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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kartläggning av energianvändning och inomhusklimat för industrifastighet : Förslag på effektiviseringsåtgärder / Audit of energy consumption and indoor climate in a industrial building

Kam, Max January 2020 (has links)
In this work, an audit of energy use and the indoor climate in anindustrial property has been carried out and measures taken that canimprove these aspects have been investigated. The property that wasstudied in this project is Munters factory in Tobo. Munters is aninternational company working in AirTech and FoodTech and thefactory in Tobo is the only Swedish Munters factory. The factoryproduces aggregates for dehumidifying air and the material used fordehumidification. The facility has office landscapes, assembly workand production. Today, the factory has an indoor climate that varieswith the seasons, with high temperatures in summer and lowtemperatures in winter. A more constant indoor climate is desired. The audit of energy consumption shows that the energy consumptionfor the year 2019 was approximately 8033 MWh, of which electricityconsumption accounts for 77% and gas consumption for 23%. However,the lack of sub-meters in the plant has made it difficult toidentify exactly how much of the electricity and gas consumptiongoes to heating, ventilation and business processes. Consequently,some estimates and observations have been made to map how energy useis distributed. The indoor climate in the office parts of the plant has during mostof the measurement period had an air temperature within 20-25 °Cand a relative humidity within 20-70%. On extremely cold and hotdays, the temperature and relative humidity may fall outside thespecified ranges. In production, high temperatures were measuredabove 30 °C during summer and temperatures down to 15 °C duringwinter.

Energieffektivisering av byggnaders påverkan på fjärrvärmeleverans

Lönn, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Energy efficiency of buildings is becoming more and more common as a step towards decreasing the amount of climate emissions in the world. In the Swedish city Gothenburg, there are many existing buildings that soon faces extensive renovations due to age and therefore they have a lot of potential to, at the same time, improve the energy efficiency. Some of the buildings uses district heating as heating system and therefore this project has included an investigation of how the energy efficiency of a building affects the delivery of the district heating. The project also included an investigation of how energy efficiency of existing buildings affects the planning of the future needs of district heating.By applying energy saving measures on a reference building that can represent all the buildings in an area can the maximal power use at the DVUT be forecasted. The energy savings impact on the building’s energy- and power signatures is also a part of the study. The result of the energy savings measures is then used in an example of Gothenburg´s urban development by applying the results of the reference building on an area called Heden.The project includes a study, a model in VIP-Energy, an economic analysis of the energy savings and the example of the urban development of Heden. The results shows that the suggested measures reduce the primary energy number by 47 % and that the maximal power use reduced by 50 %. For property owners the economic analysis showed that the measures were not enough profitable. On the other hand, did the result, by the example with Heden also showed that Göteborg Energi can profit by reducing the energy use in existing buildings because it reduces the future additional net power.

Energianalys av nybyggt trygghetsboende / Energy analysis of newly built house with the concept of safe living

Beckne, Petter, Palander, Eric January 2018 (has links)
Senast år 2045 ska utsläpp av växthusgaser reduceras till en nollnivå enligt Sveriges riksdag. I Sverige står bostads- och servicesektorn för 40 % av den sammanlagda energiförbrukningen. Studien baseras på en energianalys av ett flerbostadshus beläget i Ronneby, av typen trygghetsboende vilket leder till en unik boendesituation i byggnaden. Byggnaden förbrukar cirka 25 % mer energi än den beräknade samt avtalade energiförbrukningen. Syftet är att i framtida projekt kunna få energiberäkningar att stämma bättre överens med verklig specifik energiförbrukning. Studien bygger på energisimuleringar, termografering samt undersökningar av vädringsvanor. Simuleringarna som är baserade på den verkliga datan, visar en förväntad energiförbrukning i liknande storleksordning som den uppmätta förbrukningen. Skillnaden mellan resultaten i studiens olika beräkningar beror på den unika boendesituationen i byggnaden, indatan för installationer samt byggnadens klimatskal. Studien påvisar att aktuella boendesituationer i byggnader och hur byggnader nyttjas påverkar den specifika energiförbrukningen i stor grad. / After 2045, greenhouse gases should be reduced to a zero level according to the Swedish parliament. Energy use in Sweden from residential and service sector is 40 % of the country´s total energy use. The study is based on an energy analysis of a multi-family building in Ronneby. The building is a trygghetsboende, which means unique living conditions for the residens. Actual energy use in the building is about 25 % higher than projected energy use. The main purpose of the study is to make energy calculations to match better with real specific energy use. The study is based on energy simulations, thermography and interviews of residents´ airing habits. Results from the simulations based on actual data, show an expected energy use similar to the measured values. Differences between the simulations depend on the unique conditions in the building, input data for ventilation and the building envelope elements. The conclusion is that living habits of residents in buildings have a decisive role in the buildings energy use.

