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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of II-VI Semiconductor Materials and Solar Cells

Chen, Jie January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Vi på Saltkråkan ur ett genusperspektiv : -En karaktärsanalys av könsroller i Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan

Englöv, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar Astrid Lindgrens roman Vi på Saltkråkan (1964), det enda av Lindgrens alla verk som till en början skrevs som manus till TV-serien innan den publicerades som bok. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera Lindgrens verk utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Boken kommer att granskas utifrån hur flickor och pojkar framställs samt ifall dessa framställs i motsatsförhållande till varandra. I slutet av uppsatsen diskuteras även hur lärare på mellanstadiet kan använda sig av Vi på Saltkråkan i undervisningen för att belysa genus. I uppsatsen tillämpas metodansatsen kvalitativ textanalys med ett genusperspektiv. En karaktärsanalys av de fem huvudkaraktärerna: Malin, Pelle, Tjorven, Melker och Stina, genomförs utifrån hur de framställs genom handlingar och hur de är beskrivna. För att genomföra analysen av karaktärerna används två analysverktyg: Maria Nikolajevas (2017) motsatsschema för manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper samt Maria Österlunds (2005) indelning av det stereotypa manliga och kvinnliga. Resultatet visar att Lindgren tillskriver alla fem karaktärer såväl normbrytande som stereotypa, utifrån dess egenskaper. Varje huvudkaraktär framställs med både manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper, oavsett det biologiska könet.

Att leva i en blandad kultur : En Kvalitativ Studie Om Hur Andra Generationens Invandrare Upplever Mellanförskap / Living in a Mixed Culture : A Qualitative Study of how Second-generation Immigrants Experience Inbetweenship

Daabas, Donja January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how people living with a mixed culture experience the integration process in Sweden. The overall point of the essay is to create a greater understanding of how my interviewees, who belong to the second generation of immigrants, experience that their identity is shaped by the fact that they live in mixed cultures at the same time. The motive is also to create an understanding of their experiences of inbetweenship. To achieve the goal of the study, I will interview six different people who belong to the second generation of immigrants. The results of the study showed that their social interactions and the environment affect their identity development and the feeling of inbetweenship. I have come to the conclusion that not all my informants experience inbetweenship

Den välkomna flyktingen : En kritisk diskursanalys om flyktinginvandring i nyhetsrapporteringen 2022 / The Welcomed Refugee : A Critical Discourse Analysis about Refugee Immigration in the News Reporting 2022

Jönsson Tennerklint, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
As a result of the war in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians are in a position as refugees. Sweden has for decadesbeen an immigrant country and received refugees from many different war-torn countries. Previous researchshows that the media influence public opinion towards ethnic minorities. The purpose of the essay is to findout how in the Swedish context in discourse a distinction is made between refugees depending on wherethey are from. The focus is on what representations refugees are attributed to and how refugees are portrayedin the mass media in the Swedish context. This is done with the theory and method of critical discourseanalysis as well as postcolonial theory. From postcolonial theory, racialization processes are used as toolsof analysis and "us and them" as a discursive tool. The analysis indicates that there is a difference in thediscourse on refugee immigration. Refugees are divided into European and non-European refugees. Refugeegroups are attributed to various representations that can be based on the essentialist view of humanity. Arefugee group is attributed to representations such as criminality, honor oppression and considered to be inessence different. At the same time, the other refugee group is attributed to portrayals as culturally equal andessentialistically good. This, in turn, creates different discourses about different refugee groups. One that iswelcome and one that is rejected. The results are important because discourse in say is constituted by thesocial practice.

