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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'implicite dans "A la recherche du temps perdu" : étude sur un aspect du discours proustien / The implicit in "In search of lost ime"‎ : study on an aspect of proustien speech

Salman, Lubna Hussein 17 June 2013 (has links)
L'implicite se définit comme un contenu présent dans le discours sans être formellement exprimé. Le présupposé et le sous-entendu forment les deux concepts fondamentaux de cette notion. Ils agissent comme des informations impliquées dans le discours, dont on peut saisir ou décrypter l’essence à l'aide des théories de la pragmatique et de la linguistique énonciative. Le discours proustien fait un usage remarquable de cette notion et de ses concepts. Ce travail est entièrement consacré à la recherche de l'implicite dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust. Le développement de cette notion, dans cette œuvre, se dessine d'une part, à travers l'interaction verbale des personnages proustiens, et d'autre part, à travers le discours du narrateur qui s'oriente vers une nouvelle tendance, celle d'un narrateur et d'un narrataire implicites. L'intérêt de cette étude consiste à catégoriser l'implicite proustien et à mettre en lumière son statut linguistique, puis la façon dont il est employé. / The implicit is defined as content present in speech without being formally expressed. Presupposition and implied content are the two fundamental elements of this concept. They act as information implied in speech whose essence the speaker can grasp or decrypt using the theories of pragmatics and enunciative linguistics. Proustian speech constitutes a remarkable example of the use of the implicit and its concepts. The present work is entirely devoted to the search for the implicit in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. In our work, the development of this concept emerges especially in the verbal interaction between Proust's characters, also, through the speech of the narrator who opts for a new trend that of an implicit narrator and his narratee. The interest of this study consists in categorizing the Proustian implicit and clarifying its linguistic status and use.

Aprendizagem dialógica em serviços de tutoria pela internet: estudo de caso de uma tutora em formação em uma disciplina a distância / Dialogical learning in tutoring through the Internet: a case study of a tutor during her training in a distance course

Silvia Cristina Dotta 04 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com o desenvolvimento das bases teóricometodológicas para a prática do diálogo a distância, a partir de uma concepção dialógica de Educação. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia para oferta de uma disciplina a distância, em que parte de seu conteúdo tratou da formação de tutores para o diálogo virtual. Criamos um software de comunicação, o Tutor em Rede, e o implementamos para a oferta de um serviço de tutoria pela internet. Monitoramos a atuação de licenciandos ao longo de três semestres, cujas atividades e interações realizadas com estudantes de Ensino Médio para esclarecimento de dúvidas de Química formaram nossa base de dados. Observamos o caso de uma estudante de MEQVT, denominada Tutora 7A, durante estágio de tutoria pela internet, de onde selecionamos uma amostra de episódios de interação entre essa tutora e estudantes que procuraram o serviço voluntariamente para realização de nossas análises. Partimos dos estudos socioculturais desenvolvidos por Vigotski, Bakhtin, Wertsch, Wells, para investigar a interação dialógica como alternativa para o diálogo a distância. Deste estudo, sugerimos que a aprendizagem dialógica é uma interessante proposta para subsidiar os processos de construção de problemas e de significados, mas que sua concretização, em serviços de tutoria, depende da criação de estratégias para compartilhar ambos os processos. Uma das estratégias adotadas pelo sujeito de nosso estudo foi o jogo de perguntas e respostas. Esse jogo mostrou-se eficiente para a problematização das dúvidas dos estudantes, na medida em que a tutora conduzia o engajamento dos estudantes ao diálogo, por meio do estabelecimento de empatia, do compartilhamento do processo de construção de idéias e da prevalência da função dialógica do discurso. Ao final, consideramos defesa de uma concepção de aprendizagem dialógica para atividades a distância que supere o paradigma da transmissão, por um da mediação, da interação. / The objective is to contribute to the development of theoretical and methodological bases for the practice of distance dialogue, from a dialogical conception of Education. We have developed a methodology to offer a distance course Metodologia do Ensino de Química Via Telemática (MEQVT) , in which part of its content dealt with the training of tutors for the virtual dialogue. We have created a communication software, the Tutor em Rede, and implemented it to offer a tutoring through the internet. We have observed students´ performance over three semesters, whose activities and interactions held with high school students formed our database. For research purposes, we have observed a student of MEQVT during the tutoring training, from where we have selected a sample of interaction episodes between that tutor and students to perform our analysis. We have taken sociocultural studies developed by Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Wertsch, Wells, as the theoretical basis to investigate the dialogical interaction as an alternative to the distance dialogue. From this study, we suggest that the dialogical learning is an interesting proposal for the processes of problem and meaning construction, but that its achievement in tutoring services, depends on the creation of strategies to share the both processes. One of the strategies adopted by the subject of our study was a game of questions and answers. This game proved to be efficient for the reconstructing the students\' questions, in that the tutor dealed the engagement of students to dialogue, through the establishment of empathy, the sharing of the construction of ideas and the prevalence of the function of the dialogical speech. Finally, we consider to support the dialogical learning concept for distance activities that exceeds the paradigm of \"transmission\" by one of mediation, of interaction.

