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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Langues, culture et représentation du pouvoir : Jean duc de Bedford, régent du royaume de France (1422-1435)

Cormier, David 08 1900 (has links)
À partir de 1422 l’Anglais Jean de Lancastre (1389-1435), duc de Bedford, fut le régent du royaume français de son jeune neveu Henri VI. Le traité de Troyes (1420) prévoyant une présence anglaise pérenne en France, le régent dut mettre en place une structure de domination sociale consentie plutôt qu’entretenue par la coercition. C’est dans cette optique que le duc de Bedford instaura une politique culturelle et linguistique, fortement inspirée de celle des grands Valois, lui permettant de cultiver l’assentiment à son régime et de légitimer sa propre autorité. Cette politique est l’objet principal de notre recherche. Nous proposons en un premier temps d’analyser dans le détail les éléments constitutifs de la politique culturelle du régent Bedford, dont les somptueuses résidences, les riches manuscrits et le généreux patronage étaient autant de manifestations de la puissance anglaise en France. Ces dernières lui permettaient de s’insérer dans une société courtoise continentale, notamment auprès de son beau-frère et plus important allié, Philippe de Bourgogne. Parallèlement sa politique lui permettait aussi, notamment à travers l’imitation des rois de France, le déploiement de ce qu’on pourrait appeler des éléments de propagande. L’analyse de ces divers éléments révèle cependant qu’ils étaient peut-être moins destinés à convaincre les gouvernés qu’à consolider les convictions des gouvernants. Nous consacrons ensuite un chapitre dédié à l’exercice du pouvoir par l’écriture. Nous y analysons la production d’actes du duc de Bedford, autant en France qu’en Angleterre, sous le prisme de sa conformité ou de sa divergence d’avec les normes françaises. Le respect des traditions diplomatiques locales et de la langue des actes constituait, en soi, une affirmation des principes du traité de Troyes et un symbole de la continuité du pouvoir entre Valois et Lancastre. Parallèlement, la présence de certains éléments typiquement anglais dans l’administration militaire de la France de Bedford trahit une intégration imparfaite des pratiques locales. Nous y soulignons également l’importance du rôle des secrétaires français dans la coordination avec le royaume anglais d’Henri VI, certains se trouvant même à en intégrer l’appareil étatique. Si au final l’administration anglaise s’avère avoir été peu encline à l’adoption de pratiques étrangères, elle fut le théâtre d’importants changements linguistiques qui n’étaient pas étrangers à l’expérience de la France lancastrienne. En troisième lieu, nous soulignons la contribution d’autres figures importantes de la vie culturelle en France anglo-bourguignonne. La participation de personnages comme Richard Beauchamp et John Talbot à la vie de cour instaurée par le régent témoigne de l’intégration, par les Anglais en séjour sur le continent, de nombreux éléments de culture française. Une telle activité culturelle persista d’ailleurs longtemps après la mort de Jean de Lancastre. Le patronage, la circulation des idées, des artistes et, surtout, l’intériorisation du récit lancastrien en France y résulta en une certaine acculturation des élites, entraînant subséquemment une transformation de la culture anglaise outre-Manche. Cette appropriation culturelle participa à la pérennité de la langue et de la littérature française dans l’Angleterre du XVe siècle, tout en contribuant paradoxalement à la promotion d’une identité proprement anglaise. / From 1422 the Englishman John of Lancaster (1389-1435), duke of Bedford, was regent of his young nephew’s French kingdom. Because the treaty of Troyes (1420) provided for a long-lasting English presence in France, the regent had to put in place a social domination structure based on consent rather than coercion. In this context, the duke of Bedford devised a cultural and language policy inspired by the attitudes of the most prominent members of the Valois family. It allowed him to bolster support for his regime and legitimize his power. This policy is the main object of our research. We first propose to examine each element of Bedford’s cultural policy. His magnificent households, precious manuscripts and generous patronage were outward symbols of the might and stability of English rule in France. These possessions also allowed their owner to present himself as a legitimate member of continental courtly society. As such, they were a mean to strengthen the bond with his most important ally, his brother-in-law Philip, duke of Burgundy. At the same time the regent depicted himself, and by extension Henry VI, as the legitimate ruler of France by actively imitating past French kings. Some of his cultural enterprises can be conceived as propaganda. However under careful scrutiny these representations of power appear to have been intended not only for the conquered, but also for the conquerors themselves. We devote a second chapter to the exercise of power through writing. We analyze the duke’s production of written documents, both sides of the Channel, in light of its compliance to or defiance of French diplomatic tradition. In itself, the adoption of local practices and language was both respectful of the spirit of the treaty of Troyes and a convenient way to conceal the dynastic rift between Valois and Lancaster. On the other hand, the continued use of typical English documents in Bedford’s organization of the military reveals the limited extent of his acculturation. We also consider the important role of the French secretaries in the coordination between the two kingdoms, which in theory were supposed to be kept separate. Some of them were so involved in English affairs that they moved to England to serve Henry VI. In the end however the English bureaucracy remained mostly unaffected by extraneous innovations. Nonetheless, the very significant linguistic shift it underwent was contemporary, and linked, to the demise of Lancastrian France. The last chapter examines the contribution of other important figures of the anglo-burgundian cultural environment. The continental activity of magnates like Richard Beauchamp and soldiers like John Talbot exemplifies the relative vitality of courtly life in Lancastrian France and highlights the adoption of some elements of French culture by the English there. The subsequent patronage, circulation of texts and artists and, ultimately, the internalization of the Lancastrian French narrative, led to the transformation of English culture. This cultural appropriation contributed to the perpetuation of French language and literature in fifteenth-century England. Paradoxically, it also reinforced a properly English identity.