Plotin et ses contemporains : union avec l'Un

Boissonnault, Étienne 12 April 2018 (has links)
Plotin élabora dans ses ennéades une philosophie originale et tout aussi féconde que celle de ses grands prédécesseurs. Au cœur de la pensée de Plotin se distingue une recherche de l'excellence divine. Bien que les sujets traités dans les ennéades varient, l'âme, notion cardinale de l'histoire de l'Antiquité, l'intellect et l'Un, sont les incontournables de la philosophie plotinienne. La recherche de l'union de l'âme avec l'Un, principe supérieur et divin, constitue un élément central de la pensée plotinienne et s'inscrit au cœur de nos recherches. L'objectif sera de comprendre l'aspect original de l'apport plotinien dans la pensée occidentale en éclairant sa doctrine de l'union avec l'Un en regard des systèmes de pensée qui lui sont contemporains. Nous ferons tout d'abord une analyse détaillée du traité neuf et des traités reliés afin de mieux comprendre la doctrine avancée par Plotin. Ensuite, après un survol du contexte intellectuel et religieux de l'époque incluant les cultes à mystères, souvent mentionnés dans les études plotiniennes, nous nous attarderons à des groupes judéo-chrétiens avec qui il a été en contact ainsi qu'à la théurgie de Jamblique qui le suit chronologiquement. Comparer la pensée d'union avec l'Un de l'auteur des ennéades en regard des doctrines d'union avec le divin de la théurgie, de celle des judéo-chrétiens qui fréquentaient l'école plotinienne ou de l'expérience mystérique nous permettra, croyons-nous, d'en saisir les subtilités et les distinctions qui ne manquent pas de les différencier malgré certains points communs.

Extractant Impregnated Membranes for Cr(III) and Cr(VI)

Winstead, Cherese Denise 12 June 2002 (has links)
An innovative sampling technique employing extractant impregnated membranes is presented for the selective sorption and stabilization of specific oxidation states of chromium. Polymer-based selective ion traps employing the extractants tricaprylmethylammonium chloride (Aliquat-336) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) were used for the selective removal and enrichment of the anionic forms of Cr(VI) and cationic forms of Cr(III), respectively. Results show Aliquat-336 and DEHPA effectively remove Cr(VI) and Cr(III) from aqueous solutions. Extraction efficiency is independent of source concentration from 1-50 ppm but is dependent upon time, pH of the source, ionic strength, extractant concentration, composition of source phase, and choice of stripping agent and stripping agent concentration. Optimum conditions for Cr(VI) and Cr(III) were determined to be 1 v/v% Aliquat-336 and 30 v/v% DEHPA; an extraction time of at least 3-5 days; source phase pH between 3-5; and 1 M NaOH/ 0.5 M HNO3 as stripping agent for Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species, respectively. Batch extraction efficiencies of 97 +/- 3 % were obtained for the optimal conditions. Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) was used for total chromium determination. UV-VIS spectrometry was used for Cr(VI) determination. Scanning Electron Microscopy revealed the physical structure of the polymeric supports and subsequent impregnation was evidenced by the SEM images. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic results provided the elemental composition of the Versapor-450 membrane to be 71. 5% C, 7.0% O, 9.5% Cl and 12.0% N. The Whatman PP membrane was and 100.0 % C. Elemental composition of 1 v/v% Aliquat-336 on Versapor-450 and Whatman PP membrane was 92.3% C, 0.8% O, 3.6% N, and 3.3% Cl and 94.3% C, 3.3% N, and 2.4% Cl, respectively. Elemental composition of 30 v/v% DEHPA on Versapor-450 and Whatman PP membranes were 78.8% C, 3.4% P, 17.8% O and 76.3% C, 19.3% O, 4.4% P, respectively. Column studies under simulated groundwater conditions utilizing the extractant impregnated membranes showed no statistical difference in Cr(VI) recoveries from those obtained in batch experiments. Cr(III) extraction revealed a statistical difference in analyte recovery vs. batch experiments. This is attributed to the lowered pH and cationic interferences present in simulated groundwater. / Ph. D.