La nouvelle en didactique du persan « parlé-quotidien » : enjeux linguistiques et interculturels / Short stories in teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ : linguistic and intercultural issues

Afsharchi, Fedra 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la didactique des langues et des cultures étrangères ; il s’agit d’une recherche sur un enseignement du persan quotidien qui repose sur la nouvelle, en tant que lieu d’échanges interculturels. Justifiant, en premier lieu, pour le persan l’hypothèse de la diglossie, cette thèse montre que ce concept ne peut pas se concevoir sans considérer les différents paramètres socioculturels qui conditionnent l’emploi de chacune des deux variétés linguistiques : le persan quotidien et le persan littéral. La diglossie, la double relation de la langue et de la culture et par la suite l’étude du corpus des manuels de persan nous ont confortée dans notre réflexion sur la nécessité de réviser l’enseignement du persan « parlé-quotidien » et la présentation de la diversité culturelle en Iran. Cette recherche s’interroge sur l’impact du choix de la nouvelle littéraire pour la didactique du persan « parlé-quotidien » et sur son aptitude à susciter des interactions verbales interculturelles. La thèse pose qu’un élément concret ou un thème bien choisi dans une nouvelle, peut amener les apprenants à prendre la parole. Ce rôle tient à la présence, dans ce même ensemble textuel, d’éléments culturels saisissables. Ce choix didactique s’accompagne d’une sélection iconographique d’images destinées à attirer l’attention des apprenants sur le contenu de la nouvelle et sur les aspects culturels qu’elle véhicule. Nous nous proposons également d’étudier si la posture de l’enseignant et les relations interpersonnelles enseignant/apprenant sont interdépendantes et influencent le désir d’apprendre et de communiquer chez l’apprenant dans le contexte de l’enseignement du persan. Nous avons mis en place un projet didactique auprès d’étudiants en deuxième années de licence en langue et civilisation persanes à l’Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales, afin de vérifier ces idées. L’analyse des données enregistrées permet de présenter comment nous avons appliqué nos concepts et nos propositions. Elle est révélatrice de l’émergence d’une dynamique conversationnelle et interculturelle en classe et confirme ainsi nos hypothèses didactiques sur l’emploi de la nouvelle en classe de persan langue étrangère. / This thesis is in the field of teaching foreign language and culture. It represents a research on teaching ‘‘everyday Persian’’ based on short story as a place of intercultural exchanges. Applying the diglossia hypothesis to Persian, this dissertation demonstrates that this concept cannot overlook different sociocultural parameters which determine the use of two linguistic varieties: ‘‘everyday Persian’’ and ‘‘formal Persian’’. The diglossia, the mutual relation between language and culture and the study of Persian textbooks corpus have convinced us that teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ and the presentation of cultural diversity in Iran need to be revised. This research examines the impact of using short stories on teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ and also its efficacy to stimulate intercultural verbal interactions. The thesis raises if a concrete element or a well chosen theme in a short story can lead learners to speak. This role requires the seizable cultural elements in this very text. This educational choice is associated with an iconographical study of some selected illustrations intended to attract learners’ attention to the content of the short story and the cultural aspects it conveys. Another purpose of this research is to figure out whether the teacher’s posture, communication behaviours and the teacher/learner interpersonal relationships are interdependent and if they have any impact on the learner’s desire to learn and communicate in the context of teaching Persian. To verify these hypotheses, an educational project for the second year-students of Persian language and civilization at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations was implemented. Analysis of recorded data can show how our concepts and proposals were applied. It is indicative of the emergence of a conversational and intercultural dynamics in the classroom and confirms our hypotheses regarding the use of Persian short stories in teaching Persian as a foreign language.

Gespräche in einer Krise : Analyse von Telefonaten mit einem RAF-Mitglied während der Okkupation der westdeutschen Botschaft in Stockholm 1975 / Conversations in a crisis : Analysis of telephone communication with a member of the red army faction during the 1975 occupation of the West German embassy in Stockholm

von der Heiden, Gregor January 2009 (has links)
When crises develop, people are confronted with difficulties beyond those experienced in normal everyday activities.  Due to the perceived threats inherent to such situations, familiar behaviors may prove ineffective, and such attempts can pose dangerous and unpredictable risks. Crises are extreme situations, occurring at the very edges of human experience. Oral communication in such situations cannot be casual; the seriousness of the situation demands exceptional communicative performance on the part of the participants. Therefore, certainties about everyday communication conventions are called into question. The following work examines conversations during which the participants were involved in an extreme situation. In this particular crisis, a politically motivated kidnapping, the personal involvement of the interlocutors is substantial. A clear and present fear of the situation escalating and the possibility of a failure to anticipate the resulting reactions from the other party(ies) characterize the communicative acts of those involved. Recorded telephone calls during the occupation of the West German Embassy in Stockholm by members of the Red Army Faction (RAF) on April 24, 1975 comprise the basis for this analysis. One of the occupiers speaks with various interlocutors located in an adjacent embassy building. These interlocutors are relatives of the hostages, the Swedish Minister of Justice, and a German official charged with leading the negotiations. In this study, the communicative processes of the crisis are reconstructed. In order to show how the interlocutors attempt to reach their goals in this tense situation with the resources available to them, as well as what they in fact achieve, ethnographic methods of analysis have been employed. This study shows how, despite strong conflicting interests and motives, a shared reality is built through the actions of the interlocutors. The interaction between two key figures in the early stages of the crisis can even be characterized as a form of coalition building. An explanation as to why this collaboration is not retained in the subsequent course of the events, however, leading to an escalation of the situation, is also presented. Furthermore, the following work sets forth qualities needed to interactively build a coalition in a precarious crisis situation, which has arisen between parties characterized by diametrically opposed aims.

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