Участие Жана II Ле Менгра в Средиземноморской политике французской короны в конце XIV – начале XV в. : магистерская диссертация / Participation of Jean II Le Meingres in the Mediterranean policy of the French crown at the end of the 14th – beginning of the 15th centuries

Парфентьев, П. А., Parfentiev, P. A. January 2023 (has links)
Работа посвящена участию маршала Жана II Ле Менгра, прозванного Бусико, во французской политике в Средиземноморье на рубеже XIV–XV в. Для достижения целей исследования был установлен ход и результаты французской внешней политики, а также личность самого маршала Бусико. В результате было установлено, что Жан II Ле Менгр участвовал в военных экспедициях французской короны на Балканы (1396 г.) и в Малую Азию (1399), а также управлял Генуей (1401–1409) от имени французского короля Карла VI Валуа. Военный опыт и дипломатические связи позволили Бусико обеспечить локальные тактические успехи на каждом направлении проводимой внешней политики в Средиземноморье, однако его ресурсов и навыков не хватило для того, чтобы Франция добилась стратегического успеха в Средиземноморском регионе на рубеже XIV–XV в. / The work is devoted to the participation of Marshal Jean II Le Meingres, called Boucicaut, in French politics in the Mediterranean at the turn of the 14th–15th centuries. To achieve the goals of the study, the course and results of French foreign policy, as well as the personality of Marshal Boucicaut himself, were established. As a result, it was established that Jean II Le Meingres participated in the military expeditions of the French crown to the Balkans (1396) and Asia Minor (1399), and also ruled Genoa (1401–1409) on behalf of the French king Charles VI of Valois. Military experience and diplomatic connections allowed Boucicaut to ensure local tactical successes in each direction of foreign policy in the Mediterranean, but his resources and skills were not enough for France to achieve strategic success in the Mediterranean region at the turn of the 14th–15th centuries.

"Vi" och "Dom" : En kvalitativ undersökning om utlandsföddas upplevelse av integration / "Us" and "Them" : A qualitative survey about foreign-born peoples experiences of integration

