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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemistry of Oxidomolybdenum(IV) and -(VI) Complexes with ONS Donor Ligands: Synthesis, Computational Evaluation and Oxo-Transfer

Saswati,, Roy, Satabdi, Dash, Subhashree P., Acharyya, Rama, Kaminsky, Werner, Ugone, Valeria, Garribba, Eugenio, Harris, Cragin, Lowe, Jared M., Dinda, Rupam 15 February 2018 (has links)
A series of dioxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes, [MoVIO2L1–6] (1–6) and [MoVIO2L1–6(solv)] (1a–6a) {where solv (solvent) = DMSO (1a, 3a, 5a and 6a) and H2O (2a and 4a)} have been synthesized using thiosemicarbazone ligands, H2L1–6. Furthermore, six monooxidomolybdenum(IV) complexes [MoIVOL1–6(N-N)] (7–12) {where co-ligand (N-N) = 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) (7, 10 and 11) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) (8, 9 and 12)} have also been synthesized from the corresponding Mo(VI) precursors, [MoVIO2L1–6] (1–6) by oxygen atom transfer (OAT) reaction. Complexes have been characterized by conventional methods, including X-ray crystallography, and DFT (density functional theory) calculations. OAT reactivity of Mo(VI) and Mo(IV) complexes have been successfully established through the formation of OPPh3 and Me2S. These OAT products have been characterized by 31P NMR (OPPh3), UV–Vis spectroscopy and GC–MS (Me2S) and DFT simulations supported this finding through the prediction of ΔGtotsol for the reaction of oxygen atom transfer. DFT methods suggested that the oxygen atom transfer from [MoVIO2L] species to PPh3 to give [MoIVOL(bipy)] and from DMSO to [MoIVOL(bipy)] to yield [MoVIO2L] is strongly favored, whereas the formation of μ-oxido dimer [MoV2O3L2], is much less probable.

Läromedelsanalys av hinduism och buddhism: Orientalism, genus och jämställdhet

Sörsäter, Sarah January 2019 (has links)
Läromedel i religionskunskap på gymnasiet kan vara problematiska att använda. Religionerna hinduism och buddhism framställs ofta som österländska religioner som avviker från den västerländska religiösa normen. Likaså brister många läromedel i genus- och jämställdhetsperspektiv. Detta examensarbete har som syfte att analysera hur hinduism och buddhism framställs i tre läromedel i religionskunskap på gymnasiet i både text- och bildmaterial. Undersökningen utgår från postkolonial teoribildning och ett genus- och jämställdhetsperspektiv. Jag analyserar om det finns orientalistiska tendenser i framställningarna om hinduism och buddhism och om kvinnor och män får lika stort utrymme samt hur respektive kön framställs. Resultatet visar att hinduism och buddhism framställs utifrån ett eurocentrisk och kristocentrisk perspektiv. Båda religionerna är utsatta för exotifiering och romantisering. Det finns även ett tydligt vi- och dem-perspektiv i framställningarna av religionerna. Resultatet visar också att läromedlen i kapitlen om hinduism och buddhism inte ger män och kvinnor lika stort utrymme och att mannen ofta framställs som normen som kvinnan mäts gentemot. Berättelsen om kvinnan blir en tilläggskategori då hon inte ingår i den generella beskrivningen av religionen. Män porträtteras också i högre utsträckning i bildmaterial och skildrar ett helighetsideal medan kvinnor i större utsträckning utför vardagssysslor. Slutsatsen är att samtliga tre läromedel i någon grad innehåller orientalistiska tendenser och att de brister i genus- och jämställdhetsperspektiv.

"Den vanvettiga mordepidemin" : En kritisk diskursanalys om kvällspressens rapportering i Järvaområdet och dess skjutningar / “The frenzied murder epidemic” : A critical discourse analysis of how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its ongoing shootings

Cedman, Nils, Svensén, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Since 2013, the shootings in Sweden have increased, and during the year 2020 the country reached a new peak in the amount of shootings according to the police. So far, during 2021, 109 shootings have occured in the area of Stockholm, 20 of which have included deaths, and 35 people have been injured. Since the start of the study, on the 31st of October 2021, nine people had been shot to death in the area of Järva. In addition, every tenth shooting that has taken place in Sweden since 2018 has been located in Järva. This study examines how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its continuing shootings. Using the critical discourse analysis method we read a total of 28 articles from the 1st of January to 31st of October 2021 to analyze.  In addition, we used Robert Entman’s framing theory with the aim to find out in which way the evening presses chose to frame and present the area itself and its shootings. Also applying Spivak’s othering theory, to find out if Aftonbladet and Expressen paint a scenario of “us and them” in their articles. The results clearly showed that the area of Järva is in a critical condition and is constructed as a war zone, suffering from shootings in the middle of the day in public places. Furthermore, the area itself is portrayed as if it does not belong to the normal society, it’s somehow “over there in the war zone”. Moreover, the criminals were described as brutal and reckless, as they shoot people to death in front of schools and grocery stores. The result also show that the evening press chose to use triggering words such as “the murder epidemic” and a “war zone” to describe how rough the situation is in the area of Järva. Key words: Järva, skjutningar, kritisk diskursanalys, vi och dem, gestaltningsteori.