Broars roll i stadsplanering : En kvalitativ studie om broars roll i stadsplanering för att främja rörlighet och minska segregation

Saleemi, Saffa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera och diskutera broars roll i stadsplanering, som ett strategiskt verktyg för att stimulera invånarnas rörlighet och minska segregationen mellan stadsdelarna. Undersökningen fokuserar på den "kontroversiella bron” mellan stadsdelarna Rinkeby och Stora Ursvik i norra Stockholm, som har varit ämne för politisk debatt samt trafikbegränsande åtgärder. Uppsatsens syfte är att få en konkret förståelse för varför bron har varit stängt, sedan den färdigställdes år 2017. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom studiens fokusområde, relevanta teoretiska ramverk samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän som är välinformerade om broprojektet och en enkätundersökning till boende i området med frågor om brons påverkan. Majoriteten av de som har medverkat i enkätundersökningen upplever en fördelaktighet med att behålla bron, då det inte bara främjar rörligheten, utan bidrar till ett mindre gap mellan stadsdelarna och ett mer inkluderande samhälle. Enligt tjänstemän är bron mellan Ursvik och Rinkeby betydelsefull brytpunkt i förbindelse mellan stadsdelar för att bryta de befintliga psykosociala barriärerna som uppstår. Detta bidrar till ett öppet samhälle av solidaritet bland invånarna.

Fabrication, Validation, and Performance Evaluation of a New Sampling System for the In-Situ Chemical Speciation of Chromium Ions in Groundwater Using Supported Liquid Membranes (SLMs)

Owens, Lesley Shantell 24 January 2013 (has links)
A sampler has been fabricated to facilitate the in-situ speciation of Cr. Teflon® was selected as the material for the samplers because of its inert chemical nature. The design of the sampler is based on the Supported Liquid Membrane (SLM) extraction technique, which utilizes charged organic carrier molecules loaded onto a polymeric (Teflon®) support membrane and the principles of electrostatics to selectively transport Cr ions through an ion-pairing mechanism. Cr ions in the feed solution that have an opposite charge from the carrier molecule form an ion-pair with the carrier and are transported through the membrane and deposited into a second aqueous phase referred to as the acceptor phase. A counter-ion from the acceptor phase is exchanged for the Cr ion to complete the extraction process. Since the acceptor phase is contained in a Teflon® bottle, the SLM sampler is capable of speciation and storage of Cr ions, which is a major advantage over current speciation techniques. A food coloring test was used to check the samplers for leaks. A plastic barrier was used in place of the polymeric membrane and the acceptor phase bottle was filled with DI water. The sampler was submerged in a beaker containing food coloring and DI water. The bottle contents were checked for the presence of food coloring using UV-vis spectroscopy. The sampler was determined to be leak-free if the bottle did not contain food coloring. All systems prepared were validated upon the initial test and required no further manipulation to ensure structural soundness. The SLM extraction technique involves two liquid-liquid extractions (LLEs). Before the samplers could be evaluated for their performance and stability in Cr speciation applications, liquid-liquid extraction studies were conducted on both systems (Cr (III) and Cr (VI)) to determine the optimal operating parameters (carrier concentration, decanol concentration, and acceptor phase concentration) of the SLM system. The selectivity of each system was also evaluated to validate proper SLM function. The performance of the samplers was evaluated in a series of tank studies that focused on the uptake of Cr into the acceptor phase as well as the depletion of Cr ion from this phase. The goal of the performance studies was to determine the mechanical and chemical stability of the SLM samplers. As part of the validation process, selectivity studies and studies without the carrier molecule were conducted to ensure that the systems were functioning according to SLM theory. Tank studies that simulated natural sampling condition were also conducted. The results of the tests conducted in the laboratory indicate that the SLM samplers are a stable, reliable, and viable method for Cr speciation. Future directions of this project will include the incorporation of the SLM sampler into the existing Multi-layer Sampler (MLS) technology as well as the analysis of the stability and performance of the incorporated systems in the ""in-situ speciation application. / Ph. D.