Nilsson, Michaela, Samuelsson, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Till denna studie har vårt empiriska material baserats på sex individers utsagor. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ intervjustudie för att undersöka individernas upplevelser kring ett fenomen. Val av ämne inspirerades av samhällsdebatten som förs kring flyktingar, asylsökande och immigranter. Det har deltagit sex informanter i studien och de har alla varit bosatta i Sverige i över åtta år. Tre av informanterna som deltagit i studien kom till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande och tre kom på grund av anknytning till anhörig.  Studiens mål var att lyssna till informanternas egna upplevelser och utsagor. Baserat på detta blev syftet med studien att förstå hur individer som immigrerat till Sverige upplever integrationen samt vilket stöd som finns att tillgå.  Vi har lutat oss mot tidigare forskning som innefattar begreppen integration och “vi” och “dom”. Vi har även använt oss av begrepp som handlar om vardagsrasism, kultur och tillhörighet. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begrepp har vi jämsides med det empiriska materialet analyserat och fått fram resultat. Resultatet visade att integrationen är komplex och att våra informanter har uppfattat detta. Informanterna ser att samhällsstödet har hjälpt dem att bli en del i det svenska samhället. Samtidigt har informanterna stött på olika hinder vad gäller integrationsprocessen. Detta var något som visade sig i form av vardagsrasism, utanförskap,  och anpassning av den nya kulturen. / The empiric data is based on six individuals’ statements. We have chosen to make a qualitative interview study to investigate individuals' experiences of a phenomenon. The selection of study field was inspired by the social debate about refuges, asylum seekers and immigrants. There have participated six informants in the study and they have been resident in Sweden for over 8 years. Three of the informants who participated in the study, came to Sweden as an unaccompanied asylum seeker and three came because of connection to kin. Our goal was to listen to the informants' own life experiences and statements. Based the statements, the purpose of the study was to investigate how people, who have immigrated to Sweden, experiences the integration process and what kind of social support is available for their integration. We have leaned towards previous research, for instance, the concepts of integration and the meaning of "us" and "them". We also used the concept which relates to everyday racism, culture and connection. Using previous research and concepts we have alongside the empirical material analyzed and produced results. The results showed that the integration is complex and that our informants have comprehend the phenomenon. They think that the social support has helped them to become a part of the Swedish society. At the same time the informants encountered various obstacles in terms of everyday racism and the adaptation of the new culture

CdTe/CdSe/CdTe heterostructure nanorods and I-III-VI₂ nanocrystals: synthesis and characterization

Koo, Bonil 21 June 2010 (has links)
Semiconductor nanocrystals are interesting candidates as new light-absorbing materials for photovoltaic (PV) devices. They can be dispersed in solvents and cheaply deposited at low-temperature on various substrates. Also, the nanocrystals have unique optical properties depending on their size due to the quantum size effect and moreover it is easy to uniformly control their stoichiometry. CdTe/CdSe/CdTe heterostructure nanorods and I-III-VI₂ nanocrystals were selected to synthesize and investigate in order to utilize the benefits of colloidal nanocrystals described above. Colloidal nanorods with linear CdTe/CdSe/CdTe heterojunctions were synthesized by sequential reactant injection. After CdTe deposition at the ends of initially formed CdSe nanorods, continued heating in solution leads to Se-Te interdiffusion across the heterojunctions and coalescence to decreased aspect ratio. The Se-Te interdiffusion rates were measured by mapping the composition profile using nanobeam energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The rate of nanorod coalescence was also measured and compared to model predictions using a continuum viscous flow model. The synthetic method of monodisperse chalcopyrite (tetragonal) CuInSe₂ nanocrystals was also developed. The nanocrystals have trigonal pyramidal shape with one polar and three non-polar surface facets. When drop-cast onto carbon substrates, the nanocrystals self-assemble into close-packed monolayers with triangular (honeycomb) lattice structure. Moreover, the effect of excess Cu precursor (CuCl) was studied for the formation of monodisperse trigonal pyramidal CuInSe₂ nanocrystals. The formation mechanism of monodisperse trigonal pyramidal CuInSe₂ nanocrystals was suggested with regard to excess amount of CuCl precursor, based on the nucleationgrowth model of colloidal nanocrystal formation. A new wurtzite phase of CuInS₂, CuInSe₂, and Cu(InxGa1-x)Se₂ (CIGS) was observed in nanocrystals synthesized by heating metal precursors and Se-(or S-)urea in alkylamine. X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed the predominant phase to be wurtzite (hexagonal) instead of chalcopyrite (tetragonal). High resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), however, revealed polytypism in the nanocrystals, with the wurtzite phase interfaced with significant chalcopyrite domains. / text

"Man måste leva så man blir vän med döden" : Om döden i fyra av Astrid Lindgrens verk / You have to live your life in order to make friends with death. : Death in four Astrid Lindgren texts

Eriksson Webster, Tomas January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Networks of print, patronage and religion in England and Scotland 1580-1604 : the career of Robert Waldegrave