Undersökning för att göra en byggnad mer energieffektiv: en fallstudie / Investigation to make a building more energy efficient: a case study

Hultinsson, Petter, Dikta, Adrian January 2020 (has links)
Det finns idag många byggnader i Sverige som uppfördes under en tid då energianvändningen inte ansågs vara ett problem och därmed inte har haft samma krav på energiprestanda som vi har idag. Vid renovering är det därför viktigt att tänka på energieffektiva lösningar. Studier visar att det går att sänka energiförbrukningen med 36-54 % genom renovering, dock är det inte alltid lönsamt med vissa åtgärder enligt LCC-analyser.Studien som gjorts genom modellering och platsbesök på ett flerbostadshus med allt för hög energianvändning har haft som mål att sänka denna genom förslag på åtgärder. Resultaten visar att installation av värmeåtervinning och förbättring av klimatskalet har stor effekt på husets energiprestanda. Det har också framgått att boendes inverkan på energibalansen kan vara svår att uppskatta, vilket orsakat svårighet i att teoretiskt få samma energiförbrukning som energideklarationen visar.De förslag som rekommenderas är installation av värmeåtervinning, solceller, individuell mätning och debitering (IMD) samt tätning av fönster/dörr då dessa enligt LCC-analysen är lönsamma. Med nämnda åtgärder har energianvändningen sänkts från 173 till 114 kWh/m2 och år, en sänkning med 34 %. / There are today many buildings in Sweden that were built during a time when energy use was not considered a problem and thus did not have the same energy performance requirements as we have today. Therefore, in renovation, it is important to consider energy-efficient solutions. Studies show that it is possible to reduce the energy consumption of a building by 36-54 % through renovations, however, it is not always profitable when using a LCC-analysis.The study conducted by modeling and site visits to a multi-family housing with excessive energy use has been designed to reduce this through proposed measures. The results show that the installation of heat recovery and improvement of the building envelope have a major effect on the energy performance of the house. It has also been observed that the resident’s impact on the energy balance can be difficult to estimate, in which the study had problems to theoretically gaining the same energy consumption as the energy declaration shows.The proposals that are recommended are installation of heat recovery, solar cells, individual measurement and billing (IMD) and window/door seals as these are profitable according to the LCC analysis. With proposed measures, energy consumption has been reduced from 173 to 114 kWh/m2 per year, a reduction of 34 %.

Building Retrofitting According to the Concept ofPassive Houses : A Case Study of Täljstensvägen 7A-C

Wan, Meiling January 2013 (has links)
Under the pressure of energy shortage, energy saving has become one of the most important topics. The world isseeking different ways to follow the sustainable development concept and to solve the energy shortage crisis.This thesis is based on the idea of improving energy efficiency in the building industry which is one of thebiggest energy consumption industries. The aim of this paper is to simulate a renovation of an existing oldbuilding in Sweden according to the concept of building a Swedish Passive House and to see how much energycould be saved after the renovation. The target building Taljstenen 7A-C was built in 1960 in Uppsala and itbelongs to the housing company Uppsalahem. The target building is facing extensive renovation due to its age.An energy consumption model of the present building was built by the software VIP-Energy after measurementsand calculations. Based on the model, three important improvements are made in a simulative renovation process.The three improvements are insulating building envelope, installing a new FTX ventilation system with highefficient heat recovery system and installing solar collectors for hot top water and space heating. The resultsshow a significant reduction of energy consumption of the renovated building compared to the original onewhich is from 516MWh per year decreased to 371MWh. Although the renovated building did not completelyfulfil the Passive House Standard in Sweden, it still has improved to be a low energy building. The purpose ofsaving energy can be achieved.

Energy Optimisation of a Building: a Case Study of Ekebyvallen, Uppsala : Profitable investments in a world with rising energy prices

Enarsson, Pär, Hedenmo, Otto, Sillevis Smitt, Dirk-Jan January 2013 (has links)
Energy prices are on the rise, and with it the interest in saving energy. In the housing sector this means that methods for energy optimising buildings, retrofitting, are increasingly important. There are many studies concerning the retrofitting of buildings built before 2000, but less concerning buildings of more recent date. In cooperation with the housing company Uppsalahem, this report explores minor retrofitting solutions for the apartment buildings in Ekebyvallen/Uppsala which were built 2007. The aim was foremost to find solutions for Ekebyvallen but also to assess the possibilities of applying them to a wider range of buildings. A simulation of the energy balance in one of the buildings in Ekebyvallen was performed with the software VIP energy. The simulation together with a field study show weak spots of the energy usage in the buildings and based on these four retrofitting solutions were proposed. The methods; 1) reducing the airflow in the ventilation units, 2) adjusting the heating in common areas, 3) reducing air leakage out of buildings and 4) adjusting the settings of lighting sensors and timers. All are effectively free from investments and also applicable on buildings with similar issues. Thus, these are effective methods of saving energy and consequently, saving money in recently built buildings. The methods are tailored for Ekebyvallen but are with benefit considered for apartment buildings of both recent date and those built before 2000.