Analyse narrative du récit de la bataille de Jéricho à Canaan par l'armée d'Israël (Josué 6) en comparaison avec le discours de la bataille de Baga au Nigéria par le groupe terroriste islamiste Boko Haram

Ganamé, Joël 23 January 2020 (has links)
La violence au nom de Dieu et de la religion gagne du terrain en Afrique de l’Ouest, en particulier au Nigéria, au Mali et au Burkina Faso. Face à cette situation terrorisante et angoissante, certains lecteurs situés incriminent la Bible en la considérant comme un livre de sang et comme une source d’inspiration des terroristes islamistes actuels. Pour porter un regard objectif sur cette problématique, nous avons décidé d’entreprendre une analyse narrative du récit de la bataille de Jéricho (Jos 6), inspirée par l’analyse de la réponse du lecteur, et de la comparer avec le discours de la bataille de Baga au Nigéria par Boko Haram. Cette étude comparative a pour but fondamental de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre ce récit de guerre biblique et les tueries de masses perpétrées par les groupes terroristes, en particulier Boko Haram, lors de la bataille de Baga, au Nigéria, le 3 janvier 2015. Pour ce faire, nous avons retenu comme cadre théorique, la méthode d’analyse narrative. Suivant cette méthode, il appert que la violence rapportée dans le récit de Jos 6 obéit avant tout à un genre littéraire particulier : l’étiologie. De ce fait, l’application de la loi de l’interdit qui légitime l’extermination de toute la population de Jéricho, ainsi que tous les animaux, n’est qu’un fait liturgique et imaginaire qui a servi à la création de l’épopée panisraélite de la conquête du pays de Canaan. Selon notre interprétation pacifiste de texte, il s’agit d’un récit qui prône la non-violence, la coexistence pacifique, l’inclusion des autres nations au sein du peuple juif, l’amour de Dieu pour toute l’humanité et le salut de Dieu pour l’Homme. En revanche, la violence que produit le groupe terroriste Boko Haram est réelle. Les massacres aveugles des populations locales, la destruction des symboles de l’État et l’expansion de la terreur dans tous les esprits, sont autant de facteurs qui caractérisent ce groupe terroriste salafiste djihadiste, au grand mépris des conventions internationales qui ont été mises en place au fil des ans et qui régissent aujourd’hui les guerres dites conventionnelles. Concernant les effets, il existe une similitude apparente entre les deux batailles (Jéricho et Baga) qui offusquent certains lecteurs non avertis et les amènent à vouloir les confondre. Mais les effets du récit de Jos 6 et du discours sur la bataille de Baga sont diamétralement opposées. Le récit de Jos 6 est un discours religieux qui met en scène une tuerie de masse, et Boko Haram justifie sa tuerie de masse par un discours religieux. Ce qui nous a amené à conclure que la violence rapportée dans le récit de Jos 6 n’est pas du terrorisme comme nous l’entendons aujourd’hui. Boko Haram, par contre, s’inscrit dans le terrorisme international et étend ses actes terroristes jusqu’au Burkina Faso en passant par le Mali. Actuellement, le groupe Ansarul Islam, alliés idéologique, stratégique et militaire de Boko Haram, menace et attaque l’Église Protestante des Assemblées de Dieu (AD) du Burkina Faso. Pour aider cette communauté chrétienne qui subit présentement la persécution sanglante des terroristes djihadistes, nous avons exploité les résultats de notre analyse pour lui proposer quelques recommandations. Nous espérons qu’une mise en application de celles-ci l’aidera à gérer la problématique terroriste en évitant tout recours à la violence et en menant une éthique biblique et sociale responsable. / Violence in the name of God and of religion is gaining ground in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso. Before this terrifying and agonizing situation, some voices raise to incriminate the Bible by considering it as a blood book and a source of inspiration for the current Islamist terrorists. To take an objective look at this issue, we have decided to undertake a narrative analysis of the battle of Jericho (Jos 6), inspired by the reader- response criticism, and to compare it with the speech of the battle of Baga in Nigeria made by Boko Haram. The main purpose of this comparative study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between this biblical story of war and the mass killing perpetrated by terrorist groups, particularly Boko Haram, during the Battle of Baga, in Nigeria, on January 3, 2015. To complete this study, we have adopted the method of narrative analysis as a theoretical framework. This reading method combines narrative analysis with sociological analysis. According to this method, it’s apparent that the violence reported in Jos 6’s story is above all a particular literary genre: etiology. Therefore, the application of the law of the prohibition, which legitimizes the extermination of the whole population of Jericho, and all the animals, is only a liturgical and imaginary construct that served to create the pan-Israelite epic of the conquest of Canaan. According to our pacifist interpretation of the text, it is a story that advocates non-violence, peaceful coexistence and the inclusion of other nations in the Jewish people. In contrast, the violence produced by the terrorist group Boko Haram is real. This Salafist jihadist terrorist group, in contempt of humanitarian laws, massacres civil populations, destroys the symbols of the State and spread terror. Based on the effects, one can find an apparent similarity between the two battles (Jericho and Baga). Such a similarity offends some uninformed readers and lead them to confuse the two speeches. But the effects are concerned the two narratives are diametrically opposed. The story of Jos 6 is a religious speech that staged a mass killing, and Boko Haram justifies his mass killing by a religious speech. Therefore, the violence reported in Jos 6's story is not terrorism as understood today. Boko Haram, in contrast, is part of the international terrorism and extends its terrorist acts to Burkina Faso via Mali. Currently, the group Ansarul Islam which is an ideological, strategic and military ally of Boko Haram, threatens and attacks the Protestant Church of the Assemblies of God (AG) of Burkina Faso. To help this Christian community undergoing the bloody persecution of jihadist terrorists, we present some recommendations drawn from our analysis. If implemented, they may help to manage the terrorist problem, avoiding the trap of a violent response to violence and embracing a social ethics informed by biblical values.