Emmett, Rebecca Jane January 2013 (has links)
This thesis seeks to examine the nature of the intertwined networks of print, patronage and religion that existed within and across England and Scotland between 1580 and 1604, through the career of the English printer Robert Waldegrave. Multifaceted and complex, Waldegrave’s career spanned two countries, four decades and numerous controversies. To date scholars have engaged in a teleological narrative of his career, culminating in his involvement with the Marprelate press between April 1588/9. This focus on Waldegrave as a religious radical has coloured accounts of his English business and resulted in his Scottish career being disregarded by many. This thesis adds to the growing body of scholarship concerning printers and the print trade, illustrating the varied role Waldegrave played, both in relation to the texts he produced and within a broader trans-national context of print There are three major thematic areas of enquiry; whether Waldegrave’s characterization by contemporary commentators and subsequent scholars as a Puritan printer is accurate; what his career in Scotland between 1590 and 1603 reveals about the Scottish print trade, and finally the role and significance of the various networks of print, patronage and religion within which he operated in regards to his own career as well as in the broader context of early modern religious and commercial printing. Challenging the reductive interpretation of Waldegrave’s life and career, this thesis places the Marprelate episode within the wider framework of his English and Scottish careers, enabling traditional assumptions about his motivation and autonomy to be questioned and reevaluated. It will be shown that the accepted image of Waldegrave as a committed Puritan printer, developed and disseminated by his representation within the Marprelate tracts was actually a misrepresentation of his position and that the reality was far more nuanced. His choices were informed by commercial concerns and the various needs of the networks of print, patronage and religion within which he worked, which often limited his ability to promote the religious beliefs he held. The study of Waldegrave and his English contemporaries within the Scottish print trade expands our knowledge of the relationship between the print trades of England and Scotland and highlights how intertwined they were during this period. Waldegrave’s Scottish career, and the significance of his complicated relationship with his royal patron, James VI will be established and the wider impact and significance of Waldegrave’s appointment as Royal printer demonstrated. As he worked as a minor jobbing printer, a fugitive on a clandestine press and as the Royal Printer in Scotland Waldegrave is one of a small number of stationers whose career was extremely varied. Through the study of Waldegrave’s unique and multifaceted career it is therefore possible to trace and analyse the complex networks within which he, and his fellow stationers operated during the late-sixteenth century.

Marocká náboženská politika od roku 2003 / Moroccan Religious Policy since 2003

Hrabalová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
MOROCCO'S RELIGIOUS POLICY SINCE 2003 The year 2003 marks a beginning of a new era in moroccan religious policy, which aims at an unification of religious field in the kingdom and a fight against islamic radicalism. Moroccan king Mohammed VI. succeeded in management of both internal and external threats to his kingdom's stability in past twelve years and in a comparison with his counterparts he managed to emerge strengthened out of crisis of the first decade of a new millennium. Main topic of this essay is to map an effort to control moroccan religious scene by state and its achievements and failures.

Élaboration et caractérisation de nanocristaux de sulfure de cadmium - dépôt en couches minces nanostructurées / Elaboration and characterization of cadmium sulfide nanocrystals : nanostructured thin film deposition

Frégnaux, Mathieu 08 November 2012 (has links)
Deux méthodes de synthèse chimique, relevant de l'approche bottom-up, sont mises en oeuvre pour élaborer des nanocristaux (NC) de sulfure de cadmium (CdS) : les croissances (i) par source unique de précurseur et (ii) par voie micro-ondes. Ces deux techniques, complémentaires dans la gamme de tailles obtenues, permettent la réalisation de NC de petites tailles (2,8 nm - 5,2 nm) en seulement (i) 120 min et (ii) quelques minutes. Un protocole de caractérisation par techniques conjointes est mis au point pour étudier ces NC. La spectrométrie de masse (SM) couplée à des sources d'ionisation douce contrôle la pureté et la stabilité des précurseurs et permet d'estimer la taille et la distribution en taille des NC. Ces estimations sont confirmées par microscopie électronique en transmission (MET). La confrontation des résultats de SM et de MET suggère une géométrie des NC (i) sphérique et (ii) ellipsoïdale. La diffraction des rayons X montre l'état cristallin des nanoparticules en structures (i) würtzite et (ii) zinc blende. La spectrométrie optique à température ambiante (absorption et photoluminescence - PL) témoigne des effets de confinement quantique par le glissement de la réponse excitonique dans le domaine bleu proche UV en fonction de la taille des NC, s'inscrivant dans la correspondance connue énergie-taille. Dans la perspective d'applications optoélectroniques, le dépôt en couches minces de polymère (PMMA) contenant des NC de CdS est entrepris par spin coating. Le même protocole de caractérisations, enrichi de techniques adaptées aux couches minces, montre que les NC conservent leur intégrité et leurs propriétés de PL après inclusion dans la couche / Two chemical methods are developed to synthesize cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystals (NC) in bottom-up approach: (i) single-source precursor methodology and (ii) microwave synthetic route. These two growth techniques are complementary in the size range obtained and allow production of small NC (2.8 nm - 5.2 nm) in only (i) 120 min and (ii) some minutes. A joint technique characterization protocol is developed to study the synthesized NC. Mass spectrometry (MS) coupled to soft ionization sources allows to control the purity and stability of the precursors and to estimate the NC size and size distribution. These estimations are confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Comparison between SM and TEM results suggests that NC have (i) spherical and (ii) prolate shapes. X-ray diffraction reveals nanoparticle crystalline structure in (i) wurtzite and (ii) zinc blende symmetries. Room temperature optical spectrometry (absorption and photoluminescence - PL) evidences quantum confinement effects by the shift of the excitonic response as a function of the NC size, in the blue-UV spectral range. These results are consistent with the well-known empirical energy-size correspondence. For optoelectronic application purpose, thin film deposition of polymer (PMMA) containing CdS NC is initiated by spin coating. The previous characterization protocol, extended to techniques dedicated to thin film studies, shows that NC maintain their integrity and PL properties after inclusion in PMMA layer