Satisfied with People or Place?: The Effects of Relocation on the Social Ties, Place Attachment, and Residential Satisfaction

Park, Kiduk 27 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Vi, the Perfect Remedy for the Strong Woman Burnout : Representation of Female Empowerment in Arcane: League of Legends

Schafer, Greta January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to problematize the concept of femininity and examine how feminine stereotypes are avoided by Vi in Arcane: League of Legends. I argue that Vi provides an empowering representation of women because her nuanced character reflects realistic, lived experiences. Furthermore, I argue that Vi’s ability to empower those around her is what makes her a truly strong female character rather than her physical strength. This is achieved with the application of feminist and gender theory, most notably, the theories of Judith Butler and Simone de Beauvoir.

"A field of Golgotha" and the "Loosing out of Satan" : Protestantism and the intertextuality in Shakespeare's 1-3 Henry VI and John Foxe's Acts & Monuments

Leitch, Rory. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The pacification of the Scottish borders, 1598-1612 /

Wasser, Michael. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanisms of type VI secretion system effector transport and toxicity

Ahmad, Shehryar January 2021 (has links)
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a protein export pathway that mediates competition between Gram-negative bacteria by facilitating the injection of toxic effector proteins from attacking cells into target cells. To function properly, many T6SSs require at least one protein that possesses a proline-alanine-alanine-arginine (PAAR) domain. These PAAR domains are often found within large, multi-domain effectors that possess additional N- and C-terminal extension domains whose function in type VI secretion is not well understood. The work described herein uncovers the function of these accessory domains across multiple PAAR-containing effectors. First, I demonstrated that thousands of PAAR effectors possess N-terminal transmembrane domains (TMDs) and that these effectors require a family of molecular chaperones for stability in the cell prior to their export by the T6SS. Our findings are corroborated by co-crystal structures of chaperones in complex with the TMDs of their cognate effectors, capturing the first high-resolution structural snapshots of T6SS chaperone-effector interactions. Second, I characterize a previously undescribed prePAAR effector named Tas1. My work shows that the C-terminus of Tas1 possesses a toxin domain that pyrophosphorylates ADP and ATP to synthesize the nucleotides adenosine penta- and tetraphosphate (hereafter referred to as (p)ppApp). Delivery of Tas1 into competitor cells drives the rapid accumulation of (p)ppApp, depletion of ADP and ATP, and widespread dysregulation of essential metabolic pathways, resulting in target cell death. These findings reveal a new mechanism of interbacterial antagonism, the first characterization of a (p)ppApp synthetase and the first demonstration of a role for (p)ppApp in bacterial physiology. TMD- and toxin-containing PAAR proteins constitute a large family of over 6,000 T6SS effectors found in Gram-negative bacteria. My work on these proteins has uncovered that different regions found within effectors have distinct roles in trafficking between bacterial cells and in the growth inhibition of the target cell. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Bacteria constantly compete with their neighbours for resources and space. The type VI secretion system is a protein complex that facilitates competition between Gram-negative bacteria by facilitating the injection of protein toxins, also known as effectors, from attacking cells into target cells. In this work, I characterize several members of a large family of membrane protein effectors. First, I showed that these effectors require a novel family of chaperone proteins for stability and recruitment to the type VI secretion system apparatus. Second, I characterized the growth-inhibitory properties of one of these effectors in-depth and showed that it possesses a toxin domain that depletes the essential nucleotides ATP and ADP in target cells by synthesizing the nucleotides adenosine penta- and tetraphosphate, (p)ppApp. Together, these studies revealed a new mechanism for the intercellular delivery of membrane protein toxins and uncovered the first known physiological role of a (p)ppApp-synthesizing enzyme in bacteria.

