uso dos recursos naturais, principalmente no que se refere à água para o saneamento básico. O marco regulatório estabelecido na década de 1980 registrou as políticas públicas para o meio ambiente, que trouxeram avanços sobre o tema, desencadeando uma série de ações voltadas tanto para a estrutura burocrática e da prevenção, quanto solução para os problemas de degradação e esgotamento dos recursos naturais. Com o advento das leis específicas de proteção aos mananciais e mediante a lei 13.579/09 do Estado de São Paulo que trata sobre a área da Billings, percebeu-se um avanço na questão do gerenciamento para proteção e desenvolvimento de acordo com as características da região. Instrumentos de políticas públicas para conter as ações referentes aos danos causados ao meio ambiente, como a lei contra crimes ambientais foram às ações práticas do Estado para conter tais ações. O Objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as possíveis discrepâncias entre as penalidades financeiras aplicadas na ocorrência das infrações ambientais e os modelos de valoração dos ativos ambientais, utilizando a simulação de implantação de um hotel em áreas de proteção e recuperação de manancial no Município de São Bernardo do Campo no Estado de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se baseou no método de custo de reposição (MCR) para dimensionar os possíveis impactos gerados por um empreendimento hoteleiro e seu respectivo valor econômico. Posteriormente, os impactos ambientais foram relacionados com a legislação do município para determinar os valores das possíveis penalidades aplicáveis ao dano causado. Dentre os resultados levantados, verificou-se uma significativa discrepância entre a valoração econômica e as multas aplicáveis, sendo que nos impactos referentes a impermeabilidade do solo e contaminação do lençol freático, com diferenças superiores em relação às penalidades de R$ 804.922,78 e R$ 453.333,33 respectivamente. A partir da metodologia aplicada na pesquisa, observou-se que as penalidades incidentes em casos de danos ao meio ambiente, muitas vezes não atinge o objetivo, que é inibir a ação do infrator, pois o real custo econômico não é medido na aplicação do valor da multa.

Caracter?sticas econ?micas do valor de uso e de n?o uso de parques sobre dunas / Economic characteristics of use and non-use values of parks over dunes

Carneiro, Deborah Quindere 18 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeborahQC_DISSERT.pdf: 1429454 bytes, checksum: a0c0f19a1e2b4dce92a5d361e8bb5d9a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Esta disserta??o teve como objetivo estimar os valores de uso, n?o-uso e o valor econ?mico total de unidades de conserva??o que protegem o ecossistema de dunas, atrav?s dos m?todos de Valora??o Contingente e do Custo de Viagem. O m?todo de Valora??o Contingente ? capaz de estimar o valor de n?o-uso de um recurso natural atrav?s da utiliza??o de um mercado hipot?tico que consiste em um cen?rio ambiental fict?cio em que o bem ambiental sofre varia??es em suas quantidades e os indiv?duos expressam suas prefer?ncias declarando quanto estariam dispostos a pagar (ou aceitar) para garantir a continuidade (ou a perda) da provis?o do bem. Neste estudo, foram aplicadas duas formas de pagamento para o mercado hipot?tico da t?cnica de Disposi??o a Pagar (coletiva/obrigat?ria e individual/volunt?ria) com o objetivo de identificar a demanda da popula??o por investimentos p?blicos nas unidades de conserva??o costeiras urbanas, para testar a efici?ncia de ambas formas de pagamento e para captar os votos de protesto dos entrevistados, na tentativa incorporar nas an?lises a verdadeira disposi??o a pagar dos entrevistados pela a manuten??o e conserva??o das unidades de conserva??o. Os resultados mostraram maiores lances de disposi??o a pagar para a forma de pagamento coletiva e obrigat?ria, pois em pa?ses em desenvolvimento as pessoas atribuem ao governo o financiamento da conserva??o de paisagens naturais. A diferen?a entre os valores de n?o-uso estimados pelas duas formas de pagamento foi de R$8,2 milh?es (3.5 milh?es) e isso representa a demanda da popula??o local por investimentos p?blicos na conserva??o das ?reas costeiras. O M?todo do Custo de Viagem foi utilizado para estimar o valor de uso das dunas, obtido a partir dos gastos incorridos pelos visitantes ao visitar as ?reas de dunas e o somat?rio deste valor ao valor de n?o-uso representa o valor econ?mico total agregado pela paisagem de parques dunares. Paisagens dunares geram anualmente um montante de R$ 800.428,46 por hectare (US$ 339,049.67). A maior contribui??o para esse montante econ?mico ? do parque visitado por turistas, em que o valor agregado pela recrea??o ? 53 vezes maior que o parque visitado por moradores. Embora turistas e moradores reconhe?am os benef?cios de alguns servi?os proporcionados por este ecossistema, ambos atribuem maior valor ? contempla??o da paisagem natural e ? recrea??o ao ar livre. A estimativa desse valor para os diferentes tipos de p?blico oferece ? gestores um justificativa econ?mica para direcionar uso e conserva??o de ?reas de dunas, subsidia na tomada de decis?o atrav?s de an?lises de custo benef?cio no processo de formula??o, acompanhamento e avalia??o de pol?ticas p?blicas e auxilia a investigar como os benef?cios variam de acordo com os tipos de visitantes. Portanto, o uso de estimativas do valor do meio ambiente nesta disserta??o, identificou o valor econ?mico intr?nseco das ?reas de dunas ?s ?reas naturais e o valor agregado pela sua exist?ncia e, portanto, permite que se dimensione a import?ncia dos investimentos em sua conserva??o e restaura??o, podendo ser utilizada como indicador para direcionar pol?ticas e distribui??o de investimentos para a conserva??o dos mesmos. Outro aspecto importante na aplicabilidade de metodologias de valora??o ambiental ? a contribui??o que o uso desse instrumento traz para o debate cient?fico sobre os problemas t?cnicos existentes nas metodologias