Energieffektivisering av äldre byggnader : Konstruktion & ventilation i Växjö kommunhus

Salcin, Elmir January 2012 (has links)
Inom EU vill man sänka energianvändningen med 20 % till 2020. Växjö kommunhus har gamla och ineffektiva installationer, samt ett dåligt isolerat och otät klimatskal. Denna rapport undersöker vad för slags inverkan byte av installationer, samt byte av klimatskal, har för inverkan på kommunhusets energianvändning. Till detta har energiberäkningsprogrammet VIP-Energy 1.5.5 använts. För att sammanfatta resultatet av arbetet så är det mest effektiva och lönsamma alternativet att byta ut installationerna, samt att kylbehovet ökar då man kraftigt isolerar detta hus.

Energisimulering Av Äldre Flerbostadshus : En simulering av förbättringspotential i äldrefastigheter med hjälp av solceller, värmepumpar och tilläggsisolering.

Gilchrist, Oliver, Larsson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
I detta examenarbete har olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärder jämförts på två flerbostadshus i Ljungby kommun vars namn är Halfdan och Arngrim. I det första alternativet modulerades de befintliga byggnaderna för att kunna se dess totala energianvändning. Det andra alternativet består av att tilläggsisolera vindsvåningen samt byte av fönster och dörrar. Dessa åtgärder bidrar med en besparing på ca. 90 000 kWh/år Halfdan samt 55 000 kWh/år Arngrim. I det tredje alternativet installeras en frånluftsvärmepump samt en solcellsanläggning i vardera byggnad. Detta resulterar i en energibesparing på ca. 127 000 kWh/år i Halfdan samt 101 000 kWh/år i Arngrim.   Fastigheterna har simulerats i Energiberäkningar och VIP+ Energy, där resultatet påvisar att frånluftsvärmepumpen bidrar med den största energibesparingen i förhållande till det andra alternativet.

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet / Energy efficiency of multi-family houses from the million homes programme

Cullsjö, Jonas, Ekman, Jonas, Östsjö, Johan January 2017 (has links)
I Sverige kvarstår cirka 650 000 bostäder i flerbostadshus uppförda under miljonprogrammet. Dessa byggnaders drift kräver stora mängder energi. Byggnaderna från den här eran står dessutom inom en snar framtid inför stora renoveringsbehov. I sambad med renovering är det därför viktigt att tänka energieffektivt och vidta extra åtgärder för att sänka dess energiförbrukning. I studien framgår att det finns goda möjligheter att sänka energianvändningen i dessa byggnader med åtgärder som kan vidtas i samband med renovering.

Malingsbo Herrgård : Energiberäkningar och åtgärdsförslag för en karolinsk 1700-talsgård / Malingsbo Estate : Energy calculations and suggestions for an 18th century Carolinian building

Nordström, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Malingsbo Estate is a 18th century wooden building located in the small village of Malingsbo. Through the years, the estate has had a wide variation of usages. Today, almost 70 years since the last major renovation it is being utilized 6 weeks per year.   The following report, which has been made possible with the cooperation with the National Property Board (Statens Fastighetsverk) seeks to answer the following four questions. 1: What is the current climate inside the building 2: What are the resident’s views on the climate and the status of the building. 3: suggestions on how to, with the current building increase the period in which the inside climate is suitable for living. 4: Suggestions for lowering the energy usage for the building. These four points seeks to be answered with the following method: reports from Statens Fastighetsverk, surveys, field excursions and simulations in VIP-Energy.   The result of this report which should be especially considered is the following: At present time with no heating in the building, residents feel the climate during July to be acceptable to good, while during October most thinks it is to cold. For increasing the duration where the building meets a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius to 24 weeks’ installations of a 12500 W heating system is needed. For lowering the energy consumption without making large changes to the building two options should be specially considered: Insulation in the foundation with 50 mm insulation, and installation of window shutters during week 45 to 10. A larger installation suitable is solar panels for heating.

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