Lika barn leka bäst? -Elevers och skolledares tankar kring identitetsskapande processer i friskolan

Machuca Möller, Catalina, Svensson, Jens January 2012 (has links)
I vårt arbete har vi undersökt hur de identitetsskapande processerna på friskolor medelever i grundskolans senare år ser ut. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer på tre friskolor, enmed uttalad kristen värdegrund och två allmänpedagogiska, ville vi ta reda på hureleverna anser att skolorna påverkar deras identitet, om det finns det en tydligaregruppidentitet på friskolor med religiös inriktning, samt vad skolledningens har sommål i arbetet med identitetsskapandet och hur detta uppfattas av eleverna.Vi har använt oss av sociologerna Giddens och Ziehes teorier kringidentitetsskapande, samt kunskapssociologerna Berger och Luckmann och av Foucaultsteorier kring diskursiva ordningar.Utifrån vår undersökning kan vi konstatera att samtliga elever anser att derasrespektive skola påverkar dem i deras identitetsskapande. På de allmänpedagogiskaskolorna menar eleverna att skolornas pedagogiska inriktning hjälper dem att utvecklastill självständiga och toleranta individer. Eleverna på skolan med en uttalad kristenvärdegrund anser att skolan delvis hjälper dem att få ett större självförtroende i derasreligiositet.Det framkommer också tydligt att den gemensamma religiösa gruppidentiteten intehar någon motsvarighet på de allmänpedagogiska inriktade friskolorna. En förklaringtill detta anser vi vara att eleverna på den kristna friskolan ser sig själva som avvikandefrån normen i det sekulariserade samhället och därför skapar ett starkare Vi.Vi finner också en överensstämmelse mellan skolledningens mål i hur eleverna skauppfatta sig själva och hur de faktiskt gör det. Utifrån Foucaults diskursteori och Bergeroch Luckmanns kunskapssociologiska teorier kan detta tolkas som att elevernasocialiseras in i ett sätt att tänka kring sig själva och att skolorna via vissa metoder haren viss kontroll över denna process.Vi anser att de religiösa friskolorna fyller en viktig funktion då eleverna på dessaskolor upplever att de där i högre grad får definiera sig själva än i det omgivandesamhället.

Demokrati, medborgarskap och modernitet Myter om svensk nationell identitet: En analys av bilder i tre samhällsvetenskapliga läroböcker

Carlsson, Anna, Olsén, Kalle January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att klarlägga vad den svenska nationella identiteten kan sägas bestå av. Vidare vill vi undersöka om, och i så fall hur, svensk nationell identitet förmedlas genom läroböcker skrivna för gymnasieskolans Samhällskunskap A. Detta gör vi genom att utföra en semiotisk bildanalys av utvalda bilder från tre läroböcker. I en sådan analys läses bilder på samma sätt som text. Vi grundar vår analysmodell på Barthes semiotiska metod för att analysera bilder och deras myter. Vi kommer fram till att den svenska nationella identiteten är starkt förknippad med socialdemokratin och folkhemmet. I folkhemmet vävs tre centrala begrepp samman vilka utgör grunden för den svenska nationella identiteten. Dessa tre är demokrati, medborgarskap och modernitet. I vår analys kommer vi fram till att böckernas bilder förmedlar en svensk nationell identitet baserad på dessa tre begrepp. Vidare finner vi att den svenska nationella identiteten visar sig tydligast i jämförelse med bilder som representerar andra nationer och deras medborgare. Detta betyder att ett kollektivt vi framträder i kontrast till framställningarna av dem i läroböckerna. I den avslutande diskussionen reflekterar vi kring de problem som kan uppstå när den svenska identiteten manifesteras genom att man utmålar den andre som stereotyp. Vi lyfter fram att detta ställer krav på pedagogen att ha ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till de läroböcker som används i undervisningen. / The aim of this essay is to sort out what the Swedish national identity is said to consist of. Further, we aim to examine if, and how, Swedish national identity is conveyed through textbooks written for the course Samhällskunskap A in the Swedish gymnasieskola. In order to do this, we perform a semiotic analysis of selected images from three textbooks. In an analysis of this kind one reads the images as text. Our model for the analysis is based on Bathes’ semiotic model for analysing images and the myths they convey. We come to the conclusion that the Swedish national identity is strongly connected to social democracy and folkhemmet. In folkhemmet three central concepts form the foundation of the Swedish national identity. These three concepts are democracy, citizenship and modernity. In the analysis we come to the conclusion that the textbooks’ images convey a Swedish national identity based on these three concepts. Further, we find that the Swedish national identity is made clearest in a comparison to images representing other nations and their citizens. This means that a collective us is visible in contrast to the representations of them in the textbooks. We reflect upon the problems that can arise when the Swedish identity is manifested through stereotyping the other, in our closing discussion. We focus on the demands that this puts on the teacher to have a critical approach towards the textbooks that are used in the education.

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