The Dyslexic Actor: How Dyslexia Affects the Acting Process

Milazzo, Kate 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Dyslexia can benefit an actor, especially if the individual is aware of how the challenges and advantages of dyslexia impact their personal acting process. Dyslexia is widely understood to be a learning disability that affects an individual's reading and writing abilities. Many forms of theater rely on the written word, and an actor's success lies in their ability to interpret the text, leading one to question whether a dyslexic individual can find success as an actor. Yet several famous actors, including Octavia Spencer and Henry Winkler, are known to be dyslexic. As a dyslexic individual, I have also successfully participated in numerous productions despite the challenges I have faced within the art form. Thus, the difference between struggle and success for the dyslexic actor may lie in their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Identifying dyslexia-specific weaknesses can lead to new coping strategies, recyclable methodologies, improved self-advocacy, and a higher level of confidence. Realizing that one's excellent spatial reasoning, story analysis skills, vivid mental images, and imaginative thinking are characteristics of the dyslexic brain's strengths can be equally empowering. The foundation of these discoveries gives way to a new understanding of dyslexia. The first chapter of this thesis focuses on the definition of dyslexia, the differences in structure and function of dyslexic brains compared to non-dyslexic brains, and how these differences can present challenges. This chapter also introduces advantages, known as MIND strengths, as identified, and defined by Brock Eide, MD, MA, and Fernette Eide, MD, in their 2023 book, The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain. These advantages were only recently defined and provide fresh insight into the workings of the dyslexic mind. The following two chapters discuss the identification of dyslexic-related challenges, strategies, and MIND strengths that contributed to the successes and disappointments I experienced while performing in two different theatrical productions. Chapter Two chronicles how the challenges, strategies, and MIND strengths affected my reading of the script, character creation, rehearsal process, and performance in Noises Off, written by Michael Frayn, while Chapter Three chronicles the same process for Henry VI- Part One by William Shakespeare. Though sharing this process intends to act as a guide to breaking down the acting process, encouraging the use of coping strategies, and discovering one's MIND strengths, this thesis serves only as a springboard for other dyslexic actors. The effect of dyslexia is specific to the individual, and each artistic experience and expression is unique.

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