VIEIRA, Fernanda Rodrigues 25 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:49:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda - IS RUR.pdf: 5926889 bytes, checksum: 700bff90e2c2f75c907320fa973aff3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-25 / The valuation of family farming by Brazilian society constitutes an important tool for local development, since it uses scarce resources like land, labor force, efficiently. The rural homegardens are important production systems to complement other forms of land use, which besides providing food security for farmers, they perform functions aesthetic, recreational and conservation of local biodiversity. Thus, the study aimed to examine the total economic value (TEV) of the backyards of the universe of rural farmers involved in the Cooperative Family Farming of Itapuranga, noting its main economic functions, environmental and cultural. By means of the contingent valuation method, using the technique "payment card", tried to capture also the values of these non-market yards, as the perception and preferences of the farmers interviewed. Thus, 40 questionnaires were applied and visited 35 farms, where it was possible to observe directly the interaction of families with that environment. For economic functions, there was a survey of the main items (gross) consumed and sold during October 2007 and October 2008, reaching an average value of direct use of R$ 420.70 monthly. Other benefits from the yards were measured by DAP of the farmers interviewed, obtained by the MAC, with an average value of R $ 493.75 monthly. These values also correspond to the sociocultural aspects related to the tradition of those families where the woman responds by management and by the choices of crops, according to the tastes and habits of the family group. Regarding environmental aspects, the yards are considered important agroecological systems, since in most cases are not used chemical or toxic substances in their production. In recent years, faced with environmental problems in general, and the reopening of the sugarcane agro-industry in the city of Itapuranga, so does the importance of gardens as conservative biodiversity and balance of the fauna and flora. / A valorização da agricultura familiar pela sociedade brasileira constitui-se uma importante ferramenta de desenvolvimento local, uma vez que esta utiliza os recursos escassos, como a terra e a mão-de-obra, de forma eficiente. Os quintais rurais são importantes sistemas de produção complementar às outras formas de utilização da terra, que além de possibilitar a segurança alimentar dos agricultores familiares, desempenham funções estéticas, de lazer e de preservação da biodiversidade local. Dessa forma, o trabalho buscou analisar o valor econômico total (VET) dos quintais rurais do universo dos agricultores familiares associados à Cooperativa de Agricultura Familiar de Itapuranga, observando as suas principais funções econômicas, ambientais e culturais. Por meio do Método de Avaliação Contingente, utilizando a técnica cartão de pagamento , procurou-se captar também os valores de extramercado desses quintais, conforme a percepção e as preferências dos agricultores entrevistados. Com isso, foram aplicados 40 questionários e visitadas 35 propriedades rurais, onde foi possível observar diretamente a interação das famílias com esse ambiente. Para as funções econômicas, fez-se o levantamento dos principais itens (brutos) consumidos e vendidos durante outubro de 2007 e setembro de 2008, chegando-se a um valor médio de uso direto de R$ 420,70 mensais. Os demais benefícios provenientes dos quintais foram mensurados pela DAP dos agricultores entrevistados, obtida através do MAC, apresentando um valor médio de R$ 493,75 mensais. Esses valores correspondem também aos aspectos socioculturais ligados à tradição dessas famílias, onde a mulher responde pelo manejo e pelas escolhas dos cultivos, conforme os gostos e costumes do grupo familiar. Quanto aos aspectos ambientais, os quintais são considerados importantes sistemas agroecológicos, já que na maior parte das vezes não são utilizadas substâncias tóxicas ou químicas em sua produção. Nos últimos anos, frente à problemática ambiental de uma forma geral e com a reabertura da agroindústria canavieira no município de Itapuranga, cresce também a importância dos quintais enquanto conservador da biodiversidade e do equilíbrio da fauna e da flora local.

Ocenění Rodinného pivovaru BERNARD, a. s. / Business Valuation of BERNARD Family Brewery

Voplakal, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis consists of a business valuation of BERNARD Family Brewery, a brewery headquartered in the town of Humpolec and belonging to a group of several smaller breweries (related to its size). In 2001, top management decided to finance its company growth through venture capital. The main objective of this thesis is to indicate the market value as of 1/1/2009 by utilizing appraisement measures in accordance with International Valuation Standards (IVS). The business valuation is primarily determined using two well-known valuation approaches - adjusted present value method (based on income analysis) and comparable companies analysis (based on market analysis). In addition, the use of advanced statistics is applied when needed. The purpose of this assessment is to find an appropriate value for owners and other third-party stakeholders. In order to provide a full range of understanding, the paper consists of six main parts that involve a company profile, strategic analysis, financial analysis, value drivers, financial plan and a final valuation. Further, all these parts are split up into few sections.

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