Lucemburkové a Apeninský poloostrov / The Luxemburgs and the Apennine Peninsula

Urban, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Ve své diplomové práci se jsem se pokusil popsat politickou situaci v Itálii v první třetině 14. století se zaměřením na působení významných osobností Lucemburského rodu v této oblasti. Pro zpracování jsem zvolil léta 1308-1313, 1330-1333 a rok 1337. Zaměřil jsem se hlavně na osobu Jindřicha IV. Lucemburského, jeho nástup k moci, volbu říšským králem a následnou cestu za císařskou korunou. V práci rozebírám reformy, které Jindřich použil při správě Italských měst během cesty na Řím. Dále se zaměřuji na odezvu, kterou jeho působení vyvolávalo u příslušníků dvou hlavních politických směrů v Itálii, tedy u guelfů a ghibelinů, i u francouzského krále Filipa IV. a u papeže Klimenta V. pobývajícího tou dobou v Avignonu. Dále se zaobírám pokusem českého krále Jana Lucemburského a jeho syna Karla o založení Lucemburské signorie na území Lombardie, Toskánska a Emilia Romagna a jejich neúspěšné snahy o udržení tohoto území pod Lucemburskou nadvládou. A Karlovo krátkodobým pokusem o získání území v severní Itálii v roce 1337. Opět se věnuji vlivu jejich působení na politiku měst zmíněných oblastí. Také se okrajově zaměřuji na vliv Jindřicha Lucemburského na spisovatele Danta Alighieriho a jeho dílo "De Monarchia" s Jindřichovo tažením do Říma jako předlohou pro vznik tohoto díla.

The Social Construction of a Public/Private Neighborhood: Examining Neighbor Interaction and Neighborhood Meaning in a New Orleans Mixed-Income Development

Owens, Kelly D 18 May 2012 (has links)
To understand the complexities involved with neighboring in public/private mixed-income communities, I conducted an ethnographic study of a HOPE VI site in a gentrifying neighborhood in New Orleans. Data was collected through 48 interviews, observation, mental maps, and casual encounters with residents living in the predominantly African American redeveloped St. Thomas Housing Development – renamed River Garden. I analyzed residents’ neighboring processes and how they socially constructed space, leading to the identification of several phenomena that shaped neighbor interaction in River Garden. As with previous HOPE VI neighborhood studies, within-group interaction was prevalent while cross-class interaction remained limited. Mechanisms that were intended to facilitate cross-class interaction were neutralized by the exertion of social control. Both limited mobility and neighborhood choice were factors that shaped residents’ perceptions of the neighborhood and motivated residents to either participate in the neighborhood as engaged residents or live as guarded residents dominated by constraints. I delineate the attributes of engaged residents to position neighborhood attachment as an important variable for neighbor interaction. Overall, the evidence illuminates class divisiveness among African American neighbors and demonstrates how the struggle for contested space creates a neighborhood filled with